The cheapest material for garage walls. What is better and cheaper to build a garage in the country? Useful video - what is the best material to build a garage from?

If you are interested in how to cheaply build a garage with your own hands, use a selection of tips for thrifty owners. The structure should be comfortable and durable, but it is not necessary to use expensive materials. Among all their variety, you can choose affordable but practical ones.

What is the best way to make a foundation?

A strip base is more suitable for a garage. Its height must be at least 0.3–0.5 m above ground level, otherwise groundwater will get inside. Several types of materials can be used for the foundation:

  • prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks;
  • concrete with subsequent reinforcement;
  • cinder block.

Of these, it is most profitable to use a concrete mixture. Before installing the foundation, they also think in advance whether there will be an inspection hole. She is being equipped at the same time as him.

For flooring The following materials are used:

  • concrete;
  • wood;
  • a mixture of sand and gravel.

What materials to use for walls

You can reduce the cost of construction by using frame structure or by purchasing used bricks or foam concrete. But if you use old materials, additional finishing will be required. Then costs will increase.

The frame itself is made of boards, and the walls are sheathed with OSB boards or multi-layer plywood. The inside of the structure can be insulated with mineral wool. If the garage is adjacent to the house, you can save money by not having to build another wall. But at the same time, you need to properly connect both buildings to each other.

What is the most profitable way to arrange a roof?

The best option is a pitched roof. It will require less roofing building materials and wood for lathing. It is recommended to use profile sheets as a covering. In terms of durability, they are not inferior to other materials, and the difference in price is significant.

Should you save money on gates?

They are installed last after the rest are completed. construction work. If materials for walls or roofs can be found cheaper, then it is better not to skimp when choosing a gate. The safety of the car depends on their strength. The gate must be metal. A regular swing option will do. To extend their service life, they are coated with paint in 2-3 layers.

To understand how to make a garage at minimal cost, it is recommended to carry out a preliminary calculation of materials, and then search for affordable options.

There is no exact answer to the question of what to build a garage from. Each owner of an automobile building chooses for himself affordable prices and quality Construction Materials. In our article we will get acquainted with popular materials for making garages, find out their advantages and disadvantages.

Cinder block garage

When choosing options for installing garage walls, you should pay attention to cinder blocks. Such products occupy the second place in cost after wood. In this regard, most old garage buildings are made of cinder blocks. Based on the composition, the material in question can be divided into several types:

  • brick blocks;
  • shell rock;
  • blast furnace slag (differs from analogues in increased durability).

Most developers choose cinder blocks to save budget, because such wall products are made from construction or industrial waste, which reduces their cost. Some manufacturers add polystyrene beads or perlite to its base composition to improve the thermal insulation qualities of the material.

A budget cinder block garage has many useful characteristics, but it also has disadvantages. One of these is considered to be hygroscopicity. Similar products quickly absorb moisture, which leads to destruction of their structure. If the soil at the construction site is dry, then no problems will arise with the operation of the cinder block; such walls will serve their owner for at least 50 years. In case surface water lie in close proximity to the surface of the earth; for the construction of a car house, it is advisable to choose a different material. In this case, it is cheaper to build a garage out of wood, because its surface can be varnished, which minimizes the impact of water. Such manipulations will not work with a cinder block.

Note! The building materials under consideration can be solid (used for the construction of foundations) and hollow (used for masonry load-bearing walls). Incorrect choice blocks for one purpose or another will lead to the rapid destruction of the building.

Before building a cinder block garage, it is necessary to develop a project for the future construction, which indicates dimensions buildings, placement of gates, window and doorways, materials for wall construction. Next is the calculation required quantity construction products.

To build a garage with your own hands from a cinder block correctly, you must follow the sequence of construction work. First, preliminary planning and marking of the site is carried out. Along pegs driven into the ground and stretched threads dig a foundation up to 50 centimeters deep, up to 45 centimeters wide (this dimension is selected according to size wall material). A 5 centimeter layer of sand and 10 centimeters of crushed stone are poured into the bottom of the pit.

