PVC window sizes according to GOST. The concept of standard window sizes for different types of apartments

Price plastic windows largely depends on their size. It's no secret that standard models are much cheaper to produce than others. Therefore, when building or renovating a house, apartment or office space, it is useful to know the standard dimensions window openings. This will help you choose the right window parameters and calculate the approximate cost of glazing.

Standards for window openings in apartments

Typical window sizes in multi-storey buildings depend on the series of the house. Let's look at the most common options.

Old fund

This is the name given to houses built at the beginning of the 20th century, before the revolution. They are distinguished by thick walls, spacious rooms and corridors, high ceilings and, as a result, high window openings.

A standard single-leaf window in the old building can have dimensions of 115x190 cm or 85x115 cm.

Double-leaf structures can be presented in one of three options: 115x190 cm, 130x220 cm or 150x190 cm.

The three-leaf windows in the old building are of the same type - 240x210 cm.

Stalin-type houses (Stalinka)

Buildings built between the 1930s and 1960s are usually very beautiful in appearance. They are distinguished by strict architecture, high ceilings, large rooms and kitchens. Such houses were built from brick, the outside was lined with granite or plastered, and stucco molding and bas-reliefs were often used.

Due to big size rooms, single-leaf windows in Stalin buildings were not used. The double-leaf ones were made in two versions - 115x195 cm and 150x190 cm, the three-leaf ones - 170x190 cm.

Khrushchev buildings

Standard houses, built from the 1950s to 1985. They can be made of panels or bricks, have low ceilings, poor sound insulation, small interior spaces. From the outside, Khrushchev buildings look the same - with flat roofs and without decorations on the facade. In height - from 3 to 5 floors.

The size of the window opening in Khrushchev-era buildings can be determined by the width of the window sill. IN brick houses with wide window sills, a double-leaf window, according to the standard, should be 145x150 cm, a three-leaf window - 204x150 cm. In panel houses where the window sills are narrow, the opening sizes will be 130x135 cm and 204x135 cm, respectively.


These are apartments with an improved layout, more spacious than the housing of the Khrushchev period. Houses can reach 9 floors, and are always equipped with elevators and garbage chutes.

There are several series of Brezhnevkas, the typical window sizes in each of them vary.

  • In the 602 series, a double-leaf window should have a size of 145x121 cm; a three-leaf window should have a size of 210x145 cm.
  • In the 606 series, the opening for a double-leaf window is 145x141 cm, and 170x141 cm for a three-leaf window.
  • The 600 series is characterized by window openings large sizes. According to the standard, a three-leaf window in such a house could be 238x113, 238x142 or 269x142 cm.

Typical new buildings

Modern new buildings are very diverse. There are about 40 series of such houses, and the typical sizes of window openings for each of them are individual. Here are the most common sizes in centimeters.

  • 504 - double-leaf 145x141, three-leaf 170x141.
  • 137 - double-leaf 115x142, three-leaf 170x142.
  • 504D - double-leaf 142x110, three-leaf 142x203.
  • 505 - double-leaf 141x145, three-leaf 141x203.
  • 600 - three-leaf 142x268, 110x236 or 142x236.
  • 600.11 - double-leaf 141x145, three-leaf 141x205.
  • 606 - double-leaf 141x145, three-leaf 141x170.

The above data can be used to roughly calculate the cost of glazing an apartment or house. There are often cases when, even in the same house, window sizes may differ from each other and from GOST requirements by 10-15 cm. Most often this is observed in panel houses. Therefore, to calculate the exact price of a plastic window, it is better to call a measurer. But standard sizes will help you navigate future costs.

Standards for window openings for private houses

Dimensions of window openings and balcony doors are defined as follows normative document, as GOST 11214-86. In accordance with it, the height and width of the window should be determined based on room area and the required level of illumination in it. Also play a role when determining sizes architectural features the building itself. According to GOST, the width of a window opening in a residential building should be in the range from 87 to 267 cm, and the height - from 116 to 206 cm.

One of the main indicators on the basis of which GOST determines the size of window openings is the coefficient of natural illumination (KEO). Its values ​​are specified in SNiP P-A862, separately for each region. The data of this SNiP take into account that window glass should be cleaned at least twice a year, and are valid for regions located between 45 and 60 degrees north latitude. For houses located to the south, KEO must be multiplied by 0.75 in calculations, for northern regions - by 1.2.

