The role of probability theory in human life. Application of probability theory in the modern world. History of probability theory

First, let's define what a sector of the economy is. The economy represents the economy of the country, various industries. Since it is possible to produce great amount goods and services, then economic entities unite with each other to produce related goods or services. Each such enterprise works with certain resources that are necessary to produce a given product or service. It works for a specific consumer who needs a given product or service. That is, it seeks to determine and take into account the characteristics of his behavior. And in the end, it uses a certain production technology. That is, an economic sector is a community of industries and enterprises that produce identical products using similar technology.

The economy consists of two spheres: material production and services. The first includes, for example, agriculture, industry, forestry, and so on. To the second education, healthcare, Physical Culture and social security and so on.

Examples of professions

Now that we have found out what a sector of the economy is, we will give examples of professions that belong to different sectors of the economy.

  • Let's remember such a profession as a livestock breeder. They call a person who breeds and raises different kinds farm animals. This profession belongs to the agricultural sector.
  • A pharmacist (or apothecary) is also a frequently encountered profession in our everyday life. But it already relates to the healthcare sector.
  • The industry employs engineers who create new developments.
  • We are all also very familiar with the profession of a teacher at school or other educational institution. It belongs to the field of education.
  • The profession of an actor belongs to the branch of culture and art.
  • Security is important to our lives environment. Let us note the profession of a forester. It consists of protecting the forest, protecting it from diseases, sowing and planting forests, caring for them, laying forest roads, harvesting and processing forest products. It belongs to the forestry sector.

All professions can be classified into certain types based on subject and means of labor. Each has its own profile and code. Usually, by its name, you can easily determine which industry it belongs to and understand what means of labor it uses. Having considered the existing general professions of all sectors of the national economy, any person can choose his preferred occupation. In this article we will give examples of professions in different industries, so that after familiarizing yourself with them you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Professions of economic sectors

There is an extensive list that includes both cross-cutting professions and positions in all sectors of the economy, as well as highly specialized jobs. The choice of activity is primarily influenced by the applicant’s education. Thus, specialists with higher economic education can count on positions in micro- and macroeconomics, the field of external finance and specialized industries. If we consider professions common to all sectors of the economy, then this is primarily an accountant. IN last years The list of professions of bank employees has expanded significantly.

List of industries and professions

In industry, there are professions in different sectors that employ people in numerous specialties. All vacancies can be divided into blue-collar and engineering professions. The most popular working professions are:

  • metallurgy – rolling mills, rolling millers and steelmakers;
  • mining industry – miners, drifters and miners;
  • construction - concrete workers, masons, installers and slingers;
  • food industry – bakers, dough mixers and confectioners;
  • light industry - cutters, weavers and seamstresses;

There are service professions of workers common to all sectors of the economy. These are mechanics, oilers, electricians and security guards.

Professions in the oil and gas industry

Petrochemical industry industry is a complex and responsible profession, but highly paid. You can cite specific examples professions related to different sectors of the economy in oil production. The list shows the main professions in the oil industry:

  • geologist;
  • geophysicist;
  • drilling engineer;
  • OT specialist;
  • manager.

Geologists and geophysicists are directly involved in geological and seismic exploration. Drilling engineers extract minerals. Occupational safety specialists monitor the work process to avoid accidents. Since the economic sector is extremely costly, managers are always needed to optimize costs.

Construction industry professions

When assessing the material production industry, the construction profession can be identified as the most relevant. There is a large list of vacancies employed at any construction site:

  • masons and concrete workers;
  • plasterers and tilers;
  • glaziers;
  • assemblers and crane operators;
  • carpenters.

In addition to these specialists, each team has multidisciplinary specialists who perform a large number of duties. Therefore the level vocational training construction professionals may go beyond their core responsibilities.

Trade branch of economics profession

For the economic sector, examples of professions are few, since the main vacancy is the position of cashier, which can include any sales specialists. However, currency and transaction cashiers are necessary professions in various sectors of the economy, ensuring the conduct of any financial transactions.

Professions in the education sector

Educational professions are directly related to scientific activities. In the branch of historical activity one can distinguish anthropologists, paleontologists and archaeologists. Animal world studied by bioengineers, ichthyologists and oceanographers. Romantic professions: speleology, hydrology, crystallography, meteorology and the position of glaciationist.

Creative professions include sociology, philology, ethnography, genealogy, positions as an art critic and restorer. Professions of the future: nanotechnology, genetic engineering and chemical specialties.

Healthcare Professions

Health care specialists are employed in the medical field and can be grouped under a common name - doctors. Traditional general practitioners are GPs, nurses and paramedics. Obstetricians and pediatricians work with children. Surgeons and anesthesiologists are involved in directly saving lives.

Dentists, hygienists and dental technicians work in the field of dental medicine. Technical medical specialties include radiologists, laboratory technicians, technologists, ophthalmologists and optometrists. The scientific field includes virologists, nutritionists, biophysicists, biologists and gerontologists. Manufacturing and sales medicines are pharmacists and pharmacists.

