The most unpretentious and winter-hardy roses: recommendations for choosing varieties for different regions. Which variety of roses is best for your garden - a hit parade of unpretentious beauties Which varieties of roses are best to plant in the garden

Perhaps there is no gardener who has not thought about growing roses on his plot, but, most likely, the materialization of these thoughts was prevented by prejudice about the capricious nature of the willful beauty. However, today roses are no longer so pampered and are more adapted to life in middle lane Russia, and even in the Urals and Siberia. But, despite this, you should not immediately take up the cultivation of hybrid tea or standard species; it is better to opt for roses for beginners - ground cover, climbing and park.

Rose "Golden Showers"

Ground cover roses

A characteristic feature of ground cover roses is drooping or creeping shoots along the ground; the shape of the bushes is spreading. The flowers are quite small, but collected in large inflorescences; they bloom profusely: the first time at the beginning of summer, then again and just as profusely, which is good news. It is rarely affected by diseases and pests.
It looks especially impressive on slopes, along, in a group of tall bushes, on the lawn. Among the most famous varieties are the following:

"The Fairy"

One of the most reliable varieties in terms of winter hardiness. The height of the bush is about half a meter, the flowers are soft pink, double, collected in brushes, flowering is abundant and repeated, the variety is resistant to disease.


A bush up to 60 cm high, with bright red, densely double flowers and glossy, dark green leaves, blooms profusely and for a long time.

A low bush up to 40 cm, the flowers are snow-white, double, 5-6 cm in diameter, by autumn they acquire a pinkish tint, collected in large fragrant inflorescences. Flowering is abundant and long lasting - until frost.

climbing roses

Roses of this group are characterized by the presence of long (up to 6 m) flexible shoots, which can be directed to a support or formed into a chic spreading bush. Very functional view roses, its ability to act as a screen is widely used both in decorating small architectural forms(gazebos, pergolas), and in hiding unsightly garden objects (compost pits, etc.).

Flowers can be different sizes(from 3 to 12 cm), colors, with different aroma and degree of terry. Small flowers are usually collected in inflorescences, while large ones are solitary. Climbing roses bloom profusely, some throughout the summer. They are not particularly winter-hardy, so with the onset of cold weather the branches are bent to the ground, pinned and. In the spring, shoots older than 4 years are cut out and sanitary pruning is carried out.

"Golden Showers""

One of the most popular yellow rose varieties. The bush is up to 2 m tall, with spreading shoots, shiny leaves and bright yellow, large, fragrant flowers. It blooms all summer, is disease resistant, and is relatively distinguished.


The height of the bush is up to 2.5 m, the flowers are large (8-9), single, dark red in color with a velvety effect. Widely used for vertical decoration.


A time-tested variety, double flowers, bright red, leaves dark green, glossy. Winter-hardy, disease-resistant variety.

Park roses

A very conventional name for this type of rose, since they are united in this group according to a single physiological characteristic - good winter hardiness. The bushes are vigorous - up to 2 m in height, the flowers are fragrant, collected in inflorescences, abundant flowering begins early and continues all summer.

"The Queen Elizabeth"

The bush is compact, up to 1 m high, the flowers are bright pink, double, reminiscent of peonies in shape, collected in dense fragrant inflorescences. It blooms very beautifully and profusely, resistant to disease and winter-hardy.

"Rosarium Uetersen"

Tall (up to 2 m), spreading bush with long flexible shoots. It blooms profusely and for a long time with dark pink double flowers with a pleasant aroma, the leaves are beautiful and shiny. Resistant to diseases, winter-hardy.

Features of planting roses

Roses with an open root system should be planted in the ground in the spring, before the buds open. Roses sold in containers or in plastic packaging can be planted at any time, following simple rules:

  • Remove the packaging or remove the bush from the container and shake it to loosen the soil (and most often the peat).
  • If the rose is from a foreign nursery, then root system It is better to rinse with water, cut off all long roots by 1/3 and, before planting, moisten them with a heteroauxin solution for better survival.
  • Please check before boarding preventive treatment with the drug "Actellik" or "Fitoverm" for protection against ticks.
  • The planting hole must correspond to the size of the root system of the plant being planted, i.e. it should fit freely in it. Sprinkle with fertile soil, avoiding the formation of voids.
  • Water the seedling thoroughly and mulch the soil around it to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.
  • In the first week after planting, the plant needs shading.
  • They are often covered with wax; it should not be removed, because... it protects against excess moisture evaporation, protecting the shoots from drying out. As the plant grows, the wax layer itself will begin to fall off, and the remaining fragments will not in any way affect the growth and development of the seedlings.
  • After planting, the seedling can be supported by spraying it with the growth stimulator "Epin", which is also a rehabilitation agent for plants under any stress, be it transplantation at the wrong time or the consequences of overfeeding with fertilizers.
  • If return frosts are expected, then the young rose should be covered with any non-woven material.

