Independent selection and installation of seals for plastic doors. Replacing the rubber seal on PVC windows and doors Replacing the rubber on the balcony door

Plastic balcony doors are subject to intense load, especially if there is or workplace. The balcony door may experience deforming load due to the formation of condensation or temperature changes. Then it stops functioning normally and the question arises: how to repair the plastic door leading to the balcony with your own hands?

In this article we will answer these questions by briefly describing the malfunctions and how to fix them, which you can do yourself.

Causes of failure of PVC doors and windows

The PVC profile, which is used in the manufacture of balcony doors and windows, must initially cope with such loads. But time, careless handling or increased load on fasteners can lead to door breakage or loose fit to the door frame. These defects not only create inconvenience in use, but also tend to further aggravate the situation, up to the failure of fastening elements or door locking.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to sometimes preventive work. In the event of an obvious breakdown, make repairs.

It should be noted that not every repair of balcony doors and windows can be done with your own hands. Large surface defects, frame destruction, damage to the integrity of the glass unit, deformation cannot be repaired. door frame due to exposure high temperatures. In these cases, it is necessary to contact the company that installed the doors or specialists working in this profile.

Minor repairs plastic doors and windows, which can be done with your own hands, may consist of the following operations:

  • handle repair;
  • seal;
  • minor surface defects;
  • clamps;
  • glass unit replacement;
  • door position adjustment.

Tools for repair

Before you begin repairing a door from PVC profile It is necessary to prepare the tools that may be needed during the work process.

No specialized equipment is required for minor repairs of balcony doors and windows.

In most cases, it is found in every home.

  • screwdriver with replaceable bits (screwdriver set);
  • screwdriver-drill (cordless);
  • set of metal drills ∅1-10 mm;
  • building level;
  • construction plumb line;
  • set of hex keys;
  • pliers;
  • metal saw;
  • a mallet with a white rubber hammer;
  • white rubber spatula;
  • plastic or wooden spatulas for removing cash.

TO consumables, which may be required when repairing PVC profile products include:

  • PVC adhesive Cosmofen Plus-S white;
  • adhesive-sealant Cosmofen 345;
  • COSMOFEN RM putty for restoration of hard PVC products;
  • rubber seals - in case they are damaged and need to be replaced;
  • door handles and latches - in case of breakage;
  • plastic gaskets.

New seals, handles and gaskets must be from the same manufacturer that are installed on your doors!

In case of repairing dents, cracks and chips on the surface balcony door You may need sanding paper for sanding surfaces with a grit of P-1000 or P-1200 according to ISO or M20 according to GOST (designations of different manufacturing countries may have their own grit designation).

Adjusting doors and windows

The most common problem is doors and windows not closing tightly due to sagging under their own weight or loosening of the hinge fastening elements.

To eliminate the distortion with your own hands, first determine the verticality of the door leaf relative to the door frame using a plumb line. Use a plastic marker (water-soluble) to mark the places where the door hooks onto the frame.

After this, remove the decorative plug from the top door hinge and use hex keys to adjust the door position.

It should be remembered that the top screw at the end regulates the movement of the door in the vertical plane, and the screw located on the side in the horizontal plane.

If adjusting the top hinge fails to skew the door leaf, perform the same operation with the bottom hinge.

After the adjustment is completed, the decorative overlays on the hinges are installed in place.

Replacing a door handle

The most common and at the same time easily removable reason.

To remove a broken handle, you need to place the broken handle in a horizontal position - parallel to the floor, press out and turn the decorative plug at the base of the handle 90°. Unscrew the exposed bolts and remove the broken handle. Pull out the square rod on which the handle was attached. Install a new handle with a square rod and secure it with the bolts that were removed when dismantling the old handle. Rotate the decorative plug at the base of the handle to its original position, closing the heads of the screws.

Replacing the seal

A defect in the rubber seal usually occurs as a result of mechanical damage from hard or sharp objects.

