The most important autumn work in the garden. What to do with your vegetable garden in the fall? Garden and vegetable garden in September. Useful tips for summer residents from an experienced gardener Gardening work in September at the dacha

Work in the garden in September is perhaps the most important for the coming year. Although, with the arrival of autumn, some summer residents feel that the main work is about to end. They say that all that remains is to collect the last part of the harvest, spend it, and you can relax. No matter how it is! More to come the whole complex events without which it is impossible to complete the outgoing season and prepare for the new one.

What work awaits you in the garden in September (cheat sheet for beginning gardeners)

A vegetable garden in the first month of autumn is not a dull piece of land with bare beds. Although the main harvest is already over, there are still ripening crops, and in some beds even some things are sprouting.

And the garden? Just look at his bright autumn colors and branches bent under the weight of filled fruits to understand: everything is just beginning! Delicious apples and the pears are just waiting to be finally picked, processed or stored. So let's roll up our sleeves, get mentally ready and get to work. And then we will rest, satisfied with ourselves and our supplies for the winter.

Work in the garden

During September, it is necessary to completely harvest the entire crop, especially that which is in the ground. If this is not done, there is a risk of losing it due to sudden frosts. Some heat-loving vegetables, such as cucumber, pepper or zucchini, cannot tolerate even slight drops in temperature. Just one cold night and the fruit will spoil. The only thing that remains in the beds until October is late varieties of cabbage. By the way, with the end of summer they stop watering it. So what should you take from the garden?


Tomatoes growing in open ground, are removed immediately. When grown in greenhouses, healthy bushes of this crop can be left until the rainy season. Then, when the air becomes cool and damp, you will have to hurry up with cleaning. Ripe fruits will be canned, while green ones should be placed in a dry place to ripen.

bell pepper

The growth of heat-loving peppers stops at a temperature of 15 degrees. This is the limit at which leaving them in the ground makes no sense. The fruits must be picked with the stalk, otherwise they will quickly dry out and wrinkle. That is, they will lose their attractive appearance. If they will not be recycled soon, then they should be covered with a damp towel or burlap. For what? The reason is the same - so as not to dry out.


Before the first night frosts arrive, it is necessary to remove late cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins. When the temperature drops to zero, the fruits of these crops rot, wither, lose their taste, and are poorly stored. If the zucchini is not quite ripe (the soft stalk will indicate this), it’s okay. They will ripen when picked in any warm room.


Unlike previous plants, this root crop is quite resistant to cold, so it can be left in the beds until severe cold weather. Carrots can easily tolerate light frosts in the soil, provided that the tops are cut off. After harvesting, it is best to store the harvest in the cellar, placing it in boxes with dry sand.

Table beet

The timing of harvesting this root crop depends on the characteristics of the variety, climatic conditions and other factors. Without going into details, it is worth noting that beets are more sensitive to cold than carrots. That is why it is collected a little earlier, at a stable daytime air temperature of 5 degrees. If the beets are collected on time, then there will be no problems with their storage.

Garlic, onion

They also shouldn’t be left in the garden until frost. The signal for harvesting spring garlic is yellowed leaves. It is recommended to collect in dry weather. The heads are carefully lifted with a shovel bayonet, removed from the ground and laid out in an open, ventilated place to dry.

Onions are harvested in the same way. The only rule for both vegetables is that the feathers need to be trimmed away from the root collar. If you cut close to it, the bulb begins to rot.

White cabbage

Late varieties of cabbage are harvested in the last days of the month. It is usually used for pickling, but can also be stored. For long-term storage, the best heads of cabbage are selected, without signs of disease, without mechanical damage, covered with green leaves on top. They are stored in the cellar to dry wooden shelves.

There is another one interesting way cabbage storage The heads of cabbage are literally frozen, leaving them for the winter in unheated veranda. In this state, they can survive until spring, but only if there is no thaw.

September plantings

To grow young greens in the vacant space, three weeks will be enough. Will help speed up the growth of dill, parsley and onion transparencies, which needs to cover the plantings. This will be the last dose of vitamins in the outgoing season.

From about the middle of the month to mid-October, gardeners plant winter garlic. The planting depth for this crop depends on the size of the clove: the larger, the deeper. Small ones - 4 cm, large ones - 6 cm. If the beginning of autumn turns out to be dry, the plantings must be watered.

