Designer Roman blinds. Lifting Roman blinds - what are they? Cotton curtains

Among the many types of compact curtains, Roman blinds have significant functionality and undeniable aesthetics. Embodying elegant practicality, they are easy to install in window hole, allowing you not only to regulate the level of illumination of the room, but also to implement any design ideas.

History of Roman blinds

The very name of this unusual type of curtain indicates that their inventors were the Romans. However, the story in this regard is quite ambiguous, and offers the inquisitive public as many as three versions.

  1. In the first version, Roman blinds came into the world thanks to enterprising sailors. Once on land, one of them repeated the design of the sail, which, if necessary, rose upward in uniform horizontal folds, on their window. The idea was appreciated by friends and neighbors, and gradually new way the design of window openings has become popular.
  2. The second version says that lifting canvases of a similar design were first used in the Colosseum in the form of canopies to protect spectators from the scorching sun. After the performance was completed, the fabric was lowered on one side and, with the help of special ropes, was evenly collected and fixed in the desired position.
  3. The third hypothesis suggests that the first Roman blinds were invented by female housewives during the active development of cities. In an effort to protect their homes from street dust, they adapted to curtain the windows with fabric containing special system ties that allow you to lift the canvas up as soon as the streets are empty.

The main difference between Roman blinds and all other options is decorative design windows is a special mechanism that allows you to create neat horizontal draperies when lifting the curtains.

A standard Roman blind consists of the following elements:

  • cornice;
  • rectangular non-woven or textile fabric;
  • rods (cords) for fixing folds;
  • transverse pockets (drawstrings) for placing cords;
  • bottom weight bar;
  • lifting mechanism.

Roman blind material sheets are securely attached to the cornice and can fit either a separate window fragment or the entire frame as a whole. The curtain rods themselves are available in three versions:

  • classic, corresponding to the size of standard openings;
  • mini, characterized by reduced dimensions;
  • beveled, for non-standard windows, with the possibility of installation at an angle.

To change the position of the curtain, it is activated lifting device, which can be: manual, mechanical or electronic. With its help, decorative horizontal folds or, conversely, an even canvas are created at the desired height.

Installation of RS

Despite the fact that all Roman blinds have the same principle of operation, they are still divided into three types according to the method of forming folds:

Classic. This is the most famous and popular type of Roman blinds. When unfolded, they are a flat canvas that completely covers the window space. When raised to a certain height, they form neat, uniform drapery folds, overlapping each other along the lower edge.
Such models are perfect for even the smallest rooms, as they take up virtually no space, but at the same time look modern and stylish.

Frameless. They are distinguished by the absence of horizontal fixing inserts. Sagging folds do not look so laconic, so they are more often used for recreation areas and provincial interiors.

Cascade. The most elegant and solemn version of Roman blinds. Even when unfolded, such curtains show uniform horizontal folds that can decorate a bedroom or living room.

Deserves special attention double roman blinds("day Night"). Essentially, this is a pair of independently controlled canvases, one of which is made of dense, opaque material, and the second is light and weightless, transmitting sunlight.

By moving relative to each other in the desired direction, they allow you to achieve optimal results in terms of decorativeness and illumination of the room.

Materials for making Roman blinds

Depending on the material used, its texture and color, invariably practical and impeccably elegant Roman blinds in the interior can look completely different. And almost everything is suitable for making them - from brocade to the most delicate organza.

The fabrics from which Roman blinds are made can be divided into three categories:

Natural. These are: cotton, linen, chintz, satin. They are absolutely environmentally friendly, transmit light and are not electrified, but they often shrink after washing, become very wrinkled and absorb odors.

Synthetic. These include: blackout, taffeta, nylon, polyester. They are distinguished by a wide choice of textures, colors and degree of light transmission (0–90%). They do not require frequent washing, as they are pre-treated with dust-repellent agents. However, in this case they become electrified, deform under strong thermal influence, and in the event of fire they release toxic substances.

Mixed. Most famous representatives this group: organza, tulle, jacquard, brocade. Such fabrics are made from a mixture of natural and artificial fibers. They are very practical, absorb light well, provide big choice colors and textures, do not shrink. But they do not have antistatic properties and have a tendency to form pellets.

The final choice of material always depends on the main purpose of the curtain and the design of the room:

— If the main task of a Roman blind is protection from sun rays, preference is given to dense fabrics with little light transmission, these are: jacquard, tapestry, satin.

- When sharing Roman version with traditional curtains, the material for the curtains can be more delicate: cotton, muslin, organza, veil.

Sewing RS with your own hands

Advantages and disadvantages of Roman blinds

The mere fact that over their centuries-old history, Roman blinds not only have not undergone significant changes in design, but have not lost their popularity at all, eloquently demonstrates that they have a number of undeniable advantages. Among them:

  • Versatility. Correctly selected type, material and color design allow the use of Roman blinds in almost any interior and in the premises of the for various purposes.
  • Practicality. You can fix the cornices of such curtains in the most convenient location: above window opening, directly on the frame or even on a separate sash. In this case, the configuration of the window itself is not decisive.
  • The possibility of non-standard fastening, in which the curtains will not open from bottom to top, but vice versa.
  • Compatibility. When implementing complex design ideas, Roman blinds are perfectly complemented by light tulle, thick curtains and original lambrequins.
  • Compactness. Roman blinds on windows require a minimum amount of space, which allows you to decorate even the smallest rooms with them.
  • Easy to use and maintain.
  • Wide selection of materials for manufacturing, texture and color solutions.

