Homemade building materials. DIY building materials. Alternative building materials


“Sawdust concrete”, also known as wood concrete, is a wonderful material in many ways. A house built from wood concrete turns out to be dry, warm, durable, its walls do not burn, do not rot, and lend themselves well to finishing. Wood concrete blocks can be drilled and sawed, and nails can be easily driven into them. And all this despite the fact that the materials that are necessary to obtain wood concrete are easily accessible, the technology for making blocks is the simplest with minimal labor costs.
In a word, wood concrete is an ideal building material for summer residents and farmers, and in the city it is useful for the construction of partitions and insulated floors.
Such extraordinary properties of wood concrete attract our attention to it when we need a cheap and easily accessible material for building an extension to garden house. The blocks can be molded to medium size (25x25x50 cm). Such blocks are quite convenient both in production and in laying. The molds for the blocks were made from 20 mm thick boards and lined with 5 mm plywood on the inside. To make it easier to remove the blocks from the mold, plastic film was glued to the plywood. But it does not adhere well to plywood, so instead of film, pieces of film-coated linoleum were glued to the sides and bottom of the molds using KN-3 mastic. A total of 20 molds were made, which turned out to be quite enough. The mold was filled with arbolite mass in layers in 3 steps, carefully compacting each layer with a hand tamper - a wooden hammer, the striker and toe of which were covered with tin.

Having filled the mold with wood concrete mass, the excess mass is cut off with a ruler, the wood concrete is kept in the mold for a day at a temperature of 18-20 ° C, after which the block is removed from the mold, lightly tapping the walls of the mold if the block is stuck in it. Next, the removed blocks are left on a flat surface to harden for 1-2 days, and then dried under a canopy for about another 10 days.
In general, without rushing, working together, you can quickly produce the required number of blocks for the extension. The blocks are laid on ordinary lime mortar with a small addition of cement. The foundation for the extension is made with a strip foundation, placing a 50-centimeter brickwork and a layer of roofing felt. The outside walls are plastered with cement-sand mortar.
In a word, both the production of blocks and the laying of walls from them do not present any particular difficulties. But special mention should be made about the preparation of the components of the wood concrete mass and the preparation of the wood concrete mass itself.
As you know, wood concrete consists of filler, binder, some additives and, of course, water.
The best filler is not just sawdust, but a mixture of them with shavings. The ratio of sawdust and shavings is from 1:1 to 1:2. Please note that this raw material, that is, sawdust with shavings, must first be either kept for outdoors 3-4 months, periodically shoveling them, or treating them with lime mortar. In the latter case, for every 1 m3 of sawdust raw material, 150–200 liters of 1.5% lime mortar, into which our filler is placed for 3-4 days, stirring the sawdust 1-2 times a day. This method allows you not only to speed up the process of preparing sawdust, but also to most completely remove it from sawdust the sugar they contain. This liberation of raw materials from sugar helps to avoid rotting of the sawdust in the blocks, that is, swelling of the latter.
Portland cement grade 400 was used as a binder.
Additives include soluble (liquid) glass, calcium chloride - CaCl2, calcium sulfate - CaS04, slaked lime - Ca(OH)2, aluminum sulfate - Al2(S04)3, as well as other compounds taken in various combinations. Usually general content additives in the wood concrete mass is 2-4% by weight of the cement used. Additives give wood concrete fire resistance, plasticity, and the ability to resist rotting. Most often, a mixture of calcium sulfate and aluminum sulfate, taken in a 1:1 ratio (parts by weight), or a mixture of soluble glass and slaked lime, taken in the same ratio, is used as an additive.
The most commonly available are soluble glass and slaked lime, which are first mixed with each other and then dissolved in water, on which the wood concrete mass is then kneaded.
To prepare the molding mass, you need to make a box with low sides from 35 mm thick boards. The box has a capacity of about 0.3 m3. The box is filled with sifted sawdust gradually, in portions, pouring water with additives dissolved in it over each portion and mixing with a shovel. Having moistened the next portion of sawdust, pour some of the cement into the box, after which the mixture is again mixed until completely homogeneous. The contents of one box are enough to fill 8-10 molds, while approximately 70-80 kg (1.5 bags) of Portland cement grade 400, 80-90 kg (50-55 buckets) of sawdust, 2 kg of lime and soluble glass and 120 -130 liters of water.