At the next stage of work, formwork is made from wooden planks or sheets of plywood, the top of this structure is leveled. Next, welded reinforcement cages are mounted and laid in the formwork. At the final stage of constructing the foundation, the trench is filled with concrete. After about 7-10 days, when the concrete has hardened, they begin to install the garage walls according to a pre-drawn project. The laying of cinder blocks begins from the corners of the building, then the thread is pulled and the opening is filled in its direction.

After the walls are removed, the floor in the garage is poured and installed roof structure, install doors and windows, arrange gates. The process of installing a building for a car is similar for all cases. The difference is only in the materials for the construction of garage walls, their design features, positive and negative qualities. Next, we will take a closer look at these products.

On this moment foam blocks are considered one of the most promising building materials. This is due to their low weight, low thermal conductivity coefficient, ease of processing and high speed erection of walls. Many people do not know how to quickly build a garage; this can be done most quickly by constructing enclosing structures made of foam blocks, reinforced concrete floor slabs or sandwich panels. Due to the light weight of the walls, buildings for cars can be erected on a shallow foundation.

Foam blocks are cheap, about 40% less than classic red brick. This material is light in weight and does not transmit heat well, so it will be stored in the garage optimal microclimate(cool in summer, warm in winter). Such products are characterized by good vapor permeability, which allows for effective removal wet air from the premises.

Such building structures have their own strengths and weak sides. A good steel garage perfectly protects your car from fires. Besides metal constructions They are distinguished by high durability and low cost. Some owners consider this garage option to be economically beneficial, because no documents are needed for this construction. In addition, metal buildings are installed in record time.

What is the best material to build a garage from? Many car owners are perplexed. Construction experts recommend making such buildings from metal and here's why. To build such a garage, you do not need a massive foundation or labor-intensive masonry work. brick walls. The building is erected on a simple foundation in which the frame posts are fixed. Metal garages can be:

  • welded (strong, stable structures);
  • frame (such buildings can be transported from place to place).

The choice of any type of steel garage will depend on the preferences of the car enthusiast, the service life of the building, as well as its location.

Most developers do not know which garage is better, brick or reinforced concrete. More recently, buildings for cars were assembled from reinforced concrete floor slabs. Some 20-30 years ago reinforced concrete products were available to everyone, but now they are not so easy to find. More rational decision A garage built of brick is considered to be a garage. Such a building is intended for use in the summer; in winter, the walls of the building will have to be insulated. Besides brick garages erected in a cooperative. Usually they are guarded, which will protect the car from the actions of intruders. Similar buildings can be made on summer cottage, but in this case minimum thickness garage walls should be equal to 1 brick 25 centimeters.

Note! Not everyone can make a brick garage with their own hands; this requires certain knowledge and skills.

Garage with sandwich panels

Garages with walls made of sandwich panels are in high demand among car enthusiasts. Such simple buildings are considered one of the most rapidly erected. The basis of the building is considered to be a strong frame made of rolled metal, which is fixed on a massive foundation.

Now we’ll find out what material the walls are made of. The enclosing structure here consists of internal and external sheets of corrugated sheets, between which insulation is fixed, for example, mineral wool slabs. Such structures are considered prefabricated, so to build a garage you need knowledge and skills in using an angle grinder and a screwdriver, and some experience in handling welding.

It will be difficult to build walls and a roof and make a floor in a building with your own hands. It is better to build a garage with sandwich panels using hired labor. Pay the installers and get a finished building at the end. Every detail matters here; an incorrectly poured floor will lead to certain difficulties in installing the panels.

Budget garage options

Many developers are trying to figure out what they can use to build a garage so that it costs as little as possible. Best options building materials for the construction of walls are foam and gas block, as well as cinder blocks. Under similar buildings needs to be filled strip foundation along the entire perimeter of the walls. The depth of the foundation is selected according to the amount of soil freezing (different values ​​for different areas). The width of the base will be adjusted to the dimensions of the block, because these building materials can be laid flat - 30 centimeters or on an edge - 20 centimeters for most products.

So where are the additional savings? You can reduce financial costs by using roofing materials. Instead of profiles or expensive metal tiles, it is better to use corrugated slate. In this case, it is better not to use ondulin; it is not only flammable, but also not cheap. You can also save on the device pitched roof. Compared with gable roof a device of this design will require much less wood and roofing material. Significant savings can be achieved if you attach a garage to the wall of another building, for example, to a residential building.

