Homemade moonshine stills with speakers. What is better to choose - a moonshine still or a distillation column? What is a distillation column

Column) is a device for the production of “under-rectified”, that is, strong and relatively pure moonshine. The resulting product is better than distillate, but does not reach the level of rectified product. You can read about its difference from a conventional moonshine and distillation apparatus here -.

Today we will consider the option of making a reinforcing column with our own hands. this work requires knowledge of its structure, and owning a welding machine and grinder. It is quite difficult to assemble something adequate from trash, but we will try to offer you the most budget-friendly and affordable option, which will yield a strong and relatively high-quality product.

There are not as many components as it might seem at first glance.

  • Three pipes with a diameter of 32 mm made of stainless steel.
  • Two nuts for connecting to the cube.
  • Stainless steel refrigerator
  • Sewer pipe, coupling and adapter for washing machine(reflux condenser).
  • It is used as the basis of the distillation cube.

So how will we do solid column, then you will need welding machine with electrodes and grinder.

The design will not imply disassembly, and it will need to be washed directly with water.

Before starting work, I suggest studying the structure and operating principle of this device.

Did it most successfully Lucky on your Youtube channel. A lot of questions are closed in the comments, so also study this section.


Your base for the machine will probably not be the same as ours. For this reason, you will not be able to make an identical column, since your pipe and connection sizes will be different.

That's why we have prepared for you selection of drawings, which you can use to navigate while working. Choose the best option for yourself, assemble all the parts and you can get to work. The video will be presented below.

Drawing with dimensions and names of parts.
Made of copper.
With a drawer of 22 mm.
Visual diagram.

Step-by-step instructions for making a reinforcing column

Very difficult to explain practical part in words, so I suggest you watch 2 videos from Youtube channel homemade PRODUCTION. These videos are considered the most popular because they show a budget option manufacturing a strengthening column.

The whole process can be divided into several parts:

  1. Preparation of equipment and components apparatus.
  2. Connecting and welding pipes, that is, creating a sealed system.
  3. Testing and improving distillation (adding or working with a reflux condenser).

The output is pretty ugly, but works. alcohol mashine. On it you can make moonshine with fortification, selecting most of the harmful fractions from the product.

Copper column

If stainless steel does not suit you for some reason, then the only alternative would be copper. The device will be more expensive, more efficient and better. This material is difficult to care for, but the results are always fantastic.

I propose to study the operation diagram of a copper reinforcing column and understand its main components. The author will talk about those parts of which it consists, so after watching the video you will have an objective picture of how it can be done.

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At the next stage you can do heating element the entire apparatus. For this you can use a regular boiler. Having retreated some distance from the end of the wire, so that it is enough to reach the device, you need to cut off a part, you will have to screw everything back afterwards. The ends of the cord from the boiler must be threaded in such a way that when closed lid the element was located inside the housing. After stripping the wires, they need to be connected back

It is important to take care of high-quality insulation.

The boiler should not touch the bottom; it is advisable that it be completely covered with liquid during operation. Into the same hole through which the boiler cord passes, you need to insert the long end of the coil for the apparatus. The remaining gaps between the tube and the cord must be filled with pieces of cotton wool, making it quite tight. It is important to achieve the best sealing possible.

The resulting structure made of cotton wool must be filled with superglue, which is made on a cyanoacrylic base. This will allow you to obtain the most airtight connection using composite materials. After the glue hardens, you will be able to get a tight, strong connection. All that remains is to make something like a casing for the fan so that the air washes over the fins of the heat exchanger, represented by a coil.

To make the casing, you can use Tetra-Pak packaging. If you are making a moonshine still, then you can use the technology presented in the article. You need to cut a rectangle from the packaging, the width of which will correspond to the dimensions of the fan. These elements will be used to cover the fan on 3 sides. The end of the coil needs to be brought to the fourth side in order to drain the moonshine. In the remaining side wall you need to make a hole for this part of the tube and glue it with the superglue used earlier. The walls can be glued together with tape. When it is necessary to ensure maximum safety, it should be covered with a transparent protective screen.

On this we can assume that mash column ready. You can use a computer power supply as a power source for the fan. To turn it on without using the motherboard, you need to connect the black wire with the green one. Experts use more compact 12-volt sources, which you can find yourself.