Box for preparing wood concrete mass (dimensions in cm)

Let's say the extension has a size of 4x5x3 m. That is, we have to lay out the walls with total area 54 m: (excluding openings for two windows and a door). As already mentioned, the size of arbolite blocks is 25x25x50 cm. Therefore, for the construction of 1 m2 of wall (when laying in 1 block) 8 blocks are required, and for the construction of the entire wall (blind) - 432 blocks (54x8). Taking into account the formation of openings for windows and doors, the total number of blocks was reduced to 400 pieces. In total, we spent 3 tons of cement and sawdust, 120 kg of additives and 4500 liters of water for the construction of our extension.
In conclusion main advice. Mix the wood concrete mass as thoroughly as possible! Then the water consumption will be reduced, and the mass will not separate.

Crafts made from old objects and things that can be given a second life can make your home much more comfortable. Some homemade products made for household DIY projects can significantly save your home budget, make your work easier, or make the surrounding interior more interesting. And even if difficulties arise in the process, overcoming them will be worth it.

Homemade crafts for the home workshop

In almost any home there is always some set of tools necessary for farming. But sometimes situations arise when working in your own workshop or garage requires some kind of device that cannot be purchased in a store or is very expensive. In this case, you can find a way out by making it yourself.

Forge from a balloon

This device for heating metal will become an indispensable assistant in a home workshop. The forge can be safely used for making original items by using artistic forging. These will be truly unique forged items.

For the forge, it is best to use an empty 25 liter gas cylinder. Its ends are cut off with a grinder, and the door of the forge and its back part will be made from the cut parts. The inside of the cylinder is covered with fire-resistant ceramic wool, which can withstand temperatures of more than 1200 0 C. On top it is coated with fireclay clay (lined), which can withstand temperatures up to 1500 0 C. After lining, fireclay slabs or fire-resistant bricks are laid on the bottom of the hearth.

A hole is drilled at the top and a small squeegee is inserted, allowing the nozzle of a gas-powered burner to be inserted, which can create a temperature in the forge of more than 1000 0 C - quite sufficient to heat the metal to a certain temperature suitable for forging.

Collapsible garage crane

When manufacturing such a lift, the cash costs will be much less than purchasing a factory model. To make it, you will only have to spend money on materials, half of which may be found in the garage.

Materials required to assemble the lift:

  1. Two racks - profile pipe 100x100x2350.
  2. Cross rod - steel pipe of arbitrary length with a diameter of 100 mm.
  3. Four supports for the rod - profile pipe 100x100x600.
  4. The base and braces are a corner with 100 mm shelves.
  5. Two metal rollers for the cable.
  6. Four wheels for movement.

For the lifting mechanism, it is best to use a hand winch with worm gear with a maximum load of up to 500 kg, which is attached to one of the racks of the crane beam.

The design does not take up much space in the workshop, is easy to move on hard surfaces and is quite convenient for removing the engine from the car.

Mobile tool rack

The main highlight of this rack is its small size , but at the same time you can place it on it a large number of tools, and if necessary, quickly move it to any place or neighboring room. It is very convenient to use such a rack in your workshop or when carrying out construction and repair work in large rooms, especially when you need to frequently carry tools.

The rack can be assembled on the basis of a collapsible plastic rack installed on a homemade platform with wheels (trolley). The platform is made exactly to the dimensions of the rack from a metal corner with shelves 45x45 mm or a sheet of plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm. Furniture metal wheels are used for movement.

