The strangest disappearances of people. Disappearances

David Paulides, who worked as a law enforcement officer for more than twenty years, studied cases of unexplained disappearances of people on the North American continent and found out strange patterns. While local authorities investigate each case individually, Paulides put together a single picture that turned out to be very mysterious.

David collected two thousand cases with the same mystical details. As he himself said on May 21 of this year at the University of Toronto, it was like a plot from the famous “X-Files.”

Disappearances occurred most often in parks and near water bodies. Those who were subsequently found alive experienced memory lapses, and if they were found dead, the cause of their death was difficult to determine. Sometimes the missing were found in places that were impossible to reach on foot, or in an area that had already been thoroughly searched. For example, the body of one little boy was found on the trunk of a tree that had once fallen and lay next to the path, which had already been examined several times. It is also interesting that many people were missing shoes and some of their clothing.

Paulides says that in such cases, the dogs were unable to pick up the scent of the missing person. Some bloodhounds generally behaved strangely: they zigzagged, walked in circles, and then sat down and began to howl. The police also did not find any traces of crimes. It is characteristic that the disappearances occurred in places where there are no wild animals dangerous to humans. What is also common is that the bodies found had no physical damage. And the companions of the unfortunate people almost always said that before the incident for some reason (inexplicably and mysteriously) they separated from them...

Mysterious cases of missing children

Paulides began studying similar cases in 2009, after retiring from the San Jose police. Two park rangers told him at the time that they thought some missing person cases merited further investigation.

Paulides extended his research to areas of the city where similar cases had occurred, including earlier ones (in the twentieth and even nineteenth centuries). He told about the facts when a person incredibly moved from one place to another. This is especially impressive when we're talking about about small children who simply cannot travel long distances. So, in July 1957, a two-year-old boy named David Allen Scott disappeared in the Twin Lakes area near the Sierra Nevada range. The father, who was watching the child, only left for a minute to look into the van, and when he came out, he did not see Allen. The search team found the boy only three days later. To do this, she had to overcome a nearby mountain, and then climb another mountain peak. It is quite obvious that Small child I am not able to make this journey alone.

Keith Parkins, another two-year-old boy, disappeared in April 1952 near own home in Ritter after running behind a barn. He was found 19 hours later at a distance of 24 kilometers from home. Keith lay face down on the surface of the ice-covered pond and was still alive.

Other mysterious cases of disappearances

Paulides says bodies of missing people are often found in the water, but these cases do not appear to be drownings. Many of the incidents he studied have to do with the Great Lakes (which UFOs are so fond of) and city canals or reservoirs.

This is what happened, for example, in Anoka, Minnesota. Jelani Brison, 24, a student and football player, was found in a pond on the grounds of a golf course. The last time the young man was seen alive and unharmed was at the house of his friends. Brison's cap was later found in one yard near the field, and his shoes were found in another. Last days It was a rainy day and the golf course was covered in mud, but the deceased's socks were clean. It turns out that Brison did not come here, but was brought by someone and thrown into the pond. The cause of death could not be determined, but drowning has been ruled out. And this is just one of many similar cases that occurred in the area.

David Paulides has written a number of books, including The Missing: Strange Coincidences. The author talks about the disappearances of young men in the area of ​​urban reservoirs. Most of the cases occurred in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Their scenario is almost the same: the guys drink with friends in a bar, and later no one can remember how and when they left. A few days later, the bodies of young people are found in the water. Everything seems logical: the cause of their death was alcohol intoxication. However, according to Paulides, everything is not so simple. Often a person is considered missing for several days, but the pathologist states that the body was in the water for one or two days, or even just a few hours. This often happens in forested areas and parks. Such incidents are typical not only for North America, but also other regions of the world, although Paulides did not consider foreign cases in detail.

Recently, the case of corpses in the Manchester Canal (UK) has attracted widespread attention. English newspapers reported that within a few recent years Dozens of dead, mostly male, bodies were found in this canal. According to journalists, this is the work of a serial killer, who was even given a nickname - the Dropper. However, Paulides is unclear: how could so many healthy men drown in such a shallow canal without any signs of violence on their bodies?..