Calculation of parameters and selection of materials

Before you begin assembling the column, you should decide on the dimensions and other characteristics of the apparatus.

  1. Tsar heightIf previously distillation columns were multi-meter structures, today home distillers use compact options - about 1.5 meters long. Main principle which should be used to guide the calculation of dimensions is as follows: the height of the pipe should be equal to approximately 50 of its diameters. Slight deviations in one direction or the other are allowed. However, the length of the drawer cannot be less than 1 meter. Otherwise, some of the fusel oils will be selected, and difficulties will arise with the separation of fractions. Increasing the height of the column over 1.5 meters does not significantly affect the quality of the product, but lengthens the hauling time. In addition, placing such a structure at home will be problematic. Optimal sizes pipes: length – 1.3-1.4 m, diameter – 3–5 cm.
  2. Material and wall thickness The ideal option for the drawer is food-grade stainless steel: it does not in any way affect the composition of the drinks. Copper will also work. Optimal thickness the walls are within 1–2 mm. More is possible, but it will make the structure heavier and increase costs without bringing much benefit. In addition, it is worth remembering that you will have to make holes in the walls.
  3. Type and parameters of nozzles The easiest way to use household stainless steel sponges as a contact element is to use them to clean dishes. To check the quality of the metal, you can soak the product in a salt solution and leave it in it for a day: good product will not rust. Alternative options are glass balls, stones of certain types, metal shavings. The packing density is 250–270 g of contact element per 1 liter of column volume.
  4. Volume of the cube The distillation container is filled 2/3, and the amount of alcohol-containing liquid should correspond to 10–20 volumes of the nozzle. For a column with a diameter of 5 cm, it is optimal to use a tank of 40–80 l, for a width of 4 cm – 30–50 l.
  5. Heating source It is not recommended to use gas, electric or induction cooker. The first option is dangerous, the others do not allow for uniform heat supply. The best option is electric heating using heating elements, which can be installed into the cube yourself. The power of the elements depends on the volume of the cube: for 50 liters at least 4 kW is required, for 40 liters - at least 3 kW, etc.
  6. Type of thermal insulation material It must withstand high temperatures, be chemically inert. Typically, foam rubber 3–5 mm thick, fluoroplastic or silicone (but not rubber!) gaskets are used.
  7. Docking optionIf used threaded connections, sealant may be required. It is better to give preference to putting elements on top of each other.

Design selection

The size and design of the device depends on a number of factors:

  1. Required performance. with higher productivity, the padded drawer will be higher and wider - the pair passes more. The cooler and extraction unit must also provide sufficient efficiency. The minimum length of the drawer is 1.5 meters, it is better to make it collapsible from three bends - 1 meter, 0.2 meters, 0.5 meters. this will allow the device to be used for both distillation and rectification.
  2. Possible sizes. Often home distillation columns are limited in size due to ceiling height. Shifting the dimrot refrigerator in the upper part of the apparatus, or placing it perpendicular to the drawer (Thor's hammer) will help save space.
  3. Access to metalworking technologies. A stainless steel device will last a long time and will not oxidize alcohol, but to connect the parts you will need argon welding or stainless steel electrodes. Cooking stainless steel is difficult. If possible, you can use laboratory heat-resistant glass, but it is too fragile. Great option for the homemaker - copper. It solders easily gas burner, on sale a large number of
  4. Volume of refilled raw materials. The larger the cube used, the higher the productivity should be. Evaporation of alcohol occurs at 75 - 80 °C; lowering the temperature will reduce the speed of the process.
  5. Budget. At minimum budget a simple but effective design with mechanical adjustments should be considered. If the budget is not tight, the device is supplemented with precision needle taps, additional components and automatic control.

A distillation column today is considered an ideal assistant in cases where it is necessary to obtain pure and high-quality alcohol. Such devices are successfully used not only in industry, but also in living conditions. When using a column, it becomes possible to divide liquid mixtures with different boiling points. Let's look at how to make a household rectifier at home.

1 The role of rectification in moonshine brewing

When starting to produce moonshine and other drinks at home, many are faced with the concept of a “distillation column.” What is it for? How to use it at home? Is it possible to make a design with your own hands? – it is quite difficult for a novice moonshiner to answer these questions right away, especially since the operating principle of the device is one of the most complex in moonshine brewing.

