The most terrible places on the planet. Photos. The most mysterious places in the world

April 25th, 2017

Despite the fact that abandoned cities and creepy corners of the earth terrify impressionable tourists, hundreds of travelers constantly come to these most terrible places on the planet in search of thrills.

Prague cemetery

One of these terrible places in the world is considered to be the Prague cemetery with 12 thousand ancient tombstones, which operated in the Czech Republic for four centuries. Unknown travelers found their last refuge in this cemetery, but most often wealthy townspeople were buried in luxurious processions. The cemetery area is small, but 100 thousand dead are buried here. It is noteworthy that the older burials were covered with earth, then the new dead were buried on top of them. This is how about 12 tiers were formed: now travelers can observe an eerie picture - the subsiding earth has exposed several upper “floors” with coffins and gravestones.

St. George's Church

St. George's Church is also located in the Czech Republic, in one of the tiny villages: tourists go to the abandoned temple, attracted by the unusual legend of the place. Sometime during the next funeral service, the roof over the church collapsed. The once holy place was decorated by the Czech artist Hadrava with numerous ominous ghost sculptures.

Mexican Island of Abandoned Dolls

The Mexican island of abandoned dolls attracts adrenaline junkies with the exotic nature of forgotten toys. In the middle of the last century, a hermit who settled here began to collect and “resettle” dolls thrown into the trash around the island. About a thousand broken and mutilated toys are tied to trees - many dolls sit on the ground or hang on branches: this is how the hermit decided to perpetuate the memory of a girl who drowned in the bay.

Chapel of Bones

The next terrible place in the world is also impressive - the chapel of bones, built many centuries ago by a Franciscan monk in one of the cities of Portugal. The small chapel contains the remains of five thousand monks. The roof and walls of the tomb are decorated with intricate inscriptions in Latin.

Paris catacombs

The world-famous Parisian catacombs are a winding system of underground tunnels with extensive caves and descents. A communications network stretching up to 300 kilometers lies near Paris: more than 6 million people have found their home here.

Japanese island Hashima

The Japanese island of Hashima is also considered the most mystical place in the world. This abandoned mining town once supplied the country with coal, with quarries and a mine operating in the late 19th century. People came here in the hope of making money: miners densely populated the island with their families. Almost 40 years ago, the enterprise became unprofitable and the coal mines were closed. Now this island has become a popular ghost town among tourists.

Suicide Forest

Jukai, the famous Suicide Forest, is located on one of the Japanese islands and has gone down in history as an evil place where thousands of people committed suicide. The forest initially enjoyed a bad reputation thanks to ancient legends about ghosts, and since the middle of the last century, suicides have become frequent in these eerie thickets. Going several hundred meters into the forest, along the paths you can find things - shoes, clothes, bags of those who have passed away. Knowing how attractive the place is for people with weak mental health, the authorities installed a warning poster with a helpline number.

Kabayan fire mummies burials

Among the most mystical places in the world are also called the burial places of the fire mummies of Kabayan in the Philippines. These remains are more than seven centuries old: locals believe that the spirits of the mummified deceased still live near the burial sites. A peculiarity of local customs is that mummies were buried in small coffin capsules made of wood, placing the bodies of the deceased in them in the most uncomfortable positions.

Akodessewa Magic Market

At the magic market of Akodessewa, which lies in the center of the capital of Togo, you can see sorcerers who still practice voodoo magic and use terrifying-looking dolls in rituals. Buyers and fans of monstrous artifacts are offered a choice of decorated skulls, magical accessories, potions and medicines, dried monkey heads, hare and chicken feet, various souvenirs and local amulets.

Mental hospital

In the ranking of scary places in the world, tourists are attracted by the old psychiatric hospital in the city of Parma: it was once one of the successful clinics in Italy, but over time the building fell into disrepair. A masterpiece from the object was made by an artist from Brazil, who painted the walls of the hospital with silhouettes of patients. Ghostly figures decorate the building, conveying to rare visitors the eerie atmosphere of an Italian abandoned hospital.

Plague Island

In Italy there is another terrifying attraction - the Plague Island in the Venetian lagoon. Since ancient times, this place has been adapted for the residence of patients who were exiled here from all over the country. More than 16 thousand plague victims are buried here, but locals believe that their souls have not calmed down and still hover over their graves. The island’s gloomy reputation is also supported by legends according to which terrible experiments were performed on the sick.

City of Centralia

Connoisseurs of the horror genre and realistic computer games go to the American city of Centralia for a special experience: it was here that the famous horror film “Silent Hill” was filmed. This town in Pennsylvania is famous for the fact that due to a massive fire, the population almost abandoned the area. The underground fire has not yet been extinguished: the atmosphere of hopelessness is emphasized by particles of ash in the air over empty streets with destroyed houses.

Mountain of crosses

The most mystical places in the world in the last century were replenished with a new attraction - the Mountain of Crosses with ancient Lithuanian crosses is an eerie-looking hill that is not a cemetery at all. According to numerous legends, anyone who places a cross here will receive good luck and change their fate for the better.

Cave in Belize

A cave in Belize attracts tourists with the strange atmosphere of the cult of the ancient Mayans. This unusual archaeological site is located near Tapir Mountain and is famous for its unique cathedral, built in one of the cave halls. Blood sacrifices were made here for terrible deities. The Mayans also believed that it was here that the gates to the underworld opened.

Chowchilla Cemetery

The Peruvian ancient cemetery of Chauchilla was also included in the list of the most terrible places on the planet. The country's landmark is located near the Nazca Plateau, famous for ufologists. The necropolis was discovered by scientists about a century ago. The burial method attracted the attention of archaeologists: the dead were placed in graves, covering their bodies with a special composition. Thanks to ancient recipes, the dead were perfectly preserved: the dry climate of the Peruvian desert also contributed to this.

Snake Island

In Brazil, Snake Island is considered the creepiest place: the territory is famous for the presence of a huge number of snakes - here on every square meter In forest land you can find up to six dangerous and poisonous reptiles. Now tourists are prohibited from visiting Queimada Grande due to the risk of attack by huge poisonous reptiles.

Moleb triangle

The Moleb Triangle was included in the ranking of the creepiest places in Russia: this is a remote village in the Perm Territory, where anomalous UFO activity was noticed. Previously, the Mansi lived here, who made sacrifices to their gods on a stone plateau.

Russia also has its own exotic City of the Dead: the small Ossetian village of Dargavs is famous for its richly decorated family crypts.

Overtown Bridge

One of Scotland's bridges, Overtoun, has become notorious for unexplained cases of suicide among dogs. Dozens of dogs threw themselves onto the rocks and died, and the survivors went up to try again.

Hanging coffins of Sagada

The list of the most terrible places on the planet would be incomplete without the hanging coffins of Sagada - original burial structures were built in the forest of one of the villages in the Philippines. Locals bury the dead, hanging them so that the souls of departed ancestors are closer to heaven.

