Recommendations for painting a refrigerator at home. Painting a refrigerator Paint a white refrigerator

If your refrigerator copes with its functions perfectly, but already looks shabby and does not fit into the interior of the kitchen at all, you can update it. Often it is appearance The device, or rather its damage, is the main reason for replacement. Old refrigerators are not thrown away, but sold or used in the countryside. Accordingly, by updating the color, you don’t have to spend money on buying expensive equipment if you’re satisfied with the rest.

Suitable for this purpose are either self-adhesive film, or paint. The first option is difficult to implement, because it is difficult to paste over the surface of the refrigerator evenly and without wrinkles. In addition, the film is easy to scratch and quickly fades when exposed to sun rays shining through the window. It’s much easier to evenly repaint the refrigerator, choosing absolutely any color, and perhaps even create a pattern!

And now, first things first, let’s figure out how to paint a refrigerator at home, what paint is suitable for this, and what sequence of actions should be followed in order to do it yourself, without involving specialists.

Painting a refrigerator at home involves the use of special paint and tools. The surface of the equipment cannot be classified as simple or ordinary; accordingly, not every coloring substance can be used. High demands are placed on the paint layer:

  1. It must protect the facade from mechanical damage that occurs during operation.
  2. It should give an updated appearance and add variety to the interior.

Also, the paint should not “peel off” after a few months, that is, it must have high performance characteristics.

When choosing materials, take into account the specific use of the device. If the refrigerator is always located in a dry and heated room, that is, in the kitchen, there is no risk of rust. Another question is if the refrigerator is placed in a damp room, for example, in workshops or warehouses and other industrial areas with high humidity. In this case, it will be necessary to treat the surface with an anti-corrosion solution. For home use such a solution will be inappropriate, as well as a fireproof base or paint, because in principle a refrigerator cannot be connected near a fire.

In this case, paint that can be mixed with other colors, adheres to a vertical surface, is elastic in structure and is resistant to detergents is preferred. Thus, to paint a refrigerator you need metal paint for interior work, resistant to water.

There are several types of such paints, and the following types are ideal:

  • nitro enamel for painting cars - this type is easy to apply, is highly durable, and has a beautiful shiny tint. Paint sold in aerosol cans, so application will not cause difficulties. Among the shortcomings we can highlight high cost, toxicity (should be used when open windows and in a respirator), inability to control splashes. To organize the process, you will have to cover the walls, floors and furniture to prevent subsequent cleaning;
  • acrylic paint for metal - application is carried out with a roller or brush, it comes in a variety of colors. The composition is characterized by safety, since it contains no toxic substances;
  • polyurethane paint - of all types, it is more resistant to wear. Moreover, it can be used both for the external surface of the refrigerator and for the internal one. She's not afraid low temperatures, is easy to apply, so in cases where it is necessary to paint over scratches, use it.

What tool will you need?

You cannot start painting right away; the surface must always be prepared in advance. The refrigerator is located in the kitchen, where food is constantly being prepared, so every housewife has traces of grease on its surface, covered with dust. These may be tiny specks, but they are there. That is why, before starting work, it is necessary to wash the surface well so that the paint lays evenly and easily, eliminating cracks and chips in the future.

To organize work, including preliminary preparation and further painting, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • detergent to remove dirt;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • rags (dry and wet);
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • acetone or kerosene for degreasing;
  • primer (for better bonding of the paint layer and the surface of the equipment);
  • masking tape, film, tape;
  • newspapers to cover the floors;
  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • dye;
  • brush and roller.

Having collected the materials, you can begin to work.

