What color does pistachio color harmonize with? Pistachio color in the living room interior. Pistachio color in the kitchen interior

The soft, pleasing color of pistachio or pistachio has become an absolute trend. It got its name in honor of slightly unripe fresh nuts. A warm spring shade is created by mixing yellow and blue-green paint. If ocher predominates or terracotta color, the shade becomes more dense.

Interesting! The closest neighbors of pistachio in terms of color palette are light green (predominantly yellow) and mint (predominantly rich green).

Pistachios have many shades: from light green to greenish-brown. These tones are loved by designers, they do not lend themselves to discoloration and are excellent companions, because they are combined with most tones.

Benefits of pistachio color:

  • Stable even when lighting changes, does not discolor and does not affect neighboring shades.
  • It's dynamic warm color, pleasing to the human eye. According to Feng Shui skill, it symbolizes growth and progress. There is no aggressiveness or excessive intrusiveness in him.
  • Versatile. Suitable for decoration different rooms. Pistachio would be appropriate in a living room or children’s room, as well as in the interior of a cafe or dance club.
  • Has a mild soothing effect on nervous system. It is believed that in a room decorated in pistachio tones, productivity and a positive attitude remain longer.
  • Pistachio color- peaceful neighbor. There will never be too much of it, it does not “eat up” other tones.

Advice! For rooms with insufficient lighting, choose light and bright shades of pistachio. For well-lit rooms, you can choose brown-green tones.

Interior styles

  • Minimalism. Pistachio adds lightness to the interior; it will be an excellent backdrop for minimalist furniture. Try to avoid very dark surfaces - they go worse with pistachio.

  • Mediterranean. This style is favored by bright colors. Yellow, orange, blue form a wonderful tandem with pistachio. The use of various prints is allowed, and good lighting will help highlight the advantages of the room.

  • Eco style. Pistachio is a soft natural shade that goes well with the same natural tones - yellow, brown, green and others. The main thing is not to overdo it with details. By the way, you can also experiment with textures: wicker items made of wicker, straw, and wood products will find their rightful place.

  • Classic. Here pistachio plays the role of an additional shade. In combination with light shades, it can visually expand the space, and with dark shades it can correct shortcomings. Most often this color is used in textiles or an accent wall.

  • Provence. Pistachio will go well with soft pink, lilac, blue, and gray. Complete the interior floral motifs, wicker or artificially aged furniture - and a piece of France will settle in your home.

  • High tech. Pistachio can go well with plastic and chrome elements. Most often it is used to decorate the kitchen - the facades of cabinets are made of pistachio. However, it is quite appropriate in the living room or bedroom.

Advice! The accentual use of pistachio color is acceptable for pop art, eclectic, and contemporary styles. This shade should account for no more than 20% of the total space.

3 types of interior design

  1. Classical. It complements the basic colors - black and white or brown and beige. The accentual use of pistachio must be duplicated in other things - textiles, decor or furniture. Can also be used simply for coloring. accent wall- with its help you can smooth out room defects and visually expand the boundaries.

  1. Bright colors. Pistachio will be an advantageous background for bright and catchy tones - orange, red, pink. True, for such an interior there is an unshakable rule: more than 3 bright colors Do not use, otherwise your eyes will get tired. Choose accent colors carefully; they should be in harmony with each other.

  1. Soft contrast. Pistachio with gray, brown, pale blue and other neutral shades will contrast, but not be conspicuous. You can use several shades: for example, light green and brown-green - they look completely different. If you want to enhance the contrast, play with textures; convex textures and intricate shapes cannot fail to attract attention.

Interesting! The interior is rarely done only in pistachio tones. It is difficult to maintain contrasts in these tones, and as a result the surfaces simply merge.

  • Wall surfaces. Use pistachio color for decoration only if the set is made in a contrasting color. Green shades have a bad tendency to blend into each other, so try to play with contrasts.

  • Floor and ceiling. It is better to make them calm and neutral - white, beige, gray, ivory are quite suitable. Pistachio can be used accentually: for example, if you plan multi-level ceilings, small elements can be kept in greenish tones. It is common to use warm colors and natural materials - bamboo, parquet, laminate, boards will look great! Ceramic tile used less frequently.

