Restaurant designers talk about what will replace the “Brooklyn style.” Restaurant interiors Modern cafe interiors

Interior design for cafes and restaurants requires careful analysis of the task at hand. We give the exact vector for its implementation: at the level of construction economics, engineering systems and the atmosphere. Even if you have a standard-breaking, original niche concept. Competent design of cafes and restaurants creates an organic design, subordinated to current food technology, and is as important as serving delicious food and drinks. In the HoReCa industry, there is only one chance to make a great first impression on a client.

Why us? Our competence is not only in the design of restaurants and cafes, but also in the promotion of establishments. We create a complete product that is set up for complete planting success. The bureau includes a public relations department, whose specialists have experience in managing PR establishments of such restaurateurs as Arkady Novikov and Takhir Kholikberdiev. In this regard, we have established contacts with leading journalists (The Village, Afisha, Elle, Cosmopolitan, GQ, Esquire, Harpers Bazaar, Vogue, etc.), bloggers (from 100 thousand “live” subscribers), HoReCa opinion leaders in particularly in the restaurant industry.

B.Arch(hons), M.Arch(hons),
RIBA ‒  part II / certified by the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Author of the “Lifestyle” column ‒ Forbes Russia.

Knowing the cost of certain design solutions, we are able to design to fit the budget without losing quality, which significantly saves the customer’s time and nerves.

Having extensive experience in the Design&Build team, we have optimized the design processes as much as possible.

Result guarantee
and features of our project work.

All technological solutions

Our work may include the development of all technological solutions and design projects for a restaurant or hotel. As a result of the work we carry out, you receive a complete set of documents necessary for approvals and construction.

Powerful “Wow!” factor

The project is focused on a clear, memorable design. Let’s maximize the main advantages of spaces. We integrate graphic design and decorative elements.

Powerful commercial functionality

We integrate sales areas, showcases, vending machines. Rational arrangement of shopping, functional and information areas.

Network development potential

The concept of each facility is developed taking into account its potential for development into a network.

Each stage is a complete cycle, based on the results of which certain decisions are made and adjustments are made.

At the preliminary stage(if necessary) we can help with analysis of the competitive environment and selection of premises, we are ready to help with strategy Engineering analysis of premises Assessment of redevelopment possibilities and risks of changing the status of the surrounding development

Architectural Interior Concept

reflects the zoning that forms maximally rational the location of the main functional areas and auxiliary premises, taking into account their relationships. This stage is carried out on the basis of the Program-Task and is adjusted until complete satisfaction Your functional requirements. Architectural graphics reflect the arrangement of furniture and main technological equipment. When designing, take into account current requirements Russian fire and sanitary standards.

Based on the decisions made at this stage, you can roughly estimate the cost works and materials and begin the process of preliminary approval with BTI, SES and fire inspection. The architectural concept is first task for related specialists in engineering sections (electrical, heating, ventilation, air conditioning). It is adjusted and detailed at subsequent stages as a result of joint work.

In some cases, based on the results of our Concept we can start to a number of construction works, for example, dismantling partitions and unsuitable equipment or installing screeds.

Design Interior Project

is carried out based on the experience and imagination of a team of architects and decorators in accordance with your personal wishes for colors and specific interior elements. Design decisions can also be related to clear corporate requirements.

Project documentation in this section includes: partition plan, furniture arrangement plan, floor plan, ceiling plan, wall layouts, 3D visualizations of the future interior. In addition, a tablet is provided with samples of the main finishing materials offered (carpet, glass, wood panels, stone, etc.).

Stage materials will be correspond everyone engineering projects(performed by a licensed engineering company under a separate agreement).

Based on materials from the Design Project stage, you can estimate with an accuracy of 15% construction work and materials, hold a tender for the supply of materials and equipment and, if necessary, adjust upcoming costs.

Working Documentation

Based on the decisions made at the Design project stage, detailed drawings, displaying rooms, components and parts are being developed, specifications, etc. These drawings are necessary for construction work.

Based on such a complete document, you can estimate with maximum accuracy and, if necessary, adjust upcoming costs, select a contractor and start boldly construction works.

Decoration works

As an additional service we offer Decoration works. This is a service for the selection of interior items, furniture, upholstery materials, textile drapery, sculpture, photography, paintings and decorative elements, carrying out the corresponding framing and other design work.

Sometimes all it takes is one decorative accent to transform a space.

Presentation material will include the following project documentation:

Refined floor plans with furniture placement in M1:50; M1:25

Refined Sections and developments of walls of premises in M1:50; M1:25

Computer visualization of premises with selected furniture, upholstery materials, textile drapery, sculpture, photographs, paintings and other decorative and design elements, in the quantity necessary and sufficient for the Customer to understand the proposed aesthetics (types at the discretion of the Contractor).

Stage Decoration work includes trips to art and furniture salons, Moscow galleries, work with manufacturers' catalogs, etc.

Possible trips to international furniture and art exhibitions.

guarantees that work will be carried out to the exact specifications compliance with design documentation. Regular visits of specialists throughout the construction work allows control quality the work being carried out, as well as finishing and general construction materials.

The amount of time required for field supervision depends on the qualifications of the contractor, as well as on the complexity of design solutions and selected work technologies.

The result of our stage-by-stage work is an environment, space, style and aesthetics of complex technological processes of beauty services that are tuned for successful life.

Extensive experience in turnkey restaurant design.

We have operational statistics on public catering establishments. We popularize advanced technologies, convey new business ideas and specific solutions to Clients, and help businessmen better understand the prospects of the project - from interior design to impeccable functional organization of space.

