Recommendations for organizing the work of a recruitment agency. Business idea: how to open a recruitment agency

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Business plan

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A clearly structured business plan for a recruitment agency will certainly help those who want to launch recruitment activities. Despite fluctuations in demand in the modern economy, skilled workers are constantly needed. The population needs good nannies and governesses, managers and marketers are needed, and blue-collar workers are needed. Personnel service is a promising occupation, but to open it, some specific points should be taken into account.

A high-quality document on organizing a recruiting agency will allow you to gradually collect an excellent database of representatives of various specialties. Someone is looking for a job, and someone is in search of qualified employees, but your task is to bring these interests together into a single whole, to help the two parties meet, one to find their employee, and the other to great job and a chance to prove yourself.

An example of a finished document will dot the i's, for a small fee your clients will have the opportunity to establish themselves in a professional field, as well as find qualified employees; you just need to correctly approach the stages of formation of this company. In addition, you should know that such an undertaking will not require you to have a special license, and the variety of options for such a business will allow you to vary the possibilities at the initial stage to determine the optimal structure of your company.

The client base and personnel selection technology are two elements that determine the success of such an undertaking as opening a recruitment agency. A manual for dummies is unlikely to be useful here, since necessary knowledge, as a rule, are developed with experience. You can acquire it by working, for example, for some time as a consultant in someone else’s recruitment agency. Thanks to this, you will be able to study the entire kitchen from the inside and assess the capabilities of potential competitors as accurately as possible.

Where does the recruiting agency base come from? As for the base of a personnel or recruiting agency for employment, you can either buy it or create it yourself, working as a consultant. A business such as a recruitment agency does not require large initial investments. And this fact can be classified as a significant advantage. You will need money to rent a recruitment agency office and pay employees, of whom there may be very few at the beginning. You will also need a minimum set of furniture and office equipment; it will not be possible to do without repairs, since appearance office is of great importance.

Agency employees can work for a percentage of the transaction, or on a fixed salary. As a rule, in large recruitment companies specialists receive about 1 thousand dollars a month; in smaller ones, the monthly salary of a consultant is no more than 10 thousand rubles.

As an analysis of the recruitment agency market shows, the first money will begin to flow into the cash register no earlier than after a couple of months of activity. And this fact should be taken into account when forming the company’s budget. Subject to proper business management and proper organization For a small recruitment agency, the average monthly income can be approximately 5-7 thousand dollars. But profit generation largely depends on the abilities of agency specialists.

The main directions of the recruiting agency’s personnel policy lie in the understanding that recruiters are not trained at any university. Therefore, you will have to take people practically from the street and grow professional specialists inside the company. In parallel with staff training, you will have to promote the agency. And here too there are some peculiarities. Conventional advertising is considered ineffective. The Internet plays a significant role: you can create your own website, or post vacancy announcements on well-known specialized portals.

When organizing a recruitment agency, a businessman may doubt his abilities, not knowing exactly how to open a recruitment agency, how to promote it in a short time. If such doubts overcome you, take as a basis a competent business plan of a recruitment agency and act in accordance with its recommendations. This document contains detailed description the work of a recruitment agency, and talks about the various intricacies of this business.

The first recruitment agencies in their current form appeared in Russia in the mid-nineties. Problems with employment forced citizens to seek help from specialists who, for a fee, helped the sufferers find Good work. Along with reliable recruiting companies, firms that simply extract money without providing quality services in return have flourished and are thriving.

An entrepreneur who decides to open a recruitment agency needs to know all the pros and cons of this business, but it is even more important to understand that the company’s reputation is the key to its stability and prosperity. You need to clearly understand what difficulties await you at the start, when opening a recruitment agency from scratch. There are many of them, despite the fact that this business does not require significant initial costs. The main difficulty is to find a sufficient number of clients who can provide good profit, extremely difficult.

Much depends on how correctly you choose the agency's specialization. There are several options for entering this market sector. Along with ordinary recruitment agencies, highly specialized companies, for example, recruiting domestic staff, also operate successfully. Try to determine which agency format is right for you.

Having decided to open a business in the personnel field, an entrepreneur often finds himself at a crossroads. The choice of company format, first of all, determines the source of profit, as well as its volume. Opening a regular recruiting agency assumes that its main clients will be people who want to find a job. By paying for the agency's services, they thereby generate its profit. The cost of services can be fixed, when a person pays for access to a database, or for the company to provide several addresses of organizations that need a corresponding specialist; But more and more often, a different payment method has recently been used, when the client gives his first salary to the agency after successful employment.