  • Furniture. Pistachio furniture will set the tone for the entire interior. In the meantime, stick to the general concept. Try to select materials according to the style: for high-tech glass and plastic are important, for classics - wood and forged elements. The background can be plain pastel or bright.

  • Accessories. If pistachio is used accentually, stylization is indispensable. Appliances fits into any style, but beautiful textiles or interior elements need to be duplicated. For example, choose curtains and sofa cushions of a similar shade or with a similar print.

Combination of pistachio color with others

Popular colors

Interior style

It’s not for nothing that the warm and elegant pistachio color is popular among designers: it is light, airy, and visually makes the kitchen brighter.

Pistachio is a very elegant and noble color

Plus, it goes well with most colors and can easily fit into any decor style from to .

Pistachio goes well with any style

Features of pistachio color in the kitchen

Despite its apparent simplicity, pistachio color is much deeper than it might seem at first glance. The combination of yellow and green tones mix harmoniously, providing a natural and not heavy natural shade.

Pistachio has many tones - from translucent to rich

However, this color has its own nuances that must be taken into account when designing a kitchen in pistachio color:

  • Pistachio shades are undemanding and easily combined with a wide variety of tones. However, too overloaded shades do not suit them: an abundance of decor can destroy the airiness of the color.
  • At the same time, pistachio looks harmonious with any type of furniture. A light airy table or a rough set made of solid wood will look flawless against its background.
  • Psychologists believe that using pistachio in the interior can relax a tired person and give him a feeling of peace.
  • The peculiarity of pistachio is that, unlike other colors, it has practically no undertones. Therefore, the combination of colors in the interior of a pistachio kitchen is always predictable. This is an undeniable advantage, since some combinations can significantly change the main shade and not for the better.
  • Please note that pistachio is not suitable for creating monochrome interiors. It needs color additions, otherwise the kitchen will turn out too pale. The exception is premises where they are used different textures pistachio However, even in this case you need to be extremely careful: otherwise there is a risk that the room will look boring and faceless.
  • Visually, pistachio makes the room lighter and larger. Therefore, its abundance is often recommended for small kitchens facing north or west. For the southern spacious premises It is better to use it as a bright accent.

Color combinations

As we already said, pistachio goes well with almost any color palette. However, there are still clear favorites that look better than others.

Even as an accent, pistachio looks amazing.

Brown-pistachio kitchen is a classic solution that looks amazing in any stylistic solution. A room in this design will look cozy and elegant at the same time. Experiment with shades of wood, but avoid shades that are too light—pistachio will look paler against their background.

Against the background of brown, pistachio reveals deeper

The black and pistachio design looks very catchy. It fits perfectly into modern interiors, especially in high-tech style. It is best to choose for him - this way the combination will reveal itself brighter. The combination is not suitable for small rooms- it requires space, since black visually conceals space.

Black bottom and pistachio top - unusual solution

Yellow and orange colors make the kitchen more positive and sunnier. This solution is best suited for small rooms, windows facing north or west.

Yellow makes pistachio warmer

Blue, azure, and pearl shades can add freshness. Combine them more carefully in rooms in a modern style: this combination with pistachio does not look very advantageous in abundance metal parts. This palette is most suitable for kitchens in the style of Provence, American country, and shabby.
Be careful with this combination in rooms whose windows overlook north side- they will seem too cold.

Color sea ​​wave goes wonderfully with pistachio

TO universal solutions also includes white-pistachio cuisine. White can be used in any undertone, but try to avoid shades that are too cool: they will visually contrast with the warmth of the greenish nut color. In this case, try to add another color to the interior - it could be fuchsia, burgundy, sapphire blue, rich chocolate. Experiment with natural, natural tones - they will fit into the composition perfectly and significantly enliven it.

Pistachio looks great with white if you add a color accent to it

Grey colour It also goes well with pistachio, but you need to choose the right shade. For example, metallic or wet asphalt will sparkle due to its depth.

Metallic will emphasize the depth of pistachio

But unsaturated light gray tones will not only look faded, but will also “extinguish” the warmth of pistachio. Therefore, design your kitchen carefully. It’s a good idea to add one or two more saturated tones - we recommend choosing from a natural palette or, conversely, sticking with a bright color, such as lemon.

