Entertainment for children. Outdoor swimming pool "Chaika". Concert Hall named after P.I. Tchaikovsky

Moscow is a metropolis offering many options for family leisure. There are places to go here with very young children, older kids, and teenagers who are not easy to please. This article will talk about establishments, events, entertainment for children from three to seven years old. But how do you choose where to go with your child this weekend?

Various options where you can go with children in Moscow

The question of where to go with a small child in Moscow involves a lot of answers. Based on the interests of the baby, physical and mental needs, characteristics of a particular stage of development:

  • For fidgety kids aged five to seven, outdoor activities, trampoline centers and labyrinths are suitable. Active children like rope parks, both outdoor and indoors, laser tag, and attractions that allow them to fully release their seething energy.
  • Thoughtful guys, loving calm events we recommend visiting the recently fashionable children's sand shows, science museums, including the Planetarium. Among the open areas, you will enjoy excursions through the green areas of Moscow, as well as meeting with city attractions.
  • We advise young adventurers to go on quests, organized by the capital's children's centers, as well as to museums and popular entertainment venues, which are represented in Moscow in a huge number. By the way, this is a good option for holding fun family holidays - birthdays, for example.
  • If the baby loves animal world, is delighted with the Animal Planet programs, go with your growing youngster to zoo, dolphinarium, oceanarium. Both adults and the baby will receive the most positive impressions, and time will fly by. If you want to touch the animals, hold them in your arms, treat them with a tasty treat, perfect option– go to petting zoos, of which there are plenty in Moscow.
  • I want spectacles performances, immersion in the world of performing arts? Capital doors theaters, where interesting children's performances are constantly organized, including interactive ones, open every day. Numerous movie theaters offer fun, educational screenings for the whole family. And if you want new sensations, visit extended virtual reality room (4D, 5D), or watch a full-dome movie in the Planetarium that reveals the secrets of the universe. True, it is suitable for children aged five years and older; little ones may get bored.

The capital offers an endless variety of options for where you can go with a small child. You could choose new places every weekend and still not see everything. Let's start:

Where to go with your child in Moscow in the fresh air. We have fun, relax, develop in open areas.

The child needs help organizing his leisure time not only during walks, but also at home. Absolute hit of 2018- set for creativity “Paint with light”- have been flying off the shelves of all children's stores for several months now. And no wonder! After all, this simple and cheap toy helps develop a child’s creative abilities and introduces him to the laws of physics in a playful way.

If you want to take a walk, not just for health benefits, but also to gain new knowledge, look at the architecture of Moscow, get acquainted with the famous sights of the hero city, you will have dozens of ideas.

Free options for walking a child 3-7 years old in Moscow

Many children are interested in the historical places of the capital, large estates where royalty, representatives of the noble or merchant classes used to live, historical museums under open air– in a word, everything that Russia is rightfully proud of.

History of the capital: streets, alleys and nooks and crannies: the center of Moscow

When deciding where to go with a five- to seven-year-old child in Moscow (and also with a baby, but then it’s better to take a stroller), do not leave the center of the capital without attention:

Red Square. Children are fascinated by the view of the Kremlin, the wide pavement lining Vasilyevsky Spusk, the ensemble of red brick wall, St. Basil's Cathedral and GUM. By the way, if it suddenly gets cold, you can look into the main supermarket of the country: firstly, there are a lot of cafes there, and secondly, glass dome and various installations will delight the inquisitive little one.

Okhotny Ryad. The place is especially interesting with a cascade of fabulous fountains that embody familiar stories. There is a fox with a crane, and Ivan Tsarevich with a frog, and a duck with a brood of hasty ducklings. Little fast food lovers will love McDonald's, located right in the Okhotny Ryad building, but we don't recommend going there: there are very long lines.

Alexander Garden. Located near the Kremlin, on the side of the Eternal Flame. The entrance is decorated with elegant wrought iron gates. The length of the garden is sufficient to take a walk without feeling the frantic rhythm of life in the metropolis: from Red Square to the exit to the Kremlin embankment. This place is especially beautiful in summer, when luxurious flower beds bloom wildly everywhere, and in winter you will find charm snow fairy tale. Works around the clock.

Arbat. One of the most famous streets of Old Moscow. They are constantly selling something, showing something, offering something, organizing something. Life is in full swing, and you can often unexpectedly find yourself at an ethnic music concert, a dance performance, or even a magician's performance. Moreover, all this is completely free, especially for grateful spectators-passers-by, right in the middle of the famous street.