Preparation process

As already mentioned, painting a different color should begin with preparing the surface of the refrigerator. Therefore, follow the proposed action plan:

  • for safety reasons, disconnect the equipment from the power supply, also remove the internal shelves and partitions, especially if you will also be painting inside;
  • Using detergents and an abrasive sponge, thoroughly clean the surface and rinse off the applied solution. Just cleaning the refrigerator is not enough; you also need to thoroughly rinse off the chemical compounds;
  • sandpaper sand the surface, partially removing the old coating. Rub most thoroughly in places where there are already cracks and chips - here old layer the paint is gradually coming off, so it is necessary to remove it so that in the future it does not cause damage to the new coating;
  • Wipe the refrigerator first with rags soaked in water, then with dry ones. This will remove the particles old paint, which also should not remain on the surface;
  • treat the refrigerator with a primer;
  • Seal handles and other fittings with tape or wrap with film. You can use masking tape to cover the elastic on the door and other parts that should not be painted. Also, if you are going to stick with a geometric pattern, then masking tape is ideal for this;
  • cover the floors with newspapers and, if necessary, the walls;
  • test the paint on small area refrigerator. Evaluate whether the color is suitable, how the paint applies, etc.

Painting process

Having completed preparatory work, the most important thing remains, paint old refrigerator. If you choose spray paint for this purpose, you must follow the instructions for it. General recommendations on using this type of paint:

  • When applying, keep the can at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted;
  • movements should be uniform, from left to right, without staying long at one point, otherwise this place will be noticeable later;
  • paint in 2-3 layers, but each of them must dry, and only then the next one is applied.

If your choice fell on paint in a can, then you will need a brush or roller. Sharp color transitions either below or above will lead to an unattractive result. Move systematically from left to right. Painting is done in 2-3 layers, each of which must also dry.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about updating the appearance of a working refrigerator with your own hands; even a person who does not have the proper experience can cope with this task. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for choosing materials and the sequence of actions, and then the result will delight you for many years!

Often an old, but still fully functional refrigeration unit spoils the entire interior. Taking into account the level of income in our country, we can say with confidence that not everyone can afford to purchase a new household appliances. In this case, you can get out of the situation by painting the equipment in desired color. You just need to understand how to repaint a refrigerator and what paint to use.

Painting is a simple job; to perform it, a home craftsman does not require any special skills or abilities. The main condition is to choose the right color and paint composition and be careful in your work. Let's try to figure out what kind of paint can be used to paint the outside of the refrigerator.

How to paint the outside of a refrigerator: choosing paint composition and tools

The first thing that needs to be decided is how the coloring composition will be applied to the surface. There are two options here - brush and roller or spray. Both have their positive and negative sides. We will dwell on this issue in more detail.

Once the choice of application method has been made, you can proceed to the choice of paint. There can be three options here - enamel, epoxy or acrylic paint. It is on this issue that we will now dwell in more detail.

Refrigerator exterior paints applied by brush and roller

All three types of paints used can be applied with a brush and roller, but there is a certain difference between them:

  • enamel paint. It is with these compositions that the surface is painted in production, which means it will the best option. The enamel has good adhesion, and the surface after painting acquires an even gloss that is pleasing to the eye. The only drawback is the presence of highly toxic solvents in the composition. Therefore, it is worth taking care of good ventilation or (if possible) performing work in an open space;
  • epoxy composition. After application it looks identical to enamel. It has the same characteristics, however, it is significantly inferior to the previous version both in price (such pigments are much more expensive) and in ease of application (epoxy compounds are very difficult to work with);
  • acrylic. Despite the fact that this composition is inferior in characteristics to enamel, it is quite suitable for surfaces used indoors. In addition, the cost of painting will be significantly lower.

How can you paint a refrigerator without using a brush?

Today on store shelves you can find many aerosol paints that do not require the use of a roller or brush. Automotive pigments in cans are perfect for painting a refrigerator; their characteristics are not inferior to conventional enamels. Their use will significantly speed up and facilitate the process. However, the cost of such compositions is slightly higher.


Painting surfaces with a brush or roller is more difficult, but the work can be done more accurately without staining the floors or walls. Aerosol paints It is better to use it if it is possible to take the refrigerator outside open space. The advantage of aerosol formulations is that the coating is thin and even.

There are aerosol enamels designed specifically for household appliances, but their cost is higher

The choice of pigment will depend on the result that the home craftsman wants to achieve. If the kitchen design is made in bright colors and something exclusive and unusual is required, then the only right solution would be to use acrylic compositions. Moreover, they are completely harmless.

