Indifference is the highest. Quotes for the direction of "indifference and responsiveness." There must be a middle in everything. Even in a civilian position

The essay “Indifference is the highest cruelty” reveals the significance of this problem in modern world.

Essay “Indifference”

Every person has feelings such as love, goodness, anger, hypocrisy. These qualities can probably be continued indefinitely. Along with these qualities, there is also indifference - this seemingly ordinary feeling is appearing more and more often in the modern world. But what is terrible indifference?

I believe that, first of all, this is a property of the soul and a real misfortune for society. Of course, there is indifference in everyone. It’s just that in some people it manifests itself to a greater extent, in others less. But the fear is that it is there. And that's a fact!

Today, indifference can be observed at every step. Every morning we go to school or work the same way. And every morning, for example, an old woman asks for alms from the church. And we pass by and don’t even notice such seemingly everyday little things. Constant concern does not allow us to stop. And a wall grows. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The highest wall in the world is the wall of indifference.” Everyone has their own. Isn’t it obvious that today indifference has reached colossal proportions? For a long time we have not cared about a person who walks down the street and cries or a homeless kitten is freezing on the street. We just don't care.

The final December essay in the direction of “Indifference and Responsiveness” ...

Where does indifference come from? Can people close to each other be indifferent? V.P. Astafiev answers this question in his story “Lyudochka”. The main character comes to the city for a better life.


Indifference is one of the greatest vices of humanity. This topic worries writers for a long time, because it is from the silent indifference of people that terrible acts are committed.

Fragment of work for review

People close to Lyudochka contributed to the girl’s despair, pushing her to commit suicide. Thus, the problem of relatives’ indifference to each other leads to unconscious ruthlessness. But indifference often goes beyond the boundaries of the family. In a mercantile world, indifference leads to the fact that a person ceases to be human. In the story by I.A. Bunin “Mr. from San Francisco” main character presented as a man without a soul and inner world. He has no name, which makes him an ordinary person, no different from others. The world in this story is completely indifferent to everything. The people in it resemble the “living dead.” The gentlemen on the upper decks of the ship are absolutely indifferent to those who work on the lower deck. These people are not served, no one thinks about them. The lower strata of society should only please the masters. Love in this world is also indifferent. This is a dummy, because “real feelings” are shown by actors for money hired by the owner of the ship. The main character himself also treats everything with indifference. His goal in life is money and status. The culmination of this work is the death of the hero.


V.P. Astafiev "Lyudochka"
I.A.Bunina “Mr. from San Francisco”

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The worst sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. (Bernard Show)

Sympathy is indifference superlatives. (Don Aminado)

How painful is indifference to oneself! (A.V. Suvorov)

I always believe and will continue to believe that indifference to injustice is betrayal and meanness. (O. Mirabeau)

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. (Maksim Gorky)

They say that philosophers and true sages are indifferent... It is not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. (A.P. Chekhov)

When a person is so vulnerable that he is unable to show generosity, at these moments he especially needs sympathy and support.

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are equally indifferent to everyone. (O. Wilde)

Don't feel sorry for yourself. Only primitive people sympathize with themselves. (H. Murakami)

Where moderation is a mistake, there indifference is a crime. (G. Lichtenberg)

Indifference to painting is a universal and enduring phenomenon. (Van Gogh)

Only those who cannot pass indifferently past the joys and sorrows of an individual are capable of taking the joys and sorrows of the Fatherland to heart. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

No more dangerous than a person, to whom humanity is alien, who is indifferent to the fate of his native country, to the fate of his neighbor. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. (Guy de Maupassant)

Coldness is a consequence not only of sober conviction that one is right, but also of unprincipled indifference to the truth. (C. Lam)

One very talented writer, in response to my complaint that I did not find sympathy with criticism, wisely answered me: “You have significant drawback, which will close all doors in front of you: you cannot talk to a fool for two minutes without letting him know that he is a fool.” (E. Zola)

Tolerance inevitably leads to indifference. (D. Diderot)

Teenagers, of course, are emotionally tender creatures and highest degree vulnerable, but they don’t have much empathy. It comes later, if it comes at all. (S. King)

The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the foggy abyss of the future, while indifference is blind and stupid from birth. (C. A. Helvetius)

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference. (K.L. Burne)
Indifference is a serious illness of the soul. (A. de Tocqueville)

The most unforgivable sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. Indifference is the essence of inhumanity. (J.B. Shaw)

Selfishness is the root cause of cancer of the soul. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Family selfishness is crueler than personal selfishness. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the benefits of another for himself alone considers it his duty to take advantage of the misfortune and need of people for the good of the family. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Don't be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you.
Don't be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth. (B. Yasensky)

Indifference is the highest cruelty. (M. Wilson)

Calmness is stronger than emotions.