Opening a recruitment agency has a fundamentally different approach to working with clients, which are the employers themselves. For the selection of personnel appropriate necessary criteria, agencies take fixed amount payment usually equal to the candidate’s average monthly earnings. Some entrepreneurs prefer a narrow specialization, opening, for example, their own recruitment agency for the selection of domestic staff. IN major cities such services are in good demand, since wealthy citizens do not risk hiring people from the street as maids or nannies.

Opening a recruitment agency for the selection of domestic staff is more profitable, of course, if you are able to provide clients with high-quality services. To do this, you will need to check each candidate very carefully so that there are no annoying mistakes in the future. How should the organization of personnel work be structured, where to start if you decide to open a recruitment agency in small town- you will find answers to all these questions in the professional business plan of the recruitment agency. He will be yours reliable support both at the stage of creating a business and in the process of its development. And if you decide to open a branch of a domestic staff recruitment agency in another city, you will not have to study other documents. With our business plan you will always stay on top.

The personnel issue is always acute in the personnel search market. Good specialists can find a job on their own and almost instantly. Despite a certain percentage of unemployment and high competition, truly qualified personnel are worth their weight in gold. And this is exactly what you can make money from.

  • Recruitment business: where to start
  • Which recruitment agency is profitable to open now, and which personnel are most in demand?
  • How can you cut your office costs by half?
  • Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a recruitment agency?
  • Do I need permission to open a recruitment agency?
  • How to organize the work of an HR agency to be at the top
  • Customer service system
  • Personnel assessment methodology
  • Taking into account changes occurring in the personnel market
  • What a new HR center needs: 5 secrets that will help your business

Many start-up companies and those that have already entered the market for a long time are trying to select highly professional employees, since the income of the enterprise or organization will depend on their activities. Moreover, some of them are constantly in search of both IT specialists and blue-collar jobs, which is especially important for Far East and North.

At the same time, the crisis had a negative impact on the HR services market, as a result of which some companies, trying to save money, abandoned their own HR services. But even if they are available, in some cases representatives of firms and enterprises turn to recruitment agencies for help, since they have significantly greater search capabilities.

Recruitment business: where to start

Having your own recruitment agency can be very promising. But, on the one hand, opening a recruitment agency seems quite simple (no licenses or special education), on the other hand, behind the seeming ease at first glance, there are many problems that cannot be solved by a beginner in business. It is because of business mistakes that start-up staffing and recruiting agencies often go bankrupt. Therefore, many experts recommend working as a recruiter before starting your own business. But knowing the profession from the inside is not enough. There are many more nuances of running a business that will help make it successful and allow you to make a good profit.

Which recruitment agency is profitable to open now, and which personnel are most in demand?

Information According to statistics from Magram MR, there are now more than 1,200 recruitment agencies operating in the Russian Federation, most of which are located in large cities.

Recruitment agencies can be divided into several types according to their area of ​​activity.

  • Narrowly targeted. They specialize in finding specialists of a certain profile. They may be involved in the selection of applicants for tourism business, hiring domestic staff, searching for technical specialists, etc. professions.
  • Industry. The activity relates to any area: logistics, restaurant business, trade, etc.
  • Exclusive search and headhunting. They are engaged in the selection of highly qualified specialists and senior managers. Accordingly, the income of such agencies is the highest.

Although this division is very arbitrary, there are companies that can offer a full range of services. But, as a rule, it is better to start with specialization in any industry. You can find out which direction is more in demand in your region after market analysis and segmentation. One more point should be noted. Employers pay more for the selection of mid- and senior-level personnel than for the search for even a highly qualified welder or mason, so working with the IT sector is more economically profitable.

A recruitment agency can be opened for one more reason: the number of vacancies has increased. Thus, compared to the same period last year, they increased by 15%. Specialists in the construction industry, trade and real estate are especially in demand. High demand is expected in the real sector of the economy, Agriculture, information technologies. Highly skilled workers are considered one of the scarcest resources. Many enterprises from different sectors of the economy are searching for them.

Another question: should you open an offline or online business? Recently, online recruitment has been increasingly used in Russia. It has many advantages: it is convenient to search for applicants, all catalogs can be maintained on the Internet and opened to the customer after payment. However, there is one “but”. Almost all customers insist on a meeting with the candidate, which cannot be replaced by an interview on Skype. So it’s more profitable and convenient to combine offline and online work.

