DIY rotary gyroscope. Gyroscopes on radio-controlled models How to make a gyroscope at home

Homemade gyroscope

Gyroscope(from ancient Greek yupo “circular rotation” and okopew “to look”) - rapidly rotating solid, the basis of the device of the same name, capable of measuring changes in the orientation angles of the body associated with it relative to inertial system coordinates, usually based on the law of conservation of torque (angular momentum).

The very name “gyroscope” and the working version of this device were invented in 1852 by the French scientist Jean Foucault.

rotary gyroscope- a rapidly rotating solid body, the axis of rotation of which is capable of changing orientation in space. In this case, the rotation speed of the gyroscope significantly exceeds the rotation speed of its rotation axis. The main property of such a gyroscope is the ability to maintain a constant direction of the rotation axis in space in the absence of the influence of moments of external forces on it.

To make a gyroscope we will need:

1. A piece of laminate;
2. Bottom 2 pcs. from a tin can;
3. Steel stick;
4. Plasticine;
5. Nuts and/or weights;
6. Two screws;
7. Wire (thick copper);
8. Poxypol (or other hardening glue);
9. Electrical tape;
10. Threads (for starting and something else);
11. As well as tools: saw, screwdriver, core, etc...

General idea clearly illustrated in the figure:

Let's get started:

1) We take the laminate and cut out an 8-corner frame from it (in the photo it is 6-corner). Next, we drill 4 holes in it: 2 (at the ends) along the front, 2 across (the same at the ends), see photo. Now let's bend the wire into a ring (the diameter of the wire is approximately equal to the diameter of the frame). Let's take 2 screws (bolts) and punch holes in them at the ends with an awl or a core (at worst, you can drill them with a drill).

2) You need to assemble the main part - the rotor. To do this, take two bottoms from a tin can and make a hole in them in the center. The hole in diameter should correspond to the axis-rod (which we will insert there). To make an axis-rod, take a nail or a long bolt and cut it to length; the ends must be sharpened. To make the alignment better, insert the rod into a drill and sharpen it, like on a machine, with a file or a whetstone on both sides. It would be nice to make a groove on it for winding with thread. We'll spread plasticine on one of the disks, and stuff nuts and weights into it (if you have steel rings, this is even better). Now we connect both disks (like a sandwich) and pierce them through the holes with an axis-rod. We lubricate the whole thing with Poxypol (or other glue), insert our rotor into the drill and while the Poxypol hardens, we will center the disk (this is the most important part of the work). The balance must be perfect.

3) We assemble according to the picture, the free movement of the rotor up and down should be minimal (you can feel it, but just a little).

One day I watched a conversation between two friends, or rather girlfriends:

A: Oh, you know, I have a new smartphone, it even has a built-in gyroscope

B: Ah, yes, I also downloaded it for myself and installed the gyroscope for a month

A: Um, are you sure it’s a gyroscope?

B: Yes, a gyroscope for all zodiac signs.

To reduce the number of such dialogues in the world, we suggest finding out what a gyroscope is and how it works.

Gyroscope: history, definition

A gyroscope is a device that has a free axis of rotation and is capable of responding to changes in the orientation angles of the body on which it is installed. When rotating, the gyroscope maintains its position unchanged.

The word itself comes from the Greek gyreuо– rotate and skopeo- watch, observe. The term gyroscope was first introduced Jean Foucault in 1852, but the device was invented earlier. This was done by a German astronomer Johann Bonenberger in 1817.

They are solid bodies rotating at high frequency. The axis of rotation of the gyroscope can change its direction in space. Rotating artillery shells, airplane propellers, and turbine rotors have gyroscope properties.

The simplest example of a gyroscope is top or the well-known children's toy spinning top. A body rotating around a certain axis, which maintains its position in space if the gyroscope is not acted upon by any external forces and moments of these forces. At the same time, the gyroscope is stable and is able to withstand the influence of external forces, which is largely determined by its rotation speed.

For example, if we quickly spin the spinning top and then push it, it will not fall, but will continue to rotate. And when the speed of the top drops to a certain value, precession will begin - a phenomenon when the axis of rotation describes a cone, and the angular momentum of the top changes direction in space.