Silence is louder than a scream.

Indifference is worse than war. (M. Luther)

On the road you need a companion, in life you need sympathy. (proverb)

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness... (E. Zola)

Taking the path of dialogue is much more effective and smart than trying to prove how selfish or sympathetic everyone can be. (H. Bukai)

The responsiveness of neighbors is often best psychologist or a psychiatrist. (L. Viilma)

Life teaches a lot, but not tact, not responsiveness, not the ability to help a person in difficult times. (I. Shaw)

What I value most in women is shyness. It is beautiful. The basis of femininity is not appearance, but heightened feeling shame and sympathy for others. (F.A. Iskander)

If someone else's grief does not make you suffer,
Is it possible to call you a human then? (Saadi)

The more you live, the more convinced you are that to arouse sympathy for yourself is a rarity and happiness - and that you should value this happiness. (I.S. Turgenev)

Whoever has acquired the ability to sincerely sympathize with human grief, at least in one single case, has received a miraculous lesson and learned to understand any misfortune, no matter how strange or reckless it may appear at first glance. (S. Zweig)

True help always comes from someone who is stronger than you and whom you respect. And the sympathy of such people is especially effective... (F. S. Fitzgerald)

Sympathy alone is not enough. Actions speak louder than words. (N. Vujicic)
Excessive empathy often becomes a barrier.

Sympathy in times of adversity is like rain in times of drought. (Indian proverb)

After all, it is necessary that every person should have at least one place where they would feel sorry for him! (F. M. Dostoevsky)

Don't be too sympathetic to people who are unhappy. If someone is unhappy, help, but don't sympathize. Don't give him the idea that suffering is something worthwhile. (Osho)

She said in the sense that when a beloved animal dies, a person is left alone with his grief, no one sympathizes much. When a loved one dies, then everyone understands, some sincerely, some formally, and some for the company, but everyone understands and sympathizes. But the cat died, she said, and loneliness became terribly exposed. (E.V. Grishkovets)

Indifference is the highest cruelty.

Indifference is a terrible disaster of our time. People are increasingly not paying attention to other people's problems. They show no initiative to help. This behavior is becoming the norm. But for a person, indifference on the part of people around him is sometimes worse than any bad deeds on their part. Wilson wrote that indifference is the highest cruelty.

I completely agree with him, because I believe that indifference is worse than hatred and malice. Families are breaking up due to the indifference of spouses. Indifference is worse than cruelty, because no warmth appears in the soul, and it becomes dead.

Confirmation of these words can be found in many famous literary works. As an example, I will give Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s story “The Overcoat”. The writer talks about the titular adviser Bashmachkin, who is engaged in rewriting papers. To buy an overcoat, Akaki Akakievich saves on everything. But after the purchase, his overcoat is stolen. He turned to whomever he asked for help, but no one helped him find his overcoat. Bashmachkin catches a cold, and still no one helps him.

He subsequently dies. Thus, the indifference of the people around him brought the man to death. After all, if they had helped him find his overcoat, he would not have gotten sick, and therefore would not have died.

You can also cite the literary work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. This novel contrasts gloomy and gray St. Petersburg with its indifferent society and Sonya and Raskolnikov. During his first visit to the Marmeladovs, Raskolnikov cannot remain indifferent to how they live, so he leaves them money. Dunya is going to marry Luzhin for convenience in order to help her brother pay for his studies. But Raskolnikov saves her from such a life. Luzhin is absolutely indifferent to everyone and thinks only about money and his career. Amalia Ivanovna does not feel sorry for the Marmeladovs at all, and after the death of Semyon Marmeladov, she kicks Katerina Ivanovna and the children out of the apartment. Sonya, having learned that Raskolnikov killed the old woman, tries to morally support him and goes with him to hard labor. Sonya and Raskolnikov, despite the indifferent society surrounding them, did not become as indifferent. If people had been more sympathetic, many of the tragedies shown in the novel could have been avoided.

Thus, I confirmed Wilson's words that indifference is the highest cruelty. Indifference on the part of other people can lead to death. Evil is obvious, and people are trying to fight it. Indifference is more secretive and not punishable, but sometimes the consequences are much more dire. People need to be compassionate so that more good deeds can be done in the world.