If there are traces of rust on the surface, zinc compounds should be used. They are much more expensive, but they perfectly stop the corrosion process and prevent it from spreading. An interesting option is to use luminescent paint. Such a refrigerator cannot exactly be called an ordinary one - the surface will accumulate light, and in the dark it will glow slightly, giving away what it accumulated during the day.

How to paint an old refrigerator with your own hands: stages of work

Before you paint your refrigerator at home, you need to prepare the surface. Otherwise, the paint will begin to peel off after a short period of time. We also decide how the painting will be done. Let's consider the algorithm of work production step by step from the first to the last step.

Tools and materials needed for painting

It is better to approach the choice of tools, and paints in particular, wisely. After all, not every enamel, especially an old refrigerator, can withstand painting well.

To work you will need:

  • solvent for degreasing the surface;
  • sandpaper;
  • masking tape, which is used to cover non-paintable surfaces;
  • roller, brush (if this option is selected);
  • dye;
  • clean dry rags;
  • film or paper for protection flooring, if the work is carried out indoors.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin work.

How to prepare the surface of a refrigerator for painting at home

To begin, lay newspaper or film around to protect the floor covering. Next, use sandpaper to remove the paint in places where it is peeling off. If there are corrosion spots, they also need to be cleaned. Then we pass sandpaper over the entire surface, removing the gloss. The entire area of ​​the refrigeration unit should be matte - this will ensure good adhesion. We wipe the refrigerator with a dry cloth, and then with a cloth moistened with solvent, degreasing the surface. We seal all non-paintable surfaces with masking tape. After the preparation has been completed, you can proceed directly to coloring.

How to update the outside of a refrigerator: painting methods

When choosing a method of painting a surface with a roller or brush, you should understand that the work will be more complex. If there is excess paint on the brush, smudges may form, which is unacceptable for the refrigerator - this will ruin the appearance even more than it was before painting. The paint is taken with a brush in small quantities; there is no need to rush. The resulting smudge can be removed with a sponge, after which you can paint the area again using a smaller amount of coloring composition.

If you choose the option of painting with an aerosol can, but there is no way to take the refrigerator out into the open space, you should take care to protect not only the floor covering, but also the walls. Ventilation is very important - the room should be well ventilated.


Despite the fact that the paint from the can is applied in an even and thin layer, if it lingers in one place, smudges can also form. Spray the paint from the can evenly, without lingering in certain areas. It is better to paint the surface a little later with a second layer. Automotive nitro paint dries very quickly. Photos of self-painted refrigerators can be seen below. Perhaps some of the ideas you use to decorate and paint your equipment.

Other ways to update the appearance of your refrigerator

If a DIYer knows how to paint, you can update your refrigerator using acrylic pigments without resorting to full painting. The door and walls of the refrigeration unit can be painted with various patterns - acrylic is perfect for this. However, it should be understood that the pattern must be protected by covering the surface with varnish. We offer you to see what old refrigerators updated with your own hands look like using photographic examples.

If the home craftsman does not have artistic skills, you can use a stencil that you make yourself or order from art workshops. In this case, to apply paint you can use either a roller with a brush (or a sponge as an option), or the same aerosol can. A good option would be stickers with different designs.

The cost of professional painting: a brief overview of prices

Average cost professional painting It differs slightly across Russian regions. As of May 2019, prices were fixed at the following levels:

  • painting a small refrigerator– 5,000 rub.;
  • average– 7,000 rub.;
  • big– 9,000 rub.

Painting (airbrushing) the door of a refrigeration unit will cost approximately 8,000 rubles. High-quality stickers can be purchased at prices ranging from 800 to 1,500 rubles. Now, knowing the approximate prices, home handyman It’s worth considering how much cheaper it will be to do this work yourself.


There is no doubt that updating a refrigerator is much cheaper than purchasing a new one, and doing this work yourself is more convenient than hiring professionals. Moreover, it is not a fact that the hired workers will do everything better. It was not for nothing that old people said: “If you want to do it well, do it yourself.” In addition, such work does not require special skills. The main thing is that a specific idea for renovation is formed in your head, and bringing it to life will not be difficult.