To replace it with your own hands, first dismantle the old seal. This is done mechanically using a flat screwdriver or chisel. The grooves under the old seal must be completely clear of glue residue and dust. Before installing a new seal, the surface of the groove is wiped with Galosh gasoline or 96% denatured alcohol to degrease.

The new seal must be from the same manufacturer as the door, and the width and height of the profile must match the old seal.

After the grease-free groove has dried, we begin installing a new seal, pressing it in with our fingers. When installing, do not tighten the seal. Installation is done from bottom to top. Upon completion of installation, the excess length of the seal is cut off sharp knife, and the ends of the sealing tape are additionally fixed with glue.

You can close the door only until the glue has completely dried.

Replacement of glass unit

If a double-glazed window on a balcony door is broken, you must first order a new one from the manufacturer that installed the doors. A measurer must come to you and take the dimensions of the glass unit to be replaced. Taking measurements yourself is strongly not recommended.

Without being a specialist in installing PVC profile products, you are unlikely to be able to take into account the required technological tolerances and accurately measure the thickness of the glass unit using the measuring tools at hand.

After the new double-glazed window is delivered to you, you need to dismantle the broken one. To do this, using plastic or wooden spatulas and a mallet, remove the casing that holds the glass unit in the door frame. The old (broken) glass unit is removed. The grooves in which it was installed are thoroughly cleaned of dust and glass fragments, and degreased with gasoline or alcohol. After drying, we install a new double-glazed window and secure it with the removed casing.

When replacing glass with your own hands, be sure to comply with the following conditions:

  • All work with glass should be carried out wearing cotton work gloves.
  • When dismantling and installing cashing, do not use excessive force. If you cannot withdraw cash and dismantle the broken double-glazed windows yourself, it is better to invite a specialist.
  • Do not use metal tool in contact with glass and plastic. The plastic may be scratched or damaged. Glass may break if it comes into contact with metal.

Repairing scratches and dents

Using a rubber spatula, apply COSMOFEN RM putty to shallow dents or scratches. After complete drying within the period indicated on the putty packaging, we process it with sanding paper and cover it with matte or glossy varnish - depending on the material from which the doors are made.

Instead of a conclusion

We briefly reviewed the most common malfunctions of PVC balcony doors and windows and how to fix them yourself. Not all damage to balcony doors can be repaired. on our own. Sometimes required special tool, which not everyone has at home. Sometimes - replacement of elements of a plastic structure, which cannot be eliminated by any adhesives.

In any case, do some things renovation work– everyone can do it, and we wish you success.

Doors to a balcony or loggia, unlike interior views, experience more intense loads when opening, in many cases they operate under significant differences outside temperature And high humidity. Over time, not only their fittings wear out, can break and become loose, but also rubber seals lose their properties - all this requires timely adjustment, repair or replacement individual parts and nodes. Make your own adjustments and simple repair Installing plastic balcony doors is not difficult - for this you will need household tools and some knowledge of the design of fittings and their installation.

Rice. 1 Fittings for plastic balcony doors

Before you repair a plastic door on a balcony with your own hands, you need to know the faults that cannot be fixed on your own and require the help of specialists. These include:

  • major damage to the surface of the canvas hard objects or blows;
  • destruction of the frame at the joints or violation of the integrity of the welds;
  • deformation of the canvas due to exposure to high temperatures (open fire, intense solar radiation);
  • tearing of hinges from the canvas and box, internal damage and breakage of fittings (the handle does not close);

In case of such faults, specialists usually replace the broken door leaf or fittings.

Rice. 2 Typical breakdowns plastic balcony doors

Adjusting balcony doors

Balcony doors, especially with multi-chamber double-glazed windows, may sag over time due to loose hinges or not close tightly, so experts recommend adjusting them once a year. Many types of hinges are equipped with fittings with adjusting screws for a hex head, so you will need a 4 mm hex to carry out the work. Balcony doors, as well as windows, are adjusted in the following positions:

Rice. 3 Adjustment of PVC balcony doors vertically and horizontally

To check the pressing force in doors and windows, a sheet of paper or a banknote is inserted between the closed sash and the frame - they should come out with some force. The check is carried out along the entire length of the doors; if necessary, the loose door to the balcony is additionally adjusted.