With a significant amount positive characteristics, Roman blinds also have disadvantages:

  • In the case where the curtains are not attached to the window sashes, but above it or directly on the frame, in order to look out into the street or ventilate the room, they will need to be lifted, and sometimes completely opened.
  • Since adjusting the height of Roman blinds involves a lifting mechanism with a system of laces or chains, to give them the desired position, you will have to spend a little more time than with conventional curtains.
  • In rare cases, when lifting the blade, not all assemblies immediately take the required position, which is why they have to be adjusted manually.

The feasibility of using Roman blinds in the interior

In addition to the aesthetics and visual appeal of Roman blinds, final choice the following circumstances may influence their presence in the interior:

  • using the window sill as a seating area or work desk;
  • placing a sofa, bed, furniture corner or storage systems under the window;
  • location in close proximity to the sink window or countertop;
  • the need to avoid filling rooms with a large number of windows with textiles;
  • the need to design glass door inserts in the same style as the window openings;
  • frequent presence of small children or animals in the room.

Compatibility with other types of curtains

In search of unusual interior solutions, designers quite often use techniques of combining several types of window textiles.

Traditional curtains are considered the best neighbors of Roman blinds. The latter have a role decorative element, while the former must fully protect the room from excess light and prying eyes.

Shortened sheets of pleated curtains perfectly enliven lambrequins, creating a harmonious composition in the appropriate color scheme.

In some cases, spectacular ensembles of classic long curtains and short Roman counterparts in the same color scheme, complemented by the most delicate tulle in the background, are appropriate.

Features of using Roman blinds in various interior styles

Roman blinds can be used in almost any stylistic design. The main thing is to choose the material, texture and color of the canvas that matches the general direction:

  • decorate with curtains of strict, calm shades made of expensive fabrics, plain or with traditional patterns;
  • mixed fabrics of neutral and cool colors will fit in;
  • The motifs are favorably emphasized by natural materials with thematic patterns.

Depending on the chosen stylistic direction, Roman curtains can be decorated with figured edges, piping, scallops, tassels and even fringe.

When choosing Roman blinds for a particular room, it is always important to take into account its purpose and design. In any case, the material of the curtains should be in harmony with the furniture upholstery or wall decoration.

Light, translucent fabrics add romance and tenderness to the atmosphere.
Dense and heavy - severity and solemnity.
Plain curtains are ideal for patterned walls, while patterned curtains, on the contrary, enliven a monochrome interior.

Roman blinds in the living room

For the living room, depending on the degree of lighting, curtains made of organza, brocade, tapestry or velvet are traditionally chosen. The smaller and darker the room, the thinner and lighter the fabric.
In a spacious room, Roman blinds are often used in conjunction with traditional curtains and lambrequins.

Models that match the shade of the walls will add elegance to the interior, while contrasting fabrics will create the effect of elegant solemnity.

Roman blinds in the kitchen and dining room

The choice of Roman blinds for the kitchen is based primarily on their functionality. They take up little space and yet look pretty neat. In any case, ostentatiously rich and luxurious curtains are of no use here, because they will have to be cleaned or washed quite often.

Roman blinds in the bedroom

Experts recommend avoiding bright colors in the bedroom. For maximum darkening, you can use dense fabrics. At the same time, airy, translucent models are more suitable for sunshine lovers. At the same time, the interior looks most harmonious if the material or color of the curtains echoes the rest of the textile elements in the room.

Roman blinds in a children's room

In the interior of a children's room, Roman blinds are an ideal option. Here you should definitely prefer natural or mixed fabrics, however, when choosing colors and patterns, it is important to focus on the age and character of the child.
Toddlers will be soothed by gentle, not too bright shades, while a teenager may prefer laconic draperies in rich tones.

Roman blinds in the office

Unobtrusively emphasizing the dignity of the room, Roman blinds in the office help create a comfortable, and at the same time strict, work-appropriate environment. Here, as a rule, classical models are used.

The home takes on amazing shapes, the windows of which are decorated in an extraordinary way. And, faced with the fact of repair or moving to new apartment, people are racking their brains with the question of choosing an unusual design solution. How to express your uniqueness through the interior of your home? How to make it cozy, comfortable and original?

Home improvement depends not only on the right furniture, but also on various finishing materials, lighting, accessories and, of course, window curtains. There are many things in the space around us that give it a special charm and charm. Roman blinds for windows - great idea new transformations.

Curtains play the role of first violin in apartment decoration. Roman blinds are especially in demand due to their huge variety; ideas for decorating windows were borrowed from representatives of the ancient Roman Empire. No matter how ancient the origins are, modern society received this type of curtain with a bang, making them popular in a short period of time. Classic interior I happily embraced this type of window decoration, paying tribute to its simplicity and sophistication.