The first thing to do is understand the function of the device. So, the main task of the apparatus for creating alcohol is to separate liquids, provided that they have different boiling points. Thanks to this, at home we get high-quality moonshine or pure alcohol, which is in no way inferior to alcohol produced at the factory. If the rectifier container contains compounds with the same boiling point, then it will not be possible to obtain more or less high-quality alcohol, since the whole essence of the apparatus is the evaporation and separation of liquids.

The operating principle of the rectifier is based on chemical process. The liquid that is at the bottom of the container begins to boil, as a result of which it rises up the apparatus. In this part of the system there is a reflux condenser, in which liquids with different compositions are separated. One of them is selected and goes further, and the second returns back to the container.

Due to the important function performed by the distillation column, this design will become an indispensable assistant for creating pure alcohol at home. With its help, you can prepare other home medicines.

2 Household rectifier - preparation for the manufacture of the device

Having understood the principle of operation of the device, you can begin to create it at home. We will need stainless steel pipes with a diameter of up to 45 mm. Their length should not exceed 120 cm. We will make a dephlegmator for separating alcohol from a thermos with a volume of no more than 1 liter. We will also need adapters for connecting the reflux condenser, pipes and distillation tank of the unit. For all these parts you should choose stainless steel.

Buy insulation that will help create stable thermal insulation for all components of the device. We will make the support washers for the device from sheet steel. For the thermometer bushings we will take a piece of fluoroplastic, and as water outlets we will use thin copper tubes with a diameter of no more than 5 mm. After preparing the materials you need to do detail drawing. The diagram of a distillation column for alcohol should be as detailed as possible, but at the same time understandable to you. The drawing should indicate the dimensions of the device, the location of holes and fittings.

In addition, in the drawing, specify the diameter of the pipes and adapters to them, the insulation material and the volume of the thermos. Do not forget to include in the device diagram the dimensions and direction of the water drainage pipes. A do-it-yourself distillation column cannot be made without certain equipment. Some of it can be found at home, the rest will have to be borrowed or bought. By the way, in order not to forget certain tools, it is better to include them in a separate list in your drawing. So, to make a device for creating moonshine at home, we will need:

  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • emery machine;
  • file, pliers and hammer for cleaning and bending stainless steel;
  • electric soldering iron with a power of at least 100 watts;
  • flux and solder;
  • burner;
  • regular or electronic thermometer;
  • tap adapters;
  • flexible tube at least 10 cm long.

If at least one of these tools is missing, it will not be possible to make a rectifier for alcohol. Therefore, it is worth preparing them in advance so as not to waste time during the search process.

3 Creating a device from a regular thermos

After we have drawn and checked all the drawings, collected all the tools and materials we need, we can begin making an apparatus for preparing alcohol at home. It is worth noting in advance that we are faced with a complex and responsible operation, which can only be performed if you have experience in working with a soldering iron and other devices for processing stainless steel.

A do-it-yourself distillation column is made using a special algorithm, which we will consider. First you need to cut off a piece of pipe, chamfer it and trim the edges. Next, we need to make an adapter with which we will connect the column tube and the distillate selection unit. The adapter should fit into the pipe as tightly as possible, and in the other part have a thread of 2–2.5 mm. Thus, we will achieve automation at the stage of vapor condensation.

After creating the adapter, we proceed to the washers. The diameter of the parts must be such that they eventually fit securely into the pipe. In most cases, the size does not exceed 4 mm. A pipe must be inserted into one part of the washer, and an adapter must be soldered into the other part - the junction of the element with the distillation tank. Next, insert the adapter into the pipe and heat the soldering area with a torch. After this, you can make a filler for the rectifier. Pour the material into the pipe and shake the part vigorously. This way the filler can be evenly distributed throughout the column. At the same time, it is worth making sure that our structure is filled to the top with material.

Let's start creating a reflux condenser. To do this, take a thermos and clean its bottom. sandpaper, after which we tin the bottom. Then we make a bracket from tin, and also make loops from steel wire. We insert the latter into the holes of the brackets and twist the joints with pliers. We clamp the free end of the wire with a vice and attach it to the wall of the thermos. Next, shake the thermos vigorously so that its bottom falls off by itself. After this, we grind the seam connecting the lid of the thermos and the flask. It is necessary to grind until a small gap appears at the seam site. Next, we pull out the inner flask from its upper shell.

