The most delicious curd cheesecakes. Cottage cheese pancakes in a frying pan - classic recipes for fluffy cheese pancakes

If you don’t want to spend the whole weekend at the stove preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner for your loved ones, then we advise you to master simple and quick dishes, not taking up much time. For example, for breakfast you can surprise your household with simple but delicious cottage cheese pancakes.

Required ingredients:

  • cottage cheese – 500 g
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • flour – 6-7 tbsp. l.
  • soda – ½ tsp.
  • salt and sugar - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. mix cottage cheese with egg. In this case, you can safely use a blender to achieve a more uniform consistency of the entire mass;
  2. then add flour to the curd-egg mixture and mix thoroughly again;
  3. Scoop the resulting curd dough with a spoon and roll it in flour, forming a flat cake;
  4. fry in a frying pan until golden brown on both sides;
  5. Serve sour cream or jam separately on the table with the prepared cheesecakes.

Recipe No. 2. Recipe for homemade cottage cheese pancakes without eggs

Cheesecakes without eggs turn out very tasty. Housewives who have allergies at home love to cook them. Of course, you can use cottage cheese from the store for cooking, but fattier homemade cottage cheese will give the dish a delicate taste.

Required ingredients:

  • cottage cheese – 250 g
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • sugar (regular or vanilla) – 1-2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the cottage cheese thoroughly in a bowl, add sifted flour and sugar. Mix everything well;
  2. scoop up the resulting dough with a spoon and roll it in flour, giving it the shape of a flat cake;
  3. fry on both sides in a frying pan vegetable oil until golden brown;
  4. Place them beautifully on plates and serve them along with sour cream.

Recipe No. 3. Recipe for dietary cheesecakes

Many women who watch their figure can tell you about how sometimes they want to eat something tasty, but at the same time healthy and low-calorie. If you are one of them, you can safely treat yourself to original dietary curd cheese pancakes made from oatmeal!

Required ingredients:

  • low-fat cottage cheese – 500 g
  • egg – 2 pcs
  • oatmeal – 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth;
  2. form the cheesecakes in the form of koloboks, then flatten them to the shape of flat cakes;
  3. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Place baking paper on a baking sheet, lay out the cheesecakes and bake in the oven until a browned crust forms;
  4. Serve hot or cold. And most importantly, we eat with pleasure and are not afraid for our figure!

Recipe No. 4. Recipe for airy cottage cheese pancakes

Some people don't like simple cheesecakes because they turn out dense. However, we know how to make the dish airy and literally melt in your mouth.

Required ingredients:

  • cottage cheese – 1 kg
  • egg – 2 pcs
  • semolina – 3 tbsp. l.
  • flour – 3-4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. carefully grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender until maximum homogeneity;
  2. then add eggs, flour and semolina. Knead the dough from the resulting mass;
  3. We make cheesecakes from the dough, roll them in flour and send them to fry in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Fry on both sides over low heat;
  4. Serve warm, with sour cream, jam, honey or condensed milk.

Choose any recipe to suit your taste and enjoy delicious curd cheesecakes! We wish you bon appetit!

Cottage cheese pancakes in a frying pan - tasty dish, which is ideal for breakfast. If you have some cottage cheese in the refrigerator, be sure to prepare some cottage cheese. This simple and tasty dish is loved by both children and adults.

There are many recipes for cottage cheese pancakes, we will focus on the most popular options for cooking in a frying pan. It's fast, simple and delicious. Just 20 minutes and it’s on your table hearty dish- fragrant curd cheesecakes!

The simplest recipe for cottage cheese pancakes in a frying pan. To prepare the dish you only need a few ingredients. This is the cottage cheese itself, sugar, flour and eggs. A great option for a delicious and quick breakfast!

Required ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese - 180-200 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Flour - 40-55 g;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Knead the cottage cheese with a fork, add sugar to it, and grind the mass with a fork. Then beat in the eggs and mix thoroughly. Add flour and mix until smooth. The dough should not be too dense or, conversely, liquid.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, then reduce the heat. We form balls from the cottage cheese and squeeze a little.

Sprinkle cottage cheese pancakes with flour. Fry on both sides until golden brown. Serve with sour cream or condensed milk.

Airy cheesecakes made from cottage cheese with semolina


  • Cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Semolina - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Vanillin;
  • Flour for dredging;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.


Mash the cottage cheese and add sugar, semolina and vanillin. Mix thoroughly and wet hands Form balls, roll in flour and fry in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Classic cottage cheese pancakes

In this recipe for cheesecakes, all the ingredients are selected in such a way that the cheesecakes turn out very fluffy and do not fall apart during the cooking process.

In order for the curd mass to acquire the desired consistency, you should add a little flour, and vanillin is also used for flavor.

You can add sugar to taste, but it’s still better not to over-sweet it.

Required ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Flour - a couple of spoons;
  • Egg;
  • Vanillin;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • 3-4 g of salt (half a teaspoon);
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Mix cottage cheese with sugar and egg. Add vanillin, salt, flour and mix well. Form small balls from the dough and press them lightly to form flat cakes.

Lightly roll each cheesecake in flour. Place the cheesecakes on a preheated frying pan. Fry in oil on each side until done. Serve for breakfast with sour cream.

