The best card tricks for beginners. Card tricks secrets and training

The Cardician Store presents a selection of the best teaching materials on card tricks. The manuals are suitable not only for beginners; experienced magicians can also find useful skills and knowledge in them. The props needed for tricks can be ordered online by selecting them in the electronic catalog of our store.

How do you learn card tricks?

First of all, this is a theory. Listen carefully to the video, read the text, and understand the details. Repeat the lesson if necessary.

Secondly, it's practice. Without constant training, you will not only not be able to move on to more complex actions, but you will also not complete the course of learning simple card tricks.

Card tricks allow you to:

  1. Become the star of any party. Are you haunted by David Copperfield's laurels? Having mastered our program for beginners, you will easily outshine him with your popularity! In this case, all that is needed for tricks is a deck of cards, charisma and sleight of hand.
  2. Build friendships. Card tricks make a lasting impression on others. In an attempt to unravel the secret of your skill, a person will easily make contact, and you can teach him “magic” techniques yourself.
  3. Entertain a group of children. If you happened to attend children's party or you need to switch the kids’ attention for a while, keeping them occupied with something, try showing them a couple of tricks for beginners. We guarantee that kids will look at your mini-performance with interest and admiration.

We recommend learning card tricks using video training. In the videos, professional magicians share secrets and secrets, talk about possible difficulties and the intricacies of the craft. If you carefully follow their tips and tricks, you will not only be able to shuffle the deck impressively, but you will also discover new world spectacular card tricks, magic and illusion. Surprise and delight - together with Cardician!

Children are the most vulnerable and trusting people, who perceive everything incomprehensible and mysterious to them as magic. However, at the same time, it is children who very tenaciously grasp all the complexities and hidden places of tricks and quite quickly master the technique of performing them.

If a child has dreamed of becoming a wizard or magician since childhood, then you should not interfere with him. It’s better to help and teach him tricks with which he can surprise and delight not only his family and friends, but also, who knows, in the future a large audience.

First, let's look at the most simple tricks with cards for kids so that even a toddler can understand and master these tricks.

Magic in a big company

Unfortunately, any trick with cards is far from magic; it requires careful work and training by the magician. Therefore, at the beginning of mastering this craft, you will need an accomplice. The essence of the “Telepath” focus game is as follows. Two children agree in advance among themselves about the upcoming trick, having discussed some symbol, understandable only to them. But none of the other people should suspect their collusion.

And so, playing the role of a wizard, he declares to the guests that he is a telepath, and can guess the card lying face down without seeing it. But since he is only a beginning seer, he can still tell whether a figured card is or not (either black or red).

With this, he goes out the door, and the guests take out any card from the deck and, having memorized it, turn it over with its back side up. The magician comes in, puts on a serious face, focuses his gaze on the card, but with his peripheral vision he catches the assistant’s secret sign.

Then he solemnly and loudly announces the result. Everyone is shocked and asks to repeat it. There can be as many repetitions as you like, the main thing is not to expose it. Therefore, it is important to choose the most inconspicuous and natural symbol possible. A very simple version of a children's trick with cards, but very effective if played naturally.

Mathematics - card assistant

Let's take a closer look at more complex and serious card tricks that require manual dexterity and mathematical training.

"Count and Guess"

The whole mechanism consists of simple calculations. For example, the viewer wishes for a six. The magician asks him to subtract 1 from the value of the card (that is, in this case, from six), multiply the result by 2, subtract 1 from the answer and add the value of the intended card to the result. That is, in our case it should turn out like this: 6-1=5, 5*2=10, 10-1=9, 9+6=15. Announce the result out loud. Then the trickster mentally adds 3 to the resulting sum and divides the result by 3. That’s it, the card is exposed (15+3=18, 18/3=6), it’s a six!

