Entertaining and educational game “Merry Cooks. Outline of a physical education lesson (senior group) on the topic: Sports festival "Cook's Day"

Dear friends! In this issue we will tell you about the very necessary and interesting profession of a cook. Collected here various materials for preparing classes with children preschool age, how in kindergarten, and at home. Children will get acquainted with new concepts and terms, go on an excursion to the canteen and meet the people who work there - the pastry chef, the baker, the dishwasher. We also offer you attributes for the game - you can download ready-made menus, cards for the game "What's Extra", price tags, signs, etc. This material can be used in kindergartens as mobile folders.

You can also download an interesting and educational children's electronic presentation , which will tell the children the whole path of transforming chocolate from the fruits of the cocoa tree.
Attention! The presentation requires a password, you need to click the "Read Only" button.

Profession "Cook"

Today you and I will go on a new excursion. Today we will get acquainted with the profession of a cook.

Who is a chef? A cook is a person whose profession is cooking. Who do you think can work as a cook? Anyone who loves to cook can work as a chef. How easy do you think it is to cook? You say: “Of course, because my mother and grandmother cook every day. And everything they do turns out very tasty!”

In fact, cooking is not an easy task! It’s easy to cook two or three bowls of soup and fry some potatoes. But making 100 servings of soup cooked in a huge saucepan taste delicious, or preparing a truly delicious lunch for several hundred people is very difficult. It’s no wonder that chefs spend a long time studying to cook well.

Where do you think a chef can work?

Now you and I will go to the dining room. What is a canteen? The dining room is large room where they eat. There is a canteen in kindergartens, schools and factories.

Kindergarten cook

A star sparkles in the sky,

The mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,

Only the cook can’t sleep -

The cook gets up after dark.

The porridge gurgles lightly,

And the scrambled eggs sizzle,

And to the delicious noise and hubbub

Appetite enters the bedrooms.

We'll sit together in the dining room,

Like a huge family.

I'll be a cook in the dining room -

That's what I decided myself!

Example dialogue:

IN.: Have you ever been to the cafeteria?

R.: Was.

IN.: Did you like the way the food was prepared? Was it delicious?

R.: Yes

IN.: Who prepared the food in the dining room?

R.: Cook.

IN.: What is the chef wearing? In regular clothes or in special ones?

R.: To the special one.

IN.: That's right, the cook must be dressed in a snow-white robe and cap. The cap covers the cook's hair to prevent it from getting into the food. After all, it is very unpleasant to find hair in food. The chef's robe should always be clean and without pockets. Put in pockets various little things, and the cook should not store small items (buttons, combs, pencils, etc.) in his pockets, as they may accidentally get into the food.

IN.: Do you think the chef washes his hands before he starts cooking?

R.: Washes.

IN.: Certainly! Before preparing food, the cook must wash his hands with soap, rinse them thoroughly with water and wipe them dry with a towel. While preparing food, cooks also keep their hands clean. To do this, the kitchen always has a tap with cold and hot water, soap lies, a towel hangs.

IN.: What do you think, does our health and beauty depend on what we eat?

R.: Yes.

IN.: Of course it depends! In order for us to move, study, work, play, we must eat. After all, it is with food that we get a large number of vitamins Different foods contain different vitamins, so your diet should be varied. Many foods need to be cooked before eating. This is what chefs do.

So, we are going with you to the dining room. Today we will watch the cook at work.

There is a special room in the dining room for cooking. What do you think it's called? Well, of course, this is the kitchen.

The cook gets up early in the morning. He comes to his work before everyone else, because he needs to have time to prepare breakfast. In the kitchen, the chef has items that help him in cooking. What do you think these objects are?

Admire, look -

The North Pole is inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there,

Winter itself lives there. (Refrigerator)

Four blue suns

In grandma's kitchen

Four blue suns

They burned and went out.

The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling.

No need for sun until tomorrow. (Gas stove)

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. (Spoon)

Among spoons I am a colonel.