How can you cut your office costs by half?

The equipment for a recruitment agency will be required the same as for any other office: 2-3 tables, chairs, a computer and office equipment, a telephone, a shelving unit. It is better to look for opportunities to purchase used equipment and furniture. It will cost 2-3 times cheaper. It is recommended not to save even on used options and choose the best, since the design of the premises partly affects the company’s reputation. People are greeted by their clothes, and you can only make a first impression once. Don't forget these business rules.

How much money do you need to open an HR agency?

A recruitment agency will not require large investments. To organize a business, you need to rent a small office, preferably in the city center, in a shopping or business center. The office can be quite small, 15-18 square meters. meters, just enough to put a couple of tables and a few chairs. IN start-up capital It will also include the purchase of equipment, paperwork, it is advisable to immediately include wages for employees and a certain amount for the purchase of access to resume databases. In general, you can start with 350-400 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn from opening

If you decide to start a recruitment business, there are three sources of income you need to know. Firstly, these are employers who are willing to pay to find a good employee. Typically, the rate is 10 to 12% of the employee's annual income. Secondly, the applicants themselves. Thirdly, partners, which may include non-state pension funds, if applicants are ready to transfer part of the money to them. In addition, you can provide services such as training, resume writing, etc.

Information Usually average earnings recruitment agencies in the first year after opening averages 100,000 rubles per month, and after two to three years from 500,000 rubles. As a rule, all investments pay off within six months.

Step-by-step plan - where to start a business and how to open your own HR agency from scratch

The most important thing is to draw up a competent business plan that will help you adequately assess the situation and opportunities. If necessary, he will help to speak the language of numbers with investors and credit institutions.

The next step is market assessment. When you have experience working in an agency, it is clear what someone needs and what is required. If the situation is unclear, a good solution is to go to Avito or HeadHunter and see the number of vacancies in different areas. You can request marketing analytics to make it clear which direction is best to move. It would be nice to find out how many HR agencies there are in the city, in what direction they work, how many agencies have closed and for what reasons. The information obtained will help not only make adjustments to the business plan, but also not repeat the mistakes of predecessors.

After this, you will need to start working with potential clients and study the consumer. For this purpose, you will need to draw up a questionnaire and visit organizations and enterprises. This way you can get the necessary information and create a positive image, and perhaps immediately acquire customers.

Advice If things are going well with clients, and you already need to rent premises and hire staff, you need to draw up a list of costs. Decide what you really need and what you can do without. The main thing is that it doesn’t turn out later that things are going worse than you expected, and the costs are much higher than expected.

After this, you can look for premises, purchase equipment and recruit staff.

What documents are needed to open - registration and registration

When starting a business, it is best to register as an individual entrepreneur. Unfortunately, many recruitment agencies do not even consider this possibility and immediately open a limited liability company. But this procedure is more protracted and requires more money.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a recruitment agency?

When registering a business, you can specify two OKVED codes:

  • OKVED code 74.50.1 - provision of employment services;
  • OKVED code 74.51.2 – provision of personnel selection services.

But, if you, for example, are opening a theatrical or artistic recruitment agency, then you need OKVED code 74.84. There are other nuances that you need to be aware of when indicating OKVED codes.

HR agency tax system

For a recruitment agency, UTII is more suitable - a single tax on imputed income. Although you can stick to the simplified tax system and pay 15% of total profit or 6% of net.

Do I need permission to open a recruitment agency?

It is believed that such a business is easy to organize, since no special permits or licenses are required for this. But in order to start work, you will need to obtain conclusions from the State Fire Inspectorate and the SES. This required condition, if you are renting a room.

How to organize the work of an HR agency to be at the top

Competition in the recruitment services market is quite fierce. Therefore, many young agencies find it difficult to stay afloat. And in order to constantly move forward and make a good profit, you need the right strategy and working methods that will help you quickly and efficiently fulfill customer wishes and attract new clients.

Customer service system

Unfortunately, in Russia, representatives of some companies and enterprises turn to recruitment agencies most often when an employee is needed “yesterday”. Therefore, before you start executing an order, you need to be in control of the situation. You should find out: whether the position is new in the company or not, whether it is possible to replace the employee, how urgently the vacancy needs to be filled. When talking with a client, you need to create a clear candidate profile, determine the cost of selection, and then begin searching for a candidate. It is important that both the customer and the employee you have selected are satisfied. This is a guarantee that they will contact you again

Personnel assessment methodology

An important factor is the development of your own recruitment methodology. Candidates may be considered in different ways, so the search may take a long time. But if a person is determined to work well and seriously, this can be determined almost immediately. It is also worth paying attention to personal qualities, professionalism, and last but not least the reliability of information and recommendations of the previous employer. If a specialist with a narrower profile is selected, a testing system can be used.

