Independent connection of the hood to the ventilation in the kitchen. Connecting the kitchen hood to the ventilation – unpleasant odors will disappear forever! How to connect the hood to ventilation

Everyone knows that good ventilation in the kitchen is an integral element of a healthy microclimate in an apartment or private house. To assist the traditional natural ventilation system duct located under the ceiling, today it is customary to install a kitchen hood above the stove and/or a kitchen exhaust fan duct opening. However, not everyone understands that ill-designed forced exhaust can not only fail to give the desired effect, but also significantly worsen the functioning of the natural ventilation system. Let's look at how to make a hood in the kitchen of an apartment or house effective and safe.

During the cooking process, various harmful substances. They can be divided into two groups: deadly and simply very harmful.

Comfortable ventilation in the apartment in general and in the kitchen in particular is the key to cleanliness and well-being

Dangerous "kitchen" pollution

  • Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide, CO) is a toxic substance that in high concentrations leads first to poisoning and then to death. Owners of electric stoves have nothing to worry about; such equipment is not a source of CO2.

Carbon monoxide is formed during the combustion of natural or biogas, cooking in traditional wood stove. Carbon monoxide is especially dangerous because it has no odor, a person may not feel its presence and accumulation in the room. Carbon monoxide is not absorbed by carbon filters, and the hood turned on in air filtration mode is useless in the fight against CO.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is very dangerous. More people die from it in their homes than from fires, tsunamis, floods and earthquakes combined

  • Every time you turn on a gas burner or water heater, a small amount of unburned fuel enters the room. natural gas. A normally functioning natural ventilation system is designed for a similar level of gas emissions and copes with it quite well.

It’s a different matter if there is a leak from gas equipment or pipelines. Household gas itself has no odor, but a “smelly” fragrance is added to it - ethyl mercaptan. If you smell gas, you should immediately open the windows and call emergency services.

The installation of gas leakage and CO detectors will help to significantly increase the safety of people when using gas equipment. In case of danger, the sensors can emit a piercing signal or control a servo drive, which automatically turns off the gas supply from the main and notifies the emergency service about the problem.

The gas leak sensor is capable of promptly detecting a dangerous concentration of natural gas, propane or butane in the air and signaling it

Harmful contaminants in the kitchen

  • Kitchen fumes released when frying foods. It consists of volatile particles suspended in the air, mainly oils and fats. After strong heating in a frying pan, harmless food substances acquire properties harmful to humans, even carcinogenic. At best, dirt and grime settle on walls, furniture and dishes, at worst - in our lungs.
  • Cooking also produces water vapor. It is, of course, practically harmless compared to other types of pollution. But there is no benefit from evaporation; excess moisture does not improve the microclimate in the room.

The fumes generated during cooking are not beneficial to the body.

From the above we can conclude that effective, constantly functioning kitchen ventilation is extremely important. If for owners of electric stoves this is a matter of hygiene and cleanliness in the room, then for those who use it indoors gas stove(stove, wood-burning oven) for cooking - this is a safety issue.

Owners of gas stoves should pay close attention to the performance of the ventilation system and periodically check the presence of draft in the ventilation duct. If in the kitchen, in addition to the stove, there is geyser or heating boiler, normal functioning of natural exhaust ventilation becomes even more important.

Kitchen ventilation systems: natural or forced

Many consumers are wondering: which kitchen hood is better, natural or forced? We answer: both are better. Natural and forced hoods, although they serve common goal, do not replace one another. A natural ventilation system is mandatory for a kitchen in an apartment or private house. Let us repeat, the presence and functionality of a natural ventilation system is of particular importance for rooms with gas appliances.

Forced exhaust ventilation for the kitchen is a good thing, even very good. But optional. It can be argued that natural ventilation provides greater safety, while forced ventilation provides comfort.

Ventilation in the kitchen with a hood is an element common system ventilation in an apartment or house

Let's take a closer look at the possibilities different types ventilation, their structure, advantages and disadvantages.

Natural ventilation in the kitchen

The natural ventilation system is well known to all apartment owners through the channels in the kitchen and bathroom walls leading to the roof of the house. Harmful gases and polluted air are removed through the ventilation duct, fresh air enters through the cracks in the windows or special ventilation valves in the walls or window frames. Warm air heated on the stove, due to its lower density, naturally tends to evaporate from the room upward, to the street, where the temperature is lower.

Natural ventilation in a private house in the kitchen, bathroom, and furnace removes polluted air through vertical channels to the roof. Fresh comes from the street through windows or valves in the walls

Properly designed ventilation with natural draft removes a relatively small volume of air per unit of time, but does so constantly. The ventilation duct located under the ceiling can cope with even a small leak of natural gas, which is lighter than air and rises to the ceiling.

Carbon monoxide, which is formed in relatively small quantities from the working burners of a gas stove, is also quite successfully removed by natural ventilation. Natural ventilation is somewhat less effective at removing kitchen odors and excess moisture during moderate-intensity cooking.

It is necessary to periodically, at least once a month, check for sufficient draft in the ventilation duct. You can check this without special devices: if a sheet of paper “sticks” to the hole, there is traction.

What is good and what is bad in such a system:

Advantages of a natural ventilation system

  • Ventilation with natural draft functions constantly with rare exceptions (see below, in the “cons”).
  • Provides general ventilation of the home in combination with ventilation ducts in the bathrooms.
  • Copes with the main types of hazardous contaminants released during cooking. Provides safety in the event of a small gas leak. Natural ventilation adequately removes kitchen odors and excess moisture during moderate-intensity cooking.
  • Natural ventilation is “free”. In an apartment or private house built in accordance with building codes, it is available by default. There is no equipment that requires repair. No electricity required.
  • Quiet operation.

