The most comfortable dressing rooms. Dressing room in the living room - Useful use of space in the best interior (85 photos). In the men's dressing room, everything is strict and systematized.

Walk-in closet is capable of solving many problems in the house, because with its help it is much easier to maintain order in the home, choose clothes in the morning, and organize the storage of out-of-season items. This is an excellent replacement for any, including the most expensive and sophisticated wardrobe. Here you can arrange a cozy corner with a dressing table, a sofa and even a fireplace, if the space of the room allows. Using modern ones is easy and convenient, but in order to create a truly functional and beautiful room, you should carefully approach each stage of arranging a dressing room. Today, the specialists of the Phobos Furniture company will tell you what materials can be used to decorate the walls in a storage unit, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Plastic panels

Last time plastic panels often used for wall decoration. Main positive aspects of this material are:

  • decorativeness - the huge variability of color, shape and texture allows you to bring to life the most unique wardrobe design projects;
  • ease of installation - even an untrained person can cope with the installation of panels;
  • affordable price;
  • do not accumulate dust;
  • unpretentious in care.

But such panels have a negative quality: they do not allow air to pass through at all. The walls stop “breathing”, and therefore good ventilation will be needed.

Wooden panels

Wood always remains a noble material with many advantages in use:

  • natural, environmentally friendly material;
  • durability;
  • safety;
  • attractive appearance;
  • practicality.

But experts warn that experienced wood trimmers should work with wood, because it is a delicate and “vulnerable” material. One chip and all the beauty is gone. And the cost of such material is very high, so you can afford to decorate the walls wood panels Not everyone can do it.


A material as safe, natural and attractive as wood, but more affordable. Enough to lubricate the walls special glue and fix cork material to the walls.

Disadvantages include the fragility of the material.


The advantages of painting the walls of the dressing room are:

  • efficiency;
  • ease of application;
  • the ability to easily modify the design, texture of the walls, and experiment with colors.

Modern paints can be used in any room, incl. residential, because they are completely safe for humans.


The most common way to paint the walls in a dressing room is to wallpaper them. Positive qualities This material has more than enough:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • the opportunity to create real masterpieces;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • attractive appearance, etc.

Fragility is the only drawback of this material, if we're talking about about the cheapest paper wallpaper. Vinyl, bamboo, paintable - all these types are not inferior in durability to other finishing options.

Use your imagination and get creative to create a truly attractive, original and comfortable dressing room in your home.

Do you want to create a stunning and incredible wardrobe design? Elementary! See how you can make dressing rooms with your own hands - in the photos presented on our website.

As stated in one of the popular TV series “Sex in big city", for divorce there is a very important reason- small wardrobe.

Of course, earlier, back in Soviet time, from residents typical apartments Literally every corner counted, and people were incredibly happy about it. As for modern times, people here are already accustomed to much larger volumes and square footages of useful and living space, which makes it possible to introduce innovations in the matter of design in real life. Yes, already for a long time Such a modern issue as organizing a dressing room is quite relevant.

In general, any locker room is a room that can be different sizes. All personal clothing is stored in it.


  • Order in personal belongings.
  • Plenty of space.
  • Finding things in plain sight (there is no need to rummage through things to find something).
  • Personal belongings are hidden from the eyes of people coming to visit, for example.
  • A small dressing room takes up little space.
  • To organize a locker room, you can use, for example, the space under the stairs, if available.
  • An excellent opportunity to disguise any imperfections on the walls.

In fact, any dressing room, and even more so a well-organized one, will be a real paradise for both men and women.

Wardrobe room projects

Locker rooms can be open or closed - these are their main types. Let's take a closer look at them.

Open view

This type involves decorating the dressing room so that it continues the interior and does not use partitions or doors.

The advantages of such a dressing room:

  • Personal belongings are always at hand and in sight.
  • If the apartment is small, such a dressing room can be organized quite easily and conveniently.
  • Despite the fact that the original storage system is designed, the room remains quite spacious visually.

At the same time, there are also disadvantages:

  • Things are in plain sight for everyone, even visiting guests.
  • All things must and always be in order in order to maintain aesthetics in the interior of the room.