Sanctuary of Tophet

In the Tunisian sanctuary of Tophet, several centuries ago, animals and children were sacrificed: this was a feature of the bloody religion of old Carthage.

Unfinished subway in Cincinnati

The grandiose construction project - the unfinished subway in Cincinnati - amazes with its atmosphere of abandonment. The depot was built at the end of the 19th century, but the line was frozen for economic reasons. Now the depot can be visited several times a year, although diggers from all over the world often visit the unfinished metro on their own.

The world is full of mysteries and secrets. The miracles that happen in it have no boundaries, they are inaccessible to the understanding of an ordinary person and therefore extremely attractive. Despite a significant leap in development modern technologies, there are still places on planet Earth called anomalous. Strange, mysterious and even dangerous things happen in many of them. Once in one of these places, a person risks saying goodbye forever to the people, events and things he knows. Some travelers are thrown into the past or future, while others lose their memory and cannot tell anything about the hours, days and even years spent in the anomalous zone.

In this article

Devil's Tower in Wyoming

Devil's Tower is a natural monument located in the US state of Wyoming in the center of the Great Plains. In reality, nothing abnormal happens on the 386-meter-high rock.

However, local residents claim that the surprisingly smooth fragment of ancient rock, tapering at the top, is a platform for the launch and landing of alien ships.

Devil's Tower during the day

Unusual people help support the legend climatic conditions. Being one of the tallest structures, the Devil's Tower is often affected by lightning. The fog that covers it in the morning makes this place truly mysterious.

Naturally, scientists do not consider the version with aliens, which does not make the Devil’s Tower less popular. It is interesting that experts have different opinions about the origin of the rock; nothing is known about it reliably. Every year, 400 thousand tourists visit the surrounding areas.

They are attracted primarily by the unusual appearance of the rock structure. The slopes of the tower are steep and straight, which is why everyone who is lucky enough to see it in person seems as if it was hewn out of a huge mountain range by the hands of a person or an alien.

Devil's Tower– a reworked name of this amazing place. The Lakota Indians called the mountain plateau Mato Tipila, which translates as House of the Bear. The naming error occurred in 1875, when the new owners of the Great Plains first became interested in what a huge flat block represented, which for a long time had been impossible to climb. The new residents of America liked the incorrect translation more, which is why this name appears in all modern sources.

As mentioned above, scientists have not put forward a consensus on what was the impetus for the formation of the rock. The following theories are considered the most plausible.

  1. Marine theory. In the past, the land where the Great Plains are now located was covered by a sea or ocean, the bottom of which was covered with sedimentary rocks. As a result of a strong earthquake, a crack formed in the earth's crust, from where volcanic magma penetrated into the sedimentary rocks. Layering on shale, limestone and sandstone, the magma gradually rose to the surface, solidifying in the form of a basalt column. After millions of years, the sea retreated, and bad weather began to grind the rock, which led to the formation of hexagonal pillars, as if specially carved from stone.
  2. Volcanic. Millions of years ago, on the site of the Devil's Tower there was a volcano, the eruption of which caused the formation of an unusual stone pillar.

For a long time it was not possible to fully explore the Devil's Tower. It remained impregnable until the end of the 19th century. Two local farmers were so curious that, using the stairs, they dared to take this mortally dangerous step.

In 1906, President Roosevelt designated Devil's Tower a national monument.

In 1938, the famous climber Jack Durance repeated this feat, and another 3 years later George Hopkins parachuted to the top of the mountain. Return to Mainland he was supposed to use ropes, but bad weather and the daredevil’s inability to handle climbing equipment disrupted all his plans. Hopkins got stuck on the plateau and to save him they had to look for Durance, who helped the traveler go down.

White gods

50 km from Moscow, not far from the village of Radonezh, there is an ancient Slavic tract. According to legend, it is a semi-oval sacrificial altar made of large stones. The exact location of the sanctuary is unknown to anyone living today. The forests surrounding the village are quite extensive, and it is not easy to find in them a stone structure that is probably dilapidated and covered with moss.

Experts have no doubt about its existence, linking the name of the altar with the most famous pantheon of Slavic gods, consisting of Belobog, Chernobog and Sventovit, who ruled people, the sky and the underworld.

White Gods

Currently, the search for the remains of the sanctuary does not stop, but the likelihood of finding it is minimal. Ancient stones seem to be hidden from human eyes by a divine hand, ready to appear only to those who are truly worthy of it.


The Atlantic Ocean is replete with anomalous zones. Cape Hatteras is considered one of them. Waves crashing against rocky ledges lift millions of grains of sand and small shells into the air. It would seem that this phenomenon is quite common, but its main secret lies in the extraordinary height to which grains of sand manage to rise. In some cases it exceeds 25–35 meters. The sand freezes in the air for a few moments, after which it smoothly descends. Scientists have not been able to find out the nature of this amazing phenomenon. The place is considered anomalous and extremely dangerous. Not everyone can decide to visit Cape Hatteras.

At Cape Hatteras

Cape Hatteras is located in Bermuda Triangle, which makes this place even more mysterious and unique.

Bermuda Triangle area

Czech catacombs

In the southeast of the Czech Republic, the small town of Jihlava is located; it has gained worldwide fame not because of its delicious beer. At a depth of several tens of meters under the city there are mysterious medieval catacombs 25 km long.

Ancient tunnel

The only thing that is known about them is that they are man-made. The construction of the catacombs dates back to the 13th–14th centuries. The exact reason that prompted people to create extremely creepy underground structures has not been named. Perhaps the catacombs are the remains of miners, or local residents hid in them to escape robberies and fires.

The Czech catacombs are a world of ghosts and spirits. Anyone who dares to spend the night here can hear organ music echoing throughout the dungeons. At the same time, any psychological disorders and hallucinations are absolutely excluded, as scientists and psychologists have repeatedly been convinced of.

According to legend, the organ in the catacombs began to sound after the burial of a talented young musician there. His ability to handle musical instruments aroused suspicion among the Inquisition. The young man was accused of conspiring with the devil and was buried alive in one of the many halls. From now on, on the day of the organist’s death, an amazingly beautiful melody can be heard in the dungeons.

Signs for tourists on the walls of the catacombs

And if skeptics still don’t believe in the musician’s ghost, then in the catacombs there is something that will make any scientist doubt his own judgment. So, in one of the halls a staircase glowing with red light was discovered. They still cannot explain where it leads and why it glows.

Glowing tunnel

In addition, one of the subway tunnels passing through the catacombs emits green fluorescent light. The reason for the glow is the coating of the vault with zinc silicate. How this rather rare mineral got into the tunnel is also unknown.

Moleb triangle

Zone M located in Perm region. It is a whole complex of anomalous places, each of which has its own inexplicable phenomena: clock hands lag behind, the compass does not work, luminous balls are discovered.