Any equipment tends to break down. And the appearance of the refrigerator may deteriorate, not only externally, but also internally. And everyone who has a working cooling unit sooner or later has the question of how to paint a refrigerator.

Due to the poor appearance of the unit, it is often simply thrown away and sent to the store for a new one. And not everyone knows that painting can easily fix all the cracks and hide the peeling paint. This method, like pasting the surface with self-adhesive decorative film, will perfectly update the design. However, the film requires enormous patience, attention and skill, otherwise it will end up with bubbles or, even worse, wrinkles.

The process of painting a refrigerator at home is much simpler, but there are also certain features. Let's take a closer look at how you can paint a refrigerator.

How to paint a refrigerator with your own hands and choose a suitable coloring agent for this? It is worth remembering that the surface of the refrigerator is not the most ordinary, and it is not suitable for any paint will do. The chosen paints for the refrigerator should not only decorate the unit, but also protect its casing from mechanical damage. There is no point in spending money on purchasing an anti-corrosion agent, since it is assumed that the device will always be in a dry and warm kitchen.

Also, painting the refrigerator with fire-resistant paint is not necessary, because according to the operating rules it is forbidden to use this unit near a fire.

So, what paint should you use to paint your refrigerator? The paint characteristics should be as follows:

  • must be tintable;
  • maintain an even layer on a vertical surface;
  • must be elastic, since the temperature coefficient of expansion of metal in refrigerators is quite high;
  • resistant to detergents.

Considering the above, we can safely say that waterproof metal paint is perfect for interior work. But the composition of the paint for metal surfaces may be different:

  • Zinc.

  • Alkyd.

  • Organosilicon.

  • Nitrocellulose.

  • Epoxy.

  • Acrylic.

  • Oil.

  • Polyurethane.

But how to paint a refrigerator? There is no need to go into details of the contents of each of the above compounds. Here are the types of paints suitable for our purposes:

  • paint with acrylic composition for metal surfaces;
  • automotive nitro enamel;
  • epoxy or polyurethane paint You can also paint the refrigerator.

Acrylic dyes are absolutely safe, as they do not contain toxic substances. They can easily paint an old refrigerator, thereby giving it a great look. In addition, this type represents a wide variety color range. Apply with a brush, or even better with a roller, if necessary, in two layers.

The car dye is beautiful and durable, sold in cans. It must be applied by spraying. However, this dye has disadvantages, for example, its high price, it is toxic, during the process it is necessary to cover the face, body and surrounding objects, since splashes are not controlled during the process. After painting, you will have to remove any accidentally painted areas with a solvent.

The latter epoxy or polyurethane paint can be used to paint a refrigerator, but it is difficult to prepare due to two components that need to be prepared correctly. However, it is the most resistant and durable of the above.

On video: how to update a refrigerator.

Surface preparation

Over time, the refrigerator becomes covered in dirt, which is difficult to clean with ordinary detergents. To treat the surface of the refrigerator before painting, you will need the following:

  • means for removing hardened and greasy stains;

  • sponge with abrasive coating;

  • two rags, one wet, the other dry;

  • fine-grained sandpaper;

  • any degreasing liquid, such as gasoline, kerosene, acetone;

  • masking tape or cling film;

  • for lining, unnecessary sheets of magazines and newspapers;

  • gloves, respirator.

It is not necessary to use a primer before painting. How to paint a refrigerator at home? It is best to paint outside in good weather. Make sure that it is not windy, otherwise the wind will create streaks of paint on the surface. If this is not possible, then simply ensure good ventilation in the room.

The refrigerator must be disconnected from electricity and all internal shelves and trays must be removed. WITH outside thoroughly rinse the device with a sponge and detergent. Next, you need to remove the old paint layer of the refrigerator with your own hands, to do this, use sandpaper. This way all cracks and chips will be sanded down. In addition, the paint will have good adhesion to the surface.

