The dimensions of the windows are standard in the drawings. What are the standard sizes of window openings according to GOST; how it is installed and what determines the height and width of the doorway. Is there a standard for pvc windows

The primary purpose of windows in buildings and structures of any type is to transmit light for natural light. But windows also provide ventilation of the premises, perform a number of other functions. Let's try to figure out what is regulated in construction. Is it possible to set arbitrary during construction, for example, country house?

How is the area of ​​window openings calculated?

In the construction of various types of buildings, building codes and rules governing the dimensions of window openings and windows depending on many factors. The decisive among them is KEO - the coefficient of natural light. But many other factors are also taken into account: the dimensions and purpose of the building, geographical location, lighting characteristics and the number of glasses in a double-glazed window, etc. percentage), which is determined by the formula given in the document. The SNiP defines the normalized KEO values ​​in the premises of typical public and residential buildings geographically located in the band from 45 ° to 60 ° north latitude. This value takes into account that glass cleaning in windows is mandatory twice a year for buildings in areas with low dust and pollution, and 4 times for rooms in areas with noticeable emissions of dust and combustion products. If the building is located south of 45° north latitude, a factor of 0.75 should be applied to the KEO value, and if the building is located north of 60° north latitude - 1.2.

The calculation formulas have their own coefficients for the cases of using several glasses in double-glazed windows, with different distances between the glasses, as well as with different glass designs in windows (frosted, curly, etc.).
If it is difficult to set different coefficients, then there is a simplified formula for residential premises: the area of ​​​​window glazing should be at least 8 times less area premises. This formula gives approximate, but quite close to the calculated results.

Standard sizes

But there are standard sizes of window openings, specified state standards for residential and These dimensions are optimal for mass construction. They take into account many factors, including the external aesthetic appearance of the building as an architectural structure.

GOSTs take into account not only the size of window and design features their execution. In addition, the dimensions of openings, canvases and the design of balcony doors have been standardized. There are GOST 24699-81, GOST 24700-81 and GOST 11214-86, which impose restrictions on the choice wooden windows and balcony doors for public and residential buildings in the design with double-glazed windows and glass, with double-glazed windows and with, respectively.

List of standard sizes

In particular, standardized sizes of windows and balcony doors of residential buildings are provided for in height (860, 1460 and 2175 mm) and width (570, 720, 870, 1170, 1320, 1470, 1770 or 2070 mm). For public buildings another size range was standardized for windows and doors of balconies (height - 1160, 1760 or 2060, 2375 or 2575 mm, width - 870, 1170, 1320, 1470 mm). openings for these structures is also defined: in residential buildings (height 910, 1520 and 2210, width 610, 780, 910, 1210, 1380, 1510, 1810, 2110 mm) and public (height 1210, 1810, 2110, 2410 and 2810, width 910, 1210, 1380, 1510, 1810, 2110, 2410 and 2710 mm).

Standard sizes of window openings (GOST 23166-99), window blocks and balcony doors are presented in an expanded size range: height values ​​​​are added - 580 and 1320 mm, widths - 2370 and 2670 mm without specification, they will be installed in residential or public buildings .

In panel houses standard window of two wings, it should also have a width) of 1300x1400 mm, and of three wings - a height of 1400 mm, and a width of the wings of 2070 or 2050 mm.

Window sizes are also standardized for five-story houses of the Khrushchev period. For a window of two wings with a narrow window sill, the size is 1300x1350 mm, for three wings - 2040x1350 mm, and for a wide window sill - 1450x1500 and 2040x1500 mm.

How to calculate window openings?

Thus, in order to choose the number and size of window openings for a building under construction country house you can perform the following sequence of actions:
- by the area of ​​​​the room we calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bglazing windows (divided by 8);
- we determine the height of the windows from the dimensional standard range (we take into account the architectural appearance of the house, its harmonious aesthetic appearance);
- by dividing the glazing area by the height of the window glass, we obtain the total width of the glazing;
- we calculate the number of windows for the widths of the standard row that suit you by dividing the total glazing width by the selected width of the glass of the window block (we round the resulting value up if we get a fractional number);
- choose the width that suits our preferences the most.

The result is no worse than the requirements of SNiP, since the result was rounded up.