Previously, a person seriously involved in growing roses was considered an eccentric and even a romantic, because the queen of the garden demanded truly royal attention. Today the state of affairs is such that roses for beginners are quite possible.

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About cozy flower garden on summer cottage This is the dream of almost all summer residents. But is it possible to imagine it without the queen of flowers - the rose? Beautiful flowers with a pleasant aroma have always been and will be the most desired guests in any area.

Beautiful types of roses garden flowers sung by poets...

For those who have never encountered the choice of rose varieties for the garden, it will be useful to know that all roses are divided into large groups that differ from each other in care requirements, bud shape, color palette and many other nuances.

Types of garden roses are divided into groups:

  • Miniature and Patio roses;
  • Border, or Multi-flowered;
  • Noble or Large-flowered;
  • Groundcover;
  • Shrub or scrub roses - Shrub (S);
  • Old Garden Rose;
  • Park views;
  • Climbing roses;
  • Natural species (rose hips) - Species (Sp).

The modern assortment of roses (Modern Garden Roses) includes more than 15 thousand varieties. It is extremely versatile in size, color, shape, aroma...

Modern garden roses also include:

  • Hybrid Tea;
  • Floribunda "Floribunda";
  • Polyantha "Polyantha"
  • Grandiflora "Grandiflora" etc.

The most popular groups of roses, divided based on stable garden characteristics.

Climbing roses (climbing)

The type of rose is actively used in garden decoration, since it has the ability to grow over vertical surfaces like bindweed, thanks to creeping shoots (lashes). They can decorate fences or gazebos, columns, arches, and decorate walls. Flowers (2-5 cm in diameter), collected in large inflorescences. When caring for roses, it is important to fertilize the soil. They prefer sun, warmth and light. They do not like frosts, but in all other respects they are quite practical.

Types of climbing roses are distinguished into:

  • Climbers (vintage, modern, miniature);
  • Ramblers (large-flowered);
  • Super ramblers.

Repair roses

Repair rose bushes valued for the characteristics of flowers - size, aroma, color. Widely used for growing in garden plots. The main feature of roses is the ability to re-bloom in one season (in July-August), but not so abundantly. On vigorously growing (up to 2 m in height), erect and spreading bushes, large, fragrant, double flowers with a diameter of 8 to 16 cm bloom in the second half of June.

These roses are winter-hardy, but can still freeze, so they require shelter in severe frosts and are susceptible to fungal diseases.

Hybrid Tea and Climbing Hybrid Tea

There are a huge number of variations of garden roses, but one feature suits all – nobility and sophistication. These noble roses are obtained from heat-loving Chinese tea roses crossed with remontant ones. Thanks to this, it was possible to obtain flowers whose characteristics were superior to all previously known species and varieties. One of the most beautiful and elegant views.

Massive and continuous flowering of these magnificent hybrid tea roses lasts from the end of June and throughout the month of July. After a short rest, a second wave of flowering occurs, continuing until late autumn. However, these beautiful flowers are not always suitable for the garden. They are mainly grown by experienced gardeners, but, as they say, pots are not made by saints.

The whole difficulty of growing lies in the fact that hybrid tea roses do not like cold weather and demand winter time good shelter.

They are demanding to care for and are susceptible to many diseases. It is precisely because of diseases that this type of rose is very difficult to grow in cold weather. climatic zones. It is difficult for an inexperienced gardener to recognize what causes a particular symptom, but experience comes with practice. For this reason, you can often find “chemically-treated” roses of this type on sale, which quickly disappear in water without the necessary substances.

Roses differing in foliage and flower color, shape sheet plate, growth pattern and other characteristics.

