The most effective drugs for controlling whiteflies in a greenhouse. Whitefly in a home greenhouse: what to do and how to quickly get rid of the pest How to treat plants in a greenhouse against whitefly

Often, when growing vegetables in a greenhouse, summer residents are forced to fight insects. One of the main pests of indoor soil is the whitefly. This small moth is capable of causing serious damage to crops. How to get rid of it - read the article.

Causes and signs of the appearance of whiteflies in a greenhouse

Greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses – perfect place for whitefly breeding. She loves high temperature and a humid microclimate, which is why it reproduces more often in closed ground than in open ground. Mainly transferred from planting material. If you notice that you have a whitefly in your greenhouse, how to get rid of it is a matter of time and your patience. There are many different ways, simple and more complex.

Insect pest whitefly

Attention! Most control methods are aimed at larvae, since during the development process individuals become covered with a waxy coating. This kind of cocoon - reliable protection for an insect, even many drugs are powerless against it.

The whitefly settles in groups on the underside of leaves and reproduces quickly: the female lays up to 200 eggs in one cycle. The larvae look like yellowish-transparent scales.

Throughout the entire period of development, the whitefly feeds on plant sap, sucking out and useful material. The excess comes out and remains on the leaves with a shiny, honey-like dew. This is a fertile environment for the spread of fungal infections, and adult individuals also transmit viruses.

Most often, the whitefly prefers to spoil:

  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • cucumbers;
  • melons;
  • salad;
  • celery, etc.

In total, its diet includes about 300 types of crops. To determine that your vegetables are not growing well and are being lost precisely because of this pest, carefully inspect each bush.

Whitefly larvae

You definitely need to fight whitefly if:

  • plants are sticky in places;
  • you see white dots on them;
  • leaves change shape, curl and wither;
  • some of them have yellow spots with unclear boundaries;
  • on inside the leaf has waxy scales (larvae);
  • chlorosis and yellow mosaic appear (leaves lose their green color);
  • necrosis develops on the fruits;
  • when you touch the bush, a flock of white moths flies off it.

Attention! If you see a black coating on the leaves, this indicates the development of sooty fungus. Diseased plants must be removed and burned.

How to get rid of a pest using mechanical or manual methods

Option 1

  1. Rosin should be heated in a water bath.
  2. Next you need to add castor oil, honey and Vaseline, all in equal parts.
  3. After cooling the mixture, you need to apply it to thick paper tapes. Hang them throughout the greenhouse.
  4. It’s good if you take plywood instead of paper, after pre-treating it with yellow or blue paint. It has been proven that these colors are the most tempting for whiteflies. Lubricate the plywood with the prepared mixture and leave it in the greenhouse. This trap is reusable. Once enough insects have been caught, rinse them off and reapply the sticky mixture.

Whitefly trap

Option 2. Complex trap.

  1. Apply a layer of entomological glue to several pieces of orange-yellow plastic.
  2. Attach the backlight directly to the plastic.
  3. Hang the traps so that they are level with the tops of the plants.
    Very quickly, a significant number of whiteflies will flock to brightly lit surfaces. Use this method during the day; at night, prepare another trap that will help consolidate the result.
  4. Place a light bulb painted orange-yellow in the box.
  5. Drill several holes at its level.
  6. Place a bowl of water under the lamp.
  7. Whiteflies will fly to the light, get burned, fall into the water and die: they do not know how to swim.

Advice. You can hang sticky fly tape in the greenhouse. However, its effectiveness is lower than that of special traps.

Destruction of whiteflies by other insects

Attention! When controlling pests with encarsia pupae, it is highly undesirable to use chemicals in the greenhouse.

Macrolophus bug. Effective in greenhouses with tomatoes and peppers. For 1 sq. m, 5 individuals are enough. After 2 weeks, repeat the placement.


ladybugs and lacewings. They destroy whiteflies in a relatively short period of time. To attract these beneficial insects to the greenhouse, plant alyssum, daisies, marigolds, tansy, and yarrow.

Garlic. Grind a large head and fill it with 0.5 liters of water. Leave for 7 days. Dilute the solution at the rate of 5 g per 1 liter of water.