Additionally, you can make and attach fasteners to the rack for building levels, extension cords and other tools that can be stored in a hanging position.

To help the hostess

It is not always possible to financially buy, for example, some new furniture in furniture showroom or place an order for its production. But you can always get out of this situation by making the right thing with your own hands, while making it attractive and unique, using available means for this.

Kitchen apron made of corks

The kitchen apron is the surface of the wall located between the countertop and wall cabinets. Usually this part of the wall is lined tiles. But it is possible to use many other materials to cover it, for example, gluing wine corks to the wall.

Such exclusive decor looks pretty great.

Before sticking, each cork is cut lengthwise into two halves with a sharp stationery knife. It is advisable to paint the wall black, which will highlight the seams between the plugs.

Corks are glued to the wall using liquid nails in a checkerboard pattern or with a specific pattern, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to lay them out perfectly evenly, and curved rows will visually look disgusting.

The plugs themselves are not afraid of moisture, but they quickly get dirty and are difficult to wash, so it is best to cover them with a glass screen made of tempered glass. True, you will have to spend a little money on it and order glass from a special workshop, where they will cut it to a given size and make holes for sockets and fasteners.

Glass is fixed to the wall anchor dowels , which can be purchased at almost any hardware store.

Although the apron, decorated wine corks, may turn out to be an expensive pleasure, but achieved result will be worth it.

The surface of the tabletop, as well as the wall, can be decorated with corks and covered with tempered glass.

Hanging folding table

Wall mounted folding table IR allows you to save some space in the apartment. When folded down, it can protrude from the wall at a distance of no more than 10 cm and does not bother anyone at all, but when unfolded it can replace a full-fledged table.

There are many options where you can use a wall-mounted folding table. Here are just a few of the most basic:

Shower for the cottage

There is probably nothing better than cooling off under running water on a hot summer day, especially if it was spent working in the garden. Naturally, only a shower will solve this problem and relieve the fatigue that has accumulated during the day.

You can install a shower yourself without involving outside help; the main thing is to choose a place for it and decide on the type of shower stall.

Among the summer showers, three types of cabins stand out:, which you can freely build on your own:

Installing a simple shower is done as follows:

  1. A shower cabin frame is made, which can be assembled from metal, wooden beams or other available materials.
  2. A metal or plastic container for water, which can be from 50 to 200 liters.
  3. Metal container It is advisable to paint it black for better heating of the water. Additionally, several heating electric heating elements can be installed in the container, then you can take a shower even in cloudy weather.

The booth can be sheathed with boards, plywood, slate, or simply covered with tarpaulin or cellophane film with folding curtains.

For construction on your own

The topic of construction or renovation probably worries everyone. And, naturally, everyone who does it wants to finish it quickly with minimal financial costs. Therefore, if you want to save money, you can make some materials for construction on our own. For example, these could be wall SIP panels or something like this useful tool, like a vibrating plate, the need for which often arises for many owners of a personal plot.

Homemade SIP panels

To make them, you need to prepare a flat, hard platform. Place a sheet of OSB 10-12 mm thick on it using a rubber spatula with teeth, apply glue to it.

Then lay sheets of grade 25-30 foam plastic on the glue. After this, an adhesive mass is applied on top of the laid foam, as well as on the bottom OSB board, and a second sheet of OSB is laid on top.

If several stacked slabs are being made at the same time, work should be done quickly until the glue hardens. Typically, no more than 4-5 panels can be prepared in this way at a time.

After preparing the formed slabs, you need to create pressure using a press. Since at home, naturally, hydraulic press no, it can be replaced with a thick plywood sheet, laid on prepared SIP boards over the entire plane and loaded for 2-3 hours, for example, with several bags of cement, sand or other weight. You can even use a passenger car, driving onto a plywood sheet along a pre-made overpass.

After the glue has completely dried, the homemade panels are ready; they can be placed in a separate stack and you can begin preparing new panels. The manufactured panels should lie unloaded for another day, after which they can be used for their intended purpose.