Disadvantages of natural ventilation

  • In hot weather and in the off-season, when the outside air suddenly warms up after prolonged cold weather, the efficiency of the natural ventilation system drops sharply. Under unfavorable circumstances, a reverse movement of air may occur: it will begin to flow through the channel from the street into the room. For a kitchen with a gas stove installed, this can be very dangerous, especially if there is gas water heater. In hot weather and during a sudden thaw, it is recommended to ventilate the room through open windows.
  • Natural ventilation removes a relatively small volume of air per unit time. If the owners decide to fry a frying pan full of cracklings, the ventilation system will not cope and the persistent kitchen “aroma” will instantly spread throughout all the rooms.
  • Ventilation works normally only if there is a sufficient volume of air flow from outside. Modern plastic windows, adjusted “for winter”, when completely closed, they are practically airtight. To ensure the outflow of air into the channel, you should open the windows slightly during cooking, at least in micro ventilation mode.
  • The ventilation duct may be clogged with snow and debris. Selfish and technically illiterate neighbors above can block the ventilation of the lower residents by creating a niche for the refrigerator in their kitchen by removing the ventilation shaft or part of it.
  • It is necessary to regularly check the draft and, if necessary, clean the ventilation ducts.

How to properly create natural ventilation in the kitchen

There is ventilation for the kitchen in an apartment built in accordance with the standards; you just need to check its functionality. But how to properly make natural ventilation in a private house? Ventilation ducts should be located in “dirty” rooms: kitchen, toilet, bathroom, furnace room, utility room, bathhouse. In order to ventilate the entire house, and not just the kitchen, the air flow must come from “clean” rooms: living room, dining room, bedrooms.

Ventilation design, if everything is done in accordance with construction and hygiene standards, involves the calculation of many system parameters. When determining the cross-section of ventilation ducts, the type of installed equipment, volume of premises, building design, and climatic conditions of the area are taken into account.

The calculation is difficult for a non-specialist; those who want to delve into the topic can study SP 60.13330.2012, 54.13330.2011, 62.13330.2012, 131.13330.2012, 7.13130.2011 and SanPiN We will give only basic recommendations, which, in our opinion, are sufficient for installing natural ventilation in most private houses:

  • If there are four burners, the volume of air removed must be at least 90 m3/h. To do this, it is enough to bring to the roof a vertical exhaust duct with a cross-section of at least 0.02 m2. This corresponds to a round channel with a diameter of 16 cm or a square one with a size of 14x14 cm (half a brick). More is possible, less is not possible.
  • The entrance to the channel should be located on the wall at a distance of 15-30 cm from the ceiling or on the ceiling itself. The last option can be implemented in a private house.
  • In order for the natural draft to be sufficiently stable, the channel must be relatively high. Optimal traction is ensured when the channel height is at least 5 meters. Moreover, it should not be cold. In a channel located outside the building and not insulated, during the cold season the draft will be weak or not at all. In a private house, it is best to place ventilation ducts in the center of the house, closer to the ridge.

Forced exhaust ventilation

A ventilation system where contaminated air is removed using a fan is called forced. Kitchen exhaust fans can be installed in various ways:

  • Mount directly onto the existing vertical natural exhaust ventilation duct leading to the roof.
  • Make a hole in the outer wall where the exhaust fan will exhaust polluted air directly from the room.

Modern equipment allows you to drill holes of the required section in external walls quickly and without dust

  • You can hang a wall-mounted kitchen hood with a built-in fan above the stove. Route the air duct from the hood into an existing ventilation duct or into an additional hole in the wall.
  • Insert a fan into the window vent of a “Soviet-style” window and you will get a simple and cheap window hood.

Advantages and disadvantages of forced ventilation

  • When properly designed, forced draft ventilation has high performance and is potentially capable of quickly removing significant volumes of contaminated air during intensive cooking.
  • A kitchen hood installed directly above the stove will remove most of the dirt before it enters the room. As a result, cleaning the kitchen will become much easier.
  • Polluted air is removed only while the kitchen hood fan is running.
  • A forced system costs money: a kitchen fan or a hood with a fan, their maintenance and wasted electricity have their price.

How to properly install an exhaust fan on a natural ventilation duct

When installing the fan, the following points must be taken into account:

  • If your kitchen exhaust fan has a check valve that prevents air from the duct from flowing into the room when the fan is not running, the check valve must be removed. Otherwise, the operation of natural exhaust will be disrupted.
  • A typical cheap household fan of an axial design is not designed to remove air from a vertical duct. The performance indicated in the passport (the volume of air removed per unit of time) will be realized only if the fan removes air from a horizontal channel, and even then it is not very long.

When connected to a natural exhaust fan, it will be difficult for an inexpensive fan to overcome the resistance of friction and the air column, and its performance will noticeably drop in comparison with the declared one. The higher the channel, the greater the fall.

The axial fan is structurally simple and cheap

  • There are special household fans of centrifugal design designed to operate in vertical channels. The drop in productivity depending on the height of the channel is not as great for them as for axial ones. Actual performance when working in a vertical channel will be close to the declared one.

Centrifugal exhaust fans for the kitchen can be built-in or overhead. Disadvantages of centrifugal fans: high price (they are five times more expensive than axial analogues) and relatively large dimensions.

The centrifugal fan for the kitchen hood has more complex design than in the axial version. An impeller with multiple blades rotated relative to its axis is capable of creating significant air pressure, which makes it possible to overcome resistance when removing air into a high vertical channel with small losses in performance. The maximum performance of centrifugal fans is lower than that of axial fans with a motor of similar power. But in difficult working conditions their capabilities are more fully realized

So, an axial fan is cheap, but it is of little use when installed on a natural ventilation duct. Centrifugal is effective, but expensive. A suitable alternative is to install the fan in a horizontal duct exhausted through outer wall. In this case, you can use a cheap axial exhaust fan without compromising its performance.

Graph of the performance of household fans with motors of similar power depending on the pressure (height of the vertical channel). On the left is an axial fan, on the right is a centrifugal fan. As can be seen from the graphs, when overcoming a pressure of 40 Pa (approximately corresponding to a channel with a height of 25 m), the performance of an axial fan will drop by 80%, and a centrifugal one by only 20%. That is, in these specific conditions (the second floor of a “nine-story building”), the “centrifugal” is four times more efficient than the “axial”

When ducting through a wall, it is necessary to install a check valve at the outlet from the outside. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to drill a hole in the wall if we are talking about a city apartment. But this is not a problem in a private home.

Features of installing a kitchen hood

We won’t talk about how to install a kitchen hood; this should be described in detail in the instructions for it. Let us only remind you that it is necessary to strictly observe the specified height of its placement relative to the tabletop. We also note that using a hood in recirculation mode (without removing air) coupled with a carbon filter will clean the air only from a portion of aerosol particles, mainly fats. Gas combustion products will remain in the room. In addition, a carbon filter that costs some money gets clogged quite quickly and requires replacement.