And my name is... (Ladle)

There are four legs under the roof,

Above the roof - soup and spoons. (Table)

Hard, full of holes,

Prickly, clumsy.

What will they put on her back?

She will immediately devour everything. (Grater)

When it boils, steam comes out,

And it whistles and bursts with heat,

The lid rattles and knocks.

- Hey, take me off! - shouts. (Kettle)

Together with the cook we will come to the kitchen. What will he cook for breakfast? What do you most often eat for breakfast? Of course, porridge. Wash the cereal thoroughly and pour it into boiling milk; the porridge must be salted and sweetened. Every chef uses his imagination when cooking. After all, he can add something unusual to every dish. For example, he can put raisins or dried apricots in porridge, and the porridge will immediately become tastier.

And you also need to brew delicious cocoa. The cook will have time for everything!

Well, breakfast is ready. Soon people will come to the dining room for breakfast. What should the chef do now?

The cook prepares plates and spoons, cups, napkins. And as soon as people came to the dining room, they neatly laid out delicious porridge into plates and pours cocoa into cups!

The cook does not forget to smile at everyone and wish them bon appetit!

But the people ate and left. Here the dishwasher comes to the aid of the cook. Who is this dishwasher(fix the word)? This is the person who washes the dishes. His responsibilities include rinsing the dishes well and putting them in their places. This is a very hard and responsible job.

What will the cook do now? Maybe rest? Of course not. He still has to cook lunch and then dinner.

Well, now we’ve been to the dining room, but where else can a cook work? A cook can work in a cafe and restaurant, in a pastry shop (cooking shop), or in a bakery.

A cook works in a pastry shop - confectioner(fix the word). What does a pastry chef do? The pastry chef prepares sweet and flour dishes: pastries, cakes, pies, candies.

A cook works at a bakery baker(fix the word). Buying bread at the store and bakery products, few people think about how and by whom they were made. And they were made by bakers. The bakery never stops its work; bakers work day and night, day and night shifts. And all this so that we have fresh bread on our table at any time.

What qualities do you think are needed to be a chef?

The cook must have good memory, because he must remember how to prepare certain dishes, how much and what foods to put, what side dishes to serve (i.e. vegetables, cereals) for cutlets, chicken, fish, meat.

The cook must be clean.

The cook must be very attentive.

The cook must have a well-developed imagination, because the cook not only prepares the dishes, but also decorates them before serving. And many chefs come up with their own dishes and give them names.

Well, we got acquainted with the profession of a cook. Next time, carefully watch how your mother cooks, maybe you’ll come up with some interesting ideas!



Cheerful cook

I'm cooking


Nothing tastes better -

He's the only one like that.


Anywhere -

Not great

And not small.

Up I

Threw him up -

And he caught it.

He's an acrobat.

Like a circus performer,

With agility






To you

Can't see



Semyon Ostrovsky



And today in our group

There will be a new game:

All the girls are cooks

And the boys are cooks.

We put on robes

Head caps.

And saucepans with scoops

They were laid out on the tables.

Our cubes are potatoes,

And a carrot is a pencil.

Even a ball will become a bow -

Will delicious soup our.

Let's salt everything, stir it,

Let's pour it into plates.

Let's have fun planting the dolls

And we'll feed you before bed.

Today we are cooks,

We are chefs today!

But we’ll wash the plates,

After all, the game is over.



Give the cook the following ingredients:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.

Sergey Chertkov


The cook is creating at the stove,

It's like he soars on wings.

Everything is seething around him,

The kitchen is his forge.

Each of his creations -

Just a fairy tale, delicious,

Thoughts, creativity flight.

Anyone who has tried it will understand.

Profession COOK (PARABLE)

Why did the student return?

Philosophers once gathered and argued about which profession was more important. One said:

– The teacher is the most needed. It is impossible without education.

“Without builders, a person will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will lose beautiful buildings,” said the second philosopher.

– Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. Art distinguishes man from animals, exclaimed the third philosopher.

Here the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

– Dear scientists, you have forgotten about the profession of a cook.

