Runes on the body. Runes for weight loss: rejuvenation of the body using the runic formula. How to delete such runescripts

Runes on your own skin. The meaning of Runes.

Ancient Vikings often painted runes on their own bodies: for example, before a battle, it was customary to depict the Teyvaz rune, associated with the god of war Tyr, on their nails. So magic was included in the very flesh of life.

Approximately the same thing - as an experiment - is proposed to be done with runes by a great expert on them, predictor, psychologist and magician Alexey Ryabov:“In order to learn to guess well, it is not enough to study one or another predictive system: you need a personal, “intimate” acquaintance with the chosen prediction tool.”

I will tell you about one of the most accessible and safest ways to personally get acquainted with runes, thanks to which you can attract beneficial changes into your life. We take a felt-tip pen or marker in our right hand (if you are left-handed, then in your left) and carefully draw the rune that interests us on the left (respectively, right) shoulder, higher, so that the design is hidden even by a short sleeve. The size of the drawing is not important, the main thing is that you like it. We keep each rune on ourselves for two weeks in order to be able to feel its energy. To do this, the drawing needs to be updated every 3-4 days. I advise you to write down your impressions in a diary. When starting the experiment, you should mentally turn to the god Odin for a blessing, because runes are his magical attribute.

A rune denoting well-being, nutrition, movable property, and satisfaction of vital needs. In addition to the usual meanings, the following effect was observed for me: in difficult times, I would certainly receive an order for work that would allow me to make ends meet. We can conclude that for me personally this rune means work for money.

The experiment revealed only the known meanings of the rune: vitality and physical strength, good health, fighting spirit, pressure, dominance of the male over the female.

The usual meanings also appeared: testing, overcoming difficulties.

The rune of information, reason, knowledge and communication, as well as invocations of the Higher Powers. It gave me a rapid flow of new ideas - alas, not always fruitful.

Rune of the path, road, movement and choice of direction. For me, it turned out to be not only a problem of choice that requires courage, but also help in this choice, as well as my increased aggressiveness.

The rune of inspiration, creativity and self-expression, internal “alchemy” and combustion, fire - sometimes burning the creator himself. For me, it manifested itself in making responsible, mature and rather unpleasant decisions, and clarifying the situation.

The rune of free partnership, interaction and mutual understanding, balance in relationships brought me clarification of confused relationships - and ultimately a break.

The rune of joy, luck, luck for me meant not so much practical luck as a good, light, joyful mood.

The rune of divine punishment, the destruction of something established and outdated. Didn't research it.

The rune of need, coercion, lack of comfort, exile or emigration, living in cramped circumstances. Didn't research it.

The rune of inertia, solid ground under your feet, stability, long-suffering, coldness in relationships, boredom, monotony. Didn't research it.

The rune of success, achievements, fruits, harvest, natural cyclicality and fruitful expectation showed its own shade for me - only well-deserved success, only a logical result, and not always the way I want.

Rune of critical situations when instant reaction is required. Didn't research it.

The rune of contact with the subconscious, fortune telling, interpretation of dreams, split consciousness, madness, and also pregnancy in women. Didn't research it.

Rune of divine protection, prayer, symbol of the high egregor and the World Tree. Showed me its standard values.

The rune of the correct course of things, natural order, divine providence. She showed me composure, purposefulness, and spiritual clarity.

The rune of the god of war Tyr, meaning inflexibility, courage, imposing one’s opinion, establishing one’s own order, stubborn struggle, war, victory over the enemy, male dominance and male sexuality. She brought me many difficult situations that I had to and managed to resolve; a difficult, but interesting, eventful and meaningful life.

The rune of motherhood, raising children, feminine care and feminine dignity. It is not surprising that this rune, associated with the feminine principle, but without a hint of sexuality, did not show itself as anything special when drawn on a man’s hand. I think it would have turned out differently for a woman.

In the rune of movement, rhythm, harmony in dynamics, sex and drive, I was shown a special state of daring, courage, and heroism.

In the rune of masculinity, leader, husband, father, winner, hierarch, masculine wisdom, for me the emphasis was placed on relations with authorities, clarification of social situations and roles.

The rune of emotions without storms, mobility without resistance, pliability, travel on water, or even just rain, associated with feminine energy and magic, gave me a lot of love energy, but with a muted sexual overtones; immersed in a stream of events and tempting offers.