The hood should be placed higher above a gas stove than above an electric one.

Let's name the main features that should be taken into account when choosing and connecting kitchen hood:

  • A kitchen hood fan, like a household fan installed on a duct, can also have an axial or centrifugal design. Expensive hoods in which they are used centrifugal fans, they remove air well through a vertical channel, the loss in performance is tolerable.

In cheap hoods, axial fans are often installed; when connected to a vertical duct, they are ineffective. Full operation of a hood with an axial fan is achieved only when air is exhausted through a short horizontal duct through the outer wall.

  • When connecting the hood to a vertical natural ventilation duct, it is recommended to remove the check valve on it, if any. In a horizontal channel, the valve is required at the outlet to the outside. It is better to leave it on the hood.
  • The cross-section of the ventilation duct should not be less than the cross-section of the hood outlet. You can go from round pipes for rectangular ones, the main thing is not to narrow the section.

It doesn’t matter what shape the air ducts for connecting the hood will have, the main thing is not to reduce the cross-section of the duct

  • When connecting the hood to a vertical duct, it should not interfere with the normal operation of natural ventilation. By the way, many people do not take this requirement into account and, unfortunately, most hoods in our homes are installed incorrectly. We will devote the next section to the question of how to properly connect the hood to the ventilation in the kitchen.

How to properly connect a pipe from a kitchen hood to a natural ventilation duct

From the outlet of the kitchen hood, we need to stretch a pipe of the appropriate cross-section and insert it into the hole in the wall leading into the vertical channel of the natural ventilation system. In practice this is done in different ways:

Sometimes only the pipe supplying air from the hood is connected to the vertical duct, completely closing the opening from the room. It is absolutely forbidden to do this, because the operation of natural ventilation will be disrupted.

An example of how you should never connect a kitchen hood: a room with a gas stove lacks normal natural ventilation. Even if you remember to remove the check valve on the hood, the natural air suction above the stove will be weakened due to the additional resistance to air movement that has arisen. In addition, harmful gases accumulating near the ceiling will not be removed at all.

Many sellers of building materials and finishers recommend connecting the hood to the natural ventilation system through an adapter plate with two holes. One of them is designed to connect the hood, the second opens from the duct into the room. It seems that an exhaust hood was provided and natural ventilation was preserved. Actually this is not true. Firstly, when the hood is operating, almost all of the removed air is returned back into the room. It is much easier for him to exit back through the nearby hole than to go up the channel.

A frequently used connection is the air duct from the hood (1) to the natural ventilation duct (3) through an adapter with two holes. While the hood is not working, air outflows from the room through the second hole (2). But when the hood is turned on, most of the air it removes returns to the room

Secondly, the cross-section of the hole for natural exhaust decreases, unless it is specially expanded. Connection via a two-hole adapter is widely used, but we consider it incorrect due to its very low efficiency.

A widespread but ineffective design for connecting a hood to the duct of a natural ventilation system

In order for both natural and forced ventilation from the hood to function fully, two requirements must be met:

  • While the hood is operating, the second hole must be closed so that the exhaust air is not thrown back into the room.
  • The total cross-section of the grid openings for natural ventilation should not be less than the cross-section of the vertical channel.

This can be achieved by increasing the area of ​​the natural ventilation grille and installing a check valve behind it so that it closes after turning on the hood. The valve must be installed in such a way that the supporting air flow from the hood closes it, and when the hood is turned off, the valve opens automatically.

A check valve (5) was installed on the hole in the wall in the natural ventilation channel (4), which opens with slight air movement, but closes against a noticeable air flow. When you turn on the hood, it blocks the air from escaping back into the room and you have to climb up the vertical duct to the roof

How to select and install an air check valve when connecting a hood to a duct

For our purposes, from many types ventilation valves Only one will do - without a drive, without a spring, with a damper that is not divided into segments and whose axis of rotation is shifted relative to the center of symmetry.

Of the three air valves shown, only the one on the left is suitable for our purposes.

After we have selected and purchased the valve, we will have to tinker with installing it in the desired position. In normal mode, the air valve should work like this: there is no air movement - the damper is closed, the air flow opens it. We need to get the opposite result: while the hood is not working, the valve must be completely open. When the hood is turned on, the air pressure from inside the duct should close it. The relatively weak natural movement of air from the room into the duct should not affect the operation of the valve.

The principle of operation of a check valve when connecting a hood to a natural ventilation duct. The illustration shows a spring-loaded valve with a two-piece flapper. Theoretically, this type of valve can be used for our purposes, but in practice it is not easy to select it so that the closing force and air pressure coincide

In the standard position, such a valve is positioned in a horizontal channel in such a way that the damper mounting axis is positioned horizontally, and the larger (and heavier) segment of the curtain “looks” down. In this case, the valve, if there is no air pressure, will be closed. We need to achieve the opposite, the valve must be open. This can be achieved in two ways:

  • Install the valve strictly horizontally so that the mounting axis is rotated at an angle of 5-60º to the vertical, while the larger damper sector should be at the top. The angle of inclination at which the damper will be fully open when the hood is not working will have to be selected experimentally. The force to pull the damper and close the valve must be sufficient; a low-power hood may not provide it.

Option for installing an air valve with an inclination of the damper rotation axis

Once the valve is installed and adjusted, the vent can be covered with a grille.

  • Position the valve axis strictly vertically, but tilt the valve itself slightly (about 5º) towards the entrance to the natural ventilation channel. The larger segment of the damper should “look” towards the channel. In this case, it will outweigh and the damper will open under its own weight, just as crookedly hung doors open by themselves. The required force to close the valve will be small; you can use a hood of any power.

The axis of rotation of the air valve is set strictly vertically, but it itself is slightly tilted towards the channel. Notice how the valve was hidden in the cabinet for the built-in hood. Air will enter the cabinet from the hole in top shelf

From the following video you will learn how to use a non-return air valve to connect a kitchen hood to an existing vertical duct, ensuring its maximum performance and without disturbing natural ventilation:

Centralized forced ventilation systems

It is worth mentioning centralized ventilation systems. Office buildings and hotel complexes often have a single ventilation system serving all areas of the building. In housing, as a rule, ventilation is combined within an apartment or private house.

