Plants blooming in autumn. Autumn flowers for the garden, plants that bloom in autumn

Perennial flowers in the garden have clear advantages over annual ones: you don’t need to plant them every year, they are highly decorative and, finally, by choosing the right plants, you can achieve not only the perfection of colors, but also constant flowering in your garden from early spring to late autumn.

When compiling flower arrangement In addition to the timing of flowering, you also need to take into account the size of the plants, the structure and color of their inflorescences.

Did you know? Perennial garden flowers distinguished by height - short (up to 50 cm), medium-tall (50 - 80 cm) and tall (80 cm and above); by type of roots - tuberous, rhizomatous, bulbous, corm.

Perennials blooming in spring

Spring flowers in the country are low-growing ornamental plants, bloom small flowers(more often they have pastel shades). The timing and duration of flowering strongly depend on weather conditions (early or late spring, warm or cold weather).

Adonis (lat. Adonis) - has about 45 species of annual and perennial plants. Actively used in park and garden art since the 17th century. Blooms in the second half of spring. Stems simple or branched. The inflorescence is a simple basket. The flowers are bright yellow (sometimes red) with glossy petals, solitary (up to 8 outer tepals).

A winter-hardy plant, it grows well in open, illuminated places (light shade is allowed). The preferred soil is light, moist, with organic matter and lime. Adonis really does not like transplants (if necessary, transplant with a clod of earth).

Adonis perennials are most often found in culture:

  • downy adonis (A. villosa)- blooms in May, has pubescent stems, reaches a height of up to 30 cm;
  • spring adonis (A. vernalis) or adonis- blooms in late April - early May, the only medicinal type of Adonis (often used as a component of heart medications);
  • Adonis Amur (A. Amurensis)- characterized by early flowering, bare stems, leaves with long petioles. Japanese breeders have created several hybrids (hinomoto - orange shades, benten - white petals, ramosa - brown with red, etc.).

Important! Adonis is listed in the Red Book and is protected by law. Adonis roots are poisonous (should be taken into account when independent use in treatment). Toxicity protects the plant from pests.


Oriental hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) has served as the basis for more than 400 ornamental varieties of hyacinths.

Hyacinths are bulbous; after flowering the green stem dries out. Flowers on a thin peduncle are collected in the form of a brush. They are simple, double and multi-flowered.

Hyacinths prefer illuminated, flat (with a slight slope), protected from the wind areas, with light fertile soils. Level groundwater- at least 50 cm. Although in open ground hyacinths are practically not susceptible to pests and diseases, care must be constant (loosen the soil 2-3 times, 3 times, before flowering, during the formation of buds and after flowering - add fertilizer, periodically water ).
Simple hyacinths vary in color and are divided into 6 groups:

  • white(“Argentina”, “Carnegie”, “Linnosance”, etc.);
  • pink(“Pink Pearl”, “Fondant”, “Anna Marie”, etc.);
  • red(“General Pelissier”, “La Victoire”, etc.);
  • blue(“Myosotis”, “Maria”, “King Lake Blues”, etc.);
  • lilac/violet(“Amethyst”, “Bismarck”, “Lord Balfour”);
  • yellow/orange(“Yellow Hammer”, “Orange Bowen”).

Did you know? The selection of the only black hyacinth variety, Midnight Mystique, lasted more than 16 years. The new variety was first introduced in 2005 by Thompson Morgan.

Among the terry hyacinths, the most famous are “Prince Arthur”, “Madame Sophie”, “Grootvorst”, “Edison”, “Sun Flower”, etc.; from multi-flowered ones - “Pink Pink Festival”, “White White Festival”, “Blue Blue Festival”).


Crocuses (Crocus) are low-growing perennials, blooming in spring and in autumn (varieties of saffron crocus and beautiful crocus species), corms (about 80 species), with basal leaves. Spring crocus (C. Vernus) is one of the progenitors of cultivated varieties. WITH late XIX century, more than 50 ornamental varieties have been bred. These plants are good honey plants. They bloom in March-April. Crocus has been known to mankind for thousands of years, because it is from it that the most expensive seasoning, saffron, is obtained.
Crocuses love a lot of sun and light, fertile soil. The plant is not afraid of wind. It looks most decorative in groups of several dozen to hundreds of flowers.

Important! Until the crocus leaves completely wither, they cannot be cut (or mowed), since thanks to them the roots accumulate nutrients for the next season.

Among the most popular varieties are the lilac-white “Vangard”, purple “Purpureus grandiflorus”, pale lilac “Ruby Giant”, yellow “Queen of the Blues”, white “Joan of Arc”, etc.

Narcissus (Narcissus) - from the Greek “narke” - “intoxicating smell”. A bulbous plant of the Amaryllis family, which includes more than 40 species, hundreds of varieties and hybrids.

All daffodils have straight stalks without leaves, large erect (drooping) one- or two-color flowers. The leaves are thin basal. They bloom in March-April.

Did you know? The Persians were the first to cultivate daffodils. In Persian poetry, the narcissus personified the eyes of a beloved. In ancient Greek mythology, there is a myth about the origin of the flower - the young man Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection and died from unrequited love. At the place of his death, beautiful flowers of death bloomed. Daffodils in ancient Rome the winners were awarded.

The classification of narcissists is quite complex, and they can be:

  • tubular- named because of the tube-shaped corolla. They grow in height from 15 to 45 cm (“Mount Hood”, “King Alfred”, “Lilliput”, etc. (colors white, yellow-white, yellow);
  • large-crowned- the corolla has a size of about a third of the length of the petals. Height - 60 cm (“Salome”, “Carlton”, etc. (yellow, two-tone with an orange crown and white colors);
  • finely crowned- a small crown has the shape of a cup. Height - up to 45 cm. Blooms in May. The coloring is two-tone, the crown is orange (“Barrett Browning”).
  • terry- there is no tube, the leaves near the flower bed are arranged in several circles (“Acropolis”, “Tahiti”, “Rip Van Winkle”, etc.);
  • triandrusaceae- the name comes from the narcissus Triandus. The inflorescences consist of several drooping flowers. Height - 30 cm (“Liberty Bells”, “Ice Wings”, “Havera”);

  • jonquil-shaped- from narcissus Jonquil. They bloom from April. They have thin leaves and delicate flowers in racemes. Height - 20-30 cm. Famous varieties - “Belle Song”, “Baby Moon”, etc.
    • tacetoid- 4-6 flowers grow on one peduncle. Height - 45 cm. Easily tolerates temperature changes. Famous ones are “Grand Solee d’Or”, “Geranium”, “Gregford”, etc.
    • poetic- traditional colors, bloom later than all daffodils. Height - 50 cm. Known - “Red Rome”, “Aktay”, “Sarchedon”, etc.
    • split-crown- a hybrid form with a red crown and three-color colors. Height - 50 cm (“Pink Wonder”, “Valdrom”, “Cassata”, “Orangerie”);
    • new varieties, first of all, these are orchid daffodils - the crown with deep cuts has bent lobes.


    Tulip (Tulipa) is a bulbous herbaceous plant. The bulb has a flat bottom and a sharp top. There are 12 oval leaves on the stem. The height of the stem can reach from 15 to 70 cm. The flower consists of six petals. Pigmentation - single-color, mixed or two-color.
    Tulips are perennial garden flowers that love sunny areas (without drafts), neutral fertile soils and moisture.

