The newest geopolitical strategies on PC. Grand strategies on PC

A true classic - the first 3D game from Blizzard and one of the best strategies in principle.

When it released in 2002, Warcraft III had it all. Wonderful graphics, which, thanks to the unique style, look good even now, exciting gameplay with role-playing elements that influenced the entire RTS genre, a gorgeous plot in a well-thought-out universe, and support for mods.

If it weren't for Warcraft III, there would be neither DotA nor the MOBA genre as such.

2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Tactical strategy on PC in which you need to defend the Earth from aliens.

The main thing about XCOM is the constant need to take on challenges. Who should you send on a difficult mission: a veteran who will have a better chance of winning, or a newbie who you won’t mind losing? Which one should be given more powerful armor or a gun? Should you order the fighters to attack the strongest alien or deal with the smaller enemies first?

Every aspect of the game - managing the base, changing character equipment and the battles themselves - is incredibly exciting.

3. Company of Heroes

In appearance, this is the most ordinary strategy game, but in fact, Company of Heroes is one of the most humane games about war. This is because the player rarely has more than a few squads under his command (unlike several dozen units in traditional RTS). You worry about the fighters as much as you do about yourself and build tactics in such a way as to ensure their survival.

With an advanced graphics engine for its time and thoughtful missions, Company of Heroes shows the brutality of war. No matter how hard you try, people still die - this is the price of victory.

4. StarCraft II

StarCraft II is the world's premier eSports strategy game. Every millimeter of the map, every character's special ability, every building available for construction - everything is mathematically verified to generate the most exciting matches possible. It’s not for nothing that tournaments in the game take place almost every couple of weeks, and the prize pools in them reach up to $700,000.

If you don't really like microcontrol and multitasking, then StarCraft II also has a great single-player campaign. It has a great story about confrontation three races and a variety of mission types. Plus, you don’t have to click the mouse so much to complete it.

5. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

6. Supreme Commander

The spiritual successor to Total Annihilation, which improves and expands on the ideas of the original. Essentially, this is a game about leisurely battles of huge people on giant maps.

Matches in Supreme Commander rarely last less than an hour. This time is needed to build a base with a balanced economy and prepare enough combat units to destroy the enemy.

Supreme Commander in every sense grand strategy. The number of fighters on one side sometimes reaches a thousand, and you need to think through your actions at least 10 minutes in advance.

7. Total War: Shogun 2

Among the games in the Total War series, it is difficult to choose the best, but Lifehacker settled on Shogun 2. Of all the modern parts, it is perhaps the most complete, concentrated and understandable even for beginners.

In Total War: Shogun 2, the player takes on the role of the head of a clan in medieval Japan. The goal is to take over the entire country. To do this, you can use diplomacy, economics, and even intrigue - sending assassins and spies.

But the main thing is, of course, epic battles, in which it is very important to correctly place your troops on the location.

8. Age of Empires II HD

In Age of Empires II, the player needs to lead a civilization through several eras: the Dark Ages, feudalism, the castle era, and so on. You can play as one of several factions, such as Japan, Mongolia or the Celts.

The main feature of the game is the combination of resource management with military operations. When fighting in Age of Empires II, it’s not enough to just raise an army; you also need to build a powerful economy by building houses, quarries and sawmills, and cultivating fields.

The genre that we will talk about today can hardly be called super popular among gamers, but every year new turn-based strategies and RTS are released in which you can fight with other nations, tribes or aliens. At the same time, among the thousands of games available, there are those that every self-respecting gamer should play. We offer the Top 20 best strategies in history.

Cities: Skylines

Until last year, SimCity 4 was considered the best city-planning simulator without any alternative. In 2013, EA tried to restart the franchise, but it was a real fiasco: fans were dissatisfied with many bugs and the unsatisfactory scale of the new game. After the release of Cities: Skylines in 2015, gamers forgot about the existence of SimCity: the new project amazed with its scale, customization capabilities, and high level details of cities. Moreover, the developers have released an official modding toolkit, allowing gamers to change the game as they please. Users immediately began to release mods, thanks to which new modes, types of buildings, junctions, cars and much more appeared in the game.

In September, the first update for Cities: Skylines was released, adding dynamic time of day changes, as well as making the economic model more complex and realistic.

Endless Legend

The global strategy, which seamlessly combines elements of fantasy and science fiction, gives gamers the opportunity to play both as a race of carnivorous insects, the Necrophages, and as strange Cultists, expanding their possessions by “absorbing” other factions. There are a total of 8 races available in the game with unique features and mechanics.

The plot of the project in some ways is reminiscent of “Game of Thrones” - gamers will have to fight for survival in the dark era of the decline of the planet Auriga - a harsh winter comes unexpectedly and brings death to all races. The game has all the elements of a classic strategy - a huge game world, a developed technological tree, scarce resources, a system of diplomacy and trade. The developers have provided many main and secondary quests.

Crusader Kings II

Another global strategy in a medieval setting. Gamers are reincarnated as a monarch, striving with all his might to expand his influence in medieval Europe (the period of 769 – 1453 is covered). To achieve this goal, he weaves complex intrigues, treacherously attacks his closest allies, and does not hesitate to kill friends and relatives if they get in his way. The game is designed for thoughtful gamers who like to spend hours understanding complex menus, as well as studying terrain features on maps before bloody battles.

At the center of the project are not abstract nations and states, but dynasties. In the game you can meet many real historical characters, each of which has its own strengths and weak sides. Over time, players become attached to members of the dynasty, who grow up, get married, have children, die.

Civilization V

There is hardly a gamer in the world who has not heard of this game. Civilization is the most famous, popular and successful global strategy in the history of gaming. The developers have added many mechanisms, heroes, resources, units, and technologies to the game that make it exciting and dynamic. At the same time, the authors did not bother with realism: for example, the Mongols and Aztecs could become the most highly developed nations, and the bloodthirsty Gandhi could be the first to press the “nuclear button” and start a war of all against all. However, this ahistorical nature and absurd scenarios are what make the game a real hit.

