The most mysterious disappearances. Strange disappearances of people around the world

Some people believe that the missing people are prisoners of space aliens who are being held on one of the planets. However, such an opinion is unlikely to console relatives and will not alleviate suffering. Sometimes they will wait their whole lives for the return of loved ones who disappeared under mysterious circumstances and hope for a miracle...

Beaumont kids: went to the beach and never came back

Australia Day became a curse for Jim and Nancy Beaumont: the national holiday turned into a terrible tragedy for them. On January 26, 1966, they sent the children to the beach of the Glenelge resort, hoping that nine-year-old Jane would take care of the younger Arn and Grant, according to family tradition. The children left by bus at ten in the morning to return home by noon. They did not show up at the appointed time, and Nancy thought that the children were returning from the beach on foot and were a little late. However, she felt uneasy and panicked when more than three hours had passed.

Evening came, and the children still did not return. Jim rushed home from work and rushed to search with Nancy. Desperate, the poor parents filed a police report. The search for the children was carried out throughout South Australia, but all attempts to find even the slightest traces were unsuccessful. The version that the children could have drowned has not received evidence. In this strange and mysterious case, there was a certain blond, young man who was allegedly seen next to Jane, Arna and Grant.

The behavior of the children seen in Wenzel’s confectionery also remained completely incomprehensible. Here they bought some pies and a cake, paying with a one pound note, although, as Nancy claimed, she gave eight shillings and six pence as pocket money.

Norfok regiment: 267 people disappeared without a trace

The story of his disappearance on the battlefield during the First World War is one of the most mysterious and mysterious. On August 25, 1915, an entire British regiment along with its officers, storming the positions of the Turkish army near Gallipoli, entered the forest and disappeared from sight. Neither shots nor the slightest rustle were heard: 267 people disappeared without a trace. British company reports stated that the regiment was engulfed in a fog of unknown origin. But this hasty conclusion only confused the situation. Of course, it would have been easier to blame the Turkish military for this dark matter: they say that they killed a bunch of people in an unknown way. However, none of them even knew about the existence of such a unit. The British, being the winners, began searching for the Norfok regiment.

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At first they were very lucky: on the battlefield they found badges, boots, and shoulder straps of military personnel that confirmed their membership in the missing unit. And having found hundreds of corpses in one village, they hastened to say that the regiment died heroically in battle. Although even with the naked eye some inconsistencies could be noticed. For example, it seemed that the dead were dropped from a great height. This was evidenced by numerous fractures on the corpses and their scattering throughout the territory.

In the early 70s of the last century, when the archives on the mysterious disappearance of the Norfok regiment became public, scientific world a real boom began. Each of the scientists put forward his own hypothesis of a historical event. But, figuratively speaking, British ufologists surpassed everyone. They claimed that the cloud of unknown origin was a UFO. They say that the aliens killed part of the regiment and took the other with them.

April Fabb: went to visit her sister on a bicycle and disappeared

All of Britain was agitated by this tragic event. A thirteen-year-old girl from Norfolk disappeared in broad daylight. On April 8, 1969, April rode her bicycle to visit her sister in a neighboring village. The truck driver was the only witness who saw the girl in last time. It was as if she sank into the water, disappearing without a trace. April Fabb's bicycle was found near the field. The police combed the entire area, but the search was unsuccessful.

Investigators would later try to link the case to the 1978 disappearance of a young girl, Janet Tate, in which police believed notorious child killer Robert Black was involved. However, this version had to be abandoned: there was no direct evidence of his involvement in April’s disappearance. The case of the missing girl remains the most mysterious in British history.

Sodder children from Fayetteville: disappeared from their room when fire started

This happened on Christmas Eve 1945. Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jenny and Betty Sodder walked blithely along the night streets, not at all worried that they were very late. Meanwhile, their other brothers and sisters and their parents were sleeping peacefully in their beds. But in the middle of the night, the mother suddenly heard loud sounds coming from the roof. A moment later, she suddenly realized that the house had been set on fire. The smell of smoke and the fiery glow forced the woman to raise her family to their feet. They got out to escape the fire.

Then the parents began to look for a ladder to get to the top floor and rescue Betty, Jenny, Maurice, Martha and Louis from the fiery captivity. However, the search ended in failure. When firefighters arrived, only the remains of the house were smoldering. But it was not possible to find the bodies among the ashes. The grief-stricken parents explained to the police that apparently someone had kidnapped the children and set the house on fire to cover up the crime.

Investigators were never able to give a clear answer to many of the questions they were asked. And, in all likelihood, they put the mysterious case on the shelf. In 1968, parents received a strange photograph in the mail. It showed a young man, and on the back of the photograph was the caption: "Louis Sodder." The poor parents believed until their death that it was their missing son, even though the police were never able to identify the man.

Nicole Morin: disappeared into her own home without leaving it

It’s incredible, but an eight-year-old girl disappeared without leaving a huge building with 20 floors. True, one of the residents claimed that he saw Nicole approaching the elevator. On July 30, 1985, the girl, having received instructions from her mother, left the apartment. She hurried to the pool, and her friend was already waiting for her. But after a while they called the apartment - Nicole’s friend was standing on the threshold and asking why she was late and did not leave the house.

