Russian State Academy of Humanities. State Academic University of Humanities. Guagne's international activities

State Academic University of Humanities
(GAUGN, formerly until 1998 RCGO (U) and from 1998 to 2008 - GUGN)
original name

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State Academic University of Humanities"

International name

State Academical University of Humanitarian Sciences

Year of foundation

M. V. Bibikov

The president
Legal address

State Academic University of Humanities(GAUGN, former GUGN) is a state higher education institution based on individual institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Originally called: Russian Center liberal arts education(RCGO), State University Humanities (GUGN).


“Academic regulations should be like this... so that the Academy can not only satisfy itself with learned people, but also multiply them and distribute them throughout the state...” M. Lomonosov

In the early 1990s. The idea arose of creating a separate university at the Russian Academy of Sciences, which could partially fill the lack of humanitarian knowledge in modern Russian society. The Russian Center for Humanitarian Education (RCHE) became such an educational institution in 1992, a great contribution to the creation of which was made by a number of outstanding Russian scientists, including academicians A. O. Chubaryan (its future rector), V. L. Makarov, A. A. Guseinov , V. S. Stepina et al.

It is important to note that it was not intended to create a purely humanitarian university. The initial idea envisaged the creation of a university covering all areas of knowledge of the Academy of Sciences, thus the creators of the RCGS intended to see faculties of exact sciences. The name was also supposed to be different - University of the Russian Academy of Sciences (URAS). Due to various difficulties encountered, this concept was not implemented. But attempts to implement this idea do not stop to this day.

University birthday

The State Academic University of Humanities still does not have an official date of formation, since several such dates can be found in its history. The first of them is the day of signing the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 244 of April 13, 1992 on the creation of the Republican Center for Humanitarian Education. Another possible date of birth of the university can be considered the day of signing the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 1994, when the Center was given the status of a university. The third date of birth of the university is August 21, 1998, when the RCGO (University) was renamed by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2208 into the State University of Humanities, that is, it received one of the modern names.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the unofficial date of birth of GAUGN is considered to be the day that RCGS was given university status. But there is still no official day when students and teachers could celebrate the university’s birthday.


The university consists of a number of faculties based in the relevant institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • Faculty of History -
  • Faculty of Cultural Studies -
  • Faculty of World Politics -
  • Faculty of Political Science -
  • Faculty of Law -
  • Psychology faculty -
  • Faculty of Sociology -
  • Faculty of Philosophy -
  • Department of Economics -
  • Faculty of Book Culture and Management - Publishing House of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Science"
  • The faculty of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff is actually inter-institutional, as it implements educational programs across the entire spectrum of scientific areas of the University as a whole.

The deans of faculties, with rare exceptions, are directly the directors of scientific institutes. These people are world famous scientists in their fields. This distribution of faculties allows for close communication higher education with science and the most modern global trends in the fields of knowledge being studied. The largest scientists are involved in teaching, which makes it possible to conduct training using the latest achievements of domestic and world science. In terms of the number of prominent academic researchers and specialists in various fields of humanities involved in teaching, the University has no analogues in the Russian humanities education system. Every year, a high percentage of university graduates are accepted into both their own and graduate schools of the basic scientific institute in various specialties.

In 2005, to strengthen ties between higher education institutions vocational education The Russian Federation and the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences have created a Scientific and Educational Complex, which coordinates research and educational activities in the widest range of humanities specialties.

The Scientific and Methodological Council for the History of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science operates on the basis of GAUGN.

Training courses

The historically established education system at GAUGN makes it possible to train specialists in the humanities starting from high school. For this purpose, the university organized preparation courses for entering the university for applicants. Research staff from academic institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and teachers from the State University of Economics and Science are involved in teaching the courses, which allows applicants to fully immerse themselves in the university education system. Important feature preparatory courses is a broad, thorough training program in all examination disciplines, thanks to which course participants have the opportunity to enter any university in Moscow in the corresponding profile.

