Rose ‘New Dawn’ – a new dawn in your garden. New Down" (climbing) with reviews and care

Description of the variety, its advantages and disadvantages

According to sales statistics from all well-known nurseries, the “New Down” variety won first place, for which it was proclaimed “the rose of the world.” The “title” is not official, but clearly demonstrates the popularity of the rose in different parts of the world. It has held the palm since the creation of Somerset Rose Nursery USA in 1930.

Brief description of the variety:

Coloring blossom Soft pink
Number of flowers per stem 3 – 5 pcs.
Aroma ❀❀❀ strong, spicy, but not intrusive
Average flower size 7 – 8 cm
Height 2 – 2.5 m
Width 2 m
Growing area (USDA) 5
Winter hardiness ❄❄❄
Powdery mildew resistance ★★
Black spot resistance ★★
Rain resistance ☂☂
Flowering period ☀☀
Landing dates Spring - April, autumn - early October
Note:★ – minimum, ★★★ – maximum.

Read more about positive features roses "New Down".

  • It is often written about the size of the variety that it reaches 4.5 m in height and grows to

3 m wide. This occurs in warm climates with good care.

  • Flowering begins at the end of May and continues until September.

Tip #1. Note! Recently, New Down seedlings have appeared on sale, which do not bloom again. Producers budded the variety into long, fast-growing shoots, which led to loss of remontancy. On such specimens, flowers appear only in early summer. This cannot be changed. To get long blooming rose you need to buy a new plant grown in another nursery.

  • The shade of the petals changes throughout flowering, at the beginning - pale pink, then pure white. The buds open gradually, even in bouquets.
  • In favorable conditions, the shoots grow up to 5 m. As a rule, they are attached to a support, but they can be laid on the ground; this will not harm them.
  • IN climatic zone 6, winter without shelter. In zone 5, they require protection from frost, starting from minus 18 0.

Optimal growing conditions and care features

One of the most unpretentious varieties in the world (Read also article ⇒). But he responds gratefully to the beneficial influence:

  • Good lighting, although it grows in partial shade. It is better if the sun is in the morning and shading in the afternoon.
  • As an adult, it needs a lot of space.
  • It grows and blooms better on fertile soils.

In areas with harsh winters it freezes, so the practice of pruning roses for the winter is common there. As a result, flowering occurs once.

Feeding is carried out in the same way as for other varieties of roses:

  • In the spring, fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen are applied, for example, urea - 30 - 40 g per bush. The second feeding consists of superphosphate - 40 - 60 g and potassium salt 15 - 20 g. Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with humus or compost - 3 - 4 kg per plant.
  • In summer, potassium salts or ash are added.
  • In autumn, before sheltering, phosphorus and potassium substances are needed.

Exchange of experience among gardeners growing climbing roses “New Down”

  1. Lyubov Borisovna, (Perm).

Four years ago I bought three roses at a spontaneous market. They assured me that they were different, but it turned out that they were all “New Down”. When they grew, I didn’t regret it at all. When it became clear that their height was more than two meters, fan supports were installed for them. I didn’t even remove it the first winter, the roses survived. But there were no severe frosts either.

In summer the bush grows greatly and needs to be tied up. It blooms gradually, and the flowers last for about a month. As soon as the petals wither, I immediately cut them off. Around mid-summer there is a short pause, and then flowering continues for about another month.

Now I’m not taking any risks, and I’m taking down the roses for the winter. I cover it with spanSUF. Haven't been frozen yet. Wonderful roses.

  1. Valentina, (township Znamenskoye, Krasnodar region).

It so happened that first they planted a rose, and then installed a gazebo with openwork walls. Now our New Down found itself in a rarefied shadow. But this did not affect flowering in any way. We've had Rose for five years. Last year it rained for a long time, I was afraid that the bush would die, but it survived, and the bad weather did not affect it in any way. Other roses are covered with powdery rose, but this one is alive, as if nothing had happened. I’ve probably never seen such a resistant variety.

  1. Raisa,(Dubok village, Leningrad region).

In the winter of 2016, when the frost was 28 0 for several days, I did not notice that the dog was agitated covered roses. New Down suffered the most. I returned the shelter, but I don’t know how long the bushes stood without protection. In the spring I waited with bated breath to see how the sufferers overwintered. Everything turned out to be fine, only the upper branches were frozen. In mid-June the first flowers appeared.