Repair of handles and locks

Before opening the balcony door from the inside, the handle is turned, which experiences significant loads, so loosening or breaking the handle is a fairly common problem with all doors. Sometimes, over time, the tetrahedral pin wears out and it turns idle in the hole, but the plastic door does not close.

Rice. 5 Replacing the handle or lock of a plastic door with your own hands

Replacing or adjusting it consists of simple operations:

  1. The decorative plastic cover is pulled towards itself and rotated 90 degrees.
  2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, tighten the fastening screws or remove the broken handle.
  3. Screw on the new handle. When replacing, you should remember the location of the removed handle and insert a new one in the same position; the old fasteners can be reused.

Similar operations are carried out when replacing door handle with a lock (if the locking mechanism breaks down, repairing the lock is not cost-effective). If mortise lock When a plastic door breaks, first lubricate its parts and core, and if unsuccessful, replace the broken mechanism with a new one.

Replacing the seal

Over time, any door seal loses its physical properties– becomes hard and brittle, not ensuring a tight fit of the door leaf to the frame. The main task is to select similar rubber for your profile; if you replace it yourself, you can purchase it from a company that installs similar profiles of balcony doors. When replacing the seal, the following rules must be observed:

  • make a complete replacement, that is, on the frame and sash;
  • replacing the sealing tape in the sash must be done in the removed position - otherwise its installation will be difficult in the hinge area;
  • the joint of the rubber sealing tape must be glued; this is always done in the middle of the upper part of the sash and frame.

For sealing, it is better to use tape with a chamber profile; it covers wider gaps than cheap petal types. It should be taken into account that replacement will require the purchase of two types of sealing tape, differing in cross-sectional shape - frame and flap.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

Rice. 6 Repair of a plastic balcony door with replacement of the sealing tape

  1. Remove the decorative plastic covers from the door hinges, take out the top holder in the form of a pin, remove door leaf.
  2. The scissor-shaped fastening on which the door hinge is held is moved to the side and the old tape is dismantled (the connection point is always at the top).
  3. Insert a new tape (to avoid mistakes, you must remember the placement of the old seal or be guided by a wider section along the edge of the sheet) without strong tension in the corners.
  4. After installing the tape, the scissors with the loop are returned to their place, the joint at the top is glued with any rubber or super glue.
  5. Similarly, remove the old tape from the frame and install a new one in its place with the thick side at the edge; it is also glued at the top.

Replacement of glass unit

In order to know exactly the dimensions of the new bag when replacing it yourself, you can remove the damaged one or measure its dimensions with a tape measure with the corners removed. If a double-glazed window is broken, then repairing a plastic door on a balcony with your own hands is quite simple. For this:

  1. Using a flat screwdriver or a narrow spatula, remove the side and top beads, inserting the tool into the gap between the corner and plastic panel canvases.
  2. They take out the old bag, clean the perimeter of the installation from broken glass and dirt, insert new glazing and return the glazing beads to their place.

When working, it should be taken into account that double-glazed windows are made from ordinary sheet glass without further processing, so it is easy to cut your hands on their edges - work should be carried out with gloves.

Rice. 7 Double-glazed window repair

Sometimes the balcony door, both inside and outside, can be scratched or have small dents (this happens if it slams shut and we open it with improvised objects). In this case, a special Cosmofen RM putty will help eliminate defects and repair the plastic coating.

It’s quite easy to adjust and repair a balcony door on your own by replacing the handle, seal and glass unit - you don’t need a special one for this. construction tool. If the internal door fittings are broken or the leaf has significant mechanical damage, it is better to use the help of a specialist to carry out repairs.