Classes are held in evening time two or three times a week in the premises of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the address: Moscow, st. Volkhonka, 14/1, building 5.

student life

Due to the specifics of the university, primarily due to the dispersion of faculties in different districts of Moscow, for a long time University students could not boast of a rich extracurricular life. During the first decade of the University's existence, several student attempts were made to unite students from different faculties (the first of which were projects by D. Fomin-Nilov, A. Akhadov, I. Polsky, etc.). As a result, a single body of student self-government was created - the Student Council of GAUGN. It was this association of GAUGN students, formed on the basis of annual elections of course representatives, that took on the functions of organizing leisure time within the university.

Initiation as a student

The idea of ​​initiating applicants enrolled in the first faculty into students, similar to similar events in other universities, was born in 2001. Until this time, initiation into students took place in the building of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The idea belongs to students of the Faculty of Political Science. The idea of ​​holding such an event was supported by proactive students from other faculties and was first implemented just a few weeks after the start of classes in 2001-2002 school year- on an autumn day off. A large and cozy clearing in the near Moscow region, on the outskirts of the village of Tolstopaltsevo, was chosen as the venue for the dedication. The idea of ​​initiation was accepted with interest by both the students and the initiates themselves, as a result of which the annual holding of such a trip has already next year has become a tradition, which to this day remains the main event of extracurricular life for many university students.

Usually the date is chosen to be a Saturday at the end of September or the first weekend of October. The organization and preparation are carried out by senior students themselves on a voluntary basis. On the appointed day, all faculties of GAUGN gather in the Tolstopaltsevskaya meadow. The initiation itself can be divided into two parts. In the first half of the day, first-year students complete a number of tasks specially prepared for them by the organizers, for which teams (faculties) receive points. These could be competitions for ingenuity, dexterity, mutual assistance, or logic tasks. Simply put, everything that will allow students of each faculty to unite more closely and get to know each other better in the process of completing these tasks. After passing these stages, they all gather in the center of the clearing, where, in a solemn field setting, the winning faculty is awarded greatest number points, his representative is awarded a challenge flag. Then, all first-year students, on bended knee, read out a solemn oath, after which they become “real” students of the university.

Symbols of dedication

  • The winner's challenge pennant was used once, at the first dedication in 2001, and was soon lost.
  • The winner's challenge flag (on a white background) - appeared in 2002, but was lost after the dedication in 2006. It is with him that the emergence of the unofficial student motto of the university “GUGN is timeless” is associated.
  • The winning flag (on a yellow background) was recreated (in a new form) in 2008. The unofficial motto “GUGN is timeless” was retained, despite the renaming of the university to GAUGN.
  • Multi-colored ribbons - each faculty is assigned its own color. All students, graduates and freshmen traditionally wear these ribbons to express their involvement in their faculty.

Winners by year

  • 2001 - Faculty of Psychology
  • 2002 - Faculty of History
  • 2003 - Faculty of Economics
  • 2004 - Faculty of Sociology
  • 2005 - departments of psychology and sociology (equal number of points: the victory was awarded to the department of psychology)
  • 2006 - Faculty of Psychology and joint faculties of political science and philosophy (equal number of points: victory was awarded to the joint faculties of political science and philosophy)
  • 2007 - Faculty of Cultural Studies
  • 2008 - united faculties of political science and philosophy under the leadership of curator Alexander Katunin
  • 2009 - united faculties of political science and philosophy (however, the challenge flag was transferred to the faculty of world politics as the runner-up)
  • 2010 - Faculty of Cultural Studies
  • 2011 - Faculty of Sociology
  • 2012 - Faculty of Cultural Studies

Freshman Oath

I, still a very young freshman, who does not know what a polycentric world is, have never gone to the cinema during class. I swear by mathematical induction that in 5 or even 10 years I will also know what a polycentric world is. I swear on my future notes that I will complete the required number of special courses, special seminars and absenteeism. I will approach all aspects of my education with integrity, embracing opportunities to learn from fellow students and faculty. I will appreciate the knowledge and wisdom of the students who came before me. I publicly acknowledge and accept the privileges and responsibilities given to me as a student. I will always maintain the highest standards of professional conduct. I recognize my weaknesses and strengths, and will strive to develop those qualities that will earn the respect of my fellow students and teachers. I will be tactful in my words and actions. I will respect the rights and decisions of teachers and will attend to them without prejudice. I will appreciate the diversity of experiences, cultures, and beliefs of my fellow students and teachers because it will increase my ability to care about them and enrich my education. I make these promises solemnly, freely and with honor. If I break this sacred oath, then let my scholarship be integrated in a closed loop, divided into 2 parts and give me only one part of it, and let me dream about the session every night!

