Recipes for spaghetti with sauce and salmon. Pasta with salmon in creamy sauce - interesting recipes for a delicious dish. How to make a smoked salmon dish

In our family there is no debate about how to cook pasta with salmon in a creamy sauce. This is my husband's signature recipe, and it goes with any smoked or salted salmon, and even trout and tuna. It is prepared in an elementary way (so that even a man who knows how to cook a total of less than a dozen dishes can easily cope with this task). But in terms of taste, this is perhaps the brightest fish cream sauce for pasta that I know.

A quick note on ingredients. If you don't like the thickness of the sauce that you see in my photo, use double the amount of cream. We do it according to our mood - this way, then that. All operations will remain exactly the same, it will just take longer to evaporate the sauce. For two servings, pasta with salmon in cream sauce will take about 15 minutes to cook, but as the number of eaters and sauce increases, so will the cooking time.

The order in which you prepare this dish depends on how many minutes the package directions tell you to cook the pasta. If more than 15 minutes, then start cooking there. If less, start with the sauce and then add the pasta. In any case, the pasta should be boiled to your desired degree of doneness.

Finely chop the onion.

Fry the onion in butter until translucent. While the onion is frying, chop the garlic.

Add the garlic to the onion and fry until the garlic smells from raw to fried (but not burnt). This normally takes 1-2 minutes.

While the onions and garlic are frying, finely chop the salted or smoked salmon.

Throw the fish into the onion and garlic, pour in the cream, mix everything, and simmer the cream over very high heat until the sauce reaches a creamy consistency.

While the sauce is evaporating, chop the parsley.

Drain the pasta completely.

Stir parsley into sauce just before serving.

Serve pasta with salmon in a creamy sauce, preferably with white wine.

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Number of servings: 2

How to cook pasta with salmon at home, step-by-step recipe with photos:

Step 1. Peel the bellies of salmon (which can be found in fish stores at a price 3-4 times cheaper than regular salmon) and cut into small cubes.

While we are preparing our salmon, we put in water for the pasta, which we will boil for 5-7 minutes until al dente, that is, the finished pasta should remain a little hard.

Step 2. In a frying pan greased with olive (or butter) oil, fry the salmon until it turns pink. This takes approximately 7 minutes.

During frying, the salmon does not brown like meat, but acquires a delicate pink hue, which indicates the degree of its preparation.

Step 3. Add herbs, salt, pepper and finely chopped garlic to the fried salmon if desired. Fry it all for another 5 minutes.

H Garlic will highlight the delicate taste of salmon and give it a touch of completeness.

Step 4. Without stopping frying the salmon, pour the cream from the pan in a thin stream and stir it.

Step 5. At this time, the pasta should have already been cooked, so put it on a plate greased with a clove of garlic (for flavor) and place the salmon in cream sauce on top.

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Sometimes you want to treat yourself to something delicious, and Italian pasta in creamy sauce with salmon is exactly what you need in such cases! I will share the recipe for this dish with step-by-step photographs.

Let's prepare everything you need for this recipe:

  • Italian pasta (fettuccine) – 250g;
  • Salmon (you can take any type of red fish) – 150g;
  • Tomato (replaced with tomato) – 1 pc.;
  • Cream (pasteurized, best fat 33-35%) – 150ml;
  • Onions (medium size) – ½ piece;
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • Parmesan (or other type of hard cheese) - to taste;
  • Salt, pepper, thyme (preferably fresh) - a pinch;
  • Olive oil (any kind can be used) – 2 tbsp. l.

First you need to boil the fettuccine until tender. Now let's move on to the sauce. So, how to make creamy sauce with salmon. Let's prepare the fish - cut it into cubes.

Peel the tomato and chop it. Peel the onion and chop it. We pass the garlic through a press or you can grate it on a fine grater. Next, heat the frying pan, add oil and fry the onion and garlic in it for about a minute.

Add tomato, salmon, salt, pepper, thyme and simmer for 5 minutes.

Pour in the cream and cook for another 5-6 minutes.

You can make a creamy sauce from sour cream. But it will have a slightly different taste, with the sourness inherent in sour cream. Grate the cheese on top, stir and turn off the heat. Transfer the dish to a plate and decorate with red caviar, tomato, and herbs as desired. Enjoy!

