Rosemary cultivation and care in open ground. Rosemary: planting and care in open ground in different regions of the Russian Federation. Necessary conditions for cultivation

Rosemary is one of the most exotic plants. However, despite its origin, it is quite easy to grow it on your own suburban area. This plant is distinguished by its peculiar leaves, which in appearance resemble pine needles. In addition, rosemary is well known to everyone due to its aromatic and healing properties.

This spice is part of many Provençal herbs, which are widely used in cooking today. In addition, rosemary is very often used in cosmetology, and in some cases even in folk medicine.

If we talk about planting and caring for rosemary in open ground, then today the plant is grown by many gardeners in the central part of Russia.


Most often you can find rosemary in North America, Turkey, as well as in southern parts Europe and Cyprus. In 1813 this unusual plant It was first planted in Crimea, or rather in the botanical garden. For a long time on the peninsula, essential oils were made from it, which had healing properties and an unusual aroma.

Today, caring for and planting rosemary in central Russia does not cause any difficulties. Although the plant prefers a Mediterranean climate, it tolerates Russian winters well. The main thing is to plant the seeds correctly.

Caring for and planting rosemary in open ground in the Urals also does not cause problems. The fact is that very dry winters prevail in this region. Such conditions are considered favorable for this plant.


Rosemary is an evergreen shrub plants with needle-like leaves that look very much like ordinary spruce needles. During flowering, light lilac, white or pink buds appear on the bush.

The leaves of the plant are covered with a dark green edging (as shown in the photo). Caring for and planting rosemary in open ground has its own characteristics. In our climate, on average it grows up to 50-100 cm. However, there have been cases when gardeners grew this flower up to one and a half meters high. In warm climates, the plant can even turn into small tree. Of course, it grows best in the Mediterranean.

Beneficial features

Before studying the features of caring for and planting rosemary in open ground in the Moscow region and other regions of central Russia, it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the plant.

As you know, spice releases great amount essential oils, the aroma of which allows you to disinfect the air in the room. In ancient times it was believed that this plant was able to fight evil. In addition, rosemary has an anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps to quickly draw out pus.

This plant contains a huge amount of folate. Women will best understand these unusual properties of rosemary, since everyone knows that folic acid has anti-aging effects. In addition, pregnant women need it. The fact is that folic acid helps prevent the formation of defects in the neural tube of the fetus, due to which DNA synthesis occurs.

The plant contains vitamin A. Rosemary contains much more of it than carrots. In addition, it contains about 40% of the daily value of vitamin C. This means that consuming rosemary is much healthier than cabbage or even lemons. It contains magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, and iron. The last component allows you to get rid of anemia. It also takes an active part in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. Potassium is necessary for humans to control the functioning of the heart. Magnesium has an antioxidant effect.

That is why care and planting of rosemary in open ground is done not only in order to obtain an unusual seasoning, but also for health improvement.

If a person eats foods that contain this spice, he will notice that his digestive system has improved significantly. In folk medicine, rosemary is often recommended for hypotensive patients, as this plant helps increase blood pressure. In addition, it relieves tension and stress. It will also be useful for a growing body, since the spice helps to significantly improve memory, cerebral circulation and vision. If you cook it with lavender, the effect will be enhanced.

Men will also be interested in this plant. The fact is that annual shoots of rosemary are very often used in folk medicine in the treatment of impotence, stomach colic, rheumatism and other diseases from which the stronger half of humanity often suffers. Of course, we should not forget about the amazing taste characteristics of the spice, which is why it is very often used as a seasoning during the cooking process. vegetable soups, meat, fried, fish, poultry and much more. Rosemary is also added to marinades.


Today, this plant has become widespread throughout the Russian Federation. However, not every variety of rosemary is suitable for growing in our difficult weather conditions.

Those who want to independently plant and care for rosemary in the open ground are advised to pay attention to 2 types of this plant: medicinal and prostrate. These varieties take root well in the climatic conditions of the central part of the country and regions where winters are not characterized by high humidity.

Most often, gardeners give preference to the prostrate variety, which is also divided into several categories. Among them, the most popular are lavender, creeping and Corsican prostrate rosemary. This plant can grow only up to 50-60 cm, but this is enough to get this wonderful and healthy seasoning in your suburban area or apartment.

