Types of programs for publishing multimedia content. Abstract technology for storing digital information, publishing and replicating multimedia content. Replication of multimedia content

Content distribution models include, firstly, online broadcasting, and secondly, file distribution, as well as mailing. Nowadays, the most common type of legal provision of video content is broadcasting. Together with that, this method extremely depends on the quality of communication services, the method of connecting to the Internet and many parameters that, in fact, describe all the services of the Internet provider.

In Russia, file-based video sharing is widespread; almost 100% of this approach to content distribution today is pirated. Downloading files is convenient, since Internet speed plays a much smaller role in this case than with broadcasting. And getting content this way in almost any quality is not a problem today. The speed of your connection can only determine the time when you watch the movie you want: either in an hour, or in two days. The main advantage of the last method of receiving content, mailing, is that you can get the desired movie almost anywhere thanks to satellite Internet.

The implementation of mailing is more complex and costs significantly more. When engaged in mailing, the provider cannot allow the existence of a file dump on its network. It is also necessary to think over the distribution schedule, focusing primarily on the interests of the main user groups. In addition, of course, there is a need for specialized hardware. It would be a good idea to think about the possibilities for users to receive satellite internet and television.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the Internet in Russia cannot exist on any one method of providing video content. Opening services that focus on only one method, in most cases, only slows down the development of infrastructure. From various points of view, this is disadvantageous for consumers, investors, as well as content rights holders. It would be much more rational to create special content delivery networks, with the help of which video could be received different ways. Such powerful and feature-rich services could attract a huge number of consumers from all over the country. However, for their successful promotion, powerful customers are needed, such as various media services, and they are not yet in a hurry to bet on such projects.

Podcasting (English podcasting, from iPod and English broadcasting ubiquitous broadcasting, broadcasting) is the process of creating and distributing sound or video files (podcasts) in the style of radio and television broadcasts on the Internet (Internet broadcasting). Typically in MP3, AAC, Ogg/Vorbis for audio, Flash Video and AVI for video podcasts. As a rule, podcasts have a specific topic and frequency of publication. For convenient listening to podcasts, many software products, such as Zune Software, iTunes, Rhythmbox, gPodder, AmaroK or Banshee, which keep podcast feeds updated and download them automatically.

A podcast terminal is a website that supports hosting of media files and, to some extent, automates the placement of recordings and subscription to updates. It is a type of social media and is similar to the technology of video blogs and Internet radio. In addition to audio/video recordings, it may contain a speech recording in text form. A podcast is either a single file or a regularly updated series of resources on the Internet. A podcaster is a person who engages in podcasting on an amateur or professional basis.

The process of creating and publishing a podcast occurs in several stages: Searching for an idea for a podcast, determining its topic. Before recording periodic podcasts, as a rule, a plan (show notes) is drawn up, which facilitates the narration process during recording. Preparation of equipment. Typically, a digital or analog microphone is used for recording. To increase the recording quality, the audio signal is processed using a digital or analog mixer, various filters are used, etc. Podcast recording. The audio signal is captured either by software or hardware. When using software (that is, audio editors), each person's signal is recorded on a separate audio track. Communication between remote interlocutors is carried out via Internet telephony. Installation. When editing a podcast, the sequence and overlay of audio tracks are synchronized, noise and interference are removed, and various musical accompaniments are added. In podcasts, as musical arrangement, use podsafe music. Publishing a podcast. A finished podcast, with a bitrate from 64 to 128 kbps, is usually published on various podcast terminals, blogs and websites dedicated to this podcast.

Screencasting (English screen screen and English broadcasting transmission, broadcasting) is a genre of podcasting, the meaning of which is to broadcast a video stream to a wide audience with a recording of what is happening on the author’s computer screen. Additionally, audio comments and text blocks explaining what is happening are superimposed. The effect of watching a screencast is the same as if the viewer were next to the author and he showed the actions on his real computer and at the same time gave comments.

Usage Screencasts are useful for demonstrating program functions or for teaching how to use the program. Creating screencasts can help developers show off their work. Screencasts can be useful tool for ordinary users. Using a screencast, you can create a more precise error message by simply recording your actions, or you can show how to solve a specific problem using a program. Overall, the screencasts were very convenient tool to train people to use a computer or a specific tool.

What is online broadcasting? It is known that presenting information by voice only enhances it. The author's voice adds a lot of nuance to the information. Plus, listening to an audio seminar is much easier than reading educational materials. This can be done in parallel with some household chores.





(GBPOU TSiT No. 29)


PM.01 Input and processing of digital information

MDK 01.02 Technologies for publishing digital multimedia information

by profession 16199 Electronic computer operator
and computers



Reviewer : _________________________________________________________________________







1.1. Application area work program

The MDK work program is part of the main vocational training program (OPPO) - a vocational training program for profession 16199 Operator of electronic computers and computers.

1.2. Place of MDC in the structure of the basic vocational training program (OPPO)- professional training programs:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of the future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.

OK 3. Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, evaluation and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

OK 4. Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activity.

OK 6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and clients.

OK 7. Perform military duties, including using acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

PC 2.1. Create media libraries for structured storage and cataloging of digital information.

PC 2.2. Manage the placement of digital information on the disks of a personal computer, as well as disk storage on a local and global computer network.

PC 2.3. Replicate multimedia content on various removable storage media.