  • Shrub species with falling foliage - Damask, white, French and other roses.
  • Evergreen varieties with rapid growth shoots and long flowering - bourbon, hybrid tea, remontant, polyanthus, etc.
  • Climbing plants of various shapes, sizes, types of flowers - these are varieties such as Orange elf, Gloria Day, Ave Maria, Virgo, etc.

Park roses

Antique roses are classified as park roses, including decorative types rose hips, wrinkled rose (rugosa). This group of roses is considered one of the most unpretentious of all existing roses. And if you do not have the opportunity to visit your garden every day, it is better to choose a variety from this group.

The most important advantage of this group is their frost resistance. In summer they like sunny places, but not direct intense sunlight, and droop when in the shade. The best option there will be partial shade for them. Roses of this group do not like the wind; they should not be planted near trees. Caring for them involves timely pruning of old branches.

Roses have recently begun to delight us in public places - parks, along roads. One of the most beautiful varieties park roses - Hansaland. He fell in love with many summer residents thanks to his lush and long flowering, as well as beautiful bright red buds.

Ground cover roses

This group of roses is indicated by their name - they literally cover the soil with their color. It looks especially beautiful when bushes are planted together. different varieties of this type. Ground cover does not form large buds, which grow close to each other, forming a living carpet of roses. The flowers are simple, double, semi-double. Most varieties are characterized by long and abundant flowering. As for the habitat, this type of rose is unpretentious, like park roses. Moreover, the rose demands minimal care. Thus, faded buds do not need to be pruned; they do not require annual pruning and are not susceptible to disease.

Scrub roses

This group includes powerful wild bushes And English roses Austin - with densely double flowers. Unusual appearance, tall growth, characterized by abundant and long-lasting, but one-time flowering, emitting a rich aroma. Various shapes and outlines - some are a little reminiscent of peonies, others - hybrid tea varieties.

As for care, they are unpretentious, resistant to cold and frost. Unlike park varieties, this species produces large buds. By the way, scrub roses are easy to grow and have good immunity from diseases.

In choosing roses for garden plot There is one problem - from all the many species you need to choose only a few. And this is difficult, because in fact all roses are beautiful and interesting, it is difficult to choose one variety. We hope that the article helped you to navigate a little in the magical world of roses.

"What types of roses are there, names and photos...

Climbing roses - the most unpretentious type of roses. Perhaps the size of the flowers is inferior to the luxurious bush varieties, but thanks to the abundant flowering and large mass The greenery and climbing roses look incredibly beautiful.

Arches and arbors become incredibly beautiful thanks to weaving roses.

Shrub roses look traditional, but are not at all boring, especially if you use your imagination. For example, if you arrange a front garden in your garden with roses of different varieties, interspersing them with other flowers. Strict round or rectangular flower beds will emphasize the elegance of the garden, while vague shapes will visually expand it and add a touch of creativity.

The brightest advantage spray roses- large flowers. That is why they are often combined with weaving ones, planted along garden paths, which would later turn into arcades.

Standard roses - the process of growing them is a little more complicated than that of bush or climbing roses, but the result looks incredibly impressive.

In a regular French garden, standard roses emphasize aristocracy; they are planted in the center of boxwood compositions. In the gardens there are more free styles- placed along garden paths (in the ground) or right in front of the entrance to the house (in pots), on the terrace or steps.

It is important to remember that standard roses look best next to low plants - such a sophisticated form suggests noticeable leadership and the absence of distracting elements.

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(including hand made)

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When thinking about which variety of roses is best to choose for your site, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the soil and climate in the area where you live. Roses with complex colors are very demanding on the composition of the soil and take on an unsightly appearance in unsuitable soil. For example, Mainzer Fastnacht on insufficiently acidic soil turns into a dirty gray plant instead of a noble shade of lilac. And Martin Frobisher pleases with its flowering only in cool and dry conditions.

What three floribundas must be on the site?

The Floribunda class unites abundantly flowering varieties, distinguished by large inflorescences collected in a brush and a neat bush shape. When planning which varieties of roses are best to plant in your garden, do not forget about the following feature of this class. Floribunda flowers are not as beautiful and graceful as those of hybrid tea varieties, however, these crops are much more resistant to diseases and have high winter hardiness.