Centralized forced ventilation can be exhaust, supply and exhaust and supply and exhaust with heat recovery. We are convinced that only last option.

A supply and exhaust system with heat recovery is not cheap, but it provides real benefits in the form of savings on heating costs and a favorable microclimate. Options without recovery at lower costs are ineffective in our cold climate.

In the supply and exhaust system, air is removed from “dirty” rooms and supplied to “clean” rooms through a system of ventilation ducts. Spent and Fresh air“meet” in the recuperator, where thermal energy from the heated air being removed is transferred to the cold air coming from the street. In this case, the air flows do not mix.

Operating principle of a ventilation unit with a plate heat exchanger. Warm exhaust air and cold fresh air pass in opposite directions through a heat exchanger consisting of many plates made of a material with good heat transfer. Warm air, without direct contact with cold air, gives it thermal energy

A properly designed and installed ventilation system with heat recovery ensures the transfer of up to 90% of thermal energy from warm air to cold air, which can significantly reduce heating costs and supply air at a comfortable temperature to the premises.

Supply and exhaust recuperative ventilation systems are best suited for modern energy-efficient houses. In Scandinavian countries, this type of ventilation has been mandatory for buildings under construction for many years now, replacing natural exhaust hood.

Installation of a centralized supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery. The exhaust air is collected in “dirty” rooms, and fresh air heated in the heat exchanger is supplied to “clean” rooms.

It is problematic to combine centralized ventilation systems with gas stoves. For a gas stove, you will still have to provide natural ventilation from the room or install complex emergency automation. It is difficult to adequately combine two different ventilation systems (with an exhaust hood - three) in one room. An electric stove does not create such problems.

Local forced ventilation devices (room ventilators)

Local ventilation devices with heat recovery (room ventilator) also deserve mention. Their operating principle is similar to central systems: the outgoing air heats the incoming air. The ventilator provides ventilation in one separate room.

Some models resemble in shape and dimensions indoor units split air conditioners. The illustration shows a MitsubishiElectricLossnay room ventilator. The circulation fan is located on the right side of the case, the paper heat exchanger is on the left. To install it in the outer wall, you need to drill two holes with a diameter of 8 cm

Equip a house or apartment with local forced ventilation with heat recovery is several times cheaper than installing a centralized system. And the level of comfort obtained is not much lower.

Local ventilation with recovery is very good for living rooms. A ventilator in the kitchen wouldn’t hurt either, but natural ventilation and a powerful hood vented horizontally into the wall would be more useful. When choosing local ventilation devices, preference should be given to those models in which the volume of supplied air exceeds the volume of air removed.

A popular and relatively inexpensive “breathing” room ventilator, where the removal and supply of air occurs alternately through one channel. A ceramic recuperator accumulates heat while warm air passes through it and then releases it to cold air

The procedure for changing the ventilation cycles of a “breathing” ventilator. This device is well suited for living rooms, but not for the kitchen

What type of ventilation to choose for the kitchen in a house or apartment

For those who are building a solid country house or equipping luxury apartment, is constructing an energy-saving building using “passive house” technology, it is worth paying attention to the expensive, but comfortable and economical forced-air system supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery. In the kitchen you should install a powerful hood with outlet to the wall; it is better (and healthier) to use an electric stove. If the house has a gas boiler, the room where it is installed must be equipped with natural exhaust and independent air flow.

To those who build own house If you are more modest and have a limited budget, we recommend that you definitely provide vertical channels of natural ventilation in the kitchen, bathrooms, furnace room, bathhouse, utility room and hallway if clothes are dried there.

Ventilation in a private house in the kitchen should be supplemented by a hood above the stove with a separate air duct. It is best to route the duct for removing air from the hood not to the roof, but through the outer wall to the street. A check valve should be installed outside to prevent cold air from entering inside. A fan on the natural ventilation channel should be installed in the toilet and bathroom; in the kitchen, if there is a hood, this is not particularly necessary.

It is best to route the air duct from the hood outside through the outer wall

For an apartment, we recommend a similar option: natural ventilation (available by default), good hood above the stove, fan in the bathroom. It is advisable to vent the hood through the wall; if this does not work, use the scheme described above with a check valve. In our opinion, an additional kitchen fan is not needed.

Finally, we would like to remind you once again that properly selected and installed hood and a kitchen fan will add comfort, but will not replace natural system ventilation. And incorrect connection of the hood may not only not improve, but also significantly worsen the performance of ventilation. We recommend that you pay attention to the issues of room ventilation Special attention, trust its design, installation, and connection of the hood only to competent craftsmen.

Cooking is a daily process. It does not do without characteristic odors, which some people find pleasant, creating home comfort, but for others they become a source of discomfort. In order to avoid troubles and maintain a good mood, it is recommended to install a kitchen hood. It is not difficult to connect it to the ventilation with your own hands. The device will help get rid of such everyday problems, How:

  • Smells;
  • The appearance of soot on the ceiling and furniture;
  • The negative effect of smoke and water vapor on interior items and kitchen decoration.

It is important to remember that particles of water contained in evaporation can cause damage to furniture, and soot and fumes will spoil the appearance of the room, so connecting a hood will be the best solution and will significantly delay kitchen renovations.

Hood: variety of modifications

In order to connect the hood correctly and not call the experts, you will need to pay attention to detail. The first thing you need to know is modern designs to remove unpleasant odors from a room, they come in different sizes, dimensions and designs. That is why, when answering the question of how to connect a kitchen hood with your own hands to the existing ventilation, you will need to remember that the design can have a different shape.

Before you make a purchase, you will need to decide what is needed for a particular kitchen - aesthetics or providing clean, odor-free air. That is why it is important to pay special attention to the following parameters that are significant for a person who values ​​quality:

  • dimensions;
  • power;
  • device type.

Dimensions must match the dimensions installed slab. The power of the hood is selected based on the intensity of use of the kitchen for its intended purpose - if you cook a lot and often, then the power should be high. It is not difficult to calculate: the volume of the kitchen space should be multiplied by 12.

