Garden table flowers good morning. "Good morning" on the window and flowerbed

Purple oxalis is considered a picky indoor plant, which looks like lush bush lilac color with a mass of small purple leaves and several flower blades.


The plant has small flowers, but in combination with colorful foliage it looks lovely. Flowers come in white, pink or yellow tones. One flower is replaced by another, and it seems that the sorrel blooms endlessly. She shoots an arrow that goes the length of the leaves, and on the top of her head there is an umbrella with tiny flowers. About 3-4 buds bloom together, fading over time, and then new flowers begin to bloom behind them.

In certain countries, such a culture is a symbol of goodness and good luck in the home. It is also presented in the form New Year's gift. In the countries of Russia, the plant acquired the name “Butterfly Flower”, since its leaves curl up, like an insect’s, if the light changes.

Purple oxalis: home care

Such a flower needs classical care, despite its individuality of image and the ability to hide leaves. Maintenance consists of constant replanting, timely watering and fertilizing. If you want to have fresh and healthy plant, he should be looked after conscientiously.

Growing principle

IN natural environment and during the warm season the flower actively vegetates, and with the onset of cold weather it sheds its crown, throwing the tubers to overwinter in the ground. Due to the fact that in room conditions oxalis retains its green look all year round, it is more correct to replant it after the dormant stage every six months or a year.

Humidity and ideal temperature

The acceptable environmental temperature for the crop in the summer season should not be higher than 20 degrees. In winter, the temperature should not be lowered below +7. Indoor violet oxalis likes to stay in cold conditions, but can withstand well high temperature air.

Humidity environment for the plant should be moderate. If the room is cool (15-18 degrees), you don’t have to worry too much about the moisture level - the flower can easily withstand dry air. As the temperature increases, you need to worry about increasing humidity: you can spray the leaves or store the crop in a container filled with wet expanded clay.


It is best to place purple oxalis in the western or eastern part of the apartment. At the same time, it is necessary not to forget that the plant needs a certain amount of direct Sun rays, in particular this is important in the morning. The flower can grow well on a shaded windowsill and at the same time delight with excellent flowering. But growth in this case will not be very fast.


In spring and summer, especially when it is hot, purple sorrel requires a considerable amount of moisture. The crop in the home environment should be watered abundantly, but under no circumstances should water stagnate in the soil. To do this, after irrigation, after 2-3 minutes, it is necessary to drain the water that has flowed into the pan. IN winter period The plant should be watered at a frequency that ensures that the soil is kept slightly moist.


The flower should be fed when it is in its developing flowering and growth phase. For organic matter, universal fertilizers are suitable; they will need to be applied to the soil up to 30 times a year.

How to care for sorrel while it is dormant

If the crop begins to noticeably wither and lose its foliage, and it is just winter outside, then the plant enters a dormant stage. Caring for purple sorrel will also be necessary at this time. The first thing to do is: shorten the cuttings by 1-2 cm and put the pot in a dry place. dark room. Great places for this would be a basement or cellar. Fertilizer and watering will need to be stopped, and only then, after 1-2 months, with the emergence of the first shoots, it will be resumed again. Even during this period, an invasion of pests is possible, so you need to carefully monitor the flower.


The need to replant oxalis occurs when it becomes clearly thickened. The best time to replant the crop is the first half of spring. This is the most positive moment when the plant comes to life. For replanting a flower the best option a ceramic pot with a diameter of 3 cm larger than the volume of the previous container will become, with a suitable container for removing moisture. This is all done so that the purple sorrel does not dry out, and its leaves do not turn yellow or fade.

Then you will need to pour a generous amount of drainage onto the bottom so that moisture does not retain and green algae does not grow. As a drainage layer you can take broken brick or expanded clay (they are also suitable for this purpose). After this, you should carefully remove the crop from the old flowerpot, slightly soften the soil lump with your hands, find and separate the young tubers from the determining mass of the rhizome and place them in a pre-prepared container with a light substrate.