Dandelion. Take 40 g of roots and leaves, chop them, pour 1 liter of water. After a few days, strain.


Yarrow. Pour 80 g of finely chopped leaves into 1 liter of water. Let it steep for 2 days, then strain.

Any of the solutions should be sprayed on the affected crops. There are no clear recommendations regarding the frequency of use. Some summer residents believe that two times with an interval of 14 days is enough. Others believe that it is better to treat the plants every week for a month. It all depends on the severity of the problem and whether you use additional measures to exterminate whiteflies.

Chemicals for insect control

Most often they are used when other methods have proven ineffective. It is not advisable to use them during fruiting of vegetables. After all, then the crop will absorb some of the toxic microelements. The most famous include “Aktara”, “Fufanon”, “Aktellik”, “Permethrin”, KRA DEO SUPER aerosol, systemic poison “Biotlin”, etc.

Advice. When using insecticides, add grated laundry soap or shampoo. The drugs will stick to the leaves better.

Insecticide treatment

Like any harmful phenomenon, the appearance of whiteflies is easier to prevent. In the fall, burn the tops and dig up the soil to raise the larvae to the surface of the soil. In winter they will die from the cold. Remove the cover from the greenhouses or disinfect it in the spring, and wash the frame with bleach. Do not allow the plants to become crowded and monitor the climate inside the greenhouse by ventilating it regularly. By diligently caring for your plants, you will certainly get healthy bushes and reap an excellent harvest from them.

Fighting whiteflies in a greenhouse on tomatoes is sufficient actual problem. Whitefly - dangerous pest plants. Small flying insects are similar to white moths that soar in a swarm over a disturbed plant. On tomato leaves you can find insect eggs and their larvae, represented by small grayish grains. It is worth figuring out how to deal with such a pest.

Tomato bushes can be sprayed clean water. Small insects are washed off with water from a hose. After such washing, it is mandatory to loosen the soil under the bushes.

In addition, before treating the plant with any product, it is necessary to clean the tomato leaves from plaque and adult specimens. Treatment is carried out no more than twice a week until the pest completely disappears.

Enough a large number of reviews have the removal of whiteflies with an emulsion, which is used for scabies and is available in free pharmacies. Dilute 50 g of the drug with plain water, after which the bushes are sprayed with it.

Protection of greenhouse crops (video)

Special traps

First of all, it should be noted that the struggle begins already in the greenhouse. In addition, you need to wash all damaged plants with soap solution, thereby removing the larvae.

For starters, special traps with adhesive agents are suitable. Today they are freely sold in markets or in specialized stores. In addition, you can make a trap yourself. To do this, take cardboard of a yellowish tint and cover it with Vaseline using a brush. Butterflies will begin to flock to bright color, and upon contact they will begin to stick to it. When the entire surface is covered with insects, the cardboard is wiped and lubricated again with the product.


If whiteflies are detected too late on tomatoes, it is worth resorting to radical methods of insect control. In this case, various chemicals will help you. In addition, the toxic agent is used to treat not only tomato bushes, but also nearby growing plants to prevent their infection and re-infection.

The most striking and effective representatives of such chemicals are Fufanon, Confidor, Pegasus and Verticillin. The method of use of the toxic substance will be indicated on the packaging or in the application leaflet from the manufacturer.

Traditional methods

Folk methods of struggle are often used and are quite effective. This includes garlic tinctures. For example, 200 g of garlic is taken per 1 liter of water, and smoke bombs are made, allowing you to forget about the appearance of insects for several years.

You can also use the following method: Take 10 g of garlic, chop it and add 2 liters of water, then infuse for 24 hours. The product is filtered, and fresh infusion is sprayed on the tomatoes after the sun has set.

You can prepare a solution from yarrow. 80 g of the plant are crushed, 1 liter of boiling water is poured in and left in a dark place for the infusion process for exactly one day. Afterwards, the solution is filtered and used to process tomatoes. Big leaves wipe with a cloth soaked in the solution.

Only laundry soap is used. It is grated and filled with warm water in a ratio of 1:6.

