The most popular trainings for women. Women's training - quackery or salvation? Certified course specializations

The variety of life situations and the scale of personal responsibility of a single woman as a mother, friend or professional often provokes mental fatigue, loss of physical strength, and I want to leave the problem until its natural resolution. Desperate ladies who have not lost faith in women's happiness and personal relevance make up one category of visitors to training seminars and lectures.

On the other hand, positive young ladies also come there, determined to find a soul mate and transform themselves, receive instructions, acquire specific practical skills, unlock female potential and master techniques for influencing the opposite sex.

Who needs women's training?

In many cases, attending women's training will be beneficial. We list the most common prerequisites for such an investment of one’s time and finances:

  • despite your efforts, men leave you or exchange you for other women;
  • you are not ready to take the first step, but no one is moving towards you;
  • not your strong point, the opposite sex loses interest after the first meeting;
  • you sincerely see yourself only in the role of a wife and housewife, but there are no traces of worthy candidates;
  • you are planning to meet or marry a foreigner;
  • you have a permanent partner who is in no hurry to walk you down the aisle;
  • you are in love with a married man;
  • you are interested in a person from a different social class;
  • you have experience of a difficult divorce and are afraid of making mistakes again and experiencing severe pain;
  • you have features that are subjectively perceived as shortcomings - low self-esteem fetters and drives you into a corner of loneliness (these include obesity, crooked teeth, poor diction, increased hair growth, etc.).

Does training for women always help?

The benefits of women's training are sometimes so insignificant that we begin to regret not only the money spent, but also the time. That happens…

  • if we go to class expecting an immediate solution to our problem;
  • when it turns out that, in addition to the lecture you listened to and a number of exercises completed, you need to work on yourself;
  • when we don’t really need the services offered, but go for company, out of boredom, out of a desire to visit and try something new.

Of course, sometimes an unsatisfactory result is also due to specific methods of presenting information. It seems that the coach speaks beautifully (or not so beautifully) about something about which he has not the slightest idea. Talking about shared female happiness, advantageous marriage in all respects and other common desires, the lady herself looks unhappy or even lonely. It happens that the central figure is quite convincing, but the information conveyed is known to you almost from childhood. To avoid disappointment, it makes sense to spend time searching for a quality offer. Moreover, most trainings are not that cheap.

How to choose effective training for women

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the education and professional experience of the key person - the coach. Many people’s track records include something like “the author and director of a popular Internet project...”. This, of course, is also not bad, but it is not quite enough to teach you how to live. Moreover, website promotion is a matter of time and money, and popularity is a relative concept. As first or second special education must be psychology, sociology or related ones.

It is also important to take into account the conditions of the meeting: how comfortable the room is, where it is located, at what time everything is organized, how many participants are involved, how long the trainings are held. It is logical to assume that after two hours of sitting in a stuffy room and uninitiatively repeating mantras with twenty people sitting next to you, potential husbands will not fall at your feet.

For her money, a woman has the right to expect that her personal situation will be addressed (it is worth remembering that the training is not a consultation with a psychologist), and feedback will also be provided.

It would also be useful to read independent reviews of former participants on the Internet; it is especially worth paying attention to the negative ones (many good ones are simply bought), and filtering emotions from the essence.

Study the event program in detail; again, you will have to weed out speech patterns and advertising wording. It is important to clearly understand what you will gain after a given visit (or several), and then decide on the advisability of the trip and spending. If you consider yourself to be in a certain social category (single mother, divorced woman, over 40), then it is wise to look for relevant training topics.

What are the benefits of attending women's training?

Most meetings on the topic of personal female happiness and finding your other half will give (or rather, sell) you a valuable baggage of practical skills, including:

  • secrets of seduction;
  • ways to maintain a man's interest in himself;
  • specifics of love cooking;
  • techniques for creating an attractive appearance for men;
  • tactics for establishing trusting relationships;
  • the possibility of turning a lover into a husband, a friend into a loved one, etc.;
  • overcoming barriers to interethnic marriage.

Also held powerful work over the loosening of stereotypes and the elimination of personal obstacles, the correct long-term motivation is formed, complexes and fears are revealed, and female self-esteem increases. By understanding the roots of the problem, you can continue to move along the chosen course - towards romantic meetings, love and subsequent marriage.

Well, and the most important thing. Training for women is akin to a diet program: any diet works if you follow it.

  • You are a women's trainer, but you just can't organize your business.
  • Do you want to become a women's trainer, but don't know where to start or whether you will succeed?
  • You have a lot of energy and want to serve important matter that would develop you as a woman and as a person
  • You always want to share with people the unique experiences that you have mastered or seen in life.
  • They always ask you to tell you something and they listen to you very carefully.
  • Relatives and friends constantly tell you that it’s time for you to give lectures yourself :)
  • You have valuable experience that can change the lives of other women
  • You want to see the faces of all women happy and full of love!

The course consists of three webinars that will not only show you which direction to move in, but you will receive important and clear recommendations on how to run your business.