What does the plant suffer from?

If you start caring for and planting rosemary in open ground, reviews from gardeners will be very useful. According to experienced gardeners, the spice can suffer greatly only from Not the right conditions content. However, there are a few signs to look out for.

For example, if white spots have formed on the foliage, this indicates that the spice is too moistened; accordingly, you need to water it a little less. If rosemary suffers from excess moisture, it will also have a less intense aroma. In this case, it is worth reducing the volume of water for irrigation.

Among the pests it is most often attacked by spider mite. To prevent its occurrence, it is worth constantly humidifying the air near the plant. To do this, simply spray its foliage periodically. If the mite has already settled on the spice, then you can only get rid of it with the help of chemicals.

Before treating spices with aggressive drugs, it is worth covering the ground with polyethylene or other material, in this case dangerous poisons will not be able to penetrate into the soil and hit root system.

Features of growing in the garden

Since spring frosts in the Russian Federation today are not particularly aggressive, rosemary grows much better, but it is worth considering that cold is destructive for it. That is why experts recommend not planting it in open ground too early.

The soil for rosemary should be quite loose and contain a large amount of limestone. It is also recommended to plant plants in places where there is the least wind. Do not forget that rosemary is most loved climatic conditions Mediterranean. This means that acidic and too wet soil will not suit it.

If the plant is located in a too shaded place, the content of essential oil in its leaves will decrease significantly, but if this is not a fundamental problem, then you can plant it anywhere.

Rosemary grows best in conditions since these are the conditions that are sufficient for its well-being.

Germination of seeds

First of all, you need to soak the rosemary seeds by placing them between 2 cotton pads and moistening them with water. After this, it is enough to wait 2-4 days.

Next, the soil is prepared. To do this, you need to mix leaf soil, peat and sand (or purchase ready-made soil for seedlings). This composition must be poured into a prepared container and spilled with water. After this, you need to spread the seeds on the ground and sprinkle them with a little soil. It is best to place a piece of transparent cellophane on top and put the workpiece in a warm place.

As soon as the first shoots appear, you can move the pots to the windowsill.

Planting in open ground

Considering weather In Russia, it is recommended to plant rosemary in mid-May or when the first warm days arrive.

However, it is best to think things through in advance. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the soil for caring for and planting rosemary in open ground in the fall. Before winter, you need to loosen it and fertilize it abundantly with humus.

After planting in open ground, the plant needs to be watered as the soil dries out.

How does it cope with wintering?

By mid-October the air temperature drops to zero. During this period, it is recommended to move the plant indoors. In conditions of +5 degrees, rosemary will feel great. However, to do this, the plant must be very carefully dug up without damaging the delicate root system.

For convenience, rosemary is usually planted in large pots that are buried in the ground in a suburban area. This makes it much more convenient to transfer the plant to winter.

In custody

Rosemary is amazing plant, which can be safely grown in the middle zone in most regions of Russia. The main thing is to properly care for the spice and take it into the house in a timely manner.

Many summer residents, having watched enough cooking programs, became interested in such a plant as rosemary, and are now deciding how to grow it in open ground. After all, this spice is so cool to add to meat dishes. We needed to grow this plant to repel mosquitoes, and frankly, we didn’t make friends with it right away.

Rosemary: how to grow in open ground and how to propagate the plant

This spicy herb has been used in cooking since ancient times; its taste and aroma are quite complex, and at the same time reminiscent of camphor laurel, eucalyptus, pine and lemon. The taste is kind of sweet and slightly spicy.

Description of the plant

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) or common rosemary, more commonly known as simply rosemary, is a shrub with aromatic evergreen leaves and white, lilac, violet or blue inflorescences.

Rosemary grows in northern Africa and southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Greece, southern France). Belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which also includes many other herbs, subshrubs, shrubs, vines and small trees. "Rosemary" literally translates as "sea dew." The plant lives up to its name, since in many places the moisture of the sea breeze is enough for it to survive.