They had a hard time winning their place in the sun, often losing in battles with the long ones. With the advent of Roman blinds, the situation has changed dramatically: their types are varied, the models are impressive, and the sea of ​​colors is endless.

Roman blinds: how are they made?

Everything ingenious is simple - ancient wisdom is quite applicable to the description of the design of these curtains. Initially, they were generally a rectangular-shaped canvas to which rings were attached.

The braid, stretched into rings, was a regulator of the length of the canvas. Modern Roman blinds in the interior are more advanced, but functionality and practicality have been carefully carried through time.

The design is extremely comfortable, simple and elegant. This requires:

  • rectangular canvas
  • pockets located horizontally in which rods are attached
  • the rods themselves, which form the basis of the frame and can be either soft or hard
  • a metal or plastic strip attached to the bottom edge of a curtain designed to provide even tension to the fabric.

Important! Decorating a window with Roman blinds will be especially impressive if, to decorate the bottom edge finished product special decor will be used: fringe, tassels, bugles. The elegant wavy edge of the product will add incredible charm.

Types of Roman blinds by style

The simple method of adjusting Roman curtains is the same for all types of these curtains. Even folds formed when raising or lowering the canvas using lace, braid, rope, chain are a typical control method. Curtains differ in the type of folds obtained as a result of adjusting the folds.

The Romanesque style requires the following options for lifting curtains:

  • classic - characterized by horizontally located folds obtained during lifting;
  • cascading - forms folds even when opened;
  • frameless - gathers the canvas into folds in the center and on the sides.

Classic Roman ones are extremely practical and look modern, despite their simplicity. They are the most used design option window openings. This style is distinguished by a certain rigor of execution.

Cascading Roman blinds are a holiday that is always nearby. An amazing cascade of horizontal folds is ready to become a real interior decoration. These curtains can easily add splendor to your living room.

The complete absence of horizontal rods distinguishes frameless curtains from other types. In the room where they frame the windows, simplicity and harmony reign. Frameless Roman ones are a successful design solution that gives coziness and comfort.

The choice of fabric is an important condition for success

The color and texture of the material directly affect the appearance of the curtains. The dense material chosen for the hall will give it solidity and solidity. The life of the owners of the house will be protected from prying eyes and sheltered from the rays of the sun, if the need arises. For rest, sleep and work choose various fabrics, which correspond to the situation.

Eco-fabrics used for making curtains are:

  • They are environmentally friendly.
  • Safe for humans.
  • Safe for the external environment.
  • Resists pathogenic bacteria.
  • They are expensive because... production requires a lot of costs.

Cotton is a natural material. Its protective properties against the penetration of sunlight are quite small, and it wrinkles easily. Synthetic fibers added to cotton make a difference.

Properties of cotton material:

  • Made from natural material.
  • Has a reasonable price.
  • Vibrant colors available.
  • Soft to the touch.
  • Wrinkles a lot.
  • Changes shape after washing.
  • Colors fade after exposure to the sun.

Linen gives curtains a special charm because it is used undyed, which emphasizes its noble color. The following should be said about the properties of flax:

  1. Made from natural material.
  2. The material is wear-resistant.
  3. Washing has no effect on it.
  4. Wrinkles.
  5. Loses its original shape.

Synthetics are represented by properties that, in most cases, are the direct opposite of those previously mentioned, i.e.

  1. Doesn't lose shape.
  2. Retains color.
  3. Transmits light well.
  4. Does not require frequent maintenance.
  5. Loses shape from strong thermal effects impact.
  6. Slightly flammable.

Choosing the right curtain color

Curtains should be approached very responsibly, because the appearance of the entire room often depends on it. Short curtains, such as the Roman ones, have a small volume, and therefore take up little space. If window curtains are combined with long curtains, then their role will not be the main one.

The highest priority is considered to be neutral colors: all shades of white, gray and yellow. If a mono-interior is chosen, then the following would be suitable: canvases with edging, patterns, geometric patterns.

How to attach Roman blinds?

Attaching Roman blinds special labor does not, because their design differs in functionality. You can mount it in a window opening, on a wall, even on a ceiling.

Roman blinds will help out if using long curtains is difficult or there is a need to save space in the room. Mounts can be installed on the ceiling or on cornices.

Application in the interior

Window openings in the bedroom are traditionally decorated with curtains that are floor-length and have considerable volume. Cascading and frameless Roman blinds can transform a room into a more stylish, elegant, modern one.

Classic Roman blinds for a child's room are extremely practical and look impressive despite their simplicity. The design of curtains allows them to be successfully used in a nursery. Children will appreciate the variety of designs on the fabric and their impressive brightness. When decorating their room, teenagers will be happy to choose fashionable and original draperies.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the kitchen in an apartment - it is the most popular place in the house, and therefore its appearance should be appropriate. Long strips of fabric on the sides of the window are a thing of the past, and today few can imagine a kitchen without original decor– “highlights” kitchen interior. Classic Roman blinds for the kitchen are practical, comfortable and modern. Their discreet beauty gives the room a special coziness.

The living room will be miraculously transformed if classics are used in it. Cascading Roman curtains will help make a room intended for receiving guests and warm family gatherings more effective and impressive. Properly selected textiles and a good choice color accent will enhance the impression.