There are two types of air circulation:

  • recirculating;
  • with output outside the premises.

Depending on the method of installation in the kitchen, commercially available hoods or those that are specially ordered also differ. They are:

  • built-in;
  • dome;
  • flat.

Modern kitchen hoods are also of a combined type, that is, they can work both in the classic device mode and in the filtration mode.

Rules for choosing a hood

The selection of a hood model should be based on what additional functions and capabilities a person wants to receive during use. Possibilities may include:

  • lighting of the cooking area (built-in light bulbs);
  • indicator showing when the filter needs to be replaced;
  • automatic on/off.

Connecting to electricity will allow you to use a timer to save resources and money - just set the time interval, and the device will automatically disconnect from the network.

Expensive modern models offer owners to control the functionality using the remote control and select the modes in which the hood will operate. It is important to remember that the kitchen must have good ventilation, otherwise the hood’s capabilities will not be fully realized.

Hood installation rules: main points

Regardless of what type or model of device was chosen, the installation process must be carried out according to the rules, especially if it is done by hand. Installation carried out without disturbances will ensure durability and stability of operation.

Installation in most cases is carried out at a height of 80 cm from the surface of the slab. You cannot choose less than 70 cm, as this will lead to rapid breakdown of the device, since the hood will overheat greatly and the ventilation will not be able to provide sufficient cooling. The width may slightly exceed the dimensions of the slab, but it should not be less - the expected effect from using the hood will not occur.

It is difficult to make a connection that completely removes odors, soot and steam through a kitchen ventilation system with your own hands, but with attention and care, you can achieve what you want.

It is important to remember that the device will not only need to be installed, but also connected to the existing ventilation.

If the stove or hob is located far from it, but at the same time close to the window, then you can equip the outlet of air saturated with odors and containing particles of burning, moisture or grease to the outside through a hole in the wall. In most cases it will need to be done specially. This will save time, but will require careful attention from the person, since in case of failure it will negatively affect the appearance of the room.

Typical installation diagram

Work in most apartments is made easier by the fact that in order to connect all parts of the hood, ordinary clamps or adapters, as well as plastic pipes, are perfect. All that is required from the person installing the hood to the ventilation with his own hands is to tightly connect the parts to each other.

According to the diagram that should be followed, the pipe coming directly from the hood should not completely cover the ventilation. She must ventilate the room naturally, even when the hood is not working.

The air duct leading to the kitchen ventilation from the hood must be mounted in such a way as to ensure the free passage of air, steam and soot. The number of its turns, as well as the length, should be small, since each bend consumes up to 10% of the device’s power. Fresh air must constantly flow into the kitchen, so regular ventilation is necessary for proper operation hoods.

Stages of connecting the hood to ventilation

  1. Create holes in the kitchen cabinet placed above the stove. They must match the diameter of the pipes. For this you will need a jigsaw.
  2. The air duct is connected by threading the pipe (corrugation) into the holes made at the bottom and bottom of the cabinet.
  3. Connect the air duct to the ventilation. To do this, you will need to bend the pipe at the point where it exits. kitchen cabinet. For convenience and time-saving, you can use conventional adapters or clamps used for fastening plastic pipes.
  4. Without exception, all joints should be treated with sealant. It is recommended to use silicone, as it will help maintain the power ratings of the installed hood and firmly secure the plastic.
  5. Production of markings for fastenings. You will need to drill holes in the wall so that they match the mounting holes on the body of the hood itself. Fastening is done using self-tapping screws. The pipe is then secured to the hood. No sealant is used here.
  6. The hood is connected to electricity with grounding and used for its intended purpose.

Thus, the hood is connected to the ventilation quickly, but requires a leisurely approach to work and attention to detail. Now it’s easy to answer the question of how to connect the hood and do the work yourself.

The kitchen is important room in an apartment or house, so it should be equipped with everything to ensure a comfortable cooking process. First of all, it is worth considering the arrangement of a gas stove and hood. Special meaning has an exhaust hood: it will eliminate all odors, as well as the sedimentation of fat, fumes, and juices formed during cooking. Its normal functioning depends on the connection, for this reason it is important to know how to properly connect the hood to the ventilation in the kitchen. If you follow all the steps during this process, then in the future unpleasant odors will not spread to the entire room.

Hood integrated into ventilation

Surface preparation

The hood helps eliminate unpleasant problems that usually arise during the cooking process: fat settling, evaporation, unpleasant persistent odors. She draws all the dirt into herself and removes it. But the full functioning of the device depends on its correct installation.

Before installing the hood, it is worth considering its location in advance. Of course, it should be installed above a gas stove, but you should also not forget to pay attention to the quality of the wall surface. For this reason, in order to choose the right area for installing this product, it is worth studying the important features:

  • First of all, it is recommended to check the quality of the walls. To install this system, you should choose a strong and durable wall that is made of a high-quality base;
  • most suitable option for installation of the hood there is a wall surface made of concrete or brick;
  • It is imperative to prepare fasteners; they must fully fit the selected base;
  • When installing a hood, it is worth considering that it must be located above the stove at the correct height.

A wall made of concrete or brick is suitable for installation.

Particular importance is given to height; proper functioning depends on it. of this device. So, in order to correctly determine the required height level, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • the permissible height above the surface of the electric stove is 65 cm;
  • the maximum height above the surface of the gas height should be 75 cm;
  • It is imperative that the lower limits be strictly observed, otherwise the device may fail during heating and melt;
  • the upper boundaries of the product must be adjusted to the growth of the owner;
  • You definitely need to know the correct width parameters, they should be the same as for a gas stove - 50-60 centimeters.

After the surface for installation has been selected and purchased suitable model hoods, you can begin installation. The structure, which will be installed and connected in accordance with all rules and recommendations, will be able to last for a long time.

Selection and installation of air ducts

It is imperative to select an air duct through which unpleasant odors will be removed from the kitchen area. There are no special requirements for this product, for this reason there should not be any special problems with its selection.