Types of gyroscopes

There are many types of gyroscopes: two And three-degree(separation by degrees of freedom or possible axes of rotation), mechanical, laser And optical gyroscopes (separation based on operating principle).

Let's look at the most common example - mechanical rotary gyroscope. It's basically a top spinning around vertical axis, which rotates around a horizontal axis and, in turn, is fixed in another frame, which rotates around a third axis. No matter how we turn the top, it will always be in a vertical position.

Applications of gyroscopes

Due to their properties, gyroscopes are widely used. They are used in stabilization systems spacecraft, in navigation systems of ships and aircraft, in mobile devices And game consoles, and also as simulators.

I wonder how such a device can fit into a modern mobile phone and why is it needed there? The fact is that a gyroscope helps determine the position of the device in space and find out the angle of deflection. Of course, the phone does not have a directly rotating top; the gyroscope is a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) containing microelectronic and micromechanical components.

How does this work in practice? Let's imagine that you are playing your favorite game. For example, racing. To turn the steering wheel of a virtual car, you don’t need to press any buttons, you just need to change the position of your gadget in your hands.

As you can see, gyroscopes are amazing devices that have beneficial properties. If you need to solve the problem of calculating the movement of a gyroscope in a field of external forces, contact student service specialists who will help you cope with it quickly and efficiently!

This homemade product will be interesting, first of all, to young children. Especially if you put it together. In general, making a rotary gyroscope from improvised materials is a great way to have fun and usefully spend your free time. Despite the visual complexity of the entire structure, it is very simple to make, because, in fact, a gyroscope is an ordinary top, only with a “secret”.

However, the very principle of operation of the gyroscope is also quite simple: the flywheel rotates clockwise around its axis, which, in turn, is connected to the ring and makes rotational movements in the horizontal plane. This ring is rigidly fixed in another ring that rotates around a third axis. That's the whole secret.

Manufacturing process of rotary mechanical gyroscope

From plastic pipe cut two rings of the same width. You will also need a bearing, which needs to be coated with superglue so that it does not rotate. In inner ring we press into a wooden “tablet”, in which you need to drill a hole in the center for a metal rod with pointed ends.

We put a piece of plastic tube on one edge of the rod (you can borrow it from a ballpoint pen). We drill two holes in the plastic ring for the rod and connect it to the rotating axis of the bearing using metal tubes larger diameter(you can use sections of a telescopic antenna).

Among mechanical gyroscopes, it stands out rotary gyroscope - rapidly rotating rigid body the axis of rotation of which is capable of changing orientation in space. At the same time, the speed
rotation of the gyroscope significantly exceeds the speed of rotation of its axis
rotation. The main property of such a gyroscope is the ability to maintain
space constant direction of the axis of rotation in the absence
influence of moments of external forces on it.

Be sure to watch this video.
This is a store-bought gyroscope:

Yes, from the garbage)) we will need - 1.piece of laminate (I found a scrap from my grandfather at
balcony), 2. Bottom and lid of a tin can (ate beans and get
jar) 3. Steel stick (the most difficult part - found on the street)
4. Plasticine (stolen from my sister) 5. Nuts and/or weights 6. two
screw, punch (sharp thing at the end, an awl will do, grandfather has everything)
6. wire (thick copper, my grandfather found it)) 7. Poxypol (or other hardening
glue, took from my grandfather)) 8. Electrical tape (ibid.)) 9. Threads (for starting and some other things
also, at my grandmother’s)) as well as a saw, a screwdriver, etc...
the general idea is clear here

then we’ll assemble the main part - the rotor (or something else)) take the bottom and
neck (they are the same) we make a hole in them (in the center!!) the hole should
be as thick as an iron stick. We cut the iron rod to length, the ends
sharpen it. To make the alignment better, insert the rod into the drill and how to
machine, we sharpen it with a file on both sides; we also need to make a groove for
factory thread (you will find it in the photo)) we will spread plasticine on one of the disks, and
we'll stuff it with nuts and sinkers (whoever has a steel ring, finally
awesome) then connect both disks (sandwich) and push them through the holes
axis. Lubricate the whole thing with Poxypol, put it (the thing)) in the drill and bye
The Poxy floor is getting cold, we will center the disk (so as not to hit it) this is the most important
part of the job. The balance must be perfect.