To make a reflux condenser, you need to remove the bottom and vacuum lid of the thermos. We drill a hole in the center of the back side of the inner flask through which air will flow into the container. We clean and tin the hole, and then insert the tube into it. We solder the hole in the tube, and then make another hole in the bottom of the thermos. Place a flask on the bottom of the container. We solder the tube and the bottom of the thermos. We tin the selection unit and the neck of the thermos. We insert the extraction tube into the neck and solder it at the connection point.

Next, take a drill and drill holes in the top and bottom of the outer bulb. We insert tubes into them for supplying and draining water. Next, we drill a hole in the unit to collect the distillate. This is where we will place the thermometer sleeve. It can be either conventional or electronic. The main thing is to try to find a dish-shaped device. With such a thermometer it is more convenient to monitor temperature fluctuations.

As we have seen, making a rectifier at home is not an easy task. However, having completed the work, you will have the opportunity to produce pure alcohol, from which you can then prepare your favorite or rosehip moonshine.

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From school course we know that the rectification process is the process of separating complex mixtures into components through repeated evaporation and condensation of the constituent parts. The results are ideally pure components, the temperatures of transitions to different states of aggregation of which are, accordingly, different.

This simple process is used in the production of gasoline, kerosene, pure oxygen and nitrogen. Rectification also helps separate fusel oils and aldehyde fractions to produce ethanol, or ethyl alcohol.

This process is carried out in distillation columns, the design of which allows the creation of a product with a purity of up to 96%. You can create a homemade moonshine still with straight hands and minimal knowledge of organic chemistry and the desire to enjoy high-quality home-produced alcohol.

Nowadays you can simply buy a rectification chamber, but we will go a different route. We will assemble a miniature distillery with our own hands.

From the name of the process that gave the column its name, it is clear that constant rectification occurs inside, and the column itself is made of materials that do not react with the components of the process.

The working liquid, mash infused with grain, berries, fruits, etc., is poured into the distillation cube. and bring to boiling temperature. As the working fluid boils, alcohol-containing vapor is released, which is lighter than the liquid and due to this rises up the pipe, where it cools.

Cooling, the heated steam falls into condensate on the walls of the column and rushes back into the distillation cube in the form of a liquid, but along the way it encounters a new portion of heated steam. Components whose boiling point is below the working fluid evaporate again, among such components is ethyl alcohol.

The essence of the process is that substances are distributed along a vertical column, in accordance with the level of their evaporation and condensation points. At approximately a height of 75% from the distillation cube, ethyl alcohol vapors are collected - a pipe is installed here to discharge these same vapors into the container with the final product.

Higher up the column, toxic volatile vapors of aldehydes and dimethyl ketone are concentrated and released into the atmosphere through an outlet pipe; below the formation of the concentration of ethyl spirit vapor, fusel oils and other fractions accumulate, whose boiling point exceeds the boiling point of ethanol.

Manufacturers of homemade moonshine strive to ensure that their drink is pure from harmful fusel oils and without unpleasant odor. To do this, they distill the product several times, as a result of which it is purified. And yet the most the best way for the production of alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks is the use of an apparatus with a distillation column. The principle of its operation and possibility self-made Let's look at it in the article.

Like a moonshine still, a distillation column produces moonshine, only of a higher quality, purified. But first of all, it is intended for the production of pure alcohol 96%, which is used as a base in the preparation of various alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol is a product of rectification, during which the alcohol-containing mixture (mash, raw alcohol) is separated into separate fractions (methyl and ethyl alcohols, fusel oil, aldehydes) with different boiling points as a result of repeated evaporation of the original liquid and condensation of steam.

Alembic, filled with alcohol-containing liquid, heats up. During the boiling process, steam is intensively formed, which rises up the column. There a reflux condenser awaits him, in which the steam is cooled and condensed.

Did you know? The largest distillation columns reach 90 m in height and have a diameter of 16 m. They are used in the oil refining industry.

Drops of condensate (reflux) flow down into a column filled with steam. The cooled phlegm flows down the special attachments, where it encounters hot steam. Heat and mass transfer occurs between them, which is repeated many times and is the essence of rectification.