"I know which one you chose"

This card trick for kids is based on math, logic and memory. But here you will also need to lay out the cards quickly and deftly. Count out any cards from the deck, exactly 21. Then ask the spectator to arrange these cards equally in three horizontal rows and make a wish for any of them, telling you only which row it is in. The rest is up to you. You collect each row again and fold it so that the row with the intended card is in the middle. Again, lay out all the cards in three rows, but now vertically. Again you ask which row it is in now, reassemble it so that the row with the intended card is between the other two, and again lay it out in horizontal rows. Collect again with a row in the middle and that’s it. You count down the eleventh card, it will always be the intended one.

Four Aces

You can learn card tricks for children with the following trick, which is called “Four Aces”. This will require some practice with false card shuffling and just sleight of hand. A detailed tutorial on this trick can be found here:

Spectacular trick “Magic of the card name”

To perform it, you need to learn how to false shuffle and count the cards in your hands. That is, here the technique is more complex and requires training. But the result is beyond praise. Its essence is that the trickster selects six random cards from a deck and invites the viewer to remember any of them. Then the magician carefully shuffles the cards and hands the deck to the spectator, who must aloud give the full name of the card he has chosen (for example, three of diamonds). After which the spectator himself begins to count from the beginning of the deck as many cards as there are letters in its full name and - voila! – the hidden card on the last letter is turned over and causes great delight. Since this option is more difficult than all the previous ones, it is better to watch a video of children's tricks with cards teaching this trick here:

To perform such tricks with cards, you will need special equipment. cards with special coating. You can order these

The success of the trick is a false shuffle

To perform tricks with high quality and lightning speed, you need to master the technique of false shuffling the deck, because the secret and success of most tricks lies in it.

It is important! It is better to explain to children visually, because this way the material is grasped and grasped much faster. In general, learning card tricks for children, as well as learning shuffles, should always be supported by practice. The more training, diligence and work, the faster and better the result will be.

Therefore, video training in shuffling is a good help for the development of card talents.

Learn a variety of tricks and perform children's card tricks to the delight of an amazed audience!

Each of us has seen magicians at least once in our lives. I bet we were all amazed at what they do with cards, strings, balls, coins and other things. How they make a cut rope become whole again, how a knot disappears, how a handkerchief of one color turns into another and how they perform their tricks with cards. Always showing the one you remember? I think many of us would like to learn these miracles in order to surprise our relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Now I want to lift the veil of secrecy and tell dear readers a few secrets of performing fairly simple card tricks that even beginners can do.

And the first thing I’ll start with is miracles with cards. Namely, from one of the famous tricks, “guess which card.” This is of course one of many options. To make it easier to understand the essence, I present to your attention a plan for the phased implementation of the trick.

Focus guess the card

The essence of this card trick is that you ask the audience to choose a card from a pile offered by you, and then show it. Everything is very familiar

The secret of the trick:

  • Take several cards from the main deck, preferably 10-15 of course. Place them face down on the table. Be sure to pay attention to how many cards you offered and the very first one in the layout.
  • Then ask the audience to choose a card and remember its serial number, i.e. what number it lies on the table from the first card. After this, collect all the cards, observing following conditions: You need to assemble it face down, starting from the end. Place each card on top of the previous one.
  • Next, ask someone to place cards from the remaining deck on the top and bottom of the pile in your hands, the number of them may vary. Let them at least lay out the whole deck, the most important thing is not to mix the cards!
  • The next step is that you will look for the card hidden by the spectator. To do this, ask him to tell you the serial number of the card. Shift the stack until you come across a card that you yourself remember (this is the beginning of the deck) and then start counting up to the number that the person told you. That is, you start counting from the first card, and since you knew the entire quantity, it’s easy to find the one you need.

Second version of the “guess the card” trick

The essence is the same.