Some explanations for the mysterious disappearances

Many explain such disappearances by supernatural reasons, for example, the abduction of people by Bigfoot or space aliens. The latter, as ufologists say, is more likely, since the bodies of the victims almost never show signs of violence.

As for Paulides himself, he is reserved and states that he never made any hypotheses, but simply described the facts. Of course, a rational explanation can be found for individual incidents. However, when it comes to hundreds of similar cases, the perspective changes, a feeling of something mystical appears... The easiest thing, of course, is to blame everything on aliens, but then many new and also very difficult questions arise...

In Russia alone, about 120 thousand people disappear per year, and throughout the world this figure reaches several hundred thousand. According to statistics, experts never find traces of even a quarter of the missing, which is why their stories begin to become overgrown with rumors and are associated with various mystical phenomena.

Mysterious disappearances of people have occurred at all times, and many of them were documented back in the Middle Ages. But, it would seem, how in the century modern technologies, media and wide possibilities for a thorough search, can a person disappear so that not even a small clue remains about his whereabouts?

In 1910, the mysterious story of the disappearance of this socialite, who was the daughter of the owner large company, led to many rumors and versions. In good spirits, on the morning of December 12, she left her house without money or belongings.

On the way, she met several of her acquaintances, bought a humorous book at a bookstore, and then saw her friend Gladys. She was the last person to see the girl as she headed home through the park.

Dorothy's father spent more than one hundred thousand dollars searching for her, which was a huge amount at that time, but did not get any results. The versions of murder, suicide and memory loss were refuted by the police.

Disappearance at Stonehenge

This mystical incident in 1971, which occurred near Stonehenge, is one of the biggest mysteries in human history. A group of hippie tourists decided to set up camp right in the center of this structure.

At night, a storm suddenly began, and the place was illuminated by a bright flash blue color. She was seen by two witnesses - a policeman and a farmer, who immediately rushed to the stones, but found no one.

After this disappearance, no one was ever seen again, either alive or dead.

Lost in the mountains

In 2007, a woman named Barbara Bolick went with her friend to dangerous journey into the mountains. According to him, they moved together all the time, but at some point he stopped for a few seconds to admire the luxurious view.

When he turned to say something to his companion, it turned out that she was no longer there. The police thoroughly checked the man, initially not believing his version, and then completely combed the area, but Barbara was never found.

Disappearance from a wheelchair

The disappearances of people who have certain physical disabilities and cannot move independently look especially strange.

So one day, a sixty-year-old man named Owen Parfitt, who was resting in a wheelchair in the courtyard of his own house, disappeared in an unknown direction.

When his sister came out to help him drive back in, it turned out that he was nowhere to be found. No traces other than his coat were ever found.

Disappearance of the village

There were also mass disappearances of people. There is a known case when in 1930 the inhabitants of an entire Eskimo village disappeared, and no one has been able to explain this mystical incident to this day.

All things remained in the houses, and the situation itself looked as if people had left their homes for a few minutes: there was half-eaten food on the tables, and nearby there were household items that people, apparently, had used just before their disappearance.

No traces indicating that people had left were found around the village.

The dogs were found tied and covered with snow, which seemed strange: the Eskimos were always kind to animals and, when leaving, would not leave their friends to certain death. But the worst thing in this story is that all the graves of their ancestors were opened.

Considering that it was winter and the ground was frozen, it was impossible to dig them all up quickly and without special equipment. Eyewitnesses claim that before the incident they saw a large luminous object in the sky that changed shape and moved towards the village.

No one can say what actually happened, but the fact that an entire village disappeared is irrefutable.

If you want to see more mysterious stories of disappearances, we advise you to watch the following video:

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Some people believe that the missing people are prisoners of space aliens who are being held on one of the planets. However, such an opinion is unlikely to console relatives and will not alleviate suffering. Sometimes they will wait their whole lives for the return of loved ones who disappeared under mysterious circumstances and hope for a miracle...