Cinder block is a relatively inexpensive material with excellent performance and properties. If desired, you can build a wonderful garage out of it without involving third-party workers. How? Now we'll tell you!

Preparatory activities

Self-construction of a cinder block garage begins with a number of important preparatory activities. Follow the given sequence.

Selecting a location

First of all, we choose appropriate place for the construction of our motorhome. It’s convenient when the garage is located next to the house - in bad weather you won’t have to get wet in the rain and wade through snowdrifts.

It is better that the garage is located on minimum distance from leaving the site. The number of turns should be minimal. It is not recommended to build a cinder block garage in a low-lying area, because... this threatens flooding with atmospheric and groundwater.

Be sure to make sure that there are no communication lines at the planned construction site, such as:

  • water pipes;
  • power lines;
  • sewerage and heating pipes.

If the listed communications break down in the future, the presence of a garage will significantly complicate their repair.

Make sure that when constructing a garage in the chosen location there will be enough space for opening the gate. It would be useful to have a free space to park your car during washing and other work.

Construction site marking

Having chosen a suitable place to build a garage from, we proceed to marking the site. At this stage you will need a small set auxiliary tools, namely:

  • reinforcing bars or other similar devices;
  • hammer for driving rods;
  • dense thread for pulling between pegs;
  • tape measure for measurements.

Before starting marking work, you need to accurately determine the dimensions of the future structure. At this point, focus on the following factors:

  • affordable free space Location on;
  • financial opportunities;
  • individual preferences and needs.

If a cinder block garage will be used as a place to store a car standard size, a building measuring 6x4 m and a height of 2.5-3 m will be enough for you.

The six-meter length is due to the dimensions of the car (on average 4-5 m) with a half-meter margin for unhindered passage. The width of the car is on average 200-250 cm. Approximately 70 cm should be left for passage, installation of shelving and storage of various types of materials used in the garage.

If you wish, you can adjust the dimensions of the building at your discretion. Any strict restrictions and standard dimensions There are no regulations for cinder block garages.

Calculation of cinder block

Having chosen a place for construction and determined optimal sizes garage, let's start calculating materials. Treat this stage of work with maximum responsibility. Due to errors at the calculation stage, you may simply not have enough materials, or you may waste money on unnecessary blocks.

The calculation will be considered using the example of a garage with dimensions of 6x4 m and a height of 250 cm. The masonry is carried out according to the most common method - half a block. Gate dimensions – 300x230 cm.

The dimensions of one block are standardized - 39x19x18.8 cm. Based on this, 13.6 blocks will be needed to lay 1 m2. You will build the entire building from 586 elements. Typically about 5-10% of the material is added “for reserve”. If the design provides for additional doors and window openings, take this into account when performing the calculation.

You will also need to buy rubble stone for arranging the base, several beams made of metal or wood (in the case of a garage of the specified dimensions, five 430-centimeter x beams will be enough).

Don’t forget to buy the foundation or components (cement, sand and crushed stone) for pouring it. self-cooking.

You will also need finishing material. When choosing it, be guided by your preferences.

Buy concrete or prepare it yourself. Standard proportions:

Prices for building blocks

Building blocks

Step-by-step guide to building a garage

Let's get started self-construction cinder block garage.

The first stage is the foundation

We start with arranging the foundation. A cinder block structure will have a relatively light weight. Shallow strip base quite enough.

We dig a trench in accordance with the markings. Ideally, the depth of the structure should exceed the freezing level of the soil. Most often they are buried by 60-80, and sometimes by 100 cm. At the same stage, we prepare recesses for the cellar and, if their presence is provided for by the project.

We attach plastic film or roofing felt to the walls of the pit for waterproofing.

We fill the bottom of the trench with a 20-30 cm layer of a mixture of crushed stone and gravel, followed by careful compaction.

We install it so that the height of the finished concrete structure approximately 100 mm above the ground level.

We give concrete mixture freeze. According to the regulations, concrete gains strength within 28 days. We lay roofing material on top of the frozen tape in two layers for waterproofing.

Stage two - walls

Determine the height and length of the walls individually. Laying blocks is done like bricks. Most popular methods the following:

  • half a stone;
  • into stone;
  • one and a half stones;
  • two stones.