GOST also offers variants of formulas for calculating the area of ​​windows with several glasses in double-glazed windows, glazed with frosted or shaped glass, and for other non-standard options. During construction own home It would be useful to use this data. If creating a full-fledged project with calculations using formulas is not part of your plans, you can calculate the size of the windows using a simplified scheme. The same GOST recommends making window openings with an area at least 8 times smaller than the area of ​​the room.

Where can I find out the standard sizes?

Standard dimensions of window openings, in addition to the above-mentioned GOST 11214-86, are also established by GOST 23166-99. It describes the requirements for window structures, their types and markings, as well as standard sizes of window openings for various series of residential buildings. Typical window heights, in accordance with these documents, can be 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180 cm; In terms of width, GOST recommends making window openings of 60, 90, 100, 120, 150 or 180 cm.

Window openings in the attic are usually tried to be as large as possible. When choosing their sizes, you need to focus on the roof slope. The smaller it is, the higher the opening you can afford. As for the width, GOST recommends that when selecting it, pay attention to the distance between the roof rafters. The window frame should be 4-6 cm smaller than this value.

Undoubtedly, large windows in the attic look very impressive. But you shouldn’t make their doors larger than 90 square centimeters in area. Otherwise, the window structure will be very fragile and will quickly fail. Even if you are planning blind doors, without the ability to open, this advice is worth listening to. Double-glazed windows with an area of ​​more than 100 sq. cm experience a large load only from their own weight and deform very quickly.

Standards for the production of plastic windows

Modern plastic windows can be very different. Technologically, nothing prevents the manufacturer from producing window structures of any size and shape. But here too there is certain rules, which should not be neglected.

So, in the pivoting casements of a plastic window, the height should be several times greater than the width. For tilt-type opening sashes, on the contrary, it is important to choose a width greater than the height of the window. Blind sashes, as we said above, are not recommended to be made larger than 1000 sq. m. mm, to avoid glass breakage.

Although there is an expression among manufacturers of plastic windows that non-standard windows have long become a standard, the implementation of designs for poems that do not comply with GOST requires special precision and thorough development. Therefore, when ordering such windows, be prepared for the fact that their cost will be noticeably higher than standard models.

Our mood depends on sunlight. Most likely, you noticed that when you woke up on a cloudy day, you didn’t really want to do anything. This often depends on the side the windows face, as well as their number. But the size of windows in a private house also plays a huge role. If you are just planning construction or large renovation work with the replacement of window frames, then it would be good to analyze what can be changed in better side by widening the openings or moving them to another location. What are the standard window sizes provided by the manufacturer and regulations? What material is best for them? This will be discussed in this article.

What to follow

The choice of specific window parameters is determined by several factors. Before ordering a specific product, you should pay attention to three main points:

  • the location of the wall relative to the cardinal directions;
  • for what purposes is the room used;
  • geometric parameters of the room.

If your house has several rooms and the bedroom is located separately from other rooms, then usually the western or northwestern side is chosen for it. This is done so that less light penetrates through the windows and sleep is sounder. If this room is used as a regular living room, then you should think about installing several windows. The living room is always provided with as much light as possible, and therefore windows, and is located on the south or southwest side. Rooms with rectangular geometry have several windows along the length of a larger wall. If the room is square and small, then one will be enough. WITH north side there are windows of the kitchen, storage rooms and sometimes the bathroom. The window size may also depend on climatic conditions. If the weather is cold most of the year, and in winter the temperature drops far below minus, then they try to keep the size of the windows to a minimum so that the heat does not escape through them.

Note! General rule for all areas, which is worth starting from when choosing the size of windows and their number is 10: 1. It implies the presence of one window of 1 m2 for every 10 m2 of wall area.

Design features of windows

According to their characteristics, windows can be:

  • deaf;
  • single sash windows;
  • windows with two sashes;
  • with three doors.

The choice of window configuration can affect its size. Standard sizes windows for a private house with one sash, according to GOST, the height ranges from 80 cm to 147 cm. The width of such windows ranges from 40 to 87 cm. For windows with two sashes, the height ranges from 57 cm to 147 cm, width from 87 cm to 147 cm. Three-leaf windows are the largest in size; their height can range from 117 cm to 147 cm, and their width from 177 cm to 207 cm. Each standard has its exceptions. Therefore, windows can be manufactured according to individual parameters. But it is worth remembering that the profile should be thicker and the double-glazed window should have thick glass. Otherwise, the window structure may not withstand the load due to its windage and simply burst. The given figures are largely calculated for products that are used in apartments and houses of standard sizes.