It is worth remembering that whiteflies appear as a result of violations of care conditions, and if the situation is not corrected, any subsequent measures will be meaningless.

This may include increased temperature and humidity conditions, irregularities during landing and poor ventilation. Before you start fighting insects, you should immediately determine what conditions the plants are in and whether all the requirements for caring for them are met.

Fighting whitefly (video)

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Greenhouses are needed in order to create conditions favorable for plant growth and increase yield. But even in closed ground, various insects can reproduce. This includes the greenhouse whitefly. This is a small white moth, up to 2 mm in size, that can destroy all the plants in a greenhouse in a short time.

At the first signs of crop damage, you need to find out which pest is causing it. If a whitefly is detected, it is necessary to quickly take measures to combat the pest before it completely destroys the crop. It is important to choose methods that will not harm the plants, but will get rid of the pest forever. It’s better to protect yourself from whitefly invasion in advance, using preventive measures.

general information

This insect appeared in our latitudes in the 19th century. His favorite delicacies were tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, and eggplants. An adult whitefly is a butterfly with white wings up to 1.5-2 mm in length. The body has a pale yellow color.

The female lays eggs on the underside of the leaves to prevent sunlight from entering there. Their number can vary from several tens to a couple of hundred. At first the eggs are yellowish, after 9 days they become larger (up to 0.25 mm) and turn black. Flat and transparent larvae emerge from them. In their development they go through 4 stages. During this period, their size changes from 0.3 mm to 0.75 mm.

When the larva attaches itself to a leaf, it looks like a shiny, flattened scale. It feeds on amino acids from the sap of the plant, destroying its vitality. At the nymph stage, the larva becomes greenish in color. The body is covered with a waxy coating. Red eyes loom. If the whitefly is not destroyed before the cocoon forms, then it will be very difficult to do so. After all, the adult is also covered with plaque, which becomes impenetrable armor for insecticides. The waste products of the larvae contain sugar, which is a favorable environment for infection by fungi.

Signs of plant infection

It is not difficult to discover that it is the whitefly that is operating in the greenhouse. If small light spots appear on the leaves of plants, you need to look for colonies of pests. Finding larvae is more difficult. Scales on the underside of leaves are not always immediately detectable. Gradually the leaf turns yellow and disappears.

You can see flying over the crops small midges, resembling a moth. They can be detected by lightly shaking off the leaves.

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The main signs of whitefly infestation:

  • A large number of translucent scales on the back of the leaves.
  • Sticky shiny coating on plants (honeydew).
  • The appearance of black spots due to the development of sooty fungus.
  • Yellowing and curling of leaves.
  • Stunted plant growth.
  • Necrosis of fruits.

Reasons for appearance

The insect loves high air temperatures and high humidity; the insect becomes a frequent inhabitant of greenhouses. The whitefly can live there not only in summer, but also in all other seasons. The destructive temperature for the pest is below 10 o C. In such conditions, the entire life process in the colony freezes. But the eggs do not die and for a long time can be preserved so that, when favorable conditions are created, a new generation of moths can be produced.

Insects feel especially good in greenhouses that are poorly ventilated, where plants are located too close to each other. This promotes stagnation of moisture and the proliferation of whiteflies.

Methods for killing whiteflies in a greenhouse

To combat whiteflies in a greenhouse, there are several effective ways. This may be mechanical removal, traditional methods or chemical insecticides.

Mechanical method of fighting

The most harmless method of control is usually the following:

  • Moths are collected from plants by hand.
  • Watering hoses are used to “drain” insects from the leaves.
  • Wipe the leaves and stems with soapy water (effective if there are few plants).

Mechanical destruction is only a temporary measure. It is impossible to catch all pests by hand. And insects washed by a stream of water can return back to the leaf. It is more effective to use glue traps. Thanks to them, you can assess how far the problem with whiteflies has gone in the greenhouse.

You can make a trap yourself. Melt rosin in a water bath, add castor oil, honey and petroleum jelly (1:1:1). Cool the product. Apply the composition to thick paper and place it around the greenhouse.