The best Toronto police forces were involved in the search for the girl. They examined literally every floor of the house, trying to find traces of Nicole Morin's presence. Even today, the authorities have been forced to admit that the case of the girl’s disappearance has not advanced one step. This confession, of course, did little to console the parents, who also spent a lot of effort searching for their daughter.

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Barbara Bolick: Disappeared when her friend's back was turned

This case defies any explanation at all. An elderly woman from Corvallis, Montana, was known to be a big fan of hiking in the mountains. And one day, together with her friend Jim Ramaker, who came from California, she went on another trip. The picturesque places spread out under our feet seduced Barbara Bolick's companion with their beauty. For the sake of this spectacle, he paused for a moment, and when he turned around, he did not see Barbara. Jim searched every corner of the path he passed, but never found her. He raised the alarm and called the police, who also could find no trace of Barbara Bolick.

It seemed as if the woman had fallen through the ground. Naturally, suspicion initially fell on Jim Ramaker. But the investigation proved that he had nothing to do with Barbara’s disappearance. And to this day this story is full of secrets and mysteries: it’s hard to imagine that a person you saw a minute ago suddenly dissolves in space and disappears from your field of vision forever.

Dorothy Arnold: went shopping and never came back

With a book in hand and a bag containing half a pound of chocolate, she went for an easy walk in New York's Central Park to disappear from this city forever. This happened on December 12, 1910. The bright beauty Dorothy Arnold left the house to choose a new dress for the next ball. The young socialite and wealthy heiress was the pride of local society. In addition, she was considered an aspiring writer. True, someone doubted her talent, but everything was written off by Dorothy’s beauty, which attracted almost all the eligible bachelors of New York. Strangely, the parents reported their daughter missing only six weeks later. Perhaps in this way they wanted to avoid unnecessary noise, but the opposite happened. The whole city was shocked by this news.

Active searches for the girl only generated theories, but did not bring positive results. It was rumored that Dorothy could have fled to Europe, trying to get rid of excessive parental care. But this assumption was immediately dismissed: the appearance of a young beauty here would not go unnoticed.

Maura Murray: disappeared at the scene of the accident

A few days before the incident, the parents noticed their daughter’s strange behavior. The girl seemed to be afraid of someone, but she did not dare to tell about her fears. On February 9, 2004, UMass student Maura Murray sent an email to her professors and employers saying that she was forced to leave due to the death of a family member. Although in reality this did not happen. Why Maura did this remains a mystery. And on the evening of February 9, the girl had an accident, crashing into a tree. Moreover, two days earlier she crashed another car. A bus driver who witnessed the accident offered to help Maura. However, she refused. Worried about the girl's fate, the driver nevertheless called the police.

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When she arrived at the scene, she did not find Maura. Apparently, the girl stopped a passing car and asked her for a ride. This is precisely the version that the police adhered to at first. A day later, Maura's boyfriend, who lives in Oklahoma, received a voicemail from her, interrupted by sobs. The girl's parents were sure that their daughter had been kidnapped and was being held in an unknown place. But more than a decade passed, and the police did not even have any clue to find her.

Percy Fawcett: disappeared during an expedition

He was one of the most famous travelers of his time. The intrepid explorer Colonel Percy Fawcett visited almost every corner of Brazil and Bolivia where no man had gone before. And he was obsessed with the idea - to find in the Amazon jungle lost city Z. Percy even developed a theory according to which his traces must be looked for in the Mato Grosso region in Brazil. Fawcett captivated his eldest son Jack and his friend Reilly Rimmel with his dream of the possibility of a sensational discovery.

In 1925, they set off on a journey to disappear forever into the wilds of the Amazon jungle. Several expeditions were sent to find traces of the brave explorers. Of course, each of the participants was well aware that they were risking their lives when they found themselves face to face with wildlife, which was fraught with many dangers, with tribes of local aborigines who did not always greet strangers friendly. And hundreds of people died, unraveling the mystery of the disappearance of Colonel Percy Fawcett. One can only assume that they became victims of a tropical disease, attacks by predatory animals, or were killed by the aborigines.

Annette Sagers: Disappeared a year after her mother went missing

This story with a certain mystical touch is still considered one of the most mysterious in America. Judge for yourself: first, Corrina Sagers Malinoski, a 26-year-old resident of Berkeley County (South Carolina), disappears. She was reported missing to the police on November 21, 1987. The woman's car was found near Mount Holly Plantation. But this fact did not give the police a single chance to find even the slightest trace of Corrina. And almost a year later, in early October, her eight-year-old daughter Annette Sagers disappears.

By a strange coincidence, the stop school bus was located opposite the ill-fated Mount Holly plantation. Annette disappeared before the bus arrived, leaving a note with the following words: “Dad, Mom is back. Hug your brothers for me." Experts have determined that the handwriting belongs to her. However, this circumstance did not affect the results of the search for mother and daughter Sagers. They are still listed as missing, and the hope of finding them is fading every day. It is worth noting that in 2000, a call from an unknown person to the police alarmed investigators. After all, a stranger reported that Annette was buried in Sumter County. But her grave could not be found, and the case of the girl’s disappearance is still considered unsolved.

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Thousands of people are missing all over the world. Unfortunately, most often they are kidnapped or killed. Sometimes a person himself runs from something or falsifies documents in order to start new life. But sometimes there are no explanations - none. Or there is not enough evidence to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Here is a translation of an article by Jake Anderson about just such cases.