Making a vibrating plate

To make homemade vibrating plate, you will need to prepare:

  1. An electric motor with an IV-98E eccentric, which is the main part of the vibrating plate.
  2. Steel sheet, thickness of at least 8 mm, size 450x800 mm. It can be ordered at any metal warehouse.
  3. Two pieces of channel no more than 400 mm long.
  4. inch pipe for the handle and two rubber bushings for its fastening.
  5. The tools you will need are a welding machine, a grinder and a set of wrenches.

On the narrow sides of the slab, stepping back 80-100 mm from the edges, make an incision with a grinder to a depth of about 5 mm. After this, bend the edges towards the cut at an angle of approximately 25 0 and weld them. The bends are needed so that the vibrating plate does not sink into the material it compacts and moves freely along its surface.

Then, across the slab at a certain distance calculated for mounting the electric motor, two channels are welded with the shelves down. Through in advance drilled holes in the channel, using M10 bolts, an electric vibrator is attached to them.

The handle, made of pipe, is attached to the vibrator through soft rubber bushings, which can be purchased at an auto parts store or hardware store in the hardware department.

Thus, you can make a lot of useful household things with your own hands, spending on it only a fraction of the money that you would have to pay when purchasing finished product. You just need to put in some effort and have certain skills.

It doesn’t matter whether you are building your dream home or renovating an old one country house, you cannot do without reliable tools and construction equipment. Almost any device today can be bought in a store, but purchases are not always pleasing with quality and even less often with prices. Our forum members know how to reduce the load on family budget and offer recipes for proven mechanisms and tools for construction, made with your own hands.

Truck...from the old four

Bring sand, crushed stone, boards, transport a concrete mixer and an old refrigerator... The need to deliver materials arises constantly during construction. Member FORUMHOUSE g8 o8 r8 found a way to save on freight transportation: he converted his old four into a truck!

Budget auto tuning cost the craftsman 3.5 thousand rubles - this was the cost of materials: an iron square, corners, galvanized steel for the loading body. Loading body g8 o8 r8 made it high to protect it from rainwater: to close the gaps between it and the car body, metal canopies were welded around the perimeter.

The rear side of the body is lifted with a 12-volt winch. This is convenient when unloading bulk materials and loading boards, stones, furniture, etc. into the body.

g8o8r8 FORUMHOUSE Member

At our metal collection point, they give five thousand rubles for any car. This inspired the idea of ​​using my decommissioned four for economic needs: bring earth, peat, stones, sand to the dacha. And if you install a subframe, weld a blade, install chains, you’ll see that you’ll be able to throw snow in the winter.

Construction materials lift

Another one useful homemade product, which will make life at a construction site much easier. For example, such as FORUMHOUSE member Ali-bastre.Starting to pour monolithic walls, a forum member was tired of manually lifting heavy buckets of concrete and made a simple but ingenious design.

The basis of the lift was metal staircase. To securely fix the ladder on the wall, in a profiled steel pipe 15x15 Ali-bastre I drilled holes and put a washer on the back side of the pipe, securing it with a cotter pin. The trolley on which building materials are placed moves up and down on bearings No. 304 using an electric winch. It is located almost parallel, at a slight angle to the stairs, due to which the movement occurs smoothly.

Ali-bastre FORUMHOUSE member

It’s not for nothing that they say: laziness is the engine of progress. My lift lifts six buckets of concrete easily!

Planer for aerated concrete

Unlike stationary cutting machines, this device You can move freely through scaffolding and cut foam right on the spot. At the same time, the sheet can be expanded not only in length, but also in thickness - for this, two profiles are additionally attached to the EPS with nails. According to a forum member, the cost of a mobile machine is 800-1000 rubles, and even with intensive use it will faithfully serve for several construction seasons in a row.

Other examples, including stationary ones, are in this topic.