Plastic or wooden

This is one of the most complex issues, which can arise when choosing windows for country house or dachas. Each of them has its own pros and cons that are worth analyzing. If speak about wooden windows, then everything about them is excellent. Wood is an environmentally friendly material that does not harm health. She is also able to breathe, so there will always be Fresh air. Now in wooden crafts double-glazed windows with varying amounts glass, which made it possible to increase their efficiency. Especially if we're talking about about triplexes. Their disadvantages include the high cost of production, since they require a type of wood that can withstand various weather conditions. Wooden frames require periodic maintenance, which consists of replacing paint coating, which takes away strength and additional funds. It is also quite difficult to find an intelligent craftsman who will install them in accordance with all the requirements.

Plastic profile products are becoming increasingly widespread today. Most families prefer to replace their old wooden ones with new plastic ones made from profiles. There are several reasons for this. For example, they are less expensive than wooden ones. Production times are lower, and the choice of profile configuration is greater. The more profile chambers, the less heat transfer and the greater the protection against heat transfer to the street. They are quite airtight, so the likelihood of drafts is lower. Installation is simpler and the manufacturing company itself usually handles this. But it also has its drawbacks. Due to the excessive tightness of the profile, poor vapor exchange with street air occurs. This can lead to the development of fungus and rot in the house or apartment. Therefore, it is important to take care of the exhaust and supply ventilation. They also require maintenance, but it is cheaper. It is also worth keeping an eye on what the stabilization strips are made of, so that they do not contain lead. Well, the biggest drawback for products that are constantly exposed to the sun is harmful emissions, so owners often protect them with visors.

It is impossible not to say about aluminum structures. Such windows look very solid. Aluminum profiles are superior to plastic ones in terms of load resistance. It makes sense to choose these windows in cases where a large budget is planned for construction. The profile also requires the right approach to installation. If this is not done, then the heat from the house will quickly disappear. The profile itself will turn into a bridge of cold. Such solutions are right to choose for mild climates. The polymer insert inside does not provide the required insulation.

Note! For plastic and other profile products there is a separate GOST 30673-99, 22233-2001, 30973-2002. There are also regulations that regulate the use of fittings and standards for their production.

Plastic window for a private house

Choice plastic product implies not only its dimensions, but also the profile used. The choice of the latter is influenced by the size of the opening, weather, as well as the desired double-glazed window. Based on wall thickness, the profile is divided into classes. The first class has the most stringent and highest requirements. Those profile walls that face the street have minimum thickness at 2.8 mm. Those located indoors are 2.5 mm. The second class implies for the outer walls the same thickness as for the inner walls in the previous version, and for the inner walls - 2 mm. The third class or class C includes everything that is not included in the first two. The latter are often used for installation in openings of warehouses, sheds and other buildings where there are no strict requirements.

Inside the frame or profile that is attached to the opening there are special air chambers. Their goal is to reduce heat transfer by creating an air cushion. This solution turned out to be very effective. The minimum number of them can be 3, and the maximum can reach 8. The minimum number of cameras is suitable for those cases when winters are very mild and the climate is warm. The optimal middle ground is considered to be a five-chamber profile, which will protect against frost down to -30° and more. For severe winters, you will need a profile with 8 cameras. From thickness air gap soundproofing properties also depend, so if the window openings overlook a busy highway, then you should think about 5 and 8 cameras.

Selection of double-glazed windows for windows - also not an easy task. At its core, it is a block consisting of several glasses, which are located at some distance from each other. They are held in place by a seal and a metal stabilizer. Can be pumped into space inert gas, which impairs heat transfer or the air is pumped out for vacuum. The double-glazed window itself also has chambers, their number is from 2 to 4. The sound insulation of the window and its protective properties depend on them. For additional protection, glass can be coated with shockproof film or be fire-resistant.

Note! When choosing a window, also pay attention to the overall width of the profile. Since there may be many cameras, but they will be small. The number of seals in the window also plays a big role. Don’t skimp on good fittings; they will last quite a long time and will not require replacement in the process.