A team recommended and specialized in the construction of public catering establishments will carry out turnkey work on a restaurant or cafe. This is a significant reduction in nervous situations and construction time with full quality control. After all, the production of work includes many stages and requires multidisciplinary specialists.

When building a turnkey restaurant, you do not need to link individual parts of the work together. We do this for us. The time for a complete repair is up to 20 working days. This result is achieved by the coordinated work of ideologists, interior designers, engineers and builders.

We provide assistance in selecting premises and professional advice on technology, design, construction, and utilities.

  • Preparation of full-fledged architectural, structural and engineering projects for a turnkey restaurant in accordance with your desires and goals.
  • Selection of equipment necessary for opening a turnkey restaurant.
  • Civil construction and repair work
  • Installation and connection of engineering equipment
  • Warranty, post-warranty and service maintenance of equipment

Discounts for large volumes of design. Discount up to 30% - objects
with an area of ​​more than 350 m2

The first two consultations - for free

Why our clients
did they choose us?

Actor, screenwriter, producer and public figure

We sincerely thank the architectural design bureau and personally Yuri Loginov for consulting and developing an updated plan-strategy for the development of tourism in the city of Kashin, Tver region - as part of the GOLDEN RING. The Art-Volga project offers broad development prospects for the region through the fruitful interaction of private low-rise construction and large-scale artistic initiatives.

Why our clients
did they choose us?

Sergey Osipov

General Director of the company "Business World Online"

Why our clients
did they choose us?

Alexander Glushkov

Founder and CEO of the company "MONECO", "VANITY", "TOCHKA"

Thanks to Yuri Loginov for the constant, comprehensive professional support of our MONE network! This is a creative alliance and interesting communication. Sense of Corporate Interior Style and Strategic Architectural Consulting is the area of ​​expertise of Yuri and his professional team.

Why our clients
did they choose us?

Steffen Roethig

General Director of JSC "Schüco International"

Thank you for your professional participation in the round table with Italian architects, held on November 28, 2006 in Milan. I will be glad to further cooperation.

12 Benefits

Reasonable prices

Adequate prices for a detailed European class project, clear organization of work and construction control.

Clear, memorable design

A powerful "WOW!" factor. An arsenal of innovations for successful business and personal space.

Short time

Unique experience and process automation. Possibility to carry out design in parallel with construction work.

Well-coordinated team

Our partners are time-tested. Engineers, builders, furniture production. Approvals. Turnkey work.

Discounts from suppliers and builders

Our building partners save time and effort by working according to our detailed drawings and are happy to provide discounts. Wholesale companies provide the best conditions for delivery.

British quality

High culture and standard of design. We call on time, send letters when promised, issue documentation as agreed.

Convient time for you

Pleasant and informative business communication, including evenings and weekends.

Financial responsibility

We bear financial responsibility for the quality of the project, timing and compliance with current legislation (SNiP, SanPiN...)

Economics of construction

The most effective strategies. Design solutions and style that significantly increase the value of real estate.

Unique materials

A huge selection of unique materials - you can hold everything in your hands in our office and in the adjacent ARTPLAY territory.

international experience

Adaptation of the best Western technologies in design and construction to the peculiarities of Russian work.

Potential consumer analysis and location accounting

Why do these two factors become fundamental? Why do they become the key to a successful design project for a restaurant or cafe? It's simple. Firstly, it is important to consider in which building the future establishment will be located: in a historical building or in a modern business center. Based on this, together with the customer we decide to contrast with the interior of the building, creating a separate world, or to become a continuation of the atmosphere of the place. Consequently, the general concept of the design project is drawn. Secondly, the visitor is the main person in the restaurant business. No matter how different your guests are, it is important to leave an impression on them - not only the cuisine and service play a role here, but also the lighting, the tactility of the materials used and the nature of the form.

Catering technology project and approval

In addition, we can help with the technology side of your business. Selection of reliable equipment, we will not only advise what to choose, but also correctly arrange it in accordance with the concept. We will prepare documents to meet the requirements of the SES and fire inspection. Our approvals consultant will review the risks and opportunities. We have accumulated vast and varied experience in operation and operation. Our work may include the development of all technological sections. Compliance with the requirements of SNiP, SanPiN, PPB, the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We provide services for obtaining permits necessary for the opening and operation of public catering establishments.

Leave a request Send all available materials: layouts, favorite analogues (what the best interior design or architectural solution looks like in your opinion) or a brief description of the task (via the website or by phone).

First Free Consultation We provide a free first consultation on your task by phone or email.

Discussing details We invite you to visit our workshop at ARTPLAY, where the best designers and architects of Moscow work. Let's get acquainted. Second Free consultation.

We conclude an agreement Comfortable staged advance for the first stage.
We continue to work on your task within strict deadlines and quality obligations

Find out how much work on your project will cost by answering 8 short questions. This will not take much time and will make our dialogue constructive. Our architectural design bureau will carefully study your wishes and additional materials and will contact you as soon as possible with a detailed proposal for cooperation.


Aromatherapy tools.

Many people love the smell of fresh coffee or baked goods, but too strong aromas can be intimidating. When decorating cafe interiors, synthesize aromas in the entrance area and try to isolate the main hall. The smells of today's fashionable open kitchen can be stabilized by glass partitions and a well-planned supply and exhaust ventilation system. Let a precisely selected smell draw visitors into the hall, causing appetite and a desire to enjoy the taste of variety.

Equip your premises with effective electric insect traps

The presence of insects or their traces is a known evil. Each type of trap for flying and crawling insects is aimed at combating a strictly defined group and takes into account their biological characteristics. Thus, traps for flying insects attract the light of a special ultraviolet lamp and then destroy the carrier of bacteria with an electric discharge.