Comfortable grinder

Have you noticed that holding a small grinder by the top handle is convenient, but a large one is not? The big one always tries to escape from your hands when biting into metal. Having such bad experience, some are generally afraid to use a large grinder. So that the grinder always remains in your hands, forum member chichic designed for instrument homemade pen under natural grip.

It's nice to see when a person made everything and other household items with my own hands. To simplify the process of cutting metal or sawing elements from wood, they build homemade machines and devices for the home workshop. This solution saves not only time on manufacturing products, but also money on purchasing ready-made ones. Several practical and interesting options Let's look at it below.

DIY pipe bending machine

Read in the article

How to use homemade machines and tools for your home workshop

The use of homemade machines and devices for the home workshop is aimed at solving several problems:

  • Simplifying the metal processing process. When creating household items, a metal cutter or press is often required.
  • Improving wood processing. Even to build small shed or make it wooden, others are needed.

Buy ready-made tool quite expensive, so the use of homemade machines and devices for the garage is becoming more and more relevant every day. Among the most common options home tool highlight:

  • carpentry workbench;
  • device for quickly sharpening knives;
  • device for sharpening metal drills;
  • drilling machines;
  • press;
  • cutting disc machines.

Here are a few photos of do-it-yourself tools and devices from “homemade” people:

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Practical DIY tool shelves

Before creating devices and with your own hands, determine the storage location of all devices, so that later you do not have to search throughout the workshop or where everything is. It’s not difficult to make a shelf for tools with your own hands; the main thing is to decide on its dimensions and material of manufacture.

The easiest way to make shelves is to assemble them from wood. Do not forget about the need to coat the finished structure protective varnish or to prevent wood from rotting and swelling.

You can create a combined version from a metal support and wooden shelves. Here detailed instructions to create such a homemade model:

Image Sequencing

Assembling the frame. To do this, prepare two side frames consisting of 4 corners. Connect the elements using . Then, tighten the 2 frames together using 4 corners.

When the frame is completely assembled, proceed to making the shelves. They can be made from wood or metal, as well as from other dense materials at hand. It is enough to cut the canvases of a suitable size and attach them to a metal base.
If desired, you can make the rack movable by attaching four small wheels. Or install it firmly in a designated space in the garage.

You can find others interesting projects and drawings for making tool shelves. Watch the video on the topic:

And also do it yourself useful devices for household:

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We make a carpentry workbench with our own hands according to the drawings: video instructions and photo examples

Among the common do-it-yourself devices is a workbench. Durable and dimensional, allowing you to securely fasten the workpiece, useful for high-quality cutting of wood and creating various elements from it.

The device package includes:

  1. Working surface. Hard is used for it to increase the service life of the device. The thickness must be at least 6 cm.
  2. Supports. Collected from wooden beams or metal plates. The main task is to ensure the stability of the entire mechanism.
  3. Vise for securing the product. If the table is long, you can install two vices at once.
  4. Tool box. Useful recess or retractable design, providing fast access to the necessary small details.

To assemble a carpentry workbench for your workshop yourself, you should choose a drawing and purchase materials for the work.

DIY carpentry workbench drawings

Before purchasing materials to assemble your own workbench, you should think about a detailed drawing. It should include the dimensions of the machine itself; it is advisable to note the dimensions of the materials used and their quantity.

For example, finished drawing A DIY folding workbench may look like this:

Whatever model you choose to create, take into account several features of the workbench that ensure ease of cutting wood:

  • height and length of the master’s arms: the height and width of the tabletop depend on these parameters;
  • which hand is working: place the vice on the right or left;
  • what blanks will be made: choosing the shape of the table;
  • how much space in the room do you allocate for the workbench?

Taking into account all these parameters, it will be easier for you to decide on the drawings of the carpentry workbench and the dimensions of the machine. Here are a few interesting examples:

Instructions for assembling a wooden workbench with your own hands

You can buy a wooden workbench in a store or through online catalogs, but it’s cheaper to make it yourself. Let's take as a basis a simple option with typical tabletop dimensions: length - 150-200 cm, width 70-120 cm.