PC 2.4. Publish multimedia content on the Internet.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the MDK - requirements for the results of mastering the MDK:

As a result of studying the professional module, the student must:

have practical experience:

Digital information media library management;

Transfer and placement of digital information;

Replicating multimedia content on removable storage media;

Navigating through resources, searching, entering and transmitting data using Internet technologies and services;

Publishing multimedia content on the Internet;

Ensuring information security;

be able to:

Connect peripheral devices and multimedia equipment to a personal computer and configure their operating modes;

Create and structure the storage of digital information in the media library of personal computers and servers;

Transfer and place digital information on the disks of a personal computer, as well as disk storages of a local and global computer network;

Replicate multimedia content on various removable storage media;

Navigate Internet web resources using a web browser;

Create and exchange letters Email;

Publish multimedia content on various services on the Internet;

Realize backup and data recovery;

Carry out anti-virus protection of a personal computer using anti-virus programs;

Implement measures to protect personal data;

Maintain reporting and technical documentation;


Purpose, types and functionality programs for publishing multimedia content;

Licensing principles and distribution models multimedia content;

Regulatory documents on installation, operation and labor protection when working with a personal computer, peripheral equipment and computer office equipment;

Structure, types information resources and main types of services on the Internet;

Main types of information security threats and means of information protection;

Principles of anti-virus protection of a personal computer;

Composition of measures to protect personal data.

The maximum teaching load for a student is 117 hours, including:

The student's mandatory classroom teaching load is 78 hours, of which: practical classes - 56 hours;

Independent work of the student - 39 hours.


“Technologies for publishing digital multimedia information”

2.1. Scope of MDK and types of educational work

Type of educational work

Hours volume

Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)


practical lessons

Independent work of the student (total)

final examinationin the form of an exam

2.2. Thematic plan and content of MDK 01.02.“Technologies for publishing digital multimedia information”

Name of sections and topics

independent work of students

Hours volume

Level of assimilation


Regulatory documents on labor protection when working with a personal computer, peripheral equipment, computer office equipment

Independent work of students: Study of regulatory documents on labor protection

Section 1. Creation and management of a media library, replication of multimedia information

Topic 1.1. Basic concepts and definitions.

History of the development of multimedia technologies

Basic concepts and definitions. Multimedia concept. History of the development of multimedia technologies

Independent work of students: abstract on the topic: “History of the development of multimedia technologies”

Topic 1.2. Multimedia hardware

Purpose and capabilities of multimedia hardware

Practical lessons

Multimedia projectors. Kinds. Requirements when working with projectors

Printers. Scanners. Multifunction devices


Manipulators (computer mice, joysticks, midi keyboards)

Sound recording equipment (sound cards, microphones)

Sound reproduction equipment (amplifier, speakers, speaker systems, headphones and headsets)

“Virtual reality” equipment (gloves, glasses, virtual reality helmets used in games)

Image processing tools (video editing cards, keyboards, graphics accelerators)

Drawing up an algorithm for connecting the printer to a computer

Drawing up an algorithm for connecting the scanner to a computer

Topic 1.3. Transfer and placement of digital information from a photo camera, video camera

General information O digital cameras, video cameras

Practical lessons

Working with the camera (interface, menu)

Working with the camera (operating modes)

Operating the camera (flash selection)

Working with the camera (connecting to a computer, copying information to the hard drive)

Working with a video camera (working with the menu)

Working with a video camera (video recording and playback)

Working with a video camera (working with files: viewing and deleting)

Working with a video camera (connecting to a computer, copying information to a hard drive)

Independent work of students:Working with a camera. Taking photos in various genres

Topic 1.4. Multimedia technology software

Basic components of multimedia software. Definition, purpose

Independent work of students: compiling a crossword puzzle on the topic: “Use of multimedia and interactive tools”

Topic 1.5. Replication of multimedia content on removable media

Storage media (CD, DVD, etc.) and recording media (CD / DVD-ROM drives, TV and FM tuners). Audio and video file formats

Practical lessons

Replication of multimedia content on CD and DVD discs. Duplicating video and audio content on flash cards

Nero. Purpose of the program. Interface, menu. Writing information to disks.

Independent work of students: message on the topic: “ Short review programs used for replication of digital information”; creating a playlist in your home media library

Section 2. Publishing multimedia content on the Internet, protecting personal data

Topic 2.1. Entering and transmitting data on the Internet

General information about browsers. Resources for searching information on the Internet. General information about data transmission on the Internet

Practical lessons

Introduction to the Internet environment

Independent work of students: compiling a table: “ Comparative characteristics browsers"

Topic 2.2. Working with email

Mail server. Internet addressing principles. Basic definitions (mailbox, standard folder, public folder, mailing list, mail system, document flow). Rules for sending messages. The address book

Practical lessons

Working with email

Topic 2.3. Searching, transmitting and posting digital information on the Internet using various programs

Search, transmission and placement of digital information using Web interfaces of Internet resources. Basics of working with Web interfaces of sites where digital information is posted.

Practical lessons

Using the browser toolbar. Description of the browser interface

Searching for information on the Internet using search engines

Independent work of students: abstracts on the topics: “Russia and the Internet”; "World without Internet"

Topic 2.4. Basics of publishing multimedia content on pages on the Internet

Preparation of multimedia information for publication on the Internet. Basic rules for publication

Practical lessons

Reducing the size of graphic, audio and video information to facilitate placement on the Internet

Drawing up an algorithm for creating Web pages

Independent work of students: familiarization with the interface of sites: “Odnoklassniki”, “VKontakte”; making a crossword


― mastering work skills;

2.3. Practice assignment

1.3. The employee is obliged:



It is precisely these manifestations of viruses that antiviruses fight. Today, lists of antiviruses are updated quite often. These lists are created so that users know which antivirus to give preference to. Currently, the top positions in the list of antiviruses are occupied by such antiviruses as Microsoft Security Essentials, Internet Security, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, DrWeb Security and Eset Nod32 Antivirus. Moreover, Microsoft Security Essentials is a free antivirus that provides reliable protection.