Webinar “Trainer Personality”

The first block will fully prepare you as an individual for the profession of a trainer. You will receive complete information that will not only show you the path of a coach, but also help you pass difficult lessons along the way. You will receive effective practices and techniques to improve yourself as an individual.

  • The universe needs female trainers. Why is this happening
  • Why did you take this path
  • True and false motivation on the path to women's coaching
  • Setting the right goals and intentions for your business
  • Who can be a women's coach?
  • Coach's personality as the key to success
  • Why are some coaches accepted and others not?
  • What experience and character qualities does a women's coach need?
  • Who can't be a women's coach?
  • In what cases should this profession not be considered?
  • Things to work on before you start working with people
  • Is it possible to become a women's coach before a woman has a family?
  • Is it possible to be a coach if you are divorced?
  • Women's affairs and family relationships
  • The path of a female coach: lessons, trials, success and ups. How to get through it all
  • Illusions on the path of a female trainer
  • How life trains coaches and what to expect along the way
  • A special balance of energy: how to achieve it and not become a “man” who saves women
  • Key mistakes of all women's coaches, or What we always forget
  • What you have to give up when becoming a coach
  • What a woman can talk about and what she can’t talk about
  • The need for a supervisor (a teacher who corrects your path) and how to find one for yourself

Webinar “Your personal project”

The second block of the course will help you start and put your business on its feet, fill it with life and breathe soul into it. You will receive detailed, comprehensive knowledge and information about all the nuances of running your project, the financial side and energy self-defense.

  • Creating a project: step-by-step plan
  • How to choose a project name
  • How and when to start
  • Project content
  • What is most important in your women's project?
  • How to find your own concept in coaching and become unique, and not copy others
  • The principle of community and individuality in your business
  • Creating a style - basic tips
  • How to find your audience and whether you need to look for it
  • Women's way of running their business (difference from classic management projects)
  • How to breathe soul into a project
  • Maintaining your group and website
  • A harmonious attitude towards the project: how not to become a “chicken and egg”
  • The financial side of the matter: how and how much money you can take for your work
  • Why is it dangerous to work for free?
  • Altruistic actions and how many of them there should be
  • Giving Culture in Coaching
  • Managing earned money, how and what it should be spent on
  • Psychological self-defense and self-defense from destructive programs of clients
  • Communication with participants: how, how much and why
  • The measured role of a rescuer: how to maintain balance
  • How to recover after consultations, programs, webinars and long-term work with society

Webinar “Development Tools”

Essential information on how to lead programs that create joy and transformation in clients' lives. Extremely important finishing touches in the personality of the coach.

  • Webinar preparation scheme: nuances and recommendations
  • Algorithm for conducting a webinar - step-by-step instructions
  • Training preparation scheme: nuances and recommendations
  • Training algorithm - step-by-step instructions
  • Appearance of the trainer, what to pay attention to
  • The importance of voice and what a coach’s voice should be; how to speak to be heard
  • Personal life of a coach and society
  • Methods for pumping yourself up for trainers - advanced level
  • The sphere of communication and what we should strive for next
  • Balance of material and spiritual
  • Motivational advice for coaches


After entering the data, click “Order” and the payment page will open.
Cost – 9000 rubles.



I periodically attend Marina Morozova’s trainings.
I really liked the training for women “Her Majesty, Woman or How to Unleash Your Femininity”. On it I saw that in fact I did not perceive the woman very positively. And while doing homework, I lived through painful situations that I didn’t even suspect. The training was very powerful. I recommend to everyone.
I also liked the training "How to charm yourself or How to love yourself". The training included simple, but memorable and effective techniques.
Thanks to Marina and Dmitry for the Hellinger arrangement. They helped me a lot and are still helping me. In the layouts you can see the cause of the problem. I had a health problem. As it turned out, the reason for it was connected with my ancestors. The next morning after the arrangement I no longer felt the symptoms of the disease. I realized that I am healthy!


This was the first training I attended in my life.

From the very beginning of the training, there was great interest, which only continued to be fueled. Lots of new and useful information. Time flew by, I didn’t want to leave.

As a result, I felt a surge of energy, calmness and a powerful upsurge of strength.

Thank you very much Marina.


On women's training "Her Majesty, Woman! or How to reveal your feminine side" I liked the work with age cycles. I never thought it was so important. It is very pleasant to reveal the feminine essence within yourself, to feel that you belong to the female half of humanity.

I was surprised that right during the training after one of the exercises lower abdominal pain gone, which have constantly tormented me over the past few months. I didn't expect this at all.

Zharova Tatyana, 31

I had no idea that I was playing the role of Mother in relationships with men.

This was revealed to me at a training for women "Her Majesty, Woman! or How to Unleash Your Femininity" and explained a lot in my relationships with men, why such weaklings and whiners always end up around me. It seems to me that I was able to change a lot during the training. At least, I felt the difference between the roles of Mother and Woman. Also to me managed to forgive my mother, I began to understand her better.

Belkina Svetlana, 45 l.

I have long years Relationships with men did not work out, they were friends with me, and I was friends with them.

