The best upgrade for the crew on the IS 7. My personal opinion about the tank

Hello dear “residents” of Ongaba.

Today, I want to introduce you to such a wonderful “machine” as a heavy soviet tank Is-7.

There was already a guide on Is-7, but! I will have a slightly different guide. In the next 5-10 minutes of reading the guide, you will learn a lot about this technique.

Let's begin!


I'll start with the Is-7 armor

So. The forehead of the tower (highlighted in red) is difficult to break through the alpha. From a distance of more than 200m, even the high-explosive FV215b 183 will not give much damage, approximately 100-200. But in the clinch, PT lvl 10 is broken through with gold. The technical specifications say 240mm of armor, but in reality, if you take into account the angles of the armor, it comes out to about 300-330mm.

Next come the (cheeks) of the tower, (indicated in orange) They are easier to penetrate, but due to the angles of inclination, the chance of ricocheting is very high. In the clinch, many lvl 10s break through their cheeks, so you have to wag your tower. The armor according to the technical characteristics is 180mm, but in reality it is approximately 200-230mm.

Now we will talk about the places where the Is-7 headlights are located. Many people think that headlights break through easily, but in reality this is not the case. This place is difficult to penetrate, just like the cheeks. Armor according to technical characteristics is 150mm, but in reality 190-220

Now the weakest armor on the Is-7's forehead is the NLD. It is highlighted in yellow, since it is very easy to penetrate there, so in a head-on collision, it is better to hide the NLD somehow. The armor there is 150mm as written in the technical specifications.

We've dealt with the Frontal Armor.

Now board.

The side of the turret is 185mm according to the technical specifications, but the angles of inclination give approximately 200-240mm of armor, which is just as difficult to penetrate as the cheeks of the turret.

That thin thing highlighted in orange is a false side, 150mm according to the technical characteristics, but it is difficult to penetrate it, since it ricochets very often.

Well, the side is sewn by everyone) 150mm according to the technical characteristics, we try not to expose the sides to the enemy.

Now feed.

The stern of the tower is quite good. 94mm in terms of performance characteristics is certainly not enough, but the tilt angles give us as much as 150-170mm. So don't be upset)

Well, the “ass” of the tank is cardboard 100mm according to the technical characteristics, but I will say that it ricochets often. But still, don’t expose your ass to your enemies, otherwise it will be bad;)

We sorted out the armor. Now let's look at the Is-7 gun.


Our gun is 130mm S-70. Average damage 490 penetration of 250mm BB. And the goldoy is 303mm. Rate of fire 4.38. (I have a CD of 11.7 sec. It’s worth sending, fighting brothers, and dry rations.) 0.4 spread 3.4 convergence. My opinion about the gun. Damage and penetration are not bad for a TT, the disadvantage of the gun is that it is oblique and takes a long time to bring down, but this can be corrected with a vertical aiming stabilizer and reinforced aiming drives. CD is also quite fast.

Personally, my opinion about the tank

I will say that the tank is good. You can tank with your forehead calmly. He also knows how to deal damage quite well. The maximum speed is 60 km/h, but the tank itself cannot reach this speed, only from the mountain) And there, the average speed of the tank is 40 km/h. He has 2150 HP, which I think is not enough for a lvl 10 TT. It is very comfortable to play on it, it is quite maneuverable compared to TTs of its level. Another disadvantage of the IS-7 is that it has expensive repairs (24,000), without a premium, you will go into a big minus. But what to say about this and that, I’ve already told you everything. The tank is very good, download it, you won’t regret it. This was my opinion about the Is-7.

This guide will be dedicated to the IS-7 tank. This Tier 10 Soviet heavy tank was introduced with the launch of World of Tanks and still remains a fairly popular vehicle. The tank is quite different high speed, which makes it quite mobile on the battlefield, and its strong frontal armor and not the weakest cannon make it a formidable opponent for less light tanks.

The tank has a fairly high repair cost, so in order to play on it without losing money, you will have to deal quite a lot of damage to enemy vehicles during the battle.

Tank characteristics

Let's evaluate its tactical and technical characteristics.

Durability is 2150 units - quite average strength for this type of tank. The engine power is 1050 l/s with a weight of almost 71 tons. The IS 7 is a fairly fast tank and it picks up speed up to 30 km/h almost instantly, after which the acceleration occurs more smoothly. The traverse speed of the chassis is 28 degrees per second, so we can say that it does not turn very quickly.