– You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go, prepare dinner,” the owner got angry.

The student silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch; the student disappeared. The owner had to prepare dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt ill and went home.

The owner found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher, the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was unable to think after eating. The philosopher thought, and then fired the new cook and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but an art.”

Soon, pundits began to gather again in the philosopher’s house. The discussion was interrupted only by a delicious lunch prepared by the student.

“Cooking is not a craft, but an art,” the owner said after dinner.

Didactic games.

"What's extra" cards.

Goals and objectives: To develop children’s ability to distinguish between the same and different things. Develop attentiveness and ability to generalize. Develop coherent speech.

There are playing fields depicting the food needed for cooking various dishes. There is one extra item on each card.

A game: Invite the children to look carefully at the cards and determine what is superfluous on these cards and explain why.

Word game “Cooking compote”

Goals and objectives: Developing attention, intensifying the use of adjectives, expanding the vocabulary.

The presenter says:

Today we will cook compote, I will name the berries and fruits, and you will tell me what kind of compote you will get from them.

For example:

Strawberry - strawberry, raspberry - raspberry, blackberry - blackberry, apple - apple, pear - pear.

Note: you can also play others word games: Cook soup, make salad, bake a pie, etc.

Word game “Waiting for guests”

Goals and objectives: Development of attention, consolidation of the names of dishes, expansion of vocabulary.

The presenter says:

Guests will come to us today. Let's set the festive table. I will tell you the food or food, and you will tell me where to put it.

For example:

Sugar - in a sugar bowl, candy - in a candy bowl, butter - in a butter dish, bread - in a bread box, fruit - in a vase, etc.

Role-playing game "Dining Room (Cafe)"

Tasks: To develop in children interest and respect for the profession of a cook. Cultivate an attentive attitude towards visitors and a culture of communication.

Roles: cook, pastry chef, dishwasher, waiter, dining room visitors.

Game actions:

The cook “prepares the dishes” (places game items on the plates), “pours” drinks into cups, and hands them to the waiters.

Developed by: Natalya Vlasova

This material is intended for personal use only. It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to publish it in other online publications.

Nina Mullina

Entertainment script “Merry Cooks” senior preschool age

Target: To form ideas about the work of adults and its social significance. To consolidate knowledge about the profession and expand children’s ideas about the profession of a cook. Develop an interest in cooking, the skill of using a knife correctly, and the ability to cut vegetables and fruits into cubes. Foster respect for the work of adults.

Tasks: to systematize ideas about the work of a cook, promote the ability to work in a team together, develop dexterity, speed, and cultivate respect for people of this profession.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the profession of a cook, learning poems and songs. A selection of proverbs and sayings. Looking at pictures and videos. Excursion to the kindergarten catering unit.

Equipment: vegetables and fruits, chairs, tables, tray, plates, forks, knives. Salters and napkins for everyone

Products for making sandwiches and salads (pre-cut decorations)

Hello. Isenmesez.

Children stand in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Today we don't have normal game. We will find out what we will play and what we will talk about when you solve the riddle

Walks around in a white cap

With a ladle in hand,

He cooks lunch for everyone

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette. (COOK)

(video about the work of a cook).

Educator. That's right - it's a COOK. What do you know about the profession of a cook?

It's always nice to eat people

When food tastes good

And good cooks

The food is always delicious.

Roast, fish, vinaigrette.

Okroshka and borscht,

Salad, cutlets and omelet

And buns and cabbage soup.

Everything is always fresh with them

Well, as it should be

Food can't burn

And it shouldn't burn.

That's why they rush to them,

They go to dinner with them.

And they thank them for a long time

For this delicious work.

Educator: Yes guys, you are right. A cook is a person whose profession is cooking. The cook provides tasty and satisfying meals to adults and children in schools, kindergartens, and factories. This is a very responsible and hard job. The best food is the one that is prepared with love. From generation to generation, people passed on the secrets of preparing various dishes. Each nation has its own national cuisine. What National dishes you know (the children name and show the slides on the screen: loaf, pancakes, Russian dumplings, gubadia, baursak, echpechmek.) Children's answers (photos of dishes)

Teacher I have a proposal for you. Let's try to become cooks. I will be the chef (wears an apron and cap, I will supervise the process of our work. You will be my assistants.