Let's take a room with an area of ​​40 sq.m - the glazing area should be at least 5 sq.m. With a window height of 1460 mm (glass height - 1210 mm), the total length of the glazing will be 4132 mm, which is equivalent to 4 windows with a width of 1320 mm (glass width 1170 mm) or three windows with a width of 1770 mm (glass width 1520 mm).

When determining the dimensions of window openings, add 15 mm to the dimensions of the window blocks on each side to fit on mounting foam and add 50 mm in height for the same purpose plus for installing a window sill.

Final remarks

It must be borne in mind that when building an individual country house, there are no such strict restrictions as in mass construction. Modern firms (there are a great many of them on the market), producing and installing double-glazed windows, are able to produce window blocks of any size. But if you implement the recommended sizes of window openings (SNiP P-A862), then the conditions for natural lighting of the premises will be met, and the choice of sizes according to GOST allows you to save costs compared to ordering individual window blocks.

Therefore, in any case, it is useful to know and use the calculations of illumination according to the method of requirements for construction, as well as the provisions of the current GOST standards for standardizing window and door structures to choose the right size of window openings, for example, for building a country house.

The design of buildings of any type, residential or administrative and industrial, involves focusing on certain norms and standards. Engineering Communication, door and window openings in any case must comply with the standards prescribed in the documentation approved at the state level. Norms are not invented to complicate life, but are based on certain data obtained empirically and laboratory studies. Window openings are no exception.

Residential Standards

The standardization of window openings is designed primarily to regulate the intensity of lighting in the room. The gradation according to the parameters of the openings depends on the purpose of the room. But not only this is taken into account:

Dimensions are calculated based on building codes and rules, and it simply cannot be otherwise. For each dwelling, the rules determine the mandatory value of the illumination coefficient in our latitudes - south of 60˚ and north of 45˚ latitude. At the same time, it is assumed that glass cleaning will be carried out twice a year in ordinary rooms and four times a year for regions with a certain amount of emission of combustion products. It is clear that this refers to environmentally unreliable areas. Nevertheless, one can talk on this topic for a long time, but the dimensions do not change from this. The first table is for standard single-leaf windows.

Double and triple leaf windows

For areas that are located on the border areas with the indicated latitudes, there is a certain correction factor. If the building is located south of the region specified in the standard, then the correction factor will be 0.75. If the house is built to the north, then the opening area should be increased - the coefficient increases by 1.2 times. Recently, another important factor has been taken into account - the number of glasses in the package and the distance between them. The fact is that no one will individually calculate the refractive index of a beam in a triple-glazed window, and the lighting efficiency will deteriorate from this.

For this, GOST took into account such modifications of window blocks. However, there are certain average sizes that are suitable for most areas and most insulating glass designs. The table shows the dimensions for a two-leaf and three-leaf window, approved by GOST.

Aluminum windows in private houses

If we touched on the topic of the area of ​​​​glazing at home, then it would be simply indecent to keep silent about the aluminum windows that the plastic moved. For obvious reasons - plastic windows are much cheaper. But not about the price, but about the size. And here elegant and luxurious aluminum windows- on the highest level according to the light transmission coefficient. Aluminum windows, by virtue of their design, are simply alien to minimalist design. It is worth seeing aluminum windows once, and you won’t want to look at plastic, although this may be a subjective opinion.

The increased light transmission capacity is provided to windows by the design of specific accessories and fittings. Mechanical and mechatronic hidden systems allowed not only to increase the reliability of the system, but also to significantly increase the glazing area with the same standard openings. Aluminum structures can achieve the highest quality of thermal insulation, noise insulation and burglary resistance according to the European class WK3.

Plastic windows for a private house

Just like in high-rise apartments, windows poured into private sector. They have a lot of advantages over wooden frames, and it’s impossible to list them all, but we will still name the main ones:

Plastic windows, with their affordable price and some monotony, can satisfy almost any engineering design. Fitting into the norms with such windows is as easy as shelling pears. Even if you take into account calculated value, very approximate that the windows should be about 2/3 of the floor area, this condition is easily met. The area of ​​the window can be manipulated as you like. Only here you need to pay a lot of attention to the number of glasses in the package and the correspondence of their number to the height above the ground. The reason is simple - condensation. Plastic does not breathe like wood, and moisture can form inside the bag, which evaporates for a very long time, and in winter it simply freezes in the outer bag. Premium windows do not have this problem, but cheaper designs have such a problem.

