Difference between a bee and a wasp sting. Bee, wasp and bumblebee - differences and interesting facts. What are the differences between insect bites?

The insects bee and wasp have differences related to their structural features and habitat. Few people think about the difference between a bee and a wasp. Yes, the color is different, the size is different, both insects sting, and this is the main thing for people: you need to be careful if they are nearby. But a detailed study of the issue reveals the fact that there is much less in common between a wasp and a bee than at first glance.

General information about insects

  • It is known that people were interested in bees 15,000 years ago. Reports of the uniqueness and mystery of these insects abounded in the 17th century, when it was discovered that bees could share information. They do this with the help of dance, special movements, changing flight speed and buzzing force.
  • The difference between a bee and a wasp is visible to the naked eye. The color of the first is not so bright, and the body is covered with villi. The wasp has a long, smooth body, which is constricted in the chest area, and is brighter in color with pronounced black and yellow stripes.
  • Wasps can be solitary, but there are also collective species. In this regard, biologists consider insects the most convenient object for studying how an organism moves from a solitary existence to a collective one, and then to social interaction and hierarchy.
  • Bees create families, which include: a queen, a drone, and a worker. Individuals differ from each other in shape and size. Parts of the body: head, chest, abdomen, hard and flexible chitinous cover.
  • Bees are considered descendants of ancient wasps, which lost and acquired a number of features. In wasps, the queen takes care of herself; in a bee colony, all members of the family take care of her.


The main difference between a bee and a wasp available triangular head with brain and main part nervous system in it. Compound eyes. A round tube extends from each hexagonal plate on the back, tapering downward. Its walls are covered with a shell that transmits light. A branched nerve approaches each tube from below. The eye of a worker bee consists of 4000-5000 facets, the eye of a queen bee has up to 5000 facets, and the eye of a drone has up to 6000-8000. The simple eyes are located on the crown, and the “third eye” is located on the epicranial suture. The peculiarity of the structure of the organs of vision lies in the form of transmission and processing of information from the outside.

The wasp has two pairs of membranous wings, and the body size is 1.5-10 cm. On each side of the head there is one large compound eye, which allows you to see in different directions at the same time. Two movable antennae with olfactory organs extend from the forehead, helping to navigate in the dark. With the help of antennae, the insect can determine the level of humidity, temperature, and concentration of carbon dioxide in the nest.

The antennae located on the head are intended for:

  • direct and remote perception;
  • determining cell sizes when constructing a nest;
  • taste buds.

The insect has three pairs of legs attached to the bottom of the chest and consisting of nine segments. The foot is formed from five parts connected by a chitinous film. The wings consist of membranes and are held in place by veins; during flight they are positioned perpendicular to the body.


Bee has digestive and respiratory organs, lymphatic system, genital organs located in the abdominal part.

The abdomen has the shape of an egg, the uterus has an oblong abdomen, and the drones have a blunt end. Consists of segments representing a ring of two halves. Drones have seven segments, other individuals have six. The sting is located between the last segments.

Bee digestive system consists of three sections; digestion itself occurs when food moves through the channel.

The open lymphatic system is filled with hemolymph and liquid matter. The organs of the system include blood vessels and a 5-chambered heart.

The respiratory organs have air sacs without a chitinous lining inside and a tracheal system with holes in the rings that open depending on the state of the insect and the degree of load.

The nervous system includes systems: central, peripheral, vegetative.

The weight of a bee depends on its functions in the colony. A honey bee weighs 0.1 g, a queen bee weighs 0.25 g.

The oral apparatus includes the upper and lower lips, paired upper and lower jaws. Bees use their proboscis to collect nectar.

Wasp mouthparts, unlike a bee, serves to chop plants used by insects to build nests or as food.


The bee sting has small serrations that cause it to remain in the body of the victim struck by the insect. When examining the sting under a microscope, a chitinous “dagger” with a saw-shaped thickening at the proximal tip is visible, with two lancets inside.

In addition to wasps, hornets and ants use their stings. This organ is a modified ovipositor and is located behind the abdominal region. With the help of their stings, bees and wasps inject a toxic substance into the body of the enemy.