Zones of anomalous origin inside the Moleb Triangle

Known since the late 1980s of the last century as a habitat for aliens. Eyewitnesses claim that in this place they were repeatedly able to see flying saucers and the aliens themselves. Some lucky ones even managed to establish telepathic contact with alien guests, which was written about in both local and foreign newspapers for a long time.

Pavel Globa believes, that it was in the Moleb triangle that the ancient prophet Zarathustra was born, therefore, even without aliens and unusual traces, this place can be considered holy.

Scientists do not undertake to refute fictions, but they do not confirm them either. It is reliably known that in these places there was a prayer stone, and the remains of pagan idols were also preserved.


In the colorful and legendary Mexican culture, there are many references to places where strange and terrible things begin to happen to a person. One of these places is called Chavinda. It is located far from big cities, but is the goal of many thrill seekers.

At Chavinda's

Local residents believe that on a small plateau there is an intersection of worlds. Inexplicable things really happen to visitors - cars break down, they see things that cannot be, they hear strange sounds. Naturally, no one died or disappeared here, but the place is really interesting and more than strange. Not everyone dares to spend the night in a tent on a plateau.

Akyrtas ancient settlement

The ancient city was once located on one of the busiest trade routes in the world - the Silk Road. The first mention of it is recorded in the diary of the Chinese monk Chang Chun, who traveled through these lands at the beginning of the 13th century. According to his notes, a red stone city with large burial grounds in the shape of the Big Dipper stood in the way.

Remains ancient city

The first studies of the settlement were carried out in the second half of the 19th century. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find traces of unknown medieval builders. The scale and technique of execution of houses and protective structures will hit everyone. Some of the stones used in the construction are so heavy that even modern technology can hardly lift them.

Dead Lake

Near the village of Gerasimovka (Kazakhstan) there is an amazing lake, nicknamed Dead by local residents. It is 100 meters long and 60 meters wide. Situated in a mountainous area, it has rightfully earned its notoriety. Not a single fish or plant can be found in this lake. The drowned bodies of people do not float to the surface and cannot be detected.

The surface of the Dead Lake

Local residents avoid the reservoir, believing that it is cursed. According to one legend, a jealous groom drowned his innocent bride in this lake, and from then on truly terrible things began to happen there.

You can swim in the lake, but the villagers never do it. A carefree vacationer can be dragged to the bottom by the dead. People walking along the shore of the lake often disappear, but they are always found, however, in places completely unexpected for them.

Ustyurt Plateau

A huge white stone plateau stretching across the territories of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Due to low temperatures in winter and the heat that destroys all living things in summer, the plateau is practically uninhabited. There are also few tourists, which is associated not with the lack of something worth seeing, but with the anomalous phenomena that occur here (spirits, voices and ghosts are just a few of the things that can be found on the absolutely lifeless white plain).

On the Ustyurt plateau

On the Ustyurt plateau there are many above-ground and underground structures, the nature of which could not be determined. No civilization known to scientists has left similar traces of its existence.

The remains of stone men dressed in military uniform were also discovered. A real army, although made of stone, still brings terror to those who decide to make a long and dangerous journey across the plateau.

Lake Kok-kol

Located in the mountainous area of ​​Kazakhstan, it is not easy to get to, and it is not necessary, because it is known as one of the most mystical places in this region. The reservoir never dries out; even in the hottest weather, the water in it remains cool and crystal clear.

Moreover, its level does not decrease, which contradicts all physical laws. Local residents call the reservoir the Living Lake, which is associated with the unexpected appearance of seething whirlpools on its surface, into which everything that is on the surface falls. It’s definitely not worth swimming in such a body of water; according to legend, it is guarded by the local spirit Idahora, who is extremely jealous of any newcomers.

Beauty and danger

Shepherds tell stories that the lake swallowed up birds and animals before their eyes, which suggests the existence of some prehistoric creature in the depths of the reservoir. Some ufologists claim to have seen an anaconda-like animal crawling out of the water.

The lake has no bottom, as divers had to verify, one of whom almost died. Dragged into a whirlpool, he was unable to get to the surface and swam through a network of underground caves, emerging from the water only a few kilometers from the dive site.

Devil's Trap

A mysterious and dangerous place is located in the city of Tacona in Sicily. It is called the Devil's Snare because of a strange incident that happened to local resident Alberto Gordoni in 1753. Walking out into the courtyard of his house, this man disappeared into thin air in front of his friends and family. They searched for him for more than one year, but no traces could be found.

There are many devil's traps - places where people disappear and appear - on Earth. Previously, belief in legends and myths helped avoid them. In the age of rationalism, a person is deprived of such an opportunity, which is why cases of disappearances of people are recorded everywhere.

It is likely that the incident would have been forgotten, but 22 years later the missing person appeared out of nowhere in the same place where he disappeared. He had not aged a bit and was sure that he had been away for no more than a few hours.

Medieval manor – crossroads of times

The time traveler was placed in a psychiatric hospital, while within the walls of which he spoke about disembodied spirits, bodies without souls, eternally living people and funnels in space and time. The only one who believed him was Dr. Mario. The doctor decided to personally visit the place of disappearance along with the missing person. Imagine his horror when, barely stepping into his yard former home, Albert has disappeared again. This time he failed to return. The frightened doctor ordered the place to be surrounded by a high wall and ordered no one to approach it.

Yarlu Valley

An amazingly beautiful place located among the mountain peaks of Altai. The valley is considered by many to be a place of power; those who dream of connecting with nature, meditating, and feeling close to the divine come here.

In the center of the valley is the Stone of Wisdom, also known as the Shaman Stone, or the World Stone. The weather here changes every 5–10 minutes. Many people believe that UFOs fly into the valley, but they are invisible to ordinary people. There are also those who claim that by concentrating and standing on the Shaman’s stone, you can go through a portal to other countries and even changes.

Yarlu Valley

Even if nothing unusual happens during the trip, the Yarlu Valley is still worth visiting. This is a beautiful place that does not yet retain a trace of human civilization.

Anomalous zones of the Kaluga region

The Kaluga region is rich in anomalous zones. These are the Koltsovsky Caves, and the Popovsky Bridge, and the town of Kurgan, the Devil's Settlement. Many local residents will be happy to tell the legend of Kanishchensky Pond and unexplained phenomena, regularly occurring in the villages of Verevka, Nikitskoye, Black Potok, Shchigry, Ogarkovo, Oztorozhnoe.

Directional sign to Devil's Settlement

So, residents of the village of Verevka walking in the forest discovered that at the height of summer the leaves on the trees turned yellow and fell off, as if late autumn had come, the air temperature had dropped sharply. Having moved a few hundred meters away from the anomalous place, they were convinced that nothing had changed in the world around them, summer continued. The researchers who arrived at the scene walked at least 12 km in 40 minutes, completely unaware of how quickly they covered a path that required at least 2 hours.