The thickness of the masonry directly affects the stability finished walls to wind loads, temperature changes, etc.

Most often, as noted, builders use the “brick” masonry method, in which the next laid row overlaps the seams of the underlying one. First we lay out the corners, then we stretch ropes between them to make the masonry even and continue working.

In the process of arranging walls, we adhere to the following important rules:

In the upper part of the walls we leave nests for installing floor beams. Recommended dimensions – 200x200x150 mm. You can then fill in or blow out the gaps. The optimal step for placing nests is 100 cm.

Third stage - roof

We make the base from I-beams- this is the most best option. We select the length of the elements so that it exceeds the width of the building by 250 mm.

We lay the beams across in increments of about 1 m. We fasten the beams in a suitable way, for example, using anchors.

After this, we sew up the base with beams 4 cm thick. We lay the beam as tightly as possible. We put insulation on top of the beams (mineral wool, slag or expanded clay), fill in 2 cm of screed and finish the “pie” with aquazol, rubemast or another suitable material. If you wish, you can choose a different finishing coating at your discretion.

Stage four - floor

We do it level with the plinth. As a standard, a screed with a thickness of at least 100 mm is poured. We first clean the surface of debris, level it and, if necessary, fill the bottom with sand or fine gravel.

We make the screed from concrete grade M200. We pour the material continuously, slowly, in several layers. Let the concrete set and rub the surface.

To make it convenient to enter the garage, we are installing a ramp in the front part of the building. Be sure to make a 50-70 cm blind area around the entire perimeter of the building. It will ensure timely drainage of water from the base.

Prices for various types of screeds and self-leveling floors

Screeds and self-leveling floors

Finishing work

We choose a specific design option at our discretion, buy it or make it ourselves and install it according to the instructions relevant to the selected system.

Supply electricity in an accessible way(“by air” or “underground”). Install and lighting in the right places.

Let's start with the exterior and... There are no strict restrictions or specific recommendations in this regard. The walls can be rubbed down cement mixture, finish with plaster or whitewash, cover with siding, clapboard or other similar material.

The interior arrangement is yours. Desk, shelving - focus on your preferences and needs. Be sure to arrange a fire-proof corner from a fire extinguisher, a box of sand, a shovel and a bucket.

Finally, bring the necessary furniture and accessories into the garage.

Find out what options you have for doing it yourself from our new article.

Good luck!

Video - Building a garage with your own hands

If the car owner lives for a significant part of the year at the dacha or in country house, he inevitably wonders what to build a garage from? Parking a car does not always require a solid building made of brick and concrete. In most cases, you can get by with a more economical building that will serve the owner flawlessly for decades.

The market offers a wide selection of different materials price categories. When thinking about what to make a garage out of, you must first decide on the functions of this room. It can be used not only for parking a car, but also as a workshop and warehouse for household equipment. After which you need to decide the issue of the dimensions of the building and budget possibilities.

Those who are faced with the question for the first time are advised to familiarize themselves with the list of main stages of work that will require both financial investments and labor efforts.

  • construction of the foundation;
  • installation of lower and upper floors;
  • roof installation;
  • installation of doors and windows;
  • wall insulation;
  • Finishing work.

Choosing a garage type

If the main selection criterion is inexpensive garage, it makes sense to pay attention to budget frame-panel buildings. They are good because they allow the entire list necessary work do it yourself. This will significantly reduce construction costs. There is another way to reduce money expenses: choose an economical type of foundation and frame cladding.

Lightweight panel building does not require a strong foundation.

If the type of soil and topography of the site allows, it can be built on columnar foundation. Optimal choicescrew piles. But this type of support cannot be classified as economical. Metal screw piles are very expensive.

What material is more profitable to build a foundation from? There are two options: pillars made of concrete-filled asbestos-cement pipes and MZL (shallow strip foundation). The latter can be built from used bricks, which will significantly reduce the cost of the process.

There is another extraordinary way to construct a foundation: use compacted sand filled car tires. For the construction of walls and roofs, the choice is small: you can use either metal or wooden materials.