How to care for Roman blinds?

These miracle curtains are simple not only in design and use, but also in care, which is important for the housewife. Since the length of the curtains is changed using braid, chain or tape, contact with human hands is minimal - the canvas remains clean and tidy longer. When the need arises, it is not difficult to put the curtains in order - they are easily removed and washed.

It is no coincidence that it is no coincidence that Roman blinds have become incredibly popular. They are used to formalize various rooms. They are aesthetically pleasing and easily fit into any modern style, making the room spectacular and comfortable, and the life of its inhabitants pleasant and joyful.

Photo ideas for design of Roman blinds

Curtains, the design and origin of which give them the name “Roman”, are probably best suited for modern interiors almost any style. The choice in their favor is due to their laconic aesthetics, simple mechanism, practicality. Right choice in terms of design and color, the canvas can make any interior harmonious and complete. These curtains received this name because of their origin: they actually come from ancient Rome and were invented by designers of that era.

Interesting! Since their appearance, they have practically not changed either in terms of the device or in terms of design.

Roman blinds are structures made of fabric that are arranged in layers on horizontal supports or layers

Therefore, today, when arranging a living room or kitchen, bedroom or nursery, even a balcony, the choice falls on Roman blinds: photos in the interior clearly demonstrate how they are good choice when decorating a room of almost any size and purpose.

Roman blinds are also suitable for bedroom decoration

Roman blinds are also very convenient for decorating windows on a loggia.

The secret of the entire curtain design is the cornice, to which the laces connected to the main fabric are attached. To ensure that the curtains retain their shape, do not curl, and are not affected by the wind or other obstacles, another lower curtain rod is provided, which is significantly weighted. To lift the fabric up, you need to lightly pull the chains that control the laces. To ensure that the curtain remains at the required lifting height, secure them. The whole mechanism is somewhat reminiscent of one of the blind designs. Therefore, if you have unnecessary but working blinds, you can easily make Roman blinds yourself.

The advantage of Roman blinds is that they can be adjusted in height

The general design of curtains includes the following details:

  • cloth made of fabric;
  • rods;
  • drawstrings;
  • weights.

The fabric usually has a rectangular shape and is made from natural, mixed fabrics or synthetics. Drawstrings are needed to attach horizontally located rods. They are also called pockets. The rods are responsible for folding the fabric into even, beautiful folds. They can be hard and soft. “Hiding” in pockets, they allow the canvas to maintain its shape in any position. Plastic or metal weights sewn inside to the bottom edge allow the canvas fabric to maintain tension.

Classifications of curtains, fabric materials

By general design curtain fabrics can be:

  • classic;
  • frameless;
  • cascading.

There are various forms of Roman blinds, their design is made up of frame and frameless structures

Frame Roman blinds are considered classic version, where the folds are smooth without sagging

The first option is the most common. These are perfectly smooth canvases that, when lifted, form regular folds in the horizontal direction. Frameless are so called because the horizontal control rods found in classic designs are absent here. Because of this, the folds formed during lifting lose their evenness and sag, forming bends. They deprive the interior of straight lines, but fill it with smoothness and harmony. Therefore, for rooms where people will mainly relax, frameless Roman blinds are chosen. The interior photos below clearly demonstrate how, in all respects, this is a good choice.

Frameless Roman blinds create a beautiful sag when assembled

The cascade design of curtains assumes the presence of folds even in a fully assembled, “open” state. The smooth canvas that characterizes classic, frameless models is not here. Folds will always be present in them, regardless of the height of the lift.

Cascading Roman blinds are designs that form a cascade even when unfolded

A separate classification of Roman blinds is based on lifting mechanism. Depending on how the opening is performed, the curtains can be:

  • rope;
  • rotary-chain;
  • combined;
  • elementary.

Roman blinds with a cord on a rope are considered the simplest

Rope structures have fabrics of varying degrees of transparency, but they are always extremely light, which allows them to be controlled with strong ropes and laces. Rotary-chain models are similar to blinds: by activating the mechanism with a chain, they rotate the shaft and rotor beams. The canvases here can be not only light, but also much denser.

Combined Roman blinds in the interior are distinguished by the fact that they can combine different fabrics, several rotor-chain, as well as rope mechanisms at the same time. Elementary models are used infrequently due to their fragility. The ropes in them are tied directly to the crossbars and lift them. The only advantage of the design is its affordable cost.

Roman blinds are made from:

  • flax;
  • synthetics;
  • cotton;
  • mixed fabrics.

Linen Roman blinds are great for bedrooms, children's rooms and living rooms, as linen is a light and natural material

Linen Roman blinds are usually in soft, pleasant shades

Linen is a natural, hypoallergenic fabric, ideal option for living rooms and bedrooms.

Linen is considered a hypoallergenic fabric

Advice! But if you plan to decorate your kitchen or balcony with Roman blinds, you should avoid using linen. It absorbs odors perfectly, gets dirty quickly, and washing and ironing this material is problematic.

For the kitchen, it is better to choose Roman blinds made of easily washable and non-absorbent synthetic fabric.