The ad helps attract tourists

Much more mysterious things are happening in the local forests - people are disappearing and are far from the place of disappearance, UFOs are flying, and aliens are walking around at home. Remote and sometimes abandoned villages are a reliable keeper of ancient legends and prophecies.

Mysticism of Sochi

The Krasnodar region is full of secrets and mysteries. It was near Sochi that they were discovered stone houses dwarfs, and the Valley of Witches in the Shapsug anomalous zone is famous for significant energy emissions that add or subtract the strength of random travelers.

Sochi is interesting not only for lovers of ancient and mysterious places, but also for those who dream of meeting a real ghost. According to ufologists, the spirit of Stalin appears in the Green Grove sanatorium, and the ghost of Yuri Gagarin appears in the Rodina Hotel.

The greatest interest among tourists is caused by dolmens - stone houses of dwarfs. According to legend, dwarfs lived high in the mountains, possessed magic, and were cunning but weak.

Ancient buildings

One day, having descended into the valley, they met stupid, but very strong giants. The dwarfs enslaved the giants and forced them to build strong stone houses where they could live comfortably.

Swamp of fear and wandering stones

At the rapids of the Manchu-Korean Mountains there is an anomalous zone known as Bilchu, or the Swamp of Fear. In the middle of the last century, over a hundred soldiers disappeared in these places, whose well-preserved corpses are still found by local residents, despite the fact that the climate here is humid. All the dead people found were lying on their backs, their hands were folded on their chests, there were no visible injuries on the body.

Horrible swamp

According to legend, a huge white worm lives in the swamp, whose breath is so poisonous that people who find themselves in the swamp die instantly. The worm drags the people it likes into the swamp and eats them, leaving the “unpalatable” ones on the surface.

Locals try not to enter the swamps, and if it is impossible, then do it as carefully as possible. The threat is posed not only by the poisonous water, but also by the nearby Segan Hill. Such a rare phenomenon as wandering stones has been repeatedly observed on this hill. The wind spirit who lives at the top of the hill does not like people and therefore moves large boulders to intimidate the newcomer and force him to leave his place.

Secrets of the Kolomna ravine

In the Kolomenskoye Nature Reserve there is a large Golosovoy ravine, at the bottom of which there are two large boulders - Devy and Gus. Each of them weighs at least 5 tons and, according to legend, the stones are the remains of a serpent destroyed by St. George the Victorious. Stone blocks are considered magical; a wish made from them will definitely come true. Some believe that stones can restore male strength.

Sitting by the stone

Despite the miraculous power of the stones, the ravine itself good place doesn't count. Travelers compass stops working Cell phones are discharged, and a trace of unknown objects is seen in the sky, and at night the UFO itself can be seen.

People disappear in Golosovo Ravine and time stops. There have been repeated cases of entire groups going missing, only to reappear in the same place decades later, claiming that only a few minutes had passed. Abnormal energy activity forces people to stay away from this place.

Where mutant trees grow

Residents and guests of Yakutsk who decide to wander through the forest near the third kilometer of the Magansky tract are faced with an amazing natural phenomenon– unusually shaped pine trees and other trees. All of them are located near a former military base, which was once a specially protected area. In the taiga you can often find twisted trees, but no one has ever found them in such numbers.

Twisted Trees

The shape of the trees is bizarre, and scientists are unable to explain the reason for it. Ufologists believe in aliens, skeptics claim that it’s all about radiation and experiments conducted at this military base. Nothing is known reliably about the experiments, but mushrooms in the abandoned part grow in large quantities even in a lean year.

The mystery of the Patom crater

Patomsky crater is located in Irkutsk region in the deep taiga. The Yakuts call this place the Nest of the Fire Eagle and consider it cursed. The reason for its formation, according to scientists, is a meteorite; alien guests here are not considered something rare. The last large meteorite, which fell in 2003, forced hundreds of animals and birds to leave the area. The places became uninhabited for a long time. Ufologists are trying to find a connection between the Patom crater and circles on Lake Baikal. According to one version, a large alien ship crashed here at least 300 years ago, which had an impact on all nearby territories.

Patomsky crater

In the crater itself, people died repeatedly and under mysterious circumstances. The place is considered extremely dangerous.

Gobi Desert and its inhabitants

It is one of the most extensive and sparsely populated deserts in the world. It is located in the southern part of Mongolia and occupies a vast territory within China. It is known thanks to ancient legends and tales, as well as modern events that suggest the anomalous origin of this place. Thus, according to one legend, the ancient worm Olgoy-Khorkhoi lives in the desert, capable of killing with a glance from a distance. Every year, dozens of expeditions are sent in search of this creature and not all of them return.

Those who were taken forever by the desert

In 1995, scientists conducting archaeological excavations discovered the skulls of horned people. The discovery was classified, but information leaked to the press that experts could not prove the existence of a fake. The skulls were genuine and, apparently, their presence means the existence in ancient times of a certain race whose heads were decorated with horns. After another 4 years, archaeologists discovered in the rock the skeleton of a gigantic man, whose external characteristics were similar to apes.

Around 1970, unusual UFO activity was reported in the Gobi Desert. There were no eyewitnesses to those events, but there was talk of some kind of war between aliens, the springboard for which was the Earth.

Medveditskaya Ridge - a mysterious training ground

One of the strongest anomalous zones in Russia. There are many tunnels under the ridge, the weather above the anomaly is unstable, thunderstorms with lightning and thunder are not considered a rare occurrence. At the same time, lightning striking the ground never hits the places where the tunnels are located.

The builders of these tunnels are unknown, last time they were used in the Civil War. During the Second World War, the passages in the tunnel were blown up, and since then no one has been able to find them. But even without the tunnels, this place is quite mysterious; here you can often find hundreds of trees burned on one side and tied in unusual knots.

Newspaper note

Scientists have not been able to find out the reason for lightning regularly striking the ground and twisted tree trunks. Ufologists suggest that the Medveditskaya Ridge is used as a space testing ground. Conjectures of this kind are supported by the presence of altered gravity in this place. Unfortunately, it has still not been possible to record a real UFO.

Kholat Syakhyl

The mysterious Mountain of the Dead, located in the Urals and is a place where extremely dangerous and destructive phenomena for humans occur. The local Mansi tribe claims that it is the mountain that kills all passers-by. There is a legend in the tribe that 9 of its members went through the pass and disappeared without a trace; their bodies were not found.

All that remains from the Dyatlov expedition

Kholat Syakhyl is the site of the death of the famous Dyatlov expedition. Nine tourists set out to conquer a mountain peak, but were found far from their overnight stay, half naked and in terrible condition. They were all dead, and their bodies were mutilated - gouged out eyes, broken bones, torn out tongues.

Tourists were found in different places, some of them were wearing completely alien clothes that did not belong to any of the expedition members. The story of the death of the Dyatlov expedition is told in the mystical film of the same name, “The Secret of the Dyatlov Pass.”