The manufacturing work will include several stages:

Image What need to do

Make the top cover from thick ones to make a shield with a width of 70 to 200 cm. Fasten the elements with long nails, and you need to drive them in with outside, and carefully bend the inner one. The working surface of the workbench is made only of wood or.

Sheathe the lid along the lower perimeter with a 5 by 5 cm beam. This will make it more convenient to attach the vertical supports. The location of the supports depends on the size of the tabletop. It is better to make them from thick rectangular timber at least 120 by 120 mm.

The carpentry workbench must be installed correctly. Be sure to secure it firmly. If it will be mounted outdoors under a canopy, dig holes for supports. Indoors, use other fastening methods.

When the structure is assembled, install a vice on it. To fully understand how to assemble a carpentry workbench with your own hands, watch the video:

Making a carpenter's vice for a workbench with your own hands

Professional “homemade workers” assemble not only tables for work, but also vices with their own hands according to drawings. Any design of such a clamp will include several elements:

  1. Supports, where each one has a sponge for clamping.
  2. Moving jaw.
  3. Metal guides. The sponge moves over them.
  4. Lead screw for moving elements.
  5. Collar. Necessary for rotating the screw.

When making a homemade vice with your own hands, you can use various available materials. For example, there is a design option from profile pipe. To do this, prepare several pieces of pipe different sizes, steel stud with coarse thread and double nuts.

Instructions for creating a bench vise from a profile pipe:

Image What need to do

The largest pipe acts as a body. Supports are soldered to it from below. A 3-4 mm steel flange is put on the back side. A hole is drilled in the center for the running nut, and opposite the front support is the rear jaw.

There is a front steel flange on the internal moving part. A stud is mounted in it, with lock nuts attached to it. Thrust washers are placed on both sides of the flange. The last element is a movable tube attached to the front jaw.

And also watch the video “do-it-yourself vice at home”:

DIY metal workbench drawings

Metal workbench big differences from the carpenter does not. The base is hard metal, not wooden frame. A vice is attached to it, and the entire workbench is designed to withstand the force of a sledgehammer.

Do-it-yourself metal workbenches can have one, two or three cabinets, and also not have shelves or drawers for small parts. In terms of strength for working in a garage, you can make a regular table made of metal up to 5 mm thick and a reinforced structure where sheets from 10 to 30 mm are applicable.

Here are some useful drawings for making metal workbench for your workshop:

How to make a device for sharpening knives with your own hands: drawings and photo examples

No home is complete without a knife in the kitchen. Correct without special devices It’s quite difficult to do: you need to maintain the right angle and achieve the ideal sharpness of the blade.

For each knife, a certain sharpening angle must be observed:

  1. A razor and scalpel require an angle of 10-15⁰.
  2. Cutting knife bakery products– 15-20⁰.
  3. Classic multifunctional knives – 25-30⁰.
  4. For hunting and hiking, take a device with a blade angle from 25 to 30⁰.
  5. If you want to cut hard materials, then sharpen at an angle of 30-40⁰.

To ensure the desired angle, it is worth buying or making a sharpening device. For example, you can assemble a sharpener with your own hands.

A comment

Tool selection specialist at VseInstruments.ru

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“If you don’t use sharpening every day, then 1000 rpm is enough for a high-quality result and a long service life of the device.


To assemble such a machine, you will need a motor from a washing machine with a power of 200 W. Completely for creating a sharpener from an engine from the Progress of work on creating such simple device will be as follows:

  • Sand the wood blocks sandpaper, removing burrs. Make markings depending on the desired angle.

  • Attach a stone to the drawn line to give the blade a sharp edge. To do this, attach it to the block and mark its width. Then, make cuts on the markings, up to 1.5 cm deep.
  • Attach abrasive stones to the resulting recesses so that the grooves coincide. Then, install the sharpening stone by screwing it onto the bolts.