Cottage cheese with butter


  • 500 g cottage cheese,
  • 1/2 cup flour,
  • 1 egg,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar,
  • 30 g butter,
  • 1 cup sour cream, salt.


Grind the cottage cheese well in a bowl, add flour (leaving some to dust), egg, sugar, salt and mix thoroughly. Roll the mass into a thick rope with a diameter of 5-6 cm, cut crosswise into equal pieces the thickness of a finger.

Dip them in flour and fry in a frying pan with butter. Serve sour cream or jam separately with the curd cheesecakes.

Recipe for cheesecakes with sour cream


  • 500 g cottage cheese,
  • 250 g flour,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 250 g sour cream,
  • 100 ml. vegetable oil,
  • 3 g soda,
  • 100 g powdered sugar,
  • vanillin,
  • zest of 1 lemon,
  • salt.


Thoroughly mix cottage cheese with eggs in a bowl, gradually add flour, vanillin, salt, baking soda and lemon zest in portions. Divide the resulting mass into 10 equal-sized cakes, making a round hole.

Fry the cheesecakes in a hot frying pan with butter, browning on both sides, place on a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve with sour cream.

Cheesecakes in a frying pan with carrots


  • 500 g cottage cheese,
  • 2-3 carrots,
  • 40-50 g butter,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of semolina,
  • 1 egg,
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar,
  • 0.5 cups wheat flour,
  • salt.


Peel the carrots and grate them. Melt 20-30 g of butter in a frying pan, put carrots in it, add half a glass of water and simmer until tender.

Gradually add semolina, heat the mixture, stirring, until the semolina swells. Then cool the mass and mix with cottage cheese, egg, sugar, flour.

Form cheesecakes from the resulting mixture and fry them in a frying pan with butter.

Cottage cheese pancakes like in kindergarten

Semolina cheesecakes are very often prepared for children, and adults are not averse to enjoying such a delicious breakfast in the morning. These delicious cheesecakes are no more difficult to prepare than any other cheesecakes. Thanks to semolina, the structure of the cheesecakes is tender and soft.

Required ingredients:

  • Egg;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Sugar - 45-65 g;
  • 2.5-3 tablespoons of semolina;
  • Salt;
  • Two spoons of sour cream;
  • A little flour.

Cooking method:

First, mix cottage cheese with sour cream, then add sugar to taste, salt and one egg. Then add the semolina, stir all the ingredients, leave the mixture for a few minutes so that the cereal can swell. After this you can add flour.

Mix all ingredients with a spoon or mixer. Heat a frying pan with oil. Spread the curd mixture with a tablespoon. Fry the curds on each side until golden brown.

Cottage cheese pancakes with potatoes and raisins


  • 500 g cottage cheese,
  • 8-9 potatoes,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2/3 cup of fat sour cream,
  • 1 glass of flour,
  • 60 g butter,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of seedless raisins,
  • salt.

How to cook cheesecakes with raisins and potatoes in a frying pan:

Sort the raisins, rinse and dry. Peel the potatoes and boil in salted water. Rub or mash the finished potatoes, mix with cottage cheese, add egg, wheat flour (100 g), sugar, salt, raisins and mix well.

Form flat cakes from the potato-curd mixture, roll them in the remaining flour and fry in oil until golden brown. Serve with sour cream.

Recipe for cheesecakes with apples

Another option for making cottage cheese and fruit cheesecakes is cheesecakes with apple. The dish has a pleasant fresh taste, and such curds remain juicy longer. This recipe should be included in cookbook any housewife.

Required ingredients:

  • A kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • 2.3-2.5 cups flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 apples;
  • Half a glass of sugar;
  • Soda - 4-5 g;
  • A little salt;
  • Vanillin;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs with sugar, vanilla, salt and soda. Mix the mixture with cottage cheese. Peel the apples and cut out the seeds. Grate the apples on a coarse grater, squeeze out the juice and add to the cottage cheese, stir everything with a mixer.

Gradually add flour to the curd mixture. Heat a frying pan with oil. Reduce the heat and begin spooning out the mixture. Fry the curds until golden brown. Serve apple cheesecakes with sour cream and sugar.

Recipe for Kiev-style curd cheesecakes


  • 500 g cottage cheese,
  • 150 g flour,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 75 g sugar,
  • 75 g jam,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of raisins,
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of wheat bread for breading,
  • 80 g butter,
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar,
  • 100 -150 ml. sour cream,
  • vanillin, salt.


Rub the cottage cheese, add sugar, eggs, salt, flour, vanillin dissolved in water, mix. Boil sorted, washed and dried raisins with jam until thick and cool.

Form round cakes 57 mm thick from the curd mass, place minced jam and raisins on them, pinch the edges and form oval-shaped cheesecakes.

Dip them in egg and bread them in white breading made from wheat bread. Fry the cheesecakes in large quantities fat 2 3 minutes and bring to readiness in the oven. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar and sour cream.

Cheesecakes in a frying pan with figs and nuts


  • 500 g cottage cheese,
  • 100 g flour,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar,
  • 120 g figs,
  • a little peeled walnuts,
  • 60 g butter,
  • 150-200 ml. sour cream,
  • salt.


Rub the cottage cheese, sift the flour, soak the figs and chop finely. Roast the nut kernels and chop finely. Combine the pureed cottage cheese with half the flour, egg yolks, prepared figs and nuts, add salt and mix thoroughly.