    Tulips are classified according to their flowering time:

    • early flowering(begin to bloom in March) - simple tulips (popular varieties are “Duke van Tol” (red with a border), “Candy Prince” (lilac) and double tulips (the diameter of double flowers is from 8 to 10 cm. Popular varieties- “Monte Carlo” (yellow), “Abba” (red in color, blooms for 15 days, the smallest of the tulips, reaching a height of only 10 cm);
    • medium flowering(April-early May) - Triumph tulips (“Blenda Flame”; Darwin hybrids (“Blushing Apeldoorn” in orange shades);

    Additionally, three more classes are distinguished:

    • Kaufman(bloom in March, height up to 32 cm, goblet shape, monochrome and two-color color);
    • Foster(has large flowers (18 cm) on short stems, blooming in early April);
    • Greig(with dark red patterns on the leaves).

    Important! After the flowering period ends, when the stemswill dry out andturn yellow by 2/3, it is advisable to dig up the tulip bulbs. They are dried, treated with a fungicide and stored in dry and ventilated areas at temperatures from +17 to +20° C. In this case, the flowers will be healthy and strong.

    Perennials that bloom all summer

    Perennials that bloom all summer are the largest group of light-loving flower species, distinguished by a variety of varieties and duration of flowering.

    Pansies (50 species) are perennial plants, characterized by abundant flowering. Height - 15-30 cm, flowers of a wide variety of colors. The two most famous species pansies called “tricolor violet” (Viola tricolor) and “Wittrock violet” (Víola wittrokiana), which has larger flowers.
    The flower loves sunlight and moist loam. Needs frequent feeding (superphosphate). You can extend the flowering time by removing the seed pods.

    The following varieties are distinguished:

    • small-flowered(3-4 cm) (“Snow Maiden”, “Blue Boy”, “Little Red Riding Hood”);
    • grandiflora(up to 6 cm) (“ Winter sun", "Heavenly Queen", "Ice King", "Jupiter");
    • gigantic(7-8 cm), represented by the varieties “Blue”, “White”, “Golden-yellow”.

    Did you know? In the Middle Ages they believed: in order to achieve love forever, it is enough to lubricate the eyelids of a sleeping person with the juice of this plant and wait for him to awaken. In Europe, lovers gave each other pansies when they parted. In England, with the help of this flower, shy young men explained their feelings: they just had to sendbelovedflower with your name.

    Astilbe is a perennial herbaceous plant, of which only 10 are cultivated among all species (about 30). Flowering begins in June-July. The stems are straight (height from 8 to 200 cm), the basal leaves are green or red-green (the outer part of the plant dies off in the winter). It blooms in panicle inflorescences with small flowers (colors: pink, white, red, lilac).
    Loves shady places, fertile and loose soil, frequent watering.

    Popular varieties of astilbe:

    • hybrid astilbe "Arendsa"(A. x arendsii) - blooms from July to August, reaches a height of 60-100 cm, and is distinguished by a thin stem with jagged leaves. The color of Astilbe inflorescences varies depending on the varieties - “Bresingham Beauty” (pink), “Fire” (red), “Germany” (white), “Federsi” (pale pink), etc.;
    • David(A. Davadii) - blooms in early July, red flowers;
    • Thunberg(A. Thunbergii) - blooms in early July, pink-red flowers;
    • Japanese(A. Japonica) - flowering in May-June, height - 3–40 cm, flowers white and pink. On its basis, up to a dozen other varieties have been bred (“Montgomery”, “Koblenz”, “Lara”, etc. with flowering in June-July);
    • Chinese(A. Chinensis) - blooms in July-August, flowers are lilac, white, Pink colour.

    Astrantia (Astrāntia), star - shrubby perennial flowers. The most popular in cultivation is the large astrantia (A. major). It is unpretentious and grows on any soil (than better soil- those lush bush). It blooms all summer and is a good honey plant. Winter and cold resistant. Tolerates drought. Does not require transplants. Resistant to diseases and pests.
    The most popular varieties:

    • "Hadspen Blood"(blooms in May - August, height 75-80 cm, loves light shade);
    • "Moulin rouge"(cherry blossoms bloom from June to August (the color fades in the shade).

      Armeria (Armeria) - blooms from May to September, height from 15 to 60 cm, numerous basal leaves form clumps (pillows), has a smooth straight stem. It blooms in inflorescences of small flowers (red, pink, white and purple). It tolerates drought well, while being a cold-resistant plant that does not like too much water.
      Popular types:

      • armeria seaside(A. Maritima) - height - 20 cm, purple inflorescences (“Dusseldorf Stolz”, “Bloodstone”, “Rosa Compacta”);
      • Alpine Armeria(A. Alpina) - height - 10 cm. Blooms in June (“Alba”, “Rosa”, “Laushana”);
      • armeria pseudoarmeria(Armeria pseudarmeria) - grows in rosettes of leaves, spherical inflorescences, small white flowers. Famous varieties are “Joystick White”, “Encore Ruby”).

      English roses - first obtained by crossing ancient varieties of roses ( Damask, French, Bourbon) with hybrid teas at the end of the twentieth century.
      The shape of the flowers - cupped, strong pink aroma, variety of shades, resistance to disease - gardeners liked. Flowers English roses in the garden - long-flowering. Flowering begins very early and continues until frost. They vary in size (short, medium, tall), bush (climbing, prostrate), etc. There is also a large variety of varieties - white, cream, apricot, copper, red, raspberry, yellow and other varieties:

      • Abraham Derby Austin(apricot rose with 10 cm flower);
      • "Suzanne Williams Ellis" (White Rose with the scent of rose oil);
      • "William Shakespeare"(densely double red rose, characterized by long flowering);
      • "Charlotte" ( The flower is densely double, resembling real gold in color. It has the scent of tea rose).

      Cornflowers (Centauréa) - herbaceous medium-sized perennials(there are about 500 varieties). Among the features of these plants are erect stems, leaves arranged in a regular order, and inflorescences in the shape of a basket. Cornflowers love the sun, while being frost-resistant plants. They bloom from June to September with pink, blue, white, red and purple flowers. Perennial cornflowers are undemanding and practically do not get sick. They live up to 7-10 years.
      Most popular types Vasilkov:

      • meadow(C. Jacea) - blooms from July until frost, flowers - bright purple inflorescences (up to 4 cm in diameter), straight purple shoots, height - 30-80 cm;
      • whitened(C. dealbata) - blooms until September, with bright pink flowers, decorative leaves, straight and branched stems. Refers to cold-resistant plants. Famous varieties: “John Curtis”, “Stemberji”;
      • mountain(C. Montana) - blooms in July-September with blue-violet flowers, height up to 60 cm (“Alba”, “Rose”, “Grandiflora”).

      Gladiolus, swordweed (from Latin Gladius - sword) is a corm perennial plant. Gladioli love fertile soil with good drainage and sufficient sunlight. Height - from 30 cm to 1.5 m. An inflorescence of 15-22 flowers is placed on the stem. According to the time of flowering, gladioli are divided into early, middle and late. The most popular varieties are hybrid gladiolus (G. hybridus hort): they are larger, more varied in color, the number of flowers reaches 32. Flowering lasts up to 25 days.