There are three types of air ducts:

  • aluminum corrugated sleeve. The main advantage of this element is that it can be easily given the desired shape. It bends easily at any angle. In order to install it, a part of the sleeve of the required length is taken and given the desired shape. However, this type of air duct has several disadvantages - the operation of the hood is quite noisy, this is due to the fact that the flow of exhaust air causes strong resonance, but the presence of ribs on the surface of the sleeve can cause some difficulties when removing air. It is also difficult to care for; dust, grease, and soot often get clogged between the ribs, which are difficult to clean;
  • plastic round (PVC). This type of air duct is assembled from several sections of plastic elements - curves, bends, adapters, couplings. The connection to the pipe is made thanks to the presence of extensions on the shaped elements. In order to prevent separation during installation of the air duct, this type of joint can be coated with glue or secured with self-tapping screws. The main advantage of these devices is that the air exchange process in them is silent. Also, the smooth surface of the walls does not create obstacles for the passage of air;
  • square air ducts made of plastic material. These devices are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and have a rectangular cross-section. The remaining qualities of this device are the same as those of others. Typically, rectangular air ducts are used in cases where it is necessary to save space in a room.

Installation Features

In order to clean the kitchen area from unpleasant odors and fumes that are formed during the cooking process, you need to connect the hood to the ventilation. And to do this, you will need to perform the correct installation of the air duct.

Plastic air duct

To ensure that the installation of this element is correct and of high quality, you should pay attention to several important features:

  • For exhaust, air ducts made of plastic material or aluminum, which is made on a semi-rigid base, are suitable;
  • A plastic device is considered the most suitable, but it is quite expensive;
  • Installing plastic air ducts has some difficulties. In order for it to be of high quality and correct, you need to purchase additional elements - adapters, ventilation grille, elbows with horizontal and vertical view, which has a configuration in the form of the letter “G”;
  • You will definitely need a gearbox that acts as a connecting device for elements with a round diameter with products of rectangular shapes.

Plastic air ducts are equipped with many additional elements that help to carry out installation work with any level of difficulty. But it will be quite difficult for a novice master to complete this work, for this reason it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

The length of the air duct is at least 3 meters

Although plastic products have high cost and difficulties in installation, they have high qualities. They are designed for indefinite use, and they do not make noise during the working process.

Attaching the corrugation to the hood and ventilation

If you decide to save money or you do not have the opportunity to purchase a device for removing air from plastic, then corrugation would be a suitable option. But in order to properly connect it to the hood and ventilation, you will need to observe some important nuances.

Installing corrugations on the grille

To keep the hood functioning top level it is necessary to consider the correct fastening of the corrugated air duct to the body. For fastening you will definitely need clamps with suitable sizes. They can be made of a metal or plastic base.

In order to perform, you may need to have a special ventilation grille. There is a hole in the upper part of this element, which is intended for connecting an air duct pipe. In the lower part of the product there are holes that are needed to remove air from the kitchen area due to natural circulation during the period when the hood is not in working condition.

A grill with a protrusion is suitable for installing corrugations. Around the hole of this element there is a side with a size of 2-3 cm, a corrugation is put on it. After this, it is fixed using clamps with suitable sizes.

The corrugation is also connected to the hood. It has a special protrusion on which the corrugated air duct is installed. After this, you need to tighten it using clamps with the required dimensions.

How to install a dome hood

On modern market household appliances Hoods with dome shapes are especially popular. They fit harmoniously into the kitchen space and cope with their functions perfectly. These products, in turn, are divided into several subtypes:

  • fireplace (wall-mounted). These devices are fastened to the wall surface. The design of products of this type is similar to ventilation systems for fireplaces;
  • corner. Hoods with this configuration are rare in kitchens. They are installed only in cases where the stove is in a corner;
  • island. These options are installed only in large rooms, for example, in dining rooms. They are suitable when the gas stove is installed in the center of the room. The devices are fastened to the ceiling surface.

Types of hoods

In order to install correctly, you need to know the main features of this process. It is advisable to trust this work professionals, they will be able to do everything correctly and efficiently.

Dome hood installation option

If you decide to install the hood yourself, be sure to remember a few important recommendations:

  • To perform the installation, you need to connect the hood to the ventilation system and connect the device to the electrical network;
  • It is advisable to furnish the kitchen area with furniture in advance, and only after that mark the location of the hood. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the height of this device;
  • Next you need to drill holes for the dowels. We mount supports to them using bolts, onto which the base of the exhaust device is placed;
  • after this, a special outlet of the exhaust device is connected to the corrugated air duct, and the tightness must be maintained;
  • At the end, the operation of the hood is checked and the upper casing of the device is put on.

Connection requirements

The hood must be installed correctly, taking into account all important requirements. A prerequisite for installing this device is compliance with the grounding of the existing electrical outlet. If you don't know how to do it this process, then it is better to seek professional help.

Correct connection of a kitchen hood to ventilation

Almost every house or apartment has a ventilation system to which an exhaust hood can be connected. In the bathroom and toilet, special vents with grates are usually installed, which lead into a common shaft.

Ventilation connection device

Features of device installation depend on the choice of connection method. The exhaust device can go into the area of ​​the ventilation hole or immediately outside the room, for example, to the street. If the kitchen area has a separate air exhaust duct, this will greatly simplify the installation process.

Installing a separate channel can prevent many problems that often arise when using general ventilation. Often, exhausted air, fumes, grease, and soot that escape into the general ventilation system lead to the formation of an air lock, which can cause disruption of air exchange in all apartments.

Exhaust hood into a separate air exhaust duct

To prevent all unpleasant situations and problems, it is better to make a separate channel for air exhaust. When organizing it, it is worth considering the following actions:

  • in the outer wall you need to drill holes using a diamond drill;
  • after this, a safety grille with a check valve is installed;
  • we carry out an exhaust hood to the check valve;
  • the check valve can be made of two moving flaps, which are installed in the air duct;
  • after the exhaust device is turned on, the doors open, and after it is turned off, they close. This will protect the room from cold air entering it.

Installing an exhaust hood and connecting it to ventilation is a complex process. During this process, you must comply with all established requirements and rules, on which the further proper functioning of this device depends. In order to properly connect it to ventilation, you definitely need air ducts, which can be made of plastic or corrugated aluminum material. It is better to first study the characteristics and features of these products.

Installing a hood in the kitchen involves connecting it to ventilation and power supply. An air purification device is installed both above electric and gas stoves. The main thing to consider is the height of the canopy when installing the structure. You can do this work yourself, without turning to specialists, whose services are expensive.