Closed view

The location of the locker room is in a special niche or in general, in separate room, fenced with doors or a screen.

Advantages of this type:

  • The living space is not littered with personal belongings and shoes, as well as various accessories.
  • Even if you had no time to put things in order, no one will notice it, since everything is hidden.
  • If the dressing room is large enough, you can fit absolutely all the personal belongings of even a very large family.
  • There is quite a lot of space, thanks to which everything can be arranged very ergonomically.
  • Even in a not very large closed dressing room, you can try on outfits, iron them, or just get ready to go out and not disturb any of the family members at all.

But if you hang a mirror there or even put a dressing table, then the room can be turned into a full-fledged toilet room.

Also, such a room has its disadvantages:

  • To organize it, you need to think about the location in advance.
  • It is also important to consider additional lighting for the dressing room.
  • It is important to take into account the fact that the room or apartment as a whole will visually look smaller due to the organization of a closed dressing room in it.

Wardrobe room layout

Despite the fact that this is a rather personal and, to some extent, even intimate space, and only you should decide how exactly to decorate it, there is still a certain design plan for such rooms. It can be: angular; linear; U-shaped; parallel.

Corner layout type

This type is perfect in every room. Most often they are made open. To implement this type of layout, it is important to use open types shelving, different shelves. And if you looked at our photos, you probably noticed how original dressing rooms are decorated with Ikea furniture. It’s just that they contain a variety of “honeycomb” baskets, perfect for medium-sized items, for example, sweaters or T-shirts.

A corner layout is appropriate if at least two people live in an apartment or house. After all, here not only can two people dress at the same time, without at all interfering with one another, but it is also very convenient to allocate for each family member “their own part” for storing things so that they are not all mixed up.

Linear type of layout

The easiest way to organize a storage system. To organize this layout, you will need to allocate 1 wall, and the room itself can be open or closed. As you can see in the photos of dressing rooms presented on our website, they are very visually reminiscent of sliding wardrobes.

The linear type of layout can be done most in an economical way. To do this, approximately 3/5 of the upper part of the wall remains “for hangers”, and the bottom, 2/5 of the part, is decorated with chests of drawers, which should have drawers and shelves for shoes (preferably open ones).

U-shaped type of layout

The most suitable layout for closed type a dressing room in a separate room or at least in a niche. Here, of course, you can use whatever you want to decorate the room. For example, the same special stand for trousers or ties, etc.

But don't forget about the lighting here. Otherwise, the room will be very dark, and it will be practically impossible for you to find anything in it.

Parallel type of layout

Organizing this type is quite simple, but you need to have space in the room. The layout consists in the fact that two similar storage systems are placed opposite each other, thus duplicating one another. But here you should take into account the required distance. After all, if the systems have hinged doors or drawers, then the distance between the systems should be a minimum - the size of an open door or a fully extended drawer, plus another 50 cm for the person who will choose the item. Otherwise, if this is not taken into account, you or your family members will constantly experience some discomfort.

Enough original idea divide large room, placing in the center her wardrobe system, which has entrances from different sides.

  • Linear and angular – 2 square meters
  • U-shaped and corner - 3 square meters
  • U-shaped and parallel - 4 square meters

Space for a dressing room

A private house

You are lucky enough to build yourself own house? Then, even when creating its project, you can plan and provide a dressing room. Its best location is near the master bedroom. Well, if the family is large enough, then you need to think about its location, which will be convenient for each family member.

Well, if such a place was not provided in advance, then the dressing room can be organized directly under the stairs, if the house is not one floor; in one of the wide corridors; behind the bed or in the attic.

For apartment

Of course, if the apartment is of such a design, like a Khrushchev-era apartment, or this is what it is, then it is clear that a dressing room was definitely not provided for in it from the very beginning. However, even if the apartment is very small, but you intend to arrange a dressing room in it, you need to think about where to place it. You can find, for example, a video on the Internet about how to make a dressing room from a closet. You can also use a niche or fence off a certain part of the room.

To enclose a locker room in an apartment, you can use sliding doors, a screen or curtains.


