Repair of soft roofing with liquid rubber. Roof waterproofing with liquid rubber: a complete analysis of the work technology. There are three types of liquid rubber

Liquid polymer roofing is a relatively recent invention, so it has not yet become widespread, but its popularity is growing every year. Polymer materials are beginning to compete with traditional roofing coverings, which is not surprising, given their technical characteristics.

The main advantages of installing liquid polymer roofs include:

High waterproofing performance;

Resistance to temperature fluctuations, such a coating can withstand temperature Range within the range from -50 to +120 degrees Celsius;

Excellent reliability and wear resistance;


Resistance to exposure to sunlight;

Long service life, which lasts at least 15 years;

Easy to install.

Installation of a polymer roof, as well as self-leveling floors, is not particularly difficult. If you have certain knowledge, it is quite possible to carry it out yourself, and it begins with preparing the base, which is completely cleared of foreign elements and thoroughly dried. The material can be bitumen, latex or bitumen-rubber mastic. To improve adhesion, the surface can be treated with a primer, which is bitumen diluted in kerosene.

After preparing the base, the first layer of mastic is applied, to which fine gravel is added; when the material has completely hardened, you can begin applying the next layer. Between them you can lay reinforced mesh, if necessary for the selected device method. The thickness of the layers must be controlled and constantly kept within 2 mm. The number of layers depends on the technology developed; the last layer is covered with gravel, which gives it additional protection.

You can install a self-leveling roof yourself; in this case, the cost of its installation will depend solely on the cost of the material itself. The price of roofing mastic varies between 280-510 rubles per 1 kg. According to the standards, the consumption per 1 square meter of base is about 8 kg of polymer material.

Roof waterproofing with liquid rubber

In urban architecture, preference is increasingly given to flat roofing, for the repair of which it is necessary to solve some problems. To produce high-quality repairs flat roof, it is necessary to use materials that are absolutely waterproofing and resistant to temperature changes. Moreover, such materials must last for at least a period of ten years. In this case, one should take into account the fact that the material must be available on the market and have low cost. In Europe and the USA, liquid rubber has been successfully used as such a material over the past twenty years.

Liquid rubber is an elastomer water emulsion, which is produced from petroleum derivatives with the addition of certain polymers. This material is designed for waterproofing roofs of various configurations, in particular for flat roofs.

Liquid rubber should be applied airless spray, that is, using the cold method. The material can be applied to both vertical and horizontal surfaces. After application, liquid rubber becomes a seamless and homogeneous polymer membrane on the roof surface. In this case, there are absolutely no holes on the roof.
After applying liquid rubber to the roof, the latter becomes protected from corrosion of any origin. Let it be ultraviolet light, acid rain, ozone, sea water and other substances that cause corrosion. The membrane has high qualities of waterproofing, vapor barrier and gas insulation.

Important! When applying liquid rubber, the surface must be freed from various inclusions, the surface must be clean and dry. This is necessary to eliminate membrane adhesion.

Liquid rubber also has very good mechanical resistance and elasticity. So, when stretched by 1350%, it is able to restore 95% of its original shape. Therefore, liquid rubber can last for twenty years or more.
This material is produced in accordance with all safety standards. Liquid rubber is environmentally friendly and does not contain organic solvents or various volatile substances. It is odorless, non-toxic and fireproof.

Liquid rubber is used in industrial and civil construction. It can be used to cover both soft and hard roofs. It is also often used when repairing gutters or local roof repairs.

Liquid rubber can be different color range. Therefore, when repairing the roof of various buildings (sheet or other roofing), the roof will look very beautiful. The thickness of the membrane is 2-3 mm, and 1500 square meters can be processed in one day. m. The weight of all equipment is 68 kg. And if you consider that liquid rubber lasts many times longer than other soft materials, weighs and also costs less, then we can conclude: this perfect material for the roof.

No less famous on modern market building materials is liquid rubber Slavyanka. It has all the advantages of this material, which allows it to find a large number of applications in the construction process. This material is applied using the hot method, and not only on new buildings, it is also used to repair roofs with liquid rubber.

Liquid self-leveling roofing can be one-component or two-component in composition. Liquid self-leveling roofing is used for the construction of new roofs, as well as for the repair and reconstruction of old roofs. Liquid self-leveling roofing is a seamless coating.