Metal-plastic doors are in very high demand. This type products benefit from ease of use, beautiful appearance and resistance to proper care before humidity. Moreover, depending on the customer’s preferences, product sizes can be manufactured in any shape and size.

However, over time, any structure wears out and needs adjustment. In this regard, to save family budget It is important to know how to repair a plastic balcony door with your own hands without involving the labor of specialized companies.

Repair of plastic balcony doors

When using PVC products, it is important to know that there are many special devices, capable of extending the service life of these structures, namely:

  1. Tire for limiting opening. It will protect the doors from impacts on the slopes.
  2. Microlift. A device whose function is to provide additional support to the door. As a rule, it finds its mandatory application when using heavy structures.

When buying plastic doors for a balcony or loggia, immediately take care to extend their service life as much as possible.

To do this, you should install a closer (microlift), and also protect the structure from impacts with a limiter. Then they will serve you for a long time without requiring repairs.

Causes of plastic door malfunctions

Choose high-quality door hardware

The cause of malfunctions is often cheap profiles and fittings. Such structures often cannot withstand increased loads on fasteners. Added to this is careless handling and the lack of a limiter.

PVC doors, like any other structures, require periodic repairs and monitoring of their functioning during operation. If this work is not carried out in a timely manner, then over time it will be necessary complete replacement products.

It is recommended to inspect the plastic door regularly, at least 2 times a year. Timely adjustment will help avoid breakdowns in the future. In this regard, it will be relevant to consider the most common malfunctions in operation plastic structures and ways to eliminate them:

  • replacement of fittings and rubber seal;
  • replacing the lock or its parts;
  • removing scratches and dents;
  • troubleshooting by adjustment;
  • replacing cracked glass,

We begin the renovation by replacing the fittings

When repairing plastic balcony doors, you sometimes have to remove them from their hinges. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the components. When dismantling, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Remove the plugs from the curtains.
  2. Lower the axial screw all the way down.
  3. Slightly tilting forward, remove the structure from its hinges.

After replacing the fittings, we hang the canvas in the reverse order.

Repairing a plastic door is not difficult; to do this, you need to prepare materials and tools in advance and only then begin the repair.

Door adjustment

During operation door design The following violations in its work are often encountered:

  1. The door begins to sag, the frame rubs against the threshold from below. In such a situation, we look for the screw on the top panel and use a hexagon to tighten it, leveling the verticality of the product. If the cause has not been eliminated or has not been completely eliminated, you need to remove the cap from the lower curtain, where the adjustment screw is located, which is responsible for the position of the curtain above the threshold, and slightly tighten it.
  2. The side of the box is being rubbed. We open the lower curtain, with inside We are looking for a side screw. By turning it clockwise, we tighten the blade. Additional adjustments can be made in the upper curtains.
  3. The canvases do not fit tightly to the box. For this purpose, there are special adjustment eccentrics at the ends of the door leaf. We make the adjustment with three eccentrics at once, turning them with equal forces. Additionally, we increase the tighter tightness of the closure using the upper and lower hinges. There are special adjustment bolts for this purpose. For more information about adjusting the balcony door, watch this video:

You can solve the problem of adjusting the door yourself using a very ordinary hex key.

Repairing handle and lock

The handle screws are hidden under the decorative plate

Repairing a loose handle is quite simple. We find the decorative plate behind the handle, easily pulling it towards us and turning it 90 degrees, the adjusting screws are revealed to our eyes. They securely hold the handle on the canvas.

If the handle is loose, tighten the screws clockwise. If it is necessary to replace the handle or components, unscrew the fasteners and insert new devices.

If the lock is broken, you need to disassemble it and find out the reason. To do this, remove the handles and the core. Unscrew the screws that hold the lock and remove it.

First of all, it is necessary to lubricate the entire locking mechanism, after which we check its operation with a key.

If these manipulations do not lead to the desired result, we replace the lock with a new product.

Replacing the seal

Your seal is worn out and does not protect against blowing - it's time to replace it.