The rune of life, reproductive function, progress, movement for the sake of movement, spontaneous growth, for me personally was manifested by increased activity, I managed to do more and even began to sleep less.

The rune of transformation, crisis, breakthrough to something new, unforgettable experience, completion of a cycle (including life). For me it manifested itself in sobriety of mind, reassessment of values, and rejection of illusions. I also often use this rune to treat cuts, bruises, dislocations, burns and other minor external injuries: nothing prevents me from applying iodine to the skin. Heals faster!

Rune of home, homeland, family, tradition, native blood, personal inner space. She emphasized for me the multifaceted role of family: not only did I begin to visit my mother more often, but I also had a whole family among my clients.

It is not possible to study double and triple combinations of runes: there are too many of them. But some of the most interesting and promising ones can also be tried on yourself. I also got the impression that the runes are not indifferent to who addresses them: a man or a woman. Having completed the experiment, you will be able to skillfully apply runes in everyday life, adding a little magic to it.

Alexey Ryabov, fortune teller, psychologist and magician

Runes on the body have a powerful energy effect. Signs will help a person achieve what they want if they are applied correctly. Otherwise, you can harm yourself, because sacred symbols can radically change a person’s life, and their impact is not always positive.

Is it possible to write marks on the skin?

Ancient sacred symbols are used only if their essence is clear. You also need to understand what effect will be achieved thanks to them. Runes that have a positive meaning can cause harm if used thoughtlessly. This must be taken into account even when making short-term images. You need to be especially careful when using not individual signs, but also formulas.

Correctly applied symbols work effectively, making the necessary changes in a person’s life. Then troubles will pass by. Often runes using Elder Futhark symbols. In this case, the signs will complement and enhance each other’s action.

There are different options for writing runes. Each symbol can have a similar or completely different meaning. The difference is often a small hook. Mirror images are often performed. Sometimes you may not notice the difference and make a mistake in the drawing.

Application methods

The method is chosen depending on the purpose of using the symbols. To achieve a certain desire, it is better to use application products with a short-term effect. To do this take:

  • gouache or watercolor;
  • marker;
  • handle.

When a person sets a goal to change his life globally and irrevocably, the following methods of applying sacred runes are used:

  • scarring;
  • tattoo;
  • drawing with henna or ocher.

These methods were used in ancient times. They were performed mainly by priests for the purpose of protection from evil forces and to attract good luck. In the modern world, scarring is almost never used. They prefer more aesthetic designs.

A tattoo will leave an imprint for life, often negative, which is why many artists are against applying magical signs. It is worth considering that henna is washed off after a month. Applying a rune with it for short-term purposes is impractical. The event may already be over, but the sign has not yet expired.

Regardless of the image method, the process has a number of rules.

  1. Each character is drawn sequentially. It is forbidden, for example, to draw vertical lines first and then all the others. They work with all the runes in turn. The next one is not completed until the previous one is completed.
  2. The image of the runes does not have horizontal lines, there are only vertical and horizontal sections.
  3. You cannot correct incorrectly applied symbols. It is also prohibited to finish drawing them.
  4. Symbols should be easily recognizable, without unnecessary symbols.
  5. You need to write from left to right. Images in the form of a circle are performed clockwise.

Knowing how to correctly apply runes to the body, you can achieve your goal. They will help you get answers to your questions.

In vacation spots they often offer to draw sacred symbols with henna. Stencils are used for this. But drawing in a public place is not recommended. Different energy flows can knock down the necessary wave, and the process will not be beneficial.

An unlimited number of runes can be applied to the body. The main condition is that they should not conflict with each other. But practice shows that it is difficult to combine more than 7 symbols for one goal so that their effects do not contradict each other. And this difficulty increases with the number of signs. The optimal number of stakes to solve the problem is 1-3, maximum 5 pieces.

Runes are applied to the body using a large palette of colors. But there are certain recommendations for using a palette of shades:

  • solar or fire symbols are depicted in red, yellow, orange;
  • - green or blue;
  • tattoos are done in black or brown.

Red is chosen more often than other colors. The shade symbolizes blood, and sacred signs feed on the energy it contains.