The game has to take complex solutions on economic development, military and social sphere, choose a political regime. All this has a decisive impact on the reputation and development trajectory of a nation. The graphics of Civilization V are significantly improved compared to previous series, and the redesigned combat system makes battles exciting. In addition, strategy fans constantly post new mods and maps on Steam, so you can enjoy the game endlessly.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

In many aspects, Dawn of War is a traditional RTS - gamers will have to build a base, extract resources, and repel enemy attacks. At the same time, in the game you can already see elements that will soon appear in Company of Heroes: new mechanics, factions, unit morale and much more.

The most attractive thing about Dawn of War is the tension that permeates all missions: you need to constantly move forward, capture and hold territories. At the same time, the generators and strategic resources of the captured points are rapidly depleted. Therefore, players often do not have time to catch their breath - they need to be on the move all the time.

The Dark Crusade update introduced new factions and unique mechanics: gamers can play for the Eldar, Orcs and Imperial Guard.

Total War: Shogun 2

The sequel to the popular RTS can be bluntly called the most successful game in the Total War series. The Creative Assembly took into account the mistakes made in the previous project - Empire, which was an ambitious project with a lot of bugs, and decided to polish the gameplay of Shogun 2 to perfection. She succeeded brilliantly: the Shogun map is diverse and will force gamers to solve many tactical puzzles. At the same time, it is relatively small, which will undoubtedly appeal to fans of battles.

In terms of visuals, Shogun II is this moment- the most attractive game in the series. Of course, Rome and Attila boast significantly more realistic graphics, but Shogun II has something much more important - unique style. The fate of large-scale battles is decided in individual duels, and cherry tree flower petals fly over the battlefield.

Modders have released many new maps, modes, and updates for Shogun 2.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Within

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a turn-based strategy game that pits gamers against an alien invasion. Players send squads of six elite fighters to battle alien forces. Battles take place in fields, cities and on board spaceships.

The central XCOM base is like an ant farm, in which there is a scientific department (responsible for the development of technology), a medical unit (in which characters recover after battles), and an intelligence department (where gamers monitor the movements of aliens). Players decide for themselves whether to invest available funds in the development of new types of weapons, the deployment of interceptors or the conduct of combat operations.

Thanks to the Enemy Within update, which came out a year after the release of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the game added a new faction - EXALTA terrorists, as well as new mechanics.

StarCraft II

The sci-fi RTS StarCraft 2 is a game about the confrontation between iron-clad cowboys, disgusting aliens and space elves. This is a classic real-time strategy game where you collect resources, build armies, and try to kill your opponent before he kills you. Often the fate of a battle is decided as a result of one successful strategic move or series quick clicks mice.

Multiplayer mode – most important aspect StarCraft 2. Playing against humans is much more difficult than against AI: they control units faster and make smarter decisions. Many tournaments are held for StarCraft 2, and an eSports community has quickly formed around the RTS.

The single-player mode is no less interesting: Blizzard has developed many interesting missions. In 2015, the last part of the StarCraft 2 trilogy, Legacy of the Void, was released.

Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault

In Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault, US forces battle German forces for control of the Ardennes, a mountain range of critical strategic importance. Unlike the original game and the sequel, in Ardennes Assault gamers will have to go through three non-linear campaigns that unfold on a strategic map. German troops are in constant motion, so battles can be replayed several times, and each time they will take place differently.

You can only play for Americans: in each of the three companies you can upgrade the skills of the characters. Unlike previous projects, in Ardennes Assault the results of battles have an impact on the entire campaign: if in one of the battles players lost several fighters at once, they will begin the next battle with fewer personnel.

Age of Empires II

This classic RTS launched many gamers' careers: Age of Empires II is easy to learn, fun and fast-paced. Users start the campaign with only a few workers, but after an hour of play they will have built a huge city. In the game you need to get food, wood, gold and stone, construct buildings, and create your own army.

The project covers the era from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Gamers can go through multiple campaigns, create their own maps, choose from 13 factions... in general, Age of Empires II will not get boring even after several dozen hours of play.

In 2013, Hidden Path Entertainment released an HD version of the game on Steam. The remake introduced a multiplayer mode and support for mods.

Wargame: AirLand Battle

The Wargame: AirLand Battle project combines elements of the RTS and war game: Gamers will have to think through the route of movement of units, as well as participate in fierce battles. The game is a sequel to Wargame: European Escalation, dedicated to the confrontation between NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries during the Cold War.

The authors carefully worked on the detail of the battlefields and special effects. On the strategic map, gamers control the course of hostilities, issuing orders for the movements of units and capturing new territories. However, the highlight of Wargame: AirLand Battle is definitely the ability to control one of hundreds of military vehicles to choose from. The developers tried to reflect in the game the unique characteristics of the cars, their strengths and weaknesses. In the multiplayer mode, you can take part in 10 vs 10 battles.

Tropico 4

Tropico 4 is an atmospheric city-building simulator. Gamers transform into the dictator of a fictional island state who must lead his people to greatness.

Gamers themselves choose the path to prosperity: they can mercilessly exploit natural resources and turn the island into an industrialized state, or attract tourists by taking care of the flora and fauna. Or combine both strategies. Each of the players’ decisions entails certain consequences: for example, if you agree to accept migrants, you will need to provide them with housing and work, and for this you need to improve the economy and service industry.

With the growth of the state’s economic power, there will be a need to negotiate with the leading world powers - the USA, Russia, China and the EU, each of which will try to influence the processes unfolding on the island. They will offer money in exchange for construction military base or waste disposal.

Overall, this is an extremely fun game, blending city building simulation elements with economic and political aspects.

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

In Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion, like any other similar game, you need to colonize planets, build an economy, and establish relationships with other races. However, the main emphasis is on large-scale space battles. They look incredibly impressive: battles take place in 3D, ship hulls are torn apart by missiles and lasers, and gunshot tracks cut through the black space of space.

There will always be a lot of movement in the game: scouts will float from planet to planet in search of new resources and worlds, merchant ships will transport goods, and military cruisers will repel attacks from opponents or Pirates.