Beauty contest

The Miss GAUGN beauty contest is held (almost) annually. The competition program includes the following parts: “Introducing myself”, “The talent that I possess”, defile and presentation of prizes. The first three parts are, in essence, mini-competitions in which participants gain points. The participant who scores the most points becomes the winner. In addition, there are official nominations for first and second runner-up.

Competition winners

  • 2004 - economics
  • 2005 - economics
  • 2006 - political science
  • 2007 - was not carried out
  • 2008 - law
  • 2009 - management
  • 2010 - was not carried out
  • 2011 - economics

Mini-football League GAUGN

Football at GAUGN became a significant event for student life in 2007, when, through the efforts of students, the first University Cup was held in the spring, and the regular championship, played in a round-robin system, began in the fall. Teams from the faculties of sociology, law, psychology, history, philosophy and political science (united), economics and management (united), world politics, and also, until the beginning of 2010, cultural studies, participate in tournaments within the framework of GAUGN.

Football at GAUGN does not have widespread information support; in particular, it is completely ignored by the older generations of the initiative group of students and graduates. However, at the moment it is one of the most effective methods establishing interfaculty integration, since games during the season are attended by a fairly large number of fans.

All games are held at the expense of the participants and are organized through their efforts. League matches are officiated by invited professional referees.

In addition, the league has established special individual prizes for the top scorers of various competitions, as well as prizes for the best players, goalkeepers, defenders, forwards and young players (“discoveries”) of the season. Since 2010, a special prize has been awarded to the best support group among fans from different faculties of GAUGN.

Prize-winners of the GAUGN mini-football championships by year

  • 2007/2008 - sociology (Sociologists United), law (MFK Yurist), history
  • 2008/2009 - sociology (Sociologists United), psychology, law (MFK Yurist)
  • 2009/2010 - sociology (Sociologists United), philosophy and political science (Poliphily-GAUGN), law (MFK Yurist)
  • 2010/2011 - sociology (Sociologists United), philosophy and political science (Poliphily-GAUGN), law (MFK Yurist)
  • 2011/2012 - sociology (Sociologists United), psychology, philosophy and political science (IFC PoliFily)

Winners of GAUGN mini-football cups by year

  • 2007 - sociology, history, law
  • 2008 - law (MFK Yurist), FMP, history
  • 2009 - sociology (Sociologists United), law (MFK Yurist), history
  • 2009/2010 - sociology (Sociologists United), law (MFK Yurist), history
  • 2010/2011 - sociology (Sociologists United), history, philosophy and political science (Polyphiles-GAUGN)
  • 2011/2012 - sociology (Sociologists United), law (MFK Yurist), philosophy and political science (MFK PoliFily)

Also, since 2008, the GAUGN Super Cup in mini-football has been played, in which the winners of the championship and the Cup take part (if it is one team, the teams that take the first two places in the championship participate).

Winners of GAUGN Super Cups in mini-football by year

  • 2008 - law (MFK Yurist), sociology (Sociologists United)
  • 2009 - sociology (Sociologists United), psychology
  • 2010 - philosophy and political science (Polyphiles-GAUGN), sociology (Sociologists United)
  • 2011 - sociology (Sociologists United), philosophy and political science (IFC PolyPhils)

GAUGN team

There is also a mini-football team of GAUGN, which has repeatedly participated in various competitions at the city level. TO best achievements The commands include the following:

  • Prefect's Cup of the South-Western Administrative District (11/25/2007) - winner.

Total goals scored: 30-3 (sum in three matches: 7-1, 15-0, 8-2)

  • Tournament "Arena" (April-May 2009) - 2nd place.

GUGN - International 2:1, GUGN - Sturm 3:1, GUGN - Dream 1:0, GUGN - Volgaresurs 12:4,

GUGN - Ozdon 3:0, Akula - GUGN 4:2 (2:2 in regular time).