I want to be a cook

Cabbage soup, potatoes, soup.

Make delicious cookies

And a glorious treat,

So that our mother said

What a miracle, your porridge.

Give the cook the following ingredients:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice. Potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.

Educator Today we will prepare fruit, vitamin salad and sandwiches. Because it’s winter outside and our body needs vitamins. What do you think, which has more vitamins in vegetables or fruits? (children's answers)

It’s true that fruits contain more vitamins.

Guys, what is a salad? (children's answers).

Bananas, pears, grapes

Serve a divine salad

All you have to do is decide to come to the table...

And here is a flock of tender beauties

He eats the salad in languor,

This arrangement pleases the eye,

VIVAT, my fruit salad!

Right. Salad is a cold dish made from finely chopped vegetables or fruits. What is a sandwich?

R – k: what is a sandwich?

This is on, and this is under.

What is placed on top?

Butter, fish, ham.

Cucumber, caviar and cheese,

The bread is placed from below - under,

And a SANDWICH comes out.

Educator For sandwiches you will need bread - ipi, butter - mai, cucumber - kyyar, sausage, green dill.

And so we have everything we need for work on the table, we can get to work. But the work of a cook requires cleanliness in everything. You should not start cooking in dirty clothes or with unwashed hands. Before work, you need to wash your hands and put on an apron (we wipe our hands with wet wipes).

R –k: We guys are cooks.

We love to help mom

And now to our kitchen

Let's walk happily.

And so you can start making a fruit, vitamin salad with beautiful name“TASTY”, with tastes still unknown to us. And sandwiches.

(the girls make salad, and the boys make sandwiches.) Lisa M. cuts an apple - Alma, Angelina - a banana, Dasha H. - a pear, Elina - Kiwi. Danil - bread - epi, Roma - sausage, Seryozha - cucumber - kyyar, Arseny - butter - may.

But REMEMBER! That you need to work with knives carefully and carefully so as not to cut yourself.

As soon as the cutting is ready, we put all the fruits in a salad bowl and season it with yogurt, mix well, and the salad is ready.

(Slide show - children and parents cooking at home)

Do you know riddles about fruits? (Call riddles about who has which fruit or vegetable)

Delicious fruit from hot countries

It's called... banana.

The fruit looks like a tumbler

Wears a yellow shirt

Breaking the silence in the garden, a pear fell from the tree

Round, rosy,

I grow on a branch, adults love me

And little kids... apple

The fruit is fleecy - velvety

Peel off the skin sweet sour

Similar in appearance to potatoes

The inside of a gooseberry looks like... kiwi

No windows, no doors

The room is full of “people”

While the children are cooking, I read them proverbs, and they must finish them. Do you know the proverbs? I'm reading and you have to finish:

Porridge with butter... (you won’t spoil it)

One with a ladle, and seven... (with a spoon)

Every vegetable has its time... (time)

Tastes could not be discussed)

First damn... (lumpy)

Well done teacher! You are already finishing your work, the fruit is ready for the salad. Put everything in a salad bowl and top it with yogurt. And the salad is ready. But a salad should not only be enjoyable, but also arouse your appetite. And in order for it to stimulate appetite, it must be decorated (decorate the salad with pre-prepared fruit preparations). Salad ready. We've dealt with the Salad, let's see what's going on with the sandwiches. Well done, the guys did their job and turned out wonderful sandwiches and they also need to be decorated (with pre-prepared vegetable figures and decorative umbrellas)

Teacher And now let's set the table and invite all the guests.

Accept the treat and praise us.

Our holiday is coming to an end, all the guys tried very hard, let's all dance the “LITTLE COOKS” dance together.

Publications on the topic:

“The Complaint Book of Nature” - an educational game for the older group"The Complaint Book of Nature." Educational game for older groups. Objectives of the game: to teach children to look carefully at the world, see.