Make small cakes from the mixture, giving them a round shape, and roll in flour. Fry on both sides in butter until golden brown; to make the cheesecakes soft and tender, place in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Serve the curds hot with sour cream.

Lush cheesecakes in a frying pan

The softness and fluffiness of cheesecakes depend not so much on the ingredients as on the frying temperature. Even if you take the same amount of ingredients, you will get different cheesecakes each time. This recipe tells you how to make fluffy cottage cheese pancakes.

  • Egg;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Sugar;
  • Baking powder;
  • A little salt;
  • Flour - by eye;
  • Vegetable oil.

Method for preparing fluffy cheesecakes in a frying pan:

Carefully grind the cottage cheese with the egg. Add sugar and mix. Add some of the flour and stir well again. Add a little salt and don’t forget about baking powder.

Sprinkle a little flour on the table or cutting board. Scoop the dough with a spoon and place the balls directly on the flour.

Roll the curds on all sides. Heat a frying pan with oil over high heat. Fry the cheesecakes until cooked on both sides. Serve the dish with sour cream.

Curd cheese pancakes with banana

Fans of new and unusual tastes will definitely love cottage cheese pancakes with banana. An excellent dish for breakfast or dinner, goes very well with honey or powdered sugar. Children will also be delighted with banana cheesecakes in a frying pan.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Egg;
  • Ripe banana;
  • Two spoons of flour;
  • A pack of vanilla;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar - as you like;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Cut the banana into small pieces. Puree in a blender until smooth. Mix banana puree with cottage cheese, sugar, egg and vanilla, add a pinch of salt. Mix the mixture with a blender again. Now gradually add flour, stirring continuously.

The dough should be moderately viscous. If the dough is too dense, the curd cheese pancakes will turn out tough.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Spoon out small flatbreads. Fry until golden brown on each side in a frying pan. Serve cottage cheese and banana cheesecakes with honey or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cottage cheese with dates


  • 300 g cottage cheese,
  • 100 g pitted dates,
  • 1 teaspoon sugar,
  • 100-150 g flour,
  • 1 egg,
  • salt,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of butter.


Wash the pitted dates with warm water, then pour in water until they are covered; cook for 15 minutes. Pass the boiled dates through a meat grinder, add sugar, mix, boil again and cool.

Mix the pureed cottage cheese with the date mixture, add flour, break the egg, salt and mix well.

Roll the curd mass into a thick rope, cut into pieces, bread in flour, giving the shape of round cakes, and fry in fat in a frying pan on both sides.

Chocolate cheesecakes

Cheesecakes made from cottage cheese with cocoa are an excellent treat for children and adults. They turn out sweet and aromatic, and what else do you need for a hearty breakfast and lift your spirits? Cottage cheese with cocoa is very easy to make, try it too!

  • Cottage cheese - 200-250 g;
  • A couple of spoons of flour;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • 1 egg;
  • Cocoa powder;
  • Vegetable oil.

Recipe for delicious and aromatic cheesecakes in a frying pan with cocoa:

Mash the cottage cheese with sugar, add the egg, mix. Add flour and cocoa. Mix the mass thoroughly. We form the dough into curds of the desired shape and size. Heat the oil in a frying pan.

Fry the cheesecakes rolled in flour in a frying pan until cooked on each side. The fire should be medium. Serve chocolate cheesecakes with sour cream.

Recipe for spicy potato curds


  • 500 g boiled potatoes,
  • 400 g cottage cheese,
  • 150 g wheat flour,
  • 70 g sugar,
  • 1-2 eggs,
  • 50 g cinnamon (small raisins),
  • frying fat,
  • salt,
  • grated lemon zest.

How to cook potato cheesecakes in a frying pan:

Peel, mash or wipe the potatoes cooked the day before. Add cottage cheese, a little flour and sugar to the potato mixture, break the eggs and add the spices indicated in the recipe. If the mass is liquid, add a little flour or semolina.

Mix the dough with the currant. Roll up the sausages, cut them into thin slices, sprinkle with flour and fry in hot fat. You can sprinkle them with cinnamon sugar.

Cheese pancakes can be made piquant by using diced hard sausage or fried bacon instead of sugar and currants and seasoning with ground red or black pepper.

Video: the best recipe for cheesecakes in a frying pan

When you want a tasty and quick breakfast, it’s time to cook cottage cheese pancakes in a frying pan. This simple but very tasty traditional dish can be prepared in a matter of minutes; you just need to knead the curd dough, stick on the cheesecakes and fry them. Main secret delicious cheesecakes, of course, good quality cottage cheese. Don't buy obscure cheese products, find natural product or make cottage cheese yourself. Now you can find many recipes for making homemade cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese pancakes can be fried in oil or baked in the oven, both methods are good in their own way, but this time I will talk about the first of them. We can say that this is not the most healthy way, but it is very fast and convenient, plus you don’t always have a stove and oven at hand. For example, at our dacha for a long time there was a small two-burner stove, and it didn’t make me want any less cheesecakes.

Curd cheesecakes, as cheesecakes are sometimes called, are something children really love to eat. Even in kindergartens and schools they are prepared for children for breakfast. And they cooked for us in our childhood, where this love remained.

It is very tasty to eat cottage cheese pancakes with sour cream, jam or condensed milk. Usually these are some kind of sweet additives and sauces, although sometimes the cheesecakes themselves are made with sweet fillings or fruits are baked inside them. And in summer, fresh berries and fruits are perfect.

