The most original home stoves. Ethno-yard "Museum of the Russian stove The largest stove in the world

The whole life of the Slavic people is inextricably linked with the Russian stove. The oven was used for cooking food, baking bread and pies, drying grain, fish, berries, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, medicinal herbs and roots.

She treated all colds, successfully replaced a steam bath, and played the role of a home weather station.

The Russian stove contributed to the emergence and development of many folk crafts. She had a significant influence on the traditions and rituals of the Russian people.

Despite the fact that Russian stoves in different parts of Russia were distinguished by an extraordinary variety of shapes, they were based on a single design principle. The concept of a stove includes not only a structure for heating and cooking, made of bricks or broken clay, but also an ensemble of all kinds of partitions, shelves, benches, cabbage rolls, attached beds and ladders.

“Museum of the Russian Stove” is a comprehensive exhibition. It is formed by the building of the largest Russian stove in the world and nine huts from different regions of the European part of Russia.

In its layout, the architectural ensemble recreates the structure of ancient Slavic settlements, when residential buildings surrounded the central square.

The largest Russian oven in the world with its appearance And internal structure presents a 4 times enlarged model of a Russian stove - a collective image that allows you to visit inside the stove and study its internal structure. Since the spring of 2014, pies and bread have been baked in the oven building.

The main exhibitions of the Museum are located in the huts - these are stoves of different structures, shapes, designs, and household items of the 19th-20th centuries, and an exhibition of irons, and a collection of traditional Russian patchwork dolls, and various wooden toys...

Various exhibitions in the huts allow you not only to get acquainted with the Russian stove, but also to plunge into the world of the Slavs. In different parts of Russia, Russian stoves were distinguished by an extraordinary variety of shapes. It is the location of the stoves in the huts that underlies the classification of dwellings.

The exhibition of the Museum of Russian Stove includes:

  • house of southwestern plan - Kuban mud hut;
  • house of south-eastern plan - mud hut of the south of the Black Earth Region. The “Beekeeper's House” is open in the house - an exhibition and sale of honey and honey products is taking place. In addition, next to the mud hut there is a forge where guests can, with the help of a blacksmith, forge a nail or a horseshoe and get acquainted with the ancient craft;
  • Western plan house. The house hosts excursions “Games and Fun”, “A Child Grows Not from Food, but from Joy”;
  • northern house. The Samovar Museum, the Mikhail Lomonosov exhibition are located here, and craft master classes are also held;
  • Vologda hut is a traditional hut of the North-Central Russian plan. Excursions are held here, “The stove feeds, warms, heals”, “Like during the oil week”, “We have a merchant, you have goods...”, “Home is the Universe”;
  • Kostroma hut is a traditional hut of the North-Central Russian plan. The workshop “The Magic of Slavic Dolls” is located here; master classes on patchwork dolls are held;
  • traditional five-walled In the hut there is a gingerbread workshop, master classes on painting gingerbread are held;
  • Ural hut. There are excursions “Games and Fun”, thematic excursions “Museum of the Sun”, “Once on Epiphany Evening”, “Like Shrovetide Week”;
  • Volga region house - excursions

The largest stove in the world, with its appearance and internal structure, represents a 4 times enlarged model of the Russian Stove - a collective image that allows you to visit the inside of the stove and study its internal structure. Its height is 11 m, perimeter 6x9 m.

Despite the fact that Russian stoves in different places They were distinguished by an extraordinary variety of shapes; they were based on a single principle of design. The concept of a stove includes not only a structure for heating and cooking, made of bricks or broken clay, but also an ensemble of all kinds of partitions, shelves, benches, dowels, side beds and ladders.

The Russian Stove Museum opened in December 2007 in the Moscow region. A gigantic pseudo-oven, which is actually a museum, was erected in the Russian sector of the Ethnomir ethno-village - next to wooden Russian huts and a modest monument to the Little Prince (he, it seems, did not understand how he found himself in such an unexpected environment).