Lighting is one of the main atmospheric factors

When designing the interior design of a restaurant, it is important to take into account that incorrectly selected color temperature of lighting sources can easily turn appetizing meat gray and give vegetables an unflattering bluish tint. AABA-ARCHITECTS adheres to the opinion that light is a strategically important tool for creating the atmosphere of an establishment. It paints the space, influences perception and attracts the visitor.

When choosing furniture for a cafe, bar or restaurant, it is important to keep in mind the typology of the place and the concept of style

The comfort of furniture is as important as its attractiveness. But we don’t always install comfortable furniture. For example, we equip economical fast-food restaurants with hard furniture, often without backs, since the business model of this typology is “quickly eat - no need to linger.” If it’s difficult to decide what kind of furniture you need, order a turnkey restaurant project from the architectural bureau AABA-ARCHITECTS.

The interior design of a restaurant is an important detail that can help attract the maximum number of visitors. Just think about it: why do people visit such places?

That’s right, in order to relax, enjoy the cuisine and, of course, the surrounding atmosphere. If the atmosphere is uncomfortable or uncomfortable, then a visitor who has visited once is unlikely to want to return there, even if the dishes offered were simply amazing.

The general atmosphere in the restaurant premises should contribute to a pleasant pastime, evoke a desire to stay in the establishment for as long as possible and return again. That is why in this article we will talk about such a pressing issue for restaurateurs as restaurant interior styles: we will get acquainted with the main factors influencing the selection criteria and understand the possible design options.

First of all, we need to understand not at all how the beautiful interiors of restaurants and cafes are executed, but what your establishment will look like.

First steps

Before setting a task, try to answer basic questions that relate to the following:

  1. How does the establishment stand out among its competitors?
  2. How popular can a restaurant be, according to the preferences of potential visitors?
  3. And finally, how will the emotionality of the design be manifested?

You don't need instructions to get the answers. You just need to have an idea of ​​the cuisine offered, take into account the seasonality of the establishment and its location. Get to know your main competitors and their chosen design styles.

The photo above shows the premises of a restaurant located in the Maldives. The building is located under water at a depth of 6 meters. It’s hard not to agree that he really stands out among the rest. Although the price of such a structure will probably surprise you even more.

Since we talked about why interior design in a restaurant is needed in the preface, let’s move on directly to a more detailed review of the criteria, taking into account which, you will certainly be able to choose the most optimal option.

Why you should familiarize yourself with the kitchen first

Why not start by meeting the chef? Based on practice, restaurateur experts say that this is an important step.

He may well introduce you to the main dishes, including specialties, which will radically influence your choice of style. Still, we should not forget that cooking is also a kind of art that requires the harmony of the same environment.

Now let's look at it from the other side:

  • Let's assume that your establishment offers simple, no-frills dishes that are quite popular among most visitors. In other words, universal.
  • In this case, the interior of a restaurant in a European style could come in handy, emphasizing laconicism and some restraint.
  • It is always necessary to take into account the territorial affiliation of the establishment. After all, the cuisine that is traditional for the population can be complemented by a design that is familiar to the population, which will undoubtedly attract a considerable number of people who want to visit such a place.
  • In the case where unusual dishes are served or there is a mixture of several directions, then the general appearance of the room, of course, should in some sense prepare the visitor for eating such food.

Note! Decorating an establishment in the spirit of the national identity of visitors can be done in more than one way. For example, in an Italian restaurant it is permissible to reflect not only today’s Scandinavian style, but also to introduce the visitor to history by decorating the rooms in the spirit of Italy of the 16th-18th centuries. Country design will also fit quite well. After all, a restaurant with a beautiful interior is not necessarily ultra-modern.

Functionality is an important criterion

When planning the interiors and design of pubs, restaurants, cafes and generally any similar establishments, do not forget about functionality:

  • Aesthetic design should be combined with ease of movement, furniture arrangement, and comfort.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to possible zoning corresponding to the layout of the halls, sufficient width of passages, and so on.
  • Staff should be able to easily deliver food to its destination without encountering any obstacles.
  • If you manage to combine functionality and visual appeal, then this is almost half the success.


For clients of the establishment, comfort is extremely important, which can be ensured with the help of the following:

  • Proper lighting will provide comfort. You should avoid too bright light, perhaps a combination of warm and cold. There are a lot of nuances, the main thing here is to avoid mistakes.
  • Be careful with sound. Acoustics can sometimes cause serious harm, for example, if the sound is reflected more than once.
  • Technically correct ventilation and microclimate. The room should be neither hot nor cold. Humidity also requires control. But ventilation is necessary to prevent odors from the kitchen from penetrating into the living room.
  • And, of course, it’s worth mentioning comfortable furniture. Regardless of the style, try to avoid items that are too hard or uncomfortable.

The most popular styles that have been applied in the most popular restaurants in the world: image galleries and short comments

Now let’s turn directly to style solutions and get acquainted with the most popular options. Let's start with the luxurious and imperial: let's look at the historical interiors of restaurants and cafes.

Empire style

The Empire style is known for its monumentality, representativeness and high cost. It appeared during the times of Napoleonic France and, having been modernized with the passage of time, took root well among the non-poor segments of the population.

Gilding, painting, stucco, expensive wood, luxurious decor and rich textiles - all this is characteristic of the Empire style.


But this direction is particularly pompous, demonstrating luxury, wealth and power:

  • This interior is quite popular among restaurateurs who count on visits from the elite public.
  • There should really be a lot of gold in this design. It is also characterized by: very complex ceilings, decorated with paintings, stucco, frescoes, and no less luxurious walls, decorated with moldings, columns, paintings and other elements.
  • The combination of colors can be very diverse, but most of all Baroque loves white and golden shades.