In the year 9153, Lieutenant Felix Moncla was stationed at Kinross Air Force Base in Michigan, USA. An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar, and Moncla took off an F-89 Scorpio interceptor aircraft to find out what it was.

Ground radar operators reported that Moncla's plane was flying at about 800 km per hour and approached the object over North Lake Superior while flying from west to east at an altitude of more than 2100 km.

The operators claim that further on the radar it was visible how Moncla's plane merged with the UFO, and then both of them disappeared. Search and rescue operations yielded nothing. No aircraft found any debris or debris. And the Canadian Air Force claimed that there were no planes in the sky during the mysterious “merger.”

Moncla and his plane were never seen again.

2. The ghostly crew of the ship "Joita"

Like the famous Titanic, the Joyta was considered unsinkable. But on October 3, 1955, he was found drifting and half-submerged off the coast of Vanua Island, Fiji. The ship had been at sea for two days and was initially heading towards Tokelau. None of the 25 passengers or crew members were present.

"Joita" suddenly disappeared in the southern part Pacific Ocean. When it was found, the ship was missing four tons of cargo, including medicine, wood, food and empty barrels. The radio was tuned to international emergency channels. All the boats had disappeared, and bloody bandages were lying on the ship.

Auckland academic David Wright recently claimed to have solved the mystery of the Joyta ghost ship. According to Wright, there is evidence that the ship took in water due to a rusty pipe and began to sink. The captain and crew thought that they had sent a distress signal, although this was not the case, and abandoned the ship in lifeboats. There weren't enough lifeboats for everyone, and some passengers could end up in the dark water wearing life jackets. Since no one responded to the distress call, all 25 people could have died one after another - drowned or eaten by sharks. Of course, what happened to the passengers in the lifeboats is still a mystery.

3. Frederic Valentich and the strange plane

The case with Valentich has one special detail: a creepy audio recording. In 1978, Cessna 182L light aircraft pilot Frederick Valentich was heading to Queen's Island off Australia when he reported a UFO. He claimed that an unidentified aircraft was flying approximately 300 m above him. In particular, Valentich said:

“This strange plane is hovering above me again. He actually floats. And this is not an airplane."

Soon after this, Valentich's own plane became faulty and disappeared from radar - forever. Despite the “evidence”, which consists only in the fact that Frederick Valentich believed in UFOs and became a victim of his own delusions, in the last 17 seconds of the recording of the flight a metallic grinding sound is heard, which analysts are unable to explain.

Want to know more? Well, please. A brief report from the US Department of Transport's Aircraft Accident Investigation Branch contains a transcript of a radio conversation between Valentich and the airport's flight information office in Melbourne.

According to a representative of the Royal Australian Air Force, ten more UFO sightings were reported on the same day, and a few years later one person discovered an artifact with a message from Frederick Valentich.

4. D.B. Cooper: Air Pirate Who Disappeared After Being Evacuated from an Airplane

D. B. Cooper was popularly nicknamed the most famous air pirate of all time. Nobody knows his real name. On November 24, 1971, he hijacked a Boeing 727 between Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington, and demanded a ransom of $200,000. Cooper then abandoned the plane, jumped out with a parachute, and disappeared without a trace. What happened next? Well, the FBI spent the next few decades fruitlessly trying to crack the only unsolved case of air piracy in American aviation history.

Behind long years Many theories arose, but there was no evidence. At least until recently: Cooper's niece said she saw her uncle the night after the hijacking - he was seriously wounded. Marla Cooper also provided investigators with photographs of her uncle and a guitar strap that once belonged to him for fingerprint testing. But these tests have not yet proven anything, and the mystery remains unsolved.

5. Disappearances in the Bennington Triangle

The Bennington Triangle case involves a series of mysterious disappearances in Bennington, Vermont, over a period of 30 years, from 1920 to 1950.

These are just three of at least six unexplained disappearances documented over the years.

6. Hippies Eaten by Lightning at Stonehenge

Stonehenge is one of the seven mysteries of the ancient centuries. It is open to tourists and religious ceremonies. This was the case in August 1971, when the world-famous English stones became a place where people disappeared under terrible circumstances.

A group of hippies pitched tents in the center of the circle and spent the night smoking weed by the fire. According to the official version, at about two o'clock in the morning a terrible thunderstorm broke out on Salisbury Plain. Huge lightning bolts struck from the sky. Two witnesses, a farmer and a policeman, testified that lightning struck Stonehenge directly, and the circle of stones was illuminated with an eerie blue light so intense that the witnesses had to cover their eyes to avoid going blind. Witnesses heard hippies screaming. When the lightning went out, the witnesses ran to the stones. Naturally, they expected to find people with severe wounds and burns - either dead or dying. But they didn’t find anyone: there were only burning tent pegs and a fire.

There is no further information about this story. Vacationers burned by lightning? Were they even there, these vacationers? A dubious story has been preserved as an urban legend - it is believed that 14 lines of force converge at Stonehenge, which create powerful eddies.

7. Flight MH370 disappeared without a trace: the great conspiracy of the 21st century

One of the most mysterious mysteries in modern history aviation is also one of the most sensational conspiracy theories of the 21st century.

On Saturday, March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared while flying from international airport from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing Capital International Airport in the People's Republic of China.