Rosemary: types and varieties

In the Mediterranean region, the plant grows well in open ground without shelter, which is why it is also called “garden rosemary.” It usually has erect branches, but there are 2 popular varieties - creeping or prostrate (Prostrate - with thin bright green creeping leaves) and lavender (a small shrub with bright purple inflorescences). There are many varieties on sale now:

  • Vishnyakovsky semko;
  • Otradny Semko;
  • Aroma Beauty;
  • Richard;
  • Biryusa;
  • Doctor;
  • Dewdrop;
  • Southerner;
  • Tenderness;
  • Severn Sea.

Growing Rosemary

Rosemary is cultivated as an ornamental garden plant, easy to grow, resistant to pests. Without pruning it grows up to large sizes, maintaining its attractiveness for many years. Can be used for creating low hedges and trimming bushes. Easy to grow as a container crop.

Rosemary grows in loose, well-drained loamy soil, preferably in an open, sunny position. Prefers moderately fertile soils (pH 7-7.8).

How to grow rosemary from a sprig

Can be propagated using shoots. Separate a young 10-15 cm shoot from the plant, tear off a couple of lower leaves and plant it directly in the soil.

This is exactly how we propagated the purchased bush in order to be safe for the winter. After all, only in the third year was it possible to “tame” him at the dacha. The first year it was planted in the garden and it may have gotten under the roof drain. The second year, without reproducing, they dragged it into the house for the winter, and it suddenly dried up, poor thing. The cause of death was never determined. Miraculously, his posthumous photo was preserved; they barely found it:

The third specimen was drawn and planted in different places to protect against mosquitoes, and one was brought back into the house for the winter. Before wintering, the bushes were cut lower and covered with pots filled with a double layer of lutrasil. The bushes overwintered well both in the open ground with shelter and on the windowsill. But last winter was by no means icy; even one experimental bush got along just fine without shelter. So now we’ve figured out how to grow rosemary in open ground.

Cuttings also give roots in water, you just need to air the wounds for a couple of hours before immersing them in water:

Caring for garden rosemary in winter

In warm regions of the country, especially along the southern Black Sea coast, garden rosemary can remain outdoors in the garden throughout the winter season, as it can withstand low temperatures to minus 8 °C. However, in another part of the country the plant will freeze easily, especially if low temperatures persist for more than 3-4 days. Therefore, pots of rosemary need to be placed indoors - in a bright and cool room.

In general, garden rosemary is drought tolerant, but not when grown in flower pot. The plant's roots are limited to a small amount of soil and cannot receive enough water as in a garden. Therefore, it requires more watering.

One of the most important conditions for the survival of garden rosemary in winter is to provide good drainage soil. Watering should be done when the soil on the surface is slightly dry. It is believed that you need to water the plant when the soil is already dry at a depth of 0.5 cm. It is important to follow the watering schedule.

Excessive watering is also detrimental to the plant when the water stagnates - this can lead to rapid rotting of the roots, which will lead to its death.

Use in folk medicine

Traditionally, rosemary is used in folk medicine to improve memory, relieve muscle pain and spasms, stimulate hair growth, support normal cardiovascular and nervous systems. Used as an abortifacient (causing miscarriage), diuretic, and treatment of stomach disorders. However, almost none of these medicinal properties of the plant have been confirmed. scientific research in public. However, one study found that long-term, regular use of rosemary prevented blood clots.

Laboratory studies confirm the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of rosemary.

Rosemary in cooking

The leaves are used in traditional Mediterranean cuisine. They are very aromatic and have a bitter, astringent taste. Add to minced meat, fillings, salads, soups, sauces, marinades, lamb, pork, chicken and turkey dishes.

When burned, the leaves give off a pungent mustard smell, similar to burning pine, so a sprig of rosemary is thrown onto the coals to flavor barbecued dishes. Surely it will be good in cocktails too.

So for everyone living north of Crimea who is interested in how to grow rosemary in open ground, we recommend cutting it off for the winter and covering it. And for insurance, take a couple of branches with cuttings into the house for wintering sunny windowsill. What experience do you have in growing this exotic?

If you want a bush of useful spice to grow in warm weather at your dacha or in your apartment all year round, you need to know what variety to plant, how to grow rosemary from seeds, and how to care for it.

Description and properties of rosemary

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub or tree plant with needle-like thin leaves that are similar to conifers. Blooming rosemary is decorated with soft lilac, and sometimes white or soft pink, blossoming buds.