Beaumont kids: went to the beach and never came back

Australia Day became a curse for Jim and Nancy Beaumont: the national holiday turned into a terrible tragedy for them. On January 26, 1966, they sent the children to the beach of the Glenelge resort, hoping that nine-year-old Jane would take care of the younger Arn and Grant, according to family tradition. The children left by bus at ten in the morning to return home by noon. They did not show up at the appointed time, and Nancy thought that the children were returning from the beach on foot and were a little late. However, she felt uneasy and panicked when more than three hours had passed.

Evening came, and the children still did not return. Jim rushed home from work and rushed to search with Nancy. Desperate, the poor parents filed a police report. The search for the children was carried out throughout South Australia, but all attempts to find even the slightest traces were unsuccessful. The version that the children could have drowned has not received evidence. In this strange and mysterious case, there was a certain blond, young man who was allegedly seen next to Jane, Arna and Grant.

The behavior of the children seen in Wenzel’s confectionery also remained completely incomprehensible. Here they bought some pies and a cake, paying with a one pound note, although, as Nancy claimed, she gave eight shillings and six pence as pocket money.

Norfok regiment: 267 people disappeared without a trace

The story of his disappearance on the battlefield during the First World War is one of the most mysterious and mysterious. On August 25, 1915, an entire British regiment along with its officers, storming the positions of the Turkish army near Gallipoli, entered the forest and disappeared from sight. Neither shots nor the slightest rustle were heard: 267 people disappeared without a trace. British company reports stated that the regiment was engulfed in a fog of unknown origin. But this hasty conclusion only confused the situation. Of course, it would have been easier to blame the Turkish military for this dark matter: they say that they killed a bunch of people in an unknown way. However, none of them even knew about the existence of such a unit. The British, being the winners, began searching for the Norfok regiment.

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At first they were very lucky: on the battlefield they found badges, boots, and shoulder straps of military personnel that confirmed their membership in the missing unit. And having found hundreds of corpses in one village, they hastened to say that the regiment died heroically in battle. Although even with the naked eye some inconsistencies could be noticed. For example, it seemed that the dead were dropped from a great height. This was evidenced by numerous fractures on the corpses and their scattering throughout the territory.

In the early 70s of the last century, when the archives on the mysterious disappearance of the Norfok regiment became public, scientific world a real boom began. Each of the scientists put forward his own hypothesis of a historical event. But, figuratively speaking, British ufologists surpassed everyone. They claimed that the cloud of unknown origin was a UFO. They say that the aliens killed part of the regiment and took the other with them.

April Fabb: went to visit her sister on a bicycle and disappeared

All of Britain was agitated by this tragic event. A thirteen-year-old girl from Norfolk disappeared in broad daylight. On April 8, 1969, April rode her bicycle to visit her sister in a neighboring village. The truck driver was the only witness who saw the girl in last time. It was as if she sank into the water, disappearing without a trace. April Fabb's bicycle was found near the field. The police combed the entire area, but the search brought no results.

Investigators would later try to link the case to the 1978 disappearance of a young girl, Janet Tate, in which police believed notorious child killer Robert Black was involved. However, this version had to be abandoned: there was no direct evidence of his involvement in April’s disappearance. The case of the missing girl remains the most mysterious in British history.

Sodder children from Fayetteville: disappeared from their room when fire started

This happened on Christmas Eve 1945. Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jenny and Betty Sodder walked blithely along the night streets, not at all worried that they were very late. Meanwhile, their other brothers and sisters and their parents were sleeping peacefully in their beds. But in the middle of the night, the mother suddenly heard loud sounds coming from the roof. A moment later, she suddenly realized that the house had been set on fire. The smell of smoke and the fiery glow forced the woman to raise her family to their feet. They got out to escape the fire.

Then the parents began to look for a ladder to get to the top floor and rescue Betty, Jenny, Maurice, Martha and Louis from the fiery captivity. However, the search ended in failure. When firefighters arrived, only the remains of the house were smoldering. But it was not possible to find the bodies among the ashes. The grief-stricken parents explained to the police that apparently someone had kidnapped the children and set the house on fire to cover up the crime.