Allowed characters

Many symbols are used as a component in formulas and staves. But some have a powerful effect as a separate element. Considering which runes can be applied to the body, the following are distinguished:

  • Fehu is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Its main meaning is the acquisition of something or the preservation of an existing one. Will attract good luck in the monetary sphere. Women combine it with Berkana;
  • Isa - will stop the development of all negative situations. Provides patience and self-control. Its meaning is ice. It should not be used to protect the hearth or your own business, because the symbol can provoke stagnation;
  • Algiz is a rune of powerful protection. It will prevent psychological pressure at work, protect your home, property, and business. Patronizes such qualities
  • Ansuz - will help people who use intellectual abilities in their work. Develops eloquence. The main interpretation of the symbol is the ability to maintain social status and use other people's experience and wisdom;
  • Inguz - symbolizes the successful completion of what was started or the strength to overcome difficulties. Will increase
  • Berkana - means fertility, birth, good psychological health. Placing this rune on the body provides passive protection. Promotes a favorable course of pregnancy and easy birth of the baby;
  • Gebo - will protect love relationships from unpleasant situations. Its meaning is the gift of partnership in any field.

This is an incomplete list of symbols that are suitable for drawing. The above signs will definitely not harm a person.

Prohibited signs

There are a number of symbols that beginners should not use. Applying strong runes to the body is often a dangerous tool if used ineptly. Among them are signs with the following description:

  • Hagalaz, Isa, Nautiz - they are sometimes called symbols of corruption. Not everyone is able to turn their impact to their advantage;
  • Thurisaz - it is necessary to control its strength. It indicates that the lucky streak will end. Knowledge of magical practices is also suitable;
  • Peter is the rune of rebirth. Capable of instantly changing a person’s life;
  • Soulu - symbolizes the Sun, but its effect can burn an ignorant person like a flame.

To choose a personal amulet that is ideal for you, study the properties of each sign in our special articles (selection in the table below). And if you want to make an amulet based on Slavic runes, use.

You can also use other runic systems for tattoos:

Places for typefaces

There are certain recommendations from magicians in the use of signs. Most often, runes are depicted on the hands. It doesn't really matter which one you use to draw on. But sometimes a leading hand is chosen for a specific purpose. Standing on it is applied as if the shoulder is the top and the fingers are the bottom. Sacred signs are often depicted sideways.

Symbols can also be applied in other places: on the legs, back, and sides of the body. Signs are hidden from prying eyes. Runes are not applied to the folds and areas of energy centers. The characters are written in this way:

  • take a new red marker or pen, used only for drawing symbols;
  • signs should not be distorted when viewed from the outside;
  • movements must be performed from top to bottom;
  • draw characters in a row or column.

It is worth learning how to apply runes to yourself.

Runes are the ancient writing of the Germanic peoples, which have magical, sacred meaning. The use of runes in magic is described in traditional sources - the Elder and Younger Eddas, runic poems. It consisted of applying them to a piece of utensil, weapon, structure or ship, as well as to a tablet that served as an amulet. The runes were drawn or carved, and sometimes cut out with an axe. It is also said that they were usually stained with blood, but this was done only in exceptional cases. Sometimes they were applied directly to the body: in the form of a tattoo or temporary design.

Where can runes be applied?

Traditionally, magical symbols were applied to any objects, they were cut into wood, or carved into stone. There were special types of runes for various purposes. For example, the runes of Victory, according to the Speeches of Sigrdriva, were applied to the hilt of a sword, Surf - on the bow and side of the ship, Beer - on the horn from which they drink. Sigrdriva, according to legend, was a Valkyrie who was bewitched by Odin using a “thorn of sleep” - a special stave, or design, that could put a person to sleep for a long time. The hero Sigurd found the Valkyrie and woke her up, and she reveals to him the secrets of runic magic.

Contrary to the opinion of some masters that these symbols should not be applied to the body, the ancient text contains enough examples of such magic, with detailed instructions on which runes to apply and where exactly:

  • Beer runes should be depicted “on the hand... Naud - on the nail”;
  • Midwives who help with childbirth “apply it to your palm, squeeze your wrists...”, the “midwife’s palm” is also mentioned;
  • Others: “helping trace”, “nail of the norn”;
  • Healing signs: in Sigrdriva's speeches they are suggested to be applied “to the trunk”, which can be either a growing tree or a plank. However, other ancient texts are known - collections of galdrastavs, which mention, for example, “becoming from the death of livestock,” which was applied directly to the withers of the animal. Among the healing graphic magical signs of the Icelanders there are those that are applied to the body with blood from an incision near the sore spot;
  • Runic staves were applied to the palm in blood to attract the love of the desired person, after which it was necessary to shake her hand;
  • Protective staves: the well-known agiskhyalm in some cases was applied with blood directly to the forehead.