Try combining different tones of pistachio

The main charm of pistachio cuisine is its warmth and naturalness. Whatever shades you decide to dilute the main gamut, try not to disturb the overall harmony, otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite.

Pistachio cuisine in various stylistic designs

Despite its naturalness, this color looks good in almost any style, even the most modern ones. We offer you a wide selection of photos that will demonstrate pistachio in various manifestations.

Even the most modern style looks good with pistachio

Classic pistachio cuisine is a traditional solution for those who value comfort and homely atmosphere. Thanks to the softness of this color, it fits perfectly with wooden furniture and other furniture.

For classic cuisine choose soft tones of pistachio

Another benefit of pistachio classic interior- the ability to add a wide variety of colors and shades in small quantities to the decor of the room. Typically, bright colors do not fit well with classics, but the harmony and tenderness of the main tone softens their aggressive effect.

More saturated colors are suitable for small kitchens

Pistachio looks ideal in Provence style kitchens. It is characterized by natural, natural tones, so it will be very appropriate as a basis.

Add different accents to pistachio items

Try combining the dominant shade with unexpected combinations: aqua, delicate lime or muted crimson-orange will show themselves with new side.

Or give preference classic combinations

Please note that Provence does not accept sharp transitions of shades. A smooth gradient from green or yellow to pistachio is perfect for it.

Try to avoid sharp color transitions

Follow the same rules if you want to recreate pistachio cuisine in a country style. Try adding it as a rich accent to curtains or as a decorative element. Pistachio goes well with red and blue, shades characteristic of this style.

Bright accents are good for country

Idea: Bright yellow pistachio checkered curtains look very unusual and stylish.

In modern interiors, such as high-tech, pistachio is best combined with dark tones of a glossy texture. It can be black or dark brown, chocolate. As an option, try decorating the kitchen in a white and pistachio palette - this solution is well suited for small rooms.

Pistachio walls and black and white furniture - modern solution

In general, pistachio elements can be added to rooms of any style, from boho to ultra-modern high-tech. In some places it can become the basis of the color scheme, and in others it can successfully highlight the interior, being an unusual color accent. A lot depends on the palette you choose and the overall design of your kitchen, so don't be afraid to experiment.

Don't be afraid to experiment - pistachio allows you to various solutions

Pistachio color in the kitchen interior

Despite its lightness and the possibility of harmonious combination with a wide palette of shades, pistachio color still remains quite demanding. Therefore, if you want to add it to the interior, especially as a dominant element, carefully consider the final composition. Otherwise, you risk getting a kitchen that is too light or visually almost colorless.

The lighter the pistachio, the more expressive the accents

If you want to decorate the walls in this shade, carefully select materials. It could be , or even . They look very impressive pistachio wallpaper in combination with panels imitating wood or light, textured stone. In this case, skirting boards, both floor and ceiling, are usually decorated in white or beige - this way they will emphasize the purity of the pistachio shade. However, for high-tech, black is acceptable.

Unusual choice- pistachio ceiling

Idea: If you want to decorate your walls with a print, keep in mind that too flashy colors and voluminous designs can kill the characteristics of the shade. Therefore, give preference to white or brown ethnic-themed patterns.

Pistachio flooring can look impressive, but it should be noted that caring for such a light-colored coating is not an easy task. Consider whether you can clean your kitchen every day to maintain its beauty. Also, choose materials that are easiest to clean. Complex floors with a relief texture will not work. In addition, pistachio simply does not harmonize with them: choose laminate, linoleum or tile.

Pistachio-white tiles - a bold decision

The color of the ceiling depends on how the entire kitchen is decorated. For example, if you choose a pistachio set, it is better to make the ceiling beige or white. You can paint it walnut color if you prefer white furniture. In addition, consider the color of the walls in the kitchen: their shade should be in harmony with the tone of the ceiling.

Light green walls and pistachio ceiling look very bright

Pistachio curtains look very gentle and elegant, but they are unacceptable in combination with plain walls: the curtains will simply merge with the decoration and the room will become visually smaller. For walls painted in this way, you can choose white curtains. Look good wooden blinds or roller blinds.

Choose transparent curtains for pistachio walls

We recommend choosing the type of curtains depending on the style of the kitchen and the configuration of the room. In addition, for light curtains It is very important to correctly determine their density, otherwise in sunny rooms they will not be able to serve as protection against excessive light.