When a bee stings, a fatal wound is created where the sting was. By the way, a queen bee can also bite when she is protecting her family or fighting someone else’s queen.

Differences between wasp and bee stings:

  • the bee's sting has small serrations;
  • there is no knot at the end of the wasp sting;
  • the bee leaves a sting in the victim, and after the sting dies;
  • the wasp stings repeatedly.

Bees don't attack first and sting only for self-defense. Wasps are aggressive and annoying, capable of stinging at an unexpected moment.

If there is an external threat, wasps, in addition to the sting, also use their jaws. A wasp sting is painful, and if a person is also allergic to the poison, it is extremely dangerous.

Food, habitat

Among wasps there are predators and herbivores.

The food is:

Predatory wasps, having caught prey, paralyze it with their poison.

Wasps live everywhere except the Arabian Peninsula, the Arctic and the Sahara. The living conditions of bees are different: they need plant resources, fruit trees, pastures, fields with grain and industrial crops.

The closer the apiary is to urban agglomerations, the more the composition of the product may differ, and the greater the likelihood of the presence of heavy metals in honey. In search of nectar, a bee is able to cover a long distance.

Productivity in propolis collection Much depends on the amount of brood raised. The speed of a flying bee with a filled crop is 30-40 km/h. With hard work, the amount of nectar collected by a bee colony is 10-12 kg.

The working individual makes 26 flights per day. The mass of the insect is unstable and may vary. At the first flight its mass is 0.122 g, and in flight - 0.120 g, the old flight weight is 0.108 g.

Bee born in autumn, can live 7-8 months, and in the summer - up to six weeks. So, life expectancy can vary dramatically. However, it can be adjusted if the family has lost the uterus for some reason.

To find their way home, bees rely on the Sun and the landscape. In the dark, they are able to find their way thanks to their senses of smell and touch.

Bees are hard workers who work for the benefit of the family. They collect nectar from flowers and produce a lot healthy products:

  • royal jelly;
  • wax.

Many bee products are used in pharmaceuticals (for example, bee venom). Wasps do not make useful products, but make their honeycombs from waste. Bees exclusively consume pollen. The diet of wasps is much more varied - a clear difference between a wasp and a bee. You can often see wasps on ripe peaches and apples, or feel their bite when you reach out for ripe fruit. Therefore, be careful.

With the onset of warm weather, almost all insects become active. Wasps and bees do not stand aside, reminding of their existence in the natural environment, on the balconies of apartments, in city parks and squares, on personal plots. From the school curriculum, few people remember the difference between a wasp and a bee. Interest is sharply awakened at the sight of stinging insects and especially after their bites.

External differences

Despite the fact that wasps and bees belong to the same order Hymenoptera and are essentially related, they have many differences. We won't take into account exotic species flyers and consider:

  • common types of paper wasps;
  • honey bees;
  • hornets - typical representatives of social wasps;
  • bumblebees are ambassadors from the family of real bees.


You can identify the difference between a bee and a wasp visually by their appearance. The color of the bee is muted yellow with black stripes. The body is covered with hairs.

The wasp is distinguished by a smooth body without signs of hair, rich yellow and contrasting black stripes. The bright “robe” of the insect is noticeable on long distance. But the wasp does not need thick hair, because collecting nectar is not its main business.

The color of the body is one of the main signs of difference between a bee and a wasp.

Body structure

It is not for nothing that the wasp is famous for its wasp waist - the interception between the abdomen and chest. In the photo, the graceful curve is visible especially clearly. The body shape is elongated and elongated. Upon closer examination, powerful jaws and thin legs stand out.

The hornet is very similar in appearance to the wasp, but only with more developed jaws and a thicker waist.

On a note! The hornet is the largest insect among traditional wasps and bees; it is two to three times larger than them. The dimensions of the flyer can reach 5-6 cm.

The bee has a more rounded body and the interception between its parts is barely visible. Compared to the wasp, the proportions are harmonious. The abdomen differs in shape depending on what level the insect occupies in the bee hierarchy. In honey-bearing workers it is egg-shaped, in the queen it is elongated, and in drones it has a blunt ending. Unlike wasps, bees have so-called baskets on thick legs - containers in which they place flower nectar.