The Gothic style in the restaurant interior is no less popular. Being, again, a historical direction, it is no less expensive and also, in part, demonstrates luxury. But, nevertheless, the main feature of Gothic is a certain mysticism and mystery that cannot but attract.


Perhaps one of the most controversial styles, which is still controversial, but its prevalence is obvious.

The style is characterized by:

  • Decorative;
  • Asymmetry;
  • An abundance of patterns and ornaments;
  • The predominance of smooth patterns and lines.

Modern classic

The interior of a banquet hall in a classic style will always look organic. Calm tones, sophistication, natural materials, curls and carved elements - these are all the things that most clearly characterize modern classics.

The latter has a large number of directions. The interior in the classic style of the restaurant can be designed in French, English, Russian, Italian style and many others. And, despite a certain nationality, common features will still be present.

English style

  • The English style in the interior of a restaurant is, first of all, aristocracy, moderate luxury, and an abundance of wooden elements.
  • The color scheme can be either dark or light. Here everything depends on the time period that the design reflects.
  • Exquisite carving, comfort, coziness and lack of frills give the style a special charm.

Turkish style

  • Turkish style in the interior of a restaurant may well emphasize nationality.
  • Although in modern times it is also used in European countries, actively mixing it with other directions.
  • Wealth, comfort and a variety of painted elements can significantly transform the overall appearance of the room and emphasize the status of the establishment.


The French style in the interior of a restaurant may well be presented in the form of one of the varieties of country trends. Provence is distinguished by its sophistication, a certain romance, floralness and the predominance of light, pastel colors.

This style cannot be confused with any other, because it is immediately visible. Laconicism, graceful curls, aged elements, lavender and rooster figurines will immediately indicate that the room belongs to Provence.

Japanese style

Japanese style is very popular all over the world. The original, albeit specific cuisine, did not leave many indifferent:

  • Harmony and comfort;
  • Belonging to nature and everything natural;
  • Minimalism;
  • Partitions and sliding structures;
  • The tendency of pieces of furniture downwards.

All these are characteristic features of the Japanese direction.

Modern styles

The main modern styles that are actively used in restaurant design include:

  1. High tech;
  2. French style;
  3. Minimalism;
  4. Loft;
  5. Chinese direction and many others.

Take a look at the photo gallery and get to know the interiors visually.

We also offer you to watch the video in this article: “Do-it-yourself interior design of a mini-restaurant.” It will be useful for those who decided to try to create their own design and turn ideas into reality.

The design of the cafe, complete with quality service and delicious cuisine, creates the mood of visitors. A novice restaurateur needs to work out the design of his establishment with special attention. Naturally, any cafe is designed for a certain category of guests. Business people will not be comfortable in an interior with futuristic motifs, and young people will quickly get bored in a luxurious classic setting. However, the design project of a cafe must be of such high quality that even a casual visitor becomes a regular. The main goal that a designer should pursue is the creation of an unusual, original establishment, which nevertheless retains its comfort. People come to cafes to relax. The more pleasant and comfortable the time spent in an establishment is, the more often they will return to it. Let's talk about the most important thing - about the styles that are embodied in the interiors of the cafe.

Choosing a cafe style

Stylistic diversity opens up space for imagination. Decoration is perhaps the most pleasant and at the same time time-consuming stage before the official opening of your own establishment. The design will include a “tasty” interior and an alluring exterior. The interior decoration consists of the layout of individual rooms and zones, decoration, lighting, color scheme and decor, which polishes the style. First, you need to determine what category of people your establishment will be designed for. Cafes are classified into the following types:

  • Coffee house. Making an invigorating drink is a priority.
  • Small cafe. It offers a “full” menu, but the dimensions of the premises do not allow for a large flow of visitors.
  • Luxury cafe. Such establishments almost reach the level of restaurants and receive mainly elite visitors.
  • A pub. An establishment with night opening hours, where guests can have a glass or two.
  • Cafeteria. The restaurant's menu is the same as in a cafe, but it operates on the principle of self-service.
  • Budget fast food. A very popular option for serving “junk” food. The name “fast food” replaced the domestic buffet.
  • Cafe with healthy food. Designed only for a certain category of people. The location of such cafes near sports complexes is relevant.
  • Sports bar. It hosts live football and hockey broadcasts every day. Alcoholic drinks are offered to guests.
  • Art cafe. A youth institution that welcomes creative individuals, where they can discuss issues of art.
  • Dining room. A spacious cafe that receives a large flow of visitors every day. Usually located near large enterprises, office centers, banks. On weekends, celebrations are often organized here: banquets, weddings, anniversaries.
  • Lobby bar. The establishment is located in the lobbies of hotels and inns. Intended for visitors and tourists. The cuisine is usually multinational.