Purpose of the game: activation of the dictionary on lexical topics "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Berry and Mushrooms"; consolidation and differentiation of the concepts “Vegetables”, “Fruits”,.

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the work of a cook, promote the ability to work in a team, develop dexterity, speed, and instill respect.

For children 8-12 years old.
The most impressive entertainment is a festive concert, where young talents who came to congratulate the birthday boy perform.
The topics of concerts can be very diverse. The form of organization and holding can be different: a congratulation concert, an impromptu concert, a report concert.
What will you need for a holiday concert?
The room is spacious - suitable for a concert.
Colorful poster about the concert.
Tickets for spectators.
Birthday gifts.
Phonograms, microphones, musical instruments.

Forbidden fruit - game (competition) for children

Number of players: two, or even number
Additionally: sheets of paper, apple
Two participants or two teams and one representative each are required. Each player is given two sheets of paper; at the leader’s signal, the players run to the opposite side of the room, while they step only on sheets of paper, moving in turn from one sheet to another. In the end, one of the players will be the first to reach opposite side rooms.

Cooks - game (competition) for children

Number of players: two
Additionally: 2 pans, food (or pictures of food)
Two pots are placed on the tables. Participants must select the desired products or pictures and “cook” the borscht.
Then the jury looks at the correctness of the components in the borscht and the speed of its preparation. The one who cooks it more correctly and faster wins.

Watermelon helmet - game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: watermelons
Select a few volunteers. Give each volunteer half a watermelon. Their task is to eat all the pulp of the watermelon as quickly as possible, picking it out with their hands. The cleaned “watermelon helmet” must be placed on your head.
The winner is the one who does it faster and whose helmet is whiter on the inside.

Sock - a game for children

Competition for folk tales - game for children

Number of players: any
Additional: no
Children are divided into two teams. The presenter says the first words from the title folk tales, participants must say this title in its entirety. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.
1. Ivan Tsarevich and the gray... (wolf)
2. Sister Alyonushka and brother... (Ivan)
3. Finist - Clear... (falcon)
4. Princess - ... (Toad)
5. Geese - ... (Swans)
6. By pike... (order)
7. Frost... (Ivanovich)
8. Snow White and the seven... (dwarfs)
9. Little Humpbacked Horse - ... (Humpbacked Horse)

Jellyfish - game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: silk scarves according to the number of participants
Participants must throw their silk scarf into the air without dropping it on the floor. The winner is the participant who manages to hold the scarf in the air for as long as possible.

Balloon racing - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: Balloons by number of participants
All participants sit on balloons and stand on the starting line. At the leader's signal, the races begin.
The winner of the competition will be the child whose balloon bursts last.

Scenario of the professional chef competition “Culinary Duel”

Location: college teaching laboratory

Form of conduct: contest

Purpose of the event: improving professional skills, strengthening professional qualities, the ability to work in a team, nurturing love for the profession, promoting culinary art.

Participants: 1st, 2nd, 3rd year students of agrotechnical college

Jury: Shakirova Tanzilya Artikvaevna – deputy. director for sustainable development

Altybekova Saule Tokhtashevna – Deputy Director for HR

Snezhkovskaya Galina Afanasyevna - teacher

Grade: according to a 5 point system.

Conditions of the competition

Each group provides 2 people to participate in the competition.

Stage 1: Introductory – assessed on a 5-point system

(includes appearance participants, name and motto and presentation of teams.)

Stage 2: Professional - assessed on a 5-point system

(includes cutting vegetables for participants of the 1st course, forming potato slices for participants of the 2nd course, preparing and serving salads for participants of the 3rd course)

Stage 3: Black box - assessed according to a 5-point system

(includes questions on knowledge of material in special disciplines)

Stage 4: Creative – assessed on a 5-point system

(includes display of students' creative work)

Decor: name of the competition, balls, production tables, cutting boards, tools, products.)