Investigators were never able to give a clear answer to many of the questions they were asked. And, in all likelihood, they put the mysterious case on the shelf. In 1968, parents received a strange photograph in the mail. It showed a young man, and on the back of the photograph was the caption: "Louis Sodder." The poor parents believed until their death that it was their missing son, even though the police were never able to identify the man.

Nicole Morin: disappeared into her own home without leaving it

It’s incredible, but an eight-year-old girl disappeared without leaving a huge building with 20 floors. True, one of the residents claimed that he saw Nicole approaching the elevator. On July 30, 1985, the girl, having received instructions from her mother, left the apartment. She hurried to the pool, and her friend was already waiting for her. But after a while they called the apartment - Nicole’s friend was standing on the threshold and asking why she was late and did not leave the house.

The best Toronto police forces were involved in the search for the girl. They examined literally every floor of the house, trying to find traces of Nicole Morin's presence. Even today, the authorities have been forced to admit that the case of the girl’s disappearance has not advanced one step. This confession, of course, did little to console the parents, who also spent a lot of effort searching for their daughter.

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Barbara Bolick: Disappeared when her friend's back was turned

This case defies any explanation at all. An elderly woman from Corvallis, Montana, was known to be a big fan of hiking in the mountains. And one day, together with her friend Jim Ramaker, who came from California, she went on another trip. The picturesque places underfoot seduced Barbara Bolick's companion with their beauty. For the sake of this spectacle, he paused for a moment, and when he turned around, he did not see Barbara. Jim searched every corner of the path he passed, but never found her. He raised the alarm and called the police, who also could find no trace of Barbara Bolick.

It seemed as if the woman had fallen through the ground. Naturally, suspicion initially fell on Jim Ramaker. But the investigation proved that he had nothing to do with Barbara’s disappearance. And to this day this story is full of secrets and mysteries: it’s hard to imagine that a person you saw a minute ago suddenly dissolves in space and disappears from your field of vision forever.

Dorothy Arnold: went shopping and never came back

With a book in hand and a bag containing half a pound of chocolate, she went for an easy walk in New York's Central Park to disappear from this city forever. This happened on December 12, 1910. The bright beauty Dorothy Arnold left the house to choose a new dress for the next ball. The young socialite and wealthy heiress was the pride of local society. In addition, she was considered an aspiring writer. True, someone doubted her talent, but everything was written off by Dorothy’s beauty, which attracted almost all the eligible bachelors of New York. Strangely, the parents reported their daughter missing only six weeks later. Perhaps in this way they wanted to avoid unnecessary noise, but the opposite happened. The whole city was shocked by this news.

Active searches for the girl only generated theories, but did not bring positive results. It was rumored that Dorothy could have fled to Europe, trying to get rid of excessive parental care. But this assumption was immediately dismissed: the appearance of a young beauty here would not go unnoticed.

Maura Murray: disappeared at the scene of the accident

A few days before the incident, the parents noticed their daughter’s strange behavior. The girl seemed to be afraid of someone, but she did not dare to tell about her fears. On February 9, 2004, UMass student Maura Murray sent an email to her professors and employers saying that she was forced to leave due to the death of a family member. Although in reality this did not happen. Why Maura did this remains a mystery. And on the evening of February 9, the girl had an accident, crashing into a tree. Moreover, two days earlier she crashed another car. A bus driver who witnessed the accident offered to help Maura. However, she refused. Worried about the girl's fate, the driver nevertheless called the police.

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When she arrived at the scene, she did not find Maura. Apparently, the girl stopped a passing car and asked her for a ride. This is precisely the version that the police adhered to at first. A day later, Maura's boyfriend, who lives in Oklahoma, received a voicemail from her, interrupted by sobs. The girl's parents were sure that their daughter had been kidnapped and was being held in an unknown place. But more than a decade passed, and the police did not even have any clue to find her.