Differences in lifestyle and behavior

The flight path and the manner of controlling one’s own body are no less noticeable differences between a bee and a wasp. The honey collector flies smoothly. The wasp develops a decent speed, which is why its movements sometimes become jerky and it is capable of “hovering” in space for short periods of time.

Bumblebees have the calmest “driving style.” Because of their size and mass, they fly slowly, without rushing. Watching a flying bumblebee, one gets the impression that the poor fellow is trying to keep himself in the air with great effort.

Interesting! For a long time naturalists generally considered the version that the flight qualities of bumblebees manifest themselves contrary to all the laws of aerodynamics.

It is common for all representatives to live in families:

  • Domestic bees live in houses carefully prepared by beekeepers. Wild individuals create hives in tree hollows and rocky gorges. Occasionally there are bees that prefer a solitary lifestyle.
  • Wasps can also live in organized families with a strict way of life, where everyone performs their own function, or they can be a hermit. Unlike bees, wasp nests They look like paper, the material for their production is chewed grass and wood.
  • Bumblebees live in small colonies, the number of which does not exceed 200 individuals. They build their nests in abandoned rodent burrows and tree hollows. They prefer to go alone to forage for food, while wasps most often move in groups.
  • Hornets, as befits wasps, build paper nests. Only rotten stumps and branches act as building materials, so their home is brown in color, not gray.

Nutritional Features

The bee is a true vegetarian and collects only nectar and pollen from flowers. Her nutritional principles are shared by bumblebee, a fellow connoisseur of flower products.

But wasps and hornets are avid hunters and predators. Protein menu necessary for the larvae, so the workers attack small insects, sometimes even larger than them. Often their prey is a bee or a fly. To immobilize the victim, wasps do not always use their main weapon - the sting.

They successfully cope with weak opponents with the help of powerful jaws. Each species has its own strategy and tactics of attack, but in most cases they drag their prey into the nest, riding it on horseback.

Wasps clinging to a piece of meat, fish, or a fallen animal are a common occurrence. With their powerful jaws, they bite off tiny pieces of meat and bring them to the larvae in a chewed state.

With great enthusiasm, wasps and hornets eat fermented or fresh fruits, sugar-containing foods, sweet drinks and even beer.

What are the differences between insect bites?

People quite often become victims of stinging insects. This raises the question of how a bee sting differs from a wasp sting, and which of them dies after the attack. Both creatures have a sting in their arsenal. Only they use it according to different principles.

The bee's sting is uneven with protruding serrations. Outwardly it very much resembles a harpoon. When an insect attacks, it inserts a sting into the skin, releasing toxic substances through a thin channel. The bee makes attempts to pull out its tool, but uneven surface the sting prevents her from doing this. As a result of efforts, it is torn off from the body, and with it the sac with poison, as well as internal organs, most often the intestines. Such injuries cause the death of the bee.

The wasp has a more advanced weapon. The sting is almost smooth and extremely sharp. It is considered one of the sharpest instruments in the world. During a bite, poisonous components enter through it. Each species has a different composition.

The shape of the body allows the wasp to attack its prey from any angle of inclination. After the attack, the insect freely removes the weapon from the victim’s skin and moves away or makes a second attack.

On a note! If you want to experience and find out for yourself what bee and wasp stings look like and how they differ, be sure to start vigorously waving your arms and making loud noises when you see approaching “minke whales.” This will significantly increase your chances of being bitten.

Painful sensations after bites appear not so much due to damage to the skin, but rather due to the components of the poison, which provoke burning, itching and possible allergic reactions. Hornet stings cause the greatest discomfort and suffering, followed by bumblebees, wasps and bees in terms of degree of pain.


A bee, a wasp, a bumblebee, and a hornet have many differences, despite the fact that they are from the same order. By carefully studying each photo, you can recognize them unmistakably by appearance. All these insects play their role in nature and benefit humans. Bees are suppliers of honey, and wasps destroy and reduce the number of pests.