      Gypsophila (Gypsophila paniculata) - tumbleweed or “Lime loving”. A shrubby plant that blooms in paniculate inflorescences of small white/pink flowers. Takes on a spherical shape. Possesses high level cold resistance. Leaves are lanceolate. The height of the stems is up to 120 cm. Represented by the species "Bristol Fairy" (double inflorescences); "Pink Star"; "Flamingo" etc.

      Cinquefoil (Dasiphora), Kuril tea, moguchka, etc. (there are 500 species). Flowering occurs at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. The bush reaches a height of 50 - 150 cm. It has high cold resistance.
      The most popular varieties of cinquefoil:

      • Friedrichsen's cinquefoil(D. Friederichsenii) - hybrid (a “mixture” of Kuril tea and Daurian cinquefoil);
      • "Abotswood"- height 75 cm, white flowers;
      • "Catherine Dukes"- height 1.5 m, yellow flowers;
      • "Tangerine"- height 60 cm, bronze color of flowers.

      Large-flowered flax (Linum grandiflorum) is a herbaceous, unpretentious plant that loves light. It can be called frost-resistant and not demanding in terms of planting and care, as it grows on any soil (but without stagnant water). Flax blooms from June to September, height 35-60 cm. The plant has thin stems, red or blue flowers with 5 petals (3.5 cm), narrow leaves. The flowers fade by the end of the day, and new ones bloom in the morning. The only negative is that the plant is an annual, although it is sometimes grown as a perennial.

      Bluebell (Campanula) is a perennial herbaceous plant (about 300 species are distinguished). Inflorescences are in the form of a raceme or panicle, the flower shape is a bell. Colors - purple, blue, white, pink, blue. Bluebells love the sun and do not tolerate stagnant water. They prefer light soils and loams.
      The most popular types of bells:

      • bell medium(blooms with white, blue, pink and blue flowers, winter-hardy variety);
      • Portenschlag bell(purple flowers, up to 5 flowers on a shoot, frost-resistant variety);
      • Pozharsky's bell(small flowers of lilac, blue, pink, cold-resistant variety).

      Clematis (Clematis) - shrubs, subshrubs, vines (more than 300 species in total). They prefer the sun, do not like shade and partial shade, drafts, and wet lowlands. They are divided into groups based on the formation of flowers:

      • on last year's shoots (flowering occurs at the end of May - beginning of June). Popular varieties “Alpina” and “Makropetala”;
      • on current and last year's shoots. The first wave of flowering is at the beginning of summer, the second (main) - in mid-summer. The most famous varieties of "Lanuginosa" (flowers of white and blue color), "Patens", etc.
      • on current shoots. It blooms from July until frost (varieties “Jacmana”, “Viticella”, “Integrifolia”, etc.).

      Oak forest sage (Salvia nemorosa, Salvia sylvestris) is a herbaceous perennial plant. The stem has lanceolate wrinkled leaves, blooms in spike-shaped inflorescences at the end of June, and has a strong aroma.

      Loves sunlight, light fertile soils. Doesn't like a lot of moisture. It has high frost and drought resistance.

      Important! Forest sage can be made to bloom all summer and even in September if you cut off all the young shoots after the first wave of flowering.

      Varieties of forest sage vary in size:
      • low-growing and medium-growing varieties (“Marcus” - height 25 cm with blue flowers; “Plumosa” - up to 40 cm, lavender color; “Pink Queen” - up to 60 cm, with pink flowers and etc.);
      • tall - up to 80 cm (“Amethyst” - pink-violet flowers; “Adrian” - white flowers; “Caradonna” - black stem with dark purple flowers).

      Perennials blooming in autumn

      At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, beautiful late perennials for the garden - aconites, anemones, chrysanthemums, etc. - begin to bloom, which continues until the first frost.

      Arends' aconite (Aconitum arendsii) is a perennial plant, the result of interspecific crossing. They begin to bloom in mid-summer with white, blue and bicolor flowers.

      The height reaches 100 cm. They have high frost resistance.

      Did you know? The poisonous properties of aconite have been known since ancient times - poison for arrows was made from the plant, and also poisonedenemieswater for drinking. According to legend, the conqueror Timur died of aconite poisoning (his skullcap was soaked in the poison).

      Autumn Anemone is a plant native to Japan and China. The height reaches 1.5 m, the leaves are large, dark green. Flowering begins in September - double or simple flowers(diameter 6 cm) in white, pink, cream and red shades.
      Japanese anemones love bright light, light and fertile soils, good watering.

      Important! Anemone juice tastes bitter and irritates the skin and mucous membranes.

      The most famous species and hybrid varieties:
      • Hubei anemone(with light pink flowers);
      • hybrid anemone(“Honorin Jobert”, “Profuseion”, “Queen Charlotte”).

      Autumn colchicum (wintering plant)

      Colchicum (Colchicum autumnale) is a herbaceous perennial (there are 65 species) that looks like a crocus. Flowering - September-October (up to three weeks). The flowers are glass-shaped (up to 7 cm in diameter), pleasant aroma. Depending on the variety, they can be simple or terry. Colors - white, pink, purple and possibly in different shades. There are no leaves during the flowering period (their height is 30-40 cm), the flower stem is 8-20 cm. Loves sandy soils, grows equally well in the shade and in the sun. No watering required.
      The variety “Roseum Plenum” with delicate pink flowers is especially popular.

      Vernonia is a perennial of the Asteraceae family (1000 species). Garden crop - shaggy vernonia (Vernonia crinita). The stems of this plant are erect with large oval leaves. Flowering occurs in August - September, and the inflorescences are represented by panicles of purple flowers. Loves the sun and moist, fertile soil.


      Sedum (Sedum) is a perennial plant of the Crassulaceae family (there are about 600 species in total). It blooms with small flowers in fluffy inflorescences. Color - pink, yellow, red, blue, etc.

      Sedums love large sunny areas and light partial shade. They are unpretentious to soils and grow well both on rocky and sandy soils, as well as on more fertile ones. They are drought-resistant species.
      There are three groups of sedums - low-growing, medium-growing (blooming at the end of summer) and tall-growing - blooming in the fall (tenacious sedum, prominent sedum and telephium sedum or "rabbit cabbage").

      Nerine (Nerine) is a bulbous perennial plant (30 species) of the Amarilaceae family. Blooms in early or mid-autumn. The height of the stems reaches 50 cm, and the plant itself blooms in red, white, pink or orange flowers in umbrella-shaped inflorescences (often called spider lily).

      Popular varieties:

      • nerine "Bowden"- the most cold-resistant form. It blooms in mid-autumn with an umbrella inflorescence (12 flowers each);
      • nerine sinuous- has beautiful white and pink flowers, collected in inflorescences and presented in the form of bells.

      Tricyrtis, garden orchid, is a perennial plant of the Liliaceae family. It blooms from late summer and can continue flowering until frost. The flowers are pink with crimson spots, collected in bunches.
      The plant loves forest soils, with a fairly large amount of humus and peat.

      Did you know? One of the names of Tricyrtis is "toad lily", given due to the use of the plant's sap to attract edible toads in the Philippines.

      The most popular varieties:
      • tricyrtis short-haired(80 cm tall, with white flowers and crimson spots on them, the most cold-resistant variety);
      • broadleaf tricirtis(60 cm tall, green-white flowers).