Classic cottage cheese pancakes - step-by-step recipe for cooking in a frying pan

For those who have never fried classic cheesecakes from cottage cheese, or not very friendly with it simple recipe, I want to first of all show detailed step by step recipe. When you get cheesecakes like this, you get any other variations. So let's see how cheesecakes are prepared according to the simplest recipe.

You will need:

  • cottage cheese 9% - 500 grams (2 packs of 250 each),
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • flour - 2 tablespoons,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • vanilla sugar to taste - 1 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. To prepare delicious cheesecakes, choose good dry cottage cheese. Put it in a bowl and add egg, sugar and vanilla sugar to it. Now you need to grind it all with a fork or spoon until completely homogeneous.

2. The stirred cottage cheese should turn into a homogeneous smooth mass without lumps and egg residues of a pleasant creamy color. You can taste it and evaluate whether it is sweet enough. Some people like to make cheesecakes very sweet and eat them with unsweetened sauces. Now is the time to appreciate it.

3. Now, in order for our cheesecakes not to crumble during frying and to form well into flat cakes, add two tablespoons of flour. You shouldn’t add more if you like juicy curd cheesecakes with a pronounced taste.

4. As a result, you should get a thick elastic mass, from which we will now make cheesecakes. If it is a little runny, you can add another spoonful of flour. This happens if the cottage cheese was not very dry, but soft even before kneading. To make cheesecakes, you need to roll them in flour. To do this, take a small plate and pour a heap of flour. Also place a board rubbed with flour next to it. We will place the formed cheesecakes on it, so that we can then put them all together in a frying pan.

From my own experience, I can tell you that it is better not to put cheesecakes directly into the frying pan. While you are sculpting them, the first ones may already be overcooked, and the last ones will just take their place. It’s difficult to keep track of them, and your hands are always covered in flour and cottage cheese in order to turn them over in time. It’s better to just stick it on and start frying right away. The result will be much better.

5. We begin to form cheesecakes. To ensure they are the same size, measure the curd mass with a tablespoon. Scoop the mixture with a spoon and immediately place it in the flour on a plate. Roll it a little, and now roll it into a ball with your hands in the flour. Then slightly flatten the top into a thick cake. You should not make cheesecakes thicker than your own finger, they will bake worse. On the contrary, too thin ones will lose their juiciness.

6. From these ingredients you will get from 10 to 12 cheesecakes. Place the molded ones on a board and place a frying pan with vegetable oil on the stove.

7. When the oil in the frying pan is hot, add the cheesecakes and reduce the heat to medium or slightly less. Too high a temperature will quickly burn the cheesecakes on the outside, but they will remain raw on the inside. Therefore, it is better to let the fire be weak than vice versa. But it all depends on your stove. The temperature is usually higher on gas, so keep the heat low.

8. When the cottage cheese pancakes in the pan are browned on one side, turn them over and continue frying until the other side is browned in the same way.

9. By this time, family members have already come running to the smell, even if they were still sleeping until that moment. It's impossible to resist. Place the finished cheesecakes on a plate, take out the sour cream and condensed milk and sit down to breakfast while they are still warm.

Impossibly delicious! Bon appetit!

Recipe for delicious cottage cheese pancakes with semolina

Now I will tell the recipes a little shorter so that I have time to describe more delicious options. Moreover, the first recipe for making cheesecakes is quite clear and the rest almost repeat it, with the exception of a few ingredients and techniques. And also secrets. Where would we be without them?

This time we will prepare cottage cheese pancakes with the addition of semolina. The recipe will contain all the other ingredients as in the classic one, but semolina will be added. This will make the cheesecakes tasty, airy and elastic, they will fall apart less.

You will need:

  • cottage cheese 5-9% fat - 500 grams,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • flour - 2 tablespoons,
  • semolina - 2 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon (optional),
  • a pinch of salt.


1. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl and mash it with a fork. I usually use fairly dry cottage cheese in briquettes, so it needs to be kneaded thoroughly.

2. After this, add eggs (or just the yolk), sugar, vanilla sugar and salt to the cottage cheese. Mix it all well, kneading again. This is usually done with a fork because the curd is thick and sticks easily. It's more difficult to do this with a spoon.

3. Now add two tablespoons of semolina and two tablespoons of flour, knead well again. It will turn out like a thick dough. The curd mass should not spread, otherwise it will be difficult to make cheesecakes.

4. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes so that the semolina absorbs the liquid and swells. It will allow the cheesecakes to grip better, affecting the consistency.

5. After this time, prepare a plate with flour for dredging, a board for the finished cheesecakes and place the frying pan on the stove to heat. This is especially important for those who have an electric stove; it takes time to warm up.

6. Scoop the curd mass with a spoon, place it in a flour mound and roll it a little. Dust your hands with flour and form the mixture into balls, then flatten them a little to make flat cakes. Place the finished cheesecakes on a board or second plate sprinkled with flour.

7. The frying pan with oil should be hot by this time. Reduce heat to medium and add as many cottage cheese pancakes as will fit. Fry the rest in a second batch. Place them in such a way that you can easily turn them over.