We know that at some point the plane's transponder was manually turned off and the flight abruptly changed course. Before and after this, passengers and crew members did not make a single call, did not even send a single SMS. The pilots did not send a distress signal. And not a single piece of debris was found.

Here are the standard versions:

    Due to fire or technical faults on board the pilots no longer understood where they were, and then an accident occurred. But why then was there no distress signal or calls or SMS from passengers?

    The plane was hijacked and raised to a high altitude so that passengers and crew members lost consciousness while the plane was shot down. But how did the plane disappear from the many radar systems monitoring the airspace?

    The plane went off course due to problems on board, and then fell somewhere above Indian Ocean and quickly drowned. But, again, why was there not a single distress signal and why was the transponder turned off?

Another mystery is the fate of the black box. The “indestructible” recorder did not send a message. Typically, the device continues to send signals for another 30 days after an accident or explosion. But the black box also disappeared along with the plane.

Various conspiracy theories have emerged. They say that the plane was hijacked by the Chinese and flew at low altitude so that radars would not detect them. Or the plane was hijacked by cyberterrorists using some kind of remote control remote control. In particular, one student recently stated that he discovered a plane in satellite images.

8. Inuit village that disappeared in 1930 - North Roswell

On a cold November night in 1930, Canadian hunter Joe Labelle stumbled upon what has since become known as North Roswell. An Inuit village built in the trees near Lake Angikuni became a mystery that shook Labelle to the core: all the inhabitants disappeared without a trace.

Labelle found only burnt food that had clearly been abandoned recently, huts with food and clothing neatly laid out, and a burial ground with several dug up and empty graves. There was also a team of sled dogs that died of starvation and were buried under 3.5 m of snow.

Labelle went to the nearest telegraph office and sent a message to the Canadian Mounted Police. Thus emerged a mystery that has not been solved for almost a century: what happened to as many as 2,000 hardworking Inuit? Of course, the story formed the basis of a new urban legend.

Perhaps the creepiest thing about this story is that on the night of the disappearance, there were reports from various mounted police patrols of a blue light along the horizon. Hunter Armand Laurent and his sons reported an unidentified object that changed cylindrical shape on a bullet-shaped and flying towards the village of Angikuni.

Many skeptics said that LaBelle greatly exaggerated or simply made it up. Other skeptics say the story was invented by Frank Edwards in 1959 for his book Mysterious than Science.

That's memory! As a patronymic, I forgot my third mother-in-law, but I remember a man named Occam. I also remember his razor blade (in different interpretations in different ways). This English monk in a black robe, as soon as he saw a tired traveler on the horizon, immediately ran up to the stranger, grabbed his hand and soulfully, looking into his eyes, repeated: “For God’s sake, do not multiply the essence of phenomena.” As a result, the principle was called “Occam’s razor”. Translated from English into Russian, this wisdom sounds like this: “If there is a simple explanation for what happened, there is no need to look for complex ones.” Let’s explain with an example: if you didn’t look after your child, and a plate suddenly broke in the kitchen, then most likely it was your curious child who did it. One can assume that the brownie misbehaved or the mouse ran and waved its tail (and this is precisely what the offender will insist on), but the first explanation will still remain the most correct. Although it happens that William of Occam nervously smokes on the sidelines and glances suspiciously at his compatriot Arthur Conan Doyle. The latter, twirling his mustache, through the lips of his favorite literary hero Sherlock Holmes, says: “Throw away everything impossible, what remains will be the answer, no matter how incredible it may turn out to be.” It is this phrase that applies to cases of strange disappearances of people around the world.

  • Cases of people disappearing without a trace

    Everyone has heard and read about aliens, transitions to parallel worlds, time travel and other esoteric things.

    Many then twirl their fingers at their temples, others passionately argue that it is impossible not to believe this, since they themselves have been repeatedly abducted by aliens.

    Where do people disappear in Russia?

    In Moscow, a young mother left her sleeping baby for ten minutes while she ran to the store. When I returned, the baby was not in the crib. She opened the door with a key, there were no signs of forced entry. In a panic, I called my husband and mother at work, thinking maybe they had taken the baby for some reason? The police were called. Four years have passed since then.

    A young couple. On their honeymoon, the newlyweds planned to take a boat ride down the Volga to Astrakhan. In the morning we packed our bags and ordered a taxi for 15.00. The girl went out to put money on the phone and returned half an hour later. The young husband disappeared. At first I thought it was a prank, after all the deadlines had passed, the trip was cancelled, I called my relatives. We called all police departments, hospitals, morgues, and wrote a statement the next day. The case was opened in 2009.

    The man went on a business trip to another city. I settled into a hotel and called home from there. I talked to my daughter. No one saw him again. Presumably, he did not leave the hotel because his boots (it was winter), suit, warm jacket and hat were collecting dust in the closet. Another hang-up from 2011.

    System Administrator large company left at the appointed time for lunch. He didn’t return to work from lunch and didn’t come home in the evening. The family left a wife and two children. There were no scandals with his wife on the eve of her disappearance. There were no debts, no mortgages. There were no enemies. Everyone loved the guy, and for those close to him this incident became a real tragedy.

    The statement to the police was written in August 2014.

    Where do people disappear - statistics

    There have been tens of thousands of such examples over many years in our country, millions in the world. I tried to understand the statistics, but they are very contradictory, so I am not responsible for them, I am not the Levada Center.