The first floor is the “under-oven” (space for storing stove utensils). There is a varied exhibition of various village culinary equipment.
Having risen to the second floor, we find ourselves on the “six” - a flat platform in front of the “crucible” of the furnace, above which the pipe is located. Having passed the rectangular entrance (“mouth”), we found ourselves in the very heart of the furnace - the vaulted “crucible” (cooking chamber). The lights go out, the video projector turns on, and a fire is lit on the brickwork of the crucible. A fascinating sight: museum visitors are in the crucible of a vaulted furnace. When the lights turn on again, you can examine the only exhibit on the second floor - a tiled stove, the kind they installed in wealthy Russian houses.
The third floor is a couch. Favorite place Emelya’s recreation area in this case has been turned into an observation deck from which almost the entire Ethnoworld can be seen.

The whole life of the Slavic people is inextricably linked with the Russian stove. The oven was used for cooking food, baking bread and pies, drying grain, fish, berries, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, medicinal herbs and roots. She treated all colds, successfully replaced a steam bath, and played the role of a home weather station. The Russian stove contributed to the emergence and development of many folk crafts. The Russian stove had a significant influence on the rituals of the Russian people.

Around the “oven” are ten Russian huts. Volzhskaya, Arkhangelsk, Siberian, Kuban - each imitates (and not always accurately) wooden buildings a certain region of Russia.

Based on sources. Museum Ethnomir.

The largest stove in the world, with its appearance and internal structure, represents a 4 times enlarged model of the Russian Stove - a collective image that allows you to visit the inside of the stove and study its internal structure. Its height is 11 m, perimeter 6x9 m.

Despite the fact that Russian stoves in different places were distinguished by an extraordinary variety of shapes, they were based on a single design principle. The concept of a stove includes not only a structure for heating and cooking, made of bricks or broken clay, but also an ensemble of all kinds of partitions, shelves, benches, dowels, side beds and ladders.

The Russian Stove Museum opened in December 2007 in the Moscow region. A gigantic pseudo-oven, which is actually a museum, was erected in the Russian sector of the Ethnomir ethno-village - next to wooden Russian huts and a modest monument to the Little Prince (he, it seems, did not understand how he found himself in such an unexpected environment).

The first floor is the “under-oven” (space for storing stove utensils). There is a varied exhibition of various village culinary equipment.

Having risen to the second floor, we find ourselves on the “six” - a flat platform in front of the “crucible” of the furnace, above which there is a pipe. Having passed the rectangular entrance (“mouth”), we found ourselves in the very heart of the furnace - the vaulted “crucible” (cooking chamber). The lights go out, the video projector turns on, and a fire is lit on the brickwork of the crucible. A fascinating sight: museum visitors are in the crucible of a vaulted furnace. When the lights turn on again, you can examine the only exhibit on the second floor - a tiled stove, the kind they installed in wealthy Russian houses.

The third floor is a couch. Emelya’s favorite vacation spot in this case has been turned into an observation deck from which almost the entire Ethnoworld can be seen.

The whole life of the Slavic people is inextricably linked with the Russian stove. The oven was used for cooking food, baking bread and pies, drying grain, fish, berries, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, medicinal herbs and roots. She treated all colds, successfully replaced a steam bath, and played the role of a home weather station. The Russian stove contributed to the emergence and development of many folk crafts. The Russian stove had a significant influence on the traditions and rituals of the Russian people.

Russian stove

Around the “oven” are ten Russian huts. Volzhskaya, Arkhangelsk, Siberian, Kuban - each imitates (and not always accurately) wooden buildings of a certain region of Russia.

The stove building is the largest Russian stove in the world, the size of a three-story house. Only in ETNOMIR you can visit inside the stove and find out how it works.

The tour “The Stove Feeds, Warms, Heals” is one of the most important in the series of excursions around the Russian Stove Museum. For a Russian person, a stove is much more than just a means of heating and cooking. This is a symbol of the family hearth, the soul of the home, the source of life. These are childhood memories, because many of today's adults grew up next to the stove, and everyone, without exception, listened to Russian fairy tales in which the stove is one of the heroines.