First you need to purchase a special rubber cord and glue; by the way, the German one will last you longer than others. Next we perform the following steps:

  • we take out the old cord with its remains;
  • remove dirt and degrease;
  • Apply glue in a continuous strip;
  • starting from the corner, insert a new cord.

If you decide to change the double-glazed window, you should use a plastic spatula to remove the casing that holds it in the frame. We remove dust and debris, degrease the frame. When everything is dry, we insert a new double-glazed window, securing it with the removed glazing beads.

To avoid problems with installing a new double-glazed window, it is important to accurately measure it first optimal sizes. To do this, use a ruler or tape measure to measure the distance of the glass unit, including the thickness of the holding beads. For more information on how to replace a double-glazed window, watch this video:

There are dents or scratches on your door that are spoiling your interior, you should fix them redecorating. We degrease the damaged areas.

Apply a special putty with a rubber spatula. We wait for it to dry completely, sand it, and coat it with glossy or matte varnish.

When installing PVC products, it is important to remember that periodic repair, adjustment and replacement; regular replacement of fittings is the key to the reliable functioning of these structures.

And minor repairs that you can do yourself using a screwdriver and other common available tools. The main thing is to correctly assess the degree of complexity of the breakdown. If you are unsure of your abilities or serious problems unprofessional intervention can aggravate the situation and lead to complete failure of the door and, accordingly, its replacement.

Causes of malfunctions

While windows and doors are under warranty, it is certainly better to delegate all work to an installer. However, the longer it costs window-door unit, the greater the likelihood of defects occurring, which can be caused by various reasons:

  • installation errors;
  • natural shrinkage of the building, especially new buildings;
  • careless operation of products, lack of proper care and preventive measures;
  • sudden temperature changes, increased exposure to solar radiation.

Regardless of the cause, malfunctions of the balcony door lead to the appearance of drafts, deterioration of the heat and sound insulation of the room, and, if the problems are advanced, to the inability to fully use the window-door structure.

Poor opening/closing of the sash

You should not ignore any slight change in the tightness of the door, since even a slight sagging can lead to more serious deformations of the door leaf. The faster you fix the problem, the lower the risk of other breakdowns and the greater the level of comfort in the room. This operating defect can occur for several reasons:

  • sagging of the canvas under its own weight;
  • bad or worn seal;
  • failure of door hardware.

The real reason for incomplete opening/closing is not always obvious. To quickly find and fix it, it is recommended to sequentially inspect and adjust important components.

Adjusting the hinges

This is the first and main type of minor repair of a balcony door and is performed as follows:

Adjusting the eccentrics

A common problem that is especially noticeable in winter time– gaps in the line of contact of the canvas to the frame. Through them, cold air, noise and dust enter the room. At the side end of the door there are several eccentrics that can be used to adjust the tightness of the door.

Insert the hex key into the trunnion

You can detect problem areas using paper: pinch the sheet small size between the door leaf and the frame and close the door tightly. If the fit is good, then it will hold without falling and moving. Otherwise, you need to adjust the eccentric to the desired level. In the same way, check the tight fit of the sash to the frame along the entire height of the door, and make adjustments if necessary. If it blows from the direction of the loop itself:

Unpleasant situations happen when the door is completely blocked, or is left hanging on one hinge, in this case, watch the video instructions:

Replacing the seal

Expired service life and mechanical damage to the rubber seal - the following probable cause sagging and poor fit of the canvas. As a rule, the service life of gaskets is several years after the door is installed, then they need to be replaced. Sequence of work:

If these manipulations do not lead to an improvement in the situation, it is better to contact specialists - the fittings may need to be replaced.

Adjusting and replacing the handle

If the door fits tightly to the frame, but the closing mechanism does not work, then the reason is usually in the handle or core. A loose handle can be easily repaired. To do this you need:

  • rotate the decorative plug covering the attachment points to the canvas by 90 degrees;
  • Use a screwdriver to tighten the screws, adjusting the degree of pressure;
  • return the plug to its place.