Biological method

The whitefly has many natural enemies. Insects can be planted in the greenhouse so that they destroy the pest:

  • Encarsia pupa - it is enough to settle 3 adult insects on 1m2 of area. They will begin to lay eggs directly in the whitefly larvae. They develop there for a long time and do not fly out.
  • If peppers and tomatoes are growing in a greenhouse, then plant 5 macrolophus bugs for every m2 of greenhouse. After 2 weeks, repeat this procedure.
  • The whitefly's enemies are also the lacewing and the ladybug.


Products must be used with great caution so as not to harm the crops. Modern ones allow you to quickly and reliably get rid of pests without causing damage to your health.

Effective preparations for whiteflies:

  • – systemic agent of prolonged action. Protects the plant for 3-5 weeks. The crops are watered with a solution of the drug at the root. The poisonous substance thiamethoxam will get into the plant sap on which insects feed. As a result, they die. To kill whiteflies, it is recommended to dissolve a 1.4 g sachet in a bucket of water.
  • Confidor– a drug based on imidacloprid. Has a contact effect. Already 90 minutes after treating the greenhouse, whiteflies begin to die. Synonyms for this drug are also Commander, Provado, Admir.
  • Biotlin– a systemic drug that leads to the immediate death of pests.
  • Akarin– has a contact-intestinal effect. Effective not only against, but also against some types of helminths. The product is sprayed onto the leaves directly onto the site of insect infestation.
  • Spark– comes in the form of tablets, powder, liquid in ampoules. The plants are watered with the drug solution. It quickly penetrates tissue and remains effective for about 25 days. Usually one treatment is enough to destroy the entire population.

Other chemicals against whitefly:

  • Alatar;
  • Rovikurt.

Note! Insecticides are effective if the whitefly is in the larval or adult stage. Once the insect pupates, there is no use using chemicals.

Folk remedies and recipes

Whiteflies are not very susceptible to various chemicals. Moths may simply fly away, but after a while they will return again. Therefore, it is better to try traditional methods against insects. In addition, they are safer than chemicals.

Proven recipes:

  • Chop the head of garlic and add a liter of water. Leave for 24 hours dark place. Spray the plants with the product. 2-3 procedures are enough with an interval of 7 days between each.
  • Dry lemon or orange skins. pour 80 g of raw materials cold water. Leave for 1 day and add 2 tablespoons of soap solution to the infusion. Treat plants for 5 days. Please note that the product can be stored for no more than 3 days. Therefore, you will have to prepare a new one in order to complete the entire processing course.
  • Pour 80 g of yarrow leaves into a liter of water. Leave for 2 days and strain. Spray crops infected with whitefly. It is necessary to carry out 3 procedures, with a break of 7 days.
  • Grind 40 g of dandelion roots and leaves, leave in a liter of water for 3-4 days. Filter the infusion and spray the plants once a week. A total of 2 procedures are needed.
  • The smell of tansy repels whiteflies; you can plant the plant around the perimeter of the greenhouse.

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Prevention measures

To prevent pests from appearing in the greenhouse, you need to start with prevention:

  • For the winter, it is better to remove the covering from the greenhouse.
  • If you leave the coating, it must be disinfected and the frame treated with bleach.
  • Before winter, dig up the soil deeply. This will allow the remaining pests to rise to the surface, they will die from the cold.
  • After the entire harvest has been harvested, remove all plant debris and burn it.
  • Before planting seedlings, treat the soil with copper or iron sulfate.

Whitefly is a pest of greenhouse plants. It is very difficult to get rid of it. The insect reproduces quickly and infects crops, and the use chemicals often ineffective due to whiteflies developing resistance to insecticides. Chemicals are not recommended for use on fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it is better to protect the greenhouse from pest invasion in advance by taking all necessary preventive measures.

How to fight whiteflies, what to spray plants with and at what time to treat? Find out the answers to all questions from the following video:

An experienced summer resident or gardener knows how important it is to get rid of pests as soon as they appear in order to minimize the damage they cause. Despite its size, the whitefly can cause significant damage to future crops. Whiteflies often appear in a greenhouse, the environment of which is favorable for its development, but how to get rid of whiteflies?!