  1. Katerina, (Fedory village, Belarus).

On the advice of a neighbor, I bought an unusually delicate rose light color, turned out to be "New Down". While the bush was small, it grew on its own. When it was time to tie him up, I realized that he was prickly, like a hedgehog. But it still needs to be removed for the winter.

Category: “Questions and answers”

Question No. 1. What roses does “New Down” go with?

When this rose grows, it is elegant in itself. Varieties of any color will effectively complement the rose garden, but you should not arrange a too variegated mixture. It is better if there are 1 - 2 brightly colored bushes nearby, for example, the “Sympathy” variety. It is desirable that there be less red, otherwise “New Down” will be “lost.”

Question No. 2. What can serve as an alternative replacement for this variety?

Varieties of roses, with different degrees Pink colour, as similar to “New Down” as possible.

  • English Miss(Cants of Colchester, UK, 1977) the variety belongs to the floribunda group, blooms all summer, is resistant to disease and rain. Grows up to 1m in height.
  • Gertrude Jekyll(English Rose, Austin, UK, 1985) The size of the bush is over 1.2 m, the color of the flowers is more saturated than “New Down”. Resistance to adverse conditions is average. Does not tolerate waterlogging.
  • Shropshire Lass(Austin UK, 1968) The bush reaches two meters in height. The flowers are pale pink, simple, small in size, but the entire bush is strewn with them. It blooms once, but profusely.
  • Swan Lake(McGredy Ireland, 1968) The variety belongs to climbers and is used as climbing rose. The flowers are large - 8 - 10 cm, pale pink. Shoot height is 2.5 - 3 m. Heat-loving, moderately resistant to powdery mildew and does not cope well with black spot. In zones 4 and 5 requires shelter for the winter.

The New Dawn rose has a soft pink color. The height of the bush is usually about 200-250 cm. The width is about 200 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Disease resistance of New Dawn rose: gets sick in unfavorable years.

Description: New Dawn roses

It blooms with clusters of silver-pink semi-double flowers. The foliage is gray-green. Blooms continuously all summer. Tolerates poor soils and partial shade. (IER)In the last decade, the New Dawn rose has been planted more often than any other. As the most popular in the world, it was even proclaimed “the rose of the world.” And although not everyone will want to plant a rose, which grows in almost every garden, this popularity is well deserved. New Dawn is most often sold as climbing rose(rambler). However, this variety can be used by most different ways. When planted alone, it grows to a height of 2 meters. Long, thin shoots branch in all directions and, if they find support, will grow up to 5 m long. In this case, the flowering shoots will hang down. It is recommended to tie the plant. The variety blooms with double pale pink flowers of the most delicate shade. In the clear sunny days They are almost white, but in cold weather they turn pink again. The flowers are fragrant, with a pleasant spicy aroma. The variety blooms for a very long time, from early summer to late autumn. From time to time there are fewer flowers, but they are always there. Unfortunately, recently there have been New Dawn roses that do not bloom again. The fact is that the variety was budded for long, fast-growing shoots (on the recommendation of the supplier, who did not expect these catastrophic consequences). So if you have a single-blooming New Dawn, there is only one way to prolong flowering: buy new rose. (VER)An outstanding rose in every way. All summer it is covered with beautiful pale pink flowers. You can use it as a climbing rose or as a scrub. It is very winter-hardy and has excellent disease resistance. (Oliver) This rose was considered so outstanding at the time of its appearance that it received the first patent in the United States. New Dawn is a re-blooming sport from the old, very hardy rose Dr. W. Van Fleet, and the descendant inherited the endurance of his progenitor. The flowers are pearly pink, cupped, semi-double, fading to pinkish cream, with bright gold stamens in the center. The rose can be grown as a loose fountain-shaped bush, but due to its incredible growth vigor, the rose is more often grown as a climbing rose. It is especially good when planted near a tree, when the vines are allowed to hang gracefully from the branches. Thanks to its hardiness, it is an excellent variety for difficult places. (