The Russian stove is mentioned in epics, proverbs and sayings; many folk rituals are associated with it. The image of the Russian stove is known all over the world and is one of the most recognizable symbols of Russian culture and the Russian people.

Look at a real Russian stove! This is a colorful, original, multifunctional structure, each part of which, each bend, each superstructure has its own function, which is very important for the Russian people.

Take a tour of a huge Russian oven and discover why it has maintained its importance over the centuries. Learn about the pagan beliefs associated with the stove and the unique position of the stove “on the border” of Christendom and the world of folk superstition.

Meet the most unusual and interesting signs, associated with the oven and the “baker resident” - the brownie. Find out why the brownie was offered bast shoes when moving, and why the Russian people treat chimneys with caution.

The world's largest Russian stove is located in the Kaluga region. Its height is 11 meters. Previously, not a single house could live without a Russian stove - be it a Kuban hut or a Ural hut. And everywhere it was not just a source of warmth and food, but an almost equal member of the family: children were born and died on the stove, they used it to predict the weather and tell fortunes during Christmas time, and it played an important role in matchmaking rituals. And certainly not a single fairy tale was complete without mentioning the stove: Emelya rode on it, and Ilya Muromets, before becoming a hero, lay on the stove for 33 years, and Baba Yaga loved to taste a well-baked good fellow. In short, the stove was the center of life in any peasant home. The temperature inside the furnace could reach 200 degrees. This is the same as in a modern oven! In traditional Russian huts, the stove was always located in the center. As a rule, the height to the couch was approximately two and a half arshins - that's about 1.8 meters. You climb up and lie there, warming your bones. But it won’t be so easy to climb onto the world’s largest stove - it is located in the Kaluga region, in the village of Petrovo. Its length is 9 meters, width - 6, and height - 11 meters. Imagine a stove the size of a three-story house! This gigantic building houses the Museum of the Russian Stove, where you can see how the nurse of the whole family works, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The structure of the traditional Russian stove has always remained unchanged: the oven, the stove itself and the chimney. These are the three most important elements of the stove. It was believed that in the oven, in the lowest tier, next to the grips and bags of potatoes, a brownie lived. So that the keeper of home order is always in good mood, from time to time they left him a loaf of bread. And on holidays the brownie got something stronger. Above the oven there is a firebox. It is also called the crucible. Here they prepared food, washed and were treated for colds. From the first days of life, the stove played a very important role in a person’s life. important role. And these are not empty words. There have been cases when premature babies were nursed with the help of a stove. The baby was wrapped in dough and placed in a warm oven. The fact is that the temperature and humidity level there are optimal for a newborn and help him get stronger. By the way, they were treated not only with stove heat, but also with ash - it was mixed with food, and the result was a medicine like modern activated carbon. Culinary masterpieces But first of all, the Russian stove, of course, fed the whole family - they cooked cabbage soup in it, fried potatoes, dried mushrooms and berries, baked bread and pies. And they prepared it immediately for the whole week ahead. It was possible to bake up to 60 kilograms of bread at one time! Through the mouth, the housewife, using a shovel, placed the dough on the “under” - the bricks that lined the entrance to the oven. Here we got the best delicious pies- reins. The temperature inside the furnace could reach 200 degrees. This is the same as in a modern oven! To prevent the food from burning, the housewife monitored the temperature using flour. She threw a handful into the oven and looked at its color: if the flour turned golden, the temperature was right for baking, but if it turned black, it meant the oven was too hot and she had to wait until it cooled down a little. Usually in middle lane the stove was heated from mid-October until April, until it became warm outside. Birch, linden, alder and spruce firewood were used to light the stove, wood chips or coal. In those regions where there was very little firewood (in the tundra or steppe), straw or weeds were used, as well as peat and dung - manure compressed and dried in the sun. Until the middle of the 19th century, the Russian stove did not have a chimney; it was heated, as it was then called, “black” - all the smoke did not go outside, but into the house. And it cannot be said that the peasants suffered from this. On the contrary, smoke saved them from smallpox and plague because it prevented the spread of the virus. And there have never been cockroaches in a Russian hut. These uninvited