The leaves of this plant at the top are shiny, dark green in color, at the bottom they are matte and lighter. IN garden culture this plant mostly reaches a height of 50-100 cm, but can grow up to 1.5 meters. Under its natural growing conditions, rosemary can eventually grow to the size of a small tree.

Mediterranean plant It is valued not only for its taste and aroma, but also for the undoubted benefits it brings to the body. Thanks to the use of rosemary, digestion improves, excretion gastric juice.

Rosemary is indicated for hypotensive patients, as it increases blood pressure, it will help relieve nervous tension, stress. Due to the property of this medicinal plant improve memory, cerebral circulation, vision, water infusions are recommended for patients who have suffered a stroke. To prepare this medicine, rosemary is used together with lavender.

It also has disinfecting properties and is able to purify the air from large quantity microbes Annual shoots and leaves of rosemary are used in folk medicine to treat impotence, stomach colic, mumps, rheumatism, thrombophlebitis and other diseases.

As a spice when preparing fish, vegetable soups, salads, fried meat, mushrooms, birds, cabbage use young shoots, leaves, flowers in dry or fresh. This spice is also added to marinades. A pinch of chopped dry rosemary will give pleasant taste potatoes, soft cheeses, butter dough.

Garden varieties of rosemary

Now this plant has become widespread in Russia. Here are the varieties recommended for growing in this region.

This is 2 large type: rosemary officinalis, which is an upright shrub, and prostrate rosemary, which grows in the form of a low shrub, rushing up only 50-60 cm and growing greatly in width.

Varieties of rosemary officinalis:

  • Miss Jessopp's Variety;
  • Fastigiatus;
  • Tuscan Blue;
  • Erectus.
Varieties of prostrate rosemary:
  • Lavender;
  • Creeping;
  • Corsican prostrate;
  • Corsica Prostratus;
  • Venzano Prostrate.

Features of growing rosemary

It should be said right away that rosemary in the middle latitudes of Russia will not survive the winter, as it will die from frost. Therefore, for the winter it is transferred to a bright room where the temperature is +5°C. In such conditions it is possible to grow rosemary. You can start a low variety at home and keep the plant in a pot on the windowsill all year round.

Germinating rosemary seeds

If you can grow rosemary in the warmer months of the year in the garden, start by sprouting seeds. They do not always germinate well, so they need to be soaked before planting. To do this, place the seeds between two cotton pads or in a cloth. Place the container with the seeds in a warm room and make sure that the cotton wool or cloth is always damp.

For better germination, you should prepare an aqueous infusion of a growth stimulant, for example, Epin, and soak it in this life-giving liquid for 4 hours. Then the seeds are lightly washed and left wet for 2-4 days.

After this time, prepare a substrate from leaf soil, peat and sand. It is better to buy ready-made, intended for seedlings. Pour it into a container and pour water over it. Place the seeds on the surface of the ground, do not cover them with soil, cover them with a piece of transparent cellophane, and put them in a warm place. When shoots appear, place the container on the windowsill.

The germination of rosemary seeds may be poor due to the fact that they contain a lot of essential oils. As is known, this impairs the germination of similar seeds, such as basil and carrots. Therefore, it is recommended to first soak such seeds in water or a growth stimulant.

Washing gives excellent results. The seeds are placed in a glass or small jar, filled with water for 20 minutes, then a piece of gauze or bandage is tied to the neck of the vessel, the liquid is drained, and a new one is poured. After three or four such washes, the seeds are soaked for 4 hours in a growth simulator, then in water and planted in the ground.

Planting rosemary in open ground

In mid-May, when warm days arrive, the spice seedlings are planted in open ground. The plant is not picky about soil; it grows even better on poor soils, but important condition- they must be breathable. The place should be sunny, open, protected with north side from cold winds.

Water the plant infrequently, as the soil dries, do not forget that it tolerates drought well. When the plant begins to bloom, the shoots are cut off, used to prepare spices or medicines, or dried for future use. Pruning is necessary for straight-growing rosemary, but prostrate rosemary does not need it, but will tolerate pruning well if you need new shoots.

Do not prune this plant to brown old wood, otherwise you may damage it. Leave about a third of the length of the young shoots, then the bush will tolerate pruning well.