If the core is broken, the handle cannot be repaired. In this case, it can be easily replaced with a new one. For this:

  1. Rotate the plug at the base, freeing access to the fastening screws.
  2. Unscrew the screws using a Phillips screwdriver.
  3. Remove the handle with the rod from the door structure.
  4. Install a new one and secure with self-tapping screws.
  5. Install a plug to mask the fastening points.
  6. Check the quality of installation, clamping and ease of opening of the blade.

Double-glazed window malfunctions and replacement

If the seal of the glass unit is broken, fogging of the inner glass occurs. In this case, it would be better to replace it. Broken glass, severe damage to the lower blind part of the door leaf, the desire to replace the blind leaf with a glass one or vice versa also entail the dismantling and installation of a new double-glazed window. The operation is completed in a matter of minutes in the following sequence:

Elimination of scratches and chips

Plastic surfaces lend themselves well to restoration. Depending on the degree of damage, defects can be eliminated in several ways:

How to eliminate a squeak

The creaking of hinges not only causes discomfort when using the structure, but also serves as a signal that the factory lubricant has been used up and a new batch is required, otherwise the fittings may fail. For convenience and accuracy of work, it is better to use a syringe, which must be filled with any machine oil. Subsequence:

In order for plastic doors to serve for a long time and without problems, you must not forget about maintenance and prevent breakdowns in time. Basic Rules:

  • regularly treat the mechanisms with oil, and the rubber seal with a special spray - all care products can be purchased from window installation companies or specialized stores;
  • regularly tighten the handles;
  • monitor the tight fit of the door to the frame - adjust the hinges if necessary;
  • when opening/closing, turn the handle strictly to the required angle;
  • Avoid mechanical impact and excessive interference with the door leaf and glass unit.

You can eliminate minor defects in plastic doors and make minor adjustments to hinges and handles yourself. It is better to entrust larger repairs (re-hanging, restoring the tightness of welds, replacing broken hinges) to professionals - it is difficult to carry out this type of repair on your own with the required level of quality.

In order to ensure trouble-free operation, you need to monitor technical condition PVC balcony door. Repairing plastic balcony doors is best done regularly. Often, minor problems arise that require a minimum of time to resolve. Double-glazed windows do not need to be repaired as often, since their sashes do not sag under their own weight.

Swing system made of PVC profile.

Sliding mechanism for balcony plastic structure.

Repair kit

It’s better to buy everything on the eve of work necessary materials in advance so as not to waste time searching during the process.

You will need the following materials:

  • New fittings to replace broken parts;
  • Plastic gaskets;
  • Liquid plastic and sealant (to eliminate scratches or cracks in plastic);
  • If there are cracks in the glass unit itself, it is better to replace it. It is advisable to entrust the determination of exact dimensions to specialists.
  • New insulation will be needed if the system was installed a long time ago (regardless of the presence of visible damage). In this case, the material can be replaced in advance to avoid problems.

Features of PVC structures

Currently, most structures for window and balcony openings are made from PVC profiles. The company that installs the double-glazed windows also carries out technical control during the warranty period and eliminates faults free of charge. However, after the warranty expires, the likelihood of breakdowns only increases, so it is important to understand how the balcony sash is repaired.

Repair of the swing system lock on the loggia.

Hinged sash with additional secure locks.

Sliding system lock repair.

Sliding opening system.

The door sags

To eliminate sagging, use hexagons to repair fittings.

Work order:

1. Remove the plugs from the hinges;

2. The top screw allows you to adjust the structure vertically using a hexagon. To do this, turn the tool clockwise. This way the fabric will be attracted to the loop;

3. The end screw moves the structure horizontally;

4. If necessary, adjust another loop.

What to do if the glass unit has moved and the door does not close?

  • We dismantle the glazing beads that secure the glass unit. We carry out the work with special blades;
  • We separate the glass unit from the canvas in the hinge area using a spatula. We fill the gap with a plastic gasket;
  • We check the quality of work - the mechanism should close normally.
  • Installation of glazing beads in their original place.