Materials used

One of the basic rules of any dressing room is its functionality. Often, modules perform it from wooden elements, well, if we consider more inexpensive options, then you can use materials such as chipboard or MDF.

As for the doors, they can be made of special glass, so you can always see what is behind it. “Honeycomb” baskets should be made of plastic. And the holders on which the hangers will hang are made of metal.

Take into account the fact that small dressing rooms are best decorated with light colors!


This should be done in any room intended for storage, especially if it does not have windows.

Can be hung central ceiling chandelier, but still more practical is the arrangement of local lighting.

If you have an open dressing room, it is important to install a light panel right behind the hangers. You can see what it looks like in our photos.

You shouldn’t skimp on lamps here either. After all, it is mainly textiles that are found here. And if you choose LED light bulbs, they will protect the entire house from fire, which is possible when using conventional light bulbs.

Locker room style

Of course, if an open dressing room is a continuation of the entire room, then it should definitely be decorated to match the main style of the entire room.

When the locker room is closed and separated from the rooms by a door, curtains or screen, then you can quite easily dream up your imagination in the matter of its design.

Definitely the advantage of a closed storage room is that there is no need to show it to anyone. This is what influences the fact that it can be designed, first of all, practical and functional, without taking into account style and fashion. Therefore, it would be absolutely appropriate to decorate this room in a loft, classic, minimalist style.

The wardrobe room is that part of your apartment that will help you properly organize the storage of things in your home, so this action must be approached with all seriousness, and include creativity and imagination. A closet can help you get rid of the accumulation of junk and clutter in your living rooms, and become an absolutely useless place in the apartment, in which there is absolutely no convenient organization and which does not carry the slightest functionality. You will not find a single woman whose dreams do not include a home with a huge dressing room, where everything is laid out on shelves and hung on hangers, where each item has its own place and, at the same time, they are all within easy access.

Creating a dressing room in a room is the most common option in Russian apartments, since developers usually do not provide a special place for storing things.

Regardless of the size of the bedroom, you will certainly find a place to arrange, for example, U- and L-shaped wardrobe options in it. This is much more functional than buying a regular cabinet, even if it is quite large in size.

At its core, a dressing room is the same closet, but it is not a piece of furniture, but a separate space for organizing the storage of clothes, shoes and other things.

It can and should contain storage space:

  • Outerwear;
  • Blankets, pillows that you use when guests come to you, as well as those that you do not use this season;
  • Bags, suitcases;
  • Accessories, jewelry, belts and ties;
  • Hats;
  • Shoes;
  • Underwear;
  • Stocks of care products for clothing, shoes, body, hair and so on;
  • Means and equipment for cleaning the premises;
  • Will fit an ironing board and iron;
  • Other items that need to be hidden from view.

A women's or men's compact dressing room is designed to systematize and organize the storage of things in such a way that they are all easily accessible, so that, if necessary, spend as little time as possible searching for and using a specific household item or clothing.

Most best option to organize a dressing room in a room - this is a bedroom. This is exactly the place where people usually create their image before leaving the house. In it we select an outfit for the coming day, and also put it in the appropriate form: iron it, get rid of other imperfections.

It is necessary to carefully consider the lighting in the dressing room.

It is necessary to build a frame and assemble structures, arrange comfortable lamps of a color that most clearly show the true appearance of the items of clothing, and create lighting that is as close as possible to natural, like in front of a window. Do not buy lamps of green, yellow and other shades that distort the perception of things.

Install light sources so that in the mirror you can see yourself equally well from all sides, and shadows do not interfere with seeing every detail of your image.

Wardrobe part of the room: how to arrange it

The dressing room needs drawers, shelves, hangers, and racks.

Consider how the dressing room part of the room will be separated from the living space:

  1. Ideally, you need a partition with large mirrors in which you can see your outfit in its full glory, and also notice flaws, if any. Another advantage of the dressing room and the large mirror on the partition is visual increase space of the room. Designers often use this technique in their work.
  2. Also excellent and economical solution will create a partition from thick curtains in white decor. They will divide the bedroom into 2 parts and can become bright accent in the interior of the apartment. Decoration - choose curtains with a suitable style ( beautiful pictures and patterns) design, and they will undoubtedly attract the admiring glances of guests and household members.