Integrative student portal

The idea of ​​creating a virtual platform for communication between students from all faculties of the university appeared a long time ago. Attempts to implement it have also been encountered more than once (this is evidenced by the great many informal sites related to GAUGN; today there are about three dozen of them), but their implementation, at best, ended within the framework of a separate faculty, or even nothing at all. Many of these projects are still alive today. But one of the main milestones in the development of interfaculty communication and student unification is the creation of an integrative student portal

History of creation

This idea belongs to several psychology students. Having gathered a mini-conference on the Internet in the summer of 2004, registering the appropriate domain and enlisting the support of some students from other faculties, it was decided to create a website. Subsequently, it was these students who formed the backbone of the initiative group. The creation of all pages of the portal was carried out exclusively by the students themselves, without any technical support from the university administration or specialized organizations; the entire burden of responsibility also fell solely on the shoulders of the initiative group.

The main focus of the integrative portal was a forum where university students, as well as other interested parties, could immediately start communicating. In a short time the forum became widely known and within a month or two it could be said that main goal goal, which was set by the creators, was achieved - close communication between students began. In the first months of the portal’s operation, more interfaculty meetings were held than in all previous years of the university’s operation. Moreover main role The forum played a role in their organization. Beginning in 2004, he began to play one of the key roles during the period of organizing, conducting and discussing initiation into students (up until that point, communication between faculties was somewhat difficult).

Despite a number of technical and financial difficulties, the portal developed. With the help of students, various sections of it were created in a short time: pages of the university and faculties, a photo album, an alumni page (its idea is reminiscent of current social networks) and many others. It is important to note that all these sites were created, again, only by the students themselves, and were of very high quality in a technical sense.

Portal today

Despite the “change of generations” in the initiative group, the portal lives and develops. Due to various problems of the past, mainly of a technical and financial nature, due to interruptions in the operation of the portal through no fault of its creators, it has still not been possible to restore some of its previously existing sections. But the work is ongoing and recently new sections have appeared, primarily related to the development of student self-organization at the university. As before, not a single student event can be organized without the help of the forum; it is still the main means of communication for students of different faculties of GAUGN.



  • - official website of the GAUGN mini-football league
  • - official website of GAUGN
  • - integrative student portal

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 16:00 124, 125

Latest reviews of GAUGN

Alexander Teplov 13:45 06/27/2019

I am a first year student at the Faculty of Philosophy. This year has created positive emotions, and I don’t regret entering here one bit. The intimacy of the university contributes to the fact that everyone knows each other and everyone communicates, which turns into very, very interesting events, activities, and even simple get-togethers. The level of teaching is very high, the vast majority of teachers are current professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As a result, the quantity and quality of knowledge obtained is very good. Studying here is very...

Kristina Skryabina 22:45 07/09/2019

I am a 2nd year political science student. I entered the university a year ago. Strong teachers, active scientists with academic degrees. Everyone wants to convey all the experience and all the knowledge they have. The dean's office will always help and accommodate you. There are 40 people in the group, divided into subgroups according to such subject as English language. So to speak, a cozy, “lamp” university, where everyone knows each other and can help in a difficult situation.

University life is also busy social events, which...

Gallery GAUGN

general information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education "State Academic University of Humanities"


No. 02323 valid indefinitely from 08/09/2016


No. 03207 is valid from 07/24/2019 to 07/24/2025

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for GAUGN

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 5 5 3 2
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study69.87 73.03 72.37 60.55 62.07
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget79.51 80.34 81.29 76.14 79.7
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis66.97 68.25 68.29 56.25 59.82
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled50.4 57.44 57.18 46.69 50.33
Number of students1607 1377 1226 1252 1342
Full-time department1198 991 951 926 989
Part-time department44 55 0 0 0
Extramural365 331 275 326 353
All data Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

GAUGN is a young and modern University that does not cling to the past and strives for the heights of science. We don't chase quantity, we strive for quality.


What is GAUGN

The State Academic University of Humanities is a modern higher education institution of a new type. The university was founded in 1994, and over the twenty years of its work has successfully established itself among the capital’s universities, thanks to quality education and unique in-demand specialties. GAUGN carries out not only educational, but also scientific, as well as international activities. Currently, more than 1,500 people are students at the university.