The composition includes a reinforcing layer (fiberglass, fiberglass) and a waterproofing layer (polymer or bitumen-polymer mastics). Liquid self-leveling roofing can be applied either mechanically or manually. Liquid self-leveling roofing is installed on a base of concrete or reinforced concrete slabs, screeds made of cement-sand mortar, and the base can also be metal, wood, insulation boards and others. After hardening, liquid self-leveling roofing is a rubber-like monolithic material that can withstand sudden temperature changes, heavy precipitation, exposure to aggressive solutions, and ultraviolet radiation. High-quality self-leveling roofing can be installed in any weather conditions. Liquid self-leveling roofing has performed well in harsh climates. Liquid self-leveling roofing requires a professional approach to its installation, in which case it will provide reliable protection building.

Self-leveling roofing device

Atmospheric precipitation and humidity are the main reasons causing wear and tear of the roof and the entire structure of the house. The self-leveling roofing device allows for reliable protection of the building from external adverse factors.

The installation of self-leveling roofing can be done on a base consisting of concrete or reinforced concrete slabs, cement-sand mortar screeds, wood, metal coverings, insulation boards, roll coverings, flat slate This explains the wide popularity of liquid self-leveling roofing. Before starting installation of self-leveling roofing, it is necessary to treat upper layer solvent-based roof paint bases. The self-leveling roofing device is used in both residential and industrial construction. Self-leveling roofing is a one-component or two-component composition applied to the roof surface bulk method. Self-leveling roofing can be installed in any weather conditions. Self-leveling roofing has proven itself especially well in areas with harsh climates. The installation of a self-leveling roof, made in compliance with technological norms and rules, allows you to achieve monolithic covering. Self-leveling roofing made from polymer mastics is vapor-permeable, resistant to temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, and aggressive environments.

Liquid roofing is also called cold roofing because it does not need to be heated before installation. The basis of such a roof is liquid rubber, which, due to its plasticity, does not allow water to pass through. But it is also not cheap, so a low budget is unlikely to accommodate it. But the price of this roofing material is justified, since it allows you to forget about the roof for a long time after installation.

Among the advantages of liquid (cold) roofing there are many advantages:

· Durability;

· No need for fasteners and some kind of clamps;

· Light roofing material;

· Plastic allows the roofing to be used on any type of roof with any bends;

· No seams after installation (which increases water resistance);

· UV resistance;

· Fire resistance;

· Environmentally friendly material;

· Good adhesion to other roofing elements of the roof;

· Fast and easy repairs.

Because at the core cold roof If there is liquid rubber, it can be used not as a roofing material, but to seal the joints of other roofing materials, which will almost completely reduce the chance of moisture penetrating through the waterproof sheet.

Until recently, roofing felt and roofing felt were mainly used for waterproofing. bitumen mastic. Modern offers of materials are much wider and allow you to choose a method that suits all criteria. One of the most popular is finishing with a liquid rubber-based substance.

What is liquid waterproofing?

Liquid roof waterproofing is a new, improved material based on bitumen emulsion in combination with latex particles. The finished solution does not contain volatile substances harmful to humans, so it meets high standards of environmental cleanliness. Immediately after application, the mass hardens in a matter of minutes and creates a monolithic polymer web. Liquid rubber has the following characteristics (properties and qualities): elastic and flexible coating, high level hydrostatic strength, resistance to heavy loads (up to 70 kg), resistance to ultraviolet rays, acid rain and ozone, hardening without the use of roof heating or a burner, high level of vapor and water resistance of the roof, high level of breakdown strength, safety and purity of the material in terms of ecology, the absence of easily flammable elements in the composition of the material and, as a result, a high level of fire safety, instant hardening (80%), long service life reaching fifteen years or more.

If we talk about the disadvantages of liquid roofing, it should be noted that they practically do not exist. If installation roofing work is carried out correctly and all necessary building codes and technologies, this type of roof will not have significant disadvantages during operation.

Tips for liquid roofing

It is necessary to thoroughly clean the entire roof surface in order to maintain a high level of tightness and proper waterproofing. When applying liquid rubber to a concrete or metal surface, priming should be ensured using polyurethane primers. They must be applied in several layers, between which it is necessary to sprinkle quartz sand.

To achieve a high-quality result, you should entrust the installation of liquid roofing to construction specialists who have extensive experience and all necessary knowledge and skills.