If your bedroom area is large enough, you can fence it off so that you can move freely inside the dressing room. This option has undeniable advantages. Inside you can lay out a fluffy carpet and install an ottoman for changing shoes.

Remember that the dressing room part of the room should ideally combine with its main part and echo the interior and style of the apartment.

Be sure to make a dressing room part of the room from floor to ceiling. Use space that you can't reach without standing on a chair to store blankets, pillows, out-of-season clothing, and other rarely used items. this period time of things.

If you need a dressing room

Do you think that dedicating only part of the bedroom to a dressing room is not enough? Then dedicate a whole room for this purpose! Of course, about 10% of the Russian population can afford this option. This part of the article is specifically for them.

It is most rational to use the smallest room in your house or apartment for a dressing room. However, this is far from being a rule, since the decision depends only on your individual needs and desires.

It is much easier to arrange a dressing room in an entire room than in part of it. Distribute storage spaces in a U shape - from the point of view of saving space, both physically and visually, this rectangle or square is the most optimal.

When organizing your closet, use the following tips:

  • It is necessary to make as many diverse storage systems as possible: shelves, drawers, baskets, boxes, niches for storing clothes on hangers;
  • Provide space for a chair or pouf;
  • Lay a soft carpet: it will not only complement the interior, but also be pleasant and give coziness and good mood subject.

Remember that installing mirrors has its pros and cons: on the one hand, they are good method visual expansion such a limited space, and on the other hand, they will become a surface for the accumulation of dust and untidy prints, so it is important to regularly monitor the condition of mirror surfaces.

Building an entire dressing room is quite a difficult task for a person who is not professionally involved in such activities. Don’t hesitate to contact designers, and don’t waste money on it!

What you need for a dressing room

If you decide to produce a dressing room yourself, you will have to take into account a large number of nuances (installation, depth of shelves, etc.). First of all, you need to select the material from which the dressing room will be manufactured, constructed and decorated. Most often, wood or plastic is used.

So, you should purchase (the filling of your wardrobe and its modern components):

  • Board, in quantity and size that you have previously determined and calculated;
  • Baskets and boxes installed in ready-made niches;
  • Accessories;
  • Fastening materials, as well as screwdrivers, screwdrivers and other auxiliary equipment;
  • Choose the color of the wallpaper on the walls or even the ceiling, and other classic elements of the dressing room design.

You may also need other tools and items for such an important task as creating a dressing room.

How to create a dressing room

In the end, you decided to create your own walk-in closet from start to finish.

What stages do you need to go through to implement your plan:

  1. Start by creating a project and sketch. To do this, take the most accurate measurements of the space intended for the dressing room. Measure the height, length and width of the room. Decide how deep the shelves will be, as well as their exact location in the overall layout of the closet.
  2. Then calculate what materials and in what quantities you will need. We advise you to make the shelves deep, and also make limiters for them in order to prevent things from falling.
  3. According to the plan, calculate the quantity necessary accessories and fastening elements.
  4. Purchase materials, fittings and fasteners in accordance with the calculations. We advise you to purchase these items with a reserve, since if you have to buy them in addition, then often identical materials from different production batches may not match exactly enough in color and texture.
  5. After you have done the main work of installing the boards or other materials that make up the frame of the dressing room, finally think over the interior of the room.
  6. Buy curtains, mirrors, rugs, poufs, and other functional items at your discretion.
  7. Complete the interior of your dressing room with decorations that match the style of your apartment. You can paint boards and doors with any colors, and also place stylized drawings on them.

Creating a dressing room on your own can be very difficult. Must have basic engineering knowledge and design ability.

Options for dressing rooms: the best examples and samples

There are many options for dressing rooms.

As a dressing room, as part of a room, we can distinguish:

  • Corner dressing room;
  • A dressing room that occupies the entire wall, like large closets;
  • A dressing room, like a “room within a room”, with space for passage inside;
  • Parts of the storage system located separately from each other (many cabinets, shelves, drawers, between which there may be, for example, a niche for a TV);
  • Dressing room under the stairs.