Signs of infection

Each user can find out about the presence of viruses long before they are detected by such signs as the computer freezing, the presence of pictures or shortcuts that cannot be removed, programs starting spontaneously, or the inability to load the operating system. If any of these symptoms appear, you should disconnect from the Internet, and then run an antivirus program that will scan all disks. If the user does not have an antivirus, you can download the antivirus for free on the manufacturer’s website. After scanning, you can remove all viruses.

In the future, to avoid infection, you must constantly monitor database updates, conduct preventive scans of your computer, do not visit sites with pornography, and also do not download programs from sites that have not been verified. In addition, you should avoid downloading programs from sites that are not trustworthy. If you use any temporary media, you must scan it with an antivirus program before using it.

Don't forget that timely installation of antivirus programs can protect you from many problems in the future. And it’s better to sacrifice a small amount of disk space right away than to lose the necessary data or files later.


2.1.Place and description of the internship:

2.2. Purpose and objectives of the internship:

Relevance: A digital information processing master is a specialist who processes information and images on a computer. The profession combines the functions of a computer operator. The task of an information processing master is to quickly and efficiently process information of any type on a computer using various software solutions. The programmer “makes programs”, and the computer operator works with these programs.

The main goal of industrial practice is to master the profession and relevant professional competencies, consolidating the theoretical knowledge acquired during the training period.
To realize the goal of industrial practice, the following tasks were set:
― consolidation of theoretical knowledge in a block of professional disciplines;
― acquire practical skills in the profession “Master of Digital Information Processing”;
― get an idea of ​​the content of specific types of professional activity;
― formation of sustainable interest, sense of responsibility and respect for the chosen profession;
― mastering work skills;
― expanding professional horizons;
― initial professional adaptation in the workplace;

2.3. Practice assignment: conscientiously, accurately and timely perform production practice work.

2.4. Production sites where the internship took place:

Industrial practice took place

2.5. Functional responsibilities:

Compliance with safety regulations;

Sequence of work;

Accuracy in performing work;

Preparing for work and setting up a personal computer, peripheral and multimedia equipment;

Entering digital and analog information into a personal computer from various media;

Processing audio and visual content using sound, graphic and video editors;

Creation and reproduction of videos, presentations, slide shows, media files and other products;

Publishing multimedia content on the Internet.

General requirements labor safety

1.1. Persons who have completed training are allowed to work on a personal computer safe methods labor, introductory briefing, initial briefing in the workplace.

1.2. When operating a personal computer, an employee may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

Increased level electromagnetic radiation;

Increased level of static electricity;

Reduced air ionization;

Static physical overload;

Overstrain of visual analyzers.

1.3. The employee is obliged:

1.3.1. Perform only the work specified in his job description.

1.4. Workstations with computers must be placed in such a way that the distance from the screen of one video monitor to the rear of another is at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors is at least 1.2 m.

1.5. Workplaces with personal computers in relation to the light openings should be located so that natural light falls from the side, mainly from the left.

1.6. Window openings in rooms where personal computers are used must be equipped with adjustable devices such as: blinds, curtains, external canopies, etc.

1.7. Work furniture for computer equipment users must meet the following requirements:

The height of the working surface of the table should be adjusted within 680-800 mm; if this is not possible, the height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm;

The work desk must have legroom with a height of at least 600 mm, a depth at knee level of at least 450 mm and at the level of outstretched legs no less than 650 mm;

The work chair (chair) must be lift-swivel and adjustable in height and angles of the seat and backrest, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat;

Workplace must be equipped with a footrest with a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of at least 400 mm, height adjustment up to 150 mm and tilt adjustment supporting surface stands up to 20 degrees; the surface of the stand should be corrugated and have a rim 10 mm high along the front edge;

A workstation with a personal computer should be equipped with an easily movable document rest.

1.8. To normalize the air ion factor in rooms with computers, it is necessary to use devices automatic regulation ion mode air environment(for example, stabilizing air ionizer "Moscow-SA1").

1.9. Women from the time of pregnancy and during breastfeeding are not allowed to perform all types of work related to the use of computers.

1.10. For failure to comply with this instruction, those responsible will be held accountable in accordance with internal labor regulations or penalties determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Safety requirements before starting labor protection work

2.1. Prepare your workplace.

2.2. Adjust the lighting in your workplace and make sure there are no glares on the screen.

2.3. Check that the equipment is connected correctly to the electrical network.

2.4. Check that the power wires are in good condition and that there are no exposed wire sections.

2.5. Make sure there is grounding system unit, monitor and protective screen.

2.6. Wipe the surface of the monitor screen and protective screen with an antistatic cloth.

2.7. Check the correct installation of the table, chair, footrest, music stand, screen angle, keyboard position, mouse position on a special mat, if necessary, adjust the desktop and chair, as well as the arrangement of computer elements in accordance with ergonomic requirements and for the purpose of eliminating uncomfortable postures and prolonged body tension.

Safety requirements during work on labor protection

3.1. When working on a PC, an employee is prohibited from:

Touch the back panel of the system unit (processor) while the power is on;

Switch connectors of interface cables of peripheral devices when the power is on;

Allow moisture to get on the surface of the system unit (processor), monitor, working surface of the keyboard, disk drives, printers and other devices;

Perform independent opening and repair of equipment;

Work on the computer with the covers removed;

Disconnect the equipment from the power supply and unplug the power plug while holding the cord.