Damn cemetery

A plot of land with a diameter of up to 300 meters, located at the foot of the Cova River. It is a place with scorched areas of land. For many decades, nothing taller than grass grows on the scorched earth.

Birds flying over the Devil's Cemetery and animals running through immediately die.

Damn cemetery

Local residents bypass it and believe that whoever steps onto the black earth will face a quick and quick death. Ufologists believe that the unusual anomalous phenomenon is associated with the Tunguska meteorite.

Yakut Death Valley

Mythical zone in the valley of the Vilyui River. Everyone who dared to spend the night in this seemingly safe place fell ill. If the person spent the night again, death awaited him. Death Valley is a kind of crater with a metal core.

Death Valley

There is talk of a giant iron cauldron that sank in this place, the bottom of which is the lowest point of the valley. The origin of the mysterious cauldron or several cauldrons is associated with:

  • spaceship crash;
  • the remains of an alien base;
  • the ruins of a city built by an ancient civilization;
  • geological formations of unknown nature;
  • hallucinations under the influence of methane;
  • nuclear tests.

Strange stones and objects are found at the bottom of local lakes.

Every year, the valley is visited by travelers interested in everything anomalous, but the local inhabitants avoid this place.

Death Valley in Sichuan Province

Death Valley, or Black Bamboo Hollow, is located in southwest China and has a bad reputation. Here, not only people but also animals disappear without a trace. Local residents are afraid of this place. You can only choose a guide among them for a lot of money. At the same time, it is not a fact that the valley will let the newcomer in.

Mysterious and scary place

Ufologists believe that the strange fog that sometimes covers the valley hides the ships of arriving aliens who are abducting people. Locals believe in spirits and a giant man-eating panda that destroys all life in the area. And since explain scientific language The inexplicable is almost impossible, then the Valley of Death deserves the attention of lovers of the mysterious. Over 100 people disappeared in its vastness.

Find everything you wanted to know about anomalies and mystical places on the planet here:

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Our vast planet is full of places that impress with their unimaginable beauty and mystery. From time immemorial, people have always been attracted to themselves. There are so many places on Earth where unimaginable events occur, and there are such amazing creatures that impress not only ordinary tourists, but also scientists who have met many. Researchers are trying to find out more about what they see, but many questions remain unanswered, and mysterious riddles remain unsolved.

Amazing buildings

The most mysterious and unexplored places are historical buildings, about which there are various rumors and legends. And no one knows a reliable answer to the question of where they came from and in what century BC. It is very interesting to get answers to these questions, but when will this be possible? Someday people will find answers to these mysterious questions.

To figure out exactly how many such places and buildings are on our planet, we can give a whole list of specific examples.


This is the very first and probably the most famous attraction that does not have reliable information about its origin. The place where this building is located is called Wiltshire, which is located in England. This monument of the world is considered the most mysterious. Around him, scientists and researchers make hundreds of assumptions that are not similar to each other. But, unfortunately, disputes do not move forward.

It is precisely because of its mystery that this building attracts people from all over the world.

This stone structure evokes a variety of fantasies. Movies were even filmed at this place. They say that this amazing miracle was created by extraordinary people with high development, who thus created a memorial place for those who died in their times. This theory - one of many - is confirmed by the fact that burials were actually found near this place.

Underwater pyramid of Yonaguni

This place is the most mysterious. From the name it is clear that it is located underground in water. Scientists have determined that this unusual building is approximately ten thousand years old. She is located in Japan. This place is especially memorable for those who love to scuba dive. It was a diver who found these pyramids about twenty years ago.

It is interesting that one of the walls of this monument has a sharp cliff that goes to a depth of about thirty meters. Some scientists suggest that this monument was at first an ordinary rock, but then people transformed it, and subsequently it acquired the appearance it has now.

Nazca Lines

Still incomprehensible and surprising are the Nazca Lines, which are located in Peru, near the Nazca Desert. From above, these drawings look especially neat and resemble some kind of pictograms that could hardly have appeared on their own. The clarity of these lines is explained by the fact that their geographical location, which implies a constantly dry season, has preserved them in their proper, one might say, untouched form. In addition to lines, you can also see images of various animals and insects, as well as other objects.

This most mysterious place in the world has been the subject of many speculations by historians and archaeologists. They say that these amazing lines were created for religious ceremonies performed by the ancient Indians. Some believe that this is only evidence that huge looms were used in this place in the past.

New Grange Mound

No less mysterious is the mound, which is located near Ireland and is called New Grange. This mound above the ground has a diameter of 85 meters. And it reaches a height of about 11 meters. The most interesting thing about this mound is that although the roof is made of earth, which is overgrown with various grasses, the walls are not earthen, but stone, that is, made of quartz, which distinguishes this mound from all others and makes it unique.

They say that this building is about five thousand years old, of course, during this time the walls have collapsed a little, but they are neatly built. It is also very interesting to know exactly what this building looks like inside. Just entering inside, you can immediately find yourself in a long corridor that leads to a room located across.

This room consists of tall monoliths, holes in the walls, rings and other decorations carved into the walls, and a large stone bowl. Many people are surprised by what happens to the sun during the solstice in December. At this time, a thin ray of sun literally penetrates into this mound for a few minutes. The interesting thing is that Sunbeam does not penetrate through the entrance, but through a small hole that is located above the entrance.

These amazing places around the world show that our history was preceded by important events when someone unknown built these monuments. Now people just have to find out the real origin of these buildings.

But no less interesting are also places that no one created; they are so amazing that they simply lead to extraordinary admiration.

Beautiful and extraordinary places on Earth

There are many places on Earth where you can admire the beautiful, mesmerizing nature. It is in these places that the most incomprehensible and most inexplicable things happen. Here are just some examples of this.

Salar de Uyuni

When describing the most mysterious places on Earth, one cannot fail to mention the sky, which creates the impression of inversion. We can say that this is a natural mirror, which reaches ten thousand square meters in area.

There is a desert in Bolivia that is completely different from all the deserts that exist on Earth. What is its superiority and difference? This desert is unusual in that it contains many salt marshes. Therefore, we can say that it is not sandy, but salty. Surprisingly, there are also active volcanoes here, cacti grow here and there are geysers. It is truly huge in size. But when the rainy season comes, it becomes even more extraordinary than before. When it rains, here on the dry lake the water is practically not absorbed into the ground, but creates a giant mirror. Many people who have been there say that it feels like the sky has turned upside down.

The end of the world

The sea is considered one of the extraordinary places on our planet, namely the junction of two seas - the Baltic and the North. This place is located in Denmark, near the city of Skagen. Local residents called this place the end of the world, since the junction of these seas is so clearly visible that it seems that one world ends and another begins.

This miracle is explained by the fact that in the waters of these two seas there are two separate currents of different densities. Therefore, they do not mix, but create a separate border that is clearly visible.

Forest with crooked trees

Even more mysterious and inexplicable is a forest in which trees of unusual shapes grow. This forest is located in Poland. It did not grow on its own, but was planted before the Second World War in the thirties of the twentieth century.