A wasp and a bee differ in appearance, behavior, and lifestyle. But they are often confused with each other, not knowing what to expect. Included in the same category. He tries to stay away from humans, but periodically meets, even builds his nests at the dacha, garden plot. The difference between a wasp and a bee, as well as a hornet, is noticeable to the naked eye, but only an informed person can distinguish them.

External differences

The difference in size and body structure is significant.



If you compare in size whether a wasp or a bee is larger, the advantage is on the side of the wasps. More dangerous bite wasps or bees - the wasp also wins in the rating, but only in terms of the strength of the painful sensations. Bee venom is more dangerous if the sting is not removed in a timely manner. Whoever is more aggressive wins the wasp family again. Representatives are distinguished by excessive aggressiveness, nervousness, and rush to attack with a slight wave of the hand in their direction.

People don't often think about the difference between a bee and a wasp. It seems that stinging insects have virtually no differences, if you do not take into account the characteristic color of each species.

Upon closer examination of the issue, it turns out that wasps and bees have much less in common than it seems at first glance. Find out a lot of interesting facts about the life, characteristics of reproduction, nutrition and bites of amazing creatures.

general information

Bees belong to the order Hymenoptera, wasps are a more vague concept: common name several species of stinging insects from the suborder Stem-bellied, with the exception of ants and bees.


  • there are 520 genera;
  • distributed on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica;
  • there is a long proboscis, with which workers take out flower pollen and drink sweet nectar;
  • two pairs of wings, of which the hind ones are shorter;
  • insect sizes – minimum – 2.1 mm (dwarf bee), maximum – 39 mm (Megachile pluto species from Indonesia);
  • antennae help to navigate in space;
  • highly social insects form a swarm. There is a queen, at some stages of development - drones and worker bees;
  • adult individuals can live independently or have a semi-social organization with a certain division of labor;
  • worker bees collect honey all day long; honeycombs for storing the valuable product are built from their own enzymes;
  • in apiaries, workers live in special wooden boxes or beehives. Up to 40,000 individuals live in one house during the peak summer season.

Types of bees:

  • honey;
  • Chinese wax;
  • alfalfa leaf-cutter bee and others.

How to choose and how to use it? Look at the rating of toxic drugs and recipes for folk remedies.

On a note:

  • Without bees, pollination of many plant species is impossible. Useful Creatures- the most significant group of pollinators in various ecosystems. Farmers often collaborate with beekeepers, agreeing to place apiaries in certain places, closer to farmland;
  • the tiny creature is much more important to the balance of nature than it seems. People are so accustomed to being in the vicinity of swarms of bees that it seems that nothing threatens the tiny workers. But poor ecology, the appearance of killer bees, and the use of potent poisons in fields and gardens provoke a decline in the population in different parts planets;
  • If bees die, humanity faces a bleak future: it will be difficult to grow crops if natural pollinators disappear. Transferring pollen from male flowers to female flowers on a large scale is a tedious task and not always effective. Farmers from the USA, China, and some European countries were convinced of this after the death of some bees several years ago. Farmers had to hire pollinator workers to grow the traditional volume of crops;
  • under the influence of viruses, signals mobile communications, pesticides, polluted air, the colonies are destroyed, the workers cannot find their way to their home, and the new swarm does not want to populate the abandoned hive. Beekeepers have even held demonstrations to demand that governments take action to prevent the decline of beneficial insect populations.

Interesting fact! There are 21,000 species of bees in total! In Europe, zoologists have identified 1965 species of beneficial insects, almost 400 species are endemic.

Benefits and harms

It is often said that wasps were created by the devil, and bees by God. The reason for this expression will become clear if we compare the way of life and the way of eating.


  • beneficial individuals produce such valuable product, like honey;
  • Another positive attribute– insects pollinate 80% of plants on the planet;
  • workers sting a person only when protecting the hive; allergic reactions are possible after a bite.

The characteristic differences are clearly visible if you look at photographs of two different Hymenoptera insects. There are several details that make it possible to clearly distinguish both types of stinging creatures.


Looking at the table, it’s easy to figure out why toiling honey plants are considered beneficial insects, while wasps are nothing but trouble.

Behavior in stressful situations

Features of each type of stinging insect

Despite the varying degrees of pain, a sting by one of the species of Hymenoptera insects has many similar signs. There are also differences.