Percy Fawcett: disappeared during an expedition

He was one of the most famous travelers of his time. The intrepid explorer Colonel Percy Fawcett visited almost every corner of Brazil and Bolivia where no man had gone before. And he was obsessed with the idea - to find in the Amazon jungle lost city Z. Percy even developed a theory according to which his traces must be looked for in the Mato Grosso region in Brazil. Fawcett captivated his eldest son Jack and his friend Reilly Rimmel with his dream of the possibility of a sensational discovery.

In 1925, they set off on a journey to disappear forever into the wilds of the Amazon jungle. Several expeditions were sent to find traces of the brave explorers. Of course, each of the participants was well aware that they were risking their lives when they found themselves face to face with wildlife, which was fraught with many dangers, with tribes of local aborigines who did not always greet strangers friendly. And hundreds of people died, unraveling the mystery of the disappearance of Colonel Percy Fawcett. One can only assume that they became victims of a tropical disease, attacks by predatory animals, or were killed by the aborigines.

Annette Sagers: Disappeared a year after her mother went missing

This story with a certain mystical touch is still considered one of the most mysterious in America. Judge for yourself: first, Corrina Sagers Malinoski, a 26-year-old resident of Berkeley County (South Carolina), disappears. She was reported missing to the police on November 21, 1987. The woman's car was found near Mount Holly Plantation. But this fact did not give the police a single chance to find even the slightest trace of Corrina. And almost a year later, in early October, her eight-year-old daughter Annette Sagers disappears.

By a strange coincidence, the stop school bus was located opposite the ill-fated Mount Holly plantation. Annette disappeared before the bus arrived, leaving a note with the following words: “Dad, Mom is back. Hug your brothers for me." Experts have determined that the handwriting belongs to her. However, this circumstance did not affect the results of the search for mother and daughter Sagers. They are still listed as missing, and the hope of finding them is fading every day. It is worth noting that in 2000, a call from an unknown person to the police alarmed investigators. After all, a stranger reported that Annette was buried in Sumter County. But her grave could not be found, and the case of the girl’s disappearance is still considered unsolved.

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Ancient chronicles and medieval chronicles describe cases when a person in the blink of an eye seemed to disappear into thin air before the eyes of eyewitnesses. Historians do not take them seriously, considering them fiction. However, such mysterious disappearances still occur today.

Every year, thousands of people disappear without a trace all over the world, including in Russia. It is traditionally believed that for the most part they are victims of unsolved crimes. True, in the twentieth century a hypothesis appeared that earthlings were being abducted by aliens. It is possible that both occur. However, there are cases when a person disappears right in front of witnesses, who say that he instantly “evaporated” in the literal sense of the word.

Evidence of the past For the first time about such a mysterious incident that occurred in Ancient Greece, Plato mentions. In the midst of the battle, one of the warriors, who was pierced by a dart, suddenly melted into the air. And in the place where he had just stood, his weapon, shield and even the fatal dart remained.

In the East, especially in India and Tibet, sudden disappearances of people happened quite often. They did not see anything unusual in them, explaining it by what is now called teleportation, when, with the help of special psychotechnics, a person moves from one place to another in the blink of an eye. Well, in the distant past they said that he “flew to another world.”

European medieval chronicles also mention cases of instantaneous disappearance of people in the presence of witnesses, but, unfortunately, no details are given. But in the 18th century they were already described in detail.

In England at the time, the disappearance of former sailor Owen Parfitt caused a lot of noise.
All his life he sailed around the world and was captured by pirates. The sailor returned home almost paralyzed. All day long he sat in a wheelchair on the porch of his older sister Susanna’s house and told about his adventures to everyone who would listen.

On the evening of June 7, 1763, Parfitt, as always, sat on the porch in his chair and watched the workmen raking hay on a neighboring farm.

The sky was clouded with thunderclouds, and they were in a hurry to finish the work before the rain. When lightning flashed on the horizon, Susanna followed her neighbor, who was helping her bring the stroller and her brother into the house. Owen told her not to rush, it wouldn't hurt him if she got a little wet.