As a result, pure vaporous alcohol collects at the “head” of the column. For final condensation, it is taken to the refrigerator, from which the distillate, that is, the finished product, comes out.

Video: distillation column and the principle of its operation

Construction of a home distillery

The distillation column device consists of different parts, the dimensions of which must be accurately calculated. For this design you need:

  • distillation cube, or container with alcohol-containing liquid;
  • tsarga, or pipe, which will be the body of the column;
  • a reflux condenser in which steam is cooled and condensed;
  • nozzles with which to stuff the drawer;
  • distillate selection unit;
  • water refrigerator;
  • smaller parts for connecting parts of the structure and for monitoring its operation (thermometers, automation).

Let's consider each component part of the device separately.

The basis of the entire structure is the distillation cube. This is a container for alcohol-containing raw materials.

It can be any vessel made of copper, enameled or stainless steel. Some moonshiners use a pressure cooker for this if a small alcohol yield is expected.

Or you can independently weld a suitable container from stainless steel sheets.

Video: how to make a distillation cube with your own hands The main requirements that the cube must meet:

  • absolute tightness: when boiling, the vessel should not allow steam or liquid to pass through, and the lid should not be torn off due to growing pressure;
  • a hole for steam to escape, which will appear if you cut a fitting into the lid.

If you buy a ready-made distillation cube, it already meets these criteria.
It is very important that the volume of the cube matches the dimensions of the column. For a pipe 1.5 m high and 50 mm in diameter you need to take a container that holds 40-80 liters, for a 40 mm drawer a 30-50 liter container is suitable, for 32 mm you need at least 20-30 liters, and for a diameter of 28 mm it’s excellent A pressure cooker will do.

Important! The distillation cube must be filled with mash no more than 2/3 of its volume, otherwise the column will “choke” when boiling».

The pipe in which rectification occurs is called the drawer. This is a cylinder with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm and a diameter of 30-50 mm. The effectiveness of the drawer depends on its height: the higher the pipe, the slower the harmful fractions are separated and the purer the alcohol is.

The optimal height of the tsar is 1-1.5 m. If it is shorter, then there will be no room in it for the separated fusel oils, and they will end up in the distillate. If the pipe is longer, the rectification time will increase, but this will not affect the efficiency.
Drawer of a distillation column with a nozzle There are ready-made drawers for moonshine stills with a length of 15 cm or more on sale. You can buy 2-3 tubes and connect them into one. Can you make a king? required length on one's own. For this you will need a stainless pipe.

Video: how to make a drawer for a distillation column yourself The top and bottom need to be threaded so that bottom part attach to the cube, and attach a reflux condenser to the top.

You also need to attach a mesh to the bottom to hold the nozzles with which the drawer will be filled. Some home experts wrap the pipe with insulation, such as foam rubber.

Did you know? The Panchenkov nozzle was invented in the USSR in 1981 not for the production of alcohol, but to improve the purification of crude oil for aviation fuel.

Filling the drawer with nozzles is prerequisite rectification. If the pipe is hollow, only the distillation process is possible in it, the result of which will be moonshine, but not pure alcohol. The purpose of the filler is to increase the surface area over which reflux flows.

Thus, heavy harmful components are deposited and cannot enter the final product, and the light vapor of pure alcohol is selected. The filling should completely fill the tube.

The nozzle can be any filler made of inert stainless material:

  • glass or ceramic balls;
  • stainless steel kitchen sponges, finely chopped (they need to be changed from time to time, as the material deteriorates);
  • Panchenkov nozzle (the most the best option), which is specially woven from copper or stainless steel. Its advantages: it settles phlegm well and does not fail over time.

Panchenkov nozzle

Important! The sponge attachment should be made of stainless steel. You can check it with a magnet: it attracts stainless steel.

The selection unit is a small piece of pipe between the drawer and the reflux condenser. Its purpose is to collect phlegm: first the “heads” come out, that is, the harmful alcohol fractions, then the “body” comes out, or alcohol without taste and unpleasant odor.
Everyone makes a homemade selection unit differently, but according to the same principle. Eg:

  • to the outer pipe, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the drawer, a tube of a smaller diameter is welded from the inside so that a pocket is formed between them along the circumference, where part of the reflux will be collected;
  • Instead of a tube, a stainless plate is welded inside, corresponding to the internal diameter of the pipe, with round hole inside: part of the phlegm will collect on the plate, and part will fall through the hole back into the drawer.