Overwintering rosemary indoors

Around mid-October, when the temperature is close to zero, bring the plant into a room where the temperature fluctuates between +5+7°C. If rosemary is growing outdoors, carefully dig it up. If the root system is damaged, it may die.

In this regard, it is worth advising to grow rosemary in a spacious pot that has drainage holes at the bottom. To prevent the soil from drying out, dig a hole in the garden and place a pot there so that the soil in it and in the open ground is at the same level. In early or mid-autumn, you simply remove the container from the ground and move it indoors for the winter.

In the cool conditions of a bright room, rosemary overwinters well. In mid-May you will take it out into the garden again. If rosemary is grown in an apartment year-round, once every 1-2 years it is carefully transplanted by transferring it into a larger pot.

Cuttings and propagation of rosemary

If you do not want to propagate rosemary from seeds, do it using cuttings. At the beginning of summer, cut young shoots 7 centimeters long, plant them obliquely in a pot with light nutritious earth mixture. Place it in a shaded place in the garden or on a windowsill in your apartment. After 2 months, rooting will occur.

Plant cuttings in the garden at a sufficient distance from each other, as prostrate rosemary grows up to 1.5 meters in length. Place seedlings of this species every 2-2.5 meters.

How to grow rosemary - watch the video:

Thus, previously this plant was grown mainly in North Africa, India, Southern Europe, the Philippines, and Crimea. Today, botanists have developed varieties that grow successfully in Middle lane Russia and at home.

Growing rosemary in open ground in the Moscow region has its own characteristics.

This shrub in wildlife found in countries with warm climates. It can be seen in the fields of Greece, Spain, Italy, and the south of France.

Rosemary is a very common plant that is used in medicine and cooking.

It is not surprising that everyone who has their own land plot wants to grow this not only useful, but also very beautiful-looking crop.


By appearance All varieties are not much different from each other. Only a true professional can distinguish them.

In our strip they grow common or medicinal rosemary. Rarely, but you can also find the following varieties:

  • Dewdrop;
  • Tenderness;
  • Vishnyakovsky semko;
  • Rosmarinus Prostratus repens (bushes up to 15 cm tall).

Beneficial features

Rosemary is a shrub that has evergreen needle-like leaves with a pleasant scent of pine, eucalyptus and light notes of lemon. Many people say that rosemary “smells like the sea.”

Reaches two meters in height. Quite spreading. It blooms with small purple flowers.

What are the benefits of rosemary:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • tones the body;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves brain function;
  • improves vision;

It is important to know: Rosemary is often recommended for use in the treatment of neuroses and long-term insomnia.

  • relieves inflammation;
  • relieves headaches;
  • lowers blood sugar levels.

How to properly grow shrubs in the Moscow region

Don't forget that rosemary comes from warm places. Therefore, it is better not to rush into planting it in open ground.

It is necessary to wait for warm, stable weather. Rosemary will not survive frost. The end of May is perfect, then your plant will take root well.

Note: When choosing a place, pay attention that there are no drafts!

Choose a place that is as bright as possible. This plant loves the sun. The soil for rosemary needs loose, light, preferably limestone.

If you decide to grow shrubs from seeds, then they should be planted in February. The seeds are immersed literally a couple of millimeters into the soil.

Try to maintain the temperature at 20 0 C. Do not let it drop below 12 0 C. Do not overdo it with watering! The soil should be moist, but not wet!

Advice: The easiest way is to plant a potted plant purchased in advance in open ground. His survival rate is much better.

When the shoots are formed, prepare them for future transplantation and plant them in special pots. You can use ordinary plastic bottles.

Planting in open ground

  1. We make holes 30-40 cm deep. At a distance of 10-50 cm (depending on the height of the bush you plan to grow).
  2. It is useful to add a couple of tablespoons of crushed chalk to the hole. This plant loves chalky soil.
  3. You can add a little neutralized peat to the soil with which you will cover the plant. This will make the soil looser.
  4. Carefully remove the plant from the pot (without damaging the root system) and plant it in the hole.
  5. Fill with soil and tamp lightly with your hands.
  6. Water the plant generously with warm water.
  7. Cover with plastic wrap for 5 days until complete rooting.

If it’s cold outside, it’s better not to remove the film until it warms up.


Rosemary is an easy-to-care plant. He is not susceptible to disease. Due to its specific smell, pests avoid it.