guests appeared in peasant houses, only when the stove began to be heated “white”. A written beauty Of course, the Russian stove could not be faceless - it was decorated with all sorts of floral ornaments. They painted the stove directly on the whitewash, usually in red and blue tones. Although later, when in the hut they learned to do big windows, and the rooms became lighter, the stoves began to be painted dark colors- brown and green. On top it was decorated with light decorative finishing. The paints were prepared from natural ingredients- herbs and roots, and mixed using yolks chicken eggs. For painting, craftsmen often used figured stamps, also made from edible materials: potatoes, turnips or beets. It was quite easy to get an image of a rose - just cut an unripe head of cabbage in half, coat it with paint at the cut site and press it to the surface of the oven. Brushes for applying patterns were made from pet hair, pig bristles and goose feathers. Speaking about traditions associated with the stove, we should not forget that for many it is still an integral part of everyday life. Despite the fact that it is already the 21st century, in many villages houses are still heated only by stoves. Of course, it doesn’t look the same as it used to, and children are no longer washed or nursed in it. However, the most delicious baked goods are still made only in a real oven. Even abroad, where the fashion for everything Russian has long been established, our stove did not go unnoticed. They say that one of the richest people on the planet, Bill Gates, has a real Russian oven in his dining room, in which pies are cooked for him. So we can say that the stove is the universal personification of the hearth, no matter where it is. Do-it-yourself Russian stove In order to install a Russian stove with your own hands, you need to understand the operating principle and structure of the Russian stove. In different parts of Russia, Russian stoves had different shapes, sometimes very unusual specimens were encountered, but the basic dimensions were still observed quite strictly. The average Russian stove had the following dimensions: the width of the Russian stove was 2 arshins (about 142 cm), the length was 3 arshins (about 213 cm), and the height from the floor to the stove bench was 2.5 arshins (about 180 cm). The structure of the Russian stove is presented in detail on Figure 1. A Russian stove above the specified dimensions could heat a room at 30 square meters. Usually the Russian stove was located in the corner, next to the door. The laying of the Russian stove was done on a foundation made of stones or broken bricks. And in distant old Russian times, on a foundation made of thick coniferous or oak logs. The base of a Russian stove was laid on the foundation. The materials used were wild stones, bricks, clay, and wood available at that time. Each Russian stove had a podpechek - a specially designated place for stove equipment. In order for a Russian stove to retain heat longer, various heat-intensive materials were laid between the walls of the stove and the arches. During the construction of the Russian stove, bricks and fastening mortar were used. Red was most often used ceramic brick, obtained by firing ordinary bricks. After firing, the brick became more durable. Sometimes the masonry of a Russian stove was made from adobe (unbaked brick). This was done mainly by poor peasants. In rare cases, one could find a Russian stove made of adobe in the royal mansions, and those stoves that were found were necessarily lined with tiles. The Russian stove was loved not only because it gave off heat for a long time. The Russian stove with a stove bench served as an excellent place to relax. The warmth of the Russian stove had a positive effect on the entire human body. Therefore, Russian people never complained about a cold. A Russian bathhouse and the warmth of a Russian stove tempered a person. Cooking on a Russian stove. The design of the Russian stove made it possible to cook on it not only porridge, but also bake bread, pies, dry mushrooms and berries. Firing in a Russian kiln. Pottery was fired in a Russian kiln. We did this according to the following scheme. First, firewood was laid, and the dishes intended for firing were placed on top of the firewood (or on previously laid bricks). The stove was heated until the temperature in the stove reached 900 degrees Celsius. After that, they stopped heating and waited until the stove cooled down (this only happened the next day). Not only dishes, but also toys were fired in a Russian stove. Moreover, the toys were burned, as a rule, during a regular fire. Very interesting in an interesting way peasants determined the temperature of the Russian stove. For this we used a small piece of paper. They placed it in the oven and waited for the paper to char. If this happened immediately, then the temperature in the Russian oven is above 300 degrees Celsius, if with a delay of 5 seconds, then the oven temperature is 270 degrees, 15 seconds - 250 degrees, 30 seconds - 230 degrees, 1 minute - 200 degrees, 5 min – 180 degrees, 10 min – 150 degrees. If the piece of paper is not charred, then the temperature in the Russian oven is less than 150 degrees.