The apron in a pistachio kitchen can be almost anything. You can design it tone-on-tone, or you can choose a bright contrasting shade: for example, blue, turquoise or red. Try decorating it with a bright print, mural or mosaic. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Pistachio green tiles on the backsplash look very fresh

Use tiles, false panels, ceramics as materials - anything that fits into the chosen design style is acceptable.

When choosing kitchen furniture, consider what you have made finishing. For example, a pistachio table and chairs in a dining group will look best on a white or, conversely, a bright contrasting background. Considering the delicacy of the shade, it is better to abandon massive pieces of furniture: choose light objects without complex, overly pretentious lines.

Keep the lines clean so as not to blur the effect

Against the background of pistachio walls, furniture made of dark woods looks best: for example, wenge. Or experiment with metal, plastic chairs and tables in contrasting shades.

Experiment with furniture shapes

As for the set, it all depends on the style of the kitchen. Pistachio looks great both in a modern glossy texture and on aged facades with patina. Pay attention to the shape of the kitchen: it should fit into the chosen interior and be in harmony with the configuration of the room.

Much depends on the chosen style

Please note that the pistachio color visually expands the set. Experiment with hidden lighting: this will make the set appear deeper in appearance, which will create a volume and airiness effect in your kitchen. However, do not get carried away with this technique in small rooms: the effect of imbalance may result.

Backlight brings pistachio to life

Don't forget about decorative items. In most decorating styles, pistachio decorations will be very appropriate. This could be one or two large items, or a set of decorative dishes, a beautiful tea set, or a series of photographs in pistachio frames.

Don't forget about decorative elements

A person’s mood and well-being are very closely related to his color environment. It's hard to convince yourself to relax in a room where the walls are decorated, for example, in burgundy or bright red tones. Pistachio color in the interior of a room is considered universal. It easily combines with many shades, does not tire, and gives any room special energy and freshness. It is loved equally by novice designers and masters of their craft.

Light green attracts the eye and creates a feeling of endless freshness in combination with white

Features of pistachio color

The use of this shade in interior design is not uncommon. Natural beauty is one of the main features of light green. He will become ideal option for rooms insufficiently illuminated by natural light. This tone will not lose its brightness even with an artificial light source.

Pistachio color in interior design does not entail an emotional burden. This color has few complementary shades, so it is very predictable. By gluing, for example, light green wallpaper, you won’t wonder whether it will hurt your eyes too much on a white background or whether it will take on a grassy tint with a black frame.

Natural color does not cause fatigue. This amazing light green tone is appropriate in any room, be it a living room, kitchen or children's room. The pistachio color of the walls goes well with both dark and light furniture. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to make it dominant. A touch of freshness can be added with pale green curtains or other accessories such as rugs or decorative pillows.

Neutral light green can become cheerful and flirty if combined, for example, with asymmetry in the room

Advice! An even pistachio color does not need additions such as stencils, drawings, or stickers. But curtains of this shade with a pattern printed on them will be excellent additional element premises.

Combination of pistachio with other colors

Even taking into account all the above advantages of this shade, a successful combination of colors with light green is a painstaking task. creative work, requiring certain knowledge. What shades does the color of pistachios harmonize well with?

  • White. This combination is considered very successful classic version. Combining warm green with white is especially important for small rooms.

Few accents in Scandinavian interior: roller shutters on the windows and a pistachio-colored rug

  • Yellow. A positive and cheerful color, coupled with light green, increases the properties of the latter several times. Saturated yellow will require emphases. A pale yellow shade can be safely used as the dominant tone in the interior.

  • Beige. It is considered the most unrivaled companion color to light green. This natural, relaxed, natural combination can satisfy the most demanding aesthetic needs.

The combination of “beige and pistachio” is self-sufficient, but it can also be a background for a riot of colors of various accessories

  • Blue turquoise or blue color with green is associated with a marine theme. The blue color will look good on a pistachio shade as accessories, and large ones at that.
  • Orange. Rich orange, peach and apricot shades look very vibrant and impressive against a light green background.

A cheerful combination of green as the dominant color and orange as the color of textiles and other accessories

  • Pink. This color will be an excellent complement to pistachio. Both shades look so noble that it’s impossible not to love this combination.