“New Dawn” is a climbing rose that blooms continuously until autumn. The characteristic features of this variety are many flowers, vigorous growth and good frost-resistant qualities. “New Dawn” is a bud mutation of the previously very popular multi-flowered climbing rose “Dr.W.van Fleet” (a single-flowering variety). Flowers on the “New Dawn” rose appear from June until autumn. Each flower reaches about 8 cm in diameter. Flowers semi-double, cup-shaped. Thick, light pink buds, pointed at the end, open and transform into very fragrant flowers, which can be whitish-pink or creamy white with a delicate pinkish tinge. Flowers appear in abundance until autumn. They are very resistant to the vagaries of nature. In addition, after flowering they soon lose their petals (self-cleaning variety). The ground under “New Dawn” is covered with a picturesque carpet of petals. The flowers of this climbing rose do not darken in the sun and do not lose their beauty after rain. Leaves small, at first light green, later green and smooth. The bush is densely strewn with leaves, so the rose is a reliable screen, hiding it from prying eyes. The green bush is decorated with many “porcelain” flowers. “New Daw” is a vigorous climbing rose. She has long, elegantly drooping shoots - at first they rush straight up, and the ends bend down. The rose forms a wide bush, so it can be used for landscaping walls.


Climbing rose “New Dawn” big garden can be grown as a shrub rose with picturesque drooping shoots. In addition, it can be budded onto a high trunk, where “New Dawn” forms a beautiful thick head. The rose can be grown on the walls of a trellis or pergola, as the rose needs support. Growing widely, it will soon cover large area. Fairytale compositions can be obtained by decorating stone walls with roses. In the center of the flower bed, “New Dawn” can be grown on a tripod.


WITH delicate flowers roses “New Dawn” can be combined with bright red and purple flowers. Spectacular compositions are obtained by combining “New Dawn” with red or purple clematis. Other suitable partners are lavender, Fassin's catnip and oak sage.


You will need

  • “New Dawn” on a trellis
  • shovel
  • pruner
  • compost
  • spruce branches or reed mats

1) Before cold weather, dig down to a height of 30 cm. Use compost, mature manure or soil, but do not use peat.

2) In regions with harsh climates, roses need winter protection. Be sure to collect all fallen leaves and flowers.

3) In cold places, rose shoots clinging to the trellis also need shelter. Cover them with spruce branches and tie them with twine.

4) Alternative: rose shoots can be covered with reed mats and then tied with twine on top.

5) In April, unplant the roses and remove the winter protection. Then prune the plants and feed them well for the first time.

Advice: Before covering for the winter, collect fallen leaves. Various pests and spores of fungal diseases can overwinter in fallen leaves.

Help for the gardener

  • Buy “New Dawn” seedlings in containers if you want the plant to bloom faster. Choose bushy seedlings with attractive green leaves.
  • Do not buy seedlings with few or thin shoots.

Selecting a location

  • Sun. “New Dawn” is one of the few climbing roses that can tolerate light partial shade. However, in the sun, roses bloom more profusely.
  • Permeable soil. “New Dawn” is a long-blooming rose, so it needs nutrition.
  • In the spring, unplant the rose and feed it with special organo mineral fertilizers for roses
  • Feed the rose a second time in early June. Do not feed from mid-July so that the rose has time to prepare for winter.

Gardener's calendar

Autumn is planting time. Before the cold weather, dig around the rose with compost or mature manure. In regions with a harsh climate, tie rose shoots with spruce branches or burlap.

Spring is planting time. Unclutter the roses, remove the covering material and feed them. Trim off old or dry shoots. Shorten young shoots.

Summer - shortly before flowering, feed a second time. Tie it to a support. Remove fading flowers above the first well-developed leaf. Water during drought.

Ambulance: At the end of summer or beginning of autumn, the “New Dawn” rose may be affected by powdery mildew. A whitish powdery coating appears on the leaves, buds and stems. At the first sign of damage, treat the rose with a suitable fungicide.

Problem-free and undemanding to growing conditions, the climbing rose “New Dawn” or “New Dawn” is a large-flowered variety and is deservedly one of the most popular roses not only in Europe, but throughout the world.