The more carefully you remove the flower, the faster and freer the rooting procedure will be. For replanting, you can use a ready-made and packaged earthen solution from the store as a substrate, or you can prepare it yourself. What purple sorrel looks like, the photo posted in the article will demonstrate this.

The soil

Preparation of substrate for indoor plant goes in the following order: you need to take one part of leaf and turf soil, add two portions of peat and equal parts of sand and soil. In this case, the soil should be neutral (6.0-7.0) and slightly acidic (5.0-6.0).

Due to the different replanting periods, it is possible to control the flowering time of the crop. You can also resort to the help of a biostimulator of plant growth "Epina". But it is better to do this in extreme cases, since with a favorable environment, after a certain stage, the sorrel actively grows and puts out flower stalks.

Flower propagation

The crop is propagated by seeds, division of rhizomes, daughter bulbs or tubers. In the second and third cases, the divisions are planted in the ground in large flowerpots of 5-10 pieces at intervals of 10 cm, filled with a thin layer of soil, watered sparingly and stored in a cool room.

Violet wood sorrel is also propagated using cuttings with leaves, which are placed in a container with water, and when the first shoots appear, they are planted in the sand - there the cuttings take root.

Seeds need to be sown in spring season(after frost), without filling it with soil and preserving the maintained moisture. To do this, after seating, they should be covered with glass. It is also necessary to maintain reduced lighting and ventilate the sowing area every day. The temperature should be 16-18 degrees. The growing season can be expected after a month.

In fact, cultivating seeds is considered a very difficult undertaking, which is why it is often advised, especially to inexperienced gardeners, to practice the above methods of plant propagation.


Like all crops, wood sorrel is also susceptible to attack by insects such as aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies and spider mites. If this happens to the plant, then you need to treat it insecticides. Secondary treatment after a week is recommended.

Purple sorrel: beneficial properties

IN folk medicine All components of the crop are used - leaves, flowers and peduncles. The plant has all organic acids (citric, oxalic and malic). The raw materials are prepared in the spring or from the beginning of summer (May-June) and dried at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. An extract made from such material is used for diseases of the liver, stomach and scurvy. This is an excellent antiseptic. Violet sorrel juice is also used to treat scabies and the flower is used in homeopathy.

The plant is used for loss of appetite and to normalize metabolism. It also has a hemostatic, wound-healing, diuretic, anthelmintic and choleretic effect. Helps neutralize heartburn and vomiting, reduces arterial pressure, used for either arsenic. Decoctions and tinctures are used for therapy:

  • stomatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • bleeding;
  • cardiovascular ailments;
  • kidney;
  • Bladder;
  • liver.

If you correctly follow all the above rules and tips, then purple sorrel will always invariably delight your household not only with a lush crown of patterned leaves, but also with the endless blooming of white and pink flowers throughout the year. A fragile plant, like a butterfly, will open its leaves every morning and fold them in the evening. And in the company of other varieties of oxalis, the culture will look very impressive both in the room and on the balcony.

Dear friends, welcome to the website Home Family and Me. Tell me, have you ever heard of such indoor flower sorrel? No. Then I’ll introduce you today, show you a photo of it, tell you what kind of care it should take so that it grows and blooms all year round, and we’ll also touch on the topic of its propagation and you’ll understand how unpretentious this plant is.

This plant has been living in my house for more than ten years, I love it very much for its beauty and unusualness. I especially like that he himself will always tell you when he doesn’t like something, which is why he is so easy to care for. In general, let's get acquainted.

Indoor flower oxalis. Photos, names and signs

What kind of flower is this?

In my life I have never met a plant that had so many names: family happiness, hare cabbage, good morning, butterfly, triangular sorrel, flower of love, lucky clover. What kind of plant is this and why does it have so many names?

Let's start with the name "Butterfly". Its leaf really resembles this winged beauty, hence, apparently, the association. Why is wood sorrel triangular, and because each of its petals resembles a triangle, the plant is called “Good Morning” for its rare feature, in the evening he folds the leaves, and in the morning, waking up, he opens them. By the way, in nature, the Lucky Clover closes even in bad weather.

