Rose English ze Prince. Rose Black Prince, planting and care. Planting and care

The Prince rose has a velvety purple color. The height of the bush is usually about 60-75 cm. The width is about 90 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Disease resistance of The Prince rose: gets sick in unfavorable years.

Description: roses The Prince

The Prince is a superbly colored rose with freshly opened flowers of a very rich dark red which very quickly fades to an equally rich and stunning purple-lilac. This last color is unique; among modern roses there are no other varieties of this color; moreover, Graham Thomas believed that The Prince was the first variety of this color since 1840. This is the purple color that can be seen in Gallic rose varieties (R. Gallica) and is completely different from the metallic lilac color modern roses Very strong scent of rose oil. The flower is rosette-shaped; at the end of flowering the petals bend down. The bush is low and spreading, and thus the variety is well suited for the foreground of a border. The foliage is dark. modern look. Although it would have been desirable for the rose to have a more vigorous bush, The Prince cannot be classified as a weak variety. (DAER) The flowers of this variety are magnificent and that says it all. The ink buds are dense and round, blooming into deep crimson rosettes, with many petals that overlap each other like tiles. The crimson tones quickly change to deep purple. The flowers smell like rose oil. It is better to plant the variety where you can enjoy it unusual flowers, but where the bush itself will not be very visible, because weak flower shoots and the bush itself are serious shortcomings in the overall appearance of the variety. Loves good conditions and care, needs constant attention. The foliage is dark and sparse. (BPR)

An incredibly attractive and luxurious rose, a favorite of many gardeners, is rightfully considered the queen of flowers. There is a world great amount species and varieties of roses, delighting with their beauty, aroma and diversity color range. One of the brightest and most exotic rose varieties, which belongs to the hybrid tea group, is the “Black Prince” or “Black Prince” rose. This is one of the oldest and most sought after today varieties.

The velvet petals of the Black Prince are dark burgundy, purple, almost black in color. This variety was first bred in the 19th century; currently breeders are creating newer and no less spectacular dark-colored, almost black varieties of roses, but, nevertheless, the Black Prince does not lose its popularity and never ceases to amaze with its magical charm and unearthly beauty. How to plant a black rose and properly care for the royal flower?

Rose Black Prince: description

Rose Black Prince is a luxurious ancient variety with a rich dark tone, bred in Britain. In fact, black roses are a myth. Breeding scientists have long proven that it is impossible to achieve an absolutely black shade of rose petals, since there is no gene in nature that would give the petals such a color.

Roses of the Black Prince variety are purple, burgundy flowers very dark, almost black tones. In bright light, the Black Prince rose appears purple, with a raspberry tint, and in the shade it looks dark burgundy, almost black. The edges of the open "Black Prince" flower's petals have a richer maroon hue, creating a velvety, shimmering effect. In buds, the color of the velvet petals is much darker than when the flower opens. Gradually blooming, the petals lighten, acquiring a rich crimson, burgundy hue. The Black Prince rose variety looks especially impressive against the background of lighter varieties of garden roses.

Characteristics and main features of the Black Prince rose

  • The “Black Prince” rose bush is not tall, can reach a height of up to 1.2 meters, and without pruning it grows 0.8-0.9 m in width.
  • The leaves are not decorative, although the bush has good foliage. The color of the leaves is dark green with a red tint.
  • The variety is characterized by developed shoots on which there are a small number of thorns.
  • At the tops of the shoots, 1-3 massive buds open. The flowers are large, up to 8-9 cm in diameter, densely double. One flower consists of 40-45 petals, slightly pointed along the edge. The color of the petals is rich burgundy, with a velvety, black tint.
  • The Black Prince rose is given a special sophistication by its magical aroma with subtle notes of wine.
  • Black Prince is ideal as a cut flower and looks gorgeous in a bouquet and in original flower arrangements.

Rules for planting roses Black Prince

The success of growing Black Prince roses largely depends on the correct location for planting the seedlings. Roses love light and warmth and do not tolerate strong wind blasts. Bright lighting and strong shading have an adverse effect on the flowering of rose bushes. To grow roses in the northern and central regions, it is recommended to give preference to elevated areas of the garden so that the plant has enough lighting. In the southern regions, it is better to plant roses on a flat ground surface. The selected location should be reliably protected from dry and hot winds.

Choosing soil for planting roses Black Prince

The soil for growing roses must meet the following characteristics:

  • Black Prince seedlings take root well in soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The more acidic the soil, the richer and darker the petals become.
  • Fertile, structural, permeable soils are suitable for cultivating “Black Prince”. Chernozem loams are perfect. Heavy clay, sandy soil should be avoided. Areas with underlying groundwater are especially undesirable.
  • To enrich the heavy clay soil and creation ideal conditions for growing rose bushes, sand, rotted cow dung or compost. Sandy soils enriched with horse manure.

Black Prince: Landing

To grow gorgeous black rose bushes, you need to follow a few basic rules correct landing rose seedlings in the ground:

  • Planting of seedlings is carried out in the spring, even before the active growing season. You can also plant rose bushes in early autumn.
  • Preparing the soil for planting in the spring consists of deep autumn digging of the site with the addition of mineral fertilizers, in an amount of at least 3 kilograms.
  • Planting holes for seedlings should be 35 by 35 cm.
  • A layer of compost or rotted manure in the amount of 3-3.5 kg for each planting hole is placed at the bottom of the hole.