It's blowing from the balcony door

Thanks to the PVC seal, the PVC structure is airtight; air and dust from the balcony do not spontaneously enter the room.

During operation, cracks may appear on the material, sometimes it loses its shape or breaks. If this stage of wear has reached, it is better to replace the sealing tape.

Correct sequence:

  • Should buy new material, which will fully correspond to the previous one (in appearance and size);
  • We dismantle the old tape;
  • The groove should be thoroughly cleaned of glue residues and accumulated dust;
  • We install a new seal; the tape can be pressed with your finger, but not pulled (the groove must be dry). The sealant is laid starting from the bottom. This principle is easy to explain: if part of the tape comes off during operation, it will not sag;
  • The final step is to cut off the ends of the seal and fix the laid edges of the material with glue. The door should not be closed while the glue is drying.

To increase the service life of the seal, the material must be coated every six months special means which will prevent drying out. Buy protective composition available from PVC window manufacturers.

When replacing a glass unit, the sealing tape should also be replaced.

The door handle is loose

This procedure is considered the simplest when compared with other problems. Depending on the degree of damage, this element can be tightened in the right places, adjust or replace.

If the handle becomes loose, you need to turn the base bar 90 degrees. This will make it possible to regulate the screws that attract the element to the PVC profile. In order to better fix the part, use a screwdriver.

Self-adjustment of self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.

The need for replacement may become apparent unexpectedly when inspecting the mechanism.

Let's look at the procedure:

  • Turn the handle or part that is preserved parallel to the floor;
  • Remove the plug located at the base (rotate 90 degrees);
  • Unscrew the screws using a Phillips screwdriver;
  • We remove the handle together with the rod from the structure;
  • We install a new mechanism in the socket. If the rod is too long, you need to saw it off using a special machine;
  • We fix the screws. In the process, you need to control the force to avoid damage to the handle itself or the PVC profile;
  • We mount the latch back, masking the screws;
  • We check the installed part, namely the door clamp and the free movement of the handle.

Removing the handle with a Phillips screwdriver.

Usually, the handle is installed from the inside of the room, but this is not always convenient.

If you spend a lot of time on the loggia, you can outside make a special latch and element that helps tighten the door.

There are cracks in the plastic

Restoring the surface of plastic means eliminating cracks and scratches.

Plastic recovery methods:

1. Minor damage can be deleted special composition"Cosmofen". After exposure to the product, the surface is covered with “liquid plastic”.

2. When repairing significant flaws in plastic, use cosmetic glue to fill the gaps. Also suitable for filling deep cracks white sealant. After the aggregate has dried, the surface is sanded using fine sandpaper.

3. The final stage of restoration is surface treatment with a special construction pencil.

The door closes tightly

Sometimes, when removing sagging, the door is pulled too tightly, after which it is difficult to close it.

In order to adjust the sash, you should evenly loosen the hinges. As you rotate the top and bottom screws, the clamping force will become weaker.

The glass unit is broken

It is better to entrust this work to professionals in order to avoid unpleasant consequences: condensation, frozen glass, problems with operation. If the warranty period is valid, you should contact the company that installed the PVC structure. Self-installation may have a negative impact on appearance.

If one glass is damaged, the glass unit must be replaced completely. This will preserve the hydro- and thermal insulation of the structure.

What reasons lead to breakdowns

  • Error by installers during the installation process and incorrect adjustment of fittings;
  • Shrinkage of the new building and deformation of the structure;
  • Incorrect operation of PVC structures;
  • Excessive exposure to the sun (if the sun's rays constantly fall on the balcony);
  • Sudden changes in air temperature.

If such problems arise during operation, repairs are necessary. Moreover, such malfunctions can be eliminated independently, without the involvement of experienced specialists. In order for the work to be successful, you should objectively analyze the volume of work and the availability of free time. If you estimate that there is not enough free time, then turn to professionals.