The game itself is quite difficult, even if you play against the AI. In total, three races are fighting for world domination - the Industrial Trade Coalition (earthly colonists), the Marchers (cyborgs) and the Vasari (technocratic race). The title provides a developed diplomacy system. Gamers can form alliances with both opponents and neutral factions, or bribe Pirates to attack enemies.

DEFCON is a game in which gamers have to do the impossible: try to win a global nuclear war. The goal of the project is to inflict maximum damage on the enemy while escaping with minimal losses. At the beginning, players choose one of six territories (North America, South America, Russia, Europe, Africa and Asia are available), then place military units and fleets. Gamers are given 18 minutes to think and explore. At the first level of danger (DEFCON 3) units begin to automatically attack enemy equipment (you can use aviation and navy), at the second (DEFCON 2) you can launch bombers with nuclear missiles (although the missiles themselves cannot yet be used), at the third (DEFCON 3) - The nuclear apocalypse begins.

The game describes a possible nuclear war scenario quite realistically - it is impossible to save all units in it. The player who manages to destroy the opponents' missile silos before the missiles are launched usually wins.

Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander is the spiritual successor to Total Annihilation in a futuristic setting. Minimum system requirements project, released in 2007, were so high that not every gamer could play this colorful RTS. The Gas Powered Games studio has simplified the resource management system as much as possible (there are only two of them - Matter and Energy) and focused on battles - the main goal of the project is to create the ideal killing machine (experimental units).

The game was amazing in its scale: an army could consist of 1000 units in the air, at sea and on land. As in most similar projects, players must ensure the uninterrupted production of new combat vehicles in order to dominate the enemy. To do this, you need to capture and hold sources of resources.

Supreme Commander was one of the first RTS to support a second monitor. This gave a decisive advantage in battle: on the first display, gamers controlled the movements of the enemy on a scalable map, on the second, they controlled their own units.

Star Wars: Empire at War

This game will appeal to all Star Wars fans: Empire at War is a strategy game based on the original trilogy. Gamers can play on the side of both the Empire and the rebels, control huge armies, send the heroes of the saga into battle (like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader), and also build the Death Star.

The best part of the game, of course, is the large-scale tactical battles in the Galactic Conquest mode, unfolding in space. Up to five people can play on one map: each participant will have their own space station and fleet, with the help of which they must destroy enemy bases. Ships and heroes have specific features, which at effective use can have a decisive influence on the outcome of the fight. Experienced players will easily discover the weak points of large ships and give the order to attack them. Watching the X-Wing squadrons try to destroy the Star Destroyer will be a treat for any fan of the space saga.

In addition to space battles, the developers will allow gamers to take part in ground operations. This means that players will be able to control air bikes and AT-AT walkers.

Europa Universalis IV

This global and incredible difficult game from Paradox Development Studio was recognized as the best strategy of 2013. Europa Universalis IV is a real breakthrough because the developers took into account previous mistakes and corrected most of the bugs that migrated from series to series. Moreover, they tried to explain in detail all the places that raised questions among gamers (due to the colossal scale of the game, some mechanics remained unclear), improve the interface and optimize the AI. Of course, to understand Europa Universalis IV you will still have to spend dozens of hours on training. But this game is the most understandable and simplest of the EU series.

Nations seek to expand their influence through trade, diplomacy, economics, exploration of new lands, and the development of new technologies. You can try to colonize America, or conquer India, you can start the game as one of the local tribes in the territory North America. In this project, gamers have the power to change the history of mankind - for example, the Venetian Empire can capture the Apennine Peninsula, annex or conquer all the tribes and go to war with the Ottoman Empire. France can enter into an alliance with England and divide Europe into spheres of influence.

Distant Worlds: Universe

Perhaps this is the most ambitious global turn-based strategy in the history of gaming. The developers created an entire galaxy - 1,400 star systems with more than 50 thousand planets, moons and asteroids, as well as various astronomical objects (black holes, gas giants, supernovae).

Gamers will have to create their own civilization to establish world domination. The authors of Distant Worlds: Universe offer gamers ample opportunities customization: you can start the game on one planet with several light ships, or become the leader of a technologically advanced civilization that has already created a hyperdrive.

The highlight of the game is the ability to automate various processes in the empire: for example, you can not interfere with the economy, concentrating solely on diplomacy and battles. In any case, it won't be easy to beat your opponents: the AI ​​is surprisingly effective.

Age of Wonders III

The project is a reboot of the classic franchise, the last episode of which was released in 2003. This 3D turn-based strategy game takes place in a fantasy world, during an era of fierce confrontation between the Imperial Commonwealth and the Elven Alliance.

In the game you can play as one of 7 races: people, elves, gnomes, goblins, orcs, draconians, halflings. Heroes can belong to one of 6 classes (military leader, theocrat, robber, arch druid, sorcerer or technocrat), and also have a specialization (master of the elements of water, fire, air, earth, adept of creation, destruction, research or construction).

The system of diplomacy and city management are not the strong features of the project. However, the authors managed to make the battles truly exciting: units can be combined with each other and turned into giant armies, and then besiege the enemy’s fortress. The scale of battles is reminiscent of Total War, but the highlight of Age of Wonders III is the ability to use magic.

Order of Battle: Pacific

Everyone knows the importance of the battles that unfolded in the Pacific during World War II. The authors of Order of Battle: Pacific offer to take part in bloody battles on the side of the Japanese Empire or allies.

In this turn-based strategy, which in its style is reminiscent of the good old Panzer General, gamers will have to carefully think through every move. A total of three campaigns are available in which you can change the course of history and, for example, win the war on the side of Japan. Players can control over 500 units such as the legendary M3 Stuart and Type 97 Chi-Ha tanks, A6M Zero and F4U Corsair fighters, or the battleships Montana and Yamato.

During battles, you can unlock heroic commanders, who can provide a decisive advantage in battle.

Warhammer 40,000 series

Release date: 1992-2011

Genre: Real-time strategy

The Warhammer 40,000 series is the most popular and one of the best-selling games. Fans are constantly waiting for the release of a new game. The most famous is Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The player selects a race (Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Tau, Necrons, Orcs, Chaos, Eldar; new races appear with each game) for which he wants to play, after which he selects a place on the planet or planets that he wants to capture and fights with the race that owns it earth.