Faculties of GAUGN

GAUGN includes nine main faculties:

  • History department
  • Faculty of World Politics
  • Faculty of Political Science
  • Psychology faculty
  • Faculty of Sociology
  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Eastern Faculty

Directions and features of the educational process at GAUGN

At the university, there is an opportunity to improve the skills of already prepared specialists or take retraining courses. Higher education is carried out in several programs at once; the university provides training for both bachelors and masters. In addition, graduates have the opportunity to continue their higher education by enrolling in graduate school. Postgraduate studies are carried out both on a budgetary and paid basis, full-time or by correspondence.

Classes with students are conducted in small groups of up to 25 people. This approach ensures the most complete delivery of information to each listener and the possibility of almost individual testing of the acquired knowledge. Students can choose both full-time and part-time courses when studying for a bachelor's degree. Obtaining a master's degree requires passing training course strictly on a full-time basis. The Bologna education system was introduced to GAUGN back in 1995, thus the university has become one of the leaders in the field of adoption of the latest international standards. Master's studies are carried out for 2 years only for persons who have already received a diploma of higher education.

GAUGN for applicants

Applicants can get acquainted with the life of the university by visiting the day open doors. Moreover, such events are held separately for each faculty. The meeting program necessarily includes a presentation of the direction, a short excursion and answers to possible questions. Admission to the university is based on the results of passing the unified state exam in specialized subjects for each specific specialization.

Student life at the university

The State Academic University of Humanities is also distinguished by the active life position of its students. Students with excellent academic performance can count on receiving a scholarship, and young people undergoing full-time training can count on a deferment from the army. The university also operates public organization, student council. Its main tasks include:

  • Information activities;
  • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and sports;
  • Increasing the efficiency of study and self-education;
  • Cooperation with the management of the university;
  • Representation of student interests.

To ensure a quality educational process, all university students have access to library resources translated into electronic view. For ease of use, each faculty has a separate platform with specially selected textbooks, books and teaching materials. Since 2005, GAUGN has opened its own Scientific and Historical Center.

University teaching staff

The educational process at the State Academic University of Humanities is based on unique technology. main feature university lies in its teaching staff. The staff teachers of GAUGN are active Russian scientists, academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctors and candidates of science. Such a teaching base provides powerful theoretical support educational activities. In addition, practical classes also play a large role in the educational process.

International activities of GUAGN

The international activities of the university are also quite successful. The university maintains close partnerships with 30 higher education institutions educational institutions worldwide.

The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State Academic University of the Humanities" (GAUGN) was founded on February 24, 1994. President - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Oganovich Chubaryan, rector - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Vadimovich Bibikov.

GAUGN operates on the basis of research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It has the following faculties: history, world politics, political science, psychology, sociology, philosophy, economics, law, cultural studies, book culture and management, as well as an institute for advanced training and retraining of teaching staff. Prepares bachelors and masters; graduate school is running. The largest Russian scientists participate in the educational process, which allows training using the latest achievements of domestic and world science. In terms of the number of academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctors and candidates of sciences involved in teaching, the University has no analogues in the system of humanities education in Russia. In 2005, a scientific and educational center for history was created. The scientific and methodological council on history of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation successfully operates on the basis of the university.

The university cooperates with 30 foreign universities and research centers.

The main difference between GAUGN and other Russian universities is the integration of academic science and university education, which is implemented in practice, which gives students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of academic science from the first year, listen to lectures by leading Russian world-famous scientists and even participate in scientific events themselves. Small courses (20-25 people) make it possible to provide individual approach each student, which allows you to shape the educational process taking into account the student’s interests, needs Russian science, education and modern market labor.

Deferment from the army: Deferment in accredited areas and specialties
International connections: Collaborates with the Russian-German College, represented on the German side by Karlsruhe-University; French University College; Brunel University (UK); University of Warsaw (Poland)
Other cooperation: The Russian Academy of Sciences

History department
Name of specialties:
Direction history (bachelor's degree)
Arts and Humanities (Bachelor's Degree)
Management (part-time)
Master's degree:"History of Europe and North America in new and modern times"
e exams:

History: History (Unified State Exam), Social Studies (Unified State Exam), Russian Language (Unified State Exam).
Arts and Humanities: History (USE); Russian language (USE); Foreign language(USE).
Management: Mathematics (USE); Russian language (USE); Social studies (USE).