Soil care

When the garden is free of vegetables, it’s time to clear it of tops, loosen it, and at the same time apply fertilizer. In autumn it is better to refuse mineral fertilizers, which will stimulate the growth of remaining weeds in the ground. But peat, humus or manure are suitable.

Sowing green manure

During the season, the reserves of nutrients in the soil dry up, so immediately after harvesting it is worth thinking about how to replenish them. Fertilizers, of course, will do their job, but this is not enough. September is a good time to remember green manure plants. They have many advantages over organics. Namely:

  • this is the cheapest fertilizer;
  • there is no need to transport to the site;
  • the roots of green manure plants improve metabolic processes in the soil;
  • Some green manures effectively fight harmful microorganisms and weeds.

What to sow in the fall for green fertilizer? Now the most popular among summer residents are rye, phacelia and mustard. Of course, they are unpretentious in care, quickly increase green mass, displace weeds from the garden, and increase fertility.


In autumn, it accumulates in the garden and in the garden. great amount various organic wastes. Just throwing them away would be a real crime. Why get rid of something that you will have to pay money for later? A good owner would never do that. He will collect every last blade of grass and prepare compost.

A compost heap is not a chaotic dump of everything unnecessary, but a special structure created according to certain rules. The site for it is chosen in a shaded, windless place, and the components are laid in layers, as in layer cake. Peat comes first; it will prevent nutrients from leaving the soil. Then sawdust, rotten fruits, mown grass, tops and other plant debris. Then manure, ash and again peat or just soil from the garden. So that the heap does not spoil the site with its appearance, it can be “decorated” with slate or some other material.

September work in the garden

A garden requires no less attention than a vegetable garden. It is in September that activities begin aimed at obtaining a high harvest in next year. First of all, this is preparing bushes and trees for cold weather. But first you need to free late varieties from the heavy burden of juicy sun-filled fruits.

Picking apples and pears

The main task of the gardener is to guess the harvest time. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this, you just need to try the apples. If they're ripe, pick them! In reality, not everything is so simple. The fact is that there is one pattern here: the longer the fruits hang, the higher their taste. But if you miss and collect during prolonged rains or, even worse, after the first frost, then about long-term storage you can forget. They definitely won't stay there for long.

How to choose the right time? Ripe fruits will give a signal themselves. Signs of maturity will be as follows:

  • the appearance of a characteristic color;
  • darkening of seeds (they will turn dark brown);
  • easy separation from the stalk.

Ripe pears and apples come off at the slightest touch. Well, those that are not yet ready to leave the tree, let them hang a little and finally ripen.

Fruit collection begins from the lower branches and gradually rises to the crown. They must be removed carefully so as not to damage them, since fruits with dents and punctures will not last long. The harvest, sorted by size, is placed in boxes with sawdust, and if there is any, the layers are sandwiched with sphagnum moss. To repel mice and rats, elderberry branches are placed on top.

When only foliage remains on the trees, you can remove the supporting branches and hide them in the shed until next year.

Top dressing

It is unacceptable to postpone this procedure until spring. To provide us with a harvest, the plants have spent almost all their strength and now need support. And when else to restore strength, if not before a difficult in winter? Also at the end of September root system Most fruit trees begin to develop intensively, so they need more nutrients.

In autumn, plants can be fed with compost. For each young tree, 30 kg of this fertilizer is enough; 8-year-old and older trees will have to allocate 50 kg each; gooseberry and currant bushes will need 15.

Alternative option– application of manure. Beginning gardeners often make one serious mistake. They fertilize their green pets with fresh manure, which after some time turns into an ammonia mixture, harmful to both plants and soil. We absolutely do not recommend doing this. For manure to become suitable for use, it must rot well, and this is at least 2 years.

Fertilizing in the form of rotted manure is suitable for both pome and stone fruits. It is better to bring it in upper layer, having previously loosened it with a flat cutter. Then it is advisable to mulch the soil with bark, fallen leaves, pine needles or mown grass.


September - the right time in order to ennoble and improve health garden plants by using . This event is especially relevant for old trees, some branches of which have stopped bearing fruit and are interfering with the rest. Need to trim:

  • diseased branches (they have become a haven for pathogens);
  • damaged by pests (most likely, insects laid larvae on them);
  • growing down or inside the crown.

You should leave those that look to the sides and up. These bear fruit much better.

Proper pruning does not cause any harm to plants, stimulates their growth in breadth, and forms the correct crown. Thanks to this agricultural technique, the garden is always in perfect condition.