The battle takes place in real time on the terrain where the battle takes place. Players capture special points that give influence and build generators that provide energy; these resources are used to build structures, troops and make improvements. Each race has its own troops, super units and heroes and abilities. The goal of the game in the campaign is to capture all the lands and become the patron of all lands.

Civilization Series

Release date: 1991-2013

Genre: Global turn-based strategy

In Civilization, a complete model of human development has been created from the most ancient times to the present day. The player must create and develop his mighty empire, among other competitors, the condition for victory may be a military victory over everyone, victory on points, The game ends in 2050 either by culture or build a spaceship and fly to Alpha Centauri. The strength and development of civilization consists of the development and creation of new cities, the creation of production of troops in cities, scientific and military research. You can also create wonders of the world in the game.

For civilization to flourish, the player must be able to focus and balance between scientific progress, building up military power, replenishing the treasury, developing infrastructure and culture, diplomatic contacts and trade with other civilizations. The player can take part in historical events that took place, control leaders such as Stalin, Napaleon, Ramses II, Catherine II and so on. It's hard to say which of the series is the best. Some say that part is the best, others say the fourth. Adherents of graphics claim that the fifth is the best of this series.

Warcraft III

Genre: real-time strategy with RPG elements

Popularly known as "Varik" was one of the most anticipated games, with over 4.5 million pre-orders and over one million copies of the game sold in less than a month, making it the fastest selling computer game. a large number of positive reviews, many publications awarded the game with the titles “Best Game of the Year” and “Best Strategy of the Year.” The game also received high marks from players.

There are 4 races in the game: Alliance (humans), Undead, Horde (Orcs) and Night Elves. Each race has its own unique heroes, who gain experience and new level. With each level, new hero abilities are unlocked. Heroes can also buy or pick up items from killed mobs that improve the combat characteristics of the heroes and the troops around them. On different maps players capture gold mines and extract timber, use these resources to build a base and units and improve their characteristics.

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Genre: Turn-based strategy with RPG elements

Heroes of Might and Magic III is a turn-based fantasy game, the third part of the series has become a cult favorite and has gained many fans around the world. Despite the now outdated graphics, it is still played by thousands of players around the world. The fourth and fifth parts of the game came out with better graphics and improved gameplay, so if you are not a fan of old games and love graphics, then it is best to play the latest parts.

The player travels across a global map with heroes who control mythical creatures, exploring new lands, capturing cities and fighting enemies. On the map, the player moves only one hero and can only walk a certain distance or do one or more actions, after which he misses a turn and the computer-controlled enemies make their move. By attacking enemies, you move into combat mode, the army of enemies and your army of creatures stand opposite each other, moving combat units in turn to destroy the enemies. As cities develop, new opportunities and spells can be discovered. Hire troops.

StarCraft II

Genre: real time strategy

StarCraft II is the second part of the cult first part, released back in 1998. The second part of the game became the most anticipated game of the year due to the great popularity of the first part and fully met its expectations among players. Many Russian and foreign gaming portals gave the game scores of over 9 points out of 10. In the player rating it received 9.3 points.

The plot of the game and all the actions take place in the distant future, or more precisely the 26th century in a remote part of the Milky Way galaxy. The three races of Terran, Zerg, and Protoss are opposed to each other. Players extract two types of resources: minerals and vespene gas, which they then use to build buildings and hire combat units. The main task is to destroy the enemy base. Each type of unit has its own strengths and weaknesses, so to destroy certain types of enemy troops you need to hire troops that are good at destroying them.

Total War series is the best Rome: Total War

Genre: turn-based grand strategy, real-time strategy

Total War rus. “Total War” is a series of games that already has seven games and various additions. Different games cover different historical periods and states. The most popular and iconic is Rome: Total War, released in 2004. The action takes place in Ancient Rome during the Republic period from 270 BC. e. up to 14 AD e. For example, Shogun: Total War takes place in Japan Shogun: Total War in the 16th century, where reigning dynasties oppose each other. Empire: Total War - during the European colonial wars and so on.

The gameplay of the game is very similar to Civilization. The player controls troops, cities and settlements on a global point. After completing all actions, the player misses a turn, after which the AI-controlled competitors make their move. If you or your enemy attack each other, then you move to the tactical map, where you control all your troops in real mode, attacking them and placing them in convenient positions on the map.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 1,2,3

Release date: 1996 and 2000

Genre: Real-time strategy

Red Alert is a game that was released in the last century and captured the minds and souls of gamers around the world; thousands of people still play it, more than 30 million copies sold. The game takes place in an alternate history, where Allied troops defend Europe from an aggressive Soviet Union. The player can choose one of two warring parties: Alliance or USSR. Accordingly, the goal of the game for the Allies is to stop Stalin before he takes over the whole world, for the USSR - to achieve the complete capture of Europe. Depending on the side chosen, the player's victory results in one of two alternative endings.

Battles in the game take place both on land, on water and in the air. Each side can have its own base and can train ground forces, air Force And Navy. Each side also has unique features. The game mechanic is that now even a simple infantryman can destroy a tank. A tank can easily destroy a machine-gun pillbox; a small group of grenade launchers can just as easily deal with a tank if it is not covered by anti-personnel equipment or its own infantry, which forced them to use it in battle Various types troops.

Europa Universalis series of games

Release date: 2000-2013

Genre: turn-based global strategy,

Continues the series of global strategies Europa Universalis. Like previous games in the series, the third part invites you to lead one of the states of the world . The essence of the game: to develop national ideas that give the game power certain advantages; as new ones open government technologies there is an opportunity to choose one of the national ideas. The game takes place in real time, but the player’s reaction speed is not required, since the game can be paused at any time. The game takes place on a schematically depicted world map, divided into more than 1,500 sea and land provinces.

The player can take control of any country that existed during this historical period (about 200 states in total). Under his control are the country's economy, the formation and management of armies and navies, diplomacy, the introduction of new technologies, the internal politics of the state, changing the state religion and the colonization of new lands.