Progress of the competition

Fanfare sounds. The competition participants come out. (A presentation about the college begins to be shown on the projector.)

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon dear friends!

We are pleased to welcome you to the professional competition “Culinary Duel”. Famous philosopher Hippocrates said: Our food should be a remedy. And our medicine should be our food.

Presenter 2:

These are wise words. Nowadays, it is quite obvious that food is the most powerful antibiotic, because it protects the body from germs. If the population of the whole world ate properly, then we would hardly need medicine.

Presenter 1:

Proper nutrition this is the key to our health, beauty and this is real art.

(soft music sounds)


Philosophers once gathered and argued about what profession

more important. One said:

The teacher is the most needed. Without education, progress will stop.

No... Without builders, a person will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will lose beautiful buildings, said the second philosopher.

Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. Art

distinguishes man from animals,” exclaimed the third philosopher.

Here the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

Dear scientists, you have forgotten about the profession of a cook.

You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not

art. “Go cook dinner,” the owner got angry. The student silently left the room.

On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch; the student disappeared. The owner had to prepare dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt ill and went home.

The owner found another servant. Time has passed, and the philosopher is the master of the house,

noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was unable to

was thinking. The philosopher thought and fired the new cook, and sent a note to his former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but

art ".

Soon, pundits began to gather again in the philosopher’s house. Discussion

interrupted only by a delicious lunch prepared by the student.

Cooking is not a craft, but an art, the owner said after every dinner.

The projector shows the video “Song of Students”

Presenter 1:

Today at the competition our participants will demonstrate culinary art.

Presenter 2:

But the winner of the competition will be chosen by our respected jury.

I will introduce you to the jury today

Their eyes are burning with hot fire

They will appreciate competitions without flaw

They will give their points carefully

It’s very difficult to evaluate competitions.

Leading: Our jury:

Sharikova Tanzilya Artikvaevna

Altybekova Saule Tokhtashevna

Snezhkovskaya Galina Afanasyevna

(A presentation of the design of New Year’s dishes is shown on the projector)

Presenter 1:

and now let’s draw lots (draws lots for participants dividing them into 2 teams. Offers to choose a team captain)

Presenter 2:

What do we not eat in life?

We try, of course, what is most necessary

And we thank the cooks for their work

Create even tastier food

More pleasant and preferably healthier

So that we don’t get sick from food

Presenter 1:

Be full and light at the same time

Without resorting to tricky diets

We believe in your golden hands

And advanced in technology

And that they are able to feed everyone

May the competition be a success!

(The video “Cook’s Song” is shown on the projector.)


The time has come for the first stage of the competition. Teams need to come up with a name, a motto and present it to the jury and spectators. Time for this competition is 5 minutes. Score – 5 points (gives out signs and markers to team captains)

(quiet music sounds.)

Team members perform the first stage of the competition.)


The first task time has expired. Let's see what our teams have prepared. (Teams perform, the jury gives and comments on scores)

The projector displays a scoreboard with the teams' first scores.

Leading: “The 2nd stage of our competition is called “Professional”.

(Team captains are given tasks.) The time to complete the task is 15 minutes. Each task is assessed separately using a 5-point system. (1 course – cutting potatoes into small and medium cubes

2nd course – forming potato shells

Course 3 - preparing and serving salad)


In the meantime, while the participants are completing the task, we will hold a quiz with the audience.

1. This fruit tastes good and looks like a lamp (pear)

2.What dish can you cook at home, even if the refrigerator is empty? (porridge from an ax)

3.What in Russian sayings falls from the sky absolutely free? (manna from heaven)

4. What Kazakh dish is eaten with 5 fingers? (besbarmak)

5. Traditional Kazakh dishes for besbarmak? (ASTAU)

6.The yellow ball has a bitter taste, but in the summer it will quench your thirst..(grapefruit)

7. Which animal knows how to combine business with pleasure? (and Vaska listens and eats)

8.What menu does V. Mayakovsky offer? (eat pineapples, chew hazel grouse)

9. A delicacy that will take you to heaven if you taste it? (bounty)

10.Which fish likes to be dressed? (herring under a fur coat)

12. Name a plant of the legume family, the name of which was borne by the ancient king? (King Pea)

The projector shows a video of table settings and the design of children's dishes.