In general, the existing standards for windows, regardless of the material of manufacture, fully cover the need for daylight in a living space, reacting differently to temperature changes outside the window and in the room. By carefully choosing windows, we will provide a bright, warm and safe home for years to come.

Window height

Planning is the first step in the construction of any home, private facilities are no exception. On paper, future owners embody their ideas about how the house should be. This stage involves taking into account a large number factors:

  1. Size, shape.
  2. How many floors with rooms?
  3. What does the building look like?
  4. The overall size of the structure.

Optimal height: what is it?

In private construction, the standards for arranging windows were almost abandoned. You can use any options, if they match the idea. The purpose of the room affects the final size of the window block.

  • 800 millimeters - the distance from the floor to the windowsill, if we are talking about a hallway, inside which there should always be a lot of light.
  • The presence of a beautiful view from the living room suggests that the landing or height of the windows above the floor is better to choose lower than the seat on the chair, by about 400 millimeters. Under other circumstances, the indicator may be 800 mm.
  • The bedroom is a place for relaxation and solitude. So, you can expand the parameter to 900 millimeters. Thanks to this, additional heat is retained inside the room.
  • 700-900 millimeters - optimal fit for children's rooms where lighting and ventilation are needed.
  • 750 millimeters is most suitable for rooms where offices are installed.

In a wooden house

If only one window is mounted, then it is placed exactly in the center, leaving a small free space for furniture. The main thing is to install on the wall, where there is the most lighting. It is important to ensure that there is additional protective film. Western and South side preferred for installation.

Interesting. The dimensions of each room affect what the windows will be like. Living rooms, kitchens, libraries and similar spaces require the most large structures. In other rooms, not so large structures are acceptable.

The more elongated the walls, the room itself - the more windows themselves may be needed.

Standard sizes

180 centimeters in height and 120 centimeters in width are the maximum parameters that such products can adhere to.

The maximum width of up to 147 centimeters is typical for double-leaf windows. If more parameters are needed, it will be necessary to document that strength tests have been carried out. And that the results of these tests were positive.

Product height modern market is in the range from 40 to 220 centimeters. With regard to the width, the limits are different - from 40 to 207 centimeters. It is acceptable to create individual orders that differ in characteristics from accepted standards.

Toilet window size

Individual orders are the most common solution for such situations. But it is recommended to decide on an additional opening at the construction and planning stage. Right Decisions easier to accept with a few things in mind:

  1. Room settings.
  2. The functional purpose of the room.
  3. The side of the world that the wall faces.

Windows are produced without any additions, or with sashes - one or two.

From 0.8 to 1.47 meters - the standard height of windows, according to the current GOST. As for the width, its indicators are from 0.4 to 0.87 meters. The more wings - the greater will be the overall dimensions of the structure. Most great option- with three doors.

Different performers put different numbers in projects. It is highly likely that the result will differ from GOST.

Panoramic windows: what are the dimensions?

Many designs in this case have a length of up to 2.5 meters. If the length is at this level, but does not exceed it, you can install the system with warm floors. Otherwise, it is recommended to use special convectors.

PVC structures are suitable for installation in openings up to three meters in size. If the dimensions are larger, it is recommended to give preference to aluminum products. This alloy is practically devoid of the ability to linear expansion.

How more area glazing in this case - the more the room can heat up if it is not protected from sun rays. In addition, such designs open up an overview of what is happening inside. Not all owners of a private house like this situation.

In a frame house

Additional racks and cross boards are needed to strengthen the structure in this case. These are special jumpers that help to better distribute the load. It is necessary to pay attention to several nuances when such buildings are constructed:

The parameter is the same as the width mineral wool or polystyrene. The main thing is to carefully carry out calculations, especially if you need to reduce the size. The distance between the corner post and the window beam must be known as accurately as possible. For the thickness of the stand itself, you need at least 5 cm.

  • Bridges of cold.

The maximum step in this parameter is 60 cm. The parts are placed in the same place as the racks with beams. Heater - on the sides.

  • Choosing the right fixation method to achieve the desired result.