About the faculty:
The Faculty of History operates on the basis of the Institute general history RAS.
The dean of the faculty is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Oganovich Chubaryan.

Department of Ancient and Medieval Civilizations,
Department of Source Studies and Special Historical Disciplines,
Department of General History,
Department of History of Political and social movements XXI-XX centuries,
Department of Russian History,
Department of Arts and Humanities.
Form of study

Form of study
full-time, budgetary and extra-budgetary basis.
There is a postgraduate school, a department of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.
Students participate in work scientific conferences and seminars conducted by the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Every year they take part in archaeological expeditions.
Check with the faculty

Faculty of Philosophy
Name of specialties:
Philosophy (bachelor's degree)
Oriental and African Studies (bachelor's degree)
Master's degree:“Oriental and African studies”, “Philosophical thought and ideological processes in Asian and African countries”.
Entrance exams:

Philosophy: History (Unified State Exam), Social Studies (Unified State Exam), Russian Language (Unified State Exam).
Oriental and African studies: Russian language, (Unified State Exam) History (Unified State Exam), Foreign language (Unified State Exam)
About the faculty:

The Faculty of Philosophy of GAUGN operates on the basis of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The dean of the faculty is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vyacheslav Semenovich Stepin.
The faculty has 9 departments:
Department of Eastern Philosophies,
Department of History of Russian Philosophy,
Department of Ontology, Epistemology and Logic,
Department of Philosophy, Science and Technology,
Department of Social Philosophy,
Department of Ethics and Aesthetics,
Department of Philosophical and Political Anthropology,
Department of Metaphysics and Comparative Theology,
Department of Foreign and Western Philosophy.
Form of study full-time, budgetary and extra-budgetary basis.
There is a postgraduate school, a department of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.

Faculty Open Days: Check with the faculty

Faculty of Political Science
Name of specialties: Political Science (Bachelor's Degree)
Entrance exams: History (Unified State Exam), Social Studies (Unified State Exam), Russian Language (Unified State Exam).
About the faculty:
The Faculty of Political Science of GAUGN operates on the basis of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The dean of the faculty is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Abdusalam Abdulkerimovich Guseinov.
The faculty has 5 departments:
Department of Theoretical Political Science,
Department of History of Political Thought,
Department of Applied Political Science,
Department of Political Ethics,
Department of Political Anthropology.
Form of study full-time, budgetary and extra-budgetary basis.
There is a postgraduate school, a department of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.
The faculty cooperates: with the Russian-German College, represented on the German side by Karlsruhe-University; French University College; University named after Brunel (Great Britain), etc.
Faculty Open Days: Check with the faculty

Psychology faculty
Name of specialties: Psychology (Bachelor's degree)
Master Program:"General Psychology"
Entrance exams: Russian language (USE), Biology (USE), Mathematics (USE)
About the faculty:
The Faculty of Psychology of GAUGN operates on the basis of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Dean of the Faculty - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Laktionovich Zhuravlev.
The faculty has 6 departments:
Department of General Psychology,
Department of Social Psychology,
Department of Personality Psychology,
Department of Psychophysiology,
Department of Occupational Psychology,
Department experimental psychology and psychodiagnostics.
Form of study full-time, budgetary and extra-budgetary basis.
There is a postgraduate school, a department of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.
Graduates of the faculty are professionally engaged in scientific and research, pedagogical, cultural, educational and expert-analytical activities.
Faculty Open Days: Check with the faculty

Faculty of Economics
Name of specialties: Economics (bachelor's degree), Management (bachelor's degree)
Master's programs:“Economics and management of science, technology, innovation”, “General and strategic management”
Entrance exams:
About the faculty:
The Faculty of Economics of GAUGN operates on the basis of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS).
The dean of the faculty is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Leonidovich Makarov.
Form of study
There is a shortened training program (3 full-time and 3.5 years part-time) based on secondary vocational education on an extra-budgetary basis.
There is a postgraduate school, a department of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.
Teaching and scientific supervision are carried out by leading experts in the field of economics, management and business education, interactive teaching methods are used.
Faculty Open Days: Check with the faculty