Taking into account changes occurring in the personnel market

To maintain your position, you need to be aware of all changes, constantly monitor salaries and other business-related indicators. A successful recruitment agency understands that every new order is a project that needs to be worked hard on.

What a new HR center needs: 5 secrets that will help your business

It is always difficult for a start-up business to move forward. If we take into account the fierce competition in the recruitment market, then the chances of surviving, and even more so becoming a leader, decrease in direct proportion to the increase in the number of recruitment agencies. Therefore, when opening an agency, you need to take several important steps.

  1. Conduct a good advertising campaign. This does not mean at all that you just need to place advertising everywhere: on billboards, on television, in newspapers and on the Internet. Your competitors will do the same. It is important that your advertising is unique. For example, you might suggest Newest technologies when recruiting personnel or effective methods, or something else.
  2. Don't make prices too low. Low tariffs can attract customers, but only at first. A good agency knows its worth. If you work “for pennies,” there is a risk of going broke even before the investment pays off.
  3. Search regular customers . A small agency can make good money by constantly collaborating with several large companies. Clients are always attracted by the quality of work and discounts.
  4. Make your own branding. The more positive PR, the better. Hand out business cards, brochures, and souvenirs. It is advisable that even letters and invoices have the company logo.
  5. Separate customer search and recruiting. The future of the business will depend on this. It is likely that the best recruiter, who accounts for 70-80% of the business, will want to open his own company and lure away your clients. Therefore, it is better if one client communicates with several people.

In addition, you need to take into account such aspects as:

  • seasonal risks, since usually in December, June and July the number of candidates decreases sharply;
  • risks of non-payment, which, although small, still exist, and it is important to correctly draw up an agreement with prepayment.

The most important thing is to always have applications, then the future of the company is secured.

The HR business, experts say, is quite specific. Therefore, the proverb applies to him: if you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the water. You should open a recruiting agency with experience in this field. It is important to understand internal business processes and the specifics of service provision, because here everything can go according to an individual scenario, and changes need to be responded to in a timely manner. Depending on the specifics of the vacancy, sources, tools and methods of search and selection are selected.

Where to begin?

Experts advise: You need to work in this area in a hired position. Because if you enter the market from the outside, you will definitely make a lot of mistakes. It is necessary to have a fairly deep understanding of the personnel market, the quantity and quality of candidates for vacancies, monitoring wages and other indicators, because the personnel business is a complex and long-paying business. This is not a simple resale of goods, this is project work: every employer, every vacancy is a project. Therefore, you should first work as an HR manager or development manager in a serious recruiting company. You can participate both at the sales stage and at the stage of filling a vacancy.

So, you have gained experience in the field of recruiting. Now we need to understand for which segment do you want to recruit personnel?. Medium and small businesses are one potential base. You can choose a narrow area like IT, and this is a different employer base. And other specifics of the work. After all, for example, if you are conducting mass recruitment, the main thing here is speed. Searching for IT specialists is difficult, searching not only in the region, but throughout the country, it involves luring people from other companies, long terms closing, a high price for closing an application, this is knowledge of technical nuances, terms, aspects. There are agencies that select everything for everyone. There are agencies that select only mass personnel. There are agencies that select only sales specialists. And the client base of recruiting companies is formed depending on the specifics.

Elvira Nurmieva

In our business we need to react to the situation. You need to approach the client outside the box, not according to a template. Therefore, in business you need to be skilled and have a large set of tools for selection. Let me give you an example of non-standard treatment. A commercial real estate agency is looking for an employee. It deals with both sales of large real estate properties and rentals, and has a ready-made base and reputation. However, this is a very narrow segment. There are about 20 experienced candidates on the market per month. That is, the probability of filling a vacancy is low. You can search among inexperienced people - take any sales manager and refocus on commercial real estate. But there is a large percentage of inconsistencies, failures, and refusals. At the same time, the employer wants to hold something like a competition, let a large number of applicants pass through, recruit a team of 3-5 people and leave one or two from it. We help develop an adaptation plan and give recommendations on how to properly introduce a newcomer to the position. We also provide screening services - that is, we call candidates and invite them to the employer, creating a constant flow of candidates. In this case, we approached the search sources in an unconventional way: we sent out a newsletter on social networks to candidates from the real estate industry.