I never thought that the reason for this was that I looked like a boy and behaved like a boy. At this women's training, I realized that I really never had enough femininity, and I always rejected it. Thanks to the techniques we did at the women's training "Her Majesty, Woman! or How to Unleash Your Femininity", I immediately felt that something had changed in me.

After the training, I did the techniques that Marina gave us as homework, I revised a lot about myself and my life, changed my inner image. Now you won't recognize me.

I moved away from the image of a boy and began to look like a Real Woman.

It is thanks to this in my life a beloved man appeared, and now we are together. I love and I am loved!!!

Kotova Inna, 35 l.

I was amazed by the opportunity working with female scenarios.

At women's training "Her Majesty, Woman! or How to Unleash Your Femininity" My eyes were opened to a lot of things. I didn't realize that I was repeating sad fate your grandmother. I hope something worked out change in my destiny, in my scenario, because the last thing I want is to be as unhappy as she is.

Burkina Olga, 38 years old.

I attended three trainings by Marina Morozova and I can say that my life has completely changed.
The first training I attended was . To be honest, I did not expect such a quick result. For several years I had a complete vacuum in personal life, men preferred to be friends with me rather than build serious relationships. To tell the truth, I have already given up on my personal life. It seemed to me that family was simply not for me!
However, after the training, somehow by itself, without special effort for my part, I have a beloved man appeared. The one I dreamed of, and even younger than me!!!

At the training for women “Her Majesty, Woman! or How to reveal your feminine side” I decided all my sexual problems, which improved our relationship.

Just recently I attended a training “How to get married successfully”- the result was not long in coming - everything is heading towards this. I simply have no words to express my gratitude to Marina Morozova! I wish good luck to everyone, everyone who decided to change and become the master of their destiny!!!

Zhurina Natalya

Thanks for Vanechka!
My husband and I have not had children for 7 years, although from a medical point of view we are both healthy. And only after several consultations with Marina Morozova and the female training “Her Majesty, Woman! or How to reveal your feminine side” I got pregnant. My son is already 5 months old. This is a miracle that we no longer hoped for!!! Thank you!!!

Demyanova Olga

Marina, good afternoon!
I received the book, thank you very much.
Special thanks for training for women “Her Majesty, woman!” or “How to reveal your feminine side”, it was very interesting.
Especially the way the training is structured. It can be seen that quite a lot of different techniques have been combined from different types currents (directions of psychology, a little esotericism, even a little NLP), but at the same time everything is very organically and laconically constructed and perceived accordingly. Knowing yourself is interesting and endless.
And I got a few more ways feel like a happy woman here and now. Thank you.

Julia K.

I passed women's training "Her Majesty, Woman! or How to reveal your feminine side" about a year ago. To be honest, I was skeptical and did not expect any changes. Some time passed after the training, and I suddenly realized that I had PMS disappeared and pain stopped during menstrual periods. And we just worked on this topic during the training. It’s been a year now that I feel comfortable these days. I am very grateful to Marina for this.

Svetlana Denisova

Women's training "Her Majesty, Woman! or How to reveal your feminine side" completely unexpectedly and very pleasantly he struck me with a new look at myself as a woman, my capabilities, the reasons for my problems with men, and increased my self-esteem. I I felt like a Goddess and a Sorceress. An incredible feeling of lightness, positivity and faith in your capabilities and feminine power.

Yulia S., 24 years old

I was at a women's training "Her Majesty, Woman! or How to Unleash Your Femininity" 3 years ago. The situation in my life at that time was a crisis: my husband left, leaving me with three children, and I had to look for the strength to live on. I also completed her women’s trainings “Attracting Love”, “ Women's secrets" and "How to get married successfully."
Now I have been successfully married for six months. Whoever told me earlier that I could get married in adulthood with THREE children would not have believed it. And I still don’t quite believe it, but it’s a fact!
Girls! You can be happy, loving and loved at any age with or without children. The main thing is to believe in yourself, in your feminine attractiveness, and to be able to use your feminine power. And this is exactly what you will get at women’s trainings from Marina Morozova.

Rakova Natasha, 43 years old

Top 7 most hellish women's trainings

We have already told you how to determine that your girlfriend is... And now we want to tell you what she, poor thing, encountered there. And let's start, for starters, with special women's trainings.

7th place. Marathons of femininity from Valyaeva

Let's start with a fairly mild one. About Olga Valyaeva and her great Vedic teachings they usually tell only anecdotal things: they say that her adherents walk without panties and trousers according to the Vedic teachings (Indian women traditionally wrapped in dhoti-harem pants in this place look with some bewilderment) in order to catch either torsion fields or or the energy of the Earth. And all in order to inspire her husband (of course, without orders and reminders!) and earn money more money. But that’s okay, at least Valyaeva doesn’t take money for women to take off their panties. And for their special marathons of femininity - yes.

The essence of the marathon is that women who have paid for it in advance receive tasks that must be completed every day. At the end of the marathon, femininity will increase many times over. For one day, a set of washing your hair, lubricating your hands with cream and putting on a flowered skirt/dress can be given. Or from complimenting your husband, preparing semolina porridge for breakfast for the children and applying lipstick. And so it was for two or three months. Marathons must be repeated, otherwise femininity will not take hold. However, Olga takes money for her unique method carefully (about 2000 rubles per adept), so even those who are dissatisfied and dissatisfied do not fuss too much later. Yes. All tasks completely duplicate Olga’s free advice on her website.