8. When the cheesecakes are fried on one side, turn them over and continue until done. If they turned out thick and you doubt that they are baked inside, but you are afraid of overcooking them. Then you can remove the frying pan from the heat, put all the cheesecakes in it and cover with a lid. In the residual heat they will cook and be ready inside. This is also a great way to keep them warm until everyone arrives at the table for breakfast.

Cottage cheese pancakes with semolina are ready. They turned out fluffy, rosy and very tasty. Eat for your health!

Cottage cheese pancakes with semolina without flour

The second variation of making cheesecakes with semolina. This time we won’t add flour, and we won’t use it to roll the cheesecakes either. In this recipe we will use semolina instead of flour. These cheesecakes have a very tasty crispy semolina crust. Try this option, maybe you will decide to diversify your cheesecake breakfasts with this recipe.

You will need:

  • cottage cheese 9% - 400 grams,
  • egg yolk - 2-3 pieces,
  • egg white - 1 piece,
  • semolina for cottage cheese - 4 tablespoons,
  • semolina for breading - 100 grams,
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. Mash fresh cottage cheese in a large bowl. It is best to take a fairly dry one, which is packaged in briquettes. Liquid cottage cheese is definitely not suitable, the cheesecakes will spread.

2. Separate the yolks from the whites and put only one white and two yolks into the cottage cheese. Three if the eggs are small.

3. Add sugar, salt and vanilla sugar to the bowl. Stir everything well until smooth.

4. Add four tablespoons of semolina and stir until any lumps disappear. This mass needs to be left for a while so that the semolina soaks. Twenty minutes will be enough.

5. Pour semolina into a plate. Heat up a frying pan with oil.

6. The finished curd mass should be thick, even thicker than. Scoop it up with a spoon or your hands in equal portions. Form into balls and then flatten into thick cakes. Place each cheesecake on a plate with semolina and roll it on all sides.

7. Place cheesecakes in a frying pan and fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

Serve cottage cheese pancakes with semolina and without flour with a variety of sauces and jam.

Curd cheese pancakes without eggs - step-by-step recipe with photos

For those who love real cheesecake flavor, without distracting flavors or additives, you may enjoy the perfect cheesecakes without eggs and flour. They are prepared so simply that there is not even a recipe to write out. It's a little different from the ones I've already shown, but only in better side. Sometimes you want to make just such cottage cheese pancakes and enjoy the taste.

You will need:

  • cottage cheese 9% - 600 grams,
  • semolina - 6 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - on the tip of a knife,
  • flour for dredging,
  • oil for frying.


1. Even just cottage cheese with semolina and without eggs can make plump, fluffy, juicy cheesecakes. Of course, for such a recipe it is worth choosing cottage cheese more carefully. Good, fat, coarse cottage cheese with a very thick consistency is ideal.

Place it in a convenient saucepan or bowl and start rubbing it with a spoon, kneading all the grains.

2. At first, the grains of cottage cheese will actively crumble, but gradually they will begin to stick together into a more homogeneous plastic mass. It is because of this that the cheesecakes will be more tender and will not crumble much. When the curd mass comes off easily from the walls and almost does not crumble, you can stop grinding it.

3. Next, add sugar, salt and semolina to the cheesecakes. If there is no sugar, then you can add a spoonful of honey. You need to add enough semolina to get the proportion: one tablespoon of semolina per 100 grams of cottage cheese. If you have a different amount of cottage cheese, calculate how much semolina you need using this proportion.

All this must be ground again until well mixed.

4. The finished curd mass will be plastic and thick, almost like plasticine. It will not stick to your hands when forming cheesecakes. Pour some flour into a plate and start making cheesecakes. Roll each of them on all sides in flour.

5. Preheat the frying pan over medium heat. Place the cheesecakes and fry them until crusty on both sides.

The finished cheesecakes will turn out perfectly curd-like and juicy. The taste is simply excellent.

It's time to call everyone to the table and start a wonderful meal!

Original cheesecakes with apples or raisins - detailed video recipe

And finally, for dessert, so to speak, delicious cheesecakes with fruit additives. In this case with apples.

The good thing about cheesecakes is that you can add different goodies to them. Many people have probably tried it with raisins, because it’s not at all difficult. The main thing is to soak the raisins and put them in the curd mass when kneading. But I also experimented with dried apricots, apricots, and dried cherries. Each time it turned out very tasty and with new shades. As a result, everyone will have their own favorite fruit filling. And then it will be possible to conduct an experiment with nuts. They are also very tasty and healthy.

Now let’s look at the recipe, which clearly shows how easy it is to prepare delicious cheesecakes with apples.

  • Classic recipe for cottage cheese pancakes
  • Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes with semolina
  • Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes cooked in the oven
  • Lush curd cheesecakes
  • Curd cheesecakes “Banana”
  • Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes with raisins
  • Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes "Chocolate"
  • Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes "Apple"
  • Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes "Carrot"
  • Basic principles for making cottage cheese pancakes

    Syrniki are one of the favorite delicacies of Russians; they are prepared for lunch, an afternoon snack, or as a hearty snack.

    Syrniki are fluffy pancakes on a curd base. The basic recipe for cottage cheese includes the following composition: medium-fat cottage cheese, chicken eggs, granulated sugar and a little wheat flour to create the correct consistency. You can often find a recipe where semolina is added, while excluding flour; or the ratio of semolina and flour is the same. If desired, you can not add flour at all.

    Some housewives, to make the dish fluffy, add baking powder, a little salt or soda to the recipe.