      There are more than 650 varieties of garden chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum). Autumn chrysanthemums are very different from each other: the inflorescences can be simple, semi-double, double, colored different shades red, pink, yellow, white flowers. Autumn varieties able to withstand even the first frosts. Depending on the timing of flowering, the following plants of this group can be distinguished:

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Description of the most beautiful autumn flowers and creating a flower bed from them

With the onset of autumn, nature changes: the leaves turn yellow and fall, the grass withers, the buds of summer plants disappear. The garden is getting a little dull. And only bright autumn flowers in the flower beds help make the garden area cozy and beautiful.

Names, descriptions and photos of autumn flowers in the garden

Autumn plants can be annual or perennial. They tolerate low temperatures and poor lighting well. Most varieties bloom in September, but some of them retain their buds until November. And plants such as the September aster do not die even under the snow.

Source: Depositphotos

A flowerbed of autumn flowers of various shades looks good

The most beautiful flowers for the flower bed:

  • Monarda. Depending on the species, it can be either annual or perennial. The length of its stem is from 15 to 110 cm. The leaves of the plant have a serrated edge. Hollow buds form heads, the diameter of which is from 3 to 7 cm. Corollas can be white, pink, red, crimson.
  • Aster. There are more than 200 annual and perennial species this flower. The length of the stem can reach half a meter. The leaves are simple. The buds are double and non-double with a diameter of 2 to 16 cm. The central part of the flower is yellow, and the corolla can be of any shade: from white to lilac, red or another tone.
  • Dahlia. The hollow thick stem of this perennial grows up to 250 cm in height. The diameter of the flowers is from 10 to 13 cm. They can be various shapes: spherical, needle-shaped, peony-shaped, water lilies and others. The buds are painted in a variety of shades, sometimes they are even multi-colored.
  • Rudbeckia. This plant is similar to daisies. The length of the stem reaches 40-60 cm. The diameter of the buds is from 4 to 15 cm. The petals are yellow and orange, the core is brownish or black. The leaves are dark and long.

These are the most common flowers that attract attention with their bright petals and juicy greens until the coldest weather.

How to make a beautiful flowerbed of autumn flowers

Autumn plants look good in single and group plantings. They can be planted as borders or as permanently blooming flower beds.

When creating flower beds, you need to take into account some plant characteristics:

  • Dimensions. It is better to plant the center with tall grasses, and the edge with low or medium-growing grasses.
  • Features of care. Plants with similar requirements for soil composition and watering are placed nearby.
  • Bud color. You can make a flower bed from plants of similar tones or contrasting shades.

In order to create beautiful flower bed, study the photo different types autumn flowers. Draw a diagram in advance of where and how you will place them.

Autumn flowering herbs will delight the eye with colorful buds and green leaves until the end of November or even the beginning of December. And the garden area with flower beds laid out on it always looks well-groomed.

In autumn, the most beautiful, spectacular and unusual flower beds bloom. And at the moment of fading summer warmth, it is the flower beds with autumn plants that lift the mood, which when correct landing and care they bloom until frost. To correctly decide on the choice of seeds or seedlings for planting, it is recommended to take a closer look at some popular plants.

Plant selection

To admire the buds in the autumn, you need to know what flowers bloom in the fall, choose the right seeds, and provide them good fit, care and timely watering. The following are especially respected in almost all regions:

  • anemone;
  • aster;
  • marigold;
  • helenium autumn;
  • dahlias;
  • goldenrod;
  • crocosmia;
  • saxifrage;
  • monards;
  • window sill;
  • rudbeckia;
  • phlox;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • zinnia.

Anemone (anemone)

Touching autumn garden flowers, reminiscent of early spring by their resemblance to primroses. Various colors and shapes of buds will look advantageous against the background of stones. Anemones bloom at good care and in right place until frost.

There are almost 150 plant species in horticulture, but the following varieties are considered recognized:

  • Lesnaya - height 0.5 meters, flower diameter - about 7 cm.
  • Japanese - 40 cm with small groups of buds.
  • Crown - about 25 centimeters in height and with flowers with a diameter of 6 cm.
  • Tender - about 20 cm from the ground.

There are two types of anemone - tuberous and rhizomatous. The division of rhizomes is carried out in the spring - they are cut so that on each part there are buds for growing greenery. The tubers are first left to swell for 2-3 hours in warm water.

It is recommended to plant anemones in fertile, loose soil with the addition of sand and wood ash in partial shade to a depth of 3−7 cm. They immediately determine the permanent habitat of the plant, because anemone categorically does not accept transplantation. Regular, but not abundant watering of the flower is recommended.


Common autumn flowers in the garden, both annual and perennial varieties. Branched stems with flowers delight the eye until frost.

The variety of aster species is amazing; they are divided into three groups according to height:

Depending on the variety, choose the soil, planting location, fertilizers and frequency of watering. This flower is planted with seeds and seedlings in spring or autumn.

Unlike many autumn flowers, aster does not require special care; it is enough to water and fertilize once or twice during the growth and flowering period. Small-flowered asters do not require tying to a support and are not afraid of night frosts, which makes life easier for the gardener.

Marigolds (Tagetes)

A plant of the Asteraceae family, which has earned respect for its assistance in pest control. The height of these plants ranges from 20 to 120 cm with yellow, brown or orange buds with a diameter of 2-10 cm.

There are three types of marigolds based on height:

  • dwarf;
  • short;
  • tall.

Planting is done with seedlings and seeds in open ground; they bloom in 1.5-2 months.

Unpretentious, cold-resistant, bloom well after planting seedlings in fertilized soil. Recommended watering as it dries, without excessive moisture.

Helenium autumn

Gelenium is considered an interesting flower - annual and perennial. The root, along with its shoots, dies with the arrival of autumn, and the underground buds of the shoots grow into new rosettes with leaves and roots, next year they form a fresh stem.

The colors of the flowers are orange-red, brick yellow, brown, golden and terracotta.

The height of an erect, separately growing helenium ranges from 70 cm to 150 cm.

The plant blooms from late July to mid-September.


Unusual variegated and plain perennial flowers with tuberous roots. Erect branched shoots with a smooth or rough structure with a hollow trunk. Baskets of inflorescences from 3 to 30 centimeters in diameter are surrounded by flowers of various shapes:

  • pompons;
  • spherical;
  • peony-shaped;
  • collar;
  • cactus;
  • semi-cactus;
  • non-double;
  • anemone-shaped;
  • decorative;
  • nymphaeal;
  • mixed.

The color and size are also very diverse and depend on the species, of which there are about 18 thousand; only blue, black and light blue dahlias do not exist in nature.

Plants bloom in July and continue to please the eye until deep frost, depending on the variety. It is necessary to remember about proper digging of roots and storing them in winter the right temperature and room humidity.


Perennial with a wooden taproot, green trunk with shades of red at the bottom. Erect shoots with oval or elliptical foliage. The height of goldenrod ranges from 30 cm to 2 meters and has small hairs throughout the plant. Among the various varieties, the following stand out:

  • Canadian;
  • ordinary;
  • giant.

This one is blooming autumn plant from May to October. It tolerates both dry and frosty weather conditions remarkably well. Attract insects with small abundant flowers.

Goldenrod can be propagated in several ways:

  1. Seeds.
  2. Seedlings.
  3. Dividing the bush.
  4. Cuttings.

Goldenrod does not require special care; regular watering in dry weather and staking tall bushes will help this plant bloom as long and brightly as possible. In winter, the flower does not need shelter; it is enough to cut the stems and leave 15 cm from the ground.