It is better to choose standard sizes, they are the easiest to handle. Standard options are described above. When creating individual orders, some nuances are taken into account:

  1. The size of the block and the height of the room must match.
  2. The width is calculated according to the "golden section". The main thing is that the frame gaps as a result of the calculations do not turn out to be too large.
  3. It is better to make one window wider if the size of the room allows for two blocks with a relatively small distance. Otherwise, problems arise.

At the cottage of foam blocks

If you follow a few rules, the installation of window openings will cease to be a problem.

  1. From 8 to 12 centimeters can be a depth in the case of installing a window.

It is measured between different edges- from the window to the opening.

  1. The determining factor is the thickness of the wall, which is in the range of 20-30 cm.
  2. The window can be placed closer to the outer edge of the opening if insulation is planned for external masonry.

Protection against moisture condensation and freezing are the main reasons for choosing one or another value. Aesthetics should remain in second place.

The exact dimensions of the products in this case look like this:

  • Planting depth - up to 8-12 cm.
  • The ratio between the size of the window itself and the floor area is 1:5, this is the best option.
  • For the attic, a ratio of 1:10 is acceptable.

For a country house made of aerated concrete

Bearing and non-bearing jumpers - this is what determines the dimensions that this or that opening has in a particular case. General recommendations when working, they look like this:

  • The most difficult stage is the installation of jumpers that ensure the strength of the connections.
  • A length of 2 meters or more is standard for supporting any lintel if the wall is aerated concrete.
  • At the next stages, arrangement doorway has its own characteristics.
  • One or two jumpers are placed tightly to each other, taking into account the wall thickness.
  • The support is extended to 2.5 meters if the window width is 1.2 meters or more.
  • For windows, a special base is prepared, with a minimum depth of 2.5 cm.

The exact dimensions of the windows might look like this:

  1. Height from foundation level - up to 750 mm.
  2. The height of the windows themselves is up to 1500 mm.
  3. Width - up to 1300 mm.
  4. In case of narrow windows the width can be reduced up to 900 mm.

in the bathroom

The layout and design of the room, the size of the bathroom - that's what affects the dimensions of the windows. view from window opening must also be taken into account. If the opening is too large, heat loss increases.

130-150 cm is the most suitable height for placing windows above the washbasin. Then you can look outside. The height of the window sill, taking into account the height of the baths, is 60 cm, no less.

On the stairs

PVC structures placed next to the stairs have standard dimensions of 1200 by 1200 mm. The length can be in the range from 1200 to 1500 mm. It all depends on the type of building. Width - from 1200 to 2500 mm. In the case of private houses, generally accepted standards are not always observed, because they develop individual projects for everybody.

On flights of stairs, the installation of wooden windows was practically abandoned. Usually preference is given to non-standard samples.

500 by 500 mm - the minimum dimensions encountered in practice. 2600 by 2800 millimeters - maximum.

For bathroom

There are also several available sizes here, everyone chooses the most suitable option:

  1. 700 by 1400 mm.
  2. 1350 by 1400 mm.
  3. 1700 by 1400 mm.

2.8 millimeters - minimum thickness for profiles facing the street. Indoors, it is permissible to keep the parameter at the level of 2.5 mm.

The main thing is to measure in advance and know how the structure is located in relation to other planes inside the room. 80 or 90 cm - standard height to the window, measured from the floor. But baths are characterized by an increase in the parameter, depending on the dimensions of the plumbing products themselves.

The amount of lighting needed, the general plan for the facade of the house greatly affect how the window should be. 1/8 of the area of ​​the room - optimal location, which should be occupied by this construction. In each case, the calculations are carried out individually, depending on the wishes and preferences of the owners. The dimensions of this product affect the comfort of operation in the future, including from being inside. The easiest option is when they are guided by GOST, choosing standard options. But sometimes this is not possible, and in such situations individual orders. They can deviate from accepted standards.


Almost all metal manufacturers plastic windows ny designs are able to realize any wish of the client - regardless of the required parameters and shapes. But, like any other industry, this window production also has its own standard sizes of window openings. . The parameters approved by the state are always relevant, despite the growth in popularity custom designs. Even the era of technological progress is not able to overshadow the practice of application. In most cases, buying standard windows is cheaper than ordering.