Plastic windows can not necessarily be used only in brick or concrete houses. They fit perfectly into the design wooden houses. For these purposes, they were developed color solutions, which in their structure replicate wood and are perfectly fixed in the opening. It is very difficult to immediately distinguish them from wooden ones. Only upon closer examination when the doors are opened does this become obvious. You can watch more about choosing windows in the video:

We take measurements

In order to place an order for a window, you will need to correctly measure the window openings. If the house is just being built, then it is important to know the rules of location in relation to other planes. Most people like windows that extend from the floor to the ceiling, so they also serve as a door to the terrace. Yes, it's really great if your heating is provided by renewable sources. At the same time, it is important to remember that maximum size one design will not be able to exceed 6 m 2. According to standards, the window should be at a height of 80 or 90 cm from the floor. This will be quite comfortable for someone sitting or standing near it. In the first case, you won’t have to lift your head, and in the second, you won’t have to bend it so that it doesn’t rest against top part window opening, because it is at a height of 230 cm or less.

Typically, the window opening and the window itself are not placed close to the adjacent wall. The indentation should be 50 cm. If the width of the room is 2 meters, then the width of the window can be chosen to be 1 meter and placed in the middle. It will be perfect option. There is also a distance left to the ceiling. Depending on the height, it can be 20-30 cm. Different rules apply for bathrooms and storage rooms. For them you can choose minimum dimensions and large indentations, since the main purpose of the window in these rooms is ventilation, and not the influx of a sufficient amount of light.

Before replacing old windows with new ones, it is important to adhere to the following rules when taking measurements:

  • measurements of the window opening are made both from the outside and from the inside;
  • for greater accuracy, use a level or laser tape measure;
  • Installation clearances must be left.

To determine the width of the future window, you will need to measure three sizes of the window opening: bottom, top and middle. After this, you need to find the smallest value and focus on it. This will be the width of the window. To determine the height of the window, the same procedure is performed, but in the vertical plane. From the results obtained you will also need to subtract 4-5 cm, which will be the installation gap and thermal seam. For windows with a quarter, more scrupulous and complex measurements will be required. In general, they repeat the previous ones, but there are several nuances:

  • the window frame should extend beyond the side protrusion by 2-4 cm;
  • it should be recessed 2 cm behind the top wall;
  • The mounting strip should rise 2 cm above the bottom one.

The last step is very important, because if it is not followed, then it will not be possible to install the ebb and flow correctly. And it is very important so that moisture does not accumulate under the window and the window fittings last a long time.


We hope that the tips listed above will help you decide not only on choosing a replacement window in a private home, but also on selecting the required dimensions of window openings. Never skimp on your profile and cameras. This way you will ultimately reduce your renovation budget.

"Windows are the eyes of the house." That's what he once said a wise man, hinting to the young housewife that the windows should be clean. But this article will not talk about detergents for windows, but about their size.

What are standard dimensions for a private house and for an apartment? And what mistakes to avoid when measuring windows?

Standard window size for residential premises

A window is one of the most important things that influence the appearance of the building. Because of this, they are chosen in such a way that they look natural on the facade. We recommend that work with windows: manufacturing, installation, adjustment be carried out by specialists from the Windows Expert company (https://okna.expert/)

In a private house

Window opening standards exist to regulate light in private homes and more.

The characteristics of window openings come from what the room is intended for, but It also provides:

Based building codes, we calculate the window standards. In addition, they are designed for cleaning twice a year, and for areas with poor ecology – 4 times a year.

Now they also provide number of glasses in the package and the distance between them - for each customer the refractive index of the beam will not be calculated, and the illumination will decrease.

If you take single-hung windows, then their usual width and height vary from 470Х470 mm to 1470Х870 mm. Naturally, everything here depends on the dimensions of the opening.

Let's look at double- and triple-hung windows. Double sash windows vary from 570Х1170 mm to 1470Х1470 mm. Window opening with three sashes varies from 1170Х1770 mm to 1470Х2070.

In the apartment

Now let's look at the standards of windows in an apartment building panel house. Everybody is here depends on the type of house:

How to choose?

Don't trust standard sizes because they don't exist at all- the thickness of the walls and the height of the openings in all houses are different, and accordingly, the standards are different.

It is necessary to invite a measurer who will correctly measure the measurements, that is, height and width. However, preliminary measurements to calculate the approximate cost ready-made design, you can produce it yourself.

In rooms where residents and their guests will stay for a long period of time, the ratio of windows to room area should be 1:8.