A special feature of the game is its connection to real story(I note that in the third part of the series it is no longer tied to history and the gameplay is more free); there are historical rulers predetermined for each country, each of whom has certain abilities that influence the game, real-life commanders (such as Suvorov or Napoleon I Bonaparte), pioneers, explorers and sailors (such as Columbus, Ermac and Ferdinand Magellan ), and historical events, which usually occur in the same country and at the same time as in real history (for example, in 1517 an event occurs that makes it possible to convert to Protestantism)

Company of Heroes 1.2

Release date: 2006

Genre: Real-time strategy

The gameplay of Company of Heroes is very similar to Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The player commands entire squads of fighters, but there are some unique units. Each unit has a life scale (not an individual fighter), and if the unit’s lives are damaged when the unit is damaged, the entire unit dies. The player can equip infantry units with various weapons, choosing which weapon is more promising in battle. After the death of a squad, weapons remain that can be picked up and equipped with them for another squad. This even applies to weapons stationary type, such as anti-tank guns, heavy machine guns and mortars.

Each side in the game is divided into three unique directions - infantry, airborne and tank for the Americans and defensive, offensive and propaganda for the Germans, advancement in which gives access to new combat units and attacks (for example, attack aircraft). Another important difference is that squads and units in the game have three levels of experience. After destroying an enemy, a new level is obtained that increases the damage, speed, health, armor or viewing range of the combat unit, depending on its type.

There are three types of resources in the Game: weapons, fuel and personnel. Personnel used for the construction of buildings, the recruitment of new combat units, both infantry and armored vehicles, fuel, in turn, for the construction of buildings and armored vehicles, and weapons - to provide units with additional weapons, for example, a grenade launcher, for artillery and air strikes, or for so that your equipment gets new capabilities. Replenishment of resources is carried out using control points.

Age of Empires III

Genre: Real-time strategy

Age of Empires III is a strategy game that has earned worldwide recognition thanks to its innovative and exciting gameplay. Age of Empires received high ratings on gaming portals and magazines. A special feature of this game is its well-designed artificial intelligence(the opponent is controlled by the computer). The player controls one of the powers (Great Britain, Prussia, Holland, Spain, Portugal, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, France), which set off to conquer the new world (America).

The main action takes place in the colonies, on a map familiar to such games, but now each power has a hometown in the Old World. He serves the sole purpose of helping his colony. There are three resources in the game: food, wood and money. Which produce various buildings. Transitions between eras, five eras: exploration, colonization, fortresses, industrial and empire. He trains military academies, bandages soldiers and sends them to colonies. The infantry depends on the nationality of the city, for the Spaniards it will be rodellers, and for the Russians it will be archers and Cossacks. The academy is also improving the parameters of the troops.

Battles take place in real time. The maximum size of a detachment and group of soldiers highlighted by a “frame” is 50 units. The shooting infantry has four formations: a regular line, which is convenient for firing in salvos, a sparse formation, which reduces losses from artillery fire, hand-to-hand combat and square. Melee infantry has three formations, two of the same, melee and square, and a circular formation to cover the riflemen. The cavalry learned three formations - the same close combat and square, as well as an offensive mode with reduced speed, but with damage inflicted over an area.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Genre: Strategy, Turn-Based Tactics, Tactical RPG

The game is a remake (remake) of a popular and old game X-COM: UFO Defense, released back in 1993. Aliens attack planet Earth and begin an alien invasion. The game is played from the perspective of the secret commander international organization XCOM (anti-alien division), which has the most advanced technologies, weapons and scientific developments of mankind. They work in it the best specialists world - military men and scientists. The organization must conduct military operations against aliens that threaten the existence of human civilization.

The player is provided with the central XCOM base, from which the strategic management of the organization is carried out: monitoring the actions of aliens on the global world map using a satellite network, distributing funding for the development of scientific and technical potential, arming and deploying interceptors to destroy flying saucers, as well as conducting combat operations against aliens using existing fighters in ground skirmishes. The base is presented to the player as " ant farm" - a cut of the ground, allowing you to look at the premises from the side.

In Tactical combat, fighters perform up to two actions in turn - running, shooting, throwing a grenade, using a first aid kit. Each fighter has only three characteristics: accuracy, willpower and health points.
After the first promotion in rank, a soldier receives a specialization. This could be an attack aircraft, a sniper, a heavy infantryman or a support soldier.


Genre: real time strategy

Well-developed graphics and three-dimensional gaming space - the implementation of six degrees of freedom (you can view the battlefield, the battle fleet from different angles) of the movement of game objects and the presence of thoughtful fleet management in three dimensions. A rich and complex plot that gradually reveals itself during the game. In the next game mission, the player receives the fleet with which he completed the previous one.

At the beginning of the game, the player can choose a fleet of two races, Kushan or Taidan: this does not affect the further plot in any way, only the combat units change. A key feature of both the Kushan and Taidan navies is the presence of a main mothership that serves as the main base of operations. The mothership has its own weapons and a hyperdrive, which allows it to overcome significant space.

The entire space fleet is divided into a combat fleet and a support fleet. The support fleet includes special ships, such as a resource collector and controller, a research ship, a probe, a stealth ship detector ship, and a gravity well generator. The combat fleet is divided into classes: Small ships - fighters, corvettes, Heavy ships - frigates, Super-heavy ships, Flagships.

Stronghold game series

Release date: 2001-2014

Genre: real time strategy

The game system of all games in the series is based on an economic simulator of a medieval city or castle. The games have a number of unique parameters that are typical only for games in the Stronghold series. Thus, in the first Stronghold, the “popularity” parameter was introduced for the first time, affecting the performance and population size. Combat system standard for strategies is direct control of groups of units. The economic component is one of the main ones in the games of the series. There are quite complex and long production chains. As a rule, in the games of the series, more attention is paid to the economic rather than the military component of medieval castles.

All games in the series, except Stronghold Kingdoms, have campaigns (a series of story-related missions) and a map editor mode. Stronghold has a single campaign, while other games have multiple campaigns.