It is also notable for the fact that it blooms at home almost all year round without interruption. True, flowers lose in beauty to leaves, but they complement them with their contrast.

Surprisingly, “Hare Cabbage” can grow not only at home, but also in the garden. Even wild nature She’s quite happy with it, because the homeland of “Family Happiness” is Brazil and Mexico, although some species are found in Europe and Africa. Yes, and in our forests you can also find wood sorrel.

Why does the plant have such a strange name - sorrel, what does it mean? The fact is that the leaves of the flower contain a large amount of vitamin C and oxalic acid, so they taste sour, hence the name. In general, its scientific name is Oxalis, which means hot or sour.

Oxalis. Is it possible to keep a flower at home?

It is traditional to endow all plants magical power both good and bad. Therefore, I hasten to answer the question: “Is it possible to keep an oxalis flower at home?”

The energy of oxalis is considered positive and very useful for the home - this plant is a talisman. It brings good luck, success in business, love, happiness and well-being in the family to the house, because it is not for nothing that it is called the flower of love and family happiness. If you have problems in personal life, then bring it into the house and everything will work out.

In addition, sorrel is used for food and for treatment. It is used to treat wounds, ulcers and hypertension. Due to the large amount of vitamin C, this plant is used to improve immunity, as a choleretic and diuretic. However, the oxalis flower is poisonous, and therefore is considered dangerous to human health if consumed in large quantities. In small doses it is harmless. At one time my kitten tried to gnaw it, nothing, it still runs around.

What does an oxalis flower look like?

The plant has more than 800 varieties, but I will show you the most popular of them. This is what oxalis looks like.

Trifoliate violet

Four Leaf Deppe





Oxalis flower care at home

At home, oxalis is completely easy to care for. Not only is the plant not picky, but it will also tell you how to create comfortable conditions for it, and in order for you to fully understand this issue, I will tell you in detail how to care for it, propagate, protect and cherish it.

What does sorrel like?


Many people write that oxalis shade-loving plant, somewhere, this is true, but my many years of experience show that the flower loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The best place for him an east or west window. With a lack of lighting, the leaves begin to acquire green tint.

If the wood sorrel is exposed to bright sun, it will first fold its leaves and then may droop.

Therefore, always pay attention to the leaves, if they are all well open, if the plant closes them in broad daylight, then something is wrong, look for the reason.


“Butterfly” tolerates overwatering more easily than drying out soil. As soon as the soil dries, the plant will fold its leaves, begging you for water, and then begin to wither. But you shouldn’t get carried away with excessive watering either, everything should be in moderation. Don’t forget about fertilizing; twice a month with complex fertilizer will be enough.


Removing flowers and leaves

Oxalis always blooms profusely, but each flower does not last long, so quite often you can see an unattractive picture of hanging dead flowers and leaves. They need to be removed promptly.

Winter care

It is believed that the dormant period for indoor sorrel is December-February. However, in all the years I have not noticed any shedding of leaves; at most, the plant did not bloom during this period. I did not reduce watering, reduced fertilizing and moved the pot to sunny side, our winters are usually cloudy, so I did this to avoid green on the leaves.

Purple sorrel. Diseases

Like any plant, sorrel is also susceptible to attack by various insects - aphids, whiteflies, spider mite, mealybug, scale insect. You need to make sure that this brethren does not appear on the flower and, if necessary, treat with Aktara or Actellik.

Diseases also do not bypass him. The cause is most often improper care.

  • The plant has stopped growing - he may be hot, move him to a cool room.
  • Appeared gray rot or fusarium - the cause is excessive watering, reduce it and spray the plant with foundationazole.
  • The leaves closed in broad daylight - dry soil or exposed to direct sunlight. You need to water the bush and move the pot to another place.
  • The oxalis flower disappears - perhaps there is overflow and rotting. Empty the plant from the pot, select undamaged tubers and plant them in new soil.
  • Spots on leaves- most likely these are burns. Move the oxalis to another location.
  • A green tint has appeared on the leaves - lack of light, find a more illuminated window sill for the flowerpot, but not in the sun.
  • Oxalis stopped blooming- either a dormant period has begun or the soil is completely depleted. In the first case, we do nothing, just let the plant rest, in the second case, we need to transplant it into new nutritious soil. But a third option is also possible - too much nutrition, then the leaves become fatty and there will be no color.