Leading: Stage 2 of our competition has come to an end. We ask the jury to evaluate the teams' work.

The jury evaluates the teams and comments on the scores. On the projector, the teams are given marks for the 2nd stage of the competition in the evaluation table.

Presenter 1:

A good cook is like an artist

With a palette of fruits. Cream, rose

Creates the luxury of cakes

A whole cartload of recipe connoisseurs

Presenter 2:

No lotions or perfumes

Smells very tasty

Clean hands ready

Wash from morning to night

He knows how to distinguish

Third from second

Who is he - just guess

This is a great cook

Leading: The third stage of our “Black Box” competition has arrived

I ask the captains to receive their assignments. Time to complete the task is 5 minutes. Rating using a 5-point system.

The video “Decorating holiday dishes” is shown on the projector.

Team members perform the third stage of the competition.


The time to complete the third stage of the competition has expired. I ask the jury to evaluate the work of the teams. (the jury gives scores, comments on them, scores for the 3rd stage of the competition are displayed on the screen)

Leading: Our competition today ends with the 4th stage “Creative”

Participating in this competition are: creative works our students. I ask the jury to go through and evaluate the work using a 5-point system.

(the jury goes through and evaluates the work, comments on the scores. The scores for the 4th stage of the competition are displayed on the screen)


And now the floor is given to the chairman of the jury, Tanzila Artikvaevna Shakirova. (The chairman of the jury names the winners, comments on the competition)

(Touch sounds for the winners of the professional competition)

Larisa Dorogina
Entertainment “Merry Cooks” for children of middle and senior groups and their parents

Entertainment« Cheerful cooks» For children and parents wed. and art. gr.

Target: development of horizons, creative and logical


Tasks: Development communication skills and knowledge enrichment

children about healthy eating.

Development fine motor skills and attention. Strengthen the skill

work with a mnemonic table.

Involvement parents into the educational and gaming process.

Summing up the culinary project




Children sit in the hall on chairs. Dunno and Donut enter to the song about food.

Dunno: Hello boys and girls!

And also their parents!

You invite us to visit

Would you like to go to your kindergarten?

Donut: (chews) Yes Yes!

Visit for delicious cutlets, buns and compote.

Leading: Of course, we invite you to visit

And we'll feed you something delicious.

But it's not lunch time yet.

Let's play and work up an appetite.

Nez. and Ponch: Okay, just don’t forget to feed him.

Leading: Let's go to the store together. And we’ll choose useful ones there

health products.

Dunno: I like to go to the store. There are so many delicious things there! Candy, chips, soda!

Leading: Wait, Dunno! Let's choose useful ones together with the guys


Game - relay race “To the store for healthy products”

(music "Hymn to Dunno")

Dunno chooses unhealthy foods. Children explain to him the benefits and harms of products for a child’s health.

Dunno: I went to school in "Flower City". We are there very often

They asked riddles. It was very difficult to guess them. And you

Can you solve riddles? Whoever guesses my riddles will

Will receive vitamin (apple)

It turns out several children at will.

Mom rolled the meat

Thick "porridge" received.

She can become a cutlet.

But what should we call it?

From eggs and milk -

Let it fry slightly.

It always turns out

Very tasty food.

The cereal is poured into the pan,

Fill with cold water

And they put it on the stove to cook.

And what can happen here?

Small, tasty

The wheel is edible.

I won't eat it alone

I'll share it with all the guys.

Ice cream

Children love it very much

Chill in a bag.

Chill, chill,

Let me lick you once!

They crush and roll

They are hardened in the oven.

And then at the table

Cut with a knife.

And always white.

Even though it flows

Not water.

Yes, you know how to solve riddles, here's a vitamin for you.

Music is playing. Dance « Cooks» Wed gr.