Standards for the production of PVC profile structures

Not all manufacturers use the approved regulatory documentation as the basis for their work. However, as with the choice of structural elements, like , fittings. The conditions for the production of profile systems are regulated by such documents as GOST 30673-99, 30973-2002, 22233-2001. As for the production of fittings, manufacturers are guided by standards 30777-2001, 538-2001. Quality assessment and possible term service of double-glazed windows occurs with the use of 111-2001, 24866-99, 30698-2000, 30733-2000, 30779-2001.

In all of the listed documents, you can find detailed standards for window openings. various types. Such data is also used for their installation in various buildings, marking, development of technical requirements.

Apartment Standards

Various types of modern apartment buildings differ in features in the configuration of apartments. Evolution modern apartments as follows:

  1. The old fund was created in pre-revolutionary times. The advantageous features of such housing are high ceilings and wide walls. Standard sizes of windows and doors with 1 sash are: 1150*1900 or 850*1150 mm. Designs with 2 wings: 1150*1900, 1500*1900 and 1300*220 mm. If the number of wings is three: 2400 * 2100 mm.
  2. "Stalinki" - outwardly, the apartments are distinguished by the richness of the finishes through the use of granite, stucco, and bas-reliefs in the interior. The rooms are large, so window frames equipped with two or three wings. Their parameters are: 1150*1950 or 1500*1900 mm in the first case, 1700*1900 mm in the second.
  3. "Khrushchev" - different small area and simplicity facade decoration. Parameters of double-leaf structures - 1300 * 1350 mm, three-leaf - 2040 * 1350 mm. The dimensions of the window opening in the panel house are different: 1450 * 1500 for two wings, 2040 * 1500 mm for three.
  4. "Brezhnevka" - the buildings were improved with an elevator, a garbage chute. Window parameters depend on the series of houses:
  • 600 (three doors) - 2380*1130, 2380*1420 or 2690*1420 mm;
  • 602 (two, three wings) - 1450 * 1210 mm, 2100 * 1450 mm;
  • 606 (two, three wings) - 1450 * 1410 mm, 1700 * 1410 mm.
  1. Modern buildings are a complex of about 40 series, among which the most common are:
  • 137: 1150*1420mm, 1700*1420mm;
  • 504: 1450*1410mm, 1700*141mm;
  • 606: 1410*1450mm, 1410*1700mm.

The suggested parameters can be used for any material, be it wood, aluminum or PVC. During the construction of a residential building, and more specifically at the stage of creating its project, in addition to calculating sufficient parameters , it is also important to take into account the area of ​​​​the room itself, the height of the ceiling, the level of illumination.

When building a house, in order to save on windows, we recommend preparing a window opening guided by standard types of windows. When calculating the opening, it is necessary to make an opening 2-4 cm larger around the perimeter for foam.

Sizes of door and window units

How to explain the demand for the "correct" plastic windows?

Which option to choose?

The area of ​​a standard window according to GOST has a number of advantages:

  • the most accurate calculation of the proportions of the structure;
  • products are time-tested by millions of consumers;
  • excellent indicators of thermal and sound insulation;
  • maintains an optimal microclimate.

But, manufacturers must take into account that moment, in addition to the aesthetic component and increasing the degree of illumination of the room, the increase does not guarantee reliability. For example, changing the standard window height in an apartment is common cause deformation of the double-glazed window and reduced service life. This happens as a result of overload. Here we are talking oh very large windows. In other cases, the choice is always up to the consumer, and it all depends on his financial capabilities.

Manufacturers are trying to focus on individual orders, while using the developed state standards for approximate orientation and reducing the time of the production process. Almost every company is ready to create a design according to the wishes of the client.

They regulate the manufacture of windows in such a way that the maximum area of ​​the window product from plastic profile was no more than 6 m2. Also, the opening sash in its area should not exceed 2.5 m2.

Only by observing the standards and regulations of GOST, it is possible to make glazing of high quality, reliable and practical. For example, if you decide to build Vacation home with panoramic glazing, it is worth taking into account the fact that the windows should be no more than 6 m2.

In this case, you will get rid of many problems, and it will not be difficult to find a manufacturer. Almost all companies will be able to offer solutions for glazing such a house.