Often the description of a runic formula or stav indicates exactly where to take blood for it. For example, from the middle finger, or in a more unusual place - from under the root of the tongue.

Runes and their sacred meaning and use on the body are described in detail in ancient texts of Northern Europe. However, there are modern craftsmen who come up with their own ways of using galdrastavs. For example, staves for losing weight, increasing muscle mass, treating certain organs.

How to draw runes

Traditionally, magical symbols in the Northern Tradition are drawn with red ocher. This is iron oxide, the composition closest to human blood. Runes are depicted with one's own blood only in exceptional cases. They are also applied with henna as a temporary tattoo. This method is not authentic, but convenient. Henna does not get dirty and lasts a long time. If necessary, symbols can be depicted with any natural paint or even charcoal, chalk, ink - any composition that is at hand. Some practitioners add their own blood to the dye, but this is not necessary. You can add a little of your saliva, this promotes quick activation.

How to correctly apply runes to the body

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to know how to apply runes safely and correctly. There are several rules for applying any magical symbols to the physical body.

  • The marks are drawn from top to bottom, as if the body were a canvas - they should be straight to the viewer;
  • Each line is drawn in one motion, you cannot correct or paint on it: if the concentration is not enough to draw a straight line, you should not take on this task;
  • After drawing, the symbols are activated: there are different opinions about how the runes are activated (by breath, fire, voice), but there is no authentic way, they are simply given life with their energy, like Odin, Khenir and Lodur gave breath, mind (spirit) and warmth to the first to people.

Dangers and consequences of drawing runes on the body

“Runes are cut by those who understand them” - this phrase from the Elder Edda is familiar to everyone who begins to study the Northern Tradition. This is what you should follow before applying runes to your body. If the rune is drawn incorrectly, the consequences will not be too serious; it is enough to remove it immediately, then the effect will not last long. It’s worse if the sign has already been applied to yourself in the form of a tattoo: this can lead to radical changes in life, perhaps not too pleasant, which cannot be controlled. The potential of the rune will be realized as the gods please, and not the owner of the tattoo. Also, you should not apply other sacred symbols in the form of a tattoo, for example, wolfsangel (wolf hook), valknut, triskelion and others.

Top 5 runes that are worth drawing on the body

There are several runes that can and should be applied to yourself, but if there are concerns, they can be drawn on a photo for a softer effect.

  • Inguz - gives masculine strength, helps in relationships, strengthens the ability to conceive;
  • Algiz - protection from negative impacts of various types, protects from enemies and sends a blow back, protection from other dangers not related to people (accidents, etc.);
  • Ansuz - helps to gain experience and wisdom, stimulates spiritual development, helps with problems in communicating with people, studying;
  • Soulu - helps achieve success and well-being, increases vital energy, improves immunity, gives good health;
  • Fehu - symbolizes happiness and material wealth, opens a money channel, helps to become richer;
  • Vunyo is a sign of good luck, helps to find a way out of a difficult situation, gives ease in communicating with people, helps to solve problems of any nature in an easy way.

Top 5 runes that are prohibited from drawing on the body

It is better not to joke with ancient symbols: there have been cases when using runes on oneself turned out to be fraught with big problems.

  • Hagalaz - brings quick and devastating changes to life on all fronts, in other words, it destroys the old life. Strong, fast, but unpleasant effect;
  • Nautiz - creates problems in all areas, closes pathways, and can affect health. Applied to oneself, it works as self-damage;
  • Kennaz: fraught with injury, physical harm, as well as harm from fire;
  • Perth: a sign of transformation, can affect a lifetime of practice. He brings radical changes, like Hagalaz, but not by destroying, but by transforming, and into what is unclear;
  • Teyvaz: symbol of the god Tyr, good only for warriors who have taken the oath, for those who are in the zone of real combat operations. For everyone else, they may be attracted to situations where there will be an opportunity to “realize their military valor”: fights, attacks, quarrels and disputes. For those who are far from war, it is not recommended, as it may cause the wrath of the god Tyr.