When everything is at hand necessary materials, you can begin to prepare the unit and the surrounding area for the painting procedure:

  1. Unplug the unit and remove all shelves and trays.
  2. Wash the surface very well with detergent and a sponge.
  3. Now you need to remove the old coating. Use sandpaper. Thus, you can not only remove part of the coating, but also sand all the unevenness and cracks. And the paint will adhere better to the surface.
  4. Now wipe first with a wet, then with a dry cloth. Try to choose a fabric that does not leave lint.
  5. Degrease the surface with a special solution.
  6. Cover with cling film or masking tape those parts that will not be painted, such as decorative strips, handles, rubber seals and service holes.
  7. Now use newspapers and magazines to protect the floors and nearby interior items from paint.

How to repaint a refrigerator different colors while creating beautiful ornaments? If desired, you can depict any pattern or ornament using masking tape. In this case, during the procedure you need to ensure that the tape adheres tightly to the coating.

Remember that the room in which painting is carried out must be well ventilated. It is better to paint this equipment outside.

How to paint

So, if the surface outside the refrigerator has passed all stages of pre-treatment, you can start painting it a different color. It is important to remember to wear rubber gloves and a respirator.

If you choose spray paint, it should be applied at a distance of approximately 30 cm from the surface. The coloring material will lay down beautifully and evenly. Drive evenly from left to right and do not linger in one place. Otherwise, smudges will occur or the layer will be too thick. If a thick layer does form, use a solvent or do not paint the area when applying subsequent layers.

Approximately 2-3 layers should be applied. Take a break for half an hour, so each previous layer can dry out.

A spray bottle of paint and a can of spray paint allow you to apply smooth, even coats to the surface.

When choosing this painting method, you should especially cover all surrounding surfaces with film and newspapers. Better yet, move the refrigerator outside. But only if the weather allows you to paint the equipment.

If the paint you choose needs to be applied with a brush and roller, then you should also be careful here. Take some paint and paint vertically or from left to right. Apply the second layer only after half an hour. Use a small brush to paint hard-to-reach areas.

If there were any flaws during painting, the third layer will successfully hide them. By painting the unit with a brush, you will not have to wash many household items, as well as walls from paint. The brush is great if you decide to paint indoors.

Painting with a brush may leave marks and streaks. And if you don’t immediately take measures to smooth them out, then all the flaws will immediately be visible after the dye has dried. Use a sponge to remove streaks, but do this while the paint is fresh.

Leave the painted refrigeration unit for several hours until the new coat of paint has completely hardened. Is it possible to give the paint any effect? Yes, give it a glossy shine, a matte effect, or simply protect it with acrylic varnish in aerosol form.

Refrigerator decoupage (1 video)

Often an old, but still fully functional refrigeration unit spoils the entire interior. Taking into account the level of income in our country, it is safe to say that not everyone can afford to purchase new household appliances. In this case, you can get out of the situation by painting the equipment in the desired color. You just need to understand how to repaint a refrigerator and what paint to use.

Painting is a simple job; to perform it, a home craftsman does not require any special skills or abilities. The main condition is to choose the right color and paint composition and be careful in your work. Let's try to figure out what kind of paint can be used to paint the outside of the refrigerator.

How to paint the outside of a refrigerator: choosing paint composition and tools

The first thing that needs to be decided is how the coloring composition will be applied to the surface. There are two options here - brush and roller or spray. Both have their positive and negative sides. We will dwell on this issue in more detail.

Once the choice of application method has been made, you can proceed to the choice of paint. There can be three options here - enamel, epoxy or acrylic paint. It is on this issue that we will now dwell in more detail.

Refrigerator exterior paints applied by brush and roller

All three types of paints used can be applied with a brush and roller, but there is a certain difference between them:

  • enamel paint. It is with these compositions that the surface is painted in production, which means this will be the best option. The enamel has good adhesion, and the surface after painting acquires an even gloss that is pleasing to the eye. The only drawback is the presence of highly toxic solvents in the composition. Therefore, it is worth taking care of good ventilation or (if possible) performing work in an open space;
  • epoxy composition. After application it looks identical to enamel. It has the same characteristics, however, it is significantly inferior to the previous version both in price (such pigments are much more expensive) and in ease of application (epoxy compounds are very difficult to work with);
  • acrylic. Despite the fact that this composition is inferior in characteristics to enamel, it is quite suitable for surfaces used indoors. In addition, the cost of painting will be significantly lower.