  • The trick is prepared in advance, without the presence of spectators. Take a deck, arrange all the cards by suit and in ascending or descending order. Those. ace, king, queen, jack, 10,9,8,7,6 and all hearts. Do the same with the other three suits. Then stack these stacks on top of each other.
  • Offer to choose a card, remember it and put it back in the deck anywhere.
  • After that, start looking, believe me, you will find it right away, because... it will either be of a different suit than the others, or the order of the layout will be disrupted.

Focus four ladies

The bottom line: Out of the entire deck, you somehow miraculously choose all four ladies.

  • Take a deck, lay out the first twenty cards so that the queens are ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth. Place these cards on top of the entire deck (of course, it’s better to do this in advance).
  • Ask those around you to name a number from 10 to 20. Count off the same number of cards from above. For example, if you were told the number 15, then you count out 15 cards.
  • Then count the sum of the digits of this number (i.e. 15 is 1+5=6). And out of these 15, now you count six from the top too.
  • Set the topmost card aside. Place the remaining nine and five cards on top of the deck, first five, then nine. Repeat all these steps three more times.
  • At the end you should have four queens left on the table.

This trick can be done with other cards of the same value.

Focus Reversed Card

The essence of the trick: You fan out the deck, ask the spectator to choose, remember a card and insert it back. And then, shifting the cards, you find only one inverted card, and it turns out to be the one that the spectator wished for.

  • In advance, turn the very last card in the fan over to face you.
  • In front of people, unfold the deck like a fan, face down, so that last card was not visible.
  • While the spectator memorizes the card, you collect the remaining ones in your deck and, unnoticed by others, turn it over, i.e. the top of the deck is now at the bottom, and the bottom is at the top. The spectator then inserts the card back.
  • Quickly behind your back, place the top card face up, so you have all the cards face down except one.

Focus Find the card in the spectator's pocket

The gist: The spectator chooses a card, and then it ends up in his pocket.

The secret of the trick:

  • You ask the spectator to shuffle the deck, choose any card, remember it and put it on the top of the deck.
  • After this, with your palm already moistened in advance, you place your hands on the deck and press on it. You remove your hands and the top card sticks to you. Be careful, the viewer should not notice what you have in your hand.
  • Then ask the person to also press the deck down just as you did, and quietly place the card in his pocket.

Well, that's all the secrets for today. I hope my knowledge will help you. You will learn this simple task and will entertain all your friends.

A true magician always keeps the audience in silent admiration and anticipation of new miracles. To become such a magician, you need to train a lot. Of course, anyone who sets such a goal can amaze the public with simple feints. But only real professionals can fully master complex tricks with cards, who, without turning back or retreating, firmly move towards their intended goal, sweeping away all obstacles in their path.

It is possible to become such a master. To do this, you need to study a lot of literature and watch more than one video lesson, but the result justifies the means. The basic rules for complex card tricks are as follows:

  • you need to have clear skills in performing simple tricks;
  • double lifts must occur at the level of instinct;
  • mastery of flourish and shuffle techniques different levels it will be very useful.

Once you have mastered these rules, you can begin training on complex and mysterious tricks that will allow you to move into the ranks of stunt professionals.

Some of the most exciting challenging stunts

This selection of difficult tricks will help you decide which tricks are best to start your difficult journey with.

Triumph trick

The magician allows the spectator to shuffle the deck, and then select any card and write something on it with a marker so that it does not get lost and substitution is excluded. Then the trickster takes the deck in his hands and, having made several “magic” movements, lays it out in front of the audience in a ribbon, in which everyone is amazed to see the cards in the original order and order by suit. And he pulls out exactly the one chosen by the viewer, which ends up in the place of strict chronological order. For example, if the selected card was 6 crosses, then it will lie between 5 crosses and 7 crosses. The trick simply causes wild delight and amazement. You can learn this trick here:

Focus "Illusion"

The spectator selects a card from the deck and remembers it. The magician puts it in the middle, and then, after shuffling the deck, asks the spectator to choose any three cards from the top six. The spectator chooses and before his eyes the magician lays out these three cards in front of him, turns them over, and there... the card chosen by the spectator for the first time and two jokers and not a trace of the three that should have been on top! You can learn this beautiful illusion here:

Trick "Best Card Trick"

Made from 4 black cards and 4 aces. In front of the viewer, the magician places 4 aces in the corners of the table and, in an absolutely incredible way, with the help of 4 black cards and magical movements with his hands, he collects a fan of aces in one corner. What he saw seems simply unreal. Detailed description trick techniques here:

It is important! Remember that only hard training and hard work will lead you to the desired result.