    So, according to statistics, more than a million people disappear every year in the United States. 65 percent are within a week. Another 20-25 percent of missing people are discovered within a month to ten years. Total, approximately 90 percent.

    The remaining 10 percent disappears without a trace forever. And this is about one hundred thousand people. I read that by

    Russian statistics

    1. There are twice as many missing people. Maybe. But 50 thousand is also a huge number.
    2. Here is a list of the main reasons for disappearances:
    3. Homeless people. Among this category, the largest number of people disappeared without a trace. This is not surprising
    4. Mentally ill people, drug addicts, alcoholics. These people leave home, run away from hospitals without documents, without telephones. Not everyone is found and often they end up in the crematorium as unidentified corpses
    5. Fishermen, hunters, tourists, mushroom pickers and other nature lovers
    6. Runaway orphanages
    7. Exalted spouses who split with their other half and “went off into the night”
    8. Disappeared in disaster or combat zones

    Escaped from loans, impending sentence, debts, alimony, bandits

    Children and adolescents, victims of domestic violence

    Everything is true, but there are cases that do not fit into these schemes, which we described above. Even more strange disappearances are known.

    Disappearances - real cases


    American criminologist T. Bell, who interviewed many relatives of those who disappeared, knows many such stories.

    Los Angeles. City of Angels. .

    In a small, empty parking lot, a woman was putting groceries in the trunk. Her eleven-year-old daughter was here, there were no strangers nearby. Her mother lost sight of her for a few seconds. The search has been going on for many years.

  • San Francisco. A forty-eight-year-old man entered the house where he rented an apartment. Evan Jacobi. This moment was recorded by a video camera at the entrance. Evan didn't come back. The camera footage confirms everything. Detectives combed the building several times. To no avail. Jacobi

    They never returned home! These are 10 stories about people who mysteriously disappeared. Going to work should be a routine activity. You come to your own workplace

    , do your work for a few hours and then go home. However, there are frightening stories of people who leave their home for work on an ordinary day and never return.

    10. Deborah Poe.

    Being a convenience store clerk is a job fraught with potential dangers. But 26-year-old Deborah Poe needed money, so she took a job as an overnight saleswoman at a store in Orlando.

    On February 4, 1990, Poe was working her regular night shift at the store and was last seen at approximately 3:00 am. An hour later, the customer found the store empty and contacted police.

    Poe's car was still in the parking lot, her wallet was inside, and there were no signs of a robbery or struggle. The bloodhound picked up Poe's trail behind the store, but it quickly ended, indicating that she had left in another vehicle.

    The case took a bizarre turn when another customer stated that she walked into the Store between 3:00 and 4:00, but Poe was not there. Behind the counter stood a young man wearing a Megadeth T-shirt. The guy sold her cigarettes even though everything around him seemed unfamiliar to him. This mystery man has never been found, and police are not sure if he is connected to Poe's disappearance.

    To this day, Deborah Poe is considered missing. And she's not the only young woman who has disappeared while working alone at a convenience store...

    In 1982, 18-year-old Lynn Burdick got a job as a store clerk in a small mountain town in Florida. She worked alone on the evening of April 17. At 8:30 p.m., there was a half-hour before the store closed, and Burdick's parents called to see if she needed a ride home. But no one picked up the phone.

    Brother Burdick went to the store to check on her. There was no sign of Lynn anywhere, and the cash register was missing $187. No leads were found during the search operation, but police believed Burdick's disappearance was related to an incident that had occurred earlier that evening.

    In less than an hour, an unidentified man attempted to abduct a young woman from the nearby Williams College campus. The student ran away from him and the criminal disappeared. Later, a dark sedan matching the description of the suspect's car was seen driving in the direction of the ill-fated store. Since it was located only 15 kilometers from the college, it is possible that the same person abducted Burdick.

    One potential suspect was a man named Leonard Paradiso. Paradiso was convicted of the murder of a young woman in 1984 and is believed to be responsible for a large number of other unsolved murders. He may have been in the area at the time of Burdick's disappearance, but died in prison of cancer in 2008 before he could be linked to other crimes.

    8. Curtis Pichon.

    For 10 years, Curtis Pichon worked as a police officer in Concord, New Hampshire, but his time on the force ended when he developed multiple sclerosis. By age 40, Pichon was forced to take a job as a security guard at the Venture Corporation plant in Seabrook.

    On July 5, 2000, he went on the night shift. At 1:42 a.m., he called the fire department after his car inexplicably caught fire. No one ever knew the cause of the fire, but firefighters noticed that Pichon seemed unusually calm considering what had happened to his car. After the fire was extinguished, he continued to work, but at approximately 3:45 a colleague noticed his absence. Pichon mysteriously disappeared, and during the search not a single trace of him was found.

    Due to his battle with multiple sclerosis, Pichon was also depressed, so it was assumed that he was suicidal and suffered mental insanity when his car caught fire. However, due to illness, Pichon could not go far to commit suicide, so his body had to be found near his place of work. The door and two vending machines at the plant were damaged, so it was possible that Pichon had encountered a criminal.

    A few years later one of former colleagues Pichona, Robert April, was arrested for an entirely different crime. April was said to have claimed that he killed Pichon. However, the charges against April were dropped because... no evidence was ever found linking him to Pichon's mysterious disappearance.