Varietal characteristics

The originator of the “New Dawn” rose and the author of its description is American company Somerset Rose Nursery. The variety was bred in the 30s of the last century, but has not lost its relevance today. The “New Down” variety is characterized by such features as excellent hardiness, good growth vigor, an abundance of flowers and decent frost resistance. The climbing rose "New Dawn" is a bud mutation of a very popular variety

multi-flowered rose "Dr. W. van Fleet." Fully opened flowers are fragrant, cup-shaped, semi-double, with a diameter of no more than 70-80 mm. The buds are pointed, light pink in color, and when fully opened they become lush, creamy white flowers with a delicate pinkish tint. Flowers have increased resistance to adverse, do not fade in the sun and do not lose their visual appeal as a result of prolonged rains. The petals of faded flowers fall off on their own.

The variety “New Dawn” belongs to the category of vigorous climbing roses, forming long, elegantly drooping shoots. A mature bush is wide enough, which allows it to be used as an ornamental plant for landscaping vertical surfaces. Leaves small sizes, with a smooth surface, light green in color, prone to darkening.

Rose "New Dawn": features of the variety (video)

Grow unpretentious variety“New Dawn” is easy enough. Caring for plants does not require much time and effort and consists of the following simple measures:

  • the soil in the area for growing climbing roses must be permeable and sufficiently loose;
  • If groundwater are located too close to the surface, then rose seedlings are planted on specially equipped elevations;
  • When carrying out irrigation activities, it should be remembered that root system a climbing rose can go about a couple of meters deep;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers should alternate with adding organic matter, but after entering the intensive flowering phase, feeding plants with nitrogen-containing fertilizers is not recommended;

Before the onset of cold weather, you need to dig the plants with compost, soil or matured manure. When grown in regions with harsh climatic conditions it is recommended to tie the shoots on winter period spruce spruce branches or reed mats.

Landscape use

Climbing roses need bright sunlight in the first half of the day, which will allow the foliage to quickly dry out from dew and prevent fungal infection. Afternoon Sun rays can cause burns, so the area for planting climbing roses in the second half of the day should be in partial shade. The place where “New Dawn” is grown must be well protected from gusty winds and the accumulation of cold air masses. It is best to place climbing rose seedlings with south side

The climbing rose "New Dawn" can be cultivated as a shrub crop with very picturesque, drooping shoots. This variety is also suitable for growing on tall trunks, forming an attractive and dense “cap” of foliage or flowers. The variety is capable of greening a large area and will become a wonderful decoration of the landscape when placed on pergolas or trellises. No less interesting is the climbing rose when cultivated on tripods in the central part of flower beds. When planted in flower beds, this rose variety can be successfully combined with red or purple clematis, as well as different varieties

ground cover roses.

Reviews from flower growers The flowering of “New Dawn”, according to reviews from amateur flower growers, is very spectacular. Against a background of bright grayish-green foliage, a large number of semi-double silver-white-pink flowers are formed. Flowering is continuous throughout the summer.

The variety is perfectly suited for cultivation on poor soils and in partial shade. Most gardeners use the New Dawn rose in single plantings, where the plant can reach a height of 2 m. Long and fairly thin shoots can, clinging to a support, grow up to four meters or more. In this case, the flowering shoots hang down very effectively. It is important to remember that this type of bush requires correct pruning

and tying. Characteristic varietal feature is a change in the color of the petals depending on weather conditions

. On days with clear and sunny weather, the flowers are almost snow-white, and during cool and cloudy periods they acquire a pronounced pink tint. The aroma of roses is very pleasant, with spicy notes. To the great regret of domestic flower growers, in last years being implemented planting material

rose "New Dawn", which is not characterized by repeated flowering, which is caused by budding on long, fast-growing shoots.

How to plant a rose (video) This variety is used not only as a climbing decorative culture

Rosa “New Dawn” is a variety that belongs to the class of climbing large-flowered roses, and is a hybrid of the Vishurana variety. New Down was first introduced to the United States in 1930, and is now the most sought after and widespread climbing rose in the world. It is so popular among people that it has received the name “rose of the world.” In the photo below you can admire this amazing plant.

Features of the rose

This variety of climbing rose is characterized by high degree endurance and resistance to frost, it is also considered vigorous, blooming in a variety of incredibly beautiful flowers. Initially, the New Dawn rose variety was bred using the method of bud mutations of one of the equally famous climbing roses “Dr.W. van Fleet."