3.2. The duration of continuous work with a computer without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours.

3.3. During regulated breaks, in order to reduce neuro-emotional stress, fatigue of the visual analyzer, eliminate the influence of physical inactivity and hypokinesia, and prevent the development of postural fatigue, perform sets of exercises.

Safety requirements in emergency situations on labor protection

4.1. In all cases of broken power wires, faulty grounding and other damage, or the appearance of burning, immediately turn off the power and report emergency situation to the manager.

4.2. Do not start work until troubleshooting.

4.3. If you are injured or suddenly become ill, immediately notify your supervisor, arrange first aid or call an ambulance.

Safety requirements after completion of work on labor protection

5.1. Turn off the computer's power.

5.2. Tidy up your workspace.

5.3. Perform relaxation exercises for the eyes and fingers.

Licensing principles and distribution models for multimedia content

The concept of “digital content” is used as an umbrella term to describe three segments of the multimedia products market: production of content in digital format; distribution of multimedia products in the digital environment; user consumption of content produced and transmitted in digital format.
For distribution companies, online platforms, content stores, as well as for ordinary consumers, digital content is an information, entertainment or gaming product distributed over digital networks or in digital format on a physical medium, and consumed, recorded and copied without deterioration in quality .
The term “digital content” also has other meanings:
Multimedia content producers associate the term with any multimedia product created using digital technology and presented in a digital format.
Multimedia content creation.
The most common examples of multimedia projects are websites containing video or animation.
Probably the most common flash sites you'll find are those that almost always contain some form of animation and, increasingly, sound and video.
Other types of media can be found in PowerPoint presentations, Director CD-ROM projects, or web pages with QuickTime or Real Video files attached.
To create these presentations you need software(also often called "authoring tools") that allows you to create such a presentation.
So if you want to create a Flash-based "movie", you need a program that creates them; programs such as Macromedia Flash and Swish.
If you want to create a presentation in PowerPoint, you will need PowerPoint. You can create a multimedia website using HTML and a few files that can be embedded in an HTML page, turning it into multimedia.
Turning a web page into a multimedia presentation is probably the most in a simple way To create multimedia web pages today is the use of Flash.

Flash files are linked to your HTML page and although they appear at first glance to be an integrated part of the web page, Flash movies actually run in their own mode, separate from the web page.
Because of this, all work on creating flash videos is carried out using various flash authoring tools, which were mentioned above.
In fact, the HTML page itself contains only a few lines of code that tells the browser where to get the Flash movie.


Information security (eng. “Information security”) – security of information and related infrastructure from accidental or intentional impacts accompanied by damage to owners or users of information. Information security – ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. The purpose of information protection is to minimize losses caused by violation of the integrity or confidentiality of data, as well as their inaccessibility to consumers.

1. Purpose of the variety and functionality of programs for publishing multimedia content
Information- this is information about something.
Publication- making public, disclosing any information.
Multimedia- these are modern digital technologies that make it possible to combine the achievements of audiovisual technology (texts, sounds, video images, graphics, etc.) and provide interactive interaction between the user and the computer.
Content- this is the information content of the site (texts, graphic, audio information, etc.), as well as books, newspapers, collections of articles, materials, etc.
Interactivity- this is the principle of organizing a system, in which the goal is achieved by the information exchange of elements of this system.
Electronic publication- this is a way of publishing verbal, graphic and illustrative materials in which they are viewed on the screen. Electronic publications are stored on a computer or on removable media.

Hosting- a service for the provision of computing power for the physical placement of information on a server that is constantly located on the network. Hosting is also a service for placing the client’s equipment on the provider’s premises, ensuring its connection to communication channels with high throughput.

Shared hosting- a type of hosting in which many websites are located on one web server.

Dedicated server- a type of hosting in which the client is provided with a separate physical machine entirely. Typically used to run applications that cannot coexist on the same server with other projects or have increased resource requirements.


Web hosting

Topic 2. Publishing multimedia content on the Internet

1.Visitor- a person gaining access to information located in the domain zone

2.User- a visitor to the Site who has received an account on the Site in the prescribed manner.

3. Website- a set of integrated software, hardware and technical means, as well as information intended for publication on the Internet and displayed in certain text, graphic or audio forms, located in the domain zone

4. Site services- functionality of the Site intended for use by Visitors and Users.

5. Account


7. "User Content"- site content posted by the User independently, voluntarily and free of charge.

8.Personal data

9.Site administration

-VPS(English Virtual Private Server) or VDS (English Virtual Dedicated Server) is a service within which the user is provided with a so-called Virtual Dedicated Server. In terms of operating system management, for the most part, it corresponds to a physical dedicated server. In particular: root access, own IP addresses, ports, filtering rules and routing tables.

-Colocation— a communication service consisting in the fact that the provider places the client’s equipment on its territory (usually in a data center) and connects it to high-bandwidth communication channels. Sometimes the specified equipment does not belong to the client, but is rented by him from the same provider, in this case the service is called “dedicated server rental”.

-Web hosting- a service that allows the user to place a website or other user information (text, images, video) on the Internet on the server of the hosting provider.

Topic 3. Licensing of multimedia content

- Content - results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization (including: musical works, literary works, computer programs, mobile phones, audiovisual works, phonograms, images, texts, trademarks and service marks, commercial designations and trade names, logos ), hypertext links, their fragments, information, widgets and other objects posted on the Site.