This forest has about four hundred trees that have a bend in the trunk in one direction, it looks so synchronized and smooth that it is simply surprising. It is difficult to find a sensible explanation for such unimaginable growth of pine trees. We can say that this landmark in Poland is one of the most memorable, which is why the state carefully protects it. It also assigned the status of a nature reserve to the forest.

Sable Island

When considering the most mysterious places on the planet, it is important to mention the island, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean. Interestingly, its dimensions are 42 meters by one and a half meters. But this is not the only thing that is mysterious and amazing. What is more strange is that it is precisely near it that ships cannot sail normally. According to statistics, approximately seven hundred ships have already been shipwrecked.
This fact is explained by the fact that this island is not located in a very good place. Namely, at the intersection of two currents, cold and warm, the Labrador and Gulf Stream. These two different currents create constant strong storms near the island, which are characterized by heavy fog and high waves. For this reason, many sailors are simply unable to see the low, flat island, which is barely visible from under the water.

It is also interesting that this island has the ability to move. It has been observed that Sable in the ocean can move at a speed of two hundred meters per year. The surprising thing is that not a single island can move faster in the ocean, and the ocean floor itself moves only a few millimeters per year. Therefore it is also considered inexplicable.

It is also worth noting that the reason for this movement is that the island is under pressure from two sides. On one side the ocean erodes, and on the other side the current brings sand. Because of this, the island also not only changes its position, but also its size, sometimes growing, sometimes decreasing. It is because of this that ship captains cannot be one hundred percent sure where exactly this island is located, as well as what size it is.

Video about the most mysterious places in the world

These are the most mysterious places in the world. It is very interesting to learn about what is happening. When you notice how beautiful and mysterious everything is, unique feelings arise.

You can find out all the most unknown things on Earth and get to know them better not only by reading about it on the Internet, but also by visiting them in person. It is by seeing everything with your own eyes and tasting it by touch that you can get an unforgettable experience.

There are places in Russia that are notorious. Sometimes people disappear there, time is distorted and the compass gets lost.

1. Manpupuners. Komi Republic

Manpupuners, or Weathering Pillars, are located in the Komi Republic. About 200 million years ago there were high mountains here, but water and wind eroded soft rocks. The Mansi worshiped the pillars as gods, calling this place “Mountain of Stone Idols.”
The legend of the Mansi people says that in the place where the idols now stand, a terrible battle once broke out between their people and the giants. But the angry gods turned the giants to stone. Since then, only the shamans of the Mansi people had the right to climb the mountain to offer prayers to the gods.

2. Ukok plateau. Altai region

Local residents still consider the Ukok plateau to be a sacred place. Shepherds avoid glaciers, trying not to disturb the peace of individual tracts. Only ritual activities are allowed on the plateau.
The most famous discovery made on the plateau is the burial of Ak-Alakha. In 1993, archaeologists discovered the mummy of a young noble woman whose body was covered with tattoos. It turned out that the indigenous population calls her Ak-Kadyn or White Lady. According to their faith, Ak-Kadyn is the keeper of the gates of the underworld.

3. Demon Nose. Karelia

Besov Nos is located on Lake Onega. It is famous for its petroglyphs, which date back to approximately the 3rd millennium BC.

The most famous of them is the 2.3 meter “Demon”, which gave the name to the cape.

The monks who arrived on the cape in the 16th century saw evil in the image, after which they knocked out an eight-pointed cross on top of the “devil”.
Many who have visited the Demon Nose note that the perception of time changes there.

4. Olkhon Island. Lake Baikal

Olkhon Island is the largest of the Baikal islands. Its name is translated from Buryat as “a little wooded.” Archaeologists still find ancient ritual and defensive structures on the island.
Buryat legends say that Olkhon Island is the abode of the spirits of Lake Baikal. The main place of worship was the Shamanka rock or, as it was called before, the Temple Stone. This cape is sacred not only for those who profess shamanism. You can often see Buddhists praying near the rock.

5. Sami labyrinths. Karelia

Stone labyrinths or babylons were built mainly on the shores of the seas or at the mouths of rivers. All labyrinths had cult significance, but historians do not yet know by whom exactly and for what purpose they were built.

Many scientists believe that labyrinths were built on burial grounds so that the soul of the deceased could not leave its resting place.

Babylons are scattered along the shores of the White, Barents and Baltic Seas. There are more than 300 of them in Sweden, about 140 in Finland, and more than 50 in Russia. There are about 500 stone labyrinths in the world. Their diameter can vary from 5 to 30 meters, and their complexity can range from an ordinary spiral to babylons with 6 exits, 5 of which are dead ends.

6. Whale Alley. Chukotka

Scientists believe that the bones of 50 bowhead whales were used to build Whale Alley. Apparently, the alley was built according to a clear design - the bones were dug in opposite each other, and the height of each was about 5 meters.
Historians agree that Whale Alley was a ritual place for the Chukchi tribes, although it is not mentioned in local legends. Scientists believe that the alley could equally have been a sanctuary, a “colosseum” and a place for tribal gatherings.

7. Arkaim. Chelyabinsk region

Arkaim is one of the fortified settlements Southern Urals- “Countries of Cities.” The youngest of these monuments is the same age as the Egyptian pyramids.
Arkaim is associated with many secrets and mysteries.

The layout of the city resembles the sun, and the structure of the rings and the radial direction of the building are oriented according to the stars.

The houses in the “sun city” were multi-apartment, and pottery and metallurgical workshops were found in some buildings. The inhabitants of Arkaim, whose appearance was reconstructed from skulls found in necropolises, belonged to the Caucasian race.

8. Vottovaara. Karelia

For the Sami, Mount Vottovaara had ritual significance. The name of the mountain can be translated as “Mountain of Victory”. Another translation of the name is “sandy mountain overgrown with forest” (Trans. Sami: vuots – “sand”; vaara – “mountain overgrown with forest”).

At the top of Vottovaara there are many seids - huge boulders that were placed on “legs” of smaller stones.

On the mountain itself, people often experience a strange malaise; electronic devices begin to malfunction.

9. Kashkulak cave. Khakassia

Now the Kashkulak cave is a tourist site. But two thousand years ago, the first tier was used by local shamans as a ritual hall. The walls of the Temple Grotto are still covered with soot from numerous sacrifices.

The Kashkulat cave appears in many legends, most often quite gloomy ones.

People disappear in it, strange sounds are heard, and local residents claim that the spirit of an evil shaman lives in the cave.
Oddly enough, today Khakass shamans again perform rituals in the Temple Grotto. Psychics are not far behind - they conduct their training in the cave.

10. Dolmens. Western Caucasus

The purpose of the Caucasian dolmens is not precisely determined, but many archaeologists adhere to the version that these are tombs of the megalithic era. Dolmens were built mainly from sandstone.

The methods for manufacturing and transporting the slabs to the installation site are still unclear.