Hull armor: 150/150/100 and many consider this vehicle to be “cardboard”. This is not entirely true - it is enough to place the tank at an angle to the enemy and he will not be able to quickly penetrate your armor. Tower armor penetration: 240/185/94 - fairly strong frontal armor of the tower also prevents penetration. The back of the turret has weak armor and can be penetrated quite easily. However, the same as the sides of the tank. Rear armor of 100 mm sometimes saves you from a level 6-7 enemy. Hence, the main rule of survival is to place the vehicle at an angle to enemy fire.

Let's move on to weapons. The damage with a basic projectile is 368-613 units, on average about 500 units are fired at the enemy. The S-70 gun is quite good. Although many people believe that it is not accurate enough and takes a long time to reduce, this is not so. You just need to install a couple of additional modules, which will be discussed below.

IS 7 equipment: additional modules and consumables

In order to optimize the combat characteristics of our tank and make battles on it more comfortable, we will definitely need to equip it with additional equipment.

  • Vertical aiming stabilizer - will allow you to shoot accurately at speeds of 30-50 km/h.
  • Reinforced aiming drives will reduce the time it takes to aim a gun with a sight.
  • Large-caliber gun rammer - reduces gun reload time.

Let's move on to consumables:

  • Twisted engine speed controller.
  • Small repair kit.
  • Small first aid kit.
  • Lend-Lease oil.

IS 7 penetration zones

In the screenshots below you can clearly see the vulnerable zones where the tank can be penetrated and understand where to penetrate the IS 7:

* Green color the most vulnerable areas are indicated.

Game tactics

Some tips from the series “How to avoid dying longer?”

5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 105

A little bit of history

This Soviet heavy tank was developed in 1945-1947. and was released in only six cars. However, the IS-7, the most powerful and heaviest among its brothers, was the next step in domestic tank building, since many of the solutions first applied on it were later transferred to other production vehicles.

About mobility and maneuverability

IS-7 is the fastest heavy tank among the 10th level. Its maximum speed is 59 km/h. But he won’t reach 59 km/h in a straight line, he gains it from the mountain, he even sometimes reaches 66 km/h from the mountain. The tank's maneuverability is not very good; it turns 28 degrees/sec. In urban areas this maneuverability is more fully sufficient.


The tank's gun is good, the penetration of the AP is 250mm, and the penetration of the AP is 303mm. But sometimes an BB shot is not enough to penetrate the NLD, for example the T110E5 tank. Well, here is the mixing time and accuracy we have<<хромает>>. Our aiming time is 3.4, which is very bad for a level 10 tank. Our gun accuracy is 0.4, so, for example, standing from afar and shooting like an anti-tank gun, we are not good at it. Well, now about the most important thing, about damage per shot. Our average damage is 490, which is very good for such a weapon, but it happens that when you pierce, for example, 512 damage is not dealt, but 640.

Combat tactics

Against LT.

It's very easy to play against light tanks, but you shouldn't underestimate them
Having broken through to your rear, they can easily set you on fire or shout something. Try to knock down the tracks with them so that your allies or yourself can work on them. Charge because the LT has virtually no armor.

Against ST

But ST is something to be wary of. Having broken through to your rear, they will dismantle you very, very quickly, before you can blink an eye. Don't let them get close to you, try to keep them at a distance by knocking down their caterpillar. Having shot down the caterpillar, your allies can work on them. If the ST starts to circle you, try to knock down the caterpillar with it and try to roll back, this will increase the time required for the ST to spin you around.

Against TT

It’s already more difficult to play against TT. Try to place the tank so that the position hides your NLD. If there are no such positions, then roll back from home and start, the IS-7 is strong in this. Just like with the ST, try to shoot down the caterpillar so that your allies can work on them.

Against tank destroyers

If it is an open area, try to hide the body of the IS-7 and start playing from the tower, because The PT has very accurate guns; it costs them nothing to hit our weak NLD. If these are urban conditions, then try to roll away from the house and take out the damage. If there is only one PT, then knock it down with a psaltery and start circling it, of course, unless it is a PT with rotating towers. If it's a tank with open conning towers, load and shoot at the weak turret.

Against self-propelled guns

It is very easy to play against self-propelled guns, but do not forget that they have a serious weapon. Charge and try to roll out to the artillery from the flanks. It’s just that when we turn, the spread of the gun increases, which reduces the chance of hitting us.


Like all heavy tanks, the IS-7 is very strong in urban area, hiding your NLD behind a pile of garbage, the corpse of a tank, and it is best to stand in a tank embrasure or try to take out damage (), etc. you can hold a whole direction.