If you decide to buy ready-made windows in production or from construction company, then pay attention to the area of ​​the opening elements. If it is more than 2.5 m2, then check for certificates for specialized safety tests, because. the area above the specified norm is not subject to standards.

When choosing double-glazed windows, pay attention to the weight of the opening doors, it should not exceed 80 kg. Otherwise, it may cause the critical part to be exceeded.

For reference: The sash of a three-chamber double-glazed window (3 glasses of 4 mm) with an area of ​​2.5 m2 weighs about 75 kg.

Hinged window sashes should open inside the premises in all residential premises, except for the ground floor premises and windows overlooking balconies and loggias. Other cases of opening should be prescribed in project documentation.

Blind window dimensions

Rarely does anyone order windows with 2 or 3 (depending on the window) opening sashes. As a rule, the second and third leaves remain deaf, i.e. do not open. :

5.1.6 Use of non-opening leaves in window blocks premises of residential buildings above the first floor is not allowed, except for doors with dimensions not exceeding 400x800 mm, as well as in products overlooking balconies (loggias) if there are devices for ventilation in such structures. The possibility of using non-opening sash elements of window blocks in other types of premises is established in the design documentation for construction.

Possible deviations from the linear dimensions of windows

In the process of manufacturing plastic windows, a mismatch is possible linear dimensions with those specified in the project documentation. If the deviation is +2 .. - 1 mm, then this is considered normal.

The difference in the lengths of the diagonals of rectangular frames should not exceed 2 mm with a side length of up to 1400 mm. If the length is over 1400 mm, then tolerance is 3 mm.

Residential window sizes

Not infrequently, there are cases when the sizes of windows in a panel house can differ by 10-15 cm, and we are talking about the same house. That is, there is no need to talk about accuracy. That is why, if it is necessary to measure the size of windows, qualified assistance is needed.

However, there are standard window sizes in typical homes that should be strived for when designing, so as not to complicate the lives of residents and window installation companies later. A double-leaf standard window must measure 1300 in height and 1400 in width. Three-leaf window - width from 2050 to 2070, height - 1400.

As for the Khrushchevs, the situation is different. So, the size of the window in Khrushchev directly depends on the width of the window sill. In the case of wide window sills, the size is 1450 × 1500 for two wings and 2040 × 1500 for three. Narrow window sills suggest window sizes of 1300x1350 and 2040x1350, respectively.

Calculating dimensions skylights, usually come from standard parameters, but you also need to take into account the angle of the roof slope. There is a pattern, consisting in the fact that the height of the window directly depends on the flatness of the roof. As for the distance between the rafters, it should be no less than 4-6 cm wider than the window frame.

Based on the above, it becomes quite obvious that the sizes of windows, even in standard houses, do not match, but starting from the type of house, one can also determine the size of windows offhand. Be that as it may, but the angle of incidence of the sun's rays plays a decisive role in matters of window sizes.

Dimensions of plastic windows

Affecting dimensions pvc windows, note that they can be very different and depend solely on the size of the opening. Moreover, considering modern technologies, plastic windows can be made with any size and absolutely any complexity.

Today there is fashion trend to make the dimensions of plastic windows very large, based on aesthetic considerations, such a trend looks spectacular and colorful, but do not forget about practicality. The opening sash should not exceed 900 sq. mm.

Nobody forbids doing it more, but such manipulations will guarantee that the structure will simply fail soon. In the case of blind sashes, we note that it is better not to neglect the advice and not to make them more than 1000 square meters. mm., this is fraught with a significant load on the double-glazed window, which contributes to its deformation.

In conclusion, we note that nothing is impossible for specialists and custom sizes plastic windows have become the rule rather than the exception. Concerning questions of economy, it is expedient to underline that the standard window costs less, than its analog made under the order. But whether such savings are justified depends entirely on the size of the window opening.