6th place. Insults from Pavel Rakov live

Although in reality, of course, in the recording

Pavel Rakov made himself comfortable. Firstly, he conducts the unprecedentedly popular training “Why I’m smart, but I live like a fool.” The training is worth it good money and consists of two parts. Throughout the first episode, Rakov shows off in every possible way over the women who come (for example, he demands to smell his socks in a bow), not very covertly insults them and gives them idiotic tasks, such as walking around the city with an iron. In the second, women are given the classic Stockholm syndrome in relation to the coach: after the stick, they are given a carrot. Clients who have paid for the training receive from Rakov a bunch of contradictory statements and attitudes, and the purpose of the training, in essence, is to instill in a woman that she should be as submissive as possible to a man, and teach her to beg for gifts. You should see exalted women who say: “After Rakov’s training, a MIRACLE happened!” You’re just waiting for a story about how her ears fell off again during the first part of the training from shouts of “stupid.” But it is a MIRACLE when my husband buys a fur coat or a bracelet.

Secondly, Rakov did all the same things in his show on Ren TV the year before. That is, he publicly humiliated women, gave advice and instructed how MIRACLES are done.

Yes, and Rakov is also a distributor of Noni juice (it’s like with distributors of Amway, only Noni juice) and uses every training to push the product. Double profit!

Review from the Internet:

I attended Pavel Rakov’s women’s training. I really didn't like it.
He is charismatic and a wonderful actor - a fact. However, the training is not structured, the impression is okroshka from completely different exercises. The image of the woman one is asked to become is a mixture of a submissive and a glamor chick. This idea is presented in a rather exaggerated manner and without a discount on individual characteristics, everything is justified by statistical data. Example: if you want to build a serious relationship, giving your partner sex is allowed only after 120 days from the start of meetings, because according to statistics, such relationships are stronger.
My attempt to give feedback my disagreement on a number of issues caused an outburst of aggression towards me, but I never received a substantive answer.

– Alexandra Lutokhina, psychologist

5th place. Ekaterina Fedorova and her school of geishas

Hurray, a lot of women will scream when they see such a name. Without tours to Japan, we will finally be taught to play the shamisen, talk about cultural news, drape in a kimono and mince on bench slippers. No, ladies. At school they teach you how to suck. That is, in general they teach a lot there, but for some reason in the promotional video they talk primarily about playing the magic flute. Secondly, about training intimate muscles(banal Kegel exercises, which we use for you). And there you can dance if you really want to. With a fan, but without clothes, most likely, because this is exactly the combination that the whole concept of a “geisha school” looks like through the eyes of Fedorova.

Who taught Ekaterina the subtle art of geisha so much that when performed by Fedorova it looks like a long, diligent blow job? Catherine readily reveals her teachers: her herbal grandmother, Mexican sorcerers, Baikal shamans and astrologers Irina and Mikhail Kosh. What relation these people have to geishas, ​​we will never know. To finish off the curious, we will also inform you that Fedorova introduces herself as a specialist in “micro” psychoanalysis. In vain. It was necessary to use “nano”. It's more fashionable.

4th place. Slavic enchantresses

It’s about the same as with geishas - you think that for your money they will teach you to be proud of the natural generosity of your body, to beautifully carry a forty-kilogram rocker with buckets of water and a birch bark headband and give birth in a bathhouse, but they tell you about the return of harmony after childbirth and... oh, no, everything else is quite like that of the ancient Slavs - complete superstitions and folklore. Attracting good luck, betrothed, shotguns and round dances. Unless vibration massage and yoga-like gymnastics cause amazement.

Unlike previous trainings, master classes from enchantresses are cheap, but they tear the brains of every Russian woman who knows at least some of her native history on the spot. “How to get your husband off the couch? Here are our ancient great-grandmothers, when the husband was lying on the sofa... that is, on the stove... woman, shut up already, he lay there and watched TV!.. so, most women then knew how to rule the world... yes, woman, the world, will you calm down? ... but like a woman... and so, like a woman, they lifted her husband from the stove!”

3rd place. School of seduction from Lyalya Bezhetskaya

Lyalya Bezhetskaya is a burlesque dance performer, and if you now remember Dita von Teese and nodded approvingly, then you are in vain. Just Googled it to understand how in vain it is. Lyalya, according to her own stories, discovered burlesque for herself in search of the true meaning and purpose of female sexuality. Google Lyalya’s video again to remind yourself what the purpose of female sexuality looks like. The school of seduction teaches you how to seduce men in two ways: through dress-up games and through astrology. Give me money, and they will teach you to dress up not only as a nurse, but also as a housewife! Yes, she is on Lyalya’s list of characters in erotic role-playing games, next to a military woman and a business woman. And they will also teach you a little astrology.