How to properly remove runes from the body

Magic signs are removed in the same order and sequence in which they were drawn. If the paint is not durable, they simply wash off. With henna and other permanent dyes it is more difficult: it will take time before their effect wears off. It is advisable to completely remove all symbols from the body, while you can visualize a stream of pure white energy that washes this part of the body, leaving it completely clean.

What to do if the formula suddenly wears off on its own? Don't despair, the action will continue by inertia for some time, then it can be updated.

Before asking the question “How to write runes correctly?” We need to look into this topic and study it in more detail. Runes are like magical signs, from which we write individual formulas and make reservations for runic staves. The topic is sensitive and requires a detailed analysis: starting from the material on which to write and ending with what emotions the runes should be drawn with.

Runes are secret and magical sacred signs that contain a huge meaning of other worlds. Depicted on the body, they have the ability to change fate

The main rule that needs to be remembered is that runes are not just icons, but secret and magical sacred signs, which contain a huge meaning of other worlds. When connecting not only with white, but also with black magic, with the help of runes, you need to remember the consequences and impact, which can change and lead you in a completely different direction.

Where and how to draw runes?

How to choose a material and what it can be? The most frequently asked question for beginners. Rune designs are applied to amulets, photographs, paper, and also to the body. Applying runes to the body is the most popular material for amulet.

Activation and deactivation for beginners is optional. A one-character formula will have a short and single effect. Therefore, it is advantageous to write it on the body and wipe it off after the end of the effect. Runes can be written using a marker, pen, nail polish, felt-tip pen, or paint.

How to draw runes correctly with a marker, pen or other tool? The main secret of applying this tool is:

  1. New.
  2. Of red color. However, it all depends on the meaning of the runic sign. If it has to do with money, you definitely need to take the color green. But it is preferable to use red pens, paints and markers.
  3. Use only for its intended purpose - write runes. Do not give children pens and felt-tip pens for drawing and painting, underlining important matters in documents and similar routine work. Runes must be written with one “magic” tool. After the procedure has been completed, hide it and take it only in exceptional cases.
  4. Do not give to other people. Especially if another person wants to draw runes for themselves with it. This marker will store your energy and strength. By applying runes to someone else, both its impact and the expected result may change.

The marker with which the rune was depicted stores your energy and strength. Therefore, it cannot be given to other people

Why red? Runologists claim that red is the color of blood, and for complex runic patterns and formulas, to enhance the flow of energy, it is necessary to write runes in blood. This way, the connection with man and otherworldly forces will be stronger and the effect, especially if it is made for protection and amulet, will last longer.

In order to choose the part of the body on which to correctly apply runes, you need to decide on the formula and method of application. What are the dangers and warnings from the wrong location?

Methods of applying runes to the body

How to draw runes on the body? Runes are not just signs, don’t forget about that. There is no need to be afraid of them, because if you decide that this will be a talisman, then it is stupid to be afraid of your protecting symbol.

Ancestors believed in the sacred meaning of these signs. Runes were usually applied by priests and people who had connections with other worlds. The tradition of drawing and composing runic signs and formulas originated a very long time ago. There are different variations of rune writing: Slavic, Celtic, Scandinavian and others. Each of these runes can have both similar and opposite meanings. The difference may be a small icon or upside down. These differences are not very noticeable, but if you make a mistake you can suffer greatly from the impact.

Colors may vary. It all depends on personal preference.

However, if the runes are associated with fire or the sun, it is better to draw them in red, yellow, and orange colors. If with money - green or blue flowers. But most often, it is recommended to draw runes in red. This is the color of blood, and as you know, all magical rituals are powered by the energy and power that lies in the blood. In today's world, tattoos are usually done with black and brown colors.

Runes can be applied to the body in various ways:

  1. Tattoo.
  2. Scarring.
  3. Henna or ocher.
  4. Gouache, watercolor.
  5. Pen, marker.

You can apply runes to the body using a regular pen.

Hammering runes in the form of a tattoo or scarring is one of the most ancient methods of application. Ancient tribes carved designs on their bodies to attract good luck in hunting and to protect themselves from dark forces and the evil eye. All this was done by the priests and guides from the earthly world to the other world. People were sure that it was in this way that luck and strength would remain with them until their death. Now, in modern society, scarring is not as popular as among the tribes of Asia and Africa. People prefer beautiful body patterns to ugly scars.