Recently, more and more multifunctional cafes have been opening, which are more like small restaurants. Among the variety of styles, the following interior solutions can be noted:

  • Loft or noble industrial. The style is now experiencing a real “boom”. Its calling card - brick walls are used in half of the fashionable interiors of houses and public institutions.
  • Retro. The trend is relevant in narrow circles of connoisseurs of antiquity. Usually they reproduce the atmosphere of American jazz clubs, which were visited by ladies in fur coats and gentlemen in ties. Such cafes attract a bohemian audience who can plunge headlong into a new world of luxury and elegance.
  • Russian. In this style, the main room is styled as a tavern with massive wooden furniture and a horseshoe over the entrance (for luck, as the saying goes).
  • Fusion The direction is a stylistic potpourri. Fusion is classified as a more modern eclecticism. The style allows you to decorate the cafe in an unusual but cozy way. A complex interior solution will attract visitors from the “informal” category.
  • Country. Rustic style that is characterized by simplicity. It allows the owner to save on finishing, but at the same time decorate the room in an original way.
  • Provence. The classics of the French countryside are characterized by lightness and grace. For decoration, old furniture is used, which will look appropriate and organic in such an interior.
  • Chalet. The direction arose on the Alpine slopes. It uses wood and natural materials. The facade is decorated with panoramic windows, and a fireplace will be a special sign of comfort.
  • Eco style. Modern man is drawn to everything natural, which is why the interior emphasizes closeness to nature. For example, the central hall can be decorated with wooden logs instead of chairs, and compositions made of branches will act as the main decor on the walls.
  • Disco style. Suitable for those who are nostalgic for the crazy 80s. The decor of the cafe will be flashy and provocative, using bright colors and posters of musical groups that were popular in those distant times.
  • Empire style The direction is graceful. Floral ornaments and floral patterns are used in decoration. The furniture is neat on twisted legs, decorated with handmade carvings. The room is decorated with stucco.
  • Modern. The style is characterized by lightness and unobtrusiveness. The interior is dominated by pastel colors and natural materials. The direction has taken an intermediate position between luxurious classics and laconic modern styles.

Separately, it is worth noting the ethnic style. By styling a cafe after a specific country with national cuisine, the owner will kill two birds with one stone:

  • It will attract people from this state who miss their homeland to the establishment.
  • It will lure locals who want to taste the exotic.

We often open cafes in ethnic style of two types:

  • With interiors and cuisine from neighboring countries: Uzbek restaurants with traditional Tashkent pilaf, cafes with nostalgia for Armenia, or Ukrainian “huts” serving rich borscht and dumplings.
  • Stylized as an establishment in exotic countries for domestic visitors. This includes Greek, Italian, American, and Mexican cafes.

Let us dwell on some styles, a detailed description of which will explain the reason for their popularity in the interiors of modern cafes.

In ethnic establishments, it is desirable that the staff speak the language of the country in whose style the interior is decorated. If you comply, then in everything.


Wood will prevail in classic decoration. It is used both for decoration and furniture. However, these are not rough country wood surfaces, but finely and carefully processed elements. Textiles use natural, “heavy” fabrics with delicate, elegant patterns. The classic style is not suitable for small rooms (less than 15-20 sq.m.). The problem is that in limited spaces it is difficult to implement it without losing some of the charm and luxury. Classic decor is very restrained; the style does not accept an abundance of small details that threaten to turn the interior into bad taste. The ceiling and walls are decorated with stucco; the entrance can be supplemented with an arched vault supported by columns. The main door is painted noble white and decorated with a gold handle and carvings. The color palette is dominated by brown, chocolate, olive, and golden. Crystal is also used in decoration: glasses, figurines, chandeliers. Classic style is more suitable for the interior of a restaurant.

The design uses simple geometry. It is unacceptable to overload a classic space with complex configurations.

Modern style

Modern interiors strive for laconism and simplicity. It cannot be said that this style has completely abandoned luxury, but it has become less flashy and more restrained. The direction was created in opposition to traditions. The interior colors are dominated by gray, white, black and accent bright touches: blue, cyan, violet. The classic embossed ones have been replaced by perfectly smooth surfaces. The preferred materials are metal, plastic, natural stone and brick. The room is decorated with marble tables, soft poufs and “pears” in the center of the room, stylish lamps of unusual shapes, and bright tableware. You shouldn’t forget about catchy shades, as they will help dilute the overall “sterility” of the atmosphere and bring coziness. Also, the room must be decorated with numerous lamps, sconces, and ceiling chandeliers. Lighting is developed on three levels, and special attention is paid to point light sources that highlight the advantageous aspects of the interior.


Minimalism is characterized by simplicity in design and an almost complete absence of decorative elements. A guest from the east came to us a couple of decades ago and has established himself in interior design for what seems like many years. Style loves freedom, large spaces, which seem even more spacious due to the light. However, so that the room does not create the impression of a continuous canvas, it must be zoned. It is relevant to use screens or decorative partitions between tables. Visitors will have the opportunity to delimit their personal space and at the same time remain part of the common room. In the color palette, primacy is given to white. The color of purity is emphasized with grey, black, blue, yellow. Stone, brick, wood, and plaster are used for decoration. The surfaces of the materials are deliberately not processed in order to emphasize their naturalness. The style is also characterized by an abundance of glass, in which rare decorative elements are made. Minimalism adheres to simple lines and shapes, excluding any “geometric” experiments.

Marine theme

Marine style is considered a favorite option for interior design in country houses on the beaches. Cafes, which are usually scattered along the embankment at the service of vacationers, also give preference to this particular direction. In cities where they only dream of the south before a vacation, an establishment decorated in a maritime style will evoke pleasant nostalgia and help you truly relax, as if you were on a good vacation. The palette of shades uses a “quartet” of tones: green, blue, indigo and white. The brown colors of the wood of the deck boards and steering wheels join their strong company. Furniture upholstery and textiles traditionally feature sailor stripes. In the decor you can use anchors and ships in bottles, telescopes, navigation devices, sails, lifebuoys, and tackle falling from the ceiling. An original solution would be to design the doorway in the shape of a steering wheel, the “spokes” of which will diverge to the sides along the walls. The windows are made small, like on ships. One of the accent walls is covered with photo wallpaper depicting an old world map or a treasure island. The design is printed on a “sheet” with charred edges on paper that has become “yellowed” with time. Some restaurateurs go further and embody the pirate theme in certain areas of the cafe. For example, the VIP room is decorated with massive chests with artificial gold, cages with live parrots and old lanterns as lampshades.