For the kitchen, the ideal choice is synthetic fabrics. If you use the right detergent, you can wash such fabric without difficulty. In addition, synthetics will “withstand” a large number of washing, and such fabrics often do not require ironing at all. Cotton is a natural and fairly inexpensive fabric. Such curtains will look good in bedrooms and living rooms. But for the kitchen, this is again a bad option precisely because of its ability to become saturated with odors.

Note! When washed, cotton fabrics become thinner and tear during use.

Cotton Roman blinds are also valued for their natural qualities.

It is better to wash cotton Roman blinds by hand and carefully.

Blended fabrics – great option for any premises. They combine ease of care, practicality, aesthetics and are quite affordable. If you decide to choose Roman blinds for your room, photos in the interior for various purposes on our website will help you in the final decision on a specific model.

Blended fabrics are inexpensive, but practical fabrics new generation, which at the same time retain the properties of natural fabric

Roman blinds for different interiors

Curtains of Roman design will look especially impressive in living rooms if you complement them with heavy curtain fabrics and lambrequins. This option is good in large, spacious rooms. But if your living room is small, choose light, translucent materials. For example, organza is a good choice. It will not perform the function of completely darkening the living room, but will bring comfort and harmony to it. If the living room is decorated in the spirit of minimalism or hi-tech, you should opt for plain fabrics. If the interior is bold and non-standard, you can choose canvases with geometric prints.

Roman blinds can be combined with other types of curtains

The combination of Roman blinds and tulle looks very nice

Translucent Roman blinds are used more for decorating windows

If you choose the right color and a simple lifting mechanism, Roman blinds will look very beautiful in a child’s room and the baby will probably like it. The color should match the main interior, but in the nursery you should avoid monochrome.

Roman blinds in the nursery can be chosen with a funny pattern

It is better to choose roman blinds in a nursery in positive and pleasant colors

It is advisable to choose Roman blinds in the nursery from natural materials

Remembering that the bedroom is a place of rest, relaxation, and sleep, you should focus on translucent canvases. They will transmit a little light and create the necessary twilight at the same time. If you want greater transparency, but at the same time, protection from prying eyes and light, combine curtains with heavy curtain fabric, which should ideally match the color of the curtains.

Roman blinds in the bedroom should fulfill their direct functions: protect from light and prying eyes

Roman blinds in the bedroom are best combined with curtains

Translucent Roman blinds in the bedroom for those who like twilight

If in other rooms curtains should be in harmony in color and design, in the kitchen you are free to experiment with them with all your might. Here, Roman blinds can freely stand out from the overall interior both in color and design. The boldest colors and prints will work, as will frameless, wave designs with rounded edges.

Using Roman blinds you can complement the interior of the kitchen

Roman curtains - great option for window decoration in the kitchen

Roman curtains are most often purchased either in finished form. However, if you creative person If you like to create your own interior, you can make Roman blinds with your own hands. The video and detailed photographs of the process posted here will significantly speed up and simplify the manufacturing process.

How to make Roman blinds yourself

Making Roman blinds yourself is quite possible. You can easily captivate your children with this process, especially if you are going to make them for the nursery. However, you can make them for the living room, the kitchen, and even the balcony, armed with the following consumables:

  • unnecessary horizontal blinds;
  • material for the canvas;
  • threads, glue, tools;
  • boards for the frame, tubes for adjustment if there are no old blinds in the house.

Making your own Roman blinds from old blinds

The manufacturing process will be approximately as follows. Moreover, we will describe a method that requires old blinds. One of the laces should be removed from them, the rotating one, not the lifting one. Next you need to calculate how many folds you want. Usually they are made at a distance of 25-30 cm. Next, we remove unnecessary lamellas, leaving only those with folds. We take a new ready-made fabric, fold it 5 cm on each vertical side, iron it, and stitch it. Next, we attach the canvas to the existing frame with glue. We start from the top crossbar, do not miss a single lamella, and end with the bottom cornice. After the glue has dried, your product is ready.

If you have difficulty with the process, but want to make Roman blinds yourself, the video on our website will greatly facilitate this exciting process!

Often, the windows of office premises are decorated with blinds. Yes, it’s beautiful, but if we talk about the home environment, then for sure everyone here would like a more cozy and gentle atmosphere. To do this, you can hang Roman blinds; they look great in every room. You can verify this by looking at the Roman blinds on the windows in the photo!

Appeared roller blinds(second name) several thousand years ago. Despite such a long origin, they do not lose their relevance at all. Quite the contrary. They are becoming more popular and diverse in the world modern technologies! And it’s not for nothing that they say that all the most ingenious things are very simple! This statement is a 100% statement about Roman blinds for windows.

Types of Roman blinds

They look rectangular or square in shape, smooth panels attached to the cornice. In a parallel manner, the frame rods located in the fabric are distributed to the cornice. Thanks to them, using a lace/special chain, you can adjust the height of the curtain. This principle is basic, and you can modernize it as you wish, it all depends on your own discretion. Let's consider the characteristics and features of the main types of such curtains.