  • Pine needle extract. Repels moth, moth and spider mite. Two tablespoons of concentrated liquid must be dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  • Camomile tea. Counts reliable protection from caterpillars. A kilogram of inflorescences is brewed in 10 liters of water, then infused for several hours, filtered and diluted 1:3.
  • Wood ash. This product performs two functions at once: it protects against aphids and feeds the tree. The solution is prepared as follows: 500 g of sifted ash is poured into 10 liters of water, brought to a boil and left for a day.

Before processing tree trunks, they must be carefully inspected. We recommend sealing all cracks found with a special putty obtained by mixing clay, straw and cow dung. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers also used this method and were always pleased with the results.

Garden rejuvenation

The first month of autumn is the ideal time to plant new plants. For tree seedlings, planting pits are prepared in advance (at least two weeks in advance). Planting is carried out at the end of September, when they have already accumulated nutrients, their shoots have matured, and their skin has become stronger.

Before planting, purchased berry seedlings are kept in water for at least 5 hours, damaged roots are removed, immersed in a clay mash and only then planted. For those who don’t know: clay mash consists of clay, mullein and water, mixed until semi-liquid. Seedlings from your garden are watered abundantly and carefully dug up with a lump of earth.

All planted plants need to be watered generously, and when the water goes into the ground, the tree trunk circle should be covered with peat.

Caring for flower beds

In September, roses, gladioli, dahlias and other flowers still bloom in the garden.

  • The annuals have already bloomed, so we remove them to make room for other plants
  • At the beginning of the month you can start planting crocuses and blueberries.
  • We take care of perennials that have already bloomed. These are irises, phlox, peonies, begonias. We cut off the withered stems with leaves, dig up the bulbs and tubers, dry them and put them in winter storage. We divide young plants and replant old ones.
  • Towards the end of the month we plant clematis, daffodils, and tulips.
  • We collect ripened plant seeds.

When the last ones bloom garden flowers, you can make them beautiful bouquet flowers, adding the first autumn leaves and rowan branches, or you don’t have to wait for autumn and order a bouquet of flowers from the Megaflowers company.

Lawn care

In September lawn grass It is growing more slowly, but we still continue to mow it. The grass should be no more than 10 cm high under the snow, so we cut it taking into account the timing of regrowth.

  • In autumn it often rains, so we water less often. Overwatering can cause your lawn to fail.
  • Water can stagnate on the lawn, so on heavy soils it is necessary to carry out aeration to a depth of 10 cm - piercing the soil with a pitchfork.
  • We trim the lawn with sand and humus, sprinkle with peat and compost.
  • In autumn, all bald spots and areas with weeds and damage become clearly visible. September is a good time to sow seeds in these areas.
  • If you plan to lay out a new lawn, then this should be done in September and continued in October. Then in the spring there will be less work. To do this, remove the top layer of soil with roots, debris, branches, and plant remains.
  • Collect all withered leaves and grass for composting or distribute them in flower beds - the grass will migrate under the leaf litter.

September brings its own unique flavor to the decoration of the garden: bright summer colors give way to a calm autumn palette, nature is already preparing to relax, giving away all its riches. And, of course, in different parts of Russia temperature regime at this time is significantly different. Therefore, it is advisable to adapt our advice on working in the garden in September taking into account the climatic characteristics of your site.

Greetings, dear readers!

I once already told you about what work needs to be done in the garden in September (, but besides the trees, berry bushes and favorite flowers, most gardeners have their own vegetable garden, greenhouses and hotbeds. Let's talk today about gardening in September And Special attention Let's give it to the land, which has done a good job, and, of course, now we need to take good care of it.

Work in the garden in September

Right now, in September, you should take care of soil reserves for spring for growing seedlings. Don’t put this work off for a long time; fill your containers with the best garden soil mixed with humus and peat. At the end of January, you may need it for sowing seedlings of peppers and slow-growing indeterminate tomatoes.

When finishing harvesting the garden, don’t forget to pull up all the remaining weeds, dig up the beds and flower beds without breaking the clods. Plots of land that have to be redeveloped will also be dug up in the fall. Even if the earth is in blocks, but, saturated with water and then captured by winter frosts, each block will burst and loosen by the time the time comes for spring gardening chores.

We removed the film from the greenhouses and greenhouses - let the frame dry and freeze. We will remove the tomato stems and put them into the fire together with the potato tops, so as not to breed late blight. We will take the pumpkin and cucumber vines into a compost pile and sprinkle them with fluff lime, disinfecting the organic matter from stem rot.