As a rule, most companies turn to a recruiting agency when they need an employee yesterday or tomorrow.

Work strategy should be built by immediately checking with the client: does he have someone to replace the employee, is a new representative office opening in the region or have they been working here for a long time, is there already established functionality or is this a new position, is there an urgent need for an employee or is there something else you can think about, etc. d. This preparatory work often carried out free of charge by the agency before concluding a contract to ensure a complete understanding of the request. Sometimes the employer himself does not know what kind of employee he needs. Let’s say he’s hiring a head of sales for the first time and doesn’t know what the pay is, what the functionality is and what the requirements for the vacancy are. Based on this, the profile of the candidate and the cost of his selection are formed. As a rule, clients need time to make a final decision about cooperation with an agency - on average from one to ten working days.

Elvira Nurmieva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

There are a great variety of personnel assessment methods. And you can spend hours assessing a candidate. But there is no time for that. We have developed our own unique four-factor personnel assessment system: motivation, personal qualities and behavior patterns, professional knowledge, reliability of information and recommendations are assessed. It allows us, in 40 minutes to an hour, to obtain the necessary information about the candidate in order to understand whether he needs to be referred to the employer. We use the testing system only if these are professional tests, when we need to understand the competence of a specialist. We also sometimes attract external experts who have already successfully worked to evaluate the candidate.

Enterprises are ready to outsource personnel selection to recruiting agencies in three cases.

If the company does not have a full-time HR staff or if the company does not have a monthly turnover of two or three positions, it is cheaper for them to contact an agency. Or if the manager has no time to deal with this issue himself, because personnel selection is, first of all, a waste of time on searching, calling, inviting, interviewing, and assessing. Workplace downtime costs an enterprise much more than the services of a recruiting agency. Employers who first try to recruit staff on their own very soon realize how difficult it is, and after a couple of unsuccessful attempts they turn to a recruitment agency.

Investment size

Elvira Nurmieva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

To find funds to start, You can apply for a grant, contact specialists who will help you prepare the documents correctly. You can look for investors, for example, among businessmen you know. You can contact business associations - there may be people interested in your project. By the way, there you can find contacts of future potential clients. You can take consumer loan- the amount is liftable for two or more founders. The most important thing is to have an adequate business plan. It is sobering and helps to talk with an investor in the language of numbers. It is necessary to predict profitability, profitability for six months or a year.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's talk about the price for services. It is important to consider how much an employer is willing to pay to find one specialist. It depends on the complexity of the vacancy and the level of the specialist. For example, people with working specialties are constantly needed - masons, welders, craftsmen, but the rate for finding such specialists will be several times less than the rate for finding middle and senior level personnel. Therefore, it is more economically profitable to engage in selection starting from middle management. Recruiting and the personnel services market are highly responsive to economic changes. If business in your city is stagnating, the number of applications and vacancies will not grow, you need to either focus on other cities or other vacancies.

There are agencies that start with low costs in order to be competitive. This technique should only be used at the start.

Experienced players do not recommend delaying this even for six months, because there is a healthy payback and cost that have formed the market, and a strong violation in price towards a discount is fraught with detrimental consequences for a startup. You will still have to select quality personnel (otherwise the client will not be satisfied), you will still have to pay salaries and motivate employees. Project work assumes that you can close a position in one to two weeks, or in two to four. And some positions - such as a manager, top manager, regional director - can last for six to eight weeks, depending on the narrowness of the personnel market and the employer’s requirements. Understanding this, you need to set an adequate price for your services.

Elvira Nurmieva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

The size of the agency's remuneration depends on whether it is classic recruiting or headhunting, regional or federal search, whether a specialized specialist is required or a simple one. On average, recruiting one specialist costs from 10 to 12% of his average annual income. This is from local agencies. U federal agencies- from 15 to 20%. Our fixed rate is 10-11% of average annual income. The service includes a guarantee of free employee replacement for three months. If an employer wants to get a big discount, then you can offer him to select personnel without a guarantee with a 25% discount. You can also come up with various additional services for the client, the price of which varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

How can you optimize your current expenses?? Outsource accountants, lawyers, cleaners, and marketers. Distribute the functionality of the courier and office manager among the main employees. However, experts do not advise cutting employees' salaries, because people need motivation. The office is the face of your company, and it should look decent. Normal communications and working equipment, databases from work sites are also needed. You can move to a home office, but this is no longer a business, but freelance work. The only way to save money is by purchasing the property and reducing rental costs.