Advantages liquid waterproofing roofs

Roof waterproofing with liquid rubber brings many benefits both directly during the application process and during the operation of the building. The main advantages of this material are as follows:

· possibility of finishing the roof of any design and configuration;

· high degree of strength and wear resistance;

· excellent elasticity;

· no need to prepare the solution yourself;

· formation of a seamless coating over the entire processing area with a thickness of 3 mm;

Excellent adhesion to any type of base material - wood, concrete, brick, block and metal constructions, all types of decorative finishing materials for roofs;

· variability of processing methods, which allows you to choose the optimal one for specific professional skills and construction timeframes;

· high speed of application and hardening;

· immunity to destruction under constant temperature changes - from -60C to 110C;

· non-toxic;

· durability - standard service life is at least 50 years;

· the ability to quickly identify and easily eliminate defects - unevenness, cracks, chips, gouges in the coating if they form;

· high levels of moisture resistance;

· does not interfere with natural air circulation;

· high level of frost resistance.

Important! The cost of liquid roof waterproofing is affordable for any builder. Combined with the above important properties, it is easy to conclude that this is indeed universal solution in all respects for any direction of building construction. We will not replace such material at all if you have increased requirements for non-flammability and frost resistance and do not have time for long and thorough preparation of the base.

For which roof is liquid waterproofing suitable?

Despite the fact that the price of liquid roof waterproofing is low, it is used for arranging pitched, hip and flat roofs following types of buildings:

· industrial buildings, warehouses, pavilions, hangars;

· shopping centers, the shops;

· residential private and multi-storey, apartment buildings;

· theaters, circuses, holiday homes and sanatoriums;

· administrative premises.

Important! When designing waterproofing for commercial or large-scale premises, they resort to the help of specialized specialists, but when arranging own home, you can easily save on additional money costs if you do your own liquid roof waterproofing. This process is not complicated and will not require much time, including if the roof surface is textured.
Liquid rubber application technology: methods

Application methods are distinguished according to two criteria:

· the tools used to carry out the work;

· the type of material itself.

To create a durable and reliable coating, choose the equipment that will be more convenient and understandable for you to use - these are:

· airless pumping unit for spraying;

· roller or brush for painting.

Important! The second option will be more labor-intensive, so it is suitable for processing small area roof surface. At the same time, the first involves additional costs for the purchase or rental of special equipment. Be sure to consider these factors before deciding which one to choose.

According to the second criterion, the following types of liquid rubber for roof waterproofing are distinguished:

· cold;

· hot.

Important! In this regard, when choosing, be guided by the following conditions. Cold-applied material is easier to handle and does not require strict time limits during use. Hot waterproofing is suitable for you if the level of professional construction skills is high enough and there is already a practice of using such solutions.
Liquid roof waterproofing: instructions

Like any other construction process, you have to perform roof waterproofing in several successive stages:

1. Make the correct calculation of the required amount of material and buy it.

2. Prepare the base.

3. Apply the solution.

4. Check the quality of the work performed before further installation of the roof.

Important! To carry out the full scope of work, choose a day with good weather - clear, with an air temperature of at least +5C, so that there is no ice or stagnant puddles on the roof in uneven areas.
How to calculate the amount of liquid rubber?

This procedure is very simple. All you need is:

1. Look on the packaging for the solution consumption indicated by the manufacturer.

2. Correlate this data with the area of ​​your roof.

Important! If such data is not available on the packaging, adhere to the standard consumption parameters of 1 kg per 3-4 square meters of surface, provided that the solution is applied in 2 layers (these data are given for a cold type of solution). Add 10% overexpenditure to the resulting figure and you will get the exact standard for finishing your roof.
How to properly prepare the base?

In order not to reduce the quality of adhesion and not to create the need to re-design the waterproofing and the entire roof in the future, prepare the base using the following technology:

1. Check for frame defects.

2. Remove all large and small debris from the roof.

3. Remove dust using wet cleaning surfaces.

4. Maintain a technical pause until completely dry.
How to properly apply liquid waterproofing mechanically?

To get a high-quality result and really reduce your time, do the job this way:

1. Prepare airless equipment.

2. Check the accuracy of its configuration.

3. Prepare a container with calcium chloride solution.

4. Attach containers with a solution of liquid rubber and calcium chloride to the installation.

5. Simultaneously pump out two mixtures and apply the solution to the roof surface so that a layer 3-4 mm thick is formed.

Important! When using such equipment, not only does the entire process significantly speed up. You will be able to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of this solution by reducing the consumption of the bulk of liquid rubber. Most high efficiency was noted when using equipment UND-01, RX-27, TechnoProk B-21, Pazkar RK-10. Such systems do not fail for a long time, which means you do not have to spend additional money on their repair.
How to properly apply liquid waterproofing manually?