    7. Susie Lamplew.

    One of the strangest disappearances in London history is that of 25-year-old estate agent Susie Lamplew. She was last seen at the Sturgis Estate Agents office on July 28, 1986, but mysteriously disappeared when she went to show a house. potential client in Fulham. According to Lamplew's notes, the client's name was "Mr. Kipper" and their meeting was scheduled for 12:45 p.m.

    Lamplew never returned from the meeting and her car was found approximately 2.5 kilometers from her home in Fulham. Witnesses saw her arguing with an unknown person on the street that day before getting into another vehicle. The investigation found no trace of Lamplew, and she was pronounced dead in 1994.

    Authorities thought Mr. Kipper was a serial rapist named John Cannan, who had been released from prison three days before Lamplew's disappearance. His nickname was Kipper, and he looked like the unknown man Lamplew had been arguing with. In 1989, Cannan was convicted of murdering another woman and received three life sentences. One of Cannan's former girlfriends told police that he had talked about raping and killing Lamplew, and he was questioned about his involvement in her disappearance.

    Even though the police had a strong case against Cannan, there was not enough evidence to charge him with Lamplew's murder. Nevertheless, they publicly announced that Cannan, in their opinion, was the very criminal. Cannan remains in prison and denies killing Lamplew.

    6. Lisa Geis.

    On the morning of February 27, 1989, employees of a Georgia company arrived at their workplaces to find the building flooded. As it turned out, the flood was caused by a fire extinguishing system that went off at the workplace belonging to 26-year-old computer programmer Lisa Geis, who had been working the night before and was nowhere to be found. The flood and flood became a secondary issue when a pool of blood was discovered at Geis's workplace.

    Geis' car and wallet were discovered in nearby woods, and police feared the worst when they found a bloody brick nearby. Due to the flooding in the building and the heavy rain outside, all evidence of the bloody scene was seriously damaged.

    The main suspect was a recently fired employee. The employee may have broken into the building to cause chaos and unexpectedly came across Geis. At that time, the suspect lived on a large property of his own with many wells, and several years later he ex-wife claimed that he once called them " good place to hide the corpse." Even though police searched many of these wells, they found no trace of Geis, and there is still no evidence linking the suspect to her alleged killer.

    5. Brian Carrick.

    On the evening of December 20, 2002, 17-year-old Brian Carrick went to work as a storekeeper at a food market in Johnsburg, Illinois. The next day, Carrick's parents panicked because he never returned home and reported him missing. The police did not find a single witness at the market who could confirm that Carrick was leaving work.

    The morning after Carrick disappeared, one of the employees found a pool of blood in the refrigerator with products. The manager, thinking that blood had dripped from raw meat, ordered to wash the stain. However, drops of blood were found throughout the store and DNA testing confirmed it belonged to Carrick.

    A few years later, it was believed that Carrick's manager, Mario Cassiaro, was responsible for his disappearance. After their colleague Shane Lamb was arrested in a drug case, he turned in both Cassiaro and Carrick. According to Lamb, Carrick obtained marijuana for Cassiaro and owed him money. When Cassiaro asked Lamb for help to collect a debt from Carrick, things got out of control. They accidentally killed him in refrigeration chamber, and then disposed of the body.
    In 2010, Cassiaro was charged with first-degree murder after Lamb agreed to testify against him in exchange for a reduced sentence. During the first hearing, the jury was unable to reach a unanimous conclusion, but in 2013 Cassiaro was found guilty and received 26 years in prison. He continues to maintain his innocence, and Brian Carrick's body has never been found.

    4. Kim Leggett.

    Kim Leggett, a 21-year-old girl who worked as a secretary in Mercedes, Texas. On October 9, 1984 at 4:30 p.m., a client saw Leggett talking to two unknown men in the parking lot. About 15 minutes later, Leggett's stepfather received an anonymous phone call saying Leggett had been kidnapped for ransom.

    At first he assumed that the demand was a prank, but he soon learned that his stepdaughter was absent from work. Even though her car was parked and her belongings and wallet were inside, Kim Leggett disappeared without a trace. The Leggett family received a ransom demand of $250,000. The letter was written in her handwriting.

    Leggett's stepfather was a pilot, and she was rumored to have been kidnapped because he refused to smuggle contraband into Mexico. Leggett left behind a husband and a one-year-old son, and some suspicions also arose about her husband - he allegedly mentioned his wife's disappearance in a conversation with friends when no one knew about it.

    However, the two men who spoke with Leggett were never found. After the first ransom demand, no one contacted her family again.

    3. Trevaline Evans.

    In 1990, 52-year-old Trevaline Evans was the owner of an antiques shop in the small town of Llangollen in North Wales. On the afternoon of June 16, Evans mysteriously disappeared from the store. Her car was still parked nearby, and a sign on the front door said she would be back in two minutes.

    Evans purchased an apple and banana from a nearby store at approximately 12:40 p.m. and was seen returning to the store. Banana peel in the waste paper basket indicated that she had returned to her workplace, but what happened next remains a mystery.

    During the day Evans was seen in different places throughout the city, including near her home. But if Evans returned to the store after being gone for two minutes and then left again, why was the sign still hanging on the door? Additionally, both of her purses and jacket were left at the store along with other items she planned to take home that day.