There are many ways to make a homemade knife sharpener. Choose the one that suits you and try to create a convenient and useful tool for your home.

How to make a device for sharpening a metal drill with your own hands

They make their own not only a sharpener for blades, but also a machine for drill sharpening on metal. Here are a few drawings useful for work:

Ready home machine The simplest and most common version of such equipment for a garage is a converted drill. To work you will need:
  • base frame;
  • rotation mechanism;
  • vertical stand.

For the rack, they usually use either boards. The drill is lightweight, so there is no need to use metal. In this case, the frame must be made massive in order to reduce vibrations during operation of the device.

To properly connect the frame and vertical stand, and also assemble all the equipment into one whole machine, pay attention to the video instructions:

DIY drawings with dimensions for a drilling machine

To correctly make any machine or practical device for private use, you should first make a drawing with dimensions. Only then begin preparing materials and assembling the device.

Here are some examples of do-it-yourself drilling machine drawings from a drill:

You can also do homemade vice For drilling machine. Below is a video instruction for assembling such a device:


Making building materials with your own hands allows you to save the budget allocated for construction, as well as make materials such as concrete blocks or wooden beam required dimensions, literally without leaving home.

DIY building materials.

Currently, building a house without the involvement of specialists for most people is often almost the most possible way find your own home.

In practice, it turns out that building a house yourself, on your own, can reduce the cost of the construction process by 20–30%. This allows you to save money self-production building materials. Thus, for example, you can engage in wood processing, make building blocks or bricks.

It is worth noting that if not every person is able to complete the construction of the house itself due to the lack of construction experience, then buildings for household needs can be built using building materials made independently.

There are three categories of materials that can be produced on your own:

1. Homemade blocks.

2. Wood.

3. Alternative Construction Materials.

Homemade building blocks: equipment and materials.

To obtain homemade blocks, you need special equipment. The most simple option is a mold filled with a solution. Thus, the dimensions of future building blocks can be set independently. Regarding the material from which the form is made, the most suitable would be aluminum or iron. A rectangle is formed and fastened from them in accordance with the dimensions of the block. It is installed on a smooth surface, filled with mixture, which is compacted on top. After some time, the uniform is removed, and ready block remains left until completely dry.

Plasticizers are not necessary, but can improve the quality of the blocks. The use of such substances ensures rapid hardening of concrete, and as a result, an increase in the speed of block production.

Finished blocks need care: they need to be wetted on the surface and turned over on their sides to dry the entire block evenly. Thanks to one specially made mold, up to forty blocks can be made in one day.

Wood processing. Home sawmill.

Currently self-build wooden houses, perhaps, is more relevant than the construction of block ones. A wide selection of equipment allows, if you have the desire and the necessary skills for this, to process wood yourself.

The use of a sawmill is very beneficial for use at home, since the entire process can be controlled by one person. With its help, he will be able to produce boards or beams; it does not require special skills in the production of the material.

Due to its mobility, this sawmill is easy to use. Thanks to its small dimensions, you can easily take it with you, for example, to cut material on site. A passenger car is suitable for its transportation.

Alternative building materials.

The method of constructing residential buildings or other buildings from plastic or glass bottles. Such a construction technology has, on the one hand, many adherents and critics who consider such a construction technology to be frivolous. However, in general, the tendency to build houses from alternative types building materials are gaining more and more popularity.

For example, one of these houses was built in the Primorsky Territory. The house is assembled from 5,000 glass bottles. The smooth surface of the walls was achieved through the use of formwork when pouring concrete.

Research has proven that a plastic container filled with sand is not inferior in strength to brickwork.

After filling with sand, the bottles are capped and secured with the mixture. Its composition usually includes sawdust, cement, earth and clay. To prevent the wall from collapsing before the concrete hardens, reinforcement is used. Walls made of plastic bottles can maintain their strength qualities for around 300 years.