Feminine and cozy combination of green and pink

  • Brown. With this combination, conflict will never arise. Delicate greenery on the walls is a plus wooden furniture- what could be more natural than this combination.

Depending on the room where it is used, pistachio color changes its overall mood: in classic design in the living room it becomes the color of luxury

  • Black. Great combination for modern interiors. The combination of black and light green is an option only for stylish and courageous people.

Black, white, pistachio: a combination for young and energetic people

Combinations of pale green with dark green and blue will not be very successful. Pistachio will seem dirty and cloudy with a muted blue tint. But with the right combination of textures, patterns and materials, you can design a quite decent interior even with such unsuccessful combinations. It is important that these color inclusions are few.

Light green can be combined with several shades of green in one room at once. This luxurious combination can be emphasized favorably by gilding.

Advice! When decorating the interior, feel free to use natural materials. Pistachio color combines amazingly with wood, straw, stone, and bamboo.

A unique and very successful combination in the design of a colored kitchen: pistachio and emerald green tiles, the texture of which is emphasized by transparent furniture

The use of pistachio shades in various interior styles

This color is quite common when decorating modern styles interior: hi-tech, minimalism, contemporary . This is due to his a successful combination with chrome elements, plastic and gloss.

The naturalness of green colors fits perfectly into the eco-style that is popular today. If you put an emphasis on the pistachio shade, it will become a good option for the pop art or eclectic style.

Tuscan style The interior design has Italian roots. Here, in large quantities apply natural wood, all kinds of forged products and green shades.

The French style of Provence is characterized by romanticism and lightness. An abundance of textiles and all kinds of wicker baskets, vases, even pieces of furniture will be an excellent complement to the pistachio color.

Creating warm green shades in the kitchen

First, let's determine how to use green in the kitchen interior - dominant or secondary. The light green tone of the walls in the kitchen will be a good combination with both dark and light furniture. Straw, stone, bamboo or wooden furniture frames will not clash at all with pistachio-colored walls.

Pistachio-colored furniture in the dining room, decorated with large plant scenes on the walls

TO kitchen furniture In a salad shade, you can safely choose wall coverings in sea, wine, emerald or purple. A pistachio-colored kitchen in this case will refresh the rich tone of the walls.

The versatility of pistachio shades allows you to create wonderful interiors in small and large kitchens. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they are tall or low ceilings in the room and what its geometry is.

Advice! To avoid the effect of general merging, do not decorate the entire kitchen area (furniture, facades, floors, walls) in one color. Moderation and mandatory dilution of the light green shade with harmonizing colors are necessary here.

Pistachio color in the interior living room design

The tone of pale greenery can be used to decorate the interior as accents, or you can make it the main one. Both options will be successful. In any case, pistachio color will bring a feeling of joy and freshness to the room.

The combination of pistachio and black creates a strict, but at the same time welcoming atmosphere, therefore it is very suitable for decorating, for example, office premises. The white ceiling adds depth to the composition.

The color of light green visually expands the room. Therefore, its use is especially relevant in living rooms small area. But also for spacious rooms this shade is an ideal option. Pistachio walls in a large and well-lit living room can be successfully combined with purple colors, for example, upholstered furniture. A white ceiling will highlight the brightness of the two shades.

Advice! There are many options for using pistachio color in the living room interior. It is important not to be afraid to try and experiment.

Children's room

The child should feel cozy and comfortable in the children's room. Therefore, a soft green, but not flashy shade will not have a negative impact on the child’s condition. There is always a place for pistachio color in the nursery. This could be wallpaper, ottomans, a small rug, a panel, a lampshade, decorative pillows.

The outrageous interior created with the dominance of pistachio color will really appeal, for example, to collectors of modern art and creative people.

An adult child can, of course, independently choose the combination of shades he likes. In this case, your task is to suggest that for a girl the most successful combination of pistachio color with pink, crimson and burgundy shades, for a boy - with blue and brown.

Light-filled living room with stucco molding against the backdrop of pistachio walls

Discreet luxury of classically decorated modern house: as they say in English-speaking countries, “classy”

Invigorating and light, soft and delicate pistachio color - fashion trend in design art. Due to its versatility, the combination of pistachio color in the interior with other shades is especially advantageous. Let's try to understand the classic and creative combinations of this beautiful light green shade.