The Russian stove is the owner huge amount shapes and designs. Even when it was the only heating unit in the villages, in every house, and even more so in every village, there were modified modifications of the classic design. There is not enough time or space on the page of our website to talk about all types and models. Therefore, we will deal with one model, which for many will seem classic - this is a Russian stove with a stove bench.

The amazing thing is that such a stove never went out. She stood quietly in the corner, not attracting special attention in the era of industrialization, gasification and electrification. She stood and waited in the wings, although scientists and heating engineers were constantly looking at her and studying her. After all, a real Russian stove is a heating unit with a lot of excellent qualities. So, the time has come, and the Russian brick oven is now experiencing a rebirth. Why is this happening?

  • Firstly, the construction boom in private housing construction.
  • Secondly, the excellent characteristics of the unit: omnivorous, economical, efficient, the ability to build without involving a stove builder from outside. Let us add that publicly available and not very expensive building materials are used to construct the stove.

Design of a Russian stove

Design and principle of operation

The structure of the Russian stove is clearly visible in the figure above. From the diagram it becomes clear that the unit is installed on a foundation. It can be made of wood, brick, concrete, stone and so on. It is important here that the foundation be reliable, because the stove is built from brick - one of the heaviest building materials. By the way, the foundation is called guardianship.

Next comes the baker. This is a kind of fuel storage, usually firewood, which dries well in it and becomes highly combustible. It was not for nothing that they said that we dry it to “gunpowder.” Such wood fuel flared up quickly, so they tried to jam the stoves all the way.

Above there is a vault-trough. They fell asleep on him thermal insulation material. It could be sand or brick chips mixed with clay mortar. But now it was laid out for filling under the hob. By the way, the masonry was done without mortar, so to speak, dry. Then the arch of the firebox is removed, on top of which the stove bench and chimney are built.

Design secrets

Let’s immediately make a reservation that a large Russian stove with a stove bench is a periodic unit. It is heated to a certain temperature, the device absorbs the required amount of thermal energy, then for a whole day it releases the heat both for heating and for the production of culinary masterpieces (bread, buns, bagels, etc.). Why does this happen, what is the secret of this device? To understand all this, you need to walk through the entire structure following the air that is heated in the furnace.

Again, we draw your attention to the figure above. It all starts in the dark. Its design is quite complex, it includes: a top, an overtube, and a hailo (this is a tapering nozzle). There are special niches for ash pans at the very bottom of the folding on the sides. Ash and coals are stored here, which are used for the next kindling.

We have already talked about the variety of models of Russian stoves, so I would like to dwell on ash pans in more detail. There are two main options here:

  1. A niche for ash is made in the pole. This is a plate that protrudes from the stove. It can be stone or cast iron. By the way, such a niche is called a fringe.
  2. You don’t have to make a niche. The coals were simply raked into a special nook. This model was used in mansion stoves to improve cleanliness, and in poor huts to save on the construction of the heating unit itself.

Returning to the combustion chamber, we can say that this is, in fact, an economizer, where the air entering the combustion zone is heated using flue gases. But this does not use oxygen.