In open areas try to hide your NLD behind any fold of terrain, large stone boulders, etc. Be constantly on the move because... You may receive a package from the artillery.


The IS-7 is most suitable for holding a direction, so it is best to wait for your allies and push the direction with them, otherwise you will be taken apart very quickly alone.

How to tank correctly.

Often, players going into battle on an IS-7 tank will stand as shown in the photo below and catch damage from enemy tanks, for example from the IS-3, and then write to him<<Как ты меня пробил в лоб, читер!>>, but in fact the player just doesn’t know how to tank on this tank.

How then should we tank on such tanks with<<щучими носами>> ? You need to stand as close as possible to the example building, and then stand like a diamond so that the NLD and fold are not visible<<щучего носа>>as shown in the picture below. But you can’t push the tank like that if the AT is shooting at you, since it will easily hit you, it’s better to stand behind some small hill so that the NLD is not visible, or behind a very small pebble, if there is one, of course.


the IS-7 is also located in the form<<щучего носа,>> like tanks: IS-3, IS-8. But the thickness of the armor is 150mm, which is in contrast to, for example, the IS-3’s 110mm. But if you consider<<щучий нос>> and the angle of inclination, then the armor and all 400mm. The sides of the tank are moderately armored, 150mm thick, but some of the sides are at an angle of inclination, which sometimes saves you from level 8 shots. Well, I won’t say anything about the food. Now let's talk about the turret, the turret of the tank is simply wonderful, and has a rounded shape. The turret is armored in the front 240mm, so no one can penetrate you in the front of the turret, the rear of the turret is armored 185mm, so often hits from a level 8 tank simply result in ricochets and no penetration. I won’t say anything about the stern of the tower.

Here detailed diagram reservations:

Advantages and disadvantages.

- good mobility on hard soils;
- good frontal armor;
- not a bad gun 130 mm S-70;
- large mass allows you to confidently ram many tanks;
- strong turret + thick gun mantlet;
- low-vulnerability commander's turret;
- reliable side screens.

- the inability to reach maximum speed on a flat surface due to insufficient specific power; the real maximum speed on an ideal highway is no higher than 43 km/h;
- despite the lowest silhouette, it does not have the most high level camouflage;
- low rate of fire of the gun;
- small ammunition load;
- very small safety margin, only AMX 50V has less;
- weak armor of the sides (between the screen and the caterpillar) and the stern;
- the longest movement of a gun at a level;
- poor negative elevation angle;
- vulnerable fuel tanks, due to which the tank often burns;
- if the NLD is penetrated, there is a risk of the ammunition rack exploding;
- mediocre cross-country ability on medium and soft soils.


At the commander's: sixth sense, repairs, military brotherhood further at your discretion.
At the gunner's: sniper, repair, military brotherhood, smooth rotation of the tower further at your discretion.
At the driver's: king of off-road, repair, brotherhood, virtuoso or master of ramming.
Loader #1: non-contact ammunition storage, repairs, military brotherhood further at your own discretion.
At loader No. 2: desperate, repair, military brotherhood, then at your own discretion.

Additional modules.

First of all we put gun rammer(to reduce gun reloading).
The second thing we put vertical stabilizer(to reduce spread when shooting while moving and turning the turret).
The third thing we put reinforced aiming drives(to reduce mixing time).


BB-20– the main type suitable for attacking enemies.
BP-5– excellent for attacking heavily armored enemy tanks.
OF-5– ideal for attacking light tanks and lightly armored tank destroyers such as the Waffenträger auf E100 and enemy self-propelled guns.


Small repair kit– since our ammunition rack gets critical very often.
Small first aid kit– very often they take out the driver.
Manual fire extinguisher- missing an easy one or medium tank enemy to your rear, there is a very high chance of catching fire, it is best to carry an automatic one with you so as not to be distracted by firefighting during a tense situation.

Bottom line

We have a terrible machine for the enemy, especially in in capable hands. This vehicle is suitable for both platoon and Global map. If you deal damage regularly, you can calculate that in the end you will deal all 6000-7000 damage. Well, as for profit, then if you play poorly and there is a defeat, then minus 10,000-30,000 thousand silver is guaranteed for you. And if you at least played well and won, then you should be credited with 5,000-20,000 thousand silver for the battle. And that's it for my guide heavy tank comes to the end. I hope you liked it! Thanks to all! Good luck on the battlefields!

Prepared by: 1jenya