How to draw runes with henna or ocher, you ask. However, it is worth noting that in ancient times, along with tattoos and scarring, there were also henna designs. Only before, the process of extracting henna required a lot of time. Now, when you come to the sea, on any beach or any resort town, you can meet girls who paint with henna using stencils. You should not draw such intimate and sacred signs as runes somewhere in public places. Those flows of energy can knock down the energy you need and in the end nothing may work out or not benefit you. You can buy henna or ocher at any store, dilute it with water and perform the ritual.

However, it is worth noting that temporary henna tattoos are not suitable for short-term effects. The important event will end, but the rune will not expire yet, since the henna is washed off only 3-4 weeks after application. And when the desired effect of the rune ends, a completely different negative substance may appear.

Which application method will really help in the short term? These are definitely pens, markers, watercolors, water-based paints and the like. Short-lived application materials may be used at an important event or event taking place in the near future.

Dangers and consequences of drawing runes on the body

Like hieroglyphs, runes are very difficult to interpret correctly. Very often, on the street, you can see a tattoo in the form of one or two hieroglyphs, in which a person has a certain meaning, but in reality it turns out completely the opposite. In the present interpretation by the indigenous people, the meanings may differ, and sometimes be very funny and inappropriate.

Without understanding the meanings of runes and their sacred meaning, you should not start applying them. But not because you are uninitiated in this, but only for your own safety. So as not to harm your physical and psychological health and the health of your loved ones. To do this, separate, individual reservations for runic staves are drawn up and spoken in complete privacy.

Even during the times of the USSR and after its collapse, such a movement as neo-paganism became popular. These people revive faith in several gods and worship them, putting more and more new meaning into runes and rituals. Getting rune tattoos is very dangerous: not only because of the process, but also because the formulas will remain for life. And even if you want to remove the tattoo, scars will remain, but the impact will still not stop.

Top 5 runes that should be drawn on the body

There are runes that are better used in a formula or runic pattern, so they will have a stronger impact. But there are runes that should be applied specifically to the body, here are the top 5 such signs:

  1. Rune Fehu is a very strong rune for good luck in financial matters.
  2. Rune Ansuz - will help in matters of an intellectual nature.
  3. Runa Inguz - to improve the functioning of male power.
  4. The Berkana rune is a good helper and amulet for women during pregnancy.
  5. Rune Gebo is a guardian and protector in love affairs.

Rune "Gebo" - protector and guardian in love affairs

These runes can be drawn on the body by both men and women. Everything depends solely on the flow of energy and the desire that you set for yourself.

Such symbols will not harm in everyday life and will not only be a good amulet, but also a strong protective barrier.

One of the options for a solid tattoo of several runes could be the Elder Futhark. It is the drawn runes in the form of a circle that will complement each other and enhance their meaning.

Top 5 runes that are prohibited from being applied to the body

  1. The Thurisaz rune is a very strong symbol that can get out of the control of a beginner.
  2. Rune Perth - if you do not need drastic changes in your life, you should not draw this rune on your body.
  3. Rune Hagalaz.
  4. Rune Isa.
  5. Rune Nautiz.

The last three runes: Hagalaz, Nautiz, Isa are some signs of corruption. Especially if you depict them side by side, this will entail greater and sadder consequences.

Sometimes even for an experienced runologist such absurd combinations of bad signs can be unsuccessful. Therefore, before choosing a “pretty” pattern for yourself, you should think carefully about the consequences.

How to properly remove runes from the body

If these are temporary symbols, then simply wash off with soapy water, makeup remover, or acetone. It all depends on what you used to apply the runes. To prevent unnecessary exposure, you need to draw the Isa runes, thereby preventing bad energy and protecting yourself. Having drawn 2-3 such runes, you can begin to wash off the rest.

It happens that the effect of the rune has ended, but nothing happened and there was no influence. This means that some actions were done incorrectly. It’s worth reconsidering how and what you did, washing off the runes and trying to do everything again.

Summing up

Drawing runes on the body is not difficult, sometimes even fun. But do not forget about their magical, mysterious and sacred meaning. It is impossible to imagine how much power is put into these ridiculous icons.

But don't be afraid to draw runes. Your body is your “canvas” for writing runes, formulas, tattoos or amulets. No one has the right to condemn you for these actions, but you should always remain careful and careful when dealing with magic.