Roman blinds - classic

They are simple and, at the same time, elegant, nothing superfluous, fancy or bells and whistles. If the curtains are unfolded, they look like a smooth canvas; when folded, they have beautiful folds, horizontally. Classic Roman blinds for the kitchen will look very original. They are also suitable for children's rooms.

If we compare this type with the classic one, then in any case, even if they are fully opened (lowered), there will be drapery and waves of fabric. This type Roman blinds on plastic windows are perfect for the bedroom/living room. The interior style most suitable for such window curtains is country, shabby chic or Provence.

You can make Roman blinds with your own hands, and very easily. This is the frameless type of curtain that you will get!

Quite an elegant look with its lightness and weightlessness, since these curtains do not have hinges.

Once you have decided what kind of Roman blinds you will have in your interior, it is important to choose the right fabric for them. But the question is not what the pattern on the material should be. The task is to select the material directly. After all, there is a wide variety of them, and they all differ from each other in density, degree of light transmission, etc. Roman blinds photo, you can understand a lot by looking through the catalog.

For example, the most popular fabrics that are used for Roman blinds on plastic windows have the following degree of light transmission:

  • Linen from 190 to 270 g/m2.
  • Cotton from 140 to 230 g/m2.
  • Synthetics from 110 to 360 g/m2.
  • Mixed fabrics from 120 to 390 g/m2.

Since ancient times, curtains that were made from linen fabric, were valued for their excellent quality. For example, we can only talk about the most basic and important advantages flax is:

  • Their environmental friendliness
  • High degree of strength
  • Will keep their shape perfectly
  • Smooth structure
  • They are easy to care for
  • Antistatic properties
  • Roman blinds do not shrink on windows when washed.

First of all, what will be noticeably noticeable is the naturalness of such curtains. This is what allows the use of linen materials in styles: Provence, country, classic or Mediterranean. They do not contain drawings. Their texture is the basis of their aesthetics.

Since linen curtains have average light transmission, such Roman blinds are ideal for the kitchen or living room.

Cotton curtains

Cotton is one of the most popular materials. This material is valued primarily for its environmental friendliness. Cotton is used to produce designer items high level demand due to the fact that it can be used to make a variety of printed designs. See Roman blinds photos where you can see various ways interior design.

Main advantages of cotton fabric:

  • Variety of bright colors
  • The material is durable and wear-resistant
  • Inherent softness
  • Resistant to chemical and heat treatments.

This material has some disadvantages, namely:

  • It gets wrinkled very easily.
  • It shrinks a little during the washing process.
  • When exposed to the sun, the fabric may turn yellow.

Cotton roller blinds in the interior are appropriate for kitchens and children's rooms. How it will look, see Roman curtains for the kitchen photo.

Synthetic roller blinds

For their manufacture, polymer fibers are used, which do not exist in nature. That is why they can have absolutely any properties characteristic of natural fabrics. For example, they will not wrinkle, do not accumulate dust, bacteria or microorganisms, they are easy to wash, and they are very light in weight.

But it is important to take into account the nuance that under the influence of temperatures (for example, from a battery, etc.), synthetic curtains can become deformed.

Mixed fabric type

Blended fabric is a fabric made from fibers with various qualities. One fabric can contain both natural and artificial fibers. Due to the variety of combinations, a very wide range of fabrics is produced. They can be incredibly light and transparent or, conversely, heavy and opaque.

Accordingly, Roman blinds made of light fabrics are used in the kitchen, but dense fabrics are ideal for a nursery or bedroom.

Various interior design styles


Its emergence dates back to the era when great things happened geographical discoveries, when Europeans were constantly developing one new colony after another. This is where the name of this style actually comes from. Accordingly, the classic interior style of Europe at that time began to spread throughout the planet, acquiring features of a certain area, as well as exotic ones.

World discoveries were carried out largely in the direction of the east and south. This is where the unification of European and Middle Eastern styles into one - colonial - came from. Look at what a Roman blind looks like in a kitchen photo, and what design methods there are.

Soft ones are appropriate in the colonial style color schemes, pastel shades. Fabrics should be used exclusively natural, shades should also be natural. To prevent the design from being monotonous, you can dilute it with the help of an exotic pattern, print or ornament.

The opinion that the colonial style is a tie to a particular territory is incorrect. However, in order for the interior style to be consistent and respected, it is important to select all elements in accordance with each other.

Marine theme

Even if you create Roman blinds with your own hands, they will look very appropriate in nautical style. And all because the principle of their production was taken from sailors. They, using transverse cords, collected the sails and also straightened them.

Here suitable use light curtains. Any shade looks great white, blue or light blue. Bright pictures should not be used, in particular if we're talking about O floral motifs. Cascade roller blinds are perfect here.


A very interesting and unusual style for interiors. It can contain a variety of items from different eras: from vintage figurines, boxes, to antique furniture and mirrors. However, textile products are very rarely preserved in their original “fresh” form. It is for this reason that, to put it mildly, the “grandmother’s curtain” will not look “very good” on metal-plastic windows.

Before buying roller blinds for a retro style room, you need to carefully study the existing color schemes of fabrics that were popular at the time, the style of which you are going to embody in your room. For example, fabrics can be checkered, striped or floral...