Many people feel mood swings when they are near dolmens. The reasons for these anomalies are also unknown.

11. Patriarch's Ponds. Moscow

It was not for nothing that Bulgakov made the Patriarch’s the place where Woland first appeared in Moscow. Legends about the appearance of the devil to people arose when the place was still called “Three Ponds”. The ponds were named Patriarchal after frightened local residents asked the Patriarch of Moscow to consecrate the place.

12. Valley of Ghosts. Crimea

On the slopes of Mount Demerdzhi (from the Crimean Tatar - Kuznets) there is a valley, which local residents nicknamed the Valley of Ghosts.

The main attraction of this place is the stone “mushrooms”, which arose due to weathering and washing out of rocks.

In summer, on the slopes of Demerdzhi you can see bizarre mirages. In winter and autumn there are terrible fogs here, because of which it seems that stone pillars are moving and changing shape in the haze. Because of the fogs, the rock was called Funa or “smoking” in ancient times.

13. Ayu-Dag. Crimea

Local legends say that Ayu-Dag or Bear Mountain was actually once a giant bear. An angry god sent him to destroy a tribe that had forgotten their faith, but the giant saw the beauty of Crimea and refused to obey his master. In a fit of anger, the deity turned the bear to stone when he went down to the sea to drink.
Archaeologists claim that Ayu-Dag had ritual significance for the tribes that lived here in ancient times. Ancient temples and burial grounds were discovered at the top of the mountain.

14. Lake Teletskoye. Altai

Lake Teletskoye is the second largest lake in our country. fresh water. Even in winter the lake does not freeze completely.
There is a dark legend about the “forest of the dead” at the bottom of the lake.

With comparatively small size Lake Teletskoe is quite deep - up to 325 meters at the Korbu waterfall.

At the same time, the temperature at depth, even at the height of summer, does not exceed 4°C. Therefore, at a depth of more than 100 meters, bodies are “canned” and remain there.

15. Vasyugan swamps. Western Siberia

The Vasyugan swamps are sometimes called the “Russian Amazon”. The swamps stretch for 573 km from west to east. Their area is constantly growing and already exceeds 53 thousand square meters. km (this is more area Switzerland). Over the past 500 years, 75% of the swamp has formed.

The Vasyugan swamps are at least 10,000 years old.

Local residents willingly tell legends that these swamps were created by a devil who tried to hide the land from God.

16. Mount Kholatchakhl. Ural

Legend says that during a terrible flood, 10 men and one woman were saved on the slopes of the mountain. They climbed to the top to escape the flood, but the waves managed to take the 9th men. They gave rise to the Mansi people, and the mountain that saved them was called Kholotchahl or Mountain of the Dead.
The mountain gained fame due to a terrible incident in 1959, when Dyatlov’s group died on an unnamed pass. The circumstances of their death are still unknown.

17. Death Valley. Kamchatka

The valley on the slopes of the Kikhpinych volcano was first discovered in 1975. Then it became clear that the air in the valley could be deadly poisonous. The vapor contains a critical amount carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and sometimes hydrocyanic acid, which leads to suffocation and paralysis of the lungs.

Cape Ryty is replete with rich pastures, but there are no human settlements nearby.
Locals consider the cape dangerous place and they call him Kher-Khushun - angry, angry cape.

There is a legend that due to a feud between three tribes in this place, an angry spirit brought down a mudflow on them.

No real evidence of this legend has been found. But archaeologists discovered a stone wall at Cape Rytny, the purpose of which is unknown, stone tours and pots, which were most likely used as lamps.

20. Lake Pleshcheyevo. Pereslavl-Zalessky

Lake Pleshcheyevo is quite famous in national history. Here Peter I built his amusing fleet, and a monument to the emperor’s boat was erected here.
But local old-timers consider the lake a mystical place.

Sometimes tourists get lost in the fog on the coast and find themselves days later, many of them losing their sense of time.

Here, on Lake Pleshcheyevo, there is the Blue Stone, a ritual pagan object. It was recorded that the stone was moved from place to place several times. Scientists believe that it was moved by ice, and draw an analogy with the crawling stones from Death Valley, USA.

The world is full of mysterious monuments created by ancient masters. These sites have been carefully studied by scientists, historians and archaeologists, but some of them are so ancient, unfinished or obscure that it is still not clear why they were built or what purpose they served. We have prepared a selection of “the most mysterious places on the planet” that still raise many questions, confusing researchers. Stories about each of these places separately have already been in our previous issues, so in the list we will refer to detailed topics. Following the links in the topic you will find a huge variety of interesting materials and photographs.

10. Let's start from tenth place - this is Cahokia Mounds.

Cahokia is the name given to an Indian settlement near Illinois, USA. Archaeologists believe that the city was founded in 650 AD and the complex structure of its buildings proves that it was once a highly developed, prosperous society. At its peak, Cahokia was home to 40,000 Indians, the most populous settlement in the Americas before the arrival of Europeans. Cahokia's main attraction is the earthen mounds, up to 100 feet high, on a 2,200-acre site. There is also a network of terraces throughout the city and it is believed that particularly important buildings, such as the ruler's house, were built on the uppermost terraces. During excavations, a wooden solar calendar called Woodhenge was found. The calendar played vital role in the life of the community, both religious and astrological, marking the days of the solstices and equinoxes.

9. Ninth place on the list - Newgrange

It is believed to be the oldest and most famous prehistoric structure in all of Ireland. Newgrange was built from earth, stone, timber and clay around 3100 BC, approximately 1000 years before the pyramids were built in Egypt. This structure consists of a long corridor that leads to a transverse chamber, which was probably used as a tomb. Most characteristic feature Newgrange is its precise and robust design, which has helped the structure remain completely watertight to this day. Most amazingly, the entrance to the tomb is positioned relative to the sun in such a way that at the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the rays of the sun are directed through a small opening into a 60-foot passage, where they illuminate the floor of the central room of the monument.

Newgrange Mystery
Archaeologists suggest that Newgrange was used as a burial ground, but why and for whom is still a mystery. It is also difficult to determine how the ancient builders calculated the structure with such precision, and what role the sun occupied in their mythology. Scientists have never been able to determine the exact reason for the construction of Newgrange

8. In eighth place are underwater Pyramids of Yonaguni

Of all the famous monuments in Japan, perhaps none is more puzzling than Yonaguni, an underwater formation that lies just off the coast of the Ryuku Islands. The site was discovered in 1987 by a group of shark divers. The discovery instantly sparked a huge amount of debate in the Japanese scientific community. The monument is made up of a series of carved rock formations including massive platforms and huge stone pillars that lie at depths ranging from 5 to 40 meters. The most popular formation is called “turtle” due to its unique shape. The currents in this area are quite dangerous, but this has not stopped the Yonaguni Monument from becoming one of the most popular diving spots in all of Japan.