East style

Cafes in oriental style look unusual and fascinating. In interior design, it is imperative to develop soft, diffused lighting that gives a warm light. The floor is covered with tiles with ornate patterns. Complex patterns are one of the main features of the style, which is used on almost all surfaces. The tiles are partially covered with soft rugs. The seating areas are low and always decorated with numerous pillows. In oriental cafes, as a rule, guests are offered to smoke a hookah. It is more convenient to do this in separate rooms, which are separated from the common room by translucent curtains. Doorways are decorated with arches with characteristic vaults that have a sharp, elongated tip exactly in the middle. The room is decorated with a large number of round lamps that hang from the ceiling at different levels. In the color scheme, preference is given to shades of red, brown, and blue.

Italian style

The Italian style has retained many of the features of Baroque, which at one time gained wild popularity in this country. The palette of shades is dominated by brown, olive, terracotta, cream, orange, yellow, and brick. The finishing uses a combination of relief plaster, raw stone and solid wood. Moreover, noble varieties of the latter are chosen to emphasize the light luxury of the interior. The interior design uses massive, low furniture, which is decorated with upholstery with floral patterns. Alternatively, you can choose lightweight wicker chairs instead of stools. Collages of photographs are hung on the walls. Untreated ceiling beams and supports, which will also serve as conventional boundaries of combined zones, can become an important decorative element. Textiles chosen are richly decorated with patterns. Tables are usually covered with checkered tablecloths. The decor uses indoor plants, wicker elements, and wine bottles, which are taken outside the bar.

Japanese style

Japanese style is an integral part of the oriental one. He has retained its main features, but he himself is not devoid of individuality. Interior design in accordance with the canons of this trend is relevant for sushi bars and cafes with cuisine of the same name. Light-colored wood is used for decoration. The walls and ceiling are decorated with panels, which are used everywhere in the land of the rising sun. Seats for guests are decorated with low tables and mats or chairs without legs. The establishment is decorated with luxurious imitations of vases from the Ming era, panels depicting cherry blossoms, voluminous lanterns, and a path of flat stones right on the floor. The interior is decorated in neutral colors: white, black, brown, gray. The windows are covered with panel curtains made of silk, cotton, and linen. There must be live plants in the room.


Rococo will be a good option for those with a fine artistic taste. In the room, the corners are slightly smoothed, as the style prefers smooth lines. The presence of high ceilings is one of the features of Rococo. The walls are decorated with expensive fabric wallpaper with the finest patterns. Light wood, ceramic tiles and marble are also used for cladding. In Rococo, a large amount of stucco is used, which is covered with gilding on top. The windows are covered with heavy curtains made of natural fabrics with the same floral pattern. The central element of the decor will be a huge crystal chandelier with light bulbs installed like candles. The prevailing shades are white, brown, wine, turquoise, blue, and pink.

High tech

High-tech interiors are modern and cozy, but it will be difficult for those who are all for tradition to stay in them. For this reason, the high-tech direction will give comfort mainly to the younger generation. This nuance should be taken into account when developing the concept of the establishment. Plastic, chrome and glass surfaces, untreated brick and stone are used in the decoration of walls and ceilings. The lighting is multi-level, neon-cold. It is better to lay the floor with a self-leveling floor with a glossy sheen. The furniture used is simple, with strict line geometry. The main shades are grey, white and black. The trinity can be supplemented with lilac, blue, red, cyan, yellow, that is, any color that is emphasized with appropriate lighting. The windows are panoramic. They are curtained with stylish blinds. Art objects in the style of cubism, constructivism, and futurism can serve as decor. They dilute the cold, technological atmosphere with indoor plants in square or triangular pots.

Some cafes create a separate children's area where parents can send their children and relax in peace. However, recently entire establishments that are designed only for children have been gaining popularity, a kind of culinary Disneyland for little ones. The central hall is usually divided into three zones:

  • Common for all children;
  • Boys' area. A recreation area for young pirates, robbers, astronomers, machinists and roboticists;
  • A playground for girls where young princesses will find entertainment to their liking.

Any children's cafe should focus not on healthy but tasteless food (as most of us believed in childhood), but on confectionery and ice cream. Typically, children are taken to such establishments for special occasions, so the restaurateur should provide for the presence of a mini-banquet hall. Children's cafes are designed based on fairy tales, with bright decorations on the walls and similar decor. Sometimes they provide presenters with entertainment programs that will make the children’s holiday more vivid and memorable.

The restaurateur should also arrange a relaxation area for parents, that is, those adults who will come to look after the young company. The area should be separate so that children are not disturbed, but with a good view.

A summer cafe can be of two types:

  • A separate establishment that operates exclusively during the warm season and closes when cold weather sets in.
  • A food court, which is attached to the main establishment and offers guests the choice of an additional area for relaxation.

As a rule, the summer zone is moved either to the backyard of the establishment, or directly in front of the facade and storefront. The terrace is equipped with light furniture. Be sure to have an awning on the roof, which will protect you from accidental rain. The summer cafe is decorated with potted indoor plants, dwarf trees, and curtains in improvised “windows” that help protect from the wind and scorching sun.

The design of the hookah bar can be either modern or according to the canons of the classic oriental style. In the first case, smooth surfaces are used in the decoration, furniture of strict shapes, an abundance of white, and neon lighting. In the oriental style, tiles and textiles with a large number of subtle patterns are used. The main thing that should be provided in such an establishment is the presence of separate areas where guests can safely smoke a hookah. In some cafes, this service is included in the list of additional ones and for visitors who want to smoke a couple of smoky rings, they create separate places outside the common room.