Photos and recipe taken from

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Pasta (Italian: pasta) became famous throughout the world thanks to Marco Polo, who brought flour products from China. However, ask anyone now what country they consider to be the birthplace of pasta. The answer will be clear - of course, Italy! This is no coincidence, because Italians simply adore pasta, have invented dozens of types of this product, and include thin layers of flour in many famous dishes (think lasagna). And despite their love of pasta, Italians remain one of the most attractive nations in the world. What's the secret? It's very simple - Italians eat only pasta made from durum wheat. Domestic pasta is made mainly from useless soft varieties, which have been stripped of vitamins and minerals and are therefore full of unnecessary calories.

If you love pasta, but watch your figure, we offer you pasta, which is healthy and necessary for the body, just like vegetables or cereals. We will tell you how to prepare delicious pasta with salmon.

Salmon pasta - preparing food and dishes

There are many types of pastes. In our country, manufacturers indicate on the packaging: “shells”, “tubes” or “bows”, while in Italy each type of pasta has a beautiful and sonorous name. Meanwhile, to buy pasta rather than pasta, make sure that the product packaging says “made from durum wheat.” It doesn’t matter what the product is called – pasta or macaroni.

How to cook pasta is indicated on the package; sometimes the cooking time differs depending on the type of flour. So, for example, if flour from Southern Italy was used, then the pasta will be ready in 5 minutes. Northern Italian flour gives the pasta elasticity, but it will also take about 18 minutes to cook. When cooking pasta, add one tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Prepare oil (refined sunflower is best), cheese, olives, cream, sour cream, spices (oregano, basil, ground pepper).

Cook the pasta in a saucepan and the sauce in a frying pan. Serve the pasta on large flat plates.

Salmon pasta recipes

Recipe 1: Salmon Pasta

Prepare a fairly simple dish with sour cream based sauce. Add Parmesan cheese to your pasta for a subtle Italian flavor.

Required ingredients:

  • Salmon – 200 grams
  • Paste – 400 grams (1 pack)
  • Parmesan cheese – 100 grams
  • Sour cream – 200 grams
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices (preferably oregano and ground pink pepper)

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the pasta as directed on the package.
  2. The salmon must be defrosted. Remove bones and skin and cut into large cubes.
  3. Pour a little oil into a hot frying pan, add the fish, add salt and fry for 5 minutes, stirring, until golden brown.
  4. Add sour cream to the salmon, close the lid, and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes under the lid. Turn off the heat, add spices, stir and cover again.
  5. Grate the cheese on the finest grater.
  6. Drain the pasta and add cheese. Arrange the pasta in portions and pour fish sauce on top.

Recipe 2: Pasta with salmon and mushrooms

The sauce will taste best if you use porcini mushrooms, but given their high cost, you can get by with champignons.

Required ingredients:

  • Salmon fillet – 250 grams
  • Paste – 1 package (400 grams)
  • Mushrooms – 300 grams
  • Sour cream – 100 grams
  • Heavy cream – 100 grams
  • Onion – 1 onion
  • Dried basil
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fish and cut into cubes.
  2. Peel and finely chop the onions and mushrooms.
  3. In a hot frying pan, greased with oil, fry the onion, then add the mushrooms. Fry the mixture for 10 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Boil the pasta.
  5. Add fish to the mushrooms, pour sour cream and cream over the mixture, stir, add spices. Simmer under a closed lid over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Place the finished pasta on plates and pour the resulting sauce generously on top.

Recipe 3 : Pasta with salmon and cold green sauce

This dish is more designed for gourmets than for the average food lover. The sourish fresh taste of capers invigorates, and olives emphasize the originality of the dish.

Required ingredients:

  • Pasta of any shape – 400 grams (1 package)
  • Salmon – 300 grams
  • Green olives – 150 grams
  • Capers – 50 grams
  • Fresh dill
  • Sour cream – 200 grams
  • Oregano
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fish, cut into cubes. Fry in a frying pan in hot vegetable oil until cooked.
  2. Boil pasta according to package instructions.
  3. Let's prepare the sauce. In a blender, combine olives, capers, chopped dill and sour cream.
  4. Sprinkle the finished pasta with oregano, place pieces of salmon on top and pour cold green sauce over it.

Recipe 4: Pasta with salmon and seafood

Pasta will turn out very tasty if you diversify its neutral taste with seafood. You will need octopus, squid and mussels.