If the window is the only one in the room - place it in the center of a long wall and above- in this case, the light will fall evenly throughout the room and flow evenly. The upper slope should not be created too far from the ceiling.

When searching for the optimal size and shape for a window, you need to approach it wisely and take into account several features. One of these is the degree of illumination. In order to plan the dimensions of the openings well, and most importantly, correctly, The following rules must be observed:

  1. The most comfortable lighting for a person is the kind of lighting in which the width of the windows is at least 55% of the width of the entire room.
  2. According to the rules, the lowest illumination is achieved provided that the glazing area is at least 10-12.5% ​​of the total area of ​​the room.

The most ideal proportions are considered to be a rectangle with a width to height ratio of 80x130 cm. Such windows are easy to use, and do not create unnecessary load on the fittings.

Standards according to GOST

There are regulations for window opening standards State standard number 11214-86. This standard also determines the dimensions for balcony doors. According to this GOST, the width of windows varies 870 – 2670 mm, height 1160 – 2060.

The table below will introduce you to typical window sizes according to GOST.

Regular window width calculated taking into account the purpose of the building, for each room and space, its location and dimensions, since the level of natural sunlight, depending on the geographical location, determines the degree of illumination.

Standard frames manufactured according to GOST, since it is important for windows to provide the necessary amount of daylight in the house.

Thus, the dimensions for a two- and three-leaf window manufactured in accordance with GOST must be 1300Х1400 mm and 2050Х1400 mm.

On the value of these characteristics the following factors influence:

  • the area of ​​this room;
  • required degree of illumination;
  • architectural features of the structure and the premises itself.

Based on generally accepted standards, the window area comes from the area of ​​the room, and the size of the house itself. What does the size of the opening affect? First of all, on the glazing of the window, how many sashes there will be and the shape itself.

As you can see, choosing window sizes is a rather labor-intensive task. It is necessary to prevent damage to the frame and materials. The best way out- hire a measurer, so that he does everything professionally. It’s better to overpay, but then enjoy well-placed and not crooked windows, than to suffer with the sizes.

Watch this video about optimal sizes window opening:

The height and width of the window, determined by the type of building

The reference dimensions depend on the standard model of the house and the materials from which the house is built. There are a huge number of such models, but there are several general types:

- houses of the old foundation. Built in the pre-revolutionary years, they are distinguished by high ceilings and, accordingly, high window openings. In such buildings, both narrow and wide windows are installed: 850 by 1150 mm, 1150 by 1900 mm, 1300 by 2200 mm, 1500 by 1900 mm.

- Stalin's houses. The so-called “Stalin” buildings, erected in the mid-20th century, stand out for their monumentality and high level ceilings. Here, the standard window size varies from 1150 by 1900 mm to 1500 by 1900 mm for double-leaf products. For three-leaf windows, the only option chosen is 1700 by 1900 mm.

- “Khrushchevka”. Panel and brick houses, built in the second half of the last century, in contrast to the two previous types, are known for their small apartments and low ceiling heights. In this case, window parameters are selected based on the following standards: 690 by 1530mm, 1280 by 1340mm, 1490 by 1530mm, 2080 by 1530mm.

- houses with improved layout. These are tall and spacious buildings, the width of the windows is never less than 1450mm. Typical sizes of such windows: 1450 by 1210mm, 1450 by 1410mm, 1700 by 1410mm, 2100 by 1450mm, 2380 by 1130mm, 2380 by 1420mm, 2690 by 1420mm.

- modern new buildings. There are more than 40 series of houses being built these days, but conventionally the window sizes in them are limited to several indicators: 1150 by 1420 mm, 1450 by 1410 mm, 1490 by 1530 mm, 1700 by 1410 mm, 1700 by 1420 mm, 2060 by 1520 mm.

The existing possibilities for organizing a window opening, the sizes of the elements used, and their configurations can be considered in the table:

Relativity of recognized standards and their validity

Slight variations are allowed in window production linear dimensions with design documents. The standard deviations are taken to be +2mm and −1mm.

The width-to-height ratio, proven over long periods of reliable operation, guarantees durability window designs. You cannot thoughtlessly increase the size of windows for greater illumination or aesthetic effect. This leads to deformation of products, their breakage or damage to specific mechanisms and parts.