Sergei Sadov, who plays on Arbat almost at any time of the year

There are many more interesting places both in the capital's center and a little further away. For lovers of active street walks in large parks, we recommend visiting Sokolniki, Gorky Park, VDNKh, Vorobyovy Gory. Such a family vacation will not hurt your pocket at all, but will bring a lot of bright impressions.

Important tip! Still, take a certain amount of money with you. A number of the listed places (Arbat, VDNKh, Sokolniki, Vorobyovy) offer souvenirs, handmade goods, books and other interesting items that you may want to purchase.

Estates: impressive palaces and picturesque parks.

Moscow - ancient city, in which numerous noble families flourished, the heirs to the throne grew up and were educated, and noble merchants and merchants lived. It is not surprising that many estates have been preserved, and wandering through the open spaces is a real pleasure for the whole family. In summer you can have a picnic on the lawns of the estates, and in winter you can go downhill. Tours are offered to many of the palaces and churches of these residences.


The former residence of the Sheremetyevs, which still amazes with its aristocratic grandeur and scope. Exteriors, alleys, architectural structures here they return to the unique spirit of past centuries. You can see costumed ladies and gentlemen, and ride a horse cart. The large, almost perfectly rectangular pond has a special charm.

Kuskovo is an ideal option for taking your child for a walk fresh air in the east of Moscow

You can learn more about the estate, see the work schedule and current exhibitions on the official website: http://kuskovo.ru


Country chambers of Catherine the Second, impressive in size and ensembles. Here you will get a full-fledged, educational walk with a child of three to seven years old, giving new emotions, impressions, and discoveries. You can simply walk around the huge park, looking at the unique architecture, or visit the central museum, as well as various exhibitions.

All necessary information– on the website http://tsaritsyno-museum.ru


The Tsar's estate, which has now become one of the most famous historical, architectural, natural, and landscape Russian reserves. It is famous for various master classes, performances by theater troupes, and Russian entertainment for both children and adults. Just look at the knightly tournaments that groups of enthusiastic reenactors hold in this park every spring!

Tournament of St. George in Kolomenskoye Park

You can learn more about the Kolomenskoye-Izmailovo-Lublino estate complex on the combined website http://www.mgomz.ru

Important! Entrance to all estates is free only for walking around the surrounding area. In most cases, visiting exhibitions, museums, and children's master classes is paid. The prices for events vary; more detailed, up-to-date information is presented on the official websites of the establishments.

Where you can go with children three to seven years old for a fee: excursions and tours

You can go to A weekend tour organized around a specific theme. For example, take a five to seven year old child to Gzhel. At this age, folk crafts are already being studied in kindergartens and schools, and the child will be interested in seeing the “blue of Russia” with his own eyes. Excursions are offered for all ages and vary in duration; more details can be found on the website https://vs-travel.ru in the sections “One-day bus tours”, “Walking tours around Moscow”.

Entertainment under the roof

The baby, like the parents, does not always want to walk down the street, and often the weather is not conducive to long walks. The capital offers a variety of options for a fun children's holiday in warm rooms.

Where to go with a child of three to seven years old on the weekend: circuses, theaters, questrooms

Little children love spectacular shows, colorful performances, and funny performances. When choosing entertainment for children under five years old, keep in mind: the plot should be understandable, or even better, familiar. Observing completely new story, not every child understands the essence of what is happening, so he quickly gets tired of the show.
For older preschoolers (six to seven years old), more complex stories are quite suitable.

There are many children's theaters in Moscow that you can go to with your children. of different ages, For example:


  • Obraztsov Puppet Theater
  • Moscow Children's Puppet Theater
  • Magic lamp
  • Shadow (shadow theater)
  • Firebird

Aladdin. Obraztsov Puppet Theater


  • Children's Theater "A-Z"
  • Theater on Serpukhovka under the direction of Teresa Durova

How the monkey outwitted the sea king. Children's Theater "A-Z"


  • Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko
  • "Moscow Operetta"

Musical "School of Forest Magic". Moscow Operetta

There are a huge number of theater groups in the metropolis that stage performances for children (including those involving the direct participation of young spectators). Each one hosts family programs, performances, and shows.

The website http://kids.teatr-live.ru will help you find out the posters and get acquainted with the current news of children's theaters.

Take your little child to the Circus!

Circus performances, as well as shows in which animals take part, fascinate children and force even the most naughty fidgets to sit with their mouths open. Circus named after Nikulin For many years now she has been giving young viewers the brightest, most sincere emotions.