Video: do-it-yourself selection unit Outside, two holes are made in the pipe for two fittings: a tap is attached to one to remove reflux, and a thermometer is inserted into the other (smaller) to measure the temperature of the steam.

The top of the structure is the reflux condenser. Here the steam cools, condenses and is directed downwards in the form of droplets.
You can make several options for reflux condensers with your own hands:

  1. Jacket or direct-flow dephlegmator made from two pipes different diameters. Running water circulates between them, and inside the smaller pipe the steam turns into condensate. The outer pipe can easily be replaced by a thermos body, the neck of which is screwed to the extraction unit. In the bottom of the thermos, you must make a hole for the TCA, that is, a communication tube with the atmosphere, through which light unnecessary vapors will escape.

    Video: operating principle of a direct-flow dephlegmator

  2. Dimroth reflux condenser more efficient than the previous model. The body is a pipe of the same diameter as the drawer. Inside it there is a thin tube, twisted in a spiral, in which it moves cold water. If the diameter of the drawer is 50 mm, then the spiral needs to be twisted from a tube with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 3 m. Then the length of the reflux condenser will be 25-35 cm.

    Video: assembly of a distillation column with a Dimroth reflux condenser

  3. Shell and tube dephlegmator consists of several pipes: small ones are attached inside the large one, in which steam condensation occurs. This model has several advantages: water is used economically and steam is quickly cooled. In addition, this structure can be attached to the column at an angle, which reduces its height.

    Video: operating principle of a shell-and-tube reflux condenser


A small refrigerator, or aftercooler, is needed to reduce the temperature of the ethylene flowing from the extraction unit. It is made according to the principle of a jacket reflux condenser, but from tubes of a smaller diameter.

It also has two passages for water: cold liquid enters the lower one, it leaves the upper one and is directed through silicone tubes up to the dephlegmator for the same purpose.

The water speed is controlled by the tap.

Video: how to make a refrigerator for a distillation column with your own hands

The pasteurization drawer is not a mandatory element of the column. On the one hand, it complicates the main design. But on the other hand, it improves it, since it more thoroughly purifies alcohol from the main fractions throughout the entire rectification.

This is a smaller drawer (30 cm) with an additional selection unit. It complements the main drawer. “Heads”, as usual, come out of the reflux condenser, but not only at the beginning, but constantly.

The alcohol is collected from the lower selection of a small drawer. This ensures maximum purity of the alcohol.


The long rectification process can last for hours. At the same time, it must be constantly monitored so that the “heads” and “tails” do not accidentally mix with the “body”. It will not be so tedious if you install good automation to control rectification. The BUR (distillation control unit) is designed for this purpose. The block can do the following:

  • turn on the cooling water at a certain temperature;
  • reduce power during reflux extraction;
  • stop selection at the end of the process;
  • turn off the water and heating after finishing sampling the tail section.

You can automate the process by installing a “start-stop” valve: when the temperature rises, it stops the selection, when it stabilizes, it resumes the selection.

You can do without automation, but it is much easier with it.

Video: automation for a distillation column


  • the finished product is pure alcohol 96% without harmful impurities;
  • in the distillation mode, you can make moonshine with the desired organoleptic properties;
  • ethyl alcohol can become the basis of any alcoholic drink;
  • You can design a device for this yourself.


  • ethylene does not have the organoleptic properties of the original product;
  • the rectification process is very long: in an hour you can get no more than 1 liter of distillate;
  • ready-made structures are very expensive.

Which material is preferable

Rectification is intended for maximum purification of alcohol from various impurities. The parts that make up the column should not affect the quality or taste of the product. Therefore, the material must be chemically inert, not susceptible to rust and not affecting the taste and smell of the distillate.

Food-grade stainless steel, that is, chromium-nickel, is best suited stainless steel. It is chemically neutral and does not affect the composition of the product in any way.

The distillation column can be called a new generation moonshine still, because it produces alcohol best quality. Making this device with your own hands is quite difficult. But if you make an effort, then festive table Natural and tasty home-made alcoholic drink will always be at the forefront.

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