The standard size and width of a window for a specific room is calculated taking into account the purpose of the building, its location and scale. Since the level of natural solar lighting, depending on geographical factors, determines the intensity of room lighting. Defined by building regulations percentage the area of ​​the window opening and the area of ​​the room. total area glazing should be from 1/8 to 1/10 of the entire floor surface.

It is worth clarifying that all standards recognized in architecture and construction are quite relative. The most important requirement remains the preservation of all proportions both in calculating the sizes of windows installed in the room and in the process of their production.


Almost all manufacturers of metal-plastic window structures are able to realize any client’s wishes - regardless of the required parameters and shapes. But, like any other industry, this production windows also have their own standard window opening sizes . Parameters approved by the state are always relevant, despite the increase in popularity non-standard designs. Even the era of technological progress cannot overshadow the practice of application. In most cases, buying standard windows is cheaper than ordering them.

Standards for the production of PVC profile structures

Not all manufacturers use approved regulatory documentation as the basis for their work. However, as when choosing such structural elements, like , accessories. The conditions for the production of profile systems are regulated by such documents as GOST 30673-99, 30973-2002, 22233-2001. As for the production of accessories, manufacturers are guided by standards 30777-2001, 538-2001. Quality assessment and possible date double-glazed windows are serviced using 111-2001, 24866-99, 30698-2000, 30733-2000, 30779-2001.

In all of the listed documents you can find detailed standards for window openings various types. Such data is also used for installation in various buildings, marking, and development of technical requirements.

Standards for apartments

Various types of modern apartment buildings differ in features in the configuration of apartments. Evolution modern apartments as follows:

  1. Old fund- was created in pre-revolutionary times. The advantageous features of such housing are high ceilings and wide walls. Standard sizes of windows and doors with 1 sash are: 1150*1900 or 850*1150 mm. Designs with 2 doors: 1150*1900, 1500*1900 and 1300*220 mm. If the number of sashes is three: 2400*2100 mm.
  2. “Stalin” - externally, the apartments are distinguished by a richness of decoration through the use of granite, stucco, and bas-reliefs in the interior. The rooms are large, so window frames equipped with two or three doors. Their parameters: 1150*1950 or 1500*1900 mm in the first case, 1700*1900 mm in the second.
  3. "Khrushchev" - different small area and simplicity facade finishing. The parameters of double-leaf structures are 1300*1350 mm, three-leaf ones – 2040*1350 mm. The dimensions of the window opening in a panel house are different: 1450*1500 for two sashes, 2040*1500 mm for three.
  4. “Brezhnevka” - the buildings were improved with an elevator and a garbage chute. Window parameters depend on the series of houses:
  • 600 (three doors) – 2380*1130, 2380*1420 or 2690*1420 mm;
  • 602 (two, three leaves) – 1450*1210 mm, 2100*1450 mm;
  • 606 (two, three leaves) – 1450*1410 mm, 1700*1410 mm.
  1. Modern buildings are a complex of about 40 series, among which the most common are:
  • 137: 1150*1420 mm, 1700*1420 mm;
  • 504: 1450*1410 mm, 1700*141 mm;
  • 606: 1410*1450 mm, 1410*1700 mm.

The proposed parameters can be used for any material, be it wood, aluminum or PVC. During the construction of a residential building, and more specifically at the stage of creating its project, in addition to calculating sufficient parameters , It is also important to take into account the area of ​​the room itself, the height of the ceiling, and the level of illumination.

When building a house, to save on windows, we recommend preparing the window opening using standard window types. When calculating the opening, it is necessary to make an opening 2-4 cm larger around the perimeter for foam.

Dimensions of door and window blocks

How can we explain the demand for “correct” plastic windows?

Which option should I choose?

Square standard window according to GOST it has a number of advantages:

  • the most accurate calculation of design proportions;
  • products have been time-tested by millions of consumers;
  • excellent thermal and sound insulation;
  • maintains an optimal microclimate.

But, manufacturers must take into account the fact that, in addition to the aesthetic component and increasing the degree of illumination of the room, an increase does not guarantee reliability. For example, changing the standard window height in an apartment is common cause deformation of the glass unit and reduced service life. This occurs as a consequence of excessive load. Here we are talking about very large windows. In other cases, the choice is always up to the consumer, and everything depends on his financial capabilities.

Manufacturing companies are trying to focus on individual orders, while using developed state standards for approximate orientation and reduction of production process times. Almost every company is ready to create a design according to the client’s wishes.