Karaoke cafes are considered more of a nightlife establishment. Of course, serious people can come here solely for the purpose of “stretching” their vocal cords, but much more often the stage is taken over by guests liberated by alcohol. A large number of the latter occur on Friday and Saturday evenings. There will be a rush at the karaoke bar ahead of the weekend. There are no strict restrictions on the type of interior design in an establishment. For example, a restaurateur can successfully embody country or Italian style in decoration. However, the common hall must be designed in such a way that visitors can easily observe the stage from any point.

Designing your own home or renovating it is clearly a pleasure. This is a huge field for creativity. Coming up with a design for each room or facade - what could be more interesting? Here you can make all your dreams come true. This applies to a cozy family nest, or a simple bachelor’s apartment - in general, everything for your loved ones. However, with design Cafes things are more complicated. After all, you need to focus not only on your tastes, but also on the preferences of potential clients. But we will find the optimal solution for this difficult issue.

Cafes and restaurants are premises whose main purpose is to organize a person’s complete rest from the hustle and bustle of life and the drab work days.

You should start with an idea and desire. This is fundamental to any business. He who has a desire will set a goal, and, therefore, find ways to achieve it. Desire to eat. Next we need an idea. Having been inspired by a worthwhile idea, it will be easier for you to see the future result in detail, and accordingly, all the shortcomings in the work process. We've sorted out the spiritual, let's move on to the material.

There are many requirements for the design style of cafes and restaurants.

Before moving on to the design of the room, you need to solve all the technical aspects of the issue. You should start with the layout: determine where the kitchen and bathroom will be located. These premises require outlets for sewer and water pipes, and gas must be supplied to the kitchen. Therefore, the location of these premises must be determined first, because communications must be hidden from the eyes of visitors.

A novice restaurateur or cafe owner, of course, needs to have a huge baggage of a wide variety of knowledge and skills.

Next, distribute the zones: where the bar counter will be located (if one is supposed to be), a play area for children, a quiet place for private meetings. In general, first of all, figure out the layout of the space. Then you can move on to drawing up a design project.

There must be originality with constant comfort.

Design project

What is it and what is it for? As with layout, design requires a rigorous approach. You can’t do everything in a hurry, or finish and redo it during the arrangement process. Before you start arranging the interior of the cafe, you should seriously prepare. There is a design project for this. What is it and what is it eaten with?

Color solutions and design styles, decorative elements with a specific theme, room decoration, lighting and furniture are unconditional elements of room design.

These are documents containing all the data necessary for work: design ideas, material for the interior base, location of zones and communications, building drawings and other details of the future project. To compile them, it is better to contact a professional designer who can fulfill all your wishes without missing out on any nuances.

Properly selected decorative elements, furniture, colors and a unified style when decorating a room are the key to its success.

He will tell you how to properly arrange lighting and seating areas in accordance with the color scheme and design decision of the owner. Will not forget to take care of good ventilation of the rooms. In general, he will be able to combine the technical and creative parts in a single design project. You can control the further progress of the work yourself.

To draw up this project, it is better to resort to the help of a wizard.

Development stages and criteria

The formation of a design project consists of several parts, which must be completed gradually so as not to miss important details. The main development steps require:

  1. Draw up technical specifications;
  2. Take measurements of all components;
  3. Create sketches;
  4. Transfer all data directly onto paper.

Competent design of cafes and restaurants is the main task that arises immediately after the idea of ​​starting this particular business.

Don't neglect this part of the repair. This seemingly simple task actually forms the basis of the project, and is its most important part. It gives a start on which the rest of the work depends. You may need to create a draft or several. However, the game is worth the candle. Approach it with full responsibility.

Organizing your own business should start with an idea.

Let's look at the main criteria that should be taken into account while working on the project.

  • Room size.

The height of the ceilings, the area of ​​free space, and the space occupied by furniture are important indicators that are the starting point for further progress. Both its functionality and the intended design depend on the dimensions of the building in which the cafe will be located. On the technical side, the dimensions must be taken into account for the correct placement of communications. From an aesthetic point of view, the scale of the room affects the theme of the establishment, the location of zones, the choice of colors and furniture.

This criterion is fundamental in further decisions.

  • Price

The next important factor is the cost of design. Rather, this criterion is on par with the previous one. It is undoubtedly important, but you should not focus only on it and chase cheapness, giving way to quality.

It all depends on how much you are willing to invest in your own project and what you expect.

Another stage of work is drawing up an estimate. It is worth calculating the estimated amount for the costs of materials and work of craftsmen. Also take into account unexpected bumps, and have a small reserve in case of surprises.

A designer or finishing work manager will help you find the optimal choice between quality and price. At the moment, you have the opportunity to find high-quality material at very reasonable prices. Be sure to discuss this issue.

The right approach can save enough money and lead to better results.

  • Subjects

The next factor is more of a design decision. The theme dictated by the purpose of the establishment plays a big role in its further arrangement. The functions of the cafe make it clear what furniture to choose, what color scheme to choose, and other nuances. In this case, you should focus on the intended audience.

If this is a rock cafe, intended for avid fans of this theme and loud music, there can be no talk of any gentle tones and bright lighting.

The location of the establishment also matters. If it is located by the sea, an appropriate design should be made; if this is a roadside cafe for tired motorists, you don’t need to draw out the details here particularly clearly, but pay due attention to the kitchen.

Consider the functional purpose of the establishment and its target audience, and in this regard, create a unique style.