This method, although more labor-intensive, is fully justified when it is necessary to decorate a small space or there are no time restrictions. The application procedure is not complicated:

1. Prepare a paint roller or wide brush.

2. Consistently coat the surface of the base with a solution thickness of 2-4 mm.

3. When using a hot application solution, preheat a small portion to 220-230C and cool to 160C.

4. After creating one layer, take a technical break of up to 10 minutes to allow the liquid rubber to completely polymerize.

5. Apply the next 1 or 2 layers using the same method.

6. Check for large differences in surface height and voids.

7. Proceed with further design of the roof.

As you have already seen, there are no difficulties in the process of creating liquid roof waterproofing. The main condition is choice quality material, which will ensure the integrity of your roof for a long period. When purchasing, take into account the recommendations of experts on this criterion, who give preference to trusted manufacturers of the following brands:

· TechnoNikol;

· Liquid Rubber;

· Ultramast;

· Rapidflex;

· Slavyanka.

Water-displacing polymer composition for repair and restoration of roofs made of various materials. Allows you to work in any weather conditions. Used for the construction of flat self-leveling roofing coverings. The easiest way to repair the roof of a garage, house, bathhouse.

Indispensable for seasonal work in the housing and communal services sector

Eliminate leaks at any time.

Features and Benefits:

There is no need to waste time and money on drying and preparing the surface.

No need to buy a primer.

There is no need to wait for suitable weather.

Emergency repairs are acceptable in rain and snow.

Easy to use. Apply to the damaged area, and the repair is completed.


Plastic material with good adhesion to soft, slate or metal roofing.

It can be used on both dry and wet surfaces, and even under a layer of water.

Displaces water from the treated surface, evenly filling all depressions and damage.

Restores up to 10 mm of old coating (fiber roofing).

Can be used in minus temperature(up to -15C).

Composition color: black.

Release form: can (2.4 kg).

Apply with a brush.

The basis of liquid roofing felt is bitumen. This material also contains plasticizing additives, mineral and polymer components.

Liquid roofing felt has excellent plasticity and excellent adhesive properties. But in order for the material to perform its functions, it must be correctly applied to the surface of the base.

When performing waterproofing work using liquid roofing felt, follow these instructions:

1. When choosing a brand of liquid roofing felt, give preference to PBK-1 material. It contains a special thermoplastic elastomer component, which, when mixed with bitumen, prevents cracking of the material under the influence of severe frost or scorching sun rays.

This brand of liquid roofing felt is most often used for the final roofing coating. But for priming the base, it is better to take lower-quality brands of liquid roofing felt - MBI or MRBI. Before applying to the surface, they must be mixed with solvents until the composition acquires good fluidity.

2. In a diluted state, liquid roofing felt acquires excellent flow characteristics, and this makes it possible to prime the roof surface well before applying the base layer.

3. Liquid roofing felt does not require the use of a hot method for its application. The material is simply diluted with a solvent to the desired consistency.

4. The density of liquid roofing felt is determined depending on the quality in which the roofing felt will be applied to the surface. If this is a primer composition, then it is desirable that the material be rarer. And, conversely, for the main coating, the roofing material is prepared thicker.

5. To dilute liquid roofing felt, a special liquid is used - a hydrocarbon solvent.

6. To apply liquid roofing felt to the surface, use special painting tools. Its uniform distribution over the surface is carried out using a rubber mop.

7. If all the work is done correctly, then you get a smooth, seamless coating, its structure reminiscent of rubber.
DIY roofing with liquid roofing felt

Liquid roofing felt is more often used in repair work. It is used to seal joints, cracks, seams in old roll covering. You can install the roof with liquid roofing felt yourself, with your own hands.

To apply liquid material, various painting tools (rollers or brushes) are used, but to facilitate the work and more evenly distribute the composition over the surface, it is better to use a spray gun. Immediately after drying, liquid roofing felt forms a perfectly flat and smooth surface, without seams or cracks.

Typically, liquid roofing felt has a dark shade, but if necessary, the consumer can order the material in the desired color so that the roof blends harmoniously with the surrounding landscape.

Covering the roof with liquid roofing felt is carried out in the following sequence:

1. The surface to be treated is well cleaned and dried. If there are any irregularities on it, then you can cook cement-sand mortar and perform alignment.

2. If liquid roofing felt is used to repair an old roof, then before applying it you need to remove all exfoliated old rolled material. Where there is swelling of the old roofing material, you need to lift the roll lining, thoroughly dry the space under it, then prime it with liquid roofing felt and glue it with bitumen mastic.