The sister and neighbor had already approached the house and clearly saw the disabled man on the porch. But, as happens with women, we stopped to chat because the rain had not yet started. When they looked at the porch, there was no one there. The women thought that the disabled person had somehow climbed over the threshold into the house. But it turned out that the wheelchair was standing in the same place, and his overcoat was lying on it. The farm laborers working on the neighboring plot did not see anyone. The long search for missing Owen Parfitt has ended in vain.

In 1809, an equally mysterious incident occurred in Germany. British diplomat Benjamin Bathurst was returning home after completing an important assignment.

Along the way, he and a friend stopped for dinner at an inn in the German village of Perelberg. After dinner they returned to the carriage. But before getting into it, the diplomat decided to inspect the horses. In front of his friend’s eyes, Bathurst melted into thin air while he was stroking one of the harnesses. His friend was so amazed that he was speechless. Having come to his senses, he called for help from the people at the inn. But no matter how much they searched for the missing diplomat, they could not find him.

In 1867 mysterious disappearance took place in Paris before the eyes of Dr. Bonvilen. The victim was his neighbor Lucien Boussier. Here is a brief account of this credible witness. Lucien went to the doctor to consult about the weakness he had developed. Bonvilen asked him to undress and lie down on the couch, which he did.

The doctor walked away for a second to take the stethoscope from the table, and when he turned to the couch, the patient was not on it. Moreover, his clothes were lying on a chair nearby. Bonvilen immediately went to his neighbor’s apartment, but it turned out to be empty. The police, to whom the doctor reported the next day, did not find the missing man. Where the naked man could have gone remains a mystery.

But the most famous case of sudden disappearance occurred in 1880 in America on the outskirts of the town of Gallatin in Tennessee on the farm of David Lang. After washing the dishes after dinner, the farmer and his wife Emma left the house. The woman approached the children playing in the yard, and the husband went to the horses grazing in the meadow in front of the house. Having moved a few tens of meters from the house, Lang saw a gig in which his friend Judge Auguste Peck and his son-in-law were riding.

The judge was also noticed by all the other members of the household, to whom Peck always brought gifts. They shouted joyfully and began waving their hands at him. The farmer also waved to his friend and, without reaching the horses, turned and hurriedly headed towards the house to meet the guests.

But after walking a few meters, David Lang suddenly disappeared into thin air in front of five witnesses. Emma screamed loudly, afraid that her husband had fallen into the hole.

Then, together with the judge, his son-in-law and children, they walked around the entire field, especially carefully examining the place where David disappeared, but they did not find any traces of him or holes. The search, which involved dozens of Lang neighbors and townspeople, also yielded nothing. All American newspapers wrote about this incident at that time.

Many versions were put forward, but none of them could explain what happened to the farmer.
The Bennington Triangle and other horrors In the twentieth century, there were especially many - several dozen - disappearances in the northeastern United States in the vicinity of the town of Bennington (Vermont), which journalists even called the “Bennington Triangle” - by analogy with the famous Bermuda Triangle, where ships disappear without a trace and airplanes. People in the Bennington Triangle disappeared into their gardens and homes, on the streets and at gas stations.

And on December 1, 1949, soldier James Thetford disappeared in the presence of fourteen witnesses on a bus. All the passengers saw him sit down in his seat and doze off immediately after the bus left the station.

However, when an hour later the bus, which by the way never stopped on the way, arrived in Bennington, Thetford was not on it. His bag was still on the shelf above the seat, and only a crumpled newspaper remained in the place James had occupied. Before that, he was a convinced materialist and always laughed when he heard about some kind of devilry with mysterious disappearances.

The youngest victim of the Bennington Triangle was eight-year-old Paul Jackson, who disappeared on October 12, 1950. He was playing in the farmyard next to the pigsty.

His mother went in there to water the pigs, and when she came out a few minutes later, her son was gone. The woman searched the entire farm and walked around the surrounding area, loudly calling for Paul, but he did not respond. For several days, hundreds of police officers, rescuers and volunteers searched for the boy, but this did not yield any results.
People disappeared in other places too. So, in 1975, American Jackson Wright and his wife were driving a Ford from New Jersey to New York.