Homemade gyroscope

Gyroscope(from ancient Greek yupo “circular rotation” and okopew “look”) - a rapidly rotating solid body, the basis of a device of the same name, capable of measuring changes in the orientation angles of the body associated with it relative to the inertial coordinate system, usually based on the law of conservation of torque (momentum).

The very name “gyroscope” and the working version of this device were invented in 1852 by the French scientist Jean Foucault.

Among mechanical gyroscopes, it stands out rotary gyroscope- a rapidly rotating solid body, the axis of rotation of which is capable of changing orientation in space. In this case, the rotation speed of the gyroscope significantly exceeds the rotation speed of its rotation axis. The main property of such a gyroscope is the ability to maintain a constant direction of the rotation axis in space in the absence of the influence of moments of external forces on it.

To make a gyroscope we will need:

1. A piece of laminate;
2. Bottom 2 pcs. from a tin can;
3. Steel stick;
4. Plasticine;
5. Nuts and/or weights;
6. Two screws;
7. Wire (thick copper);
8. Poxypol (or other hardening glue);
9. Electrical tape;
10. Threads (for starting and something else);
11. As well as tools: saw, screwdriver, core, etc...

The general idea is clearly illustrated in the figure:

Let's get started:

1) We take the laminate and cut out an 8-corner frame from it (in the photo it is 6-corner). Next, we drill 4 holes in it: 2 (at the ends) along the front, 2 across (the same at the ends), see photo. Now let's bend the wire into a ring (the diameter of the wire is approximately equal to the diameter of the frame). Let's take 2 screws (bolts) and punch holes in them at the ends with an awl or a core (at worst, you can drill them with a drill).

2) You need to assemble the main part - the rotor. To do this, take two bottoms from a tin can and make a hole in them in the center. The hole in diameter should correspond to the axis-rod (which we will insert there). To make an axis-rod, take a nail or a long bolt and cut it to length; the ends must be sharpened. To make the alignment better, insert the rod into a drill and sharpen it, like on a machine, with a file or a whetstone on both sides. It would be nice to make a groove on it for winding with thread. We'll spread plasticine on one of the disks, and stuff nuts and weights into it (if you have steel rings, this is even better). Now we connect both disks (like a sandwich) and pierce them through the holes with an axis-rod. We lubricate the whole thing with Poxypol (or other glue), insert our rotor into the drill and while the Poxypol hardens, we will center the disk (this is the most important part of the work). The balance must be perfect.

3) We assemble according to the picture, the free movement of the rotor up and down should be minimal (you can feel it, but just a little).

4) We install a wire protection, attach it with thread or glue, and our gyroscope is ready.

Mechanical gyroscopes are different. The rotary gyroscope is especially interesting. Its essence lies in the fact that a body rotating around its axis is quite stable in space, although it can change the direction of the axis itself. The rotation speed of the axis is significantly lower than the rotation speed of the gyroscope edges. Rotating the gyroscope is similar to moving a spinning top on the floor. The difference between a spinning top and a gyroscope is that the spinning top is free in space, while the gyroscope rotates at strictly fixed points located in the outer bar and has protection so that it can continue to rotate if it falls.

You will need

  • - two lids from cans
  • - a piece of laminate
  • - electrical tape
  • - nuts 6 pcs.
  • - steel axle or nail
  • - plasticine
  • - glue
  • - 2 bolts
  • - thick wire
  • - drill, file