- Account - Authentication and Personal data of the user stored on the Site servers.

- “User Content”- site content (including User comments), posted by the User independently, voluntarily and free of charge.

- Personal data- reliable, complete and up-to-date information that allows you to carry out the User authorization procedure, voluntarily and free of charge posted by the User on Personal page. This information, provided by the User during the Registration procedure on the Site, may contain the User’s name, user login, email address and other information that the user deems necessary to provide about himself. The storage of personal data is carried out solely for the purpose of ensuring the possibility of authorization of the user of the Site.

-Site administration- authorized persons of the Company who establish the procedure for using the Site, manage the operation of the Site and monitor the Users’ compliance with this Agreement.

-Registration- actions of the visitor to create an Account on the Site according to the established procedure. During the Registration process, the User fills out the User form and indicates authentication data, on the basis of which the Administration provides the User with access to the following functionality of the Site: rating and commenting on Content posted by the Administration and other users, posting their own Content in accordance with the rules of the Site.

-Multimedia— an information system that provides simultaneous presentation of information in various forms— sound, animated computer graphics, video sequence. For example, one container object can contain text, auditory, graphic and
video information, and also, possibly, a way to interact with it interactively.

-GNU General Public License is a free software license created by the GNU Project in 1988. It is also abbreviated as GNU GPL or even just GPL, if the context makes it clear that this is the license we are talking about. The second version of this license was released in 1991, the third version, after many years of work and lengthy discussion, in 2007. The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) is a weakened version of the GPL for certain software libraries. The GNU Affero General Public License is a strengthened version of the GPL for programs intended to be accessed over the Internet.

Topic 4. Distribution of multimedia content

-Content distribution models mean, firstly, online broadcasting, and secondly, file distribution, as well as mailing. Nowadays, the most common type of legal provision of video content is broadcasting. At the same time, this method is extremely dependent on the quality of communication services, the method of connecting to the Internet and many parameters that, in fact, describe all the services of the Internet provider.

-Podcasting- the process of creating and distributing audio or video files (podcasts) in the style of radio and television broadcasts on the Internet (Internet broadcasting). Typically in MP3, AAC, Ogg/Vorbis for audio, Flash Video and AVI for video podcasts. As a rule, podcasts have a specific topic and frequency of publication. For convenient listening to podcasts, many software products have been created, such as Zune Software, iTunes, Rhythmbox, gPodder, AmaroK or Banshee, which monitor the updating of podcast feeds and automatically download them.

-Podcast-terminal is a website that supports hosting of media files and, to some extent, automates the placement of recordings and subscription to updates. It is a type of social media and is similar to the technology of video blogs and Internet radio. In addition to audio/video recordings, it may contain a speech recording in text form. A podcast is either a single file or a regularly updated series of resources on the Internet. A podcaster is a person who engages in podcasting on an amateur or professional basis.

-What is online broadcasting? It is known that presenting information by voice only enhances it. The author's voice adds a lot of nuance to the information. Plus, listening to an audio seminar is much easier than reading educational materials. This can be done in parallel with some household chores.

Pirated content- use and distribution of illegal materials in relation to copyright.

Topic 5. Regulatory documents on installation, operation and labor protection when working with a personal computer, peripheral equipment and computer office equipment
-Normative document - a document establishing rules, general principles or characteristics concerning various types activities or their results.

-Outsourcing of labor protection is delegation job responsibilities occupational safety specialist or third party occupational safety service

-Personal computer or simply PC is a computer intended for use by one user, that is, for personal use.

-Operation of office equipment is the process of using it for its intended purpose, that is, to carry out its functions for which it was purchased

6. main types of information security threats

Information security threats are possible actions or events that could lead to information security violations.

Data integrity is a property according to which information retains its content and structure during its transmission and storage. Only a user with access rights can create, destroy or change data.

Confidentiality is a property that indicates the need to limit access to specific information for a designated circle of persons. Thus, confidentiality ensures that during the transfer of data, it can only be known to authorized users

Availability of information - this property characterizes the ability to provide timely and unhindered access of full users to the required information.

Reliability - this principle is expressed in the strict attribution of information to the subject who is its source or from whom it was received.

There are natural and artificial threats. According to the degree of intentionality of manifestation, threats are divided into accidental and intentional.

The threat source may have different position. Depending on this factor, three groups are also distinguished:

- Threats whose source is outside the controlled group of the computer system (example - interception of data transmitted over communication channels)

- Threats, the source of which is within the controlled area of ​​the system (this may be theft of storage media)

- Threats located directly in the system itself (for example, incorrect use of resources).

7.methods and means of protecting information

Data protection technologies are based on the application modern methods, which prevent information leakage and loss.

Today there are six main methods of protection:

- Masking - methods of protecting information that involve converting data into a form that is not suitable for perception by unauthorized persons. Deciphering requires knowledge of the principle.

-Management - methods of protecting information in which all components of the information system are controlled.

-Regulation— the most important method protection of information systems, which involves the introduction of special instructions according to which all manipulations with protected data must be carried out.

-Coercion - methods of information protection that are closely related to regulation, involving the introduction of a set of measures in which employees are forced to comply established rules. If methods of influencing employees are used in which they follow instructions for ethical and personal reasons, then we're talking about about motivation.

Methods of protecting information require the use of a certain set of tools.
To prevent the loss and leakage of secret information, the following means are used:

-Software and hardware;
-Physical information security measures prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the protected area.
-Software and hardware are an indispensable component for ensuring the security of modern information systems.