Retro is quite sophisticated. For this reason, curtains made of coarse fabrics, as well as in neon colors, should not be chosen.

Minimalism is modern

Textile decoration is rarely used here. But, despite this, it is Roman textile curtains that will be very appropriate. After all, there is nothing superfluous in them! In addition, by the way, the use of monochromatic colors, as well as stripes, but always strict.

Different rooms - interior design with roller blinds

To the hall

Here you can hang it as an independent element, or together with curtains. But then roller blinds will be similar to blinds.

Children's room

The use of bright colors is appropriate here. The fabric must be thick enough so that your baby can sleep soundly and sweetly. The fabrics in this room can be synthetic.

Roman blind for the kitchen (50 photos)

If your kitchen window faces south, it will be very hot in the summer, especially during cooking. For this reason, it is recommended to choose blackout curtains. In other situations, choose lightweight curtains. See how Roman blinds are installed on windows in the interior photo.


IN last years These comfortable, practical and presentable curtains have firmly established themselves in our home and office interiors, and are not going to leave them. But, despite their popularity and wide distribution, many people still do not have the right idea about them; they call them “blinds” or are confused with roller shutters and roller shutters. What are Roman blinds, what do they look like and where are they used? Let’s look at this article and start with the history of their origin.

History of appearance

Greek curtains first appeared about 2,000 years ago and have remained virtually unchanged since then.

There are several versions about how Roman curtains first appeared in the interior, they are also called Greek curtains or Roman curtains. All of them look quite reliable and are associated with events that took place more than 2,000 years ago in Ancient Rome and no less than Ancient Greece.

According to one version, initially dense fabrics that gathered upward in even horizontal folds were used as sails on ancient Roman warships. Then one of the sailors began to cover the windows in his house with them. This idea was picked up by his neighbors. Gradually the innovation spread throughout Rome.

According to another version, the first lifting curtains in the form of huge awnings were invented to protect spectators of gladiator fights in the Colosseum from the sun. When the stadium was empty, the awnings were folded using strong, thick ropes. Well, then, one of the viewers picked up the idea and began to use the same, but smaller structures to protect from sunlight on the windows in their house.

But most historians agree that the lifting design of Roman blinds was invented by housewives. Trying to protect their homes from street dust flying into the windows and to keep their rooms cool on a hot, stuffy day, they moistened the canvases hung on the windows with water. This made the fabric heavy and difficult to lift. Tie systems came to the rescue, allowing, if necessary, to quickly and easily select fabric over the window opening.

How do Roman blinds work?

As you can see in the photo of a classic Roman blind, it consists of:

  • rectangular textile or non-woven fabric;
  • strip-rods (cords) fixing folds;
  • bottom weight bar;
  • a drawstring pocket into which the slats are inserted;
  • lifting mechanism.

At the same time, the mechanism for Roman blinds can be either in a classic manual version or in a modern version - electric with a control panel. Often it can be purchased as a choice, separately from the curtain. It is natural that electric drive significantly increases the cost of the entire structure.

Like most roller curtains, modern curtains are rectangular sheets of fabric, PVC or bamboo straw, mounted on a curtain rod and raised and lowered using a chain or rope mechanism. The design of Roman blinds is distinguished by the presence of slats inserted into the canvas every 30-40 cm. They fix the folds and give them a geometrically smooth, straight shape. In some varieties, there are no intermediate strips, with the exception of the lowest one - the weighting one.

The Roman curtain does not rise to the very top: approximately 25-40 cm of fabric always remains lowered from the eaves, so when raised as much as possible, Greek curtains resemble a lambrequin. If the canvas is completely lowered, its length will reach the window sill, but if desired, you can sew it yourself or order designer products that are floor-length.

In the photo from left to right there are roller curtains (1), frameless (2), classic (3) and cascading (4) models

In modern versions there are several versions of Roman blinds. They are united by a common method of control, when the curtain is raised using a chain or cord, collected in horizontal folds, secured at any convenient height and lowered, straightening it into a flat sheet, and they differ in the type of formation of folds. Thanks to such diversity, there is always a suitable option for every interior style.

The main models of Roman blinds are as follows:

  • Classic. Equipped with a rigid frame made of wooden or plastic slats. The folds are even, when rising they overlap one another, and when lowering they form an even sheet.
  • Frameless. These models do not have horizontal rods, so the folds on them sag in a smooth wave towards the center.
  • Cascading or, as they are also called, Roman blinds with an overlap. Even in full open form the fabric consists of a cascade of volumetric horizontal folds, fixed on the back side of the curtain with thick tape.

Romans with a figured bottom, with a piping or lower edge decorated with glass beads, braid, tassels or some other curtain decor have a more finished and presentable appearance.

Classic model on cords
Pictured are frameless Greek curtains
Cascading Roman blinds on panoramic windows in the bay window
Photo of double Roman blinds “Day Night”
The figured bottom edge gives the Roman blind a complete finish.
Roman blinds with piping can visually raise the ceiling
Just attach the fringe and the curtain will acquire an oriental charm

Recently, another model has appeared - a double Roman blind or “Day-Night”. It consists of two independently controlled canvases: dense and transparent. Daylight adjust by moving them relative to each other and fixing them in a certain position. During the day, the thick fabric is raised, and light flows into the room through the transparent part of the curtain. In the evening, the dense part is lowered, and the room becomes dark. If desired, both parts can also be raised or lowered completely. And the most popular today are double Roman blinds with electric drive, but they also cost an order of magnitude more than similar products with manual controls.