Crocosmia, Tritonia, Japanese gladiolus

An ornamental, showy plant of the iris family with bright orange, deep red or golden yellow flowers with a characteristic saffron scent.

Crocosmia is not very popular among summer residents, but is already winning the hearts of gardeners with its beauty and unpretentiousness. If you dig up and replant the plant in a special pot before frost in the fall, you can extend the life of the flower for another month in a cool place in a city apartment, for example, on a balcony.

Planting is carried out with corms, children and seeds. It is recommended to sow in February or March; as the seedlings mature, they are planted in pots and transplanted into open ground in May. It is recommended to plant corms in late April or early May.


Perennial, blooms in autumn, is unpretentious in care and has a fibrous root system.

The height of the plant is 0.5-1.5 meters with leaves about 6 cm of emerald or grayish color. Saxifragas have small flowers, which are collected in racemes, paniculate inflorescences or arranged singly.

The color of the buds is varied - white, pink, yellow, red or deep crimson. In harsh climatic conditions the flower is grown as an annual, since the plant cannot tolerate cold temperatures.

Monarda and sill

Monarda has about 20 varieties of annuals and perennials.

The height of the plant reaches 1.5 meters and has a straight, branched stem with emerald-colored leaves with a pleasant aroma.

The shape of the leaves is jagged, elongated-lacentate, and the flowers, about 7 cm in diameter, have a variety of colors - purple, white, red, yellow or speckled.

Monarda begins to bloom in June and fades by October; it should be remembered that this plant is used in making tea and food and for a long time the flower was mistaken for bergamot.

Another interesting plant, blooming from mid-summer until late autumn, which has not only beautiful inflorescences, but also medical benefits - window sill. Used to treat inflammatory processes and wounded areas of the skin.

The height of the flower reaches 2 meters and ends in inflorescences with a diameter of 25 cm. The foliage is green with purple or dark red streaks. Small flowers of white, pink or beige color have a pleasant smell during the flowering period.

The flower is planted mainly as seedlings, but if an unstable plant gets into the open ground, it will not take root. The window sapling blooms in flower beds located on sunny side, from mid-summer to the coldest weather. A fairly resistant plant to frost and pest attacks.


Beautiful, showy autumn flowers called Rudbeckia bloom from July to October. The most common varieties are the hairy, shiny and glossy rudbeckia, reaching a height of 200 cm, some wild species grow up to 3 meters.

The trunk is covered with villi and has oval and stem leaves large sizes. Flowers with a diameter of about 15 cm, similar to daisy, are yellow, orange, red in color with a core of light brown or red-black color with a velvety texture.

A completely unpretentious plant, but one that respects warm weather; if seeds or seedlings are planted during cold nights, rudbeckia will not take root.


A perennial with bright lush flowers lives from mid-summer until frost. The height of phlox varies from 10 to 150 cm with paniculate or corymbose inflorescences about 5 cm in diameter. The shoots are erect with oval-shaped leaves and flowers of various colors - snow-white, pink, red, blue, lilac with an attractive scent.

Popular varieties are:

  • Phlox paniculata;
  • Vladimir;
  • cloud;
  • Anna;
  • new;
  • Margry.

Despite the fact that phloxes are moisture-loving plants, they do not tolerate stagnation of water near the root system. To provide care for these flowers, you need to plant them in a raised bed away from large shrubs and trees. If there is no free space, phlox will die in competition for light and water.

Chrysanthemums and Zinnias (Majors)

Chrysanthemums are the most popular autumn flowers imported from Japan. A perennial green-brown shrub from 30 cm to 150 cm in height with a characteristic scent, it blooms from late August until the beginning of frost.

Inflorescences are simple, semi-double, double, tubular and needle-shaped. The variety of varieties is amazing in shape, color and size. Korean chrysanthemums with small, abundant flowers are especially respected for their ease of care.

Zinnias - annual plant 30-100 cm high with double, semi-double and simple inflorescences. There is not only a blue tint in the color shades of flowers. Zinnias bloom from July to October.

Leaves of a green or light green shade, pointed and oval in shape, covered with hard fluff on erect stems, will decorate any flower garden.

It is difficult to pay attention to each flower individually and describe all the species. The choice for a flower garden is individual and depends on various reasons- an unpretentious plant or one that requires careful care is planned to be planted, under what weather conditions it will be grown and how sunny the planting site will be. It must be remembered that autumn flowers in any case require timely watering, and sometimes fertilization.

Autumn flowers in the garden with photos, descriptions and names. Autumn colors are shown by month. And also a list of flowers that you can admire all season, including spring. The main thing is to sow the seeds and grow seedlings on time.

Autumn is the time when nature prepares for rest, and autumn flowers in the garden will delight the eye with a riot of colors. When it slowly starts to get cold outside and some people experience the blues, blooming flowers in garden beds will lift your spirits. Moreover, the first autumn frosts do not at all interfere with the flowering of many plants.

For professional summer residents, as a rule, flowering in the garden begins in early spring and ends in late autumn. Flowerbeds combined from plants different sizes and colors, can amaze any imagination and drive you crazy with their aroma. And the flower beds blooming in autumn are doubly pleasant to look at. It is not at all necessary to be a professional gardener to admire the riot of flower colors on your plot all season long, because many plants are quite unpretentious and any novice summer resident can plant and grow them.

Midsummer country flower beds They delight us with all their blooms. The variety of plant species allows you to create a wide variety of autumn flower beds. Next there will be a description of some plants that begin to bloom in the summer (with the transition to autumn). It should be added that in the southern and some middle latitudes, flowering, which I define as autumn, begins in those areas at the end of summer. But this action is only for the joy of all flower growers.

Summer parade of blossoms turning into autumn


This is a perennial corm beautiful flowering plant. Feels great in many soils, loves light, needs moderate moisture. Crocosmia (also known as Montbretia or Japanese gladiolus) begins to bloom in the garden in July and ends at the end of August.

Some plants can be up to 1 meter high. The foliage of crocosmia is light green in color and has a sword-shaped shape. The inflorescences of the plant are funnel-shaped, their diameter is about 5 cm, paniculate.

Among the common varieties, we can distinguish plants with inflorescences of the following colors:

  • "Vesuvius" - scarlet inflorescences;
  • "Golden Fleece" - lemon yellow;
  • "Chees Madgest" - orange-scarlet;
  • "Emily McKenzie" - petals are brownish in color, and at their base there are bright orange blotches;
  • "Rheingold" - yellow color.

During the period of winter cold, crocosmia needs insulation - spruce branches; you can also use fallen oak leaves for these purposes. Crocosmia needs to be propagated in the spring by children.


A perennial root-tuberous autumn “candle” that blooms very beautifully. Even a novice gardener can grow this plant. Planting liatris on summer cottage carried out in early May, and from July it will begin to bloom.

The plant is quite tall, some varieties grow up to 80 cm, but the inflorescences collected in baskets are quite small, no more than 2 cm. They are located at the top of the peduncle, and in a spike-like manner. Because of this, the inflorescence of this plant externally resembles a dishwashing brush. Color shades plants from pink to purple.

Liatris needs sunlight and loves fertile soil in the garden and warm places. He does not need special care and can stay in one place for many years. It is not necessary to cover it during the cold period.