3. Before applying liquid roofing felt, the entire working surface must be primed using mastic diluted with a solvent.

4. A layer of liquid roofing material is applied to a well-dried base surface. If it is necessary to make several layers of waterproofing during the work, then each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has thoroughly dried.
Application of liquid roofing felt

The scope of application of liquid roofing felt is quite wide. This material is made on the basis of liquid rubber and is an excellent alternative to conventional rolled roofing felt.

Liquid roofing felt has several advantages that make it popular in the building materials market. These benefits include:

· Easy to install. The material does not need to be heated in order to be fixed to the surface. Application to the base is carried out using tools such as a roller, paint brush or sprayer. After the liquid roofing material has completely dried, the roof takes on the appearance of a monolithic and smooth carpet, on which there is not a single joint or seam.

· Low material consumption, low monetary costs for restoration.

· Liquid roofing felt is produced by manufacturers in a convenient form (buckets with a volume of 1 to 200 liters).

· The durability of the material is determined by the presence of polymer components, plasticizers and mineral additives in its composition.

· Liquid roofing felt protects the treated surface well from precipitation.

Liquid roofing felt is used in various fields:

· As a waterproofing material for foundations, roofs, basements and other underground structures.

· As a restorative material for asphalt pavement, roll bitumen roofing.

· How protective covering against corrosion for metal structures. Also see:

· As a basis for creating soft roofs (with or without reinforcement).

A rather interesting material for roof waterproofing is petroleum bitumen, which is also popularly called liquid rubber. Many specialists know how universal this material is, and craftsmen without experience often underestimate roofing rubber. This type of waterproofing is used when installing a flat roof, repairing an old one covered with roofing felt, and also to protect the roof and foundation from water. Below we will tell you what liquid roof waterproofing consists of, what its properties are, and how it can be used.

What is included in rubber waterproofing?

Liquid rubber for roofing is used quite widely, and it is based on a bitumen emulsion. This material is a thick, viscous, fluid liquid, which, after hitting the roof surface, begins to solidify if the outside temperature is above 5 ºC. After the liquid rubber has completely hardened, a continuous, durable layer is obtained that prevents moisture from entering.

Among other things, liquid roof waterproofing includes:

  • Polymer additives. Necessary to give the material greater resistance to temperature changes and mechanical stress.
  • Plasticizers. Designed to give the bitumen composition increased fluidity and elasticity, as well as to increase adhesive properties.
  • Hardeners. They are added to the material to allow it to harden.

It is worth noting that this water-repellent agent has nothing in common with the usual real rubber, and it is called so because after hardening the material remains just as elastic and viscous.

Properties of moisture-repellent roofing rubber

Liquid rubber has a wide range of applications. It has a high level of water resistance, excellent elasticity, and this material is easy to apply with your own hands.

The advantages of a rubber roof include:

  1. Integrity. After the material hardens, a monolithic moisture-repellent layer is formed on the base of the roof without joints and seams, which often cause leaks.
  2. High adhesive properties. The mixture easily penetrates into the smallest cracks and pores wooden elements roofing structure, concrete foundations and even steel elements without priming.
  3. Weather resistance. Liquid rubber can be applied to the roof at temperatures from -75 to 95 ºC - these indicators are more than enough for the normal operation of this material in all regions of the Russian Federation.
  4. Ease of use. This moisture-repellent material can be used to cover vertical and horizontal structures. And to apply the composition you can use a brush, roller or spray gun.

Keep in mind that this material also has disadvantages - high cost and poor resistance to impact. ultraviolet radiation. To protect the roof from the sun after applying this moisture-repellent agent, the surfaces should be additionally covered with silicone or water-based paint.

For what purposes can it be used on the roof?

The range of uses of liquid rubber is quite wide. It is very different from other moisture-repellent products in its consistency, which allows it to be easily applied to any surface and cover narrow crevices, small depressions and joints.

Liquid rubber can be used for the following purposes:

  • For waterproofing flat roofs. Liquid rubber is distributed in an even layer over the entire base of the roof until a uniform layer of the desired height is formed. This technology is also called self-leveling roofing.
  • As a primer layer before installing rolled and piece roofing coverings.
  • When organizing protection for the foundation and other structural elements houses from water. Thanks to bitumen, the composition acquires antibacterial properties, so materials after its application remain intact longer and are less susceptible to corrosion and destruction.
  • For roof repairs with liquid rubber. It makes it easy to hide cracks, tears and holes; it can be used to install a patch on an old base covered with roofing felt.