As he passed the Lincoln Tunnel, he noticed that the car windows were fogged up. Wright pulled over to the side of the road, stopped and asked his wife to wipe them down. Martha Wright got out of the car with a rag, walked up to the windshield and... disappeared. Not understanding what happened, the husband also got out of the car and began to look around. But the woman was nowhere to be seen. Wright was flagged down by a passing police patrol, who immediately began searching for Mrs. Wright. As in other cases, they were in vain.

Researchers of anomalous phenomena consider what happened in 1971, in perhaps the most mysterious place, to be the most mysterious. mysterious place on Foggy Albion - Stonehenge.

At that time, access to the famous prehistoric megaliths was open day and night. And so on August 17, seven hippies decided to spend the night among the boulders. They set up tents, lit a fire, smoked weed and started singing songs.

Around two o'clock in the morning, dull rumbles of thunder were heard, and bright flashes of lightning cut through the darkness. At this time, two witnesses were driving past Stonehenge: a policeman and a farmer. According to them, the huge stones suddenly lit up with a blue light - so bright that it hurt the eyes. They heard someone screaming. Thinking that someone had been struck by lightning, they rushed to help. But near the megaliths there were only empty tents where someone’s things lay.

The policeman and the farmer waited until the morning, but no one showed up. It later turned out that a group of hippies had camped there for the night and disappeared without a trace.

In the winter of 1930, an entire Eskimo village with several dozen inhabitants disappeared. Fur hunter Joe LaBelle was snowshoeing along the shores of Lake Anjikuni in Canada. He knew these places well; he had been to this village more than once, where he was received as a welcome guest. However, no one met him that time, although on the way he fired a gun to announce his arrival.

The village seemed to have died out. Home and outbuildings turned out to be empty. In some, the coals in the stoves were still warm, and on the tables there was food that had not yet frozen.

All clothes were in place. But without her, no one would have dared to leave their home in such cold weather. Moreover, there were no traces of people around the village. The puzzled hunter hurried to return to the nearest village to inform the authorities about the empty village. An investigation was launched, but the Eskimos could not be found.
In the Soviet Union, the press never wrote about such mysterious incidents. But this does not mean at all that they did not happen.

It’s just that in a country with a materialistic ideology it was forbidden to make public phenomena with a mystical overtones, even if they were registered by law enforcement agencies. However, before arriving Soviet power in Russia, people probably disappeared before the eyes of eyewitnesses. This is evidenced by an old expression existing in the Russian language: “The devils took away (took, carried away).” This is how witnesses could explain the incredible phenomenon when a person was just in front of them, and then suddenly disappeared.

“Black holes” of our world Today we cannot blame everything on devils; we need to look for an explanation or at least put forward hypotheses about the mechanism of this phenomenon. The anomalous researchers made a seemingly quite acceptable assumption: people disappear because they are pulled in by the so-called “whirlpools of time.”
Against it is the fact that those who disappeared never appear again in our world, as often happens with those “gone by time.”

In addition, temporary anomalies are accompanied by a characteristic visible phenomenon - glowing clouds. People who find themselves close to them experience various painful symptoms: dizziness and headache, vomiting, severe weakness, loss of coordination. And for some, when a luminous cloud appears, their hair stands on end, their body becomes covered with goose bumps, their hands tremble, and sometimes they lose consciousness. In addition, time anomalies leave behind other material traces: stalled engines, stopped clocks, extinguished electric lamps.

A more acceptable hypothesis is the dematerialization of people at the moment of their disappearance. They seem to crumble into their component parts - molecules and atoms, which then undergo structural changes. To understand how this ultra-fast process develops, let’s call on our imagination to help. Let's imagine that a person has turned into an infinitesimal virtual observer who was placed inside our body. Then the whole Universe will open before him. The tissue molecules in it will look like star systems, and various organs- like galaxies.

In addition, they all interact with each other and are in constant motion in their microcosm.
Previously it was believed that the laws of this microworld cannot be transferred to our big world. But in 1997, physicist David Richard from the University of Massachusetts showed that they also operate in the macrocosm. From here we can draw the opposite conclusion: it is possible that the same processes that are observed in our Universe occur in the quantum world.