In flower beds and garden beds, these autumn “giants” can be combined with perennials, and complex borders can be arranged. In addition, for decorative cutting, liatris is even grown specially.


It is a perennial and blooms very beautifully. Loose soils are preferable for lupine; it loves moisture and light, although it can also grow in shaded garden areas.

Lupine is quite tall, some species reach 120 cm. Its stem is straight and the foliage is palmate. The flowers are in racemose inflorescences, the length of which can reach 30 cm. Flowering begins in early July and ends with frost. To allow yourself this in your flowerbed, do not forget to remove faded inflorescences in a timely manner.

Common varieties with inflorescences of the following colors are:

  • “Page”, 1 m high - red;
  • "Governor", meter-long giants - blue and white;
  • "Chandelier", meter-long lupine - yellow-orange;
  • "Roseus", 110 cm tall - pink;
  • "Rubinkonig", maximum height 1 meter, ruby ​​purple.

Lupins are widely used in landscaping summer cottages, and also last a long time when cut.

Lily Henry

This beauty, for the most part, belongs to the category of hybrids, multi-flowered. The diameter of the lily inflorescence reaches 8 cm. Each flower of this lily is very interesting: turban-shaped, it can grow to the side or up. It is apricot in color and has dark red beards on the petals. Henry's lily blooms in early August.

The plant is quite tall, under favorable conditions it reaches 150 cm in height. Planting can be carried out in the autumn - until mid-September, as well as in the spring, but not earlier than the beginning of May. When planting, the bulbs are buried 20 cm in the ground, the distance between the holes is at least 30 cm. A lily of this species can grow in the shade, but it is better to choose open place. Preferred soils are slightly acidic or neutral, always well-drained. The flower is unpretentious, is resistant to fungi, and tolerates frosty winters well. In the first year after planting, the plant must be covered. You can propagate by bulb scales or baby bulbs.


Not suitable for wintering in middle lane, therefore it is grown in country garden as an annual plant. It feels great in different soils and is drought-resistant, but moderate watering will not hurt it. The plant is light-loving, grows very poorly in the shade and does not please with flowering, which under normal conditions continues until the onset of September frosts.

Purslane is not a very tall plant - only about 20 cm, with creeping, fleshy stems, which, moreover, are highly branched. The foliage is small. The flowers are single, about 7 cm in diameter, double. Color spectrum:

  • Red,
  • white,
  • pink,
  • orange,
  • yellow.

However, purslane grows very poorly from seeds. Because the best solution It will be possible to buy ready-made seedlings, for example, in a nursery, but in the fall the plant will be sown with seeds that will sprout beautifully next year.

Celosia (paniculate and comb)

It is an annual, but you can find perennial varieties and even shrubs. Common annuals of this species are: celosia comb and celosia paniculata.

The flowers of the paniculate plant have pyramidal inflorescences that are located on the shoots. The whole variety of flowers of paniculate celosia is presented in yellow-violet - white-red shades.

The plant can be short (maximum height - 40 cm), tall - about 80 cm in height. Low growing varieties They will be an excellent decoration for borders, and tall ones for cutting. In addition, celosia looks great as a dried flower.

Comb celosia has fused shoots, and its inflorescences resemble the comb of a rooster. Varieties of this plant are short - about 30 cm and tall - about a meter in height. All varieties of celosia in the garden on the site are propagated by seeds. Plants are planted in the ground at the beginning of summer, the distance between sprouts is 20 cm.


It is considered a universal annual, because it can be grown both in flowerpots on the street and in small pots on the windows. Zinnia fits perfectly into panoramic compositions, and as part of a bouquet the plant attracts attention.

Very light-loving, drought-resistant. It does not tolerate frost, so it blooms only until mid-September. In a damp climate, this plant does not feel well, and there is a high risk that it will wither. If it grows in a suitable place, then large zinnia baskets of a wide variety of colors will delight the eye with their beauty for a long time.


The most common is Echinacea purpurea, which is a perennial with a short rhizome. In the garden, Echinacea can grow up to 1 meter. This is a plant with a straight, rough stem of a brownish tint. The leaves in the root area are located in winged petioles, jagged and collected in a rosette. The leaves on the stem grow in regular order. The flower itself is very pubescent. The diameter of flower baskets can be 15 cm.

Famous varieties of purple echinacea

  • “The King” - a giant (110 cm) red-purple;
  • “Kim’s Knee High” - maximum plant height - 45 cm, pinkish-purple petals with a fiery red core;
  • “Irresistible” is the first “double” variety of Echinacea, 0.8 m high. Branched peduncles, inflorescences are red-orange;
  • "Kim's Mophead" - hybrid variety, its height does not exceed 45 cm. The petals are white, and the core is golden-green.

Echinacea loves sun and rich soil. Capable of blooming without replanting for about 6 years. Propagated by seeds or division. However, the seeds do not germinate well, so it is better to propagate vegetatively.


An annual plant, popularly nicknamed “touch-me-not”. Its shape can be spherical, creeping or pyramidal. The height of the plant varies, but it does not grow more than 75 cm. The autumn balsam stems are green in color and smooth. The shoots have a reddish coating and are also very soft. The leaves are slightly pointed, arranged alternately, and their edges are jagged.

The color range of balsam is not very wide: orange, red and pink shades, their diameter is 5 cm. The seeds of the plant ripen in a box that “explodes” from any touch (hence popular name). Impatiens love heat very much, so seedlings can only be planted in the ground at the end of May.

September Flower Parade

This month it is already getting significantly colder, frosts begin at night and many summer plants in the garden are finishing flowering. But they are replaced by no less beautiful autumn flowers.


A corm perennial in a summer cottage, which is dug out of the soil for the winter. The leaves of gladioli are sessile, linear or xiphoid in shape. The height of the flowering stem reaches one and a half meters, and at its end there is a long, spike-shaped inflorescence. These flowers are arranged in one or two rows, their total number on a plant can reach 23. They are funnel-shaped, quite large, and come in a wide variety of shades.

Gladiolus is a noble plant in any garden. In the glamelia technique, gladioli are used very actively.


This beautiful autumn flower is popularly nicknamed “long-flowered” because it pleases our eyes until severe frosts begin.

Mexican ageratum is common in gardening. This plant is compact, not very tall (no higher than 60 cm), with small basket-shaped inflorescences (diameter 1.5 cm). The baskets are in an inflorescence, the diameter of which is approximately 7 cm. The color of the petals is blue or purple, but there are white and pink shades.

Ageratum loves the warmth and light of the sun; it stops growing in the shade. Young sprouts cannot tolerate even light frost. To increase the flowering period, faded inflorescences should be removed, along with the top of the shoots.

Decorative cabbage

In general, these autumn plants in the garden are biennials, however, they are grown as annuals. At the beginning of September, brassica (another name for ornamental cabbage) reaches its peak growth.

Cabbage leaves are tall, can be narrow or wide, and can be curved or straight. In addition, they are amazingly “finished” along the edges: light or deep cuts, waves, teeth, there are even finely curled ones. As for the coloring, everything here is also very interesting. The sheet can be monochromatic, or it can simultaneously include several shades: from light green to dark red and even purple. As a rule, the outer leaves are the same color - green, but several shades may be present in the rosette.

When used in a bouquet, such brassica cabbage is sure to be an accent plant, an optical center, so to speak.


This annual can be an excellent addition to any autumn garden, bouquet and other compositions.