Under tomatoes, as practice shows, healthy soil can be left unchanged for 5-6 years: add fresh soil and humus there every year, and everything will be fine. But cucumbers, although they consume small amounts of nutrients, require loosening materials into the soil every year. And therefore, it is useful for them to add herbal composts, lay heaps of rotting hay, leaves that have fallen from trees and lightly flavored with saltpeter with the addition of ash into the depths of the ridges. Ash contains necessary for plants microelements.

Very good result produces in greenhouses turf soil that has lain in piles for a year. It will produce excellent cucumbers.

The soil in old greenhouses can be rolled out, under the berry fields, and replaced with new soil. If you are not going to change it, use a watering can to pour boiling water over the space between the ridges and the plank sheathing. As a rule, slugs and harmful insects. Boiling water will rid the garden of unpleasant pests. Wooden structures It is useful to whiten greenhouses with lime or iron sulfate. At the same time, it will protect the tree from rotting in the damp, long autumn.

To disinfect greenhouses and still empty cellars, sulfur is used (sold in gardening stores). Light it in a metal container and leave it in a closed cellar or greenhouse. After a day, ventilate.

If the plants under the film in a greenhouse or hothouse were sick in the summer, you need to be careful. Plant protection specialists remind us that after the end of the summer-autumn season, at least once every 2 years, the layer of soil in greenhouses should be removed by 5 centimeters, and replaced with fresh garden soil. In this case, you will remove pathogens of many diseases of tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, cucumbers and other crops. But for adding in orchard this land can be used. However, the most scrupulous phytopathologists recommend keeping this land for 2-3 years without sowing any crops. But I noticed that currants, fed by rolling them out of greenhouse soil, bear fruit generously, produce large berries and strong growth, which is a sign of good soil nutrition and health of the bushes.

The more you do in the fall, the easier it will be in the spring. Conducting gardening in September, when digging ridges, it is necessary to fill the soil with the main dose of fertilizers so that over the winter they evenly penetrate into all soil particles. Organics should not be left on the surface. It is better to lay it at the base of the ridges - the same bean stalks, for example, and lay the earth on top. In spring, such embankments will warm up faster; sow radishes on them, cover them with a portable film frame - you will have the earliest vegetables.

In order for the soil to warm up better in the spring and be ready for sowing faster, we will try to dig up the area well in the fall. I repeat once again that when digging up the garden, when cutting up new areas, try not to break large clods that the shovel will turn out. In winter, the clumps will freeze thoroughly, many pathogens and pests will die, the clumps will warm up better in the spring than a flat bed, and will be ready for processing earlier. When digging the ridges, try to select wheatgrass rhizomes; they grew thicker over the summer and after the rains began to grow again. Collect wheatgrass in buckets. It can be burned at the stake. But you can use wheatgrass as a medicine. A decoction of wheatgrass rhizomes removes excess salts from the body. This good remedy from rheumatism, from inflammation of the respiratory tract, and baths and lotions made from wheatgrass heal the skin. Thus, a tedious task - collecting the rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass - can be filled with a new meaning, no less exciting than the special cultivation of any useful plant Location on.

I hope you liked the article about soil care in the garden in September. I look forward to your feedback. See you later, friends!

September is not the time to rest on your laurels! This month is busy enough for any hard-working gardener! Let's consider the most important work to be completed in September!

Working with trees and shrubs

If shoots are still growing on your fruit trees, then in September it’s time to pinch off their ends. This way they will ripen and overwinter better.

In September it’s time to check whether the budding has taken root on the trees. To do this, just touch the petiole. If it falls off and the bud is green and elastic, then the graft has taken root. If this does not happen, then you can try to re-graft the tree again.

Yellowness of leaves- this is a sign that you need to start planting fruit trees with an open root system.

If the purchased seedlings still have leaves hanging, they must be removed. It is advisable to plant seedlings without leaves at all, so that there is as little evaporation as possible. As for the planting hole, it must be prepared at least a month before planting.

It is good to plant in September conifers. It is important to remember that coniferous plants should always be planted with a clod of soil. Therefore, you should not purchase conifers at spontaneous markets, or with an open root system.

This month is a good time to root woody cuttings of berries and ornamental shrubs, such as currants, gooseberries, derain, mock orange, privet and others. If in the spring some branches from the bush were buried for rooting, now is the time to cut them off from the mother plant and plant them in a permanent place.