Now about how to recruit employees for an agency. A graduate of psychology, pedagogy or personnel management can become a good HR professional. If the education is different, then you need to see whether the person has long-term personal motivation to work with staff. Therefore, we need people who are interested in interacting with people, selecting, evaluating, organizing them. Any novice employee can engage in search, but only intellectuals with analytical skills and a critical eye can engage in personnel assessment. A person must be psychologically balanced and be able to abstract himself. He must be able to listen, but at the same time isolate the necessary information from the point of view of its correspondence to the employer’s card, that is, the portrait of the desired employee.

Elvira Nurmieva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

There are agencies that hire only experienced HR. We most often hire people with no or minimal experience. It’s easier for me with young people and beginners; I myself create qualified specialists out of them. It happens that people with experience also come, and if our assessment systems coincide, we work together. How do we attract people to our agency? Training and the fact that we provide the opportunity to gain serious experience in one or two years. After all, no one needs an HR manager without experience in enterprises. In our company, managers become professionals in a short period of time - from six to 12 months of work.

Where is the best place to locate an office? recruiting agency? It is important to have parking and a separate entrance. As a rule, this is an office center or a separate building. The room must be from 20 sq.m. depending on the number of employees. It is advisable to have a separate room for interviews.

Elvira Nurmieva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

Daylight is important to me, connection with outside world, Fresh air and air conditioning because it is an intellectual activity. The lighting should be normal so that your eyes don’t get tired. Our ceilings are high - more than two and a half meters, they don’t put pressure on us. The minimum area for 2-3 managers is 18-20 sq.m.

The paradox of today’s labor market is that, on the one hand, in many regions there is unemployment, a surplus of specialists in some areas, and, on the other hand, a shortage of qualified work force. This happens because the employee simply does not correspond to the place of his work. It is the recruitment agency that is called upon to effectively select personnel, ultimately satisfying the needs of the employer and the interests of the employee.

What attracts newcomers to a recruitment agency as a business: firstly, it is a low-budget start, secondly, relatively weak legal control, and, thirdly, the apparent ease of earning money. In fact, while the first two statements are quite legitimate, the third is completely wrong. Income from this type of business is inconsistent and comes with a delay. The search for personnel can take weeks, but they will pay for a quality selection a little later, after employment, or even a probationary period.

In addition, a recruitment agency is multifaceted and can perform a number of functions. Often this is a field for the work of scammers who resell vacancies several times, or distribute non-existent or outdated vacancies, or, at worst, engage in completely illegal activities. But you won’t get far with such a reputation, so let’s look at how to organize the right recruitment agency.

Before we begin

A recruitment agency may specialize in certain types of activities.

Employment agency. The main task is to select an extensive database of vacancies. Income consists of payments from applicants for the information provided: either for several specific vacancies, or full access to the database for some time. Payment is withdrawn either before services are provided or after employment. In the second case, the agency takes a certain risk.

Recruiting agency. Carries out targeted selection of personnel to meet the specific needs of the employer. It works for results, since the fee is paid only after the employee is registered. In addition, in this case, employers most often pay 10-20% of the annual salary. A narrow area of ​​activity of a recruiting agency may be specialization in certain industries. In this case, the manager has certain specific knowledge and can better select narrow-profile personnel. These may also include recruitment agencies for work abroad.

Headhunting agency is the pinnacle of recruiting. His circle of interests includes only high-class specialists, the number of which is very limited. For this purpose the agency uses various methods, including luring away already employed specialists.

You can expand the scope of your activities by combining several areas in one recruitment agency, or open a deeply specialized agency and become the best in your field.

Main risks: it is very difficult to “promote” a business. A lot of time is spent creating a database of vacancies and applicants. Non-compliance with the terms of the contract is possible both on the part of employers and job seekers. Both parties do not always provide truthful information; as a result, all complaints are sent to the recruitment agency. In addition, they often try to evade paying for the agency’s services.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a recruitment agency”


The location of the office is very important in this business. The more respectable impression you want to make, the more better place choose. The courtyard is not the best location.

So, focus on good transport links, the best location in the city center, for example, in a business center. The area of ​​the room itself can be small - 15-20 m2. But a pleasant environment should inspire confidence. It would be a good idea to divide it into 2 zones: a waiting hall and an interview room.