Flowers are divided into types

  • Terry - famous and popular among gardeners,
  • non-double - not so popular, differs in the shape of the bush, color and height of the plant.

Depending on the height of the aster, the site for planting is selected. Low-growing varieties become border decorations, while medium and tall varieties find their place in flower beds.

The plant has voluminous (about 16 cm) inflorescences of different structures. These fall beauties come in a wide range of colors. Asters love sunlight and are resistant to light frosts.


It is a beautiful flowering vine. The plant is tall, with tendrils, with which in its natural environment it clings to bushes. The tendrils are located at the base of the leaves. The inflorescences of the vine are medium-sized, about 5 cm in diameter. The most common colors are white and purple. At first, the inflorescences of certain types of kobei are light, exuding a musky aroma, then, becoming purple, the aroma of honey.

Kobeya is afraid of big people subzero temperatures, therefore it is grown as an annual plant. The liana is unpretentious, can grow in any soil, and grows well.


In any garden where autumn flowers are grown, there is always a place for chrysanthemums. This plant is resistant to light frosts, looks great in bouquets, and lasts a long time when cut.

The height of chrysanthemums varies from 30 to 75 cm, so they can be used both as decoration for paths and in flower beds. This bushy perennial has flowers, the diameter of which can be either 3 cm or 30 (depending on the variety). The inflorescence consists of many tubular and reed petals. They have different colors, shapes and sizes.


The plant is a complex hybrid. This is an autumn perennial plant that must be hidden from frost in winter (dug up).

Its stem is straight, of different heights (20-200 cm), branched, the foliage is pinnately divided. The inflorescence of the plant is a basket, along the edges of which there are reed-shaped petals, and in the center - tubular. Dahlia can have more than one shade, but several at once. These flowers love warmth. They reproduce vegetatively.


Light-loving autumn, beginning to bloom early last month summer, the perennial feels great in the garden. It is resistant to light frost, but during severe winter cold, rudbeckia still needs to be covered.

The plant loves moisture. With moderate watering it will delight you with its flowering for a long time. The height of rudbeckia is from 50 to 150 cm.

The leaves of the plant are oval shaped and dark green in color. The flower is bright yellow, the color changes during frosts, about 9 cm in diameter, the core is brown-black, spherical. Rudbeckia blooms throughout September.

October: end of the flower parade

In October it is usually already cold, the summer flowers in the garden have long since faded, and some autumn flowers have also completed their solemn appearance. But, even in mid-autumn, you can still see a lot beautiful plants, reminiscent of the sun and warm days.


Popularly known as "Night Beauty". The flower blooms at dusk and closes in the morning. The plant is one year old and still blooms in October. Mirabilis loves the sun and prefers fertile soils.

“Night Beauty” is a branched plant, up to 70 cm in length, with pointed leaves of bright green color. A medium-sized, funnel-shaped inflorescence is located on a peduncle. Their colors are varied:

  • Pink,
  • white,
  • orange,
  • red.

It also happens that different flowers bloom on the same plant.


In the garden, this autumn plant will delight with its flowering, beginning in late autumn, for about a month. Light frost is not scary for the crocus.

The plant is not tall, it can be planted in a flowerbed where other autumn flowers are located or used to decorate a border path.

Colchicum has large, lanceolate, elongated leaves and funnel-shaped single flowers of various colors. Colchicum is light-loving, but can grow in partial shade. Needs moderate moisture. This plant is poisonous, however, its bulbs are used in medicine.


It is difficult to imagine autumn flowers in the garden without nasturtium. This is an annual plant that can grow in the shade. It is not afraid of slight frosts, so it blooms throughout October.

There are several types of nasturtium: low-growing (up to 30 cm), creeping (up to 3.5 m). The shoots are light green in color and branched. Root system is located almost on the surface of the ground. Large rounded leaves are located on petioles, which can be red or green flowers. Large single flowers are located in the axil of the foliage. Their color varies from pale yellow to bright red. Nasturtium blooms towards the end of June.

Popular climbing varieties of nasturtium

  • "Theodore",
  • "Aurora",
  • "Cardinal"
  • "Orange Ball".

Famous bush varieties of nasturtium

  • "Vesuvius"
  • "Snow Maiden",
  • "Othello"
  • "Ruby".


Phlox paniculata is popular in gardening, although there are other varieties. A perennial autumn plant that can reach 1.5 meters in height. Phlox stems are leafy, woody near the roots, numerous. The leaves have a lanceolate-oval shape, the inflorescences are paniculate, located at the crown of the stem.

Phlox inflorescences look like a star, have a tubular base, and exude a light, pleasant aroma. These autumn beauties can be either plain or interspersed with a different color. Phlox will look great in a flower bed in combination with plants that have a carmine-red color.

After cutting, phloxes do not last long; the water in the vase must be changed frequently.

Plants blooming in spring, summer and autumn

Gardeners give preference not only to those plants that bloom only in summer or only in autumn. After all, there are some plants whose blooms you can admire all season long, including spring. The main thing is to sow the seeds and grow seedlings on time.


Quite a popular plant in the garden, there are long-lived varieties, and there are annual ones. Verbena flowers can be:

  • Dark blue
  • burgundy,
  • red.

But all the flowers of this plant white peephole in the middle.

Verbena loves warmth; sprouts are planted at a certain distance in loose soil. It can become a decoration for flower beds, borders, and also grow at home on a window.


Viola or Pansy is a perennial plant that is used as a biennial.

The plant is winter-hardy and tolerates partial shade and even full shade. Viola can grow on windows located on south side. If the plant is in the sun, it blooms for a long time. In the shade, pansies do not bloom as profusely. Large viola inflorescences are located on long stalks. The diameter of the flowers of this plant is about 9 cm, their color can be different: purple, blue, blue, yellow. As a rule, pansy inflorescences are three-colored, but there are also single-colored varieties.

The leaves are petiolate, rounded, heart-shaped. In the summer, violas are planted outside, where they bloom until the autumn cold sets in.


A light-loving, low-growing (25 cm), long-lived plant, however, gatsania (gazania) is grown as an annual. It has linear leaves and basket-inflorescences of medium size (7 cm), reed-shaped petals, different in shape. color scheme. As a rule, most varieties of gazania open their inflorescences only during the daytime, when there is sun. Blooms all season.


This garden plant so called by the people, its real name is antirrinum. In general, snapdragon is a perennial, but since it does not tolerate frost, it is planted annually. Antirrhinum is called snapdragon for a reason; outwardly the flower looks like the open mouth of a lion.

Its inflorescences are a raceme with large, two-lipped flowers with small black or brown colors. Snapdragon prefers places exposed to the sun. They need regular irrigation; they grow better in nutritious soil.


It is a cold-resistant plant that blooms profusely all season, including autumn. It has strong stems medium height(55 cm), on top of which there are large daisy inflorescences. Osteospermum tolerates not only light frost, but also heat, and is resistant to temperature changes and weather conditions.

Large (4.5 cm) white chamomile-shaped inflorescences of a tongue-shaped form have a center of blue color. Some varieties of osteospermum have a different color of inflorescences: purple, yellow, orange and their shades. Flowers grow better in fertile soils.


Semi-shrub long-lived plant. It can be low (15 cm), or maybe a giant (1 m). Thanks to its bright, large and very beautiful flowers, petunia has rightfully become a favorite in every garden.