    There are fruit and vegetable cheesecakes; children especially love them. In addition to the basic ingredients, fruit purees, grated apple or carrots are added to the curd dough, which gives the product a special taste and aroma. Experiment - add raisins, prunes, your favorite nuts, vanilla extract or dried apricots to cheesecakes. Add lemon zest or cocoa, you get curd cheeses with a thin lemon aroma or dessert chocolate cheesecakes.

    Mix all the ingredients, form a sausage from the dough and cut into pieces approximately 1 - 1.5 cm thick, give it a round shape using a knife and fry in a deep frying pan with hot water. sunflower oil without smell. The most dietary cooking method is steamed or in the oven, and more quick way- bake the products in the microwave.

    Serve the finished curds with honey, jam, sour cream, condensed milk or pour over your favorite syrup.

    Curd cheese pancakes - preparing dishes and purchasing ingredients

    To prepare curds, you should prepare a large mixing container and a deep frying pan. If you are going to bake them in the oven, prepare a baking sheet and paper.

    The curd dough must be mixed; if necessary (when you need to make, for example, banana puree), use a mixer or blender.

    Even inexperienced housewives can master the process of making cheesecakes, so no special preparation is required. If you use fruits, berries or dried fruits, be sure to wash them thoroughly, peel and chop them if necessary. Mash the bananas with a fork or turn on the blender. Raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates - rinse thoroughly and pour boiling water for 15 minutes, chop. It happens that the cottage cheese is quite wet - place it in cheesecloth and leave to strain to the desired consistency.

    The main component of successful, fluffy cheesecakes is high-quality cottage cheese; it should be moderately dry. If the consistency of the cottage cheese is too wet, the products will simply fall apart; if it is too dry, they will be tough. Here, as elsewhere, you need to stick to the middle. In any case, you can always solve a problem situation - squeeze out the wet cottage cheese or hang it up to drain, and dilute the dry cottage cheese with cream or sour cream. Use fresh cottage cheese medium density and humidity - then your curds will always be at their best.

    What interesting and useful things will professionals in the art of making cheesecakes tell us? Here are some tips:

    1) When adding flour to cheesecakes, do it in small portions and evaluate the thickness of the dough each time. If the mass is too dense, it will make the curd products hard; if it is too liquid, the cheesecakes will simply spread out in the pan. Perfect dough- when it is moderately elastic and does not stick to your hands.

    2) Don't overdo it with sugar! Better later Serve cheesecakes with sweet filling - jam or honey.

    3) To form a tasty crust, fry the cheesecakes in vegetable and butter, mixed in a frame quantity.

    4) To ensure that the curds are crispy and crispy, roll them in flour or semolina before frying.

    5) While preparing the dough, make sure that it turns out homogeneous and smooth, then the cheesecakes will turn out tender.

    6) For cooking more dietary cheesecakes use only the white; for richer and fluffier ones, add only the yolk; the classic recipe, in turn, requires well-beaten eggs.

    7) To make curd products more flavorful, use cinnamon or vanilla extract. Add also apples, dried fruits or berries.

    8) You can add not sugar to the curd dough, but spices, for example, garlic, Provençal herbs, paprika or fresh herbs. You will get a savory curd dish.

    9) Make cheesecakes small round shape- this way they will bake faster and more thoroughly, will turn over easily and will not deform during the frying process. You can use a tablespoon and place small portions of dough onto the frying pan. Cook the curds over medium heat.

    This is the simplest recipe for preparing a delicious and nutritious curd dish - cheesecakes, which is a perfect snack. The most popular products are needed.

    What products are needed:

    Low-fat cottage cheese (200g);

    Eggs (2 pcs);

    Flour (2 tbsp.)

    Sugar (to taste)

    Vegetable oil (about 50 ml)

    How to cook:

    Mash the curd with sugar, add eggs and stir thoroughly. Add flour; it is advisable to sift it, so the products will turn out more airy. The dough should be of medium density. Form round flat cakes, sprinkle them with flour and fry in a hot frying pan on both sides until a delicious golden brown crust appears. Serve with sour cream, fruit, honey and your favorite syrups.

    No2. Classic recipe for cottage cheese pancakes

    These are real cheesecakes, like our grandmothers used to make. Follow the process strictly and you will get fluffy, aromatic, beautiful curds that will not deform during the frying process. Add a little wheat flour to the dough, after sifting it, as well as a pinch of salt and vanilla extract

    What products are needed:

    Medium fat cottage cheese;

    Flour (2-3 tbsp);

    Eggs (1-2 pieces);

    Sugar to taste;

    Salt (0.5 tsp);

    Vanilla extract;

    Sunflower oil (about 50 ml)

    How to cook:

    Mix cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, salt thoroughly. Add vanillin and, stirring gently, add flour in small portions. Do not overdo it, otherwise the products will turn out tough. Make a sausage from the dough, cut into pieces 1 - 1.5 cm thick, sprinkle with flour and place on a well-heated frying pan. Fry on 2 sides until tasty crust. Serve hot.

    No3. Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes with semolina

    Semolina curds have a delicate texture and are perfect for breakfast for the whole family. The cooking process is not particularly complicated, and the taste of the finished products will delight your household.