How to recognize a whitefly in a greenhouse: features of the life cycle

The size of the whitefly does not exceed 1.5 cm, its body is covered with a thick coating and has a yellowish, grayish or green tint. The wings are white and transparent. Insect larvae are even smaller - about 0.3 mm. They have an oblong oval or flat shape, light green in color with short hairs. It is difficult to notice the caterpillars; they look more like scales stuck to the underside of the leaves.

Signs that whiteflies are in a greenhouse are:

  • Light spots form on the leaves yellow color.

  • Insects are located on the underside of leaf blades and fly up if disturbed.

  • The plant is depressed, all vegetative processes slow down.

  • The leaves turn completely yellow and fall off over time.

Most favorable climate for the development of whiteflies in a greenhouse, but in the southern regions it appears both in the garden and in open ground. Its biological cycles are very short-term. Over the course of a year, up to 15 generations of whiteflies can grow in a heated greenhouse. An overwintered female whitefly in a greenhouse or in the soil lays eggs, 10-20 eggs at a time; in total, during her life (about a month), the female is capable of laying up to 130 eggs. After a week, the larvae are born. They find comfortable spot and freeze at the bottom sheet plate. They remain motionless for two weeks, feeding on the nutritious sap of the plant. After the second moult, they acquire a waxy coating and become resistant to chemicals.

IMPORTANT: An adult insect develops in 25 days. Favorable temperature is 16-18°C.

Preventive methods for controlling whitefly

Whitefly affects many crops, mainly nightshades, but also cucumbers, peppers and some types of flowers. Whitefly in a greenhouse inflicts great harm not only due to suction healthy juice plants, as well as:

  • carries viral diseases;

  • A black fungus appears on infected leaves;

  • Plant photosynthesis slows down.

Before you study methods of dealing with whiteflies, how to get rid of them and how to destroy them, it is worth learning about preventive measures, in order to, if possible, even prevent its appearance in the greenhouse. These include:

  • After harvesting fruits and vegetables, the greenhouse must be disinfected and disinfected. Rinse the frame with strong water pressure.

  • Pull out all the weeds; they can act as reserve “homes” for the caterpillars until crops that are more attractive to them are planted in the greenhouse.

  • Planting material should be grown according to all the rules, including seed disinfection. If seedlings are purchased, give preference to reliable suppliers.

  • The seedlings must first be kept in the quarantine zone of the greenhouse to ensure that there is no infection.

  • If whiteflies appear in a greenhouse, before planting a new generation of crops, it is necessary to remove a layer of soil to remove the females remaining for the winter.

  • The soil prepared for seedlings should be frozen and then steamed.

  • In winter, at temperatures below 12-15°C, you can open the greenhouse for several days. Under such conditions, the whitefly will die.

IMPORTANT: To prevent pests from entering the greenhouse, it is worth hanging gauze or nets on the windows.

If the greenhouse is heated, you can plant lettuce or mustard. Treat the seedlings with pesticides to get rid of whiteflies. You should not eat salad.
Experts advise following planting patterns and not compacting the beds. It is also not recommended to plant vegetables and flowers in the same greenhouse.

How to get rid of whiteflies

There are various drugs that effectively affect pests on different stages their life cycle and allowing you to get rid of whiteflies chemically:

  • Toxic substances affecting females (90% efficiency): Fitoverm, Aktara, Kemifos, Aktellik, Vertimek.

  • Chemicals against greenhouse whiteflies: Inta-vir, Konfidor, Fufanol, Komandor, etc.

  • Preparations affecting eggs and larvae: Match, Mospilan, Spintor, Admiral.

Control is carried out by spraying crops planted in a greenhouse. The drugs are diluted in certain proportions, according to the instructions. Typically, the dosage is 0.05-0.08%. So, per liter of water you will need 0.1 ml of Confidor, 1.2 ml of Fufanol, 0.05 ml of Mospilan. Verticillin has a significantly larger dosage – up to 25 ml. They are intended for single use. You can treat it twice with Pegasus and Verticillin, and Actellik 3-4 times.