Types of dressing rooms, like entire rooms:

  • A regular dressing room with right angles or radius options;
  • Dressing room in the attic or attic.

Which option to choose is up to you, depending on the number of rooms, their area and your financial capabilities.

Wallpaper for the dressing room

The choice of wallpaper for a dressing room should also be approached thoroughly. They create big picture, style and interior of a room and apartment.

You may want to pay attention to:

  1. Pastel shades. This option is right for you if you don't like flashy designs. Also pastel shades are universal, and their use does not require serious design skills.
  2. Wallpaper with a repeating pattern. Such wallpaper is suitable for a dressing room, since they usually don’t spend much time in this room, and the pattern rarely gets boring.
  3. Photo wallpaper can become a bright element of the interior and design of an apartment, giving certain style and even luxury.

Select wallpaper based on your wishes and the opinions of your household.

Original dressing room between rooms: example and design

Making a dressing room between rooms is not the best layout option. It is most convenient if the dressing room has one entrance in the middle of the wall.

Try to make the most of the wall space between rooms from floor to ceiling, following the above rules. Be sure to make doors or curtains so that the inside of the shelves is not visible to strangers.

Wardrobe room options (video)

If you have the right remodeled dressing room design, then we wish you good luck with this important matter how to organize storage of things!

Every residential property owner is faced with the need to find storage space. outerwear, everyday items and other items. Optimal is a separate dressing room that fits perfectly into the space and also has optimal sizes and high functionality. Often only small dressing rooms can be made, since in standard apartments it is impossible to allocate too much space to this. At the same time, it is important to carry out repairs competently, install ventilation and provide high-quality lighting and content so that the structures can be used conveniently.

Initially, it is important to understand what is good and bad about a small dressing room. The advantages of organizing this room include:

  • a separate space is created for storing various items and clothing, and during the work process various unique ideas for the location of storage areas and decoration can be implemented;
  • various unattractive and unnecessary elements are hidden in closed space, so they do not spoil the interior of other rooms, and are also kept in order;
  • even in the room small size you can optimally and well arrange all the elements, so you won’t have to spend a lot of time and effort searching for items;
  • due to the use of small-sized dressing rooms special systems storage, ensures that all clothing and other items are neatly and attractively arranged.

Since the room is too small, it will not be possible to install all the desired elements for storing items and decorating the room.

The disadvantages include the fact that small rooms It is impossible to position an ironing board or a large mirror, therefore their functionality is reduced. The organization of limited space must be carried out taking into account certain rules:

  • it is undesirable to use big chandelier for a small wardrobe to save money ceiling space, That's why optimal solution are considered built-in on the ceiling Spotlights;
  • It is recommended to use light shades for a dressing room in a small apartment, which will visually increase its space;
  • arrange the room so that the shoes are located at the bottom;
  • items that are used frequently or daily are installed in wardrobes at eye level;
  • To avoid losing all items, it is recommended to use special wardrobe systems, where the neat arrangement of all items in perfect order is ensured;
  • using ideas that involve installing an ottoman in a small room, dressing table or a sofa is considered optimal, however, this furniture should be small in size and should also fit well into the interior;
  • for a small dressing room, you need to determine in advance the number of shelves, and they must correspond to the clothes that will be placed on them;
  • To save space, sliding or swing doors are used.

If you plan to additionally store shoes in a small room, then special narrow cabinets located on the floor of the room will certainly be used for them.

Selecting a layout

Layout the room with your own hands small size is considered a rather complex process. It is important to think over the proper placement of each piece of furniture so that there are no problems with finding this or that clothing, and there should also be free space for changing clothes.

The most popular furnished layouts:

  • corner dressing room - considered ideal solution for limited space. Small room with such a layout it will be comfortable and multifunctional. Most often the interior contains a large corner cupboard. There are a lot of compartments here, and each of them has its own purpose. Due to this layout, there is space left at the entrance to the room, so it can be effectively used for changing clothes;
  • n-shaped layout - a do-it-yourself dressing room is often created with this arrangement of different storage systems. This option is suitable for rooms with an elongated shape. It is very easy to use such a small dressing room, the photos of which are presented below;
  • elongated layout - it usually involves installation various items interior along one wall of the room. Regardless of their size, all storage systems are easy to use.