The list of equipment is quite narrow: furniture, computers and office equipment. If you have chosen a certain corporate style for yourself, then you need to make the appropriate repairs and purchase furniture in a suitable color scheme. Make sure the client is comfortable. Be sure to purchase a cooler and coffee maker so that you can always offer a cup of tea or coffee.

We can say that the main tool of work for a recruiter is data. Therefore, you will initially have to invest in the right to access closed employment databases and create your own secure database. In addition, develop questionnaires for candidates; they should be unique to your agency. Additionally, you can order a test from a psychologist to identify certain abilities of the candidate, his ulterior motives and characteristics.

You must have up-to-date information about the city’s business environment, salary levels, labor market conditions, and the latest requirements for key specialists for your agency. yours intellectual property This could include developed trainings and advanced training courses, but, as a rule, such activities are carried out by already developed recruitment agencies.


You yourself can become the main employee in your agency. In the very minimum set, you will need a secretary who will receive and make calls, search for information on the Internet, and replenish your database. You can conduct a direct interview.

At the second stage, most likely, you will want to expand your business and hire a good recruiter. This must be a specialist who will understand the legal framework in the field of labor, have HR management skills and, of course, be able to balance between the requirements of employers and job seekers. In the future, you can invite a psychologist to your staff, who will draw up individual questionnaires for each employer’s request, conduct testing of some personnel (whose work, for example, is related to high level nervous tension).

The earnings of hiring managers, as a rule, depend on the number of transactions completed and range from 10 to 30% of the fee. At first, an accountant, System Administrator may be invited.

Documents and licenses

This type of activity does not require a license; registration takes place in general procedure as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. But at the initial stage it is not recommended to register a legal entity; to do this, you will have to spend money on state fees when opening it, register an appropriate account with the bank, make a contribution in the amount of 50% of authorized capital and payment of a number of additional taxes. IP in this sense is much simpler.

However, take care to ensure that the cooperation agreement is formalized in a legally sound manner. It is necessary to spell out all the nuances, responsibilities and rights of the parties, which will prevent you from problems during your work.


The employer must be approached through specialized magazines, outdoor advertising and direct appeal. This means directly calling companies and enterprises in the city offering their services. This can take a lot of time and effort, but in small towns it gives good results.

Will do contextual advertising and teasers on employment sites, as well as universities, training and retraining centers. After developing a certain portfolio, you need to open your own website, where both employers and job seekers can submit applications online, fill out an application form, or make an appointment with a recruiter.


At the initial stage, a recruitment agency requires the following investments in rubles:

Furniture and equipment – ​​80-100 thousand.
-Repair - 200 thousand.
-Internet, telephone and software – 20-45 thousand.
-Rent of premises and communal payments–15-25 thousand
-Advertising - 4-6 thousand.
-Additional expenses - 5 thousand.
-Registration – 40 thousand.

The agency's income depends on the salary of the specialists you are recruiting. You can count on profit only after 2-3 months of work. Closing several applications at the initial stage will bring no more than 60 thousand rubles. A small agency, after “getting on its feet,” brings in 100-200 thousand rubles monthly. Thus, the payback is predicted by experts in about 3-4 years, since the profitability of the activity is low - 10-20%.

The success and fastest possible payback period for a business directly depend on the work of the company’s employees. Therefore, special attention should be paid to personnel selection.

It is worth noting that, despite total unemployment in the country, there is a shortage of highly qualified specialists. Large enterprises are fighting in every possible way for qualified personnel and are ready to pay high salaries employees who meet all their requirements. However, finding truly responsible and trained people is not easy.

Not every entrepreneur understands human psychology and knows how to select wide-profile specialists, in connection with this, there is an urgent need for the existence of recruitment agencies. Therefore, in this publication, we will talk about how to open a recruitment agency from scratch and make it popular.

Why are recruitment agencies needed?

There are many profitable ideas business, one of them is opening a recruitment agency.

What is it and what is its purpose?

The recruitment agency is engaged in the selection and training of personnel for factories, private enterprises and companies of various specializations and directions.

The main goal of the agency is to save time and money for managers large enterprises and firms, provide them with qualified staff who meet all the requirements.

It would seem much easier to hire a person who will form a staff, conduct interviews and hire good shots. But the fact is that not everyone has the skill of selecting and training personnel; this is a delicate matter that cannot be entrusted to just anyone. It is worth noting that about 80% of business success directly depends on the work of employees. Therefore, it is an unaffordable luxury to be irresponsible in the formation of staff.