  • Style

The next factor relates directly to decor. If the theme is dictated by the intended purpose and affects the technical part of the project, then the style is a reflection of your “I” and your own fantasies.

When creating a unique style, we must not forget about the theme of the establishment and its technical characteristics.

This criterion gives greater freedom for creativity.

More about style

Let's talk in more detail about the style of the future cafe, which depends on all of the above factors. Let's look at a few ideas and determine what is needed to implement them.

Inspired by an idea, the owner of a future cafe or restaurant clearly sees it in his imagination down to the smallest detail.

Subjects What to use Style
Eastern cuisine cafe Figurines symbolizing the currents of the east; pastel colors in the design, a combination of red and yellow interspersed with green Far Eastern (style directions of Japan, China, Korea)
European cuisine Warm colors, soft sofas, wicker chairs, lounge music for arrangement Venetian, Italian, Baroque, for special ideas you can use Gothic
Rock club Muted cold lighting, a stage is required, live music, dark colors, records and photos of famous rock musicians for wall decoration. Garage style, punk, rock
Children's Cafe Bright colors, various three-dimensional decorations, plastic (doll) furniture, children's music. Fairytale, cartoon. You can use the theme of a cartoon depicting its characters and mood
Roadhouse Warm colors in the design, brickwork or a wall decorated “like brick” is good You can emulate American diners, reflecting their style trends, use a Western theme, or go without a particular style and create a cozy homey atmosphere for respite.
Cafe on the embankment Live music, cool calm colors, soft lighting. If this is a seaside promenade, use appropriate decorative elements (ship's helm, nautical maps, pirate hat, etc.) European style of elegant cafeterias, or marine, depending on the location of the establishment
Hookah bar Soft ottomans with lots of pillows in red tones, dim lighting, decorate areas separated by light curtains Middle Eastern (style movements of the Middle East countries)

Designers are able to create a room that people will return to again and again.

Let's look at the most common directions.


Recently, oriental themes have become popular on the Russian platform. Visitors are happy to order sushi, Japanese, Thai and Chinese cuisine. Having decided to make a cafe that supports this theme, you need to create an appropriate design.

The main colors of Chinese restaurants are red, yellow and black.

It is advisable to make them fundamental, adding inclusions of others. An invariable attribute of this country is the Chinese dragon. At home, he is accepted as a deity and given due respect. This symbol can be used in our interior to create the appropriate mood, and during the celebration of the Chinese New Year (falls in March, sometimes April) we can organize a small program to attract customers and offer discounts. Another widely used oriental element is bamboo. It can be used green as decoration or dry, adapted for small fences. For complete immersion in the atmosphere, use a living plant.

It will be much cheaper and less troublesome to use decorative analogues.

Another popular theme related to the East is hookah bars. The Middle Eastern style was also well received by Russian consumers. To create it, you need to maintain the basic notes. To do this, there must be oriental cuisine, hookah, ottomans with plenty of pillows. The color scheme also leans towards the use of red tones. However, it is distinguished by great tranquility and luxury.

There must be inclusions of gold and black colors.

To attract today's youth, you need to create something new and original. This will be the design of a themed cafe. We offer several live options.

Its style can be completely different.

Theme of the film or series

There are films that boldly declare their popularity for several years. These include fans of Potter, Twilight, Alice in Wonderland, the Home Alone quadrology, etc. They cannot be called popular at a particular moment. However, many fans will be happy to visit Hogwarts or “dive down the rabbit hole.”

You can give them this opportunity.


Make a cafe of the future, where instead of chairs there are rockets, and the design of the ceiling and walls inexorably wants to send you through a time loop. Such an establishment will be interesting for any age and gender.

With any planning, uniformity of design solutions is impossible, which is why the emphasis is on individuality.


Retro themes remain no less popular. Modern people would willingly look at the lives of their predecessors. You can choose any century and country. It is best to recreate the mood of that era as accurately as possible by choosing appropriate dishes, outfits and design.

The design style and atmosphere make any cafe a meeting place for a certain type of people with certain needs.

There are many more original ideas. Perhaps you will become the founder of a new style direction. But! While you're passionate about design, don't forget about good staff and delicious cuisine. People who come to have a bite to eat and, in addition, receive aesthetic pleasure and new impressions, will be doubly pleased and will definitely return. They will also bring friends.

Creating an unforgettable atmosphere and bringing the quality of dishes and their presentation to perfection are the main tasks of any beginning restaurateur, which anyone can do if they wish.

VIDEO: 65 cafe interior ideas.

65 cafe interior ideas - a step towards public recognition

Experienced restaurateurs claim that the interior of an establishment seriously affects the loyalty of visitors. In many ways, the design of a restaurant is the factor that allows an establishment to withstand tough competition and win it.

The interior design of a restaurant should be developed and carried out comprehensively. All premises - the client area, hall, wardrobe, toilet rooms and other places where visitors are, should be decorated in the same style. This will create a certain atmosphere that will be an integral part of the image of the room. Mixing different colors and styles can cause subconscious rejection among clients, since they will feel uncomfortable being in the establishment.

Today, restaurants decorated in a variety of styles operate successfully. Among them, a special place is occupied by establishments of national cuisines, which are especially popular. When developing a design project for a restaurant or cafe, it is very important to comply with all the canons and traditions of design.

The design of a cafe or restaurant not related to national cuisine is, on the one hand, easier to design, since it does not require following rules and conventions, but on the other hand, it is more difficult, since it is necessary to develop a truly unique concept. Design decisions of any establishment depend on its purpose. As a rule, the target audience of a cafe is a fairly broad category, so the main focus in the interior design of a cafe will be the versatility of the style. The establishment should be equally cozy for students, businessmen and housewives.