Astronomers and astrophysicists suggest that there are unusual cosmic objects in it - so-called “black holes” made of superdense matter. They have a huge force of attraction, due to which the light is “locked” in them and does not come out. According to the law of gravity, “black holes” are capable of “devouring” stars, their systems and even entire galaxies, drawing them into themselves.

In light of all that has been said above, we can assume that the same “black holes” arise at the submolecular level in humans. In this case, they instantly “devour” it from the inside, leaving no visible trace.
Of course, this is only a schematic hypothesis. Time will show how true it is, if science takes the mysterious disappearances of people for no apparent external reason seriously, collects facts and scrupulously analyzes them. In the meantime, we can only hope that this sad fate will pass you by. In any case, statistics indicate that its probability is negligible.

"Secret Power"

Why are almost twice as many people missing in Alaska as live there? Local search and rescue teams conduct hundreds of operations every year but find no sign of people alive or dead, as if they have almost literally disappeared into thin air.

Alaska is certainly a harsh place, but why do so many people and planes disappear here and, moreover, why are most of these disappearances concentrated in one place?

More people have disappeared in the so-called Alaska Triangle, which stretches from Juneau to Anchorage and as far north as Barrow, than anywhere else in the world. These are thousands of kilometers of lakes, wastelands and mountains with an ominous reputation.

The first recorded case of such a disappearance is considered to be the disappearance of an Alaska-Texas flight with 44 passengers on board in 1950. The airplane simply disappeared - no traces of it have been found to this day.

The Alaska Triangle thundered throughout the world on October 16, 1972, when somewhere on the way from Anchorage to Juneau a Cessna plane with Democratic US Congressman Thomas Hale Boggs and politician Nick Begich on board disappeared without a trace.

The disappearance launched the largest search in US history. Forty rescue planes combed the area for 39 days for wreckage or survivors, but to no avail. The Cessna and the politicians seemed to disappear into thin air.

All this could be attributed to chance, the harsh climate and desolation of the region, which is why finding crashed equipment here is very problematic. But what is striking is that since then more than 16 thousand people have disappeared without a trace in the Alaska Triangle, both tourists and local residents. And not a single person has been found yet.

The local Tlingit tribe blames the evil creature kushtaka, which roughly translates to "otter man." According to legend, this werewolf imitates the cries of a child or woman to lure his victim into the river.

The kushtaka either kills people who find themselves in the water, tearing them into pieces, or bewitches them and turns them into a small kushtaka. For the same purpose, he sometimes kidnaps babies. Therefore, Tlingit mothers scare their children with kushtaka so that they avoid independent walks near the water.

Conspiracy theorists have their own theory about this. They believe that an ancient huge pyramid, which they call black, is “hidden” in Alaska, capable of harnessing the power of the entire Earth. Former military man Bruce L. Pearson claims that the American authorities have long been trying to master the secret of the black pyramid and he himself, as an expert, participated in this project and therefore can say with confidence that the structure was not created by our civilization many thousands of years ago.

It is quite possible that people and equipment disappear here because, willingly or unwillingly, they interfere with the military. But US official authorities do their best to disavow this version; it is even more difficult to assume that the study of this ancient pyramid began by the American military in the middle of the last century and there is very little information about it.

The official explanation for the strange disappearances of people in the Alaska Triangle comes down to geopathic zones, energy vortices and extreme electromagnetic radiation, which are also present in other mysterious places of our planet. The most famous example is Bermuda Triangle, but some researchers believe that Stonehenge, Easter Island and Egyptian pyramids also lie in areas with such radiation.

In such places, compasses and electronic devices fail, and engine malfunctions occur, which may explain airplane crashes. This is abnormal electromagnetic radiation, appears to cause people to experience visions, dizziness, disorientation and confusion.

The fact remains that in a state with a population smaller than San Francisco, every four people in a thousand are missing. But the terrible and most likely truth is that people who have nothing to lose deliberately go into the deserted tundra of Alaska so as to never be found.

Materials from an article by Ilya Kislov from the site were used