It has been proven by many experiments that it is much more profitable to entrust the selection and training of personnel to a recruitment agency than to pay for the work of an employee who will be involved in this matter.

Where to start opening a recruitment agency? As in any other field of activity, opening a recruitment agency should start with choosing a direction.

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Types of recruitment agencies

Recruiting agencies

These agencies search for workers for factories, enterprises, companies of various specializations and directions. The purpose of such organizations is that they receive a certain percentage for the employment of each citizen. The services of recruiting agencies are entirely paid for by the employer, thus this organization is an intermediary between the employer and the person seeking income. To attract as many employees as possible, you should convince them of the correct choice and advisability of contacting your agency. To do this, it is necessary to quickly find a candidate necessary work, meeting his wishes, while taking into account the stated requirements of the employer.

Narrow-profile recruitment agencies

These organizations specialize in a specific area. Their task is to constantly select and train employees who meet the stated requirements. It's not easy to do this this work She is very responsible and therefore paid quite well. As a rule, such agencies take money from employers, who, in turn, guarantee employees who meet all the criteria. Most often, such agencies specialize in the selection of domestic staff to work in private homes and hotels.


These are agencies that recruit highly qualified and already trained employees with work experience. Most often, these organizations are engaged in luring workers from one organization to another. The cost of services from such an agency is very high, but it is worth it. Large entrepreneurs spare no expense in paying for high-quality work and forming a highly qualified staff of workers.

International recruitment agencies

These organizations are engaged in the employment of workers abroad in reputable companies and firms. For such an agency to exist, you will need to obtain a license. In turn, you guarantee the employee official employment and job security, and he pays for the agency’s services. Today it is quite difficult to find a job abroad on your own; many scammers only defraud people of money. And the existence of international agencies is an opportunity to get a good position abroad. Therefore, there are quite a lot of people who want to use the services of international employment agencies.

How to open your own recruitment agency?

Having understood the types of agencies that offer recruitment services, you can start opening your own recruitment agency.

Business registration

To get started, you must register with the tax office. First of all, choose the most suitable form of activity. You can register as individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company.

After registration and receipt of all permits for activity, it is necessary to rent an office, make repairs there and equip a place for employees. Next, you can get to work.

Database creation

Scheme of work of recruitment agencies

The work of recruitment agencies seems simple and easy only in appearance, but in fact it is a lot of work. To succeed in the recruitment business, you need to clearly understand and follow the work flow of a recruitment agency. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The activity of a recruitment agency consists of several stages:

  • Search for a customer. At this stage, you collect all the information about the employer, company, conditions of employment, and vacant positions. Next, you need to enter into cooperation agreements with firms, factories, and large companies that require employees.
  • Search for employees. At this stage you already have necessary information about current positions and vacant positions, it is necessary to select personnel that meet the customer’s requirements. To do this, you need to create a questionnaire to search for employees. The application must include as much detailed information as possible, supported by documents.

About the candidate you should know:

  • Personal data (name, surname, place of residence);
  • Education, which is confirmed by a diploma of the appropriate type;
  • Work experience confirmed by documents ( employment history with records, recommendations from previous employers);
  • Age and family background;
  • Additional information at your discretion.

How to find candidates?

There are several options for finding employees:

  1. Advertisements in the media. Job advertisements are submitted to newspapers, magazines, television and radio advertising is ordered;
  2. Direct search for candidates from students who have graduated from the institute. Your agency can establish cooperation with senior educational institutions, and thus obtain trained employees that meet customer requirements;
  3. Searching for employees via the Internet. By using social networks and forums, you can find qualified workers and offer them mutually beneficial cooperation.

After creating a database of clients and employers, staff of the recruitment agency conduct interviews to determine the candidates’ capabilities job seekers, offer them possible option and help you find a job in your desired position. Some recruitment agencies also provide training for workers, for an additional fee, of course.

Profit from a recruitment agency

Naturally, such organizations were not created and, moreover, did not work for free. The profit of a recruitment agency directly depends on its specialization and the number of prisoners employment contracts. It is worth noting that this type of business does not guarantee you a stable and passive income. In this field of activity, more than anywhere else, everything depends on the well-coordinated work of the team and the authority of the agency. Earn money good feedback It’s not easy, but you can lose your authority in a moment. Therefore, in order to survive among such a large number of competitors, you need to work hard all year round.