Traditional methods

One of the popular methods is spraying with green soap, which is considered the most optimal in the fight against whiteflies. It is also worth catching adults. Sometimes a vacuum cleaner is used for this. It will be less labor-intensive to hang pieces of film in the greenhouse at a distance of 10 cm from the bushes. You will need to apply glue to it, which does not dry for a long time. Instead of film, it is also recommended to use transparent plastic, glass or hardboard. It will work the same way adhesive tape fly trap or glue trap, which can be purchased in specialized stores.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that even spraying plain water allows you to get rid of whiteflies for a short time. But only from adults.

Scientists have calculated that the effectiveness of this option is more than 98%. The method is optimal for tomatoes; the indicator is slightly lower when growing cucumbers. They have hairs on the leaves that prevent female encarsia from reaching whitefly caterpillars. Moreover, for a greenhouse of 10 square meters. m will need 30 encarsia pupae.

Another option for biological influence when growing tomatoes and peppers is the macrolophus bug. For 10 sq. m of greenhouse will require 50 individuals, which must be released every two weeks.

Having studied how whiteflies develop in a greenhouse, how to get rid of whiteflies using chemical and folk ways, as well as preventive control methods, you can count on the complete destruction of the pest in the greenhouse.

A greenhouse on the site is a guarantee of abundance healthy vegetables, greens, berries on your table. But growing crops indoors involves some difficulties; a favorable microclimate for plants is also comfortable for the occurrence and reproduction of infections, diseases, and insects. One of the most destructive and tenacious scourges is the whitefly, which can destroy the entire standing crop.

Next, we will tell you in detail why whiteflies appear in a greenhouse, how to get rid of the insect, what preventive measures should be taken, how and with what preparations to treat surfaces and soil so that the infection does not start in the greenhouse.

How to recognize whiteflies in a greenhouse

The whitefly is a small moth, 1-1.5 mm in size, with a yellowish body and white wings, very dangerous for plants and prolific. The danger to plants in a greenhouse is posed not only by the whitefly moth itself (it is an active carrier of infections), but also by its waste products. By eating foliage, the whitefly secretes a special substance, which is a favorable breeding ground for the emergence and reproduction of the fungus.

Females lay slightly yellowish, small eggs from the bottom of the leaf; there can be several hundred of them from one individual. After 9 days, the eggs increase in size and become black, and larvae emerge from them. On initial stage During the development of the whitefly larva, legs and antennae are observed, with which it sticks to the surface of the leaf. The legs fall off and the insect looks like a shiny plaque-scale. After a few days, the nymph stage begins; on the leaf it looks like a transparent greenish drop, but if you look closely, you can see red eyes.

If the outbreak of an insect is not detected in time and disinfection measures are not taken, it will multiply in a short time to great numbers

How to get rid of whiteflies in a greenhouse in the fall

To protect the harvest next year, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the greenhouse before winter. Before treating the greenhouse against whiteflies in the fall, do spring-cleaning, using household chemicals. Then the surfaces are treated with bleach, copper sulfate, polycarbonate structures are washed with a manganese solution.

When cleaning the greenhouse in the fall, be sure to clean all nodes and connections with a brush.

The fight against whiteflies in a greenhouse in the fall will be more effective if you fumigate the room with a sulfur smoke bomb. But such a measure will harm the greenhouse on galvanized metal frame, so it should be treated with copper sulfate 2 times.

The soil must be poured with boiling water, covered with a thick film for steaming, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times. After that, the soil is sprinkled with quicklime, dug up, and spilled with a solution of copper dioxide.

If we touch upon the question of where the whitefly overwinters in a greenhouse, it becomes clear why experts recommend removing the layer of soil and taking it outside to freeze in winter. It turns out that insect eggs and larvae settle in top layer lands where minor frosts can easily be tolerated. Therefore, even if there were no infections during the season, it is better to freeze the soil.

Watch a video that demonstrates how to carefully treat a greenhouse against whiteflies in the fall; the video will tell you how to properly steam the soil.

How to remove whiteflies from a greenhouse

From the larval stage to the adult stage, the insect causes serious harm to plants, weakens them, and creates a favorable environment for other infections, so the question of how to deal with whiteflies in a greenhouse is relevant and paramount.