To perform such tricks with cards, you will need special equipment. cards with special coating. You can order these

It so happened that at any age, regardless of whether it is a student party or an office corporate event, a person who can perform at least one trick with cards will always become the highlight of the program. All viewers understand that they have been deceived somewhere, but hardly anyone can prove it, much less show how it happens. Therefore, you should not immediately reveal your secrets of tricks with cards, because the longer the audience remains in the dark, the more attention the lucky fakir will get. And the girls will be happy to give the hero their kiss in exchange for revealing the secret of mysterious manipulations.

Easy trick - four aces

The simplest trick with cards is to ask the spectator to divide the deck into four random piles, after which he shuffles them, and at the end he discovers that there is an ace at the top of each pile. There is no limit to surprise and perplexity. After all, a voluntary participant in the show knows that he himself divided the deck, shuffled it himself, took out the cards himself, and therefore what happened can only be explained by mysticism. Although there is nothing simpler than that the person who has volunteered to help will do everything himself necessary work, precisely following the instructions of the home-grown magician. To perform easy tricks with cards, no training is required; it is enough to look confident and know a few secrets.

Preparation and execution

So, to successfully perform this number you need a deck of cards, a table and a volunteer assistant, and, of course, precise instructions. To begin, place all four aces at the top of the deck. Naturally, neither the guest nor the assistant should see this. Having asked the spectator (or assistant) to divide the deck into four parts, you need to note for yourself where the stack of aces lies. Usually it is on the far left or right.

After this, you need your assistant to remove the top three cards from the pile without aces and put them on the base, and then lay out three more on adjacent decks. The same needs to be done with the remaining packs (without the 4 pictures we need). At the end it will be the turn of the decks with aces. The assistant will move the top three cards that fell into this pile from the neighboring ones to the base, and place the freed aces in their places on top of the decks. Now you can ask one of the guests, or, again, an assistant, to turn over the cards on top, and the entire audience with bated breath will see with delight that these are indeed four aces.

Self-Ordering Deck - Another Easy Math Trick

You can perform this trick with cards either yourself, or again entrust the deck to one of the spectators and only guide his actions. But let’s imagine that a corporate magician decided to do everything himself. Then the deck must be prepared in advance. All cards must be arranged by suit into four sets. The first will be an ace, then two, three, four and so on until the king. By stacking all the packs on top of each other, you can show the deck to guests.

Having counted exactly 21 cards, so as not to disrupt the sequence of their arrangement (of course, no one should notice that they were divided into a count), the top packet must be placed at the bottom of the entire deck. Now you need to split the deck 9 times anywhere. Again, you can do this yourself, or you can invite one of the guests. After these manipulations, it is necessary to arrange the pack into thirteen piles, one after another. That's it, the trick is ready! Now you can invite spectators to make sure that the entire deck is packaged according to value: aces, twos, threes, and so on.

I won! Pay with a kiss

The point of the whole trick is that a man makes a kiss bet that he will guess the card chosen by his companion. This trick with cards is not only simple, but also very easy to perform. It is enough to divide the deck into two parts, ask the girl to put the selected card on the bottom pile and see which card will be at the base of the top one. After this, you can calmly trim the deck several times and begin removing and turning over the cards one at a time. As soon as the card that was spied appears, you can announce that the next one will be the hidden one... and tear a kiss from the lips of the surprised beauty.