Color perception

Being a natural color that consists of a mixture of green and yellow, pistachio goes well with them. The timeless classic combinations – pistachio with white or pistachio with gray – also look quite attractive in the interior. The duo of pistachio and black looks no less impressive, although such a tandem is not often used in interior design.

Pistachio is sometimes called dirty green, but because of this, the muted shade does not lose its calm and pacifying effect, does not lose the positivity that it has. Pistachio color goes well in the interior with pastel colors: peach and beige, light pink and cream, milky, carrot and others.

When decorating the interior in pistachio color, be sure to select accessories and textiles pastel colors. If pistachio is chosen as an additional color, then in combination with it, accent shades that are brighter than itself will help draw attention to it.

Among the color “allies” of pistachio are sea green, blue, crimson and coral. Brown and chocolate also look expressive in combination with pistachio. Just remember the natural combination of green foliage and brown tree trunk. In the interior it looks organic and summer-fresh.

Pistachio does not combine well with bright green and pale blue. IN dark room against a background of pale blue, the pistachio color will acquire the properties of a dirty-cloudy color, and bright green will overshadow this light shade. Although real interior design professionals work successfully with these combinations, choosing the right texture, size, pattern finishing materials and accessories.

The psychology of color explains that muted shades from the green palette, such as pistachio, have a beneficial effect on human emotions. Calm, relax, relieve fatigue. Among the positive properties that pistachio color brings to the atmosphere of any room, psychologists note a feeling of carefree and lightness in such an interior. In addition, openness and goodwill arise, since pistachio, being a natural color, does not cause hostility.

Correction of space in the house

The combination of pistachio with natural white, pink, gray, mint, blue-green, herbaceous flowers looks great in any interior. In this case, it is advisable to take into account the shade of the pistachio itself. Very light tone It will harmonize wonderfully with contrasting dark gray or dark green. The combination of white, pink, yellow in an ensemble with pistachio will imitate the natural environment in the interior. color scheme. This approach to design will look very impressive.

The combination of noble pistachio color in the interior in company with light shades - beige, cream, white - is a classic of the genre. The duet of white and pistachio visually expands the room, creates an atmosphere of grace and airiness, and both pistachio and white can act as an accent.

Such a lack of rooms as low ceilings can be successfully compensated for by a combination of a pistachio background and accent white verticals. Visual space and the freshness of the room in this case is ensured.

For a bathroom, it will be especially successful to include rich coral, cream, and orange details in the white and pistachio interior. The beige-pistachio tandem, the popular clover-pink combination are excellent combinations that are suitable for any interior - bedroom, living room, nursery, bathroom.

Peach, soft pink, yellow tones– a good addition to rich pistachio. The color scheme created with the inclusion of turquoise and blue elements looks interesting in the interior. Picturesquely and effectively, pistachio is combined with olive, light coffee, cappuccino color.

The universality of pistachio is also supported by the fact that it winning combination in the interior not only with pastel colors. With other colors (rich and deep brown, chocolate, black) amazingly beautiful combinations are created. In addition, pistachio is combined with burgundy and violet, with emerald and blue, sapphire.

In general, pistachio color is a modest and charming partner in many color duets.

The green color scheme in the interior of the house maintains an atmosphere of optimism - this is the property of this palette. Pistachio, refers to complex, composite flowers. The color of young greenery, the joyful awakening of nature, filling with life, such emotions are evoked by green colors in the house. It is pleasing to the eye and the desire to get the desired shade pushes many to experiment with coloring. How to mix paints and get the coveted pistachio color for the walls of your living room, kitchen, bedroom, in short, in those places where you most often visit? Simple and difficult at the same time. You need patience, time, inspiration and a photo of the ideal interior design for you.

The magic of mixing paint colors

The color got its name from nuts, the shells of which are cracked and you can see a pleasant green color. The palette varies from brown-green, slightly withered to joyful light color. It is worth understanding what shade you need to get in the interior. In any case, certain colors of paint will be required, and the question of how to get a pistachio color will be solved in practice.

The palette ranges from brown-green, slightly withered to a joyful light color!