The presence of whiteflies in a greenhouse can be determined by white dots on the leaves; chlorosis is a mosaic of yellow color, a shiny coating, black spots also indicate the presence of an uninvited, harmful guest. The leaves become deformed, dry out, and the ovaries die.

If you do not begin to destroy the pest, the entire crop will die. The first symptoms of the appearance of whiteflies in a greenhouse should be a signal for immediate control and prevention measures.

Prevention measures

Whiteflies in a greenhouse cannot appear out of nowhere; most often they are brought in by the owners themselves with seedlings or soil. Therefore, in order to avoid the question of how to destroy whiteflies in a greenhouse, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

  • The new soil must be frozen, sprinkled with bleach, mixed, and sprinkled with copper sulfate.
  • After thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the greenhouse in the fall, close the doors to prevent insect larvae from being blown away by gusts of wind and finding a warm place to overwinter.
  • Even if a polycarbonate greenhouse was treated against whiteflies in the fall, the disinfection procedure should be repeated in the spring, and the soil and surfaces should be additionally treated with pesticides.
  • Carefully inspect the seedlings; at the slightest sign of plant disease, refuse to plant them.
  • During the development and growth of plants, try to maintain the correct microclimate in the greenhouse, ventilate the room in time to get rid of dampness.

These simple preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of whiteflies and other dangerous diseases in the greenhouse.

Before planting in closed ground, it is recommended to treat plants with biological preparations to avoid infection.

Whitefly in a greenhouse - chemical and biological control methods

The most effective method Today, the fight against whiteflies in a greenhouse is treatment with chemicals and biological agents.

Good to know: If after primary processing It was not possible to remove the whitefly from the greenhouse, it is necessary to carry out secondary disinfection, but change the drugs, since the insect quickly adapts to the active substances.

The most popular substances for controlling whiteflies in greenhouses are Inta-Vir, Fufanol, Iskra, and Actellik. The preparations are applied at the root, or dissolved in water and sprayed on plants and surfaces. In order not to do any harm with your own hands, any purchased remedy for whiteflies in a greenhouse must be used strictly according to the instructions located on the package.

  • Confidor is diluted in water, 0.1 ml of the drug per 1 liter. It is recommended to use once per season.
  • Add 0.05 g of mospilan to 1 liter of water and use it once.
  • Fufanol requires 1.5 ml per 1 liter of clean water, used once.
  • 2 ml of Pegasus substance per 1 liter of water, the spraying solution is used 2 times per season, at intervals of a week.
  • Actellik is very effective means for the destruction of not only adult insects, but also eggs, larvae, and nymphs of whiteflies in the greenhouse. For spraying, 1 ampoule is dissolved in a liter of water, which is enough for 5 m2 of the surface to be treated. The product can be used 4 times per season.
  • Verticillin is similar in action to Pegasus, but much more substance is required for processing, approximately 25 ml per liter.

Watch a video that will tell you how to treat a greenhouse against whiteflies and how to properly dilute the preparations.

Whitefly in a greenhouse - how to get rid of it using folk remedies

If for some reason you are forced to stop using biological and chemical substances, in the fight against whitefly in a greenhouse there are effective folk methods:

  • You can hang glue traps, you can buy them in a store or make them yourself from bright tape, covering it with rosin.
  • Plant ghoul and dill between the plants, which attract other insects that are dangerous to the whitefly moth. Insects attracted by dill lay their larvae in moth larvae, destroying them.
  • Fumigating a greenhouse with smoke bombs is considered the most effective way destroying insects.
Good to know: The use of sulfur bombs is recommended for disinfection of greenhouses in the fall or spring, before planting. Tobacco sticks are harmless to plants, so they can be used at any time.
  • Garlic infusion is very helpful in the fight against whiteflies: crush 5 large cloves and dissolve in a liter of water, pour into a spray bottle, and thoroughly spray plants and surfaces.

Bright traps attract insects and kill them

We tried to do full review measures on how to get rid of whiteflies in a greenhouse. But let us emphasize once again that in the absence of proper prevention, all methods of control are temporary.