The plant may have a creeping, erect or densely branched stem with rounded, pubescent hairs green shoots. The leaves are different in size, alternate, also pubescent, vary in size and shape.

Petunia flowers are solitary, sitting on small stalks in the axils of the foliage. They have a double perianth, a five-part calyx, the sepals of which are fused at their base. Petunia blooms all season under favorable conditions.

But even in the fall we are pleased: scabiosa, mimulus, tenacious, ....., and the swimsuit can bloom a second time.

Even the names of autumn flowers, blooming all summer until late autumn, enchant and surprise, let alone their appearance. It is in autumn that you can appreciate all the beauty and brightness of nature’s gifts. The mother-of-pearl of the leaves, orange, yellow, red flowers is mesmerizing, and the beauty of the flower beds attracts the eye and fills with energy and inspiration. The period of active flowering of summer plants stops with the arrival of the first autumn days, and already empty areas look dull and sad if there are no autumn flowers on them.

If we consider the flowering process from scientific point From the perspective, it can be noted that autumn flowers, despite their diversity, are similar in their need for a short day of light during the period of bud formation.

A perennial plant from the genus Colchicum. Also called colchicum or autumn plant. This species is rich in shoots. Throughout the spring, these shoots grow in size and develop their structure. But with the arrival of summer they may die off completely. The colchicum bulb has a dark brown color; it contributes to the formation of a long tube for feeding the entire part of the autumn forest. Part of the colchicum blooms in spring period. The emerging sprouts are funnel-shaped. The size of such a plant can exceed 20 cm. The fruit part resembles a round nest. If you become the owner of this type of flower, know that it is poisonous. Moreover, the poison can be in any part of the crocus, and not in its individual parts. Therefore, if your site is visited by small children who may try bright flower taste, it is better to decorate the flowerbed with something else.

Some spring species of colchicum take a long time to grow. If you properly care for the shoots, they will certainly bloom, but it will take about 7 years. You will have to be patient and wait until the bulb gets stronger and is ready to bloom. The rest of the autumn trees are not so capricious. To plant seeds, you will need prepared, well-moistened soil with a loose structure. This requirement will allow the plant to be saturated with substances. Only ripe seeds are suitable for planting, that is, they need to be immersed in the soil almost immediately after collection. You just need to soak them in water for a while before planting. Choose a small depth, as colchicum germinates well and quickly. If for some reason you did not sow the seeds after collection, you should not throw them away. Place the seeds in the refrigerator, and instead of soaking, wrap the fruits in a cloth and secure them in the toilet tank. Thanks to this action, you will provide the seeds with constant washing, and this will help them sprout faster.

A perennial plant otherwise called fudge. In appearance, these are spike-shaped inflorescences with beautiful funnel-shaped flowers. They look very impressive when cut. Hybrids of large varieties can have the most extraordinary colors. It is a monocotyledonous plant, the flowers are divided into six simple perianth leaves. The strong stem and delicate flower look harmonious. The inflorescence is located above the sword-shaped leaves located along the length of the stem.

Gladioli are unusually fragile plants that are susceptible to various diseases. Mole crickets and wireworm larvae are dangerous for the swordfish. They destroy the flower at the root. Gardeners use poison baits as protection. Aphids, thrips and leafhoppers attack the stem part of the plant. Soil with high acidity and alkali is also contraindicated for gladioli. Not excluded viral diseases, one might even say that they are the main ailment of the swordfish. If the leaves of your flower have begun to turn yellow, this is most likely the reason. If you want to get the most out of planting gladiolus, do not use an area where bulbous plants have previously sprouted.

Knowing the distinctive features of autumn flowering plants will help you correctly lay out garden flower beds and create unusual compositions. For example, you can arrange plants according to color or flowering period. To properly organize a flower garden in a flower bed, it is important to take into account the height of the plants and the characteristics of the leaves. The low ones should not be obscured by the higher ones.

Autumn perennial flowers

If you're good at autumn colors, you'll easily be able to garden plots into conditionally compositional zones. Create a color palette for your flower bed to suit your taste. Take into account the height of the flower and its individual characteristics. It is logical to plant flowers in such a way that tall plants do not obscure the view of lower ones.

Eschscholzia or California poppy


Enough small size This plant requires a sunny place to grow. Drained soil and sandy terrain are preferred. Avoid dampness; eschscholzia will not grow in such conditions. Subject to minimum requirements this plant will fully open, its bright petals will give you pleasure for a long period of time.

This is a very common species among gardeners. Few of us have not seen its beautiful bloom. Unlike the above species, it does not like the sun, and it is better to place it in a humid place. Begonia loves shade, ideally if planted where rays of diffused sunlight shine through. In some cases, the soil is mulched with sawdust, straw, and bark. But do not allow water to stagnate when watering.

Bulbous flower plants boast a huge variety. You will undoubtedly find your favorite among them.

Their splendor has no boundaries, fragile creatures of nature, the pearl of any flower bed. Their structure includes 3 stamens and petals, pointed in shape. The crocus belongs to a subspecies of the most expensive spice - saffron. This is a sophisticated plant of a cool blue-lilac hue, no more than 15 centimeters high. Its flowering begins only in mid-autumn.

In order to achieve the effect of constant flowering in both spring and autumn, it is necessary to clearly select plants according to their types and classes. Bulbous plants form beautiful flower beds, and annual flowers create a worthy background and perfectly complement the entire composition.


Freesias of small bulbous varieties are quite popular flowers. Small in shape, bell-shaped, fragrant. They bloom throughout summer and autumn depending on weather conditions. Perfectly placed in any flowerbed in a group of perennial flowers. Some types of freesia, such as Asian and Korean, need to be tightly wrapped for the winter.

Star autumn garden considered to be the incomparable aster. Perennial plant, unpretentious in care. It is optimal to plant in soil that is neutral in acidity. Planting near gladioli is not recommended, as these plants do not coexist well with each other. Resort to compliance optimal temperature air, choose a sunny place and drainage soil. The aster inflorescence of muted colors cannot but delight the owners of these beautiful plants. Its astringent aroma will hover in the flowerbed almost until winter. Unique plant, does not require watering or special care. The aster, known and loved since childhood, is the queen of the autumn garden.

Autumn types of flowers are considered the most unpretentious plants. They have enough of both dim sun and heavy rains. They are persistent and undemanding in their structure, unlike delicate spring species. Temperature changes are also not a detrimental phenomenon for the autumn garden. Both the cultivation and storage of such plants are simple and inexpensive.

There are species of this plant that date back to the forties. It is able to reproduce very quickly by self-sowing. But, despite its lack of demand, this plant still belongs to the category of flowers. Spike-shaped, paniculate, umbrella-shaped forms vary according to the degree of their development. It is unpretentious in care, easily tolerates high humidity, Sun rays, but he doesn’t like the shadow veil.

Probably the most favorite plant in every autumn garden. According to its varieties, chrysanthemum can be of different colors: white, lilac, burgundy, yellow, red or orange. In addition, they also differ in size. Bloom early varieties August-October, later - until the autumn frosts.

Subspecies of the aster family. It has large flowers, the color of the petals is red-purple. Rudbeckia, as it is also called, is also easy to care for. There is no need to control the flowering process. But long flowering guaranteed until the real winter. It is not recommended to cut Echinacea; it is only used to decorate the garden.