    What products will you need:

    Medium fat cottage cheese;

    Eggs (1-2 pcs);

    Sugar (2-3 tbsp.);

    Semolina (2 tbsp.);

    Sour cream (2 tbsp);

    A little salt;

    A little flour.

    Cooking process:

    Combine cottage cheese and sour cream, add sugar, salt, and gently beat in the eggs. The number of eggs depends on the moisture content of the curd dough. Next, add semolina, stir and set aside for 10-20 minutes. This is necessary so that the semolina swells and gives the dough the desired consistency. Then add flour, stir, making the mass homogeneous. Using a tablespoon, place the dough in small portions onto a heated frying pan, bake the curd products on both sides, and eat with nuts and fruits.

    No4. Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes cooked in the oven

    This is an ideal recipe for people who eat healthy and follow a calorie regime, count calories or eat only diet foods, since no oil is used in the frying process. The composition of the products is no different.

    What products will you need:

    Dry low fat cottage cheese (400 gr.)

    Flour (0.5 tbsp.);

    Egg (1-2 pcs.);

    Sugar to taste;

    Baking powder;

    Vanilla extract;

    How to cook:

    Combine low-fat cottage cheese, sifted flour, sugar and egg, add salt, add vanilla extract and baking powder. Mix the mixture thoroughly and make equal round-shaped cakes. Place the pieces on a sheet covered with parchment, set the temperature to 160 - 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.

    No5. Lush curd cheesecakes

    In order for the curds to turn out fluffy, it is important to follow temperature regime preparations. Even if the list of ingredients is the same, and the oven temperature is different, the cheesecakes will turn out completely different.

    What products are needed:

    Cottage cheese of medium or low fat content;

    Eggs (1-2 pcs.);

    Sugar (2-3 tbsp.);

    Flour (2-3 tbsp);

    A pinch of salt;

    Oil for frying

    How to cook:

    You will get the most fluffy curd products if you strictly follow the recipe.

    Mix a little flour, cottage cheese, eggs and a little sugar, add a pinch of salt and baking powder. Mix thoroughly to obtain a smooth mass. Next, sprinkle the table with flour, roll the dough and divide into portions. Roll each one in flour, giving it a flat, round shape, and place on a hot frying pan. Fry on both sides over medium heat until an appetizing crust is obtained.

    No6. Curd cheesecakes “Banana”

    Especially for those who like to try everything interesting. These cheesecakes can be prepared for an afternoon snack, breakfast or snack; they go well with chocolate spread, nuts and fruits. Experiment!

    What products are needed:

    Cottage cheese 5 - percent fat content;

    Egg (2 pcs.);

    1-2 bananas;

    Sugar or honey to taste;

    Flour (3 tbsp);

    A pinch of salt;

    Vegetable oil.

    How to cook:

    Grind a banana and prepare puree in any way. Combine ripe banana puree, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs. Add flour, as well as sugar or honey to taste, salt. Mix thoroughly, the dough should be slightly viscous and homogeneous. A blender works well for mixing, but you can also mix by hand. Form the products into a round shape and fry on both sides in a hot frying pan until delicious golden brown. Serve with fruit and whipped cream. Surprise your loved ones with this breakfast.

    No7. Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes with raisins

    Since childhood, we all love curd mass with raisins, and now let's prepare delicious and aromatic cheesecakes with raisins. The dish will turn out incredibly beautiful and appetizing. For additional products, we need semolina and boneless raisins.

    What products are needed:

    Low-fat cottage cheese;

    Egg (2 pcs.);

    Raisins without bones (60 - 100 gr.);

    Sugar or honey;

    Flour (3 tbsp);

    Semolina (3 tbsp.);

    A pinch of salt;

    How to cook:

    Prepare the raisins: wash them, sort them and pour boiling water for 15 minutes, then drain the water and dry the raisins. Eggs, sugar (or honey), vanilla, a pinch of salt - beat at medium speed for 2 -3 minutes. Place cottage cheese and prepared raisins here, stir. Form round-shaped cheesecakes of small thickness and fry them on 2 sides, thoroughly frying each one. Serve the finished dessert with tea.

    No8. Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes "Chocolate"

    Transform regular product can be done very easily - just add cocoa powder and new unusual dessert ready! Chocolate curds will turn out fragrant and rich, be sure to prepare this healthy treat for your family.

    What products will you need:

    Cottage cheese (300 gr.);


    A little sugar;

    Flour (1 - 2 tbsp.);

    Cocoa mass;

    Oil for frying;

    How to cook:

    Mix fresh cottage cheese with sugar, beat in one egg, add flour and cocoa, after sifting through a fine sieve. This will help make the dough for curds homogeneous and without lumps. Roll small flat cakes into a round or oval shape, sprinkle with flour and fry in hot, odorless oil until tender. Decorate the dessert with whipped cream and treat your household.

    No9. Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes "Apple"

    Appetizing and unusual recipe fruit curds, suitable for an afternoon snack, lunch or healthy snack. Children will especially appreciate the taste of cottage cheese. A must-have recipe for your culinary repertoire!

    What products are needed:

    Low-fat fresh cottage cheese (500 gr.);

    Egg; (2-3 pcs.)