2nd place. Conversations with the mother from Larisa Renard

There are two ways to join Renard’s wonderful knowledge of attracting men and controlling them. Cheap - buy a paperback book for 500 rubles. Moreover, the plot is interesting. One of the main characters is Larisa herself, the other is her great-great-grandmother, the widow of the French prince Renard, a reverent graduate of the Smolny Institute. Larisa finds herself in a whirlwind of adventures, consisting of a constant change of outfits (described very carefully) and attempts to recapture a man who is very much in love with her from her rival, with whom the man for some reason prefers to be with. The great-grandmother becomes acquainted with the secret wisdom of women thanks to her aunt, also a princess of the nineteenth century. Let's give the princess of the nineteenth century a direct word:

“Beautiful flowers,” said the aunt and turned to me. - Well, let's look at your inner flower?
- My inner flower?
- Yes, the place of your feminine power is your vagina and the “G” spot! The walls of the vagina are like four petals, upper and lower, right and left.

(Brief historical reference. The term “G-spot” appeared in the fifties of the twentieth century).

But in general, Renard advises potential clients not to waste time on trifles, but to pay for normal training. There she will teach you how to deceive a man for a gift, how to talk to your mother (exactly like that), and also how and how many times a day you need to spin around your axis in order to attract this guy (preferably several). In general, refined courtesan science, supported by high magic.

1 place. Denis Baiguzhin

If previous coaches were hell only for a normal, fully schooled brain, then Denis Baiguzhin is downright dangerous.

Baiguzhin lures women with promises to ensure that they soon marry a rich man. Apparently, he has hypnotic powers - the Internet is filled with stories of frightened women whose friends found it acceptable, on instructions from a trainer, to go out topless and ask for money and vodka. To others, he suggested that, in order to liberate himself, they should go and offer some man to sleep for a small sum on his part. The training didn’t end there; you really had to sleep with the man. At least several times, Baiguzhin’s tasks led to gang rapes, and often the women only realized what had happened the next day and were horrified.

There was another task to ask unknown man help you choose underwear. Flirt with him during fitting, touch his penis, say “Wow, what a man.” After that, Baiguzhin assured that the man would buy you this underwear as he was cute. It’s good that I turned on my brain in time and didn’t do this exercise.

Of course, training does not begin with a dangerous task. First, Baiguzhin organizes a powerful emotional build-up with an emotional swing that is steeper than that of Pavel Rakov. Insults, compliments, obscene jokes, swearing, screaming, howling, lamenting, repetition of hook words (“get married”, “women’s happiness”, “stop dying at work”) - everything is used to cheat a woman to the maximum.

For a week after this, the girls were in euphoria, and then the rollback began. Depression, tears, shame, unwillingness to live. It didn’t take long to realize that they were not only scammed out of money, but also mocked. Now some of them are under the supervision of a psychotherapist. They don’t want to go to court, they’re afraid of publicity, they’re ashamed.

Making snowmen naked at gunpoint. Dance a striptease to the best friend husband Having sex with a stranger in certain circumstances, for the sake of liberation. By the way, Baiguzhin personally is also always happy to liberate women, so to speak.

Revelations of a coach who was imprisoned for fraud in exchange for trust were shown on TV and published in the newspaper, but more and more victims are found, like little ones, and Baiguzhin himself continues to walk free. It’s hard to understand what’s going on, but if you hear this name from a friend... Save her. Urgently.

Text: Lilith Mazikina

You studied at school for almost 11 years, then another 5-6 years at the institute. You were required to have knowledge of mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, and biology. True, unfortunately, no one took tests on the ability to take care of oneself and be beautiful, no one taught to love and be loved, but even in the most passionate and vibrant relationships not to lose one’s “I”.

Academy personal growth“Slavia” will teach you what you were not taught at school - the training will take very little time, but will give tangible results. Each master class for women contains a lot of useful information, which is accompanied by effective practical actions. Positive energy trainers will inspire you to new achievements and achievements, charge you with positivity and optimism.

  • Psychological trainings for women will awaken in you a sense of self-confidence, own strength, V tomorrow. You will learn Aphrodite's beauty secrets and receive stylist recommendations for confidence without doubt. All this will help you love yourself, your body, your soul.
  • The best psychologists will help you tune into an internal and honest dialogue with yourself. After all, only you know what you really need. You will be able to accept the need for change and chart a path for a happy journey through life.
  • Personal growth trainings for women at the Slavia center (Moscow) effectively bring order to the most difficult life situations, as if they sort out feelings and thoughts, hopes and expectations, goals and dreams.
  • Seminars for women are held on various topics and cover all areas of life. We will definitely touch on the topic of women’s sexual energy and ignite the inner fire of passion in you, which no man will pass by. Erotic massage skills and secret intimate practices will teach you not only how to win attention, but also how to make someone who deserves you fall in love with you once and for all.
  • Women's training aimed at building relationships will help you better understand yourself and your partner. You will learn to competently build and adjust relationships, filling them with happiness, joy, love and mutual understanding.
  • Women's workshops take place in a calm and friendly environment in small groups with active individual work. Psychologists work to achieve specific goals: some want to get out of the victim state once and for all, others want to get happily married or take relationships to a new level.