    Over the years, Evans was allegedly seen in London, France and Australia, but none of these reports were documented. At the same time, on the day of the disappearance, an unknown man was seen in the store, but he was never identified. 25 years later, the disappearance of Trevaline Evans remains one of the most perplexing cases in the history of the United Kingdom.

    2. Kelly Wilson.

    In 1992, 17-year-old Kelly Wilson got a job at Northeast Texas Video in the small town of Gilmer. On the evening of January 5, she was working at a video store and went out to withdraw money from the bank around the corner. No one has seen her since then. Wilson's car was later found in a video store parking lot with a flat tire and her wallet still inside.

    No new information about the disappearance emerged for two years until some rather horrifying conclusions were drawn. The town began to believe that Wilson had been kidnapped by a satanic cult, raped, murdered, and ritually dismembered.

    In January 1994, eight suspects were charged with murder. Seven of the men were from the local Kerr family, and the eighth suspect was police sergeant James Brown, who was investigating Wilson's disappearance. The suspects were also accused of sexually abusing their own children, some of whom told Child Protective Services they witnessed Wilson's murder.

    However, it soon became apparent that the children had made up their testimony, and there was no evidence to support violence or murder. Charges against Sergeant Brown and the Kerr family were dropped and rumors of a satanic cult were debunked. All suspects claimed their innocence in the disappearance of Kelly Wilson, which remains unsolved to this day.

    1. Paul Armstrong and Stephen Lombard.

    In 1993, a California towing company became the center of attention when two unrelated employees disappeared without a trace. Tow truck driver Steven Lombard and bulldozer driver Paul Armstrong had no obvious connection to each other, but somehow disappeared at the same time on the same day.

    Armstrong was last seen at his home that morning by a friend who reported him missing when he failed to meet her at lunch. Lombard was seen after lunch, when he went into the office to collect his salary. He was never seen again after that, and his pickup truck was soon found abandoned in a K-Mart parking lot with the keys inside.

    The strangest thing about this story was that the owner of the company, Randal Wright, found himself in the midst of strange events. In 2009, Wright's estranged wife mysteriously disappeared from country house in Mexico. She was never found, and Wright did not even bother to report her disappearance to Mexican authorities.

    Additionally, Wright's six-year-old stepson drowned in a swimming pool in 1982 while Wright was watching. Even though the child's death was initially ruled an accident, the disappearance of Wright's wife led authorities to exhume her stepson's body for further investigation. They found no evidence of premeditation.

    No one knows whether Wright was responsible for the death of his stepson or the disappearance of his wife, but the disappearance of two of his employees on the same day seems like a rather strange coincidence.

    Thousands of people go missing every year, and these disappearances become truly baffling when investigators have virtually nothing to work with - situations in which no one has seen anything and there are no reasonable explanations. It's almost the same as if these people literally disappeared into thin air.

    1. Maura Murray

    On February 9, 2004, 21-year-old University of Massachusetts student Maura Murray reported e-mail to her teachers and employers that she is forced to leave due to the death (fictitious) of one of her family members. That evening, she was involved in an accident, crashing her car into a tree near Woodsville, New Hampshire. By a strange coincidence, a couple of days earlier, Maura also had an accident and crashed another car.

    The driver of a passing bus approached and asked Maura if the police should be called. The girl answered “no,” but the driver made the call anyway as soon as he got to the nearest phone. When the police arrived ten minutes later, Maura was gone.
    There were no signs of a struggle at the scene, so Maura may have asked someone for a ride. The next day, Maura's fiancé in Oklahoma received a voicemail supposedly from her, but heard only sobs on the other end of the line. Although Maura is last days Behaving a little strangely before her disappearance, her family does not believe that she disappeared of her own free will.

    Nine years have passed, but it has not been possible to find out what happened to the girl.

    2. Brandon Swanson

    On the evening of May 14, 2008, as nineteen-year-old Brandon Swenson was driving back to his hometown of Marshall, Minnesota, along a rural gravel road, his car went into a ditch. Brandon called his parents and asked them to come get him. They immediately went in search of Vyn, but could not find him. His father called him back, Brandon picked up and said he was trying to get to the nearest town of Lead. And in the middle of the conversation, Brandon suddenly cursed, and the connection abruptly ended.

    Brandon's father tried to call back several more times, but received no answer and could not find his son. Police later found Brandon's car, but were unable to find either the guy or him. cellular telephone. According to one version, he could have accidentally drowned in a nearby river, but no traces of a body were found in it. No one knows what prompted Brandon to curse during the ringing, but that was the last anyone heard from him.

    3. Louis Le Prince

    Louis Le Prince is a famous French inventor who was the first to capture moving images on film. Oddly enough, the “father of cinema” is also remembered as the subject of one of the strangest disappearances in history. On September 16, 1890, Le Prince visited his brother in Dijon and then traveled by train to Paris. When the train arrived at its destination, it turned out that Le Prince had disappeared.

    Le Prince was last seen entering his carriage after checking his luggage. There were no signs of violence or anything suspicious during the trip, and no one could remember seeing Le Prince outside his carriage. The windows were tightly closed, so it would have been quite difficult to jump off the train, but the suicide version seemed unlikely at all, since Le Prince was going to go to America to get a patent for his new invention.

    As a result of this disappearance, the patent for the kinetoscope (a device for demonstrating sequential photographs of movement) went to Thomas Edison. As for Le Prince, his future fate still remains a mystery.