Every person should know what to do in case of wasps. Ignorance of first aid rules and illiterate actions often cause harm to health. The situation is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers, young children, expectant mothers, and weakened people.

Characteristic signs of stinging insect bites:

  • swelling of the affected area;
  • redness;
  • soreness;
  • deterioration of general condition.

With increased sensitivity of the body, a person reacts more actively to the action of the poison, the reaction is more severe:

  • swelling intensifies, the tissues of the larynx, tongue, and facial area swell;
  • breathing is difficult, allergy sufferers may experience asthma attacks;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • redness affects not only the bite area, but also spreads to neighboring tissues;
  • body temperature rises or the victim breaks out in cold sweat;
  • anxiety appears, the person becomes nervous.

Check out a review of the best ones, and also find out what is not recommended to put in a mousetrap.

Read the page for useful tips on how to deal with weevils in cereals and prevent the proliferation of harmful bugs.

In case of severe intoxication, anaphylactic reactions are added:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • hemorrhages in the conjunctiva;
  • the skin becomes sharply pale;
  • the pulse is weakly palpable or exceeds 100 beats per minute;
  • arterial pressure low or very high;
  • it is difficult to breathe, the victim wheezes;
  • tachycardia develops;
  • there is pain in the abdominal cavity and chest area;
  • the bite area and neighboring areas are very itchy;
  • Nausea and dizziness appear.

When you need a doctor's help

Calling an ambulance is a mandatory measure in the following cases:

  • a person was attacked by a swarm of bees or many wasps;
  • are developing obvious signs intoxication of the body, anaphylactic reactions are noticeable;
  • a person suffers from allergies, he has been bitten by stinging insects before, but there are no antihistamines at hand;
  • the bite occurred on the tongue, face or eyes;
  • pregnant woman injured Small child, health quickly deteriorates.

First aid:

  • take the victim away from the place where the wasps or bees bitten, sit him down, unfasten his collar and belt;
  • carefully remove the sting using tweezers moistened with alcohol or cologne;
  • wipe the affected area cold water, alcohol, any disinfectant solution;
  • If you are bitten by a stinging insect far from home, rinse the wound with water and apply a clean dandelion or plantain leaf;
  • apply a cold compress for 10–15 minutes to relieve pain and reduce swelling;
  • Apply a topical insect bite repellent. The best option: Fenistil-gel, Rescue balm, Psilo-balm. Folk remedies: aloe juice, gruel from parsley leaves;
  • give an allergy pill. This measure is mandatory if a person is registered with an allergist or has been stung by striped “aggressors” before. Effective drugs: Suprastinex, Cetrin, Erius, Fexofenadine, Claritin;
  • Give unsweetened tea, bottled water, still mineral water. It is important to wash the cells and quickly remove toxins from the body.

Wrong actions

Some people do not know how to behave when attacked by stinging creatures and try to get the sting using strange methods. This approach can cause a lot of harm.

What not to do about bees and wasps:

  • squeeze out a sting or venom;
  • burn the bite area with a cigarette;
  • rub the painful area;
  • smoke;
  • drink alcohol;
  • move actively;
  • be in the sun.

It is not advisable to lie down best option– half-sitting position. With this approach, the load on the heart is lower; in case of nausea and vomiting, the head will not fall back, and the person will not choke.

Now it’s easy to figure out how to distinguish a bee from a wasp, which of the stinging insects brings more benefits to humans and ecosystems. Information about bites and first aid rules will be useful to everyone.

More useful tips about what to do if you are stung by a bee or wasp in the following video:

What to do if swelling and redness appear as a result of a bee or wasp sting depends on the complexity of the symptoms. Swelling, inflammation, and a red spot occur immediately after entering the bloodstream. In some cases, the condition returns to normal within a few days, in others, medical attention is required.

Differences between wasp and bee stings

Insects belong to one class of stinging insects. The sting is a modified ovipositor, so only females bite. When the abdominal muscles contract, the sting pierces the skin and poison is instantly injected. The immune system reacts to damage to the skin, the ingress of a toxic substance with swelling, pain, redness, and swelling.