All games except Stronghold and Stronghold Kingdoms allow you to play against computer opponents on a selected map. Stronghold and Stronghold 2 have a siege mode (siege or defend a castle without running an economy). In the first games in the series (up to and including Stronghold 2), there is a free construction mode (running an economy without war).


Genre: Real-time strategy, god simulator

Spore game is a simulator of the evolution of life on the planet, as well as a strategy and space simulator. The goal of the game is to develop a creature from a microorganism to an advanced space race. While progressing through the game, it is possible to make changes to the creature, improving its characteristics. Also, as it develops, the player will independently create various equipment and buildings, or choose ready-made options from the catalogue.

At the beginning of the game, the player takes control of a microorganism living in aquatic environment. At this stage of the game - To survive, the microorganism needs to feed on pieces of meat or algae, and also try not to be eaten by other carnivorous creatures. When food is eaten, the cell grows and turns into a microorganism. After which the creature gets out to the ground, where it also develops. Over time, under your leadership there will be a tribe, civilization and space that you will have to manage.

Ground Control 1.2

Release date: 2000, 2004

Genre: Tactical real-time strategy

This game was the forefront of its genre and won many awards. Ground Control has 3D graphics and a freely rotating camera, allowing the player to view the battle from any angle. The game completely lacks resource collection, base development and research. The player's goal is to control a limited number of combat units and perform various tasks with their help.

The main goal of the game is to destroy enemy troops and buildings using the terrain features and strengths own army. Combat units include various types of armored vehicles, aircraft and soldiers, delivered to the battlefield by orbital shuttles. After the start of the next mission, the player cannot call for reinforcements, which requires careful selection of units and their configuration before the battle.

The most important element games require a tactical approach in any situation. Each squad has its own distinct strengths and weaknesses. Combat units are united into squads. The player can only give orders to units, although the units themselves will fight and take damage separately. There are four categories of units: infantry, armor, support, and aviation. The player can choose the configuration of each individual unit before the battle. For example, a Craven Corporation tank squad can exist in four configurations: reconnaissance, light, main, and heavy. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so different configurations are suitable for different tasks.

Tiberium Command & Conquer series

Release date: 1995-2010

Genre: Real time strategy

a series of successful computer games with the highest sales among strategy series. The game takes place in an alternative time reality, conditionally modern to ours, in which there is a war all over the world between two global groups - the international UN troops united in the Global Defense Initiative, and the military-religious Brotherhood of Nod, led by its charismatic leader Kane, fighting for possession of the alien substance Tiberium, slowly spreading throughout the planet.

The gameplay of the game is based on the principle of collecting resources, building a base, destroying the enemy. The only source of money (credits) in the game is Tiberium. To others important resource in the game is electricity produced only by power plants. The various structures and units produced by the player collectively form a technological tree, in which access to technologically more advanced, and therefore more expensive, structures and units. The base can be protected by various structures, including defensive fortifications.

Unfortunately, political simulations have not been released very often lately. Of the new products, we can only mention VirCities, which was released the other day for mobile platforms iOS, Android and Windows Mobile. We haven’t really had time to study it yet, but we decided to remember other memorable representatives of this genre.

Tropico 4

A cozy simulator of a dictator on a paradise island. You need to manage the local El Presidente, and also try to make sure that he stays in his position for as long as possible. Develop the city, establish infrastructure, make a fortune and hope that some sudden trouble (for example, a typhoon) will not greatly affect your ward’s rating or his wallet. The game is primarily positioned as an economic strategy, but you can’t forget about domestic and foreign policy: you don’t want, for example, to be accused of the death of the American president?

Tropico's most enjoyable feature is definitely its humor and attention to detail. Don’t even hope to do something stupid and then avoid problems caused by a rash act. No, of course, you can tighten the screws and do whatever your heart desires, but such a tyrant will not stay in power for long.

Democracy 3

A political strategy in which there is nothing superfluous. You choose a country and set the terms of the president's rule, after which you try long and hard to make the world a little better, as well as to gain maximum support from the population and win the next election. All your actions lead to certain consequences, and, unfortunately, you almost never manage to please all the residents. The legalization of drugs, the introduction of a luxury tax or, for example, an increase in unemployment benefits will cause a positive or negative reaction in every segment of the population and will affect the economy and the general situation in the country. How much will it change? big picture– It’s always difficult to predict. The consequences of what seems to be the only correct decision to eliminate a crisis situation in some area can lead to the death of your president in a couple of moves.

The design of Democracy 3 is very ascetic and consists of a huge table in which all segments of the population, laws, statistics and individual situations are connected. There are no running people, buildings under construction, or endless pop-up windows with hints or warnings like “need more gold” or “someone is unhappy.” But if you want to understand the principles of governing a country and feel the heavy burden of being a president on your shoulders, then Democracy 3 is perfect.

President for a Day: Flooding

In this turn-based strategy, you will also have to play the role of the president, albeit of a very specific country - Pakistan. Not everything is so smooth: two weeks before re-election there is a major flood, and your ward will have to work hard to regain the trust of citizens: the state must not only be saved, but also brought to a more or less decent standard of living. At the same time, problems are pouring in one after another: people are starving and need shelters, cholera outbreaks begin, and the rebels are not sleeping, and God forbid that nuclear weapons fall into their hands.

President for a Day: Flooding is a fairly simple, short, but bright and funny strategy, which, however, can completely discourage you from running for president (if you have one, of course). Unlike most games related to politics, President for a Day focuses on governing the country in emergency, in fact, this is its highlight.

Masters of the World: Geopolitical Simulator 3

A geopolitical simulator in which you have to solve military, economic and social problems. Masters of the World: Geopolitical Simulator 3 features more than 170 states, and each of them is unique due to a huge number of parameters.

Conclude international contracts, collect dirt on your neighbors, accumulate military power, build relationships with your citizens, improve infrastructure and try not to get confused by the huge number of possibilities of this game - there are so many of them that it is easy to lose track of something. All your actions will be constantly on display - nothing will be hidden from the weekly newspaper (and from citizens).