  1. With these parts in hand, we can begin assembling the rotor. We punch holes exactly in the center of the can lids, preferably with the same nail as the one from which we will make the rotor axis. Next, using plasticine, we fasten the nuts on the lid, you can put more than six, the weight along the edge of the rotor will increase the time it rotates.
  2. Next we make the axis. To do this, secure the electric drill in a vice, tighten the nail without a head in it and sharpen it with a file. This way the axle sharpening will be located as close as possible to the center of the axle. It is necessary to sharpen on both sides.
  3. Without removing the sharpened axis from the drill, we will make a groove for the thread that will run the rotor. We attach the cover with nuts to the axle using glue, but do not use one that hardens too quickly. Poxipol works well. Coat the nuts with the same glue.
  4. Now the most important thing is balancing. While the glue is drying, you need to position the weights perfectly around the edge of the lid. We turn on the drill (vertically), if the rotating rotor hits in one direction, then some load is not positioned correctly. We fix it and try again. Lubricate the nuts on top and cover with the second lid. We glue electrical tape to the edges of the rotor. Let's dry it. The rotor itself is ready!
  5. We take two longer bolts, fasten them in a vice and punch holes in them in which the rotor will be fixed. Now we need to come up with an outer frame. Cut out a circle from the laminate. It is better to draw it with a compass in advance. Immediately draw vertical and horizontal lines at an angle of 90 degrees. Inside we cut out a smaller circle, but such that the rotor fits there. Along horizontal lines we make holes for the bolts opposite each other. We screw in the bolts. Between them we place the axis of our gyroscope. At the same time, you cannot tighten it too tightly, otherwise friction will dampen the rotation speed, and nothing will work. Leave about 1 mm of travel, but so that the gyroscope does not fall out of the bolts. We glue the bolts to the bar so that vibration does not unscrew them from the frame.
  6. All that remains is to install protection. Take a thick wire and bend it into a ring. At the location of the marked horizontal line we attach it to our product. The gyroscope is ready. We wind the thread around the axle and, sharply pulling it, check its functionality.

A mechanical gyroscope is not such a complicated device, but its operation is quite a beautiful sight. Scientists have been studying its properties for more than two hundred years. One would think that everything has been studied, because it has long been found and practical use and the topic should be closed.

But there are enthusiastic people who never tire of claiming that when a gyroscope operates, its weight changes when it rotates in one direction or another or in a certain plane. Moreover, conclusions sound as if the gyroscope overcomes gravity. Or it forms the so-called gravitational shadow zone. And finally, there are people who say that if the rotation speed of the gyroscope is exceeded to a certain critical value, then this device acquires negative weight and begins to fly away from the Earth.

What are we dealing with? Possibility of a breakthrough in civilization or pseudoscientific delusion?

Theoretically, a change in weight is possible, but at such high speeds that it is impossible to verify this experimentally. normal conditions. But there are people who claim that they have seen Earth's gravity overcome at a rotation speed of just a few thousand minutes. This experiment is devoted to testing this hypothesis.

Characteristics of the simplest homemade gyroscope.

Not everyone is able to assemble a gyroscope. The auto roller assembled a gyroscope weighing more than 1 kg. Maximum rotation speed 5000 rpm. If the effect of weight change is indeed present, it will be noticeable on a lever scale. Their accuracy, taking into account friction in the hinges, lies within 1 g.

Let's start the experiment.

First, let's spin the balanced gyroscope in a horizontal plane clockwise. A rotating flywheel will never be completely balanced because it cannot be perfectly balanced. Yes, and there are no ideal bearings.

Where does the axial and radial vibration come from, which transfers to the balance beam? What can result in imaginary weight gain or loss? Let's try to spin the flywheel in the other direction to test the theory that the direction of rotation plays a role main role in a gravitational eclipse. But it seems that a miracle will never happen.

What happens if you hang and spin a gyroscope in a vertical plane? But even in this case, no changes occur on the scales.

Forced precession.

Perhaps at school or at the institute you were shown such a setup to demonstrate forced precession. If you spin the gyroscope, for example, clockwise in a vertical plane, and then turn it again clockwise, if you look from above, but in a horizontal plane, then it seems to take off. In this way, it reacts to external influences and strives to combine the axis and direction of its rotation with the axis and direction of rotation in the new plane.

Some people who suddenly come across this topic develop an erroneous understanding of this process. It seems that a mechanical gyroscope is capable of taking off if it is forcibly spun in a second plane, and thus an innovative engine can supposedly be created. At the same time, the gyroscope here rises only because it is repelled from the rotating stand, and it, in turn, is repelled from the table. In zero gravity, the total momentum of such a structure will be zero.