About prefabricated metal structures

Manufacturers offer a wide range of models of prefabricated structures made of steel and corrugated sheets. These kits are easy and quick to install. If necessary, the owner can, without special labor insulate the room. Of the minuses metal garages The following parameters can be noted:

  • low resistance to burglary;
  • possibility of quick loading and transportation by attackers;
  • low level of fire safety;
  • lack of ability to retain heat.

Construction materials

Having opted for a frame structure, the car owner can be sure that this room will serve him for a long time, will be warm and visually attractive. To build a garage, you will need inexpensive and widely available materials.

To build a strip foundation:

  • cement grade not lower than M400;
  • brick;
  • sand;
  • gravel or crushed stone;
  • lumber for formwork construction;
  • roofing felt and bitumen for waterproofing brick or concrete.

To build the frame:

  • timber with a section of 10/10 or 15/15 cm;
  • metal brackets and corners;
  • screws and nails;
  • fire-retardant composition for wood processing.

To build walls and roof:

  • boards with a section of 4/15, 5/15, 5/20 cm;
  • screws and nails;
  • window;
  • doors;
  • roofing materials: ondulin, metal tiles, slate.

For cladding and insulation of walls:

You need to decide what is best to build a garage from, based on specific situation with finances and availability of materials. In some cases, there is no need to rush and strive to reduce the cost of construction as much as possible. The garage should serve its owner for more than one year. Therefore, the choice of the type of building and its size must be approached seriously and thoroughly.

If you are going to buy a car, you will need a garage for it. Such an acquisition is significant for many, so the newly minted owners own remedy they are trying to build movements cheap garage with your own hands. Modern technologies construction allow it to be erected in the shortest possible time, spending a minimum of money.

Material selection

The cheapest solutions for walls will be cinder blocks and foam blocks. The latter are easier to lay, which is why consumers choose cellular concrete more often. If you are thinking about how to build a garage cheaply, then you should pay attention to the foam block, which has little weight, so even one person can handle the work process. For such a garage, a strip foundation made of concrete is suitable; the width of the structure can be approximately 200 mm.

When thinking about the question of how to build a garage cheaply, you must remember that it is better to make the foundation low, which will reduce the cost of construction. Three cubes of concrete will be needed to build a standard garage with dimensions of 3 x 6 m. In this case, the foundation will need to be deepened by 0.9 m. It should be remembered that this parameter is not standard, because the foundation must be located below the soil freezing line.

If you want to build a cheap garage with your own hands, you also need to take care inexpensive roof. Traditionally, it is single-pitched with wooden frame system and slate covering. To reduce the cost as much as possible, it will be enough to install only the sheathing under the slate. It is better to avoid using ondulin, because it will almost double the cost of roofing.

Construction of a garage from aerated concrete

If you are thinking about the question of what to build a garage from, then you can choose aerated concrete. The foundation can be not only lightweight strip, but also monolithic. Experts recommend using it. With its help, it will be possible to distribute the load as evenly as possible, which will reduce sedimentary deformation to a minimum.

If you are pursuing the goal of reducing the cost of construction as much as possible, then it is better to use a strip or combined foundation, which is made of reinforced concrete and columnar monolithic belt. Once the foundation is completed and the concrete has hardened, you can begin to build the walls.

The first row should be carried out on a pre-laid layer, and if you decide to use a monolithic reinforced concrete slab, That aerated concrete blocks laid directly on the surface of the base. This will allow for high-quality waterproofing using roll material. Experts recommend purchasing hydroglass insulation, which is laid on top bitumen mastic.


If, when deciding on what to build a garage from, you have chosen, then their installation should be carried out with bandaging of the seams. Use as masonry mixture Can cement mortar or glue. Last option It will cost a little more, but working with this mixture is much more convenient and easier. The thickness of the seam can range from 3 to 5 mm, while when using a solution this parameter will be increased to 1 cm.

Every two rows of masonry should be placed reinforcing mesh made of metal, its edges should protrude a few centimeters beyond the walls, which will allow you to control the laying of the reinforcement. When aerated concrete is used, lintel beams are laid above the gate opening. For one machine the opening width will be approximately 3 m, while for two machines a common opening with a width of up to 6 m can be made.