Attention! To brick installation not to “eat up” a lot of firewood, so that it does not cool down quickly, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dimensions of the Russian stove. These figures are accurately calculated based on the model you choose. It is very important that the walls of the hall are smooth; they cannot be plastered, so the laid brick is hewn and sanded by hand.

Why is this necessary? The thing is that in non-smooth structures air turbulence occurs, that is, vortices. And this affects the amount of oxygen in it. And you yourself understand that oxygen-depleted air has a bad effect on fuel combustion processes.

Unusual variety

Now the firebox is the heart of the unit. If you are faced with the question of how to make a Russian stove, then know that, knowing the process of arranging the firebox, you will probably cope with all other parts of the structure without problems.

But again, we return to the dimensions of a Russian stove with a stove bench. This is what interests us here in the first place. There is a fairly large size range, which depends on the power of the unit itself. But all these figures are approximate. Why? Firstly, the measurement used was an arshin, not a meter. Secondly, the arshin indicator in different regions had its exact digital designation. Therefore, stove makers used a yardstick in conversation, and in practice they counted rows of laid bricks. In addition, the number of bricks laid in one row was always an integer, taking into account the mortar joints.

Note! Under the stove and its arch are made inclined to the window of the hearth. The slope can be quite large - up to 9 cm.


Engineers conducted testing, which revealed that there were two air flows under the roof of the stove. They operate in any mode of operation of the device, plus they circulate in different directions.

  • Most likely, they compensate each other, which is why turbulence does not form in the firebox.
  • Their second purpose is to delay in the combustion zone those fuel particles that have not burned out completely. These particles, before flying out into the mouth, rotate repeatedly around the firebox, burning to the end. At the same time, quite intense radiation of infrared rays is released, which heats the dishes with food.
  • No turbulence was detected at the middle height of the firebox.

What actually comes out of the oven when food is cooked in it? No contact with fire, optimization temperature regime, complete absence of the pyrolysis process, and, therefore, one hundred percent absence of carcinogens and toxins. Here is the serious secret of constructing a Russian stove with a stove bench.

By the way, regarding IR radiation. This is also the secret of the Russian stove. Those housewives who know how to cook in this appliance understand all the subtleties of Russian cuisine. Here it is important to accurately capture the decrease in temperature inside the firebox, which decreases from +350°C to +150°C. That is why you periodically have to work with a grip, moving the dishes inside.


And once again we return to the bending. Let's just summarize all of the above. It turns out that not only the air is heated here, but thermal energy is distributed here. Part of it is spent on cooking, but the bulk is spent on heating the stove itself, which heats the room. Only a negligible part of it goes down the chimney. Since there are no temperature jumps throughout the entire volume, and everything that can burn burns out to the end, then, accordingly, the Russian stove emits very little soot. Again a plus. What does this give besides the cleanliness of the device itself:

  • Firstly, there is no possibility of soot ignition.
  • Secondly, there is no need to frequently clean the chimney itself. Once every ten years is enough.

And the last on the results of the design. Simplicity internal device, where there are no complex partitions, no niches, no nooks, creates conditions for the formation of a complex smoke flow, which is several times better in efficiency than any modern type labyrinth flow formed in modern heating units. Therefore, the craftsmen say with regret that the name of the master who first built this type of stove has not remained in history.

I would like to point out something else. Prototypes of Russian stoves, so-called mini-installations, appeared on the market. They are light, mobile, and fit in the trunk of a car. Their appearance was made possible thanks to the latest materials and technologies. But what's surprising is domestic producers cannot boast that they produce these mini-stoves. Foreign companies became interested in them and have already flooded the markets of their own and neighboring countries with these models. Here is a photograph below that shows such a Russian mini-oven. Only it is made in Italy.

Russian mini oven

Advantages and disadvantages

No matter how much you praise the Russian heating unit, among the huge number of advantages there are still several disadvantages. Therefore, we will consider both of them.