Corner layouts are considered the most optimal, since a certain angle is used here, which remains unused for any purpose in other options.



Where to place

Most often, small apartments do not have rooms used as dressing rooms. Therefore, the question arises of how to arrange this room. Various options can be used for this:

  • refurbishment of a storage room - this room is usually used only for storing unnecessary items, so a DIY dressing room would look perfect here. You don't have to do much complex work, since they are just being implemented finishing processes, and storage systems for things are purchased, installed taking into account a pre-selected layout;
  • using a niche or any compartment in a corridor or other room. Often a dressing room is created in a small apartment using small niches. They are intended by developers as decorative element, however, using them for any purpose is quite difficult. Therefore, they are perfect for organizing a dressing room;
  • the use of empty space in any premises of residential real estate. In this case, it is usually allocated for the dressing room less space than in the two previous options. You have to do a lot of specific work, which consists of creating the walls of the future small room.

Thus, you can arrange the room in different places apartment, and the choice depends on its layout and size.

Storage systems

An important point is the arrangement of the premises, for which they are purchased and installed different systems storage The design of a small dressing room, as well as the comfort of its use, depends on them. Most often purchased:

  • spacious cabinets, when the entire space is divided into several different sections;
  • shoe racks designed for optimal shoe maintenance;
  • special hanging mounts for watches, ties or other small items;
  • baskets;
  • umbrella stands;
  • rods for hanging things on hangers.

There are many design solutions designed to decorate a given room using multifunctional storage systems, so there are no difficulties in the process of arranging a dressing room.

Lighting and ventilation

How to make a dressing room in a small room so that it is convenient for constant use? Additionally, it is necessary to pay attention to its uniform and high-quality lighting.

It is advisable to use not only general lighting in the form pendant chandeliers, but also spotlights, for which appropriate spotlights are used or LED Strip Light, pasted on drawers and shelves.

It is advisable to make the design of the dressing room attractive and of a uniform style. The photo design can be viewed below, after which it is selected for the existing room suitable option finishing. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a designer yourself, since most ideas can be easily implemented by non-professionals.

Most often, dressing rooms are closed spaces where there are no windows, so it is impossible to ventilate them. To keep things in optimal conditions, it is recommended to create a fairly large gap under the door, and also open the door regularly. If a small dressing room is equipped in a private house, then ventilation holes are made on the walls or floor.

Thus, dressing rooms for small rooms are created quite often. It is important to know how to carry out this process in such a way that a room that is comfortable for use is obtained given the volume containing everything necessary elements For optimal storage things, as well as for comfortable dressing. This creates quality premises, in which the clothes are contained in the right conditions, therefore does not wrinkle and does not get dirty, and also find required item won't be difficult.



Not everyone is lucky enough to have a spacious dressing room with an area the size of a regular bedroom or a little less. Don’t be upset, some people don’t have it at all – they just can’t allocate precious meters. But the room is necessary, even necessary - there are a lot of things, even more accessories.

So it’s better to have such a small room than not have it at all. And you can develop a project, and then implement the design of a small dressing room without special labor even in Khrushchev for 2-3 sq.m.

This question is asked by women and girls who are unable to allocate a decent room for storing clothes. That’s why they go to extremes and install wardrobes, bedside tables and shelving.

But even a small dressing room is still preferable, and here's why.

  • The apartment will become much more spacious. After all, there will be no cabinets, chests of drawers, shelves for shoes, or hooks for bags and hats along the walls. All items will be placed in a specially designated place.
  • There will be more order. Even if you accidentally throw an item on the back of the sofa, sooner or later it will be transported to the dressing room.
  • When entering the dressing room, things are immediately visible and there is no need to rummage through narrow shelves, turning everything upside down.
  • Here you can use all the walls to the ceiling, and not the space that the cabinet dimensions allow.
  • In the dressing room itself, instead of cabinets, you can install open shelves, put chests of drawers below, and a vertical hanger in the corner. Both a mirror and an ironing board, which was previously peeking out from behind the door, will fit here.
  • Items neatly laid out on shelves or hanging freely on trampolines, as practice has shown, preserve their original appearance longer.