GOST standards

GOST 30971-2002 "Seams assembly units adjoining window blocks to wall openings" (entered into force on March 1, 2003)
GOST - 23166-99 "Window blocks. General technical conditions»
GOST - 24700-99 “Wooden window blocks with double-glazed windows. Specifications»
GOST - 30673-99 "Polyvinyl chloride profiles for window and door blocks. Specifications»
GOST - 30674-99 "Window blocks made of polyvinyl chloride profiles. Specifications»
GOST - 24866-99 "Glued double-glazed windows. General technical conditions»
GOST 26601-85 Windows and balcony doors wooden for low-rise residential buildings. Types, design and dimensions
GOST 11214-86 Wooden windows and balcony doors with double glazing for residential and public buildings. Types, design and dimensions
GOST 11214-78 Wooden windows and balcony doors with double glazing for residential and public buildings. Types, design and dimensions
GOST 16289-86 Wooden windows and balcony doors with triple glazing for residential and public buildings. Types, design and dimensions
GOST 16289-80 Wooden windows and balcony doors with triple glazing for residential and public buildings. Types, design and dimensions
GOST 24700-81 Wooden windows and balcony doors with double-glazed windows for residential and public buildings. Types, design and dimensions
GOST 24699-81 Wooden windows and balcony doors with double-glazed windows and glass for residential and public buildings. Types, design and dimensions
GOST 23344-78 Steel windows. General specifications
GOST R 54850-2011 Skylights and skylights. Method for determining heat transfer resistance
GOST R 54861-2011 Windows and external doors. Methods for determining the resistance to heat transfer
GOST 21519-84 Windows and balcony doors, showcases and stained-glass windows made of aluminum alloys. General specifications
GOST 25062-81 Aluminum alloy windows and doors. Types, designs and sizes
GOST 27936-88 Wood-aluminum balcony windows and doors for public buildings. Types and designs
GOST 23166-78 Wooden windows and balcony doors. General specifications

The dimensions of the doorway (as well as the window opening) can be standard and non-standard. In order to put the box and the canvas in the latter, it becomes necessary to manufacture a door (or window) to order. This, of course, will significantly affect the final cost of the order, as well as an increase in the duration of the work. To avoid these nuances, there is such a thing as a standard. A standard doorway (or window) will save time and money. It will not be difficult to mount the structure in it yourself. In addition, today manufacturing companies offer a huge selection of different models of windows and doors in standard sizes.

The standard size of the doorway for the interior and entrance doors of the apartment

In order to avoid unexpected situations, it is necessary to seriously consider the dimensions of the doors and doorways. It is best to choose in advance the company in which you will order an interior or entrance structure, and consult with experts regarding the dimensions. free space under her. It is worth noting that the standards for these indicators in some firms may be different. However, many firms adhere to the following door standards:

  • Height 2 meters, width - 60; 70; 80 cm
  • Height 1.9 meters, width - 55 cm

Highly important aspect- in which room the structure is installed (with or without a window). For rooms without windows, the following parameters of the opening under the door are characteristic (standard sizes):

  • 2070 x 970 mm
  • 2070 x 870 mm
  • 2070 x 770 mm
  • 2070 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 62 mm

Here, however, it is worth clarifying that these dimensions are also suitable for recesses for double-leaf doors.

For rooms with windows, their dimensions:

  • 2070 x970 mm
  • 2070 x 870 mm
  • 2070 x 770 mm
  • 2070 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 620 mm

To calculate the dimensions of the opening for sliding doors you need to know that a standard door with a sliding kit (rollers with a rod, a lower guide flag) has a height of 2005 mm. The space for the sliding structure should be smaller and narrower than the canvas, vary between 1900-2002 mm.

For input structures openings with a height of 2050 mm or 2150 mm are the standard, the most common width is 1000 mm or 900 mm.

How is the height and width of the window opening determined during the construction of a residential building

When designing and building apartment buildings, standard window openings are most often followed. The same practice is observed in the construction of a private dwelling. This saves a significant amount of time and money when installing insulating glass units.

The standard dimensions of the space under the windows are designed taking into account functional purpose building, room dimensions, natural light depending on the location of the house.

For example, a residential apartment building panel house has the following options:

  • Double-leaf windows - height 1400 mm and width 1300 mm.
  • Three-leaf - height 1400 mm, and width 2050 mm or 2070 mm.

Khrushchev houses have a completely different approach to window openings: the dimensions depend on the width of the window sill. A double-glazed window with a wide window sill is installed in an opening of 1450x1500 mm, a three-leaf one - 2040x1500 mm. Narrow window sills in Khrushchev suggest 1300x1350 mm (for two leaves) and 2040x1350 mm (for three leaves)