You can determine whether a wasp or a bee has bitten you by one important sign. A bee leaves a sting in a wound, but a wasp does not. has jagged edges and looks like a saw. It penetrates the body easily, but does not have the ability to move in the opposite direction. The insect makes a jerk, the sting comes off along with part of the abdomen, continues to pulsate, pumping poison. Bee in a few minutes.

Smooth, resembles a large needle. Penetrates freely into the skin and is easily removed. In one attack, the insect can sting up to 5 times, after which it flies away freely.

You can find out whether a wasp or a bee has stung you by external sensations. Wasp venom is stronger and more toxic. After a bite, a local allergic reaction immediately develops. If an insect stings the neck, the poison enters the bloodstream faster and general allergy symptoms develop. Bee venom can cause pronounced local manifestations, but rarely provokes a strong reaction. The exception is people with individual intolerance to bee venom.

On a note!

If we compare who stings more painfully - a wasp, a bee or a bumblebee, the first place in terms of pain and danger is given to the bee. In terms of the frequency of bites, wasps win because they are distinguished by aggressive behavior. Any sudden movement is regarded as an attack on life, and they rush to attack.

Bite symptoms

Externally, the manifestations are practically no different. It is difficult to assess the degree of pain, if a wasp or bee stings for the first time, a person has nothing to compare with. The bite looks like this:

  • edema;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • pain;
  • in the center is a dot with a small depression;

A photo of a bee or wasp sting is shown below. You can carefully examine all the features of the traces of an attack by striped insects.

On a note!

If a wasp or bee stings in the leg, injects poison into the arm, the entire limb swells. If you are bitten on the neck, face, or tongue, the likelihood of swelling of the larynx increases. In severe cases, Quincke's edema develops. In the absence of qualified help, a person risks dying. If you are bitten by bees or attacked by a swarm of wasps, the dose of poison in the blood increases significantly and anaphylactic shock may occur.

A severe allergic reaction provokes:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • fainting;
  • blurred vision;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • pale skin;
  • constriction of the pupil;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills.

At home it is allowed to carry out or bees with local allergic reaction. If you experience deterioration in your health, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the larynx, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to a sanitary checkpoint accompanied by other people.

First aid for a bee or wasp sting

After an insect attack, you need to take certain actions to avoid complications and reduce allergies.

  1. Rinse the wound with clean cold water. The procedure will help wash away any remaining poison and remove dirt. At home, use laundry soap.
  2. Disinfect. They use ammonia, medical alcohol, and boric alcohol. And also hydrogen peroxide, a medicinal herbal tincture of medicinal herbs.
  3. Neutralize the effect of the poison. Vinegar is used citric acid. To prepare the solution, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar or 0.5 teaspoon of acid to a glass of water. They wipe the sore spot, make lotions and compresses. If it is not possible to prepare a solution, apply a piece of sugar for 5 minutes.
  4. Don't let the poison spread. Ice cubes or cold objects are applied to the bite site for 5 minutes - a bottle of water, meat from the freezer, a heating pad. Cold constricts blood vessels, prevents the spread of poison, and also relieves swelling and eliminates pain.
  5. Reduce inflammation. You can treat the bite with a decoction or tincture of calendula, chamomile, or valerian. Or they use pharmaceutical drugs.

If you have a severe allergic reaction, you need to take an antihistamine as quickly as possible. Be sure to take medicine for multiple bites, if a wasp or bee stings you on the neck or face.

Folk remedies

Symptoms disappear completely within a week. All this time the sore spot hurts and itches. To speed up tissue regeneration, use folk remedies. They are also used if it is not possible to treat the wound with professional antiseptics.

  • Baking soda. Making pasta. Add a little water, mix, apply to the bite area until dry.
  • Laundry soap. Foam should be applied to the bite. Leave for 5 minutes.
  • Plant juices. Celandine, dandelion, plantain, and aloe vera are used.
  • Toothpaste. For medicinal purposes, a hygiene product with menthol is used. Leave on skin for 5 minutes. Instead of paste, use shaving foam.
  • Onion. Squeeze out the juice or apply the paste to the sore spot. The product neutralizes poison and prevents infection.