September is the time for the next feeding of plants. At this time, you cannot use nitrogen fertilizers, only potassium, calcium and phosphorus. You can buy ready-made Superphosphate fertilizer, which contains nitrogen. But its quantity in this fertilizer is small, it will not cause additional growth and will not cause harm.

Planting strawberries and herbs, preparing vegetables and fruits for future use

September - good time for disembarkation garden strawberries. This will allow you to get your first harvest of delicious berries next year. The main thing is not to plant it in the beds where peppers, eggplants, potatoes or onions grew. It is better to plant it in the place where radishes, lettuce or dill grew.

The beginning of autumn is a great time to get useful harvest vitamin greens. You can have time to grow spinach, lettuce, dill or radishes. They will have time to ripen and bring a lot of health benefits.

For those who want to prepare vegetables and fruits for future use, you need to remember that those rooms where the crops are supposed to be stored must be properly disinfected. It is advisable to whitewash the basements and treat the storage boxes with boiling water and soda solution. This way all possible pests are destroyed.

Working with flowers

Flower growers have a lot of work this month. It's time to remove annual flowers from the boxes and pots where they grew. The earth from the boxes can be sent to compost heap, and the boxes themselves need to be treated with soap or soda with plenty of water, and only after that sent to storage for planting next summer.

September is the time to plant some bulbous crops. These are daffodils, hyacinths or crocuses.
Perennials should also be divided in September. These flowers include astilbe, phlox, carnations, sedum and other flowers except echinacea. This flower divides in the spring.

If at the beginning of summer pets were taken outside flower plants in pots, now is the time to bring them back into the house. At the beginning of autumn, temperatures drop below 15 degrees at night, and this can be disastrous for many of them. But, before bringing it home, it is necessary to check each plant for the presence of pests and diseases, and, if necessary, treat it with appropriate preparations.

In many areas it is already possible to dig up gladioli bulbs. If the region is warm enough, then you can leave this work until the beginning of October.

Popular flowers– peonies lay flower buds for next year in September. Therefore, daily watering is especially important during this period. If the weather is rainy, then their frequency can be reduced to once every 2-3 days. In addition, it would be good to add fertilizer in the form of wood ash, half a glass per large peony bush.

In order to attract birds to your garden to get rid of pests, you need to harvest berries. Suitable varieties include mountain ash, viburnum, hawthorn and decorative apples. All these supplies must be dried in order to be placed in the garden in winter and fed to the feathered helpers.

In September, you should take proper care of fruit trees. Tree trunk circles can be sown with mustard or oats, and also mulched to retain moisture. There is no need to feed trees with nitrogen-containing fertilizers in September. They can cause intensive growth of young shoots that cannot withstand frost. Meanwhile, it would not be superfluous to treat fruit trees against various pests with special preparations.

If you plan to plant new trees or shrubs on your site, prepare planting holes for them in September. On sandy area a layer of clay should be poured onto the bottom, and drainage should be made from stones or construction waste. You can also put well-chopped vegetable waste and nutritious soil.

September is harvest time. As a rule, winter apple varieties ripen at this time. If there are such on your site, the fruits should be carefully removed from the tree and placed in boxes with holes. Perfect option- wooden container.


In September, work is in full swing for summer residents! It is necessary to collect potatoes, cabbage, beets in a timely manner, and also prepare the beds for the winter. Bulgarian must be removed when the air temperature is consistently less than 15 degrees. Pepper hanging on the bushes with such climatic conditions there's no point anymore. It is better to harvest cabbage at the end of September, carrots and beets at the end of the month.

Don't leave the ground bare. In the vacated beds you can sow lettuce, dill or coriander. Believe me, a month before the onset of autumn cold, you will still grow fresh herbs.

Flower garden

In September it is necessary to dig up gladioli. It is better to do this in the third ten days of the month. In addition, at the end of the month you should clean up the flower garden: remove faded flowers and dig up the soil in place of the annuals. It would be advisable to treat rose bushes against diseases. At the end of September you can plant daffodils, tulips, hazel grouse and lilies.

The harvest is still in full swing, and it's time to prepare for the new season. We discuss what work needs to be done in the garden and vegetable garden in September with biologist and agronomist Mikhail Vorobyov

Photo: Anatoly ZHDANOV

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1. Clean up under the trees

This is very important - pests and diseases overwinter in them, which can again infect your trees in the spring. Particular care must be taken to collect leaves and carrion near trees that suffered from scab this season (and these are almost all apple trees in the Moscow region due to rainy summer), powdery mildew.