The period of rapid flowering occurs at the beginning of the summer season and lasts until the onset of the first frost. The flowers of this rose are cup-shaped, up to 8 centimeters in diameter. The buds are dense, light pink in color, and after opening they transform into incredibly fragrant cream flowers with a soft pinkish tint (photo of the flower below).

The flowers that New Down has can withstand any natural phenomena. The petals do not lose their color when exposed to the scorching sun, and do not deteriorate after heavy rain. In addition, the variety is self-cleaning, that is, when flowering has occurred, the petals themselves fall to the ground.

A special feature of the New Dawn variety is its incredible ability to trail, long and drooping shoots everywhere. As it grows, the rose begins to form a fairly wide bush, which is why people use it to create hedges and landscaping walls. After growth, the entire bush is covered with small, light green leaves, which darken a little over time. The green background, which is provided by dense foliage and porcelain flowers protruding from it, will look simply gorgeous.

Applications of roses

Climbing New Down is most often used as a shrub rose, with well-penetrating shoots. It can easily be grown on tall trunks to form a thick head of flowers. New Down looks good on walls, as it covers a large area with its thick lashes.

Some gardeners plant this variety on tripods. Incredibly cute New Dawn flowers will pair perfectly with purple and bright red flowers. Many people advise combining them with clematis.

Photo with an example of how a climbing rose copes with vertical gardening

Choosing a landing site

The dense foliage of roses and numerous flowers not only provide an aesthetic decoration to the garden, but can also disguise not so beautiful buildings. In general, planting the New Down bush near the walls will do an excellent job of vertical gardening.

The planting site for the future bush should be well lit and protected from the wind. It is advisable to choose light soil. If a plant is planted to hide a wall, the planting hole should be placed 50-60 centimeters from it to protect the roots from drying out. Since these varieties are not pruned before winter frosts, it is necessary to foresee in advance those places where the vines need to be laid in the fall.

If the New Down bush is planted under a support, the hole should be placed 20 centimeters from it, and the roots should be placed opposite the support, and the bush itself should be tilted towards it.
Experts do not advise planting the bush in places where the rose has already grown, since the soil in these places is depleted and there is a high probability of the presence of pests. If garden plot small, and problems arise with the new place; you need to remove a layer of earth (50-60 centimeters) from the old place and replace it with a new one.

Climbing roses are best planted in spring (preferably from April 20 to May 20), or in autumn (from September 1 to October 10). Naturally, the landing will be more successful, since the weather will make it easier to control the result. But a plus autumn planting is the faster development of cuttings in the spring. There will be enough time for sufficient rooting to take place before the onset of frost.

Rose care

Garterand carrying out the formation of the future bush: it’s best to start forming future form bush from the beginning of its development, so that caring for flowers in the future does not bring a lot of inconvenience. Branches and shoots should be straightened in such directions as to achieve the desired effect for decorative decoration plot.


  • The bush, which is planted against the wall, straightens out in the shape of a fan. This allows for improved air access, and side shoots will begin to develop more actively;
  • If a pole acts as a support, the branches are wound onto it in the form of a spiral;
  • When planting roses near a trellis, it is best to place them horizontally so that the side shoots rise upward and the flowers can be evenly distributed throughout the bush;

It is better to use twine for garter, as it does not pull on the delicate stems.
Preparing the bush for the winter: in areas where the winter is severely frosty, you need to cover the rose. First you need to remove it from the support and remove all the leaves. In order for the rose to bloom fully in the future, you need to check the integrity of each shoot. If there are more than 10 shoots, then all those that have been growing for more than 3 years, as well as sick and weak ones, need to be cut out. If there are less than 10 shoots, pruning is not carried out.

All the lashes need to be tied and bent to the ground (being careful not to break), securing them with pegs. Next, the bush must be hilled up and sprinkled with earth or sand. It is not advisable to take soil near the place of plant germination, as the roots may open. After all the steps taken, everything needs to be covered with film.

The New Dawn rose can decorate the garden for many years. If you pick perfect place, and comply minimum requirements care, the rose will delight with its beautiful view for quite a long time.