How to care for the Black Prince rose?

Subsequent care for black roses consists of regularly loosening the soil, abundant watering and fertilizing.

Watering the Rose Black Prince

The Black Prince loves abundant and regular watering. Lack of moisture in the soil can lead to the death of the bush. But, at the same time, it is not recommended to flood rose bushes, since waterlogging has a bad effect on the decorative attractiveness of the flower. The petals lose their brightness and color saturation. The optimal watering regime for roses of the Black Prince variety is a bucket of water for each bush once every 5-6 days. After watering or rain, it is necessary to loosen the soil under the bush.

Feeding roses Black Prince

For supporting protective functions plants, fast growth and luxurious flowering, are fertilized twice a year.
The first feeding is necessary during the formation of pink buds. Based on 10 liters of water:

  • 25–30 g superphosphate;
  • 10–15 g of ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate can be used;
  • 10–15 g of potassium salt.

Fertilizers are applied three times during the period when the rose has finished blooming. For 10 liters of water:

  • 25–50 g ammonium nitrate;
  • 50–60 g superphosphate;
  • 10–15 g of potassium salt.

Pruning roses Black Prince

An important part of rose care is pruning shoots, thanks to which you can create a beautiful, attractive bush and stimulate it to grow beautifully and long flowering. Roses are pruned in early spring, before the buds begin to swell. In addition to forming pruning of shoots, rejuvenating pruning of the bush is used, which provides fast growth strong young shoots.

Winter shelter of roses Black Prince

The “Black Prince” rose variety is considered frost-resistant, able to withstand cold frosty winters down to -23 degrees. But experienced flower growers they still recommend covering rose bushes for the winter, given that our winters can be harsh and with little snow. Spruce spruce branches, covering material or plywood box with sawdust or peat. Before winter shelter of the bush, all dry leaves are removed from the shoots. In spring, the shelter is removed.

Rose Black Prince - exotic and very spectacular rose bush, which will undoubtedly attract attention to your garden. A dark, enchanting flower with strong aroma, arouses admiration and makes you fall in love at first sight. Unusual appearance roses makes the “Black Prince” variety one of the most popular among flower growers and rose lovers. You can buy Black Prince rose seedlings in flower shop, so order online. Compliance with landing rules and regular care for flowers will be allowed to grow on summer cottage or in the garden a gorgeous black rose Black Prince.

Rose Black Prince: photo

Prince Jardinier is a rose that enchants all flower lovers with its decorative properties. Today this variety of bush hybrid is in great demand, due not only decorative features, but easy to maintain. Rose Ze Prince: description, planting and care is the topic of today's article.

Rose Prince: description and characteristics

Rose Prince Jardiniere belongs to the English park culture. In demand thanks to its decorative properties and unpretentiousness in cultivation. At the beginning of flowering, inflorescences of magnificent color are formed, at first they are painted in dark red, almost scarlet tones, and then they are replaced by purple. During flowering, the plant emits a rich floral aroma.

Note! Mature plant reaches a height of 0.6-0.75 meters. The foliage on the stems is sparse, but large, dark green in color, and has a glossy surface.

Brief characteristics of the rose Prince:

  • The flowers are scarlet and purple in color, the surface of the petals is velvety.
  • The diameter of the flower can reach 5-8 cm.
  • The flowers are dense, the number of petals is 35-40 pcs.
  • From 1 to 5 flowers are formed on each stem.
  • The aroma is rich.
  • Flowering repeats several times during the growing season.
  • Frost resistance indicators are good.
  • Disease resistance is moderate.
  • Rain resistance is moderate.

Rose Prince Jardiniere

Planting and care

The culture does not have specific requirements for planting and care. Before planting, you should familiarize yourself with the following features of growing the Ze Prince rose:

  • The place where the bush grows should be sunny, the optimal length of daylight is 16 hours. The plant can grow in partial shade, but lush and long-lasting flowering cannot be achieved.
  • It is recommended that the landing site be located on a hill or plain, but not in a depression. If you ignore this rule, excess moisture will accumulate in the place of growth, which will lead to rotting of the root system and the development of fungal diseases. And also cold air currents stagnate there.
  • The area should be well ventilated, but at the same time there should be no gusts of wind or drafts.

The right time for planting is spring (April or May). To provide lush flowering and the health of the bush, all rules of care should be strictly observed; they cannot be called specific either. Caring for the plant comes down to regular but moderate watering, do not allow the soil to dry out, regular application of mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as loosening to remove weeds and cover for the winter.

Important! Watering should be carried out strictly at the root; if moisture gets on the root collar, this can lead to disease and inhibit the growth of the bush.

Rose The Prince: advantages and disadvantages

Rose Jardiniere absorbed a large number of positive qualities, which explains the demand for the variety. Advantages of a rose:

  • Easy to grow.
  • Excellent decorative properties.
  • If the rules of agricultural technology are observed, rose bushes are not affected by fungal diseases, namely powdery mildew and black spotting.

As for the disadvantages, the following should be highlighted:

  • If agrotechnical rules are not followed, the plant is affected by diseases and pests.
  • Not very good rain resistance.

Every gardener knows about the existence of such an attractive garden rose, but not everyone decides to grow it. This is due to not very good adaptive properties; the rose will not grow in a humid climate.