According to many experts, the high cost of the material is more than compensated by its superior performance characteristics. In practice, it was ordered that a layer of liquid rubber of only 2 mm can replace an 8 mm layer of rolled waterproofing.

Technology for using liquid waterproofing for roofs

First of all, carefully prepare the surface. All dirt and dust are removed, after which the working surface is dried, primed with mastic and a reinforcing layer of geotextile is laid. After this, you can begin applying liquid rubber.

Liquid waterproofing can be applied using one of the following methods:

  1. Using a roller or brush. Such tools will allow you to treat the base with a thick layer. This method is usually used to cover horizontal surfaces.
  2. By pouring method. If you plan to pour a large layer of waterproofing, the easiest way is to pour liquid rubber over all bases, and then level it using the rule.
  3. Using a spray bottle. This tool is convenient for covering vertical surfaces, while the waterproofing layer is thin, so this method is considered economical.

It is worth noting that for best efficiency Liquid waterproofing should be applied not in one layer, but in 2 or 3. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely hardened - after approximately 5-9 hours.

The performance characteristics of a flat roof largely depend on the quality.

Specialists in the field of advanced roofing technologies, setting out to significantly increase the time between repairs for the roof, received as a result of research an innovative material - liquid rubber.

It meets all the necessary requirements and is considered the most effective and reliable way to ensure waterproofing.

Due to its excellent adhesion, liquid rubber is suitable for any type of substrate: it is applied to concrete screed, wooden flooring and even old roofing felt.

Moreover, the roof can have the most complex terrain, a large number of complex components - the method of applying waterproofing allows you to create a seamless monolithic one on a surface of any shape.

Flat roofs can be:

  • . Waterproofing such a roof is the most important part of the arrangement, allowing for full use of the space;
  • lightweight. Ensuring complete watertightness contributes to the growing popularity of lightweight flat roofs, giving the building a modern look. Projects of such houses great amount– the variety of styles is most clearly represented in private buildings.

For many years, a waterproof barrier should provide comfort and coziness to the residents of the top floor, protecting against moisture penetration. Meanwhile, on the roof you can arrange sports ground or a relaxation area.

What is the material?

Liquid rubber is obtained without the use of solvents.

To produce a bitumen-polymer emulsion, tiny particles of molten bitumen are mixed with water and polymers, as well as various plasticizers.

A coagulant - a hardener - is also needed.

The bitumen-polymer water emulsion is applied using a cold method.

In the process of spraying onto a flat roof using special two-channel equipment, two solutions (emulsion and hardener) are mixed, and the liquid mass immediately hardens, forming a reliable waterproofing membrane - a rubber-like seamless coating.

Strictly speaking, the material does not contain rubber, so sprayed waterproofing is not rubber in the usual sense and got its name due to properties such as elasticity and stretchability.

  • The one-piece coating ensures absolute tightness. Seams - the most vulnerable places of any waterproofing - are absent here;
  • adheres well to almost any surface, including old waterproof coatings;
  • has excellent elasticity;
  • has high tensile strength;
  • does not crack, does not crumble, does not become brittle at low and high temperatures environment– this makes it possible to use bitumen-polymer emulsion in regions with difficult climatic conditions;
  • provides anti-corrosion protection;
  • can be used on inclined surfaces;
  • the work is completed quickly - according to experts, two people can cover up to 1,500 square meters in one day. m.

Disadvantages of liquid rubber:

  • certain installation difficulties - application is carried out using a special technology, as well as in certain weather conditions;
  • is not solvent resistant.

A water-protective coating can be applied only in the absence of precipitation and a temperature of +5 degrees - the two-component waterproofing contains water, which can freeze.

After hardening, negative values, as well as temperature changes, will not be a problem for the coating: without loss of quality, the material will last 20 years or more.

The thickness of the sprayed layer is only 2 mm, but it would be a mistake to believe that several layers of roofing material are more reliable than a modern membrane.

A slope-forming layer is formed on the roof - it can be small, 2 or 3 degrees - this is enough to prevent water from accumulating in the center.

The process of waterproofing a flat roof using liquid rubber includes several mandatory stages: cleaning the surface of the base from all kinds of debris, applying a primer and directly spraying liquid rubber.

Roof cleaning and priming

The compressor cleans the entire surface of the flat roof.

The cleaning method using pressurized water is also effective, but after such cleaning you need to thoroughly dry the base of the roof.