On a note!

The juices of potatoes, carrots, beets, lemon, and grapefruit have anti-inflammatory properties. They make compresses, lotions, and simply wipe the wound.

Medicines for a normal reaction to a bee or wasp sting

They use a product based on natural ingredients, herbal extracts, and essential oils.

  • Menovazin. Produced in the form of an ointment or solution. Contains menthol and 2 painkillers. Relief occurs the moment you apply it. Process up to 4 times per day.
  • Calendula. Apply ointment and solution. It has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antipruritic, disinfecting, analgesic properties.
  • Star. The balm contains camphor, clove oils, mint, menthol, and others. natural ingredients. The product eliminates painful symptoms, stops inflammation, and accelerates tissue regeneration. It should be applied to relieve redness, pain, itching, and inflammation.
  • Boro-Plus. Antiseptic cream based on oils and herbal extracts. Smells nice and helps quickly. The universal drug can be applied, if necessary, up to 5 times a day.

If no improvement in the condition of the skin is observed within 2 days, agents are used to reduce the activity of histamines.


The active components reduce the level of histamine, stop the pathological process, and eliminate allergy symptoms. Apply a thin layer twice a day. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. Do not use longer than 7 days. To enhance the effect, take tablets, syrup, or drops for oral administration.

Effective means:

  • Claritin;
  • Suprastin;
  • Diazolin;
  • Fenistil-gel;
  • Psilo-balm.

Average price 300 rub. Available without a prescription.

On a note!

If you have a severe allergic reaction, or if antihistamines They don’t help, they prescribe hormonal drugs.

Antiallergic drugs

Active substances are hormones from the group of glucocorticosteroids. They act similarly to antihistamines, but 4 times faster. They reduce histamine activity, increase blood pressure, reduce vascular permeability, and eliminate external allergy symptoms. It is prohibited to treat a wasp or bee sting without consulting a specialist.

Tablets for oral administration Prednisolone, Dexamethasone. The dosage is selected depending on age. Adults – up to 3 pieces per day. The course of therapy depends on the complexity of the symptoms.

Ointment for wasp and bee stings:

  • Sinaflan;
  • Advantan;
  • Elokom;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Betamethasone;
  • Triaccutane.

Contraindication for use is the presence of individual intolerance to the components. The cost of hormonal drugs is from 50 rubles. up to 500 rub. The cheapest Hydrocortisone ointment, its price is within 50 rubles.

What not to do

After a bite, it is forbidden to squeeze out the poison, since such actions contribute to the spread of the toxic substance and the penetration of a secondary infection. It is forbidden to scratch the wound or rub it for the same reason. You can't drink alcohol. Alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels, increase blood circulation, which contributes to the spread of poison through the blood.

When pathogenic microorganisms enter the wound, a secondary infection develops. At the site of the bite, suppuration and ulcers appear, and the scale of inflammation increases. In this case, it is prohibited to use hormonal external agents. Treatment is carried out with local antibiotics. An effective, affordable remedy is Levomekol, Tetracycline ointment. They also use combined hormonal agents containing an antibiotic - Elokom S, Fluorocort.

Benefits of a bite

Treatment with bees or wasps is used in alternative medicine. The poison contains substances that accelerate metabolic processes, tissue rejuvenation, and cell renewal. The toxic substance lowers blood pressure, which is useful for hypertensive patients. Bee venom has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is often used to treat radiculitis, vertebral hernia, and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Aspen poison has the properties of stopping the development of tumors and renewing cells. used in alternative medicine to treat prostate and gallbladder cancer. Further research is being carried out. Experts hope to obtain in the future an effective anti-cancer drug based on wasp venom.

Specific treatment should be carried out under the supervision of specialists; independent therapy can lead to serious consequences.

On a note!

After a wasp or bee sting, the body produces antibodies that resist the development of severe allergies in the future. However, in people with impaired immune system function, addiction does not occur. Each subsequent bite is more dangerous than the previous one. A vaccine is given to prevent severe allergies. It is a purified poison that contains a low amount of histamine. It is impossible to completely cure intolerance to wasp venom; revaccination should be done periodically.