Trainings for successful women help you feel desired, joyful and carefree, but at the same time be businesslike, active, focused, set high goals and achieve them!

To achieve goal No. 1 under code name: "I'm happy!" We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list and schedule of trainings at the Slavia Academy of Personal Growth and choose the topic that interests you the most. Sign up for the training and start changing your life for the better, and we will be happy to help you!

Training programs for women

At the Slavia Academy you can choose the classes that are most necessary for you in the current circumstances:

  • Beauty training will help you become a stylish woman. You will get acquainted with the secrets of Aphrodite, learn to always be attractive;
  • Trainings about sex life they will make you a liberated and passionate, skilled lover, without whose caresses your partner will no longer be able to imagine his life;
  • At psychological women's trainings they will show you how to build and maintain relationships, help you gain inner strength and stop doubting yourself.

Each lesson is unique and will help solve your most important problems.

Türkiye. Training for women.

« Awakeningfemininity»

« Flower Not necessary call for bees, to him enough open up»

Purpose of the trip:
To help women who are lost in their “power”, in a vicious circle of everyday and everyday problems, to find deep joy of life, calmness, confidence, attractiveness, sexuality and the real strength to be a happy, fulfilled woman. After all, true strength lies in the ability to be happy!

If you:

  • We're used to carrying everything on ourselves,
  • It's better to do everything yourself than ask for help,
  • You are constantly in a vicious circle of caring about your loved ones and more,
  • Do you accept important decisions related to your environment (family, work, friends)
  • You often sacrifice your personal interests and preferences,
  • You feel awkward when receiving care and attention,
  • You try to brush aside the rolling, aching melancholy, the feeling of loneliness and understanding: “something is not right in my life...”

Then, obviously, you are considered a “strong” woman!

And it doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you have a family, children, parents, friends... A “strong” woman is always surrounded by worries, always with a burden of increased responsibility on her shoulders, always with a feeling of loneliness and dissatisfaction in her soul.

Do not be surprised that in our text the word “strength” is placed in quotation marks. This is because the word “power” in our case is synonymous with the word “fear”.

A “strong” woman is the one who runs a galloping horse... and goes to the hut..., but under no pretext, even in a whisper, even to herself, she will never admit that deep down in her soul, somewhere very deep in her All the same fears live as those of “weak” women:

  • Fear of being alone...
  • Fear of not being in demand...
  • Fear of not having time to get married...
  • Fear of not having children or raising children poorly...
  • Fear of not finding a job...
  • Fear of offending...

And so on ad infinitum... The list could be continued, and each of the readers would recognize in it their own fears and problems, but our task is different: to offer you effective and proven methods that will allow you not only to make an unforgettable trip, but also change your life in better side, and for some, change their life very much, filling it with joy and meaning, harmonious relationships. For this purpose, it is organized

on-site immersion training "Awakening Femininity"

in the most picturesque resort of Turkey - Oludeniz

Feminine energy is an art, as a tool for success and influence, it is efficiency and effect, impression and attractiveness, charisma, play, improvisation, success in relationships, communication and business!

You can achieve a state of flight when everything works out easily, when you are interesting to your man, to yourself, effective at work and valuable as an employee or leader, through special practices.

Awaken your femininity through specially designed exercises.
During such exercises, you sublimate sexual energy to develop creative abilities. This happens because they are cleaning nervous system and, accordingly, improves memory and the ability to think and create.

The training uses techniques : psychology, meditation, bodily, energy, dance practices, art therapy, self-knowledge.

What we will work with:

  • Self-confidence and self-esteem (self-acceptance on all levels - body, spirit, soul)
  • Activation of feminine energies and feminine power (allow yourself to be loved, trust yourself and your intuition, trust a man, trust the world)
  • relaxation and calmness. Liberation from various fears and restrictions. Replacing fears with trust, openness, acceptance.
  • Realization of your creativity, understanding of what brings you joy and satisfaction. Answer to the question: how to do what you like, and how to love what you do?
  • Understanding how to color your life and fill it with joy.
  • Defining your territory and borders. The ability to defend your interests and say no.
  • Inner harmony with the world and with yourself, the skill of delegating authority and liberation from the burden of unnecessary responsibility
  • The skill of respecting the inner freedom of your loved ones and allowing your children, husband, friends to remain themselves and manifest themselves in you strong field, turn your family life in celebration
  • Understanding how to combine incompatible things: a happy family – a successful career.

As a result of the training you:

© Your dreams will become obvious and you will make them come true this year;

© Your goals in relationships with men, whether tender romantic or official business, will find their place in your reality and begin to work for you;

© Eliminate all the reasons that are preventing you from still moving forward towards your dreams;

© Learn not only to think, but also to act like prosperous women;

© You will learn to speak and act with men from a position of confidence in your femininity;

© Learn to achieve your goals in personal and professional life using only your inner feminine resources;

© Choose your individual lifestyle, where money is not earned, but received;

© You will enter the position: they do not choose me, but I choose;

© You will reveal your inner feminine power, freeing it from blocks of complexes and internal clamps;

© You will fill yourself with sexual energy, become softer, more feminine, learn to play your roles easily, naturally;

© You will begin to think, feel, live like a successful woman, about whom they say: “A woman in a million”

This is a unique program that will help you

take a fresh look at yourself, feel your body, your true power as a Woman and skillfully use it.