What is needed for work:

  • color sample (interior photo, piece of wallpaper, illustration);
  • paints: blue-green, yellow (ochre, terracotta);
  • brush; paper;
  • palette for mixing paints;
  • glass of water.

Secure the sample in the middle of the Whatman paper. Start mixing paints. Gradually adding color, carefully mix until smooth and paint near the sample. By varying the amount of one color or another, color saturation, texture density, strive for a perfect match with the selected sample. Write down the proportions of mixed paints; to paint the walls you need to know the exact dosage of each color. Enjoy the process, because the walls in your house will be painted in your favorite shade. Make several samples from light pastel to dark rich colors.

If the speed of getting what you want is more important to you, then visit a hardware store. In the paint and varnish department, you will be offered pigments, mixing them with the base color to create the desired pistachio color for walls or other surfaces. With this approach, you can vary the intensity, density, and compatibility with other shades.

The easiest selection option is to purchase ready-made, graded paint in the required volume. You should choose a shade according to the ral palette. By examining the proposed palette, it is easy to understand what saturation and density of shade you need for your interior, and choose color combinations in the design of the room. Take a closer look at catalogs that contain photos of interiors using the selected palette.

The easiest selection option is to purchase ready-made, graded paint in the required volume!

Pistachio in the interior

Interior design in green tones belongs to the natural, eco-friendly line; most often it is chosen by life-lovers and optimists. For walls use pistachio-colored paint or wallpaper. It is ideal for the kitchen, where the positive impact on all family members is most noticeable; housewives in the interior of a pistachio kitchen can easily cope with household chores. Numerous photos of interiors indicate the demand for thematic design, tied to the color scheme.

Light pistachio, pleasant for any room and combined with white, brown, yellow. It is enough to put a laminate or natural board on the floor in a room where the walls have a pistachio green tint to feel the atmosphere of comfort. This combination is most in demand for the kitchen: bright and at the same time calming. Photos from exhibitions prove the interest of professionals in these color duets.

Pistachio-colored wallpaper will be appropriate in any room, be it a hallway, an office or a nursery. The optimism of this color is charged with creativity and can be combined with almost the entire spectrum of warm shades of the palette. Brown, caramel, turquoise, yellow, cream, peach shades are ideal companions for pistachio variety from light pastel to dense color filling.

Pistachio-colored wallpaper will be appropriate in any room, be it a hallway, an office or a nursery!

If the kitchen design is based on neutral shades, but you love the pistachio color, bring it into the interior color accents: textiles, accessories, photo frames and other ways. Using several photos of interiors whose design you like, make a collage to understand the idea of ​​​​your own home.

Kitchens with a positive pistachio color in their interiors are very easy to visually perceive.. The entire interior can be filled with only one color, because the variety of shades allows you to move within the chosen framework.

Combination of pistachio with other colors

  • White and pistachio . Eternal spring- this is how you can characterize the design of a green and white interior. The combination visually expands the space and brings in the freshness of young shoots.

  • Gray and pistachio . The combination is truly respectable, allowing you to play with shades of two colors, the range of which is almost endless: combinations from lightly joyful to deeply emotional, give scope for creative ideas.

  • Brown and pistachio . The most natural combination of colors, comfortable for life and peace of mind.
  • Yellow and pistachio . Positivity at its peak. Filled with light, such an interior does not allow you to become discouraged or depressed. The expressiveness of the combination is softened by the intensity of one or both colors. In interior design, one of the colors is used as a companion to the main one. Which one plays first fiddle is not so important; measured use will give a boost of energy in any case.

  • Peach and pistachio . fresh, requires the occasional addition of a neutral shade of beige for balance. Two composite shades in one interior make a claim to exclusivity, because the range of both colors is so diverse that their play can be endless.

  • Turquoise and pistachio . A range of distant shores and otherworldly beauty. The East, travel, bliss and sophistication are reflected in this combination. The interior in these colors is free of banal solutions and filled with air and freedom of expression. Light turquoise shades give a harmonious combination with pastel shades greenery, and rich colors will make the design luxurious.

You can combine pistachio color with almost any other color; in your perception it is non-conflicting. Playing with shades of green, it is brought into the design of any interior, creating unique images, styles and even new directions in the design of rooms, interiors, and objects.

You can combine pistachio color with almost any other color; in your perception it is non-conflicting!

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