    Flour (0.5 tbsp.);

    Juicy apples (2-3 pcs.);

    Baking soda (0.5 tsp);

    How to cook:

    Prepare the apples: wash them, dry them, peel them and chop them on a coarse grater, removing excess juice. Using a whisk or mixer, beat eggs with sugar, add salt, vanillin, soda and grated apple, then sifted flour, make the dough smooth. Place the dough with a large spoon onto a hot deep frying pan, reduce the heat and fry on both sides. Serve with nuts, fruit, sour cream or honey.

    No10. Recipe for cottage cheese pancakes "Carrot"

    A healthy breakfast for good health and a cheerful mood. Carrot cheesecakes are an unusual tomorrow for your family. Treat your loved ones with delicious dishes.

    What products are needed:

    Cottage cheese (2 packs);

    Egg; (2-3 pcs.)
    - flour (2 - 4 tbsp.);

    Juicy carrots (1 - 2 pcs.);

    Salt, vanillin, sugar - to taste;

    Oil for frying.

    How to cook:

    Prepare the carrots - wash them, peel them, and grate them. Mix cottage cheese, beaten eggs, flour, salt and add sugar to taste. Mix with grated carrots, you should get a fairly tight dough. Gently sprinkle the table with flour, roll into round cakes and fry them for 3-4 minutes. A golden, delicious crust will appear - place it on a plate, decorate with fruits, nuts, whipped cream - and welcome to the table.

    Making delicious cottage cheese at home in a frying pan is quick and easy. It is important to know some features and secrets. In this article we detail, with step by step photos we'll tell you how to do it.


    for 24-26 small curds:

    • Cottage cheese— 500 grams
    • Chicken egg- 2 pieces
    • Sugar- 4 tbsp
    • Salt- 1/3 tsp
    • Flour premium - 8 tbsp
    • Vegetable oil- for frying

    How to cook cottage cheese in a frying pan

    1 . Mash the cottage cheese with a fork until it becomes crumbly and fine-grained. Chicken eggs wash with soap and break into a cup.

    2 . Add sugar, salt and stir.

    3 . It is advisable to add sifted flour. Please note that if you use homemade cottage cheese, you will only need 2-3 tablespoons of flour.

    4 . The curd mixture should be soft and sticky, then ready product will “melt in your mouth.” Scoop out the dough with a teaspoon and make a ball out of it.

    5 . After flattening it a little, you get a round cake that needs to be rolled in flour on both sides.

    6 . Fry the curds in a frying pan in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

    Delicious cottage cheese in a frying pan according to the classic recipe is ready

    Bon appetit!

    Add another 0.5-1 spoon of flour, you will get fluffier curds in the pan

    Cottage cheese, or as we are used to hearing in the kitchen, cheesecakes, is an adored dish not only of many adults, but even of our picky children. You can cook them deep-fried or in the oven, in a frying pan or in a double boiler, but only one thing remains unchanged - the benefits of eating this dish are quite great. There are a million cooking options, but the subtleties and secrets are different for everyone, although they can be collected in one article, which is what we did for our readers.

    Secrets and options for making curds from cottage cheese

    Finding out the secret of making delicious cottage cheese from professional chefs is unrealistic, although what does their opinion mean compared to the ability of our mothers and grandmothers to prepare this dish. Here, based on this, we can highlight several secret points for preparing cheesecakes:

    • Before preparing cheesecakes, choose fresh cottage cheese, preferably homemade, and squeeze it well. excess moisture. The less whey remains, the better and more satisfying the final product will be. Moreover, the drier the cottage cheese, the less flour you will have to add to it, which means the healthier the cheesecakes will be.
    • To make the cheesecakes super tender, especially for children, the cottage cheese can be rubbed through a sieve or blended in a blender until smooth. This will make your dish lighter and more pleasant to taste; the consistency of the cottage cheese is very important!
    • To avoid adding flour, be sure to add an egg; depending on preferences and diet, you can add a yolk or white (for those who want to lose weight).
    • Cheesecakes will not turn out whole and fluffy if they contain a lot of sugar, so it is better to add natural flavoring - a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon, banana.
    • Cook with vegetable oil
    • Flour can be replaced with starch, semolina, and ground oatmeal.

    The benefits of cottage cheese

    The beneficial properties of cottage cheese have long been known to everyone. It strengthens our skeletal system because it is rich in calcium, and promotes muscle growth because it contains a lot of protein. It also allows you to lose weight without compromising your health, because it is a light, low-calorie and low-carbohydrate fermented milk product. Cottage cheese and curds contain vitamins B, E, A and D, as well as a set of elements such as magnesium and phosphorus, potassium. Cottage cheese and dishes made from it are especially useful for children, as they fill the body with necessary vitamins and promote normal growth hair and teeth, strengthen blood vessels and improve blood condition.

    History of cottage cheese

    Cottage cheese is considered a national dish of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian cuisine. The exact origin is unknown, but we can say with confidence that in different countries This dish is prepared in different ways. They add flour and starch, semolina as a cocoa sweetener, vanilla, fruits, berries and dried fruits, and also make them salty, with dill and other herbs.

    Cottage cheese is prepared almost the same way everywhere: pressed cottage cheese is mixed with eggs and flour or its substitutes, but the method of preparation is different for everyone. Eastern cuisine suggests baking cheesecakes in the oven or cooking in boiling oil. We are accustomed to traditional frying pans. Cottage cheese is served with condensed milk, especially in Belarus, with sour cream in Ukraine, as well as with jam and honey, as many Russians do.

    Video “Classic cottage cheese recipe in a frying pan”