Kitchen hoods with connection to ventilation

These are supply hoods. They operate in the mode of exhausting air into the air duct. Such models are 100% capable of removing odors and steam from cooking food. Also in retail chains you can find modern air-purifying devices of a combined type. They can operate in air recirculation mode and exhaust air into the ventilation shaft.

Classification of hoods by installation method

  • Built-in. Cabinet mounted kitchen set, installed above the stove.
  • Hanging. Installed on the wall.
  • Island. Attached to the ceiling. They are located in the middle of the room.
  • Angular. Mounted in a corner.

Any of the selected models, in terms of adaptability to a specific room and design, must comply with current safety regulations.

What tools will you need?

  • Hammer.
  • Spanners.
  • Hammer.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Roulette.
  • Level.

Installation features

A flat built-in hood is mounted in a pre-fabricated cabinet without a bottom. Mounts at the level of the middle shelf. The dimensions of the cabinet and hood must match. To supply the air duct in the cabinet, two holes are made in the middle shelf and on the roof of the built-in unit.

Having measured the required distance (at least 75 cm) from the surface of the stove to the hood, you can begin installing the hood. You need to mark the mounting points on the wall. Using a hammer drill, holes are made for the plastic dowels. The flat hood is secured using 2 self-tapping screws. Dome design will be securely fixed with at least 4 fasteners.

What power should the hood have?

The required operational capabilities of the air purification device can be calculated using the formula:

Q - optimal power hoods

S – room area,

h – kitchen ceiling height,

Note! According to the requirements, the air in the kitchen must be changed 12 times per hour (requirement sanitary standards) - that is why the formula contains the indicator 12. The number 1.3 is the minimum reserve ratio. It involves taking into account the number of floors of the building, the length and contamination of the ventilation shaft, the length and bend of the ventilation duct.

You can also use the special one on our website for calculations.

What should the air duct be like?

When installing a built-in hood, plastic or metal (corrugated) air ducts can be used.

Inexpensive air duct is corrugated


Most often installed plastic pipes– they are lightweight, have good sound insulation, and are easy to install. PVC pipes can be either round or rectangular. The ventilation duct is installed at the top above the wall cabinets of the kitchen unit. When purchasing plastic pipes, you must purchase “L”-shaped transitions and sealant.


Also, to connect the hood with ventilation in the kitchen, corrugated air ducts are used - this is a more budget option compared to PVC materials. Corrugations are made from thin-layer aluminum. In terms of sound insulation, this material is much worse than plastic. There is no need to buy adapters; fixation is ensured by clamps. The corrugation is stretched to the required size. When installing, it is better that the accordion be well stretched - the noise level will decrease significantly.

Features of the design of exhaust ventilation ducts

The diameter of the hood must correspond to the diameter of the air duct. If exhaust pipe will be less, then the hood will work in enhanced mode, and this will lead to damage to the fan motor. A pipe with a smaller diameter also affects noise insulation - when the equipment is operating, the noise level will increase significantly.

It is necessary that all bending angles when installing ventilation ducts are greater than 90 degrees. The operation of ventilation depends on this. And the number of these same bends should be kept to a minimum. The efficiency of the exhaust air purification device depends on this. It is better to give preference to plastic systems with round. Not only will dirt and dust not settle in them, but they also have less resistance to the passage of air masses.

Important! The scheme also includes the installation of valves - plastic or film.

Socket installation

Before connecting the hood to the ventilation, you must ensure that there is an outlet. Ideally electrical installation work must be carried out by a certified specialist. However, in practice, as you know, you often have to do this yourself. In addition to personal safety rules, it is mandatory to comply with the following standards:

  • The socket is mounted in a place above the wall cabinets of the kitchen unit - at a distance of 5 cm or near the ventilation shaft - at a distance of 20 cm.
  • Install the socket at a distance less than 2 m from flooring it is forbidden.
  • A grounding device with a current of at least 15 A is required.
  • The electrical outlet intended for the hood must be 15-amp or larger.
  • When connecting an additional socket to the line, the total power of all connected devices is calculated (no more than 4 kW). If the indicators are higher, then it is better to place the hood on a separate line.

Important! It is prohibited to install an outlet near a sink or gas/electric stoves. The socket must not be installed behind the hood body. You cannot install a socket with a current strength lower than that required for this device. Wires must be double insulated.

How to connect a hood to a ventilation duct

  • Before connecting the hood to ventilation duct, you must first buy corrugation with a cross-sectional diameter that fits this model, clamps, and sealant.
  • The corrugation is inserted into pre-made holes in the wall cabinet.
  • A cabinet with a threaded air duct is fixed to the wall.
  • The exhaust air duct is connected to the ventilation duct.
  • To connect the hood to the ventilation, it is necessary to bend the corrugation at the exit from the wall cabinet of the kitchen unit. You can also use plastic connecting elements for pipes.
  • To seal, the joints are treated with silicone. Sealing the ventilation system allows the hood to operate without additional costs.

Important! The corrugated or PVC pipe is secured to the pipe using adapters or clamps. There is no need to seal this area. The main thing is that the adapter matches the size of the hood.

Connecting a kitchen hood to ventilation is made taking into account certain parameters, namely, the distance between the gas stove and the exhaust device should be 90 cm. If an electric stove is used, then 70 cm. These standards should not be neglected. Minimum distance from gas stove should be 75 cm, and for electric ovens a minimum of 65 cm.

When installing ventilation pipe In the ventilation shaft, it is important to make sure that the ventilation hole is not completely blocked, so you need to install a special grille. It has a special valve, as well as a place for attaching the air duct. When the exhaust device is operating, the valve will close, and when the hood is turned off, the valve will open, facilitating natural ventilation. If it is impossible to install such a grille, then a check valve is installed in the air duct.

How to connect a kitchen hood to ventilation so as not to spoil the interior? All ventilation should be hidden under a protective cover, which can be made to match the color of the kitchen unit. Thin plastic is often used for these purposes. The final stage is to check the functionality of the equipment. During installation, all elements must be securely fastened so that the hood does not rattle during operation.