Who leads:

Irina Emelyanova – founder of the Academy of Personality Development in 2010, practicing GNIITs certified psychologist, sexologist, hypnotherapist, energy therapist.
Author of numerous transformational therapeutic programs and psychological trainings that increase personal effectiveness, the acquisition of harmony, integrity, and success in various areas of life: relationships, family, health, career. Expert in harmonizing interpersonal relationships. Expert on Russian TV channels.
The happy wife has been married for over 26 years and is the mother of two sons.

Anna Grigorova

Higher education in economics.
Since 2007 engages in professionally body-oriented therapy using oriental and energy practices, conducts courses and individual lessons, facial and body massage.

She also does belly dancing:
Egyptian classic style, aspani-raks, beledi, shaabi, khaliji. Performance at various competitions and festivals with first places. Married for 10 years.

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Training location: Oludeniz, Türkiye Hotel: Montebello 4*

Oludeniz- the most exotic place in Turkey. Blue Lagoon Aegean Sea. Oludeniz Beach is included in the list of "Top 10 beautiful places Turkey" and this is not surprising. Oludeniz – national park and an incredibly picturesque bay, which is reliably protected from open sea a long sandy spit.

Oludeniz offers its guests a fairly extensive entertainment program. The main entertainment here is paragliding. Fishing, diving, banana and scooter riding, snorkeling - all this is also available in abundance at the resort. Except water activities, you can go on various excursions. For example, take an excursion to the ghost town of Kayakoy or the ancient Lycian city of Tlos, and also go for a walk to the Valley of the Butterflies, where you can meet the famous Tiger Butterfly.

To find yourself in this wonderful oriental fairy tale, all you have to do is

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Take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to take a break from home and work, replacing the hustle and bustle of the city with an unforgettable trip with like-minded women.

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An amazing vacation, an unforgettable journey and a dive into the bottomless depths of your feminine essence! You and I will dance on the white sand to the sound of the rushing waves, the most mysterious and incomprehensible female dance, the dance of the birth of a woman, the meditative dance of the mandala, awakening in us energy and beautiful sexuality, sweet aroma real woman. On the seashore, plunging into the warm White sand, meditating under the rays of the setting sun every evening we transform from a “strong” woman into a happy woman.

The entire training is as practical as possible. You will learn techniques that really work and bear fruit, and you will be happy to collect them from the first day of training.

The process of learning about yourself and your capabilities is very joyful and positive.

After all, in just seven days you will return to your life completely renewed and truly strong!

Remember: “A strong woman is happy woman! You will feel it. And your loved ones will immediately tell you about it. Amazing and pleasant changes will begin to occur in your life, and this is something that you can, as they say, touch with your hands.

Now remember:

  • When are you in last time did you take time for yourself?
  • When were you strong enough to really think deeply about your purpose as a woman?
  • When did you have the opportunity to devote yourself to your loved one to work with soul and body?

Seven days of exciting, inspiring work focused on creating your own FEMALE HAPPINESS!

Add here the unsurpassed beauty and energy of the ancient country!

We invite those who:

  • She wants to be a truly strong, and therefore happy, woman!
  • We invite those who are ready to roll up their sleeves, stop making claims to the world and everyone around them, and start doing something to make your life full, sparkling and truly happy!

Just take responsibility for becoming a truly happy woman!

Your true power will shine in your eyes!

P.S.: Imagine what results you can achieve when you allow yourself to use the priceless gift of abilities that you were endowed with from birth.

Cost of the training program: 25,000 rub.

If you are traveling together, RUR 3,000 discount per person.

Mini group up to 12 people.

Tour cost: 40,000 rub. until July 20, after which there may be an increase in cost at the discretion of the tour company.

The tour price includes: flight + insurance + meals breakfast, dinner. There is no need to pay anything additional.

Excursions are not included in the price and are paid additionally.

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See what participants say about the training!

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Practice "Awakening feminine power"

How are classes going?


Love yourself;

Unleash your potential.

Thanks to the classes you:

The terms of participation:

One lesson 3 lessons 6 lessons 10 lessons
Cost 2500 rub.


5 100 rub.

Your benefit is 1700 rubles per lesson!

Cost 7800 rub.

Your benefit is 1300 rubles per lesson!

Cost 9900 rub.

Your benefit is 1000 rubles per lesson!

Meditation “Revival of feminine power” 350 rub.

Training First date 100%” 2500 rub.

Duration: 2 hours from 19:30 to 21:30.

Regularity:Once a week on Friday.

For classes you need:

Who's leading?

What does Anna say about herself?

Practical seminar

"Dance of Female Power"

To reveal femininity, sexuality, creative potential, giving love to yourself, acquiring peace of mind and self-confidence, revealing feminine power!