How can you paint a refrigerator without using a brush?

Today on store shelves you can find many aerosol paints that do not require the use of a roller or brush. Automotive pigments in cans are perfect for painting a refrigerator; their characteristics are not inferior to conventional enamels. Their use will significantly speed up and facilitate the process. However, the cost of such compositions is slightly higher.


Painting surfaces with a brush or roller is more difficult, but the work can be done more accurately without staining the floors or walls. It is better to use aerosol paints if you can take the refrigerator out into the open. The advantage of aerosol formulations is that the coating is thin and even.

There are aerosol enamels designed specifically for household appliances, but their cost is higher

The choice of pigment will depend on the result that the home craftsman wants to achieve. If the kitchen design is made in bright colors and something exclusive and unusual is required, then the only right solution is to use acrylic compositions. Moreover, they are completely harmless.

If there are traces of rust on the surface, zinc compounds should be used. They are much more expensive, but they perfectly stop the corrosion process and prevent it from spreading. An interesting option is to use luminescent paint. Such a refrigerator cannot exactly be called an ordinary one - the surface will accumulate light, and in the dark it will glow slightly, giving away what it accumulated during the day.

How to paint an old refrigerator with your own hands: stages of work

Before you paint your refrigerator at home, you need to prepare the surface. Otherwise, the paint will begin to peel off after a short period of time. We also decide how the painting will be done. Let's consider the algorithm of work production step by step from the first to the last step.

Tools and materials needed for painting

It is better to approach the choice of tools, and paints in particular, wisely. After all, not every enamel, especially an old refrigerator, can withstand painting well.

To work you will need:

  • solvent for degreasing the surface;
  • sandpaper;
  • masking tape, which is used to cover non-paintable surfaces;
  • roller, brush (if this option is selected);
  • dye;
  • clean dry rags;
  • film or paper to protect the floor covering if work is carried out indoors.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin work.

How to prepare the surface of a refrigerator for painting at home

To begin, lay newspaper or film around to protect the floor covering. Next, use sandpaper to remove the paint in places where it is peeling off. If there are corrosion spots, they also need to be cleaned. Then we pass sandpaper over the entire surface, removing the gloss. The entire area of ​​the refrigeration unit should be matte - this will ensure good adhesion. We wipe the refrigerator with a dry cloth, and then with a cloth moistened with solvent, degreasing the surface. We seal all non-paintable surfaces with masking tape. After the preparation has been completed, you can proceed directly to coloring.

How to update the outside of a refrigerator: painting methods

When choosing a method of painting a surface with a roller or brush, you should understand that the work will be more complex. If there is excess paint on the brush, smudges may form, which is unacceptable for the refrigerator - this will ruin the appearance even more than it was before painting. The paint is taken with a brush in small quantities; there is no need to rush. The resulting smudge can be removed with a sponge, after which you can paint the area again using a smaller amount of coloring composition.

If you choose the option of painting with an aerosol can, but there is no way to take the refrigerator out into the open space, you should take care to protect not only the floor covering, but also the walls. Ventilation is very important - the room should be well ventilated.


Despite the fact that the paint from the can is applied in an even and thin layer, if it lingers in one place, smudges can also form. Spray the paint from the can evenly, without lingering in certain areas. It is better to paint the surface a little later with a second layer. Automotive nitro paint dries very quickly. Photos of self-painted refrigerators can be seen below. Perhaps some of the ideas you use to decorate and paint your equipment.

Other ways to update the appearance of your refrigerator

If a DIYer knows how to paint, you can update your refrigerator using acrylic pigments without resorting to full painting. The door and walls of the refrigeration unit can be painted with various patterns - acrylic is perfect for this. However, it should be understood that the pattern must be protected by covering the surface with varnish. We offer you to see what old refrigerators updated with your own hands look like using photographic examples.

If the home craftsman does not have artistic skills, you can use a stencil that you make yourself or order from art workshops. In this case, to apply paint you can use either a roller with a brush (or a sponge as an option) or the same aerosol can. A good option would be stickers with different designs.