You can find out about the schedule of performances on the institution’s website: http://www.circusnikulin.ru

A toddler aged four to seven years old will definitely enjoy the program Circus on Vernadsky Avenue. This most famous cultural institution in Russia constantly delights viewers with new programs, both its own and from touring groups.
Poster, news - on the portal http://greatcircus.ru

And if you are interested in unique Circus of Dancing Fountains "Aquamarine", look at the program here: https://circusaqua.ru Suitable for children from five to seven years old, kids may get bored.

Circus of Dancing Fountains

Encounters with the beautiful natural world

In addition to the options listed, when deciding where to go with a small child in Moscow, pay attention to Moscow Zoo, Dolphinarium, oceanariums. The latter will surprise you with huge aquariums in which fish swim even above the heads of visitors. Particularly interesting in this regard "Moskvarium" at VDNKh. You can even touch some of the sea inhabitants there! This entertainment will appeal to both three-year-old children and seven-year-old schoolchildren. Also not bad There is an aquarium in the center of Rio in the north of the capital.

In the Moskvarium at VDNKh there is a huge aquarium with killer whales

And for those who like not only to look at animals, but also to learn about their habits, this will be a godsend. Museum named after Darwin. Suitable for children aged five years and older; younger ones may get tired quickly. The museum is huge!

There are also petting zoos– establishments where small (most often domestic) animals can be fed, petted, and held. Such communication has a creative component, brings the child closer to nature, develops a feeling of love, tenderness, and care. Important! When going to a petting zoo with a child of three or four years old, carefully monitor your son or daughter so that they do not offend the animals.

Active children's recreation: water parks, laser tag, rope parks

For little adventure lovers, not only the doors of the capital's questrooms are open, but also numerous children's amusement parks, laser tags, rope parks and water parks. There are many options for visits, varying in pricing and entertainment offered. Here are some addresses and sites:

  1. Water parks.
    • "Caribbean": https://karibiya.ru. The establishment is famous not only for its cool slides and interesting pool for children of three years old, but also for its frequent profitable promotions.
    • You can also go with your children to "Kva-kva park": https://kva-kva.ru. One of the first water parks in the capital, offering impressive water attractions.
  2. Laser tags. Modern entertainment that involves fighting with special blasters with safe laser beams. Great option for boys, and girls will love it too! Here are a few addresses: https://www.strelclub.com/lasertag-dlya-detey (from seven years old), https://cosmozar.ru with original script children's day birth.
  3. Rope parks, amusement parks. Take your child to indoor amusement parks, labyrinths, and rope parks. Such entertainment will delight the restless, allow you to release energy, and develop dexterity, courage, and resourcefulness. Centers with panda parks and other children's entertainment can be found in almost any district of Moscow.

Water park "Kva-kva park" is aimed at children

If walking in the fresh air, visiting trampoline centers, water parks and other institutions that involve leisure, allow children to run, climb, direct energy in the right direction, then calmer ones teach contemplation, bring pleasure to observation, and open up new knowledge.
Where to go is up to you and your son or daughter to choose, but Moscow provides an endless number of options!

What could be more enjoyable than getting together with the whole family, young and old, and devoting a day of fun together? If you are planning to spend a weekend with your children in Moscow, then hundreds of possibilities open up before you. Parks and sports areas, attractions and museums, cinemas and quests - everywhere are ready to welcome a family company ready for exploits, miracles and adventures. First, decide who is counting on what. Adults will probably not mind eating delicious food, discovering new urban spaces, and communicating with family and friends. And, of course, the greatest joy for them is to see the happy faces of the kids! Representatives of the younger generation crave activity, new knowledge and impressions. This is exactly what weekend fun for kids is all about!

If you and your household are fond of sports, then spend the weekend with your children under the proven motto “Dad, Mom and I are a sports family!” You will be pleased with the bike paths, roller rinks and areas for team sports that can be found in Moscow parks. A football match is the best warm-up! An active lifestyle should be combined with educational excursions. But a weekend with children in Moscow is also a reason to indulge in carefree hedonism. Forget about worries and problems, because this bright and joyful day will be remembered for a lifetime! A family trip to the cinema, to a cafe or to the zoo will also certainly be appreciated by both young and old. To ensure that the incredible family has enough entertainment and events for every day and for any weekend, feel free to refer to the recommendations of the KudaGo portal.

Masterslavl is an interactive educational project for children from 2 to 14 years old. Here the guys find their calling.
We took as a basis the best examples of social order, where fair laws work, where skills are shared and masters become masters through play in an atmosphere of childhood, kindness and joy.
Children's City of Masters is a recreated mini-model of a Russian city with its own infrastructure.
School excursions, birthdays, corporate events, adult classes.