In a metropolis where a woman is mostly at peace masculine energies and laws, sometimes it is very difficult to maintain femininity, to remain in harmony with oneself. Problems appear in personal relationships, with health, and blocks and clamps accumulate in the body.

An incredibly luxurious resource comes to our aid - femininity and sexuality, which helps us have many options in order to start a suitable relationship, a harmonious relationship that makes not only the woman happy, but also her man.

Format: evening

Time: 19:30 – 21:30

Participation options at the end of the page

If we talk about attractiveness, then what does it depend on? No matter how much we would like to think that I am kind, good, beautiful, gentle, we will be mistaken, because after all, everything depends on female sexuality!

Practice "Dance of Feminine Power"

How are classes going?

Classes are held to certain music, which enhances this practice. In a relaxed, sincere, trusting atmosphere in a women's circle.


Dance movements of feminine dance styles, body plastics, breathing techniques, meditation, and body therapy are used.

This practice helps you feel confident, calm, become a woman with self-esteem, let go of anxiety, fill yourself with powerful feminine energy, accept yourself and open up to the flow of self-love, and feel feminine power.

For whom? For those who want:

Reveal femininity, raise self-esteem;

Love yourself;

For women who feel like they are taking on a lot

Find worthy man, and if he is, then so that he changes his attitude towards her, begins to show signs of attention, admires and respects her;

Unleash your potential.

Thanks to the classes you:

Reveal femininity and sexuality;

Feel yourself in a flow of love and joy;

You will gain beautiful posture, plasticity, flexibility;

Open up as a woman and fill yourself with powerful feminine energy;

Improve your health, improve your joints, work out your internal organs;

Change your attitude towards yourself and life.

The terms of participation:

One lesson 3 lessons 6 lessons 10 lessons
Cost 2500 rub.


5 100 rub.

Your benefit is 1700 rubles per lesson!

Cost 7800 rub.

Your benefit is 1300 rubles per lesson!

Cost 9900 rub.

Your benefit is 1000 rubles per lesson!

Meditation “Revival of feminine power” 350 rub.

Meditation “Revival of feminine power” 350 rub.

Training First date 100%” 2500 rub.

Meditation “Revival of feminine power” 350 rub.

Training First date 100%” 2500 rub.

Seminar “Formula of Happiness” from Irina Emelyanova 2500 rub.

Duration: 2 hours from 19:30 to 21:30.

Regularity:Once a week on Friday.

For classes you need: socks or shoes, loose clothing, preferably a long skirt.

Who's leading?

Completed professional training:

  • Belly dance: "Egyptian classical style", "Aspani - raks", "building a beledi using the example of choreography", "tabla - solo", "styles and rhythms in belly dancing", "shaabi style performance", "khaliji style performance" , "The energy of dance or how to include Arabism." She took part in various competitions and festivals, receiving prizes.
  • She completed training at the “Academy of Personality Development” by Irina Emelyanova.
  • Instructor for "Recreational gymnastics based on oriental plastic arts" - Belly Dance School "Zarina".
  • Fitness instructor - "Wellness Academy".
  • Master of healing practice "Working in the cause" according to the Gotcha method.
  • Master of body and massage techniques, incl. using a unique technique "Biomechanical stimulation".
  • Higher economic education "Financier".

What does Anna say about herself?

I have loved dancing since childhood! in my life have been mastered various styles and dance directions.

I discovered belly dancing when I once took a class on the recommendation of my wonderful English teacher, for which I am grateful to her to this day! The scope of my activity was far from professional dancing; at that time I was engaged in petroleum products. So I came and fell in love with a beautiful dance. I was accepted into the show group, I mastered dance techniques, studied a lot, and learned this incredibly exciting dance. And she became a professional dancer. I performed a lot, participated in competitions and festivals and received first places!

Through dance you can live through experiences, get rid of blocks and clamps. Become feminine, change your attitude towards yourself through acceptance and self-love. Learn to build life according to your own scenario, just as a new pattern is born in dance, so a new vision is born in life, a worthy attitude towards yourself and the surrounding space!

I began to study various practices and seminars on psychology, body practices, massage, in order to give even more love to people and help them become happy!

The training will help:

  • Feel the incredible possibilities, feminine strength, beauty;
  • Realize your wildest dreams and fantasies;
  • Gain knowledge about how to become loved, desired, sexy, happy, and stay young;
  • Enter into a state of Harmony with yourself and with the world, manage your states.
  • Manage, influence events, relationships at the mental level.

New energies will allow you to rejuvenate your physical body, receive attention and gifts from men.

A woman is created to create! And she is capable of creating when she is happy, when she knows exactly what she needs.

Being a woman is a great pleasure!

You will learn to dominate the Present and the Future, thanks to the fact that you realize your strength and power inherent in you. Learn how to manage them. You will understand exactly how you need to interact with a man in order to get everything you want from your relationship.

This training is about how to find and realize your new opportunities and make your secret desires come true.

You will regain your courage and enjoyment of life!

Eastern wisdom says: “There is one limit to your success: your desire.” The sages are right. A person achieves everything he wants. And the Universe helps our every desire come true. True, there are secrets to fulfilling precisely this desire - the desire to be young and beautiful.