Mainzer Fastnacht color scheme

Golden Elsa in the garden

Goldelse is a golden cloud with flower caps 6–8 cm in diameter and a soft sunset orange color. This rose grows up to 70 cm, blooms twice, each time delighting with abundant blooms for three weeks. The first flowering is from mid-June, and the second – from mid-August.

Distinctive features unpretentious Goldelse:

  • strong pleasant aroma, rarely found among floribundas;
  • the flowers remain in their original form for up to seven days, after which they turn pale;
  • buds are resistant to rain;
  • bush with dense foliage, proportional and compact;
  • frost-resistant variety;
  • Suitable for hot climates.

Floribunda Goldelse

Rose with royal dignity

Jubile du Prince de Monaco is a two-color floribunda 70–80 cm high, which from a distance resembles a festive fireworks cap. Its crimson-white flowers are a delight to the eye. continuous flowering starting from May and ending late autumn with the onset of the first frost.

Features of the Jubilee Prince of Monaco variety:

  • densely double large flowers, reaching a diameter of 12 cm and blooming for up to three weeks;
  • in full shade it becomes dazzling white, and in the sun the petals acquire a burgundy-crimson border;
  • the variety is self-cleaning (faded petals fly off on their own without creating a feeling of sloppiness);
  • resistant to both heat and frost;
  • unpretentious, rarely gets sick and tolerates rain well.

Floribunda Jubile du Prince de Monaco

A brilliant variety for the garden collection

Red Leonardo da Vinci is an unpretentious crimson beauty, lush bush, reaching a height of 1 m. When thinking about which variety of roses is best to plant in your rose garden, consider the fact that Red Leonado holds its shape much better than its close relative Leonardo da Vinci.

Variety characteristics:

  • blooms profusely and continuously throughout the summer and until frost;
  • the flower (about 8 cm in diameter) lasts up to 2 weeks;
  • resistant to rain and fungal diseases;
  • winters well;
  • refers to self-cleaning varieties - the flower falls off along with the peduncle, without creating debris in the area.

Floribunda Red Leonardo da Vinci

Roses for beginner gardeners

Many experienced flower growers recommend that rose lovers begin their “thorny” path by growing rose hip hybrids. Their flowers are not as lush as, for example, those of floribunda or hybrid tea class, but they are also more lenient towards the mistakes of beginners.

The most unpretentious among the flower queens is the voluminous bush rose Robusta. It belongs to the scrub class and is distinguished by abundant flowering, incredibly bright coloring of the petals, eye-catching, and beautiful foliage. Robusta is absolutely undemanding to growing conditions and does not require special care. This frost-resistant variety also recovers well after infrequent freezing.

Robusta scrub

Park rose Hansaland can also be a successful “test of the pen” for a novice designer. Its main disadvantage is its very prickly thorns, but its amazing winter hardiness and resistance to fungal attack compensate for this disadvantage.

Hansaland at its best

When choosing a rose variety, the beautiful Rugelda is a kind of compromise between rosehip hybrids and more noble plants. Its delicate lemon-yellow flowers with wavy edges in a bright red hue exude a light fragrance. The shape of the Rugelda flower resembles a bowl, and its densely double structure gives the plant extraordinary tenderness. The rose is very frost-resistant and many gardeners do not cover it at all for the winter.

Rugelda scrub

Black list of roses - what is better to refuse

In order for the choice of roses for planting to be successful, you also need to know about varieties that rarely leave their owners satisfied:

  1. Eiffel Tower. Despite its delicate crystal pink hue and most pleasant aroma, unloved by many gardeners. Its two main disadvantages are the inability to form a beautiful bush due to too thin branches, and weak flowers that burn in the sun and rot in the rain.
  2. Vendela is very unstable to fungal diseases; during rainy periods, its buds are completely covered with gray rot.
  3. Golden Showers. Single flowers of this rose are beautiful only in buds; when they bloom, they take on a sloppy appearance. The variety fades within a week, while the petals have time to fade and the flowers become loose.

Rose Golden Showers

When choosing a variety of roses to plant on your site, also take into account general patterns. Thus, Austin roses grow best on clay soils in partial shade, and sandy soils and sun are not very good for them. White or very light-colored plants are more susceptible to attack by pest beetles. To choose the best specimens, take a look at your neighbors' plots - perhaps they have already planted rose gardens and will suggest something useful that is typical for your region.