Transport branch of economics profession

If for the material production industry examples of professions include a very extensive and varied list, then the transport sector contains only a few sections:

  • aviation;
  • navigation;
  • Railway;
  • logistics;
  • travel professions.

The essence of this work is the movement of goods, cargo or people between destinations, including outside the state.

Professions in the agricultural sector

The agricultural sector provides the population with food. The most popular agricultural professions are agronomists and machine operators, veterinarians, livestock breeders and poultry farmers. All professions require specific knowledge and skills and are always vacant.

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What is economics

Solve the crossword puzzle and you will find out what economics is

Use your textbook to complete the definition.

Economy- This is the economic activity of people. All components of the economy are interconnected.

Do you know the sectors of the economy? Label the pictures yourself or with the help of a textbook.

In addition to those listed in the textbook, there are other sectors of the economy. For example, forestry, communications, catering, housing and communal services, banking sector, consumer services. Think about and explain what each of these industries does.
Forestry- a branch of the economy whose functions include: study and accounting of forests, their reproduction, protection from fires, pests and diseases, regulation of forest use, control over the use of forest resources.
Connection- Anyone who wants to use the services of telephony, television and radio broadcasting, and the Internet encounters the communications industry. Postal services are engaged in the receipt, forwarding and delivery of postal items, namely: parcels, letters, parcels, transfers.
Catering is a branch of the national economy engaged in the production and sale of prepared food and semi-finished products.
Department of Housing and Utilities(housing and communal services) - includes about 30 types of activities. The sub-sectors are home maintenance; landscaping (road and bridge maintenance, landscaping, sanitation and waste disposal)
Banking sector- providing clients with a wide range of banking services.
Consumer services for the population- part of the service sector, where non-productive and production services are provided to the population. (Hairdressing services, Dry cleaning of clothes, laundry services, Photography services. Bath services. professional cleaning premises, repair services and maintenance household radio-electronic equipment, household machines and instruments. Sewing and repair of garments. Manufacturing and repair of furniture, etc.)

At home, find out from adults what sectors of the economy they work in. Write it down.

Mom and dad work in the consumer services sector. Mom works in a tailoring shop, and dad does repairs. household appliances and equipment. Grandmother works in the education industry - she is a teacher, and grandfather works in the transport industry - he is a driver.

Using the book "Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the World" fill out the table (according to the sample given in the first line).

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The economy of any country is a single complex of interconnected industries. Each state, depending on its national and historical traditions, geographical and geopolitical conditions and labor skills of the population, creates its own unique set of sectors of the national economy, the formation of which is increasingly influenced by the international cooperation with other countries.

When analyzing the national economy, concepts such as spheres, industries, complexes, and sectors of the economy are distinguished.

By participating in the creation of a total social product and national income social production is divided into two large spheres: material production and non-material sphere.

Material production includes industry, agriculture and forestry, freight transport, communications (serving material production), construction, trade, catering, information and computing services, and other activities in the sphere of material production.

The non-productive sector includes housing and communal services, passenger transport, communications (serving organizations in the non-productive sector and the population), healthcare, physical education and social security, public education, culture and art, science and scientific services, lending and insurance, activities of the government apparatus.

In turn, each sector of the economy is divided into industries.

An industry is a set of enterprises and organizations characterized by a commonality of products, production technology, fixed assets, professional training of workers and satisfied needs.

Industry by Russian statistics is divided into heavy, light and food industries. Heavy industry includes: electric power, fuel industry, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical and petrochemical, forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industry, as well as industry building materials.

Light industry includes textile, clothing, leather, footwear, and fur industries. Food industry - food processing, meat, dairy, fishing industries.

The sectoral division of the economy is the result of the historical process of development of the social division of labor. The development of society and the economy, the further deepening of production specialization lead to the formation of new industries.

Along with specialization and differentiation, there are processes of cooperation and integration of production, leading to the development of stable production links between industries, to the creation of mixed production and inter-industry complexes.

Intersectoral complex is an integration structure that characterizes the interaction of various industries and their elements, different stages of production and distribution of the product. In industry, for example, there are fuel and energy, metallurgical, machine-building and other complexes.

The agro-industrial and construction complexes, which unite different sectors of the national economy, have a more complex structure.

Based on the division of labor, inter-industry and single-industry, territorial-production, inter-industry scientific and technical complexes can be distinguished.

Components economic complex can be grouped into economic sectors.

A sector is understood as a collection of institutional units that have similar economic goals, functions and behavior. So, the sector is not financial enterprises unites enterprises engaged in the production of goods and services for profit, and non-profit organizations that do not pursue profit.

The financial enterprises sector covers institutional units engaged in financial intermediation.

Sector government agencies- a set of legislative, judicial and executive authorities, social security funds and controlled by them non-profit organizations.

The household sector mainly includes consuming units.

The external sector is a set of institutional units - non-residents of a given country (i.e. located outside the country) with economic ties, as well as embassies, consulates, military bases, international organizations located on the territory of this country.

The public sector is also distinguished as a set of enterprises, organizations, institutions owned by the state and managed by state bodies or persons appointed by them, and private sector as part of the economy not under state control.