The cost of professional painting: a brief overview of prices

On average, the cost of professional painting varies slightly across Russian regions. As of May 2019, prices were fixed at the following levels:

  • painting a small refrigerator– 5,000 rub.;
  • average– 7,000 rub.;
  • big– 9,000 rub.

Painting (airbrushing) the door of a refrigeration unit will cost approximately 8,000 rubles. High-quality stickers can be purchased at prices ranging from 800 to 1,500 rubles. Now, knowing the approximate prices, the home craftsman should think about how much cheaper it will be to do this work with his own hands.


There is no doubt that updating a refrigerator is much cheaper than purchasing a new one, and doing this work yourself is more convenient than hiring professionals. Moreover, it is not a fact that the hired workers will do everything better. It was not for nothing that old people said: “If you want to do it well, do it yourself.” In addition, such work does not require special skills. The main thing is that a specific idea for renovation is formed in your head, and bringing it to life will not be difficult.

Buying a refrigerator is a joyful event for the whole family. A new device can delight you for years, but modern manufacturers They produce fairly durable models, and therefore homeowners are often faced with a pressing problem - the refrigerator copes with its responsibilities in a functional sense, but its appearance leaves much to be desired over time.

Also, painting a refrigerator is relevant for those who decide to introduce vintage style into the walls of their kitchen. If you already have a “refrigerator from the past,” then it will be enough to give it a “divine” look to create an atmosphere of authenticity and aesthetics.

What paint to paint the refrigerator?

The process of updating the refrigerator itself is quite simple, but the preparations take most of the time. Most homeowners ask what can be used to paint a refrigerator, what paint should they choose? We answer - polyurethane or epoxy paint. Its composition is quite complex, so the paint is incredibly wear-resistant. This is a recognized leader in durability among metal paints.

For work, it is necessary to take the device outside, since epoxy paint has a rather strong and pungent smell. The paint smells like rubber glue, so, as stated in the instructions, it should be used in well-ventilated spaces, after putting a mask on your face.

Stages of preparation for painting a refrigerator

  1. The first thing you should do is disconnect the appliance from the power supply, after defrosting the refrigerator if necessary.
  2. Remove all food from the unit so that it is not exposed to paint fumes.
  3. Clean the refrigerator if necessary - grease usually accumulates on the appliance, especially if it is in close proximity to cooking surfaces or the stove. In a word, the refrigerator must be clean before painting - no grease or other stains, plaque, etc.
  4. Move the refrigerator from your living space to the street, porch or patio of a private home, or open all doors and windows, creating a draft if you live in a multi-unit high-rise building.
  5. Remember that the paint will only “work” at temperatures not lower than 10 degrees Celsius.

Stages of painting a refrigerator

  1. To begin with, you should lightly sand the surface of the old refrigerator - you should stop at the moment when the surface layer becomes matte instead of glossy. Sandpaper is quite suitable for the procedure.
  2. After sanding, run a wet cloth over the surface of the unit to remove any sanding dust, and then be sure to dry the refrigerator with a dry cloth.
  3. Treat the surface of the refrigerator with a special degreasing solution.
  4. Use a foam roller for epoxy paint and be sure to wear a face mask after removing all family members from the work area.

The consistency of epoxy paint is similar to that of regular traditional paint, so there should be no problems with application. Small bubbles may form on the surface, but they tend to smooth out on their own. Hard to reach places It is quite possible to paint over it with a brush. In general, it is not necessary to paint the back panel of the refrigerator - there are many wires there that should not come into contact with the paint, and this side is hardly visible when placing the device in the kitchen. Thus, it is enough to paint three sides of the refrigerator - two sides and the front, as well as the top panel.

It is important to remember that you should first remove all removable parts from the refrigerator - handles, hinged doors, grilles, etc. It is better to paint them separately, this will be more convenient and will prevent the formation of smudges on the surface of the product. If you do not want or cannot remove the fittings, cover them with masking tape while painting, and then carefully apply paint to these elements separately, if desired.

In addition to protecting the fittings, you should also protect the floor next to the place where you are painting. This is important because epoxy paint dries quite quickly and can be difficult to remove once dry.