SuperPower 2

Global strategy with 192 countries and multiplayer for 32 players. As in Masters of the World: Geopolitical Simulator 3, each state has its own characteristics (most memorable is the level of corruption in Russia - 57.7%). In addition, sometimes you can adjust certain parameters of the state at your discretion: choose the main religions, prohibit women from participating in elections, or, for example, legalize child labor. True, it is unknown how its citizens will react to such “necessary” measures for the country.

SuperPower 2 is more aimed at foreign policy: the results of all kinds of agreements, negotiations and treaties become visible almost immediately, and military actions are thought out right down to espionage and the launch of nuclear warheads. But if you overdo it with your aggression, almost the entire globe will turn against you.

All the games we have listed already assume that you will control a person who has achieved power. If you want to start your career from scratch, then try VirCities, an economic strategy with elements of a life simulator in a metropolis, where the player will have to conquer the city using all his skills and go through an interesting path from an ordinary resident to the mayor who runs the whole city.

The main feature of this game is that only other gamers are fighting for their place in the sun with you - there are no NPCs in VirCities at all. And if you win the elections, it means that the majority of players actually voted for you.

First game from Civilization series, released in 1991, as the leader of his nation, the player will have to create his own state, develop technology and economy, and establish relations with neighboring states. The game has 6 different difficulty levels. In the second part, the changes compared to the previous game were not very large; the graphics took on an isometric appearance. Civilization III offers very developed gameplay, both in terms of the game itself and in terms of software. As in previous versions of the game, the entire history of mankind is simulated - from the birth of civilization to the present and the future. Civilization 4 In the game you are given the opportunity to control one of the empires. As in other games in the series, in Civilization V the player creates and develops his own civilization from ancient times to the near future.

Most specialized publications gave the game high scores: based on several dozen reviews, the game earned an average score of 80.19%, including because through the game menu you can download many mods, scenarios and maps created by amateurs, including those that remain popular, from previous versions of the game. Civilization is on the list.

Total War series

Release date: 2000-2019


The gameplay is traditional for Total War games and is a mixture of turn-based strategy and real-time tactics. State management takes place on a strategic map in a step-by-step mode. The entire series of games is notable for its large-scale battles, in which thousands of warriors participate. Such epic battles are made possible thanks to the high-tech graphics engine. Total War is on the list of the best.

Total War received positive reviews gaming press; some critics called it a milestone in game design. The real-time combat was praised for its realism. The depth and complexity of the game's strategy, coupled with its well-integrated historical accuracy, also received support from reviewers.

Europa Universalis

Release date: 2000-2013

Genre: Global strategy

The computer game is distinguished by its strategic depth and historical accuracy. A special feature of the game is its connection to real history; There are historical rulers predetermined for each country, each of whom has certain abilities that influence the game. In the game, the player controls one nation through hundreds of years of wars, revolutions and conspiracies. The player will have to manage the economy, create military-political alliances, colonize new lands, control religion and domestic policy, and also ensure internal stability.

Starting from the third part of the series, the gameplay became more free and not tied to the real story; historical figures are replaced by random ones, the number of historical events is significantly reduced and now they do not necessarily occur at the same time and in the same place as in reality.

SuperPower 1 and 2

Release date: First 2002 Second 2004

Genre: Global strategy

Global real-time strategy. The game takes place in the modern world, which exactly models our planet. The game has the same states and countries as in real world. Accurate data includes GDP, population, political system, etc. The main goal of the game is the complete dominance of one of the countries. All actions in the game take place step-by-step. Each step is equal to a week.

SuperPower's gameplay focuses not only on development and combat, but also on diplomacy and politics. The player will be able to create new alliances, declare war, collapse the economies of other countries, or vice versa, build alliances and sign peace treaties. The game contains real-life weapons and equipment that are typical for the respective countries.

Hearts of Iron Series

Release date: 2002-2016


A special feature of the new game is the increased role of military operations, since the game is primarily dedicated to the Second World War. Compared to Europa Universalis, all aspects of the game have changed significantly. The mechanics of combat have changed significantly, the number of provinces has increased (which expanded the meaning of maneuver in the theater of operations), and some types of troops (for example, cavalry) and types of brigades have been more accurately represented. Partisans in the occupied territories seriously affect the speed of restoration military units and their effectiveness in battle.

Release date: 2003-2013

Genre: economic strategy

The game covers the historical period from 1836 to 1920. The player can take control of any power that existed in that era. Compared to its predecessor games, Victoria has very complex micromanagement and a developed economic component.

In Victoria II, the player controls one of approximately 200 states in the world between 1836 and 1936. The player has control over a number of tools for managing the economy, science, domestic politics, diplomacy, army and navy. The main difference from other global strategies is the significant emphasis on detail internal processes, taking place in the state, and a developed system of diplomacy available to the great powers. Unlike the first part, the developers made the game less dependent on real historical events and more non-linear.

Crusader Kings

Release date: 2004-2012

Genre: global turn-based strategy,

Crusader Kings models the system of feudal relations in medieval Europe and the Middle East, including personal relationships between thousands of characters, wars (including the Crusades), intrigue, and the struggle for influence with the Pope. The process itself is built solely on playing for the dynasty you have chosen, and not the state.

In the game Crusader Kings you have to take on the role of the ruler of one of the powerful Christian dynasties and try to expand your borders. To do this, you will have to constantly monitor the state of your growing empire. If you correctly appoint vassals, successfully resist traitors and introduce laws useful for the development of the state, you will eventually be able to create the most powerful dynasty in medieval Europe.

Master of Orion Series

Release date: 1993-2016

Genre: global turn-based strategy,

The goal of the game is to gain control of the galaxy by colonizing planets and warring with other civilizations, each of which has its own special abilities. Another, diplomatic way to win is to get a majority of votes in the elections and become the leader of a united galaxy. The gameplay of Master of Orion, like its sister games, includes economic, scientific, military and diplomatic components. The game takes place in turn-based mode. There are 3 parts in total. And in 2016 a new version was released.