Home flower oxalis. Reproduction

How does it reproduce

There is a lot written on the Internet about how this home plant reproduces. There are many options - nodules, cuttings, and seeds. I have never tried the latter methods, but using tubers is easy.

And you can try to propagate the flower by cuttings, this is done as usual. We put the cuttings in water, and after the first roots appear, transplant them into soil or sand, where further rooting will take place.

Each tuber may have one or two leaves, but don’t worry if they broke off or the tuber was left without small roots. Plant it in the ground, it will definitely take root, sprout leaves and flowers, and new nodules will grow around it very quickly.

How to replant

When transplanting oxalis, it is better to plant it out, since it grows quite quickly. You can place five or ten nodules in one pot, maintaining a distance of up to 10 cm between them, although sometimes I place them thicker. You don’t need to pour a lot of soil on top, just a little bit, about 0.5-1 cm.

When to replant

As for anyone house plant best time transplants are in the spring, and when asked how often this should be done, I will say that once every two to three years. Although you will see for yourself when the oxalis needs a transplant. Instead of a beautiful lush bush, there will be sparse single leaves, flowering will stop, it is clear to the naked eye that the flower is not feeling well.

In which pot to plant the oxalis flower?

Let's start with what pot to plant the oxalis flower in. It should not be very deep, since the plant’s root system is weak and goes shallow into the ground, but on the other hand, the pot should be chosen at such a height that the hanging leaves do not lie on the windowsill.

Oxalis looks very beautiful not only in round pots, but also in long rectangular or oval ones. Several nodules are planted in them in one row. After the bushes grow, the view is simply mesmerizing.

What soil to use

For the umpteenth time I am saying that the plant is not capricious, so a universal soil will do, the main thing is that it is not too nutritious, otherwise there will be a lot of leaves and no flowers. Be sure to do drainage layer from expanded clay.

This is what an indoor flower, oxalis, is like. The photo showed you what kind of care he needs and told you about reproduction too. I wish you good luck with this wonderful plant, may it delight you with its beautiful appearance and flowering.

I wish everyone happiness, Natalia Murga

There is a wonderful flower in the world with a very simple name - sorrel. It received its name for the sour taste of the leaves, which contain large amounts of oxalic acid. " Good morning “- this is also what this flower is sometimes called. Early in the morning he opens the leaves, as if greeting the owner. When the sun goes below the horizon in the evening, it folds its leaves like umbrellas, hinting that it’s time to go to bed.

Oxalis is a perennial plant, grown both as a home and as a garden plant. In nature there are bushes with leaves painted in different shades green and red tones. The color palette is also varied - white, soft pink, bright yellow.


In nature, there are more than 700 variants of this plant, the most popular of which are Depp's oxalis, common oxalis, ferruginous oxalis, carob, nasturtium, triangular, and lucky clover.

Landing rules

Correct planting of sorrel will allow you to achieve rich flowering, shoot formation, and disease resistance.

To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  • The best time to plant a flower is spring, before it begins to bloom;
  • in indoor conditions in summer the place for the bowl is provided with diffused light; in winter it is not afraid of direct sunlight;
  • For garden growing a site located in the openwork shade of trees is selected;
  • to develop disease resistance, the flower must be gradually hardened;
  • light crumbly soil is used, containing river sand, humus and brick chips;
  • for cultivation, drainage from expanded clay or shards is required;
  • the diameter of the hole is dug a little larger than the roots of the plant occupy;
  • Do not bury the roots.


Basic care includes:

  • regular watering and spraying;
  • maintaining temperature regime;
  • bush formation;
  • feeding;
  • fight against diseases.

For lush flowering timely watering is necessary, most abundant in the active growth stage. In winter, watering is reduced to almost a minimum; only sprinkling is allowed when the soil is completely dry. In summer, especially dry and hot, regular spraying with cold water is required.