    At four in the morning on December 10, 1999, an 18-year-old freshman at the University of California named Michael Negrete turned off his computer after playing video games with friends all night long. At nine in the morning, his roommate woke up and noticed that Michael had left, but left all his belongings, including his keys and wallet. He was never seen again.

    The most curious thing about Michael’s disappearance is that the guy even left his shoes. Investigators used sniffer dogs to try to track Michael to a bus stop a couple of miles from the hostel, but how could he have gotten that far without his shoes on? Only one person was seen near the scene at 4:35 a.m., but no one knows if he is connected to Michael's disappearance. There is no reason to believe that Michael disappeared due to at will, but there has been no news about Michael’s fate for more than ten years.

    5. Barbara Bolick

    On July 18, 2007, Barbara Bolick, a 55-year-old woman from Corvallis, Montana, went hiking in the mountains with her friend Jim Ramaker, who was visiting from California. When Jim stopped to admire the scenery, Barbara was 6-9 meters behind him, but when he turned around less than a minute later, he discovered that the woman had disappeared. The police joined the search, but the woman was never found.

    At first glance, Jim Ramaker's story sounds completely incredible. However, he cooperated with the authorities, and since there was no evidence of his involvement in Barbara's disappearance, he was no longer considered a suspect. The culprit would probably have tried to come up with a better story rather than claim that his victim simply vanished into thin air. Six years have passed, but no traces of violent death have been found, nor any hints of what could have happened to Barbara.

    On August 23, 2008, 51-year-old Michael Hearon went to his farm in Happy Valley, Tennessee, planning to cut the grass on his lawn. That morning, neighbors saw Michael leave the farm in his all-terrain vehicle—and that was the last time he was seen. The next day, Michael's friends visited the farm and saw his truck parked on the road. A trailer was attached to it, in which a lawn mower was found, but the grass on the lawn remained untouched. His friends returned the next day and became concerned when they saw the truck parked in the same spot, still containing his keys, cell phone and wallet.

    Three days after Michael disappeared, investigators found their only lead: an all-terrain vehicle on a steep hill located a mile from his home. However, it was not clear why he needed to go there. In addition, no signs of violence were found. Michael had no enemies or any other reason to hide, making him a truly incomprehensible enigma.

    7. April Fabb

    One of the most famous disappearances in British history occurred in Norfolk on April 8, 1969. A 13-year-old schoolgirl named April Fabb left home and went to her sister in a neighboring village. She rode her bike there and was last seen by a truck driver. At 2:06 p.m., he noticed the girl driving along a country road. And at 2:12 p.m., her bike was found in the middle of a field several hundred yards from where she was seen, but there was no sign of April.

    Kidnapping seemed like the most likely scenario for April's disappearance, but an attacker would only have six minutes to kidnap the girl and leave the crime scene without anyone noticing. A large-scale search for April did not yield a single clue.

    This case has many similarities with the disappearance of another young girl, Janet Tate in 1978, and Robert Black, a notorious child killer, was considered as a possible suspect. However, there is no evidence to conclusively link him to April's disappearance, so this mystery also remains unsolved.

    8. Brian Shaffer

    A 27-year-old medical student from a university in Ohio went to a bar on the evening of April 1, 2006. Sometime between 1:30 and 2:00 he mysteriously disappeared. That night he drank a lot and, after talking with his girlfriend on mobile phone, he was last seen in the company of two young women. However, no one in the bar could remember whether he was seen after that.

    Most complex issue The part of the story that remains unanswered is how Brian left the bar. The CCTV footage clearly showed him entering the bar, but not a single footage showed him leaving! Neither Brian's friends nor his family believe that he went into hiding on purpose. Three weeks earlier, he was doing well in school and planning to go on vacation with his girlfriend. But if Brian was kidnapped or the victim of another crime, how did the attacker drag him out of the bar without being noticed by witnesses or CCTV cameras?

    9. Jason Yolkowski

    On the morning of June 13, 2001, 19-year-old Jason Yolkowski was called to work. He asked his friend to pick him up at a nearby high school, but he never showed up.

    The last time Jason was seen was by his neighbor, about half an hour before the scheduled meeting, when the guy was carrying trash cans into his garage. CCTV Cameras high school show that he did not appear there. Jason had no personal problems or any other reason for disappearing, nor is there any evidence that anything could have happened to him. His further fate remains a mystery twelve years later.

    In 2003, Jim and Kelly Yolkowski immortalized the name of their son by founding their project - non-profit organization, which has become one of the most famous funds for families of missing people.

    10. Nicole Morin

    On July 30, 1985, eight-year-old Nicole Morin left her mother's Toronto penthouse. That morning, Nicole was going to swim in the pool with her friend. She said goodbye to her mother and left the apartment, but 15 minutes later her friend came to find out why Nicole had not yet left.

    Nicole's disappearance led to one of the largest police investigations in Toronto history, but no trace of the girl was ever found. The most plausible assumption was that someone could have kidnapped Nicole immediately after she left the apartment, but the building had twenty floors, so it would be quite difficult to get her out of there without being noticed. One of the residents said that he saw Nicole approaching the elevator, but no one else saw or heard anything. Nearly thirty years later, authorities have still not collected enough information to determine what happened to Nicole Morin.