The kitchen is the main room in any apartment or country house, here the hostess spends quite a lot of time every day, and all family members are sure to come here at least twice a day. In this small but quite cozy room, the delicious aromas of homemade pies and cooked food are constantly in the air. To prevent various odors from spreading throughout the entire apartment, it is necessary to correct connection kitchen hood.

Before you go to a specialized store to make a purchase, you need to discuss with everyone at home hood type so that there are no disagreements later.

Before purchasing, make the necessary calculations on how much power you need for the hood depending on the size of the kitchen.

Manufacturers household appliances launched the production of different exhaust systems, which not only have differences in installation, but also function differently.

  1. Wall option - big choice case design, it will be easy to match your headset. Installation is carried out above the slab on the adjacent wall.
  2. Corner- are considered ideal solution for a small kitchen, where every centimeter is valuable, installation is carried out on the wall in the corner.
  3. Hanging type- they are flat, suspended above the stove under wall cabinet, fit perfectly into the interior.
  4. Built-in type- installed inside the headset.
  5. Island- a universal type of hood, used in large rooms where the stove and cutting table are in the middle of the kitchen.

You made a choice and purchased the option that you think is best. Now a natural question arises: how to connect the hood in the kitchen so that everything works correctly, complying with the required sanitary standards and safety measures.

Connection requirements

First of all, check whether the apartment has grounding. If you live in a house with built-in electric stoves, then this issue disappears - grounding was carried out during construction. If you don’t have one, don’t be upset, there are many options for how to properly ground a modern city apartment, and what conditions are required for this. It will be easier for those who have their own home. Read more about these methods in the article on grounding.

We must not forget about separate outlet for a hood that is installed at the level of the system hood or slightly higher: in this way it is connected to the electrical network of an apartment or private house.

You will have enough general knowledge of the operating principles of similar systems to adequately cope with the installation. You can find detailed videos on the Internet that will help you understand the nuances of this process.

Ventilation features

During the construction of any housing construction suitable for habitation, the presence of ventilation system. When you or a called technician connects the hood in the kitchen, it is disrupted in any case. To reduce damage to a minimum, it is recommended to install additional box with valve.

The principle of operation of such a valve is very simple: when the hood is turned off, it is closed with a lid, and the air comes out by gravity; when food is cooked and the hood is turned on, the valve closes the natural ventilation hole with the force of air pressure from the fan. The main advantage of such a system is reverse thrust missing completely.

At home old building are equipped with an outdated natural ventilation system, so before connecting a kitchen hood to home ventilation, you must invite a specialist for consultation. Only he can tell you what power the model needs.

Many users take it outside individually: they drill into the outer wall and remove all odors into a private window with a 100% guarantee.

Connection steps

Work must begin when all the furniture in the room is already in place. specific place, especially when the hood connection diagram is built into the kitchen set.
Regardless of the type, the hood is located above the surface of the stove at a height of at least 60 cm, and the final height will depend on the height of the housewife, so that it is convenient to cook and not hit your head on the sharp edges of the umbrella. This way you will comply with all basic safety requirements.

You can install a simple hood model yourself; you don’t need any special knowledge for this - you need to be able to use a standard set of tools, and have the desire to do everything conscientiously, with excellent quality.

We will consider a simple mounting of the exhaust system housing to the wall of the room:

  1. We fix the U-shaped shape with dowels corner frame- this will be a support for the entire body.
  2. If they interfere gas pipes, then we take special long screws in the form studs- on one side they look like an ordinary self-tapping screw, and on the other there is a thread for a nut. First, screw them in like self-tapping screws, and then install the exhaust system housing on the nuts - as a result, the hood will be at the required distance from the wall.

Self-tapping screw

  1. We fix it on the neck of the umbrella corrugation using a special clamp.
  2. We connect the structure to the home electrical network using special socket.
  3. We check the operation of the entire system. If everything functions correctly, then we connect the corrugation to a special plastic grille, which decorates the entrance of the ventilation shaft. Pre-coat the joint area sealant to eliminate losses during system operation.

Attaching the corrugation to the grille

When installing hood outlets, follow a simple rule - the fewer pipe bends, the better the traction. Each turn reduces efficiency by 10%.

System filters need to be washed periodically, and fan bearings lubricate. You will learn how often to do this from the operating instructions.

Separate line or outlet

If there is grounding in the house, then it is enough to install only an outlet to connect the hood to electricity. Here we must remember that it must be placed above the system umbrella so that dirt does not fall on the body.

When there is no grounding, it is necessary to carry out separate line from the transfer case. It’s good if it’s on the wall in the hallway - you just need to drill the wall, take out the wires and fix the socket in the right place.

If the distributor is located far away, then major work awaits: cutting the wall, laying a wire, connecting to the electrical panel. And this is a separate conversation.

How to properly install sockets for connecting all household appliances in a modern kitchen is shown in the diagram.

Although many home craftsmen do not trust it, it copes with the task much better than round or round plastic pipes. square section. Installation is much cheaper, there is practically no loss of efficiency, which cannot be said about air duct pipes. During installation, it stretches as much as possible, which reduces the noise level.

It is necessary to clean corrugated pipes and plastic pipes 2 times a year so that they do not become heavily clogged with specific accumulations.

Do not hesitate to consult with a professional before installing an exhaust system. An excellent option if your friend has already encountered an installation problem - call him to help you, after all the work is completed you will not regret it.

During installation, every stage is important: just make a slight mistake in the horizontal installation of the hood, and this will inevitably create problems in the future that are now invisible. Damaged little sealant and there are gaps left that are invisible, but after some time this will affect the efficiency of the installation. The following mistakes are made quite often, even by professional builders:

  1. A pipe is walled up in the ventilation shafts, and an exhaust system with a check valve is directly connected to it. When the hood does not work, there is no ventilation of the room, because the valve closes the pipe if the fan does not work.
  2. When installing, a pipe with a diameter of only 100 mm is used, and this is not enough - you need to use a pipe with with a diameter of at least 125 mm. Then, within an hour, contaminated air with a volume of up to 350 m 3 /h will be removed from the kitchen.

You can eliminate such defects yourself by widening the entrance to the ventilation shaft and installing a special grille with a round entrance for the exhaust system.

After all the work is completed, the stuffiness in the room will disappear, the noise from the hood fan will decrease - in the updated kitchen you can comfortably drink a cup of tea with friends.