2. Trim dry branches and feed the trees

Serious pruning of trees and shrubs should be done in the spring. But now it is important to get rid of dry branches - most likely, diseases nest in them.

If autumn is rainy, then trees and shrubs do not need additional watering. But fertilizing is necessary - now the plants need phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: superphosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium chloride (it is advisable to use it only in the fall) or regular wood ash. The main thing is that after you add them to the soil, cover them with soil, at least go over them with a rake so that there is a layer of soil on top of the fertilizers and be sure to water them, because plants consume nutrients only in liquid form.

3. Cultivate a garden strawberry bed

If you didn’t have time to do this earlier, the beginning of September is the time to cut off the mustache (if you don’t need it for propagation of strawberries) and dry, yellowed leaves. There is no need to “shave” the bush at all: green leaves and buds are an important part of the future harvest. Before frost, the strawberry bushes will still have time to grow green leaves, which will help them survive the winter, and in the spring they will lay good harvest. Strawberries, like trees, now need to be fed phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, because the end of summer - the beginning of autumn is the time when flower buds are laid, which means the harvest of 2018 is formed.

4. Sow green manure

Sow green manure on the freed land - mustard, phacelia, wheat, rye. They will grow by the cold weather, but will not have time to bloom. And already in October, dig up the soil along with the plants. This will improve the health of the earth and enrich it with organic matter. Perhaps this is the most important point of work in the garden in September. By the way, potatoes grow well after mustard, because its hot essential oils repel the famous potato pest - wireworm.

5. Take care of the flowers

You don’t need to water the roses anymore so that they have time to prepare for frost and stop growing. Tear off the lower leaves, pinch the upper young shoots. If September is too rainy, you can put a plastic canopy over them to prevent the trunk from rotting near the ground, otherwise the plant may die. Just don’t wrap the bushes up, leave the ends open.

At the end of September, you can dig up the begonias, trim the stems, dry the tubers well and put them in boxes, sprinkled with peat. Store in a cool place until April.

If autumn is dry, water peonies regularly and also feed them with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Unlike everyone else ornamental plants, propagation of peonies by dividing bushes is best done in September.

Mid-September is the time to plant tulip bulbs. Optimal temperature soil for them better rooting- 5-7 degrees. If it rains constantly, this is good - the plantings no longer need to be watered. Early varieties can be planted under fruit trees if there is not enough space in the dacha. Tulips prefer neutral, light ground. If the soil is clayey, then before planting it needs to be dug up with peat, sand or compost.

Do not press tulip bulbs when planting! Their bottom (the place where the roots develop) will be damaged and the plant will die. Tulips are planted in grooves or holes, the bottom of which is filled with loose soil. Planting depth depends on the size of the bulb. To determine it use simple formula: bulb height multiplied by 3.

At the end of September, trim the peduncles of herbaceous perennials - bells, delphiniums, columbine, etc. It is important to trim the peduncles themselves, but not the leaves near the ground - from them the roots continue to receive the nutrition necessary to overwinter normally.


Replant lilies and daylilies if they are sick

Summer residents of the Moscow region showed off this summer lush flowering lilies and daylilies. They say they didn’t care about the July rains, but the warm August allowed them to open up in all their glory.

If you still don’t see beauty in your area, perhaps your lilies have had too much water. This is noticeable by the browned leaves and small flowers that bloom sluggishly and reluctantly. This means that it is better to transplant your beauties to another place, simultaneously dividing the roots. In general, daylilies are long-lived and can grow in one place for 10-15 years. Lilies need to be replanted more often - once every 5-7 years, separating the bulbs.

After flowering, cut off the tops of daylilies, carefully dig up the roots (the diameter of daylily roots can be up to a meter if the bush is old and large). Rinse thoroughly, perhaps with water and potassium permanganate, to disinfect the roots from possible diseases. As a rule, it is visible to the naked eye where the intertwined roots can be separated - divide them into 3-4 parts and plant them in a permanent place.

Lilies can begin to degenerate if there are too many babies on the corm. Also, carefully dig up the bush, inspect the bulb - if it is covered with small children, then they are the ones who are drawing off the main nutrition, do not let the lily bloom luxuriantly. They need to be carefully separated and planted in a separate bed of “young growth”.