The Mystery of the Yonaguni Monument
The ongoing debate surrounding Yonaguni is based on one key question: is the monument a natural phenomenon, or man-made? Scientists have long argued that millennia of strong currents and erosion have carved the formation out of the ocean floor, and they point to the fact that the monument is a single piece of solid rock. Others point to lots of straight edges, square corners and lots of formations different shapes, proving that the monument is of artificial origin. If proponents of artificial origin are right, then even more interesting mystery: who built the Ionaguni Monument, and for what purpose?

The Nazca Geoglyphs are a series of lines and pictographs located on a dry plateau in the Nazca Desert, Peru. They cover an area of ​​approximately 50 miles, and were created between 200 BC and 700 AD by the Nazca Indians. The lines have managed to remain intact for hundreds of years thanks to the arid climate of the area, where rain and wind are very rare. Some of the lines span distances of 600 feet and depict a variety of subjects, from simple lines to insects and animals.

The Mystery of the Nazca Geoglyphs
Scientists know who made the Nazca Lines and how they did it, but they still don't know why. The most popular and reasonable hypothesis is that the lines must have figured in religious beliefs Indians, and that they made these drawings as an offering to the gods, who would be able to see them from heaven. Other scientists argue that the lines are evidence of the use of massive looms, and one researcher has even proposed the outlandish theory that the lines are the remains of ancient airfields used by a vanished, technologically advanced society.

6. Takes sixth place Goseck circle in Germany

One of the most mysterious sites in Germany is the Goseck Circle, a monument made of earth, gravel, and wooden palisades that is believed to be the earliest example of a primitive “solar observatory.” The circle consists of a series of circular ditches surrounded by palisade walls (which have since been restored). The monument is believed to have been built around 4900 BC by Neolithic peoples

The Mystery of the Goseck Circle
The precise and high-quality construction of the monument has led many scholars to believe that the Circle was built to serve as some primitive solar or lunar calendar, but its exact use is still a source of debate. According to evidence, the so-called “solar cult” was widespread in ancient Europe. This has led to speculation that the Circle was used in some kind of ritual, perhaps even a human sacrifice. This hypothesis has yet to be proven, but archaeologists have recovered several human bones, including a headless skeleton. You can read more about this place in the topic Goseck Circle

5. In fifth place is mysterious Sacsayhuaman– ancient fortress of the great Incas

Not far from the famous ancient city of Machu Picchu lies Sacsayhuaman, a strange complex of stone walls. The series of walls were assembled from massive 200 ton blocks of rock and limestone, and they were arranged in a zigzag pattern along the slope. The longest blocks are approximately 1000 feet in length, and each is approximately fifteen feet in height. The monument is in surprisingly good condition for its age, especially considering the area's proneness to earthquakes. Catacombs were found under the fortress, most likely leading to other structures in the Inca capital, the city of Cusco.

The Mystery of the Sacsayhuaman Fortress
Most scholars agree that Sacsayhuaman served as a kind of fortress. However, this issue remains quite controversial, since there are other theories, which can be found in the topic “Sacsayhuaman - a powerful Inca fortress.” Even more mysterious are the methods used to build the fortress. Like most Incan stone structures, Sacsayhuaman was built from large stones that fit together so perfectly that not even a piece of paper would fit between them. How the Indians managed to transport such heavy stones is still unknown.

4. Takes fourth place Easter Island off the coast of Chile

On Easter Island there are Moai monuments - a group of huge human statues. The moai were carved between approximately 1250 and 1500 AD by the island's earliest inhabitants, and are believed to depict human ancestors and local gods. The sculptures were carved and carved from tuff, a volcanic rock that is common on the island. Scientists have discovered that there were originally 887 statues, but years of fighting among the island's clans led to them being destroyed. Today, only 394 statues still stand, the largest of which is 30 feet tall and weighs over 70 tons.

The Mystery of Easter Island
Scholars have reached agreement on the reasons for the statues, but how the islanders made them is still a topic of debate. The average Moai weighs several tons, and scientists are unable to describe how the monuments were transported from Rano Raraku, where most were built, to various parts of Easter Island. IN last years, the most popular theory is that the builders used wooden sleds and blocks to move the Moai. This also answers the question of how such a green island became almost completely barren.

3. In third place are the Georgia Tablets.

While most sites have become mysteries over the millennia, the Georgia Tablets were a mystery from the start. The monument consists of four monolithic granite slabs that support a single cornice stone. The monument was created in 1979 by a man under the pseudonym R.C. Christian. The monument is oriented according to the cardinal directions; in some places there are holes pointing to the North Star and the Sun. But the most interesting thing is the inscriptions on the slabs, which are a guide for future generations who survived the global cataclysm. These inscriptions caused a lot of controversy and outrage, and the monument was desecrated several times.

The Mystery of the Georgia Tablets
Apart from many contradictions, very little is known about who built this Monument or what its true purpose was. R.C. Christian claimed that he represented an independent organization and had no contact with them after construction. Since the monument was built during the height of cold war, one popular theory about the group's intentions is that the Georgia Tablets were intended to serve as a textbook for those who would begin to rebuild society after the nuclear Holocaust. More information about the inscriptions on the slabs can be found at the link above.

2. A list of mysteries has no right to exist if it does not include the Egyptian Pyramids - the most mysterious buildings of the past. In second place is the Great Sphinx at Giza

Incredibly, the Sphinx statue is carved from one solid piece of rock and is 240 feet long, 20 feet wide and 66 feet high. It is the largest monument of its kind in the world. Historians largely agree that the function of the Sphinxes was symbolic, since the statues were strategically placed around important structures such as temples, tombs, and pyramids. The Great Sphinx of Giza stands next to the pyramid of Pharaoh Khafre, and most archaeologists believe that it is his face that is depicted on this statue

1. First place is the most mysterious place planets - Stonehenge in England

Of all the famous monuments in the world, none is shrouded in such mystery as this one. The ancient monument has been causing debate among scientists, historians and researchers since the Middle Ages. Stonehenge is a stone megalithic structure 130 km southwest of London. In a circle along the outer shaft there are 56 small burial “Aubrey holes”, named after John Aubrey, who first described them in the 17th century. To the northeast of the entrance to the ring stood a huge, seven-meter high Heel Stone. Although Stonehenge looks very impressive, it is believed that its modern version is just a small remnant of a much larger monument that has been damaged over time.

The Mystery of Stonehenge
The monument became famous, puzzling even the most brilliant researchers. The Neolithic people who built the monument did not leave any written language, so scientists can only base their theories on the current structure and by analyzing it. This has led to speculation that the monument was created by foreigners, or that it was built by a highly developed society of technologically advanced superhumans. All craziness aside, the most common explanation is that Stonehenge served as a monument near burial sites. This is confirmed by several hundred burial mounds found nearby. Another theory suggests that the site was a place for spiritual healing and worship. Read more about this great and mysterious structure in the topic “Stonehenge. Shards of the past"