According to international statistics, the economy is usually divided into industries that produce goods and industries that provide services. Industries that produce goods include industry, agriculture, construction and other sectors of material production (publishing, recycling of secondary raw materials, collection of wild mushrooms and berries, etc.).

Industries providing services include education, transport, trade, healthcare, general public administration, defense, etc.

Definition 1

Industry called a set similar species economic activity. The industry unites enterprises that produce homogeneous products, such as food, agricultural machinery, household chemicals, textiles, metallurgical products.

The farm is divided into two main parts– industry and agriculture, which in turn are divided into other industries and sub-sectors.

Industry , as a rule, is a leading industry in most economies of the world, since for successful farming, it is necessary to have certain climatic conditions for growing crops or raising animals. For industry, such conditions are not mandatory.

Definition 2

Exists production sector- a set of enterprises that produce goods to meet the needs of the population, and the non-productive sphere - a set of industries that provide a variety of services to the population.

Various industry , in turn, can be combined into groups of industries; in economics, the determining factors with the help of which a classification can be created are general properties product or service. Let's take an example of a set of producers of bread, cakes, buns, bagels and bagels that can be combined into the bakery industry, which, in turn, is part of the food industry.

The flour milling industry includes enterprises engaged in the production of bakery, confectionery, pasta and other products that contain flour.

Picture 1.

Other industries are built on the same principle. It is also possible to group industries into broader groups, an example is shown in the illustration below.

Figure 2.

Industry classification is based on this principle, that is, the grouping of similar types of economic activities.

Classification of industrial groups of industries

By combining different groups of industries in this way, we end up with several largest groups of industries, which are called sectors of the economy.

These include:

  1. Agriculture;
  2. Extractive industry;
  3. Manufacturing industry;
  4. Electricity and gas;
  5. Construction.

Now let's look at each group separately.

Agriculture, fishing and forestry combines all the sectors that deal with production or extraction of animal raw materials or plant origin . Agriculture, in turn, is divided into livestock farming (sheep farming, poultry farming, beekeeping) and agriculture (cultivation of the land and cultivation of vegetable and fruit crops, cereals).

Mining industry unites all enterprises directly involved in the extraction of certain valuable resources from the bowels of the earth. It includes oil producers, gas producers, developers of deposits of other valuable resources, enterprises extracting sand from a quarry, diamonds, peat, and various ores.

Sometimes these two groups merge into the primary manufacturing sector, since they provide the raw materials for most other industries.

Manufacturing industry, in turn, unites all industries associated with the processing of already extracted natural resources for the production of some material product.

Electricity, gas and water supply also engage in processing of extracted raw materials, but are distinguished in separate group, because they are associated with the creation and development of lines for transmitting these raw materials over distances to end consumers.

Construction unites all manufacturers of buildings and structures, both large and small architectural forms. In essence, this is also the processing of already mined raw materials, but due to the special nature of production, it stands out as a separate group.

Non-production sectors

To the non-production sphere include sectors of the economy that directly serve the population (service sector) or ensure the existence of society as a whole (management, science, art, professional education, army and law enforcement agencies):

  • trade;
  • hotel and restaurant business;
  • transport and communications;
  • education;
  • medicine;
  • finance;
  • public service.

Trade unites all firms whose activities are based on the sale or resale of manufactured products, and there are two types - wholesale (sale of intermediate goods or goods in large quantities) and retail (sale of consumer goods to the final consumer).

Hotel and restaurant business restaurants brings together producers of goods such as "holidays on the islands in Atlantic Ocean"or "romantic dinner by candlelight", which include many components; the peculiarity of this group is that the consumer receives both goods and services at the same time.

Transport, warehouses and communications unite all manufacturers involved in the movement of material in space (transport) and time (warehouses). Communication also transmits and processes information. It should be noted that this industry is strategic, that is, it is fundamentally important both for the state and for ordinary citizens; if it stops functioning, life in the country will actually stop.

Education brings together all producers involved in the development and dissemination of knowledge (literacy, vocabulary) or skills (playing the piano, dancing or art) population.

Medical industry includes all manufacturers and government agencies that provide services to preserve the health of citizens (hospitals, clinics, dental and cosmetology offices).

Finance unite all manufacturers offering financial services (banks, pawnshops, credit unions, currency exchanges).

Civil service includes all producers involved in ensuring the functioning of the state apparatus.

Sometimes these groups unite into even larger supergroups - the material production sector and the service sector.

Some service industries (trade, catering) are sometimes added to the production sector, since they deal with material objects.

Note 1

It must be emphasized that all sectors of the economy are very important, since the disappearance of at least one of them will irreversibly lead to a crisis in the economy, and significant efforts will be required to eliminate its consequences. For example, if for some reason the agricultural sector in the country ceases to function, then the food industry will also be shaken, which will cause a shortage of food products, rising prices for them and, as a result, the well-being of citizens will significantly decrease.

To prevent such phenomena from occurring, the state pursues a certain policy to protect the national producer and publishes legislative acts, the purpose of which is to maintain an economic balance between industries.