Selecting a layout

You can organize a dressing room or, in the English style, a dressing room with your own hands in a separate room, giving it a balcony, a closet, and in the bedroom itself, by partitioning off a corner. Sometimes, for the sake of such convenience, a bathroom is combined, and the freed meters are used for the intended purpose.

The layout of the dressing room is chosen depending on the place where it will be.

  • Corner. Cabinets, racks and shelves are installed along two adjacent shelves. The dressing room can have a mirror and a vertical hanger in the corner. The third party is a screen or sliding doors. Such a dressing room can be arranged in the bedroom, and the bed can be placed with the headboard against this partition.
  • L-shaped. One side is the entrance. The other two are formed by adjacent walls. The fourth is an additional wall. This is a furniture element - shelving with closed back walls.
  • U-shaped. This is the most optimal layout since three walls are used. Boxes and racks, rods in two rows (the top row of clothes is lowered by a pantograph), shelves, drawers - you can store whatever you want in them. In addition, this layout will also adjust the bedroom.
  • Parallel arrangement. Racks and shelves are built into opposite walls.
  • Linear. The difference from the previous one is that only one wall is involved. The dressing is somewhat reminiscent of a wardrobe, but without division into zones and without traditional furniture filling.

Two latest options It is difficult to call dressing rooms in the full sense of the word. But if the task is simply to compactly place shoes, clothing and accessories, then why not.

Choosing a style

A dressing room is a place that should stylistically echo the room next to which it is located, for example, a bedroom.

Agree, the design project of a classic dressing room in a rustic bedroom, or high-tech shelving and classic bedchamber furnishings will look ridiculous.

However, by playing around with the same racks and playing with the color of the finish, dissonance can be avoided.

  • Minimalism, loft, hi-tech. These are racks with metal supports and the same or glass shelves.
  • You can get closer to the classics if the frame and shelves are made of wood. But glass shelves are also suitable.

Dressing rooms have their own interior style - boiserie. This is when the shelves are attached not to the frame installed along the walls, but to the wall itself. Practical, since the room is not burdened by vertical racks.

But not every wall, especially plasterboard, will support the weight of the shelves along with the contents. Then you can supply special cabinet modules for dressing rooms, examples of which are in furniture catalogs.

Arranging a dressing room

In a small dressing room, ergonomics is important, so choosing furniture for it should be especially scrupulous.

The design can be stationary or rod (racks).

  • Ceiling cabinets without doors are an ideal option.
  • Racks with compartments of different heights and widths are also an excellent solution. The depth is selected taking into account the purpose of the department - for shoes or accessories, for folded items or for outerwear.
  • Pull-out cabinets with a bottom for underwear or crossbars for scarves and trousers.
  • Storage system for coats, blouses, jackets. It is estimated that a height of 0.5-0.7 meters is enough for short clothes on hangers. For outerwear and dresses you will need 1.5 m. Since we are using the entire height of the walls, it makes sense to place these two sections on top of each other.
  • You will need shelves for bags (but they can also be hung on a vertical hanger, the hooks of which go in a spiral), crossbars or shelves for shoes, shelves for folded clothes (sweaters, T-shirts, bed linen, etc.), drawers for gloves.

It is worth leaving space for storing umbrellas and ironing boards. And put baskets on the free shelves.

  • Light colors of decoration and contrasting furniture look good.
  • Choose practical materials.
  • Shoe boxes, extra covers, bags are not needed. They're in the trash.
  • Sort through your clothes thoroughly. Perhaps the time has come to part with some.
  • The lighting is predominantly spot lighting. A chandelier in a small dressing room will look bulky.
  • Consider ventilation. There is no window, so access fresh air limited. Don't build walls up to the ceiling.
  • If the dressing room has a window, then make sure that sunlight does not spoil things.
  • Mirrors, glossy or chrome surface will make the room larger and brighter.

Remember that the Dressing Room is not a closet, so declutter it regularly. And then it will be a stylish and functional room.