The jumper should be made from two profile corners, the flange of each of which will be 100 mm. The corners should be placed along the edges of the blocks and fixed to each other or to reinforcement in several places. Then the elements need to be coated with a primer. The lintel should be laid on the same mortar that is used for laying aerated concrete blocks. The edge of the beam on both sides should be located on the walls for a length of 200 mm. If you plan to arrange a wider opening, then you will need to calculate the beam, taking into account the bending load.

When building a garage from aerated concrete, you will have to complete the construction of the walls, only then can you proceed to tying them with belts. Their design will depend on the type of roof, ceilings and wall features. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the loads. If it is planned to build a second floor, then it will be necessary to lay reinforced concrete. For arranging a roof made of wooden roof trusses it is necessary to lay the mauerlat, which is a log or wooden beam. It should be secured, and before installation strapping beam The walls need to be waterproofed with bitumen mastic and roll material.

Addition in the form of a viewing hole

A garage made of aerated concrete may require arrangement inspection hole. To do this, a pit is dug, the dimensions of which will be 1.5 x 0.8 x 1.8 mm. The inner walls of the pit must be lined with bricks and then covered with plaster. To carry out such work, it is necessary to use slag bricks, which have high water resistance.

For plastering it is necessary to use part cement and 4 parts sand diluted with water. On final stage the walls are painted. Along the perimeter you can install a frame welded from profile corners. For concreting the floor, you can use the same solution as for arranging the foundation. The layer thickness will be approximately 70 mm.

Construction of a garage from cinder blocks: construction of the foundation

A cinder block garage can be built on it. It will not only be the cheapest, but also the easiest to implement. To begin with, a trench is dug, and rubble stone is laid in layers at the bottom. The layers should be filled with cement. It is necessary to use a solution of grade M-150 or higher.

To prepare it yourself, Portland cement 400 must be mixed with sand and water. You will need such an amount of liquid to achieve the mobility of the mixture. To install a base along the perimeter of the trench, it is necessary to install wooden formwork. Waterproofing made of two layers of roofing material is laid along the base.

Construction of walls and roof

Having bought building materials cheaply, you can begin building walls. Until this point, gates are installed, which will be strengthened into the masonry as it is erected. When installing cinder blocks, it is necessary to ensure that the seams are bandaged. It is necessary to begin installation of products from the corners, pulling the cord between them.

For the ceiling, 120 mm I-beams should be used. Their length should be 25 cm greater than the width of the room. The elements are placed across the garage in 80 cm increments so that the elements follow the slope of the long wall. After completing this work, you can begin lining the ceiling. At the bottom there are 40 mm beams, on top of which roofing felt is laid.

At the next stage, slag, semi-rigid mineral slab or expanded clay is laid. When building a cheap garage with your own hands, you must take care that during operation it does not require repairs and additional costs. To do this, when laying the roof, it is necessary to extend it from the back and front by 20 cm. Such canopies prevent the walls from getting wet during rain. A screed is made on top of the roofing felt and slag, the thickness of which should be 20 mm. At the final stage, the roof is protected from moisture with rubemast or aquazol.

Features of building a garage from metal profiles

Garage from profile pipe costs only 30,000 rubles. To assemble the frame you can use welding machine or bolted connections. After completing the assembly of the frame, its surface must be protected with a primer and a layer of paint applied at the final stage.

The finished frame is sheathed with sheets of profiled metal. To protect the frame, you can use special dyes that are suitable even for rusty surfaces. This choice will save not only money, but also time. When applied paint and varnish material a protective layer is created that prevents corrosion.

Construction of a wooden garage

A garage made of planks will be able to support a monolithic foundation, which will also act as a strong floor. After the solution has hardened, you should bottom trim from boards measuring 100 x 500 mm.

To erect gates and corner posts, you need to use beams square section with a side of 100 mm. To increase the strength of the frame, it is necessary to install struts in the corners. To build such a garage, building materials will cost you cheap. After completing work on the frame, you can begin building the roof. For this purpose, 100 x 25 mm boards are used, which are sheathed with profiled sheets.


You can build a cheap garage with your own hands by installing wooden gates. Their cost compared to metal ones will be lower, as will their reliability. Without interior decoration, the price of the garage can be reduced even further. But if you do the work yourself, you can save on the services of specialists. You can decide which material to prefer by reading the information in the article. Below we will present the technologies for constructing an inexpensive garage.