Faculty of World Politics
Name of specialties:

International Relations (Bachelor's Degree)
Foreign regional studies (bachelor's degree)

Entrance exams: Russian language (USE), History (USE), Foreign language (USE)
About the faculty:
The Faculty of World Politics of GAUGN operates on the basis of the Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Dean of the Faculty - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Mikhailovich Rogov.
The faculty has 5 departments:
Department of International and National Security,
Department of World Politics and International Relations,
Department of Regional Studies,
Department of International Economics,
Department of Foreign Languages.
Form of study full-time, budgetary and extra-budgetary basis.
There is a postgraduate school, a department of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.
Staff and teachers have many years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work at leading universities in the USA and Western Europe.
Faculty Open Days: Check with the faculty

Faculty of Sociology
Name of specialties: Sociology (bachelor's degree)
Entrance exams: Russian language (USE), Social studies (USE), Foreign language (USE)
About the faculty: The Faculty of Sociology of GAUGN operates on the basis of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The dean of the faculty is Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Yadov.
The faculty has 6 departments:
Department of General Sociology,
Department of History and Theory of Sociology,
Department of Industrial Sociological Disciplines,
Department of Applied Sociological Disciplines,
Department of Methodology and Methods of Empirical Research,
Department of System and statistical analysis in sociology.
Form of study full-time, budgetary and extra-budgetary basis.
There is a postgraduate school, a department of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.
The faculty cooperates with the University of Warsaw (Poland).
Faculty Open Days: Check with the faculty

Faculty of Law
Name of specialties:

Jurisprudence (bachelor's degree)
Master Program:“Theory and history of state and law, history of legal doctrines”, “Civil law, family law, land law, private international law”

Master Program:“Theory and history of state and law”, “History of legal doctrines”, “Civil law, family law, land law, private international law”
Entrance exams: Russian language (USE), Social studies (USE), Foreign language (USE), History (USE)
About the faculty:
The Faculty of Law of GAUGN operates on the basis of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Dean of the Faculty - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrey Gennadievich Lisitsyn-Svetlanov.
The faculty has 2 departments:
Department of Theory and History of State and Law,
Department of Private and Public Law.
Form of study full-time and part-time, budgetary and extra-budgetary basis.
There is a postgraduate school, a department of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.
Faculty Open Days: Check with the faculty

Faculty of Cultural Studies
Name of specialties:

Cultural Studies (Bachelor's Degree)
Management (bachelor's degree)
Master's programs:“Personality and Culture”, “Culture of Mass Communications”, “State and Municipal Administration”, “Management in the Social Sphere”

Master's programs:“State and municipal management”, “Management in the social sphere”
Master's in Cultural Studies
Entrance exams:
Culturology: Russian language (USE), Social studies (USE), History (USE)
Management: Russian language (USE), Social studies (USE), Mathematics (USE)
About the faculty:
Faculty of Cultural Studies, GAUGN.
The dean of the faculty is Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Anatoly Terentyevich Kalinkin.
The faculty has 5 departments:
Department of History and Culture,
Department of Cultural Theory,
Department of Management,
Department of Media Culture,
Department of Verbal Culture.
Form of study Full-time and part-time, budgetary and non-budgetary basis.
There is a postgraduate school, a department of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.
Faculty Open Days: Check with the faculty

Faculty of Book Culture and Management
Name of specialties:
Management (bachelor's degree)
Entrance exams: Russian language (USE), Social studies (USE), Mathematics (USE)
About the faculty:
Faculty of Book Culture and Management, GAUGN. Dean of the Faculty - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Vasiliev.
Faculty classes are conducted by staff Russian Academy Sciences, specialists with extensive experience in the book industry. The internship takes place on the basis of publishing houses and book houses in Moscow.
Faculty Open Days: Check with the faculty

Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Teaching Staff (as a faculty)
Name of specialties:
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Department of Analytical Psychology
Department of Philosophical Anthropology and Psychoanalysis
Department of Additional Professional Education Driving directions: metro station "Oktyabrskaya"