The shrub does not like waterlogged, flooded soil. Therefore, additional watering is organized only during periods of drought.

Gardener's advice: If possible, try to plant bushes next to an open body of water or in places where groundwater occurs.

The plant needs to loosen the soil in the first years of life. It is necessary to loosen the soil after watering, this will prevent the formation of a soil crust.

When loosening, remove all weeds! It is better to fertilize rosemary organic fertilizers. Compost and rotted mullein are perfect. Fertilization is carried out annually in the summer.

Rosemary is a perennial plant. To help it overwinter in the Moscow region, it is necessary to dig it up for the winter and plant it in a prepared tub until next spring. This way you will be sure that the roots will not freeze.

Take note: To prepare the plant for the winter, it can not only be dried, but also frozen.

Fresh and dried rosemary sprigs are used for medicinal and culinary purposes. You can collect them at any time. This will not harm the plant, but will only help it grow even better.

Reproduction methods

There are four ways to propagate rosemary:

  1. Seeds.
  2. Cuttings.
  3. Taps.
  4. Dividing the bush.

How to propagate plants by seeds was described above. Let's take a closer look at the other methods.

In September or October it is necessary to cut cuttings 8-10 cm long with 3-4 internodes. Bottom part cleaned of leaves, dipped in a root formation stimulator, planted in light, well-drained soil. It is better to put it in a warm place, protected from direct sun rays place!

After the leaves appear upper leaves needs to be pinched for branching. The lowest shoot of the plant is lowered as low as possible to the ground. Fix and lightly drop in drops, leaving the top on the surface.

Water the branch more often than the bush. When you notice that the plant has taken root, you can dig it up and replant it in a pot or other place. Most often used for propagating potted plants.

When replanting, the bush is divided, the cut areas are treated with crushed coal and planted in pots. So don’t be afraid and be sure to land on your personal plot this wonderful shrub!

How to propagate and grow rosemary, watch expert advice in the following video:

Growing rosemary in our conditions is a fascinating, but rather troublesome task, because natural environment The growth of this plant is different - with a warmer and more humid climate. This means you need to put in a little effort - in particular, find out how to cover rosemary for the winter, so that next year The bush continued to delight with flowering and new shoots.

Where is the best place to spend the winter?

Rosemary can live for many years - up to 20. But only with proper care. However, caring for it cannot be called difficult, but rather troublesome: there are recommendations (few) that must be strictly followed so as not to frostbite the rosemary bush.

With proper care, the bush increases in size from year to year, eventually reaching up to 1 m in height. Over time, the stems become woody, and the amount of foliage increases - it is this that is most valued in rosemary. If during the cold season the air temperature drops below -10 o C, overwintering rosemary in open areas is not advisable, as this can lead to the death of the plant.

Even if the bush is covered by winter, protecting it from drafts and cold winds, the probability of saving it is small - freezing of the soil will be enough to negatively affect the root system, and therefore the entire plant. The optimal winter shelter for rosemary is a cool but bright room. Room climate - no the best option. Better for the plant overwinter on the veranda or in a greenhouse.

That is why many people prefer to immediately grow rosemary in a barrel or wide flowerpot and take it out into the open ground in the spring without replanting - simply by dropping it in the same container. Then the “travel” from the premises to Fresh air and back will be less traumatic for the plant, and it’s easier for the gardener.

The best soil for growing rosemary at home is loose and fertile; it is advisable to give preference to soils with humus. But rosemary does not like excessively wet soil - it immediately begins to shed its leaves.

Creating the right conditions leads to rosemary successfully overwintering and delighting with new, active shoots in the new season.

What else is important to know?

Cold winter air is not the only obstacle to full development. When thinking about how to prepare a plant for cold weather, you should not forget about how to stimulate its growth in the spring. Every two years it is necessary to fertilize the soil with compost or humus at the rate of 200 kg of fertilizer per 1 hectare of land.

Every 7-8 years, the next life cycle of rosemary ends, and the plant begins to fade for no apparent reason. This means that it needs pruning: all stems are cut off at the root to “make way” for young shoots. Important rule: pruning should be carried out exclusively during the growing season, when the plant is actively growing. And the cut branches can be used to prepare tinctures or dried to be used later.