Hardware is represented by devices that are built into equipment for processing information. Software tools are programs that repel hacker attacks. Also to software can be attributed software systems, performing the restoration of lost information.
Organizational means are associated with several methods of protection: regulation, management, coercion. Organizational means include the development job descriptions, conversations with employees, a set of punishment and reward measures.
Legislative measures are a set of regulations that regulate the activities of people who have access to protected information and determine the extent of responsibility for the loss or theft of classified information.

Psychological means— a set of measures to create personal interest among employees in the safety and authenticity of information.

The work program of the professional module is part of educational program SPO in the training of qualified workers, employees and mid-level specialists 230103.02 Storage, transmission and publication of digital information, included in the enlarged group of profession 230000 Informatics and Computer Engineering in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA): Storage, transmission and publication of digital information and related professional competencies(PC):

PC 2.1. Create media libraries for structured storage and cataloging of digital information

PC 2.2. Manage the placement of digital information on the disks of a personal computer, as well as disk storage on a local and global computer network.

PC 2.3. Replicate multimedia content on various removable storage media.

PC 2.4. Publish multimedia content on the Internet.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tyva

State budgetary professional educational institution

Republic of Tyva

"Tuva Polytechnic College"




Work program of the professional moduledeveloped on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Specialties vocational education(hereinafter referred to as SPO) 230103.02 Digital information processing master

Developer organization: State budgetary professional educational institution of the Republic of Tyva “Tuva Polytechnic College”


Saryglar Dan - Khayaa Nikolaevna, master of industrial training,

Syrat Anai-Khaak Leonidovna, teacher of mathematics and computer science







“Storage, transmission and publication of digital information”

1.1. Scope of application

The work program of the professional module is part of the educational program of secondary vocational education in the preparation of qualified workers, employees and mid-level specialists 230103.02 Storage, transmission and publication of digital information, included in the enlarged group of profession 230000 Informatics and computer technology in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA): Storage , transmission and publication of digital information and related professional competencies (PC):

PC 2.4.

The work program of the professional module can be used in additional education And vocational training workers in the field of information and communication technologies, if availablesecondary (full) general education. No work experience required.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies, the student during the development of the professional module must:

Have practical experience:

Digital information media library management;

Transfer and placement of digital information;

Replicating multimedia content on removable storage media;

Navigating through resources, searching, entering and transmitting data using Internet technologies and services;

Publishing multimedia content on the Internet;

Ensuring information security.

Be able to:

Connect peripheral devices and multimedia equipment to a personal computer and configure their operating modes;

Create and structure the storage of digital information in the media library of personal computers and servers;

Transfer and place digital information on the disks of a personal computer, as well as disk storages of a local and global computer network;

Replicate multimedia content on various media;

Navigate Internet web resources using a web browser;

Create and exchange mail with email letters;

Publish multimedia content on various Internet services;

Perform data backup and recovery;

Carry out anti-virus protection of a personal computer using anti-virus programs;

Implement measures to protect personal data;

Maintain reporting and technical documentation.


purpose, types and functionality of programs for publishing multimedia content;

principles of licensing and distribution models of multimedia content;

regulatory documents on installation, operation and labor protection when working with a personal computer, peripheral equipment and computer office equipment;

structure, type of information resources and main types of services on the Internet;

main types of information security threats and means of information protection;

principles of anti-virus protection of a personal computer;

composition of measures to protect personal data.

total – 402 hours, including:

The maximum student workload is 174 hours, including:

the student's mandatory classroom teaching load is 116 hours;

independent work of the student – ​​58 hours;

educational and industrial practice – 228 hours.

Educational practice – 108 hours, industrial (concentrated) practice – 120 hours.


The result of mastering the work program of the professional module is that students master the type of professional activity Storage, transmission and publicationdigital information, including professional (PC) and general (GC) competencies:


Name of learning outcome

PC 2.1.

Create media libraries for structured storage and cataloging of digital information

PC 2.2.

Manage the placement of digital information on the disks of a personal computer, as well as disk storage on a local and global computer network.

PC 2.3.

Replicate multimedia content on various removable storage media.

PC 2.4.

Publish multimedia content on the Internet.

OK 1.

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2.

Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.

OK 3.

Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, evaluation and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

OK 4.

Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

OK 5.

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6.

Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and clients.

OK 7.

Perform military duties, including using acquired professional knowledge (for young men).


3.1. Thematic plan of the professional moduleStorage, transmission and publication of digital information.

Professional competency codes

Names of sections of the professional module

Total hours

Amount of time allocated for mastering an interdisciplinary course(s)


Mandatory classroom teaching load of the student

Independent work of the student,






(if dispersed practice is provided)



incl. laboratory work and practical classes,


PC 2.1

Section 1. Technologies for storing and reproducing information

PC 2.3

PC 2.4

Section 2.

PC 2.2

Section 3. Security and information protection

Internship, hours


3.2. Contents of training for the professional module (PM) Storage, transmission and publication of digital information

Names of sections of the professional module (PM), interdisciplinary courses (IDC) and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level

Section 1.

Information storage and replication technology

MDK 02.01.

Storage, transmission and publication of digital information

Topic 1.1.

Introduction. Storage and structuring of information

Goals and objectives of the professional module being studied. Basic safety requirements when working with computers and peripheral devices. The concept of multimedia content. Types of publications (CD-, DVD-, Internet site, FTP)

Computer internal memory.

Programs for working with disks. Types and possibilities.