Before choosing Roman blinds, clearly imagine the interior style of the room where you plan to hang them. Only then will you be able to choose the right type and fit it harmoniously into the environment.

Advantages and disadvantages of Roman blinds

With the right choice of model and material, rims are good in any style. Photo of Roman blinds in the interior of a Scandinavian living room
The Greek curtain in the photo goes perfectly with curtains and lambrequins
Romans don't require much space, making them ideal for small rooms.
Thanks to their versatile design, Roman blinds can be made from any material, such as bamboo straw
The window can be used without restrictions if you install rims separately on each sash

As mentioned above, Roman blinds, the description of which first appeared more than 2,000 years ago, have still not lost their popularity, and their design has not undergone any significant changes. This circumstance is the best proof of their merits, tested not even by centuries, but by millennia. And so: the Roman blind and its pros and cons.


  1. Versatility. With proper selection of material and type (classic, frameless, cascade, double), frames can be selected for any interior and for premises of any purpose, from residential or office to industrial.
  2. Compatibility. All lifting curtains go well with both varieties from their group and with sliding curtains and lambrequins. This property is actively used by designers all over the world, sometimes creating unique designer interior solutions.
  3. Ergonomics. Thanks to the lifting mechanism, Greek curtains are easy to use. And even in cases where they look ceremonial and, perhaps, pompous (for example, cascade options), they occupy a minimum of space.
  4. Varied design. This design is acceptable from any woven and many non-woven materials, which in turn, as mentioned above, makes it possible to use it in premises of any functionality. The sizes of the rims are also unlimited. On panoramic windows their maximum width can reach 3 meters or more, and on small narrow windows mini Roman blinds with a width of 30 cm are hung.
  5. Versatility of fastening. All types of Roman blinds can be mounted on a window sash, window opening, inside a window opening, on a wall or ceiling. This feature further expands the range of their application.


  1. The window can only be used when the curtain is raised. So, if there is a need to look out the window or ventilate the room, and the canvas is lowered, you will have to raise it completely. True, this drawback does not apply to cases where Roman blinds are attached to the sashes of a plastic window.
  2. Since the lifting system of the rims is identical to the system of opening and closing blinds and roller shutters, they are often called Roman blinds for plastic windows or Roman rollers. It is clear that lowering and raising them takes longer than pushing them apart and drawing classic curtains towards each other.
  3. Sometimes when lifting the panels, not all the folds are laid as evenly as we would like and they have to be corrected.

It is easy to assume that the shortcomings of rims are relative and insignificant. You don’t have to use window sashes, open and close them so often during the day, mostly in the morning and evening, and a couple of uneven folds, even if they are not corrected, are unlikely to spoil the appearance of the room.

When is it advisable to use Roman curtains?

Storage system under the window - an ergonomic solution for a small room
When the soft corner is located near the window, long curtains cannot be used
Recently, it has become important to use the window sill as a comfortable additional sofa.
Frameless Roman models are a win-win solution in cases where the window sill is used as a table
When the sink is located under the window, long curtains are inappropriate
In the photo, the door and window openings are decorated in the same style
Photo in the bedroom interior with panoramic windows. Thanks to this design, there is no feeling of an overabundance of textiles.

The varied design and versatility of Roman roller blinds make it possible to use them as desired with almost no restrictions. They are appropriate in any setting. But there are cases when it will not be possible to hang classic long curtains, since they will get in the way and lifting curtains become not a whim, but a necessity, namely:

  • there is a built-in storage system or refrigerator under the window;
  • close to the window there is a soft corner, bed or table;
  • the window sill is used as a table or extra bed;
  • the kitchen window is located in work area and under it there is a table, sink or stove;
  • input or interior doors equipped with glass inserts and they need to be closed and decorated in the same style as the window openings;
  • there are many windows in the room and the use of classic long curtains on each of them leads to an overabundance of textiles in the interior;
  • small children and animals love to play with long curtains, which not only spoils the appearance of the curtains, but is also unsafe for the “players” themselves.

In all these cases, feel free to choose Roman blinds for plastic windows. They will become the best solution of all possible.

All of the above can be attributed to any lifting curtains, so when choosing window treatments we are often faced with the question of what is better than Roman curtains or roller blinds and what is their difference.

Rims and roller shutters on one window - beautiful, practical, functional

The decision depends only on your vision of the room’s furnishings, since in terms of convenience, functionality, methods of fastening and control, they are approximately the same. At the same time, Roman blinds look more comfortable and homely, while roller blinds look more strict, but at the same time creative, especially when it comes to rolls with photo printing, on which you can place any picture. For those who are unable to decide how to make the right choice, there is an excellent way out: hang both types on the window. The result will be similar to a Roman blind day and night and will certainly delight and pleasantly surprise you.

Roman blinds: video for inspiration

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