Freshly poured concrete is ground to remove the top layer.

Spraying of the waterproofing layer is carried out:

  • mechanized way - using special equipment;
  • manually - all the necessary components are mixed, and the liquid composition is applied with a brush, roller or spatula.

Roof repair

The material is also irreplaceable in roof reconstruction. Old roofing carpet made of rolled materials need not be dismantled if it is in satisfactory condition.

For connections, it is necessary to reinforce liquid rubber with geotextiles.

To make the waterproofing layer last longer, it is recommended to cover it with a special water-based or silicone-based paint for additional protection against ultraviolet radiation.

The Technoprok company proposes to use liquid waterproofing TECHNOPROC to produce a seamless roofing covering. The bitumen-polymer material TECHNOPROC is universal, suitable for the production of new roofing coverings according to concrete screed directly at a facility under construction, for repairing roof waterproofing over old coatings with rolled bitumen materials, for sealing seams and junctions.

Production of roofing waterproofing coating

Technology for the production of soft flat roofing from TECHNOPROC - 100% seamless horizontal waterproofing, at the same time vapor barrier and sound insulation of the roof, which allows you to avoid additional costs when performing roofing and waterproofing work.

Professional device soft roof The spraying method allows not only to carry out roofing work of any scale in a short time at a temperature of + 5ºC, but also to quickly repair the roof, including waterproofing the junctions and producing a new roofing covering on top and without removing the old one.

At Technoprok you can buy waterproofing equipment necessary for applying liquid rubber, which is most convenient for performing roofing work directly on the soft roof of a building under construction or for performing waterproofing repairs.

Liquid rubber for waterproofing roofing works

Liquid rubber TECHNOPROC is a non-toxic, fireproof, environmentally friendly material that significantly reduces temporary and financial expenses for roofing and waterproofing work. The bitumen-polymer coating is absolutely waterproof, highly resistant to chemical and atmospheric influences, and to sudden temperature changes.

However, many prefer the installation of a soft roof using old technology from fused materials and roll-up waterproofing of the floor under “green roofs”. If your choice fell on rolled roofing and weld-on waterproofing materials, be sure to pay attention to how and with what quality the seams of the roll are welded.

Modern technology for the production of seamless roofing coverings for soft roofs is based exclusively on the use of high-quality liquid waterproofing materials and professional performance of waterproofing roofing work.

A unique roofing material, polymer acrylic mastic MASTER ROOF, produced by PAZKAR (Israel), is always available in a warehouse in Moscow. Double-layer waterproofing roofing mastic- white acrylic material, heat-resistant and frost-resistant in the Russian climate, UV-resistant. Thick paste, ready to use, applied by airless spraying machines high pressure or simply a rubber scraper, ensures reliable quality production top layer of soft roofing covering professionally and with a guarantee.

The modern construction industry does not stand still, offering users new and improved materials. Among the latest innovations in the field of roofing materials, the so-called liquid spray roofing stands out - modern material, allowing you to quickly and easily cover large areas of the roof and meet high tightness requirements.

Let's consider the features of this material and the possibility of its use in private construction.

In this article

Material characteristics

Liquid roofing is a very functional and practical material, representing the synthesis of bitumen and latex. It is ideal for repairs and restoration work on the roof. Due to its special ductility, it is often called liquid rubber.

The scope of application of this material is quite wide and is not limited only to roofing. It is used with great success in the repair of roads, tunnels, and for waterproofing various containers (swimming pools, fountains, etc.). One of the distinctive qualities of the coating is the ability to use it on any surface: metal, slate, wood, stone.

Liquid rubber is stored and supplied in separate hermetically sealed barrels. To apply this material to the surface, special equipment is required. For example, this could be a mobile installation for applying liquid roofing, which applies a substance - a cold emulsion - in a thin layer. Such a roof not only protects the building from precipitation, but is also safe in terms of fire - it is difficult to ignite. Liquid rubber can be used in roofing in any climatic conditions.

If liquid rubber is applied to concrete or brick, it is firmly fixed to the corresponding surfaces. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to create high-quality and durable seams. At roofing work This material allows not only to strengthen the entire roof, but also to provide excellent sound insulation.

Thus, liquid rubber can be used to repair roofs covered with various roofing materials. The use of bitumen is possible on both flat and pitched roofs: the material hardens almost instantly after application. Hardening of liquid rubber occurs without the release of toxic vapors, since the material is based on water.