All year round it is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature regime, which varies depending on the stage of growth:

  • at the resting stage, a cool temperature of no higher than 18°C ​​is required;
  • During active growth, the temperature is gradually increased to 25°C.

In winter, wood sorrel has a dormant period and sheds its leaves. They need to be pruned almost at the root so that in the spring the growth of fresh strong shoots and generous flowering begins more actively. It is necessary to promptly remove wilted and dry leaves.

Oxalis involves maintaining the shape of the bush by removing shoots, standing out from the planned figure.

The exception is the lucky clover, the leaves of which themselves form a spherical configuration.

The plant is fed throughout the warm season from April to September at least twice a month with complex mineral fertilizer, diluted twice as weakly as in the instructions. A flower that is in the dormant stage does not need to add nutrients.


The need for transplantation occurs in the following cases:

  • replacing the soil in the bowl;
  • removal of unnecessary processes;
  • treatment of roots from infection by putrefactive bacteria;
  • plant propagation by dividing roots.

The transplantation process begins before the growing season, in March. From equal shares of turf soil, humus and river sand make up the soil mixture.

The most suitable container is a ceramic bowl, which absorbs excess moisture and protects against the action of bacteria.

Excessive watering often infects the nodules with root rot, to avoid which it is necessary to place expanded clay drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Young plants are replanted annually, then the bowl is changed every 2-3 years.

The container is taken with a small diameter, a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one. Prepared soil is poured over the laid drainage. Oxalis is removed from the pot along with the remains of the earthen clod and carefully placed in a new one, trying not to bury it root system. This will help her settle in faster and hurt less. At the end of the transplant, the flower should be watered generously.

Diseases and pests

Oxalis is resistant to disease carriers. With excessive watering, there is a risk of rotting of the root system.

The main sign of infection with putrefactive bacteria is wilted leaves.

At the first symptoms of the disease, the plant needs to provide first aid:

  • dig out of the ground, cut off tubers spoiled by rot;
  • thoroughly dry the soil where the flower will be transplanted;
  • plant it again, ensuring rehabilitation with moderate watering.

The flower may be attacked harmful insects, including aphids, scale insects, etc.

Methods for killing aphids:

  • mechanical: removing and destroying pests from leaves manually;
  • chemical: treating an infected plant with an insecticide solution;
  • folk: sprinkling leaves with diluted water laundry soap or infusion of marigolds.

Symptoms of scale insect infestation:

  • the color of the leaves has acquired an unusual brown tint;
  • leaves and stems are covered with sticky, sticky secretions from the pest.

The most productive means of exterminating scale insects is the treatment of the flower with a soap or alcohol solution.

Whitefly can only be destroyed chemical agent by treating the leaves with an insecticide solution.

Planted at home, in the garden or greenhouse, the unpretentious, long-lasting and beautifully flowering sorrel delights the owner with the daily welcoming opening of its leaves. The morning will always be good!

Most often good morning flowers are perennial plants, although there are also annual representatives. This culture thrives in open areas, and due to its low maintenance requirements, it can be found in many apartments. What kind of plant is this and how to properly care for it at home, we will consider further.

Oxalis flower close up

Good morning flowers received such a wonderful name due to their interesting feature: in the early morning the plant's leaves open, as if welcoming the owner, and in the evening the leaves fold and the flowers close, indicating that it is time to sleep.

Moreover, thanks to a large number oxalic acid in the leaves, the plant is called oxalis.

Characteristics and description of sorrel

This crop belongs to the Kislichnye family and has approximately 800 varieties in the world.

Roots: bulbous or tuberous.

Leaves: petiolate, trifoliate or pinnately compound. They are characterized by a complex bend and react to mechanical irritations or very bright lighting. Leaf color varies. They are found with green, burgundy and even purple leaves.

The flowers are five-petaled, medium in size. The color comes in pink, white, yellow or lilac. They can also fold and unfold depending on the weather and time of day.

At the end of flowering, fruits are set. The seeds are small, reddish. They ripen in a shell, which explodes when touched when it reaches maturity.