Required ingredients:

  • Pasta – 1 package (400 grams)
  • Salmon – 200 grams
  • Mussel meat – 150 grams
  • Octopus – 150 grams
  • Squid carcass 1 piece
  • Cream – 150 grams
  • Processed cheese – 150 grams (1 ½ packs)
  • Spices

Cooking method:

  1. Let's start preparing the fish sauce. To do this, cut the fish and octopus meat into cubes, wash the mussels in water and cut each in half.
  2. Boil water and place the squid carcass in it for 1 minute. Then remove it, carefully remove the film, remove the internal hard supports and cut into thin strips.
  3. Heat a frying pan and grease it with oil. Place the fish to fry. After 7-8 minutes, add octopus, mussels and squid. Do not add all the seafood at once, as octopus and squid cook very quickly. Pour cream over seafood and add cheese. Stir until the cheese has dissolved. Cover with a lid and simmer over very low heat with the lid closed. Cooking time – no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Boil the pasta; check the instructions on the package for cooking times.
  5. Place the prepared pasta on plates and pour over the seafood sauce.

Recipe 5: Pasta with salmon and tomatoes

Creamy sauces are best for pasta with fish. We suggest you try pasta with salmon and tomatoes.

Required ingredients:

  • Salmon – 300 grams
  • Tomatoes – 2 pieces
  • Any type of paste – 1 pack
  • Tomato paste – 2 tablespoons
  • Cherry tomatoes (for garnish)
  • Fresh basil
  • Dried basil

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  2. Heat a frying pan, grease it with a little oil and fry, stirring occasionally. tomato paste. Add tomatoes and fish. Fry these ingredients for 5 minutes over high heat, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add dried basil.
  3. Boil the pasta.
  4. Place the finished pasta on plates and add the sauce on top. Garnish with basil leaves and cherry tomato halves.

You can buy any fish for pasta, either frozen or fresh. The second one is easier, because you are almost guaranteed to buy fresh. Salmon should have a neutral odor (or a barely perceptible smell of seawater). A slightly more pronounced smell already indicates that the fish has begun to spoil. The color of salmon can be any (since in our country pink salmon, trout, and salmon are also called salmon), but in any case it is a bright and rich color, without blue or purple tints.

It’s more difficult with frozen fish - after all, the seller can simply place in the freezer a product that was not purchased fresh, and which is already close to losing its freshness. In this case, a huge layer of ice and snow will appear on the fish - it is simply filled with water. Freshly frozen salmon should have the thinnest layer of glaze, and the meat itself should not be loose, but smooth, with an even matte color without overflow.

From Italian “pasta” is translated as “dough”, while the inhabitants of Italy call all pasta pasta. To produce high-quality pasta, durum wheat is used, due to which it contains fiber, as well as complex carbohydrates that are beneficial for the human body.

And for the preparation of both Italian pasta and sauces for it, only olive oil is used. In this case, the pasta is slightly undercooked, that is, cooked “al dente”. Carbonara, balognese, pasta with mushrooms, seafood and salmon are the most popular.

Appetizing pasta with salmon in creamy sauce is an incredibly tasty, very impressive, and most importantly, healthy dish. The fact is that red fish contains a large amount of protein, omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin D and other substances beneficial to the human body. In order for you to get 3 servings of this mouth-watering and incredibly tasty dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of spaghetti (pasta);
  • 250–300 grams of salmon (can be replaced with salmon or trout);
  • 150–200 grams of cream (fat content from 10 to 20 percent);
  • 2 or 3 garlic cloves;
  • ¼ cup olive oil;
  • hard cheese (for example, Parmesan);
  • dill greens;
  • marjoram;
  • oregano;
  • lemon juice;
  • ground black pepper.

Cooking time: 20 minutes. 100 g of the finished dish contains 140 kcal.

Cooking process for pasta with salmon in creamy sauce:

  1. Wash the fish, remove the skin and remove all the bones. Sprinkle it with lemon juice and then cut it into small pieces.
  2. Place the frying pan on the fire, pour olive oil into it and put in the garlic cloves (no need to peel them). Wait until it warms up. Cook the fish placed in the frying pan over high heat for about 5 minutes. After this, the heat is reduced and the salmon is cooked for another 5 to 7 minutes.
  3. Pour the necessary spices into the pan and add cream. Simmer the sauce for a few minutes until it thickens a little.
  4. Preparation of pasta: you will need a large saucepan, which should be filled with water. Boil it. Add salt to taste, pour in olive oil (a few drops) and add pasta (the cooking time is indicated on the package). You need to remove the water from the finished pasta; to do this, place it in a colander.
  5. Place the pasta into bowls, place the fish on top and pour the sauce over everything. At the end, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and finely chopped dill.

Bon appetit!