Concept, types and work with browser programs.

Data archiving. Archiver programs.

Information recovery and backup.

Practical lessons

Creating a personal computer media library.

Structuring the storage of information in the media library of a personal computer

Laboratory works

Creation of an electronic archive

Backing up and restoring information

Topic 1.3.

Methods for reproducing information

Replication of digital information. Licensing principles and distribution models for multimedia content.

Disk replication methods. Replication. Duplication. Replication of information on various media

Methods for duplicating information on digital media. Copying and reproducing information from a master disk on one or more media.

Technologies for transferring images to storage media.

Office equipment types of office equipment. Printing equipment.

Connecting peripheral devices and multimedia equipment to a personal computer. Setting up operating modes.

Laboratory works

Copying information from the master disk onto one or more media.

Recording information on CDs, DVDs.

Replication of information on paper. Printing digital information.

Working with peripheral devices and multimedia equipment of a personal computer.

Practical lessons

Independent work when studying section PM 02.

  1. Areas of application information technologies.
  2. Optical storage. Types and formats. Record
  3. Protection against copying information on disks.
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of floppy and hard drives.
  5. Advantages and disadvantages random access memory
  6. Development of optical storage media technologies.

Educational practice

Types of jobs

  1. Creating a media library. Structuring information.
  2. Creation of an electronic archive.
  3. Recording information on CDs, DVDs. Working with a master disc. Performing information recovery.
  4. Working with office equipment. Setting up operating modes.

Section 2.

Technologies for transmission and dissemination of information

MDK 02.01

Storage, transmission and publication of digital information

Topic 2.1.

Global Internet as a means of communication

Computer networks. Types of networks. Access methods. Hardware. Clients and servers.

Computer network software.

Global Internet. Structure and types of information resources. Main types of services.

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

  1. Working on the Internet: Communication. Custom products. Chats. Forums. Distance learning.

Topic 2.2.

Transfer and publication of digital information

Placing digital information on disk storage of a personal computer, as well as a global and local computer network.

Creating a website in the hypertext language HTML.

Working with a visual website editor. Program interface. Website creation.

Publishing multimedia content on various services on the Internet. Determining the goal. Choosing a domain name.

Network constructors. Capabilities and purpose.

Practical lessons

Creating a website in HTML

Creating a website using a visual website editor

Publication of the site. Promotion

Website development using a network builder

Practical lessons

Independent work when studying the PM section 2.

Systematic study of lesson notes, educational and special technical literature (on questions to paragraphs, chapters teaching aids, compiled by the teacher).

Preparation for laboratory work using methodological recommendations teacher, design laboratory work, reports and preparation for their protection.

Approximate homework topics

  1. Types and means of communication.
  2. File Transfer Services
  3. Law and ethics on the Internet.
  4. Prospects for the development of information and communication technologies
  5. Selection and systematization of information for the site
  6. Site design

Educational practice

Types of jobs

  1. Working on the Internet. Creation of electronic mailbox. Communication. Navigation through resources.
  2. Creating a website in HTML.
  3. Creating a website using a visual editor.
  4. Publication of the site. Website promotion
  5. Creating a website using online builders.

Section 4.

Information protection and security

MDK 02.01 Storage, transmission and publication of digital information

Topic 3.1. Protection and security of information.

The concept of “Information security”. Components of information security. Types of computer crimes.

Regulatory and legal foundations of information security of the Russian Federation. Information security methods. Physical methods protection.

Protection against computer viruses. Antivirus programs.

Protection of information in computer networks.

Licensing principles and distribution models. Commercial status of programs (Freeware, Shareware, Adware, comercialware)

License types (GNU, GPL, Openlicence). Multimedia content distribution models (Demo versions, Beta versions, OEM versions, boxed version (Retail or Box), Slim version, electronic versions.

General understanding of the regulatory documentation required when working with a PC; relieving tension with special complexes exercises, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 " Hygienic requirements to personal electronic computers and work organization.”

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Implementation of information protection in computer networks.

Protecting information in a Windows environment

Working with antivirus programs

Thesis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 2 “On protection intellectual property; copyright and related rights; protection of personal data"

Independent work when studying section PM 1.

Systematic study of lesson notes, educational and special technical literature (on questions to paragraphs, chapters of textbooks compiled by the teacher).

Preparation for laboratory work using the teacher’s methodological recommendations, preparation of laboratory work, reports and preparation for their defense.

Approximate topics of independent work

  1. Information security standards for distributed systems
  2. Information security standards in the Russian Federation
  3. classification of “information security” threats

Educational practice types of work

  1. Protection of confidential information
  2. Protecting information in the Windows operating system.
  3. Working with antivirus programs.

Final production practice for the module

Types of jobs:

1 Creating and structuring a personal computer media library

2. Digital media library management

3. Storage, backup and recovery of digital information

4. Transfer and placement of digital information

5. Replication of multimedia content on removable storage media

6. Publishing multimedia content on the Internet

7. Navigating resources, searching, entering and transmitting data using Internet technologies and services

8. Create and exchange mail to email letters

9. Create a website and publish it on the Internet

10. Publish multimedia content on various Internet services

11. Ensuring information security



4.1. Minimum logistics requirements

Implementation of the module program requires the presenceclassrooms:

1. Computer science and information technology;

2. Multimedia technologies;


Library, reading room.

Equipment for the classroom and classroom workplaces:

Computer desks for students;

Set of parts, tools, devices;

A set of technological documentation forms;

A set of educational and methodological documentation.

Technical training aids:

Personal computers for each office at least 12 pcs.