Oxalis grows to an average height of 30 cm.

Plant varieties

The following varieties are commonly found in home floriculture:

  1. Purple or triangular appearance. A low plant whose leaves are trilobed and placed on long petioles. The leaves are spotted with dark purple color. The flowers are small in size, white, pale pink or lilac.
  2. Oxalis four-leafed. Grows both at home and outdoors open ground. The leaves are four-lobed, light green with a brown center. The flowers are red-crimson in color and form inflorescences.
  3. Oxalis Bovey. This variety reaches up to 25 cm in height. The leaves are light green. Flowers are placed on long peduncles dark pink color. Heat-loving variety.
  4. . The species grows up to 10 cm in height. The leaves are similar in appearance to clover. Flowers white, solitary, on long peduncles.
  5. . The bushes reach a height of up to 10 cm. The leaves are gray-green. The flowers are large in size, light pink with spots.

In addition, at home they grow very beautiful variety– multi-colored sorrel, distinguished by white flowers with a red stripe.

Correct fit

Good morning flowers are undemanding in terms of maintenance. However, in order for the plant to please the eye with its flowering, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

Selecting a location

The location of the pot should be provided with diffused lighting throughout the day. In summer it is recommended to take the plant from the windowsill, and in winter the flower is not afraid of even direct sunlight.

In summer, direct sunlight can leave burns on the leaves. A long stay of the plant in the shade can lead to loss of decorative leaves.

The ideal place for wood sorrel is south, east or west windows. In a northern direction, the plant will experience a lack of lighting.

Soil preparation

This crop is not very demanding on soil; however, oxalis prefers slightly acidic, humus-rich soils and good drainage. Expanded clay or shards can be used as drainage.

Good morning suitable for flowers regular universal soil from the store.

For self-cooking earth mixture it is necessary to mix peat, sand, turf and leaf soil in equal proportions.


Proper planting of oxalis will help achieve the formation of shoots, rich flowering and protect against diseases.

To do this, you should follow the following tips:

  • The optimal time for planting is spring;
  • the diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the roots of the wood sorrel;
  • rhizomes should not be buried.

To make the plant resistant to diseases, it is recommended to gradually harden it.

Plant care before and after flowering

Basic requirements for crop care for lush flowering:

  1. Temperature. During the warm season, the plant prefers moderate temperatures. In winter he is comfortable at a temperature of 12-18 0
  2. Humidity. In spring and summer, oxalis should be sprayed periodically. Spraying is not carried out in autumn and winter.
  3. Watering. In the warm season, plants need abundant watering. But it should be monitored so that moisture does not stagnate. This will help protect the roots from rotting. In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter time The soil should be kept slightly moist throughout the year.
  4. Fertilizer. In spring and summer it is necessary to feed. For this purpose, complex mineral fertilizers. Feeding should be done once every 2-3 weeks.
  5. Transfer. Should be replanted every spring.

The flower does not like drafts.

The plant enters a dormant period in winter and sheds its leaves. They should be cut off almost at the root so that the active growth of young shoots and generous flowering begin in the spring. Withered and dry leaves must be removed in a timely manner.

Breeding rules

IN indoor floriculture good morning reproduce in the following ways:

  • cuttings;
  • bulbs;
  • seeds.

For cuttings You should use a knife to cut off a small part of the stem, which has one leaf. The cutting is placed in water. After 2 weeks, small roots will appear on it. When the latter grow to 1.5 cm, several cuttings are simultaneously planted in a pre-prepared pot.

For bulbous propagation They are carefully separated from the root and planted in several pieces. Keep the pot in a cool place. Watering must be done weekly. When young shoots appear, the pot is moved to a bright place.

Seeds are sown in the spring on top of the soil, without falling asleep. It is necessary to water the seeds using a spray bottle. In the first year, underground shoots and rosettes of leaves are formed. In the second year, the formation of above-ground shoots and new rosettes is observed.

They do not require maintenance and look beautiful on the windowsill. It is very pleasant to observe the characteristics of the plant. There is a belief that this culture brings happiness to its owner.