Well, think about it, businesslike; cook soup or compote - this is very

You put everything in a saucepan and put it on the stove. All is ready!

Leading: Come on, Donut, let’s check it out. Is it easy to cook soup and compote?

A game "Cook according to the recipe" (mnemonic table)

Music "Jumble"

Donut: Oh, it’s not easy to cook, you can mix everything up and then it will turn out


Dunno sings quietly: “Okay, okay, we baked pancakes...”

Leading: What are you singing there, Dunno?

Dunno: Yes, I remembered a song about delicious food. And now I think

parents know these songs.

Donut: Let's check. Come out to us and let’s sing... (2-3 people)

Songs about food: "Two pieces of sausage..."


“I love pasta...”

"We shared an orange..."


Well done parents! You sing well, and your memory doesn’t let you down.

Leading: Guys, do you know which vegetables can be eaten raw and which

only boiled. Or maybe you can cook it or not...

A game "Raw-Cooked"

Donut: Yes, you won’t be fooled, you know everything. Do you know any poems about food?

My friend Antoshka and I

We grow potatoes all day.

Early in the morning they planted

Weeded and watered.

And they spud it up a little.

You grow, grow, potatoes!

An hour has passed, another is coming,

But the potatoes don't grow.

We checked all the time

They took it out and measured it.

And then they loosened it,

Weeded and watered.

So see you in the evening with Antoshka

We were busy with potatoes.

And my friend Antoshka said:

<Что-то не растёт картошка.

We'll get up early tomorrow

And let's start growing bananas>.

Chocolate Train

Very tasty and elegant


Along the carriages

The inscription went-


All the cars in it

There were pure chocolate,

And the carriage benches

There were cancerous necks.

He rushed like the wind,

But unfortunately

Vez is sweet.

These terrible sweet tooths


All carriages

And then they couldn’t resist

The locomotive with the chimney was eaten

And of course, halfway

They had to walk.

Semolina porridge recipe

Boil the milk

Add salt, sugar,

Stir everything easily

Season with semolina slowly,

Stirring vigorously,

Cool, but not too much

And tied a bib,

Porridge can be given to children.

Dunno: Guys, what do you like to eat most? (answers children)

Donut and I also have favorite foods. Do you want to know which one?

Collect the puzzles and find out.

Game “Favorite FoodMusic” "Strawberry jam"

Leading: Yes, you have a great sweet tooth! Can you recognize the taste of the products?

A game "Taste it"

Donut: Your beloved mothers probably love to pamper you with anything

Delicious. Are dads ready to surprise us?

We invite dads to the competition “The most delicious and healthy menu”

Music "Fools village"

They choose the best menu based on applause.

Dunno: Cakes, pastries, ice cream…. (pats belly)

Guys, my friend Syrup will have a birthday soon.

Please help me decorate a cake for him.

Jewelry needs to be laced. Can you?

Game - lacing "Decorate the cake" ml. and Wed gr.

Music "Barbariki"

The cakes turned out beautiful. The syrup boy will like it. And there will be enough guests


Leading: Our guys are jacks of all trades, contact us when you need help,

Yes, guys?

Dunno: Guys, a package arrived yesterday, and in it....”

Red maiden in prison

And the scythe is on the street.” a whole box.

And I don’t know what to do with her.

Tell me what to do.

Chain game “What can you do with carrots?”(gnaw, crunch, grate, cut, wash, treat, water, draw, peel, stew, fry, squeeze juice, cook, carrot cutlets, salad, carrot jam, carrot puree,

Donut: And I have so many sweets, what can I do with them (eat, treat, unfold, buy, give, choose,

Well, you give it! There are answers to all questions. Is this what they teach you in kindergarten?

Leading: Our children learn a lot of interesting things in kindergarten.

Come to us and we will teach you.

Dunno, Donut: We'll definitely come!

And now for this entertainment

We'll give you treats!

Leading: Thank you very much, it’s a pleasure!

We invite you to watch the presentation

Our parents“Our favorite and healthy dish”

View the presentation.



Tea party in groups.