  • Economic factor in terms of stove construction. Available and inexpensive materials are used: refractory bricks and clay-based mortar.
  • Not the lowest efficiency. In the simplest design this figure is 60%, in modified ones up to 85%.
  • The Russian stove runs on any solid fuel without reducing its technical characteristics.
  • High functionality. This includes heating and hob, and the opportunity to sleep on a couch.
  • Easy to maintain. Here we can say this: I heated the stove in the morning, and its heat lasts until the next morning.
  • ABOUT healing properties The Russian stove is legendary. Let us remind you that in such an appliance food is practically neither fried nor boiled, but simmered. Sleeping on a sun lounger is a pleasure. Just 6 hours is enough, you wake up refreshed and well-rested.
  • Safety. Everything is great here. The fire burns in the depths; the coal simply cannot fall out. The stove produces sparks only with intense fire, when the street is very below zero. And if your stove has a three-center arch, then sparks are nonsense in such a design.

Ready vault


  • A Russian stove can only operate on slow-burning fuels, which include wood, coal and peat. Gas and liquid types It cannot be used here, because there is a constant lack of oxygen in the furnace itself.
  • When fuel burns, ash is formed, which must be constantly cleaned out.
  • This is a heavy brick structure, so its weight greatly affects the floors. And this suggests that in multi-story construction, a Russian stove can only be assembled on the first floor, arranging a separate foundation for it.
  • Unfortunately, the dimensions of the unit are too large, so the stove takes up too much space in the room.
  • Not very high heat transfer. On average, one such stove will heat rooms with an area of ​​45 m². Essentially, like a water heating radiator installed under a window opening.
  • Takes too long to warm up. Those who know a lot about Russian stoves assure that after the summer, the device must be heated for the whole day. The fuel consumption is too high.
  • It is impossible to automate the processes occurring inside. Many have tried, but nothing works.
  • If you decide to build a stove bench with your own hands, then you will need advice from experienced stove makers. Practice shows that flaws during the construction process can cause smoke in the room.

It's good to rest on a bed

We build a Russian stove with our own hands

What can we say on this issue? Everything that concerns brick stoves, depends on the order. What it is?

Let's start with the fact that the stove is laid in horizontal rows lined with bricks. So they exist certain rules how to lay bricks in one row or another. These rules are the order of the Russian stove. Some people believe that the order is the laid rows brickwork, which is fundamentally wrong. This term comes from the word order, not series.

It is clear that each model of Russian stove has its own acceptable rules. And if the ancient varieties are already practically forgotten, then modern models must be accompanied by drawings and diagrams. Therefore, we warn you - if there is something you don’t understand about the arrangement of the stove with the stove bench, then you should not start building a heating installation. First, you will become confused and tormented. Secondly, you will waste a large number of building materials that will probably have to be purchased in addition.

In this article I would like to continue the conversation on a positive note. Like - let's disassemble the masonry of a Russian stove with our own hands. And tell how everything is done from “A” to “Z”. Unfortunately, doing this in words is very difficult. If you don’t see it purely visually, if the master teacher doesn’t show you how, what and where to put it, it won’t be easy to build a Russian stove. Therefore, we offer the diagram in the figure.

So, here is a diagram of laying a Russian stove with your own hands.

Order of the Russian stove

As you can see, the process is quite complicated. There are too many different nuances that House master I just have to know:

  • Bricks on a waterproofed foundation are laid dry, without mortar. This applies to the first row of bricks.
  • In the first three rows, a wide inter-brick seam is used. It should be about 13mm wide. In subsequent rows the seam narrows to 5 mm. Thus, a ledge is obtained in order.
  • The first three rows must be checked using the diagonal rule.
  • In the stove-makers' dictionary there are two concepts of brick: spoon and butt. So the first one is laid along the long side, and the second one perpendicularly. In this case, the bricks themselves can be laid flat, sideways or on the butt, that is, on the end.
  • When constructing vaults, you will have to use formwork. It can be removed only after the masonry has completely dried.
  • Remember that the arch is assembled only with tied seams.

Diagram of how a Russian stove works