Presnenskaya embankment, 4с1

Future Professions Camp StarChallenge

Through a story about space exploration, we develop social skills in teenagers:

  • ability to set goals and achieve results,
  • take responsibility for your decisions,
  • work in a team

How is #StarChallenge camp unique?

We don't have animators or story lines. We are not a theater or a one-time quest. We create an educational environment in which children with interest solve problems that are coming at them from all sides, important for the survival and development of a space station on a distant planet. This is a metaphorical representation of adult life.

The plot depends entirely on the decisions of the children, the realization of this will not come immediately, so 3 days of camp are required. Having figured out the “zest”, children are drawn into the game, generating incredible solutions, discovering new talents. This is a unique immersion in the environment of a collective response to the challenge of the external environment, so we have no winners and losers.

At the same time, like in the Mad Tea Party with Alice, you can change your role, try new professions and see how this affects the team’s performance. So the superficial idea “Oh, it’s about robots, my child won’t be interested” is wrong. In the morning he will start, for example, as a journalist, and by the evening he will become the Minister of Industry. In a short time, a teenager tests his abilities in the areas of professional activity of the present and the foreseeable future.

Only in such conditions can one effectively train soft-skills - universal skills that will be useful to them in any business:

  • - systems thinking,
  • - hypothesis testing,
  • - acceptance of responsibility,
  • - bringing things to an end,
  • - communication skills.

This is personal baggage that helps you solve work problems easily and productively and constantly move forward. The trouble is that soft skills are not taught anywhere. And our camp undertakes to fill this gap!

What awaits you at the camp?

  • Master classes: More than 10 hours of intensive training in current professional areas. Unit economics, programming, robotics, media journalism and others.
  • Social simulator: A game form with dozens of roles, quests and challenges that will help you master the key skills of a successful person: systems thinking, taking responsibility, getting things done, communication skills.
  • Complex world: We have a lot of robots, blasters, a space flight simulator, an internal communication network, an interactive map of the planet, an alien invasion and a Christmas tree.



I have been living in Moscow for more than twenty years and I try to spend every weekend as fun and as interesting as possible with my youngest children Anastasia and Michele. Especially for Localway, I share my favorite places for family leisure.

Kids club

For me, coming to AVIV is a great pleasure. I really like the atmosphere of calm and friendliness that reigns here, and the beautiful green area. When I go to the Zhukovka ERCC, I quite often take Nastya and Michele with me. While I’m working, they have a great time at the Malka children’s center, which is located right there. “Malki” programs include English lessons, construction, creative workshops, and the “Fun Science” project. On the eve of Jewish holidays, the center hosts family events: art and culinary classes, master classes, performances. I consider the comprehensive development of children and mandatory exposure to different cultures to be very important.

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Moscow region, Odintsovo district, rural settlement Barvikhinskoye, Rublevo-Uspenskoye highway, 207, Moscow


Recently, friends invited our family to the planetarium, where we visited for the first time. Unfortunately, in big cities it is impossible to see the starry sky. And here it is in full view, you can look at the planets and stars, as well as admire asteroids, comets, and go on an excursion to the interactive museum “Lunarium”. What we liked most was the Small Star Hall with a dome screen, where, thanks to dynamic chairs, stereo projection and other special effects, you can feel like an astronaut. The children said that it was even more interesting than the rides in the park.

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The theater culture in Moscow is extremely strong; my wife Olga introduced me to it. When our daughter Nastya grew up a little, we started visiting theaters, and the most favorite among them was the theater named after. N. Sats. Nastya is a very musical, creative child, she studies at the Fidget studio. I think her desire to express herself on stage was largely shaped by the colorful performances in this theater.

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Park, Zoo, Landmark

I remember very well how my parents took me to the zoo. Every time the animals made an indelible impression on me. In addition, I personally associate the zoo with the holiday: it was very fun to watch the habits of the animals, fool around with my parents, and after that we always went to a cafe and ate ice cream. I want my children to have the same vivid memories. The good thing about the Moscow Zoo is that it is located in the city center and is interesting for both children and adults: it provides educational and entertainment programs and interactive lectures. You can also feed the animals at the zoo. For example, my kids had a blast feeding the sloth.

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Kids club

Of course, the appearance of Kidzania in Moscow did not pass us by. Previously, I had already heard a lot about this grandiose project, which is a huge success in other countries. Time flies there unnoticed, and parents can be sure that all the energy of even the most restless children will be directed in a creative direction, and leisure time will be useful and developing. Michele decided to follow in my footsteps and already dreams of becoming a chef. Every morning he comes to me with a plastic scrambled egg and says: “Dad, I’ve already prepared breakfast for you.” So he takes the gaming cooking classes at Kidzania very seriously.