The interface is designed in a futuristic style spaceship, everything is extremely functional and convenient. Developed diplomacy system: trading technology, concluding alliances, collecting tribute, A huge galaxy with distant star systems inhabited by hostile alien races, The ability to create ships with original design and weapons, Supports multiplayer mode for up to 8 players.

Star Wars

Release date: 1998-2006

Genre: global turn-based strategy

Star Wars strategic computer game, based on the original Star Wars trilogy, which has two main modes: campaign mode and Galactic Conquest. In campaign mode it is a classic story-based RTS, and in Galactic Conquest mode it is a global strategy with tactical battles in real time.

The main principle of the game is the battle of two armies. The objectives of the battle may vary depending on the mode and variant of the game. Also, in some cases, the game has a mode that allows the player to edit some combat parameters. In this game, battles can take place both on the surface of planets and in outer space in the orbit of these planets.

Endless Space 1 and 2

Release date: First 2012 Second 2016

Genre: global turn-based strategy, space strategy

Endless Space- offered a fairly stable game, attractive with its excellent design and attractive graphics, and continued to improve the game by releasing add-ons that added new race, unique buildings, and simply improving the game balance. As of today, the latest version is 1.1.51.

The starting point in the turn-based strategy Endless Space is the year three thousand, and the location of the action is the galaxy and its star systems. Each player at the beginning, choosing one of eight humanoid and non-humanoid races, receives one colonized star system and one inhabited planet. Each of the unique races is characterized by a number of traits that affect the conduct of wars, the development of science, population growth and similar parameters. These traits can significantly affect game strategy, giving an advantage in achieving a certain type of victory: diplomatic, scientific, military, territorial or "miraculous".

Release date: 2009

Genre: global turn-based strategy

This is a turn-based strategy dedicated to creating your own Empire. About a hundred different nations, the possibility of sieging and storming castles, many technologies available for development and really global maps. Naturally, the promises of excellent graphics, an exciting plot, and realistic battles are not forgotten.

The combat model is standard for this type of game. Before the battle of the army, you can set the military order and determine the main line of behavior: go on the defensive, launch an attack, wait a certain amount of time, and so on.

Geopolitical Simulator Series

Release date: 2007-2013

Genre: global turn-based strategy

Geopolitical Simulator- a geopolitical simulator in which the player acts as the president of the state. The player’s responsibilities include solving economic problems, as well as social and military ones. In single player mode, you can choose a free game and develop the country according to at will or choose a ready-made script with specific tasks. In multiplayer mode, the emphasis is on military strategy, where military action is everything.

The game itself is a fully developed simulator of the modern world: the player controls various sectors: politics, both foreign and domestic, economics, environment, army, science, culture, religion, etc. The player’s actions will affect not only the population of the country, but also which he plays: the creation of military bases on the borders with other states will cause their unrest and destruction civil liberties will cause a negative reaction in the world community and exclusion from various interstate organizations.

Galactic Civilizations series

Release date: 2003-2015

Genre: Turn-based global strategy, space strategy

The main goal of the game is control of the galaxy. Victory can be achieved through war, a dominant culture, diplomacy, or the development of transcendental technology. The player can win the game in one of four ways - military conquest, cultural dominance, union of all races, or technological superiority. To achieve these goals, the player can do whatever he wants. The game also features a story campaign.

Create the civilization of your dreams: design ships, invent technologies, choose a political system. With a 92% probability, this is the best turn-based strategy on Earth. A unique technology tree for each race, Many new ships and methods of planetary exploration, Improved graphics Map and campaign editor.

Space Empires series

Release date: 1993-2006

Genre: Turn-based global strategy, space

Although the game itself is a turn-based strategy game, tactical battles in space and on the surface are carried out in real time, and it is possible to adjust the speed of the game. Also characteristic feature All games in the series have an advanced vehicle creation editor, which allows you to complete all types of units existing in the game with the components necessary for the player. Interestingly, the editor has a built-in simulation mode in which you can immediately test the created equipment in battle, and change the design if it is not effective.

The game is played in games (as, for example, in chess). The goal is to achieve an advantage over all other players in one way or another (in fact, there are quite a lot of victory conditions, but they are all just “variations on a theme”). The player is the head of the nation, and controls absolutely all processes occurring in the state.

Napoleon's Campaigns

Release date: 2008

Genre: turn-based global strategy

Napoleon: Age of Conquest-The grand strategy Napoleon’s Campaigns, released in 2007, demonstrated good gameplay for those who like to not bother building empires, but to fight, fight, and only fight. The game was full of interesting army micromanagement and more or less strictly adhered to historical truth.

More than a hundred combat units dressed in historically accurate uniforms, more than 600 real historical leaders with unique abilities and portraits, popular historical events, divisional, corps and army organization of the armed forces, establishing food supplies and a moral system - this is not a complete list of the game’s features. Each turn in the game is equal to one week.

Endless Legend

Release date: 2014

Genre: Turn-based global strategy

Global 4X fantasy strategy. The game's plot depends on the choice of factions, each of which has its own history and company. The player will be able to play and lead any of the eleven available races to victory. The battles are executed in the form of a stepped turn-based battle. First, the player must line up his units, then give orders to everyone and ultimately enter the turn-based combat phase.

The game has a system of heroes that improve troops. When concluding alliances, you can receive technologies from other factions, as well as receive reinforcements from your allies. The game is difficult to learn, as it has great functionality for development. Moreover, each faction has its own characteristics and development paths.


Release date: 2016

Genre: Turn-based global strategy, RTS

Large-scale sci-fi real-time strategy. The game takes place in outer space, which is generated with each new game. The project is built on the confrontation between developing races that are fighting for leadership. The main goal is to achieve maximum development and capture enemy planets. The game has a very highly developed economic component and politics. Detailed ship designer. Huge galaxies with thousands of planets to colonize. Deep research system.

Each faction in Stellaris has its own set of units, weapons and equipment, which creates multifaceted gameplay and forces you to change tactics. As in Civilization, the player can go to victory with the help of brute physical force, destroying competitors, or take the political path, establishing peaceful relations with other races. Excellent replay value for fans of the genre. You can play 1000 hours in the game, changing races and development strategies.