The advantages include:

  • Resistant to temperature changes and sun exposure;
  • Resistance to various aggressive natural factors (wind, snow, rain, hail, etc.);
  • High fire safety;
  • Elasticity and absence of seams when spraying;
  • Resistance to mechanical damage;
  • Ease of operation and repair;
  • High waterproofing;
  • Long service life.

The advantages of this roof also include the possibility of installing it yourself: the material does not require special heating and is applied in a cold state.


Of the minuses, it is worth noting, perhaps, only enough high cost square meter similar roof. On average, it will cost from 800 rubles per sq. m. m.

Types of liquid rubber

There are several types of liquid rubber for roofing, which are divided according to two parameters. The first of them is in composition:

  • A one-component mass does not require preparatory work and is immediately applied to the surface. The consistency is a viscous mass of various colors;
  • The two-component mixture includes a base and a special curing composition and requires special preparation before application.

The material also differs in the method of its application to the surface:

  • Applied to the surface like paint using a brush or roller, it creates a viscous substance that fills all microcracks in the base;
  • When cold it is applied by spraying;
  • It is laid using the self-leveling method, similar to self-leveling floors.

All types of liquid roofing have an important advantage over other roofing materials - it is amazing elasticity and stretchability. A thin, about 2 mm, section of bitumen does not tear under the influence of external force, but stretches. It is this, as well as the seamless fabric, that ensures the high level of waterproofing of this material.

Roofing process

The do-it-yourself roof treatment plan comes down to the following action plan:

  • First of all, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the roof being treated. Based on these data, the required amount of waterproofing for the roof is calculated. As a rule, 1 kg of cold material is used to process 4 square meters. m of roofing, taking into account the application of two layers. It would not be superfluous to add 10% not unforeseen cases to the result obtained.
  • It is recommended to purchase liquid bitumen for roofing at specialized sales points, where the material will have all the necessary documents, and competent consultants will help with valuable advice.
  • Before applying the material to the roof, it is cleaned of dust and debris. Can be applied to a damp surface, however best result You still need to dry the roof. Application of liquid bitumen does not require the removal of the old roofing; the material fits perfectly on metal, wood, tiles, concrete or brick.
  • Applying the material using one of the methods presented below, depending on the availability of special equipment, or on your own.
  • Checking the tightness of the material.
  • Finishing work on the roof. Liquid rubber can be painted with any water-based paints, which will make the new roof attractive and in harmony with the rest of the building.

Application options

Liquid roofing does not require special surface preparation before application: just clean the area of ​​debris and dust. Let's consider different ways applying this material to the roof.


The most desirable method of application is the spraying method, as it has a number of undeniable advantages before other methods:

  • Allows you to easily apply the material to all bends, junctions and complex geometric shapes of the roof;
  • Significantly saves material and application time.

For spraying, a special spraying device with a gasoline engine is used, which, due to its relatively low weight (up to 70 kg) and mobility, allows you to quickly treat large areas of the roofing surface: up to 2 thousand square meters. meters per day. This method is the main one in industrial construction, as it allows, with maximum savings in material, to process the maximum amount of roof space at high speed.

Application by painting

In private construction, where it is often not possible or necessary to use special equipment, application is possible by painting using rollers or brushes.

In this case, the roof made of liquid rubber is thicker than in the case of spraying. On the one hand, this significantly increases the material consumption (from 2-3 times), but, on the other hand, it gives a thicker and, accordingly, more durable roofing covering.

Considering the relatively small scale of the roofs of private houses and buildings, this application method has a right to exist and is very popular among craftsmen who are accustomed to doing repairs with their own hands.

Liquid rubber for the roof is manually applied in several layers with a thickness of each layer of 3-4 mm. Allow at least 15 minutes between coats to allow the previous coat to dry and harden. It is important to ensure the evenness of the coating, using a spatula if necessary.

Bulk method

This method is similar to the previous one, with the difference that it allows the installation process to be carried out much faster. Liquid rubber is poured into the center of the surface to be treated and quickly leveled with rollers or spatulas.

In this case, it will be much more difficult to control the thickness of the layer, since due to rapid drying, all work will have to be done quickly.


Liquid rubber is a fairly convenient material to use, combining high quality and operational advantages with the ability to quick installation on your own. It is applied in one piece and without seams, so water does not leak through it in case of bad weather.

The ease of installation and unpretentiousness of the material make it an attractive coating both for roofs of any type and for repairing existing roofs.

Taking into account everything described above, we can confidently say that liquid rubber is a revolutionary construction material, which is perfect for complex roofing work.