I myself use this method quite often; it does not require consecration, and I often do not even activate the runes in any way. But some runologists carry out activation - either with the sign of Thor's hammer or activate with fire - a lighter or match is carefully passed over the drawn formula, or you draw in the air with fire the runes used in this runescript (as if duplicating them).

Well, the first question: How and where to draw runes on the body?

Usually used for drawing marker usually red. Sometimes, when I don't have a marker at hand, I use a regular ballpoint pen. When there is no red, you can use blue, but red, in my opinion, is still preferable. Some people use a waterproof marker - this is convenient, of course, in terms of preserving the drawing and the clothes do not get dirty, but it is not very good if you suddenly need to remove this runescript - before a date or before going to the doctor. Or if it doesn't work the way you want. That's why I use regular markers.

But I recommend get a marker specifically for applying runic formulas, as if it were a “sacred” tool that you will not use to underline documents, draw cartoons, etc. And store it somewhere in a secluded place so as not to give another person the opportunity to use it and bring in some of their own energies.

About body parts, on which you can draw runes. Of course, these parts of the body should be well hidden under clothing and inaccessible to prying eyes. I draw either on the left shoulder or on the stomach, because... It’s more convenient to apply runescripts there - that’s one thing, and no one will see them - that’s two things.

And a rather difficult question for many beginners, exactly how runes are drawn. The formula must be applied so that the runes look correct in relation to the virtual observer, who seems to be standing in front of you and looking at you. If I paint on the shoulder, then I begin my artistic activity from top to bottom, on the inside of the shoulder. You can draw runes either in a line or in a column.

In what cases can you draw runic formulas on yourself?

Well, as far as I know, many people draw such runescripts in any possible cases, just instead of formulas on media. As for me, I put runes on my body most often for healing or protection.

For example, when I have paranoid thoughts, what if someone decided to do terrible damage to me :), I apply it to the abdominal area Solar shield And Agishjalm from 4 Algiz, I wear it for several days (ideally, I should wear it for 9 days, but in practice I always get less - most often one, sometimes 2-3 days). In general, I believe that it is very correct to apply runescripts that remove damage to the front abdominal wall - in the area of ​​​​the projection of the lower chakras, because all sorts of damage and evil eyes, as a form of lower energy, cling precisely to them, from the 1st to the 3rd chakra.

Runic formulas will also work well on yourself to increase attractiveness, change some personal qualities or character.

Well, occasionally I draw runescripts on myself in order to test their effect a little, so to speak, initial testing or first acquaintance. If I like everything, then I already apply this formula to some medium.

What to do if the formula has worn off and the effect has not yet begun?

Just draw the same formula there as many times as necessary until the effect occurs.

How to delete such runescripts?

The runes are simply washed off with water or washed off with alcohol, oil, makeup remover milk :). I don’t say any special words when I do this, however, when I draw, either. But it is noticed that after washing off, the formula can still act for several days, usually 2-3. Therefore, if something went completely wrong, and you need to remove the runescript from yourself with a guarantee, then first we apply several rune Isa(2, 3 are quite enough), which will block the action of the runes, and then you can immediately erase them.

And finally, about tattoos with runes

Although I have already written about this somewhere, there are still always people who either want to do this tattoo with runes, or have already done it, and now they doubt it and ask questions for which there are no answers.

For those who are just getting ready, my advice is absolutely not. Especially if you have only heard something about runes, but you already think it’s beautiful and cool. No one can predict the consequences of your action, don’t even hope.

With runes, everything is individual for everyone; how individual runes, or their combinations, will be superimposed on your energy, even the most professional runologist cannot predict. How would you like it if Kenaz the ulcer will take on its meaning, or Gebo will become not a gift, but a sacrifice? Or rune Inguz, which men love to apply, will decide to end something in your life that you didn’t plan to end at all?

Any rune can have a negative effect. And while you are looking for a way to remove a tattoo, anything can already happen.

And for those who have done it, I advise you to remove the tattoo as soon as possible. Even if it seems to you that nothing terrible is happening yet. Who knows how the runes will distort your energy and destiny in the long term? If there is no way to remove it yet, then you need to at least inactivate the tattoo - also with the help Isa, applied with a marker over the tattoo.

So, if you don’t want problems that you are unlikely to be able to cope with, the best recommendation would be to forget about runic tattoos forever.