Server equipment;

Uninterruptible power supplies;

Interactive board;


Laser printer;

Color inkjet printer;


Multifunctional devices;

Digital video camera, photo camera, web camera;

Audio system;

External storage devices;

The local network;

Access to the global Internet.

Equipment and technological equipment of workplaces:

Computers, the local network, access to the global network, safety briefing magazine, textbooks, brochures.

The implementation of the module program involves mandatory educational practice, which is recommended to be carried out dispersedly. It also requires mandatory concentrated industrial practice.

4.2. Information support for training

Main sources:

  1. Mikheeva E.V. Information technologies in professional activities: textbook. aid for students institutions prof. education. – 12th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013.-384 p.
  2. Mikheeva E.V. Workshop on information technologies in professional activities: textbook. aid for students institutions prof. education. – 13th ed., rev. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013.-256 p.
  3. Mikheeva E.V. Workshop on computer science: textbook. aid for students institutions prof. education. – 12th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013.-192 p.
  4. Mogilev A.V., Pak N.I., Henner E.K. Informatics: textbook. aid for students pedagogical universities / ed. E.K. Henner. – 8th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012.-848 p.
  5. Mogilev A.V., Pak N.I., Henner E.K. Workshop on computer science: textbook. aid for students pedagogical universities / ed. E.K. Henner. – 5th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2009.-608 p.
  6. Gokhberg G.S., Zafievsky A.V., Korotkin A.A. Information technology: a textbook for students. institutions prof. education. – 7th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 208 p.
  7. Strumpe N.V. Computer's operator. Practical work: textbook. guide for beginners prof. education. – 6th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013.-112 p.
  8. Sapkov V.V. Information technologies and computerization of office work: a textbook for institutions beginning. prof. education. – 6th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2011.-288 p.
  9. Fufaev E.V. Development and operation of remote databases: a textbook for students. institutions prof. education. – 3rd ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 256 p.

Additional sources:

  1. Sviridova M. Yu. Creating a presentation in PowerPoint: textbook. guide for beginners prof. education. 2nd ed., rev. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 224 p.
  2. Sviridova M. Yu. Excel spreadsheets: textbook. guide for beginners prof. education. 6th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013. – 144 p.
  3. Sviridova M. Yu. Information technologies in the office. Practical exercises: textbook. guide for beginners prof. education. 6th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013. – 320 p.

Internet resources:

1. Federal Center for Information and Educational Resourceshttp://www.edurt.ru

4.3. General requirements for the organization of the educational process

Mastering the module's work program is based on the study of general professional disciplines: Fundamentals of Information Technology, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Fundamentals of Electronics and Digital Circuitry, Occupational Health and Safety, Organizational Economics, Life Safety. The implementation of the module’s work program involves final (concentrated) production practice. Industrial practice should be carried out in organizations whose activities correspond to the profile of students’ training.

A prerequisite for admission to practical training within the framework of a professional module is the development of educational practice and interdisciplinary courses “Technology for creating and processing digital multimedia information” and “Technology for publishing digital multimedia information”.

When conducting practical classes, depending on the complexity of the topic being studied and technical specifications division possible study group into subgroups of at least 10 people.

In preparation for the final certification of the module, consultations are organized.

4.4. Staffing of the educational process

Requirements for the qualifications of teaching (engineering and pedagogical) personnel providing training in an interdisciplinary course (courses): availability of secondary vocational or higher professional education corresponding to the profile of the module “Storage, transmission and publication of digital information”» and the profession “Master of Digital Information Processing”.

Requirements for the qualifications of teaching staff supervising practice.

Industrial training masters must have 1 - 2 higher worker qualifications than required educational standard for graduates. Experience in organizations of the relevant professional field is mandatory for teachers responsible for students’ mastery of the professional cycle. Teachers and masters must undergo internships in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.



(mastered professional competencies)

PC 2.1. Create media libraries for structured storage and cataloging of digital information

Creating and structuring a personal computer media library

- Digital media library management

Storage, backup and restoration of digital information

Current control in the form:


PC 2.2. Manage the placement of digital information on the disks of a personal computer, as well as disk storage on a local and global computer network.

Transfer and placement of digital information;

Publishing multimedia content on the Internet.

Ensuring information security.

Current control in the form:

Defense of laboratory classes;


Tests on the topics of the MDC;

Tests for sections of the professional module.

PC 2.3. Replicate multimedia content on various removable storage media.

Replication of multimedia content on removable storage media;

Current control in the form:

Defense of laboratory classes;


Tests on the topics of the MDC;

Tests for sections of the professional module.

PC 2.4. Publish multimedia content on the Internet.

Navigating resources, searching, entering and transmitting data using Internet technologies and services;

Create and exchange mail with email letters;

Publish multimedia content on various Internet services

Current control in the form:

Defense of laboratory classes;


Tests on the topics of the MDC;

Tests for sections of the professional module.

Forms and methods for monitoring and assessing learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that support them.


(mastered general competencies)

Main indicators for assessing results

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluation

OK1.Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

Demonstration of interest in a future profession

OK2. Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.

Selection and application of methods and methods for solving professional problems

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program.

OK3.Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, assessment and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

Solving standard and non-standard professional problems

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program.

OK4.Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks

Search necessary information to solve the assigned professional task;

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program.

OK5.Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

Solving atypical professional problems using independently found information;

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program.

OK6.Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers

Interaction with students, teachers and masters during training;

Perform duties in accordance with the role in the group;

Solving situational problems related to the use of professional competencies.

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program.