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Correspondence with friends is an important part of the VKontakte social network. Every day people exchange SMS messages, decorating them with stickers and emoticons. But very often there is a need to delete SMS in one fell swoop, it is inconvenient to delete one by one, so read how to delete all messages on VK.

Delete all dialogs at once

You ask how to delete all VKontakte messages at once? Fast, easy, and most importantly free. At least, this was the case until March 2014, after which the system was slightly more complicated. It has become impossible to delete correspondence with all users with one click. Why the admins needed this is unclear, perhaps they want to organize surveillance?

New interface - new rules

You can find many instructions on the Internet on how to delete all messages on VK at once, but 90% of this information concerns the old interface. Let's try to figure out how to do this after updating the design.

Do you want to completely clear the history of all conversations with one click? Forget about it. The maximum that can be done:

  • clear by page from the general list;
  • or all correspondence with one user at once without the possibility of recovery.

If you don’t have a lot of dialogs, it will take about 10 minutes to delete using the two above methods.

How to delete messages in a contact page by page? It’s very simple: go to your page from any browser, enter your username and password, open “My Messages”.

A list of messages will open with by different users, without opening the list, click on “Delete” in the right corner of the list of messages with a specific person. At least this is easier than opening the entire conversation and selecting one SMS at a time, then deleting it - this method is suitable if you need to delete some SMS.

Now you know how to delete all dialogs in VK, of course you need to spend time, but I’m glad that this function has not been canceled at all.

Tip: To weed out the “unnecessary” immediately, look through your dialogues - getting rid of one or two correspondences a day.

This way you won’t spend a lot of time, and the page will be in order.

You can delete correspondence with a specific person in another way: go to any of his messages, click on the link converted from the sender’s text, a window will appear in which select “Show message history”, click “Delete all”. In the window that appears, confirm your actions.

It is possible that the interface will change again while you read this article, but we think you will understand all the intricacies on your own.

Hello everyone, friends!

Social network is a very convenient means of communication. But sometimes, when we correspond, we send the wrong thing or to the wrong place. Don't panic - the solution is simple. Let's look at how to delete a message on VK so that it disappears not only from you, but also from your interlocutor.

From computer

So far, VKontakte does not allow you to delete sent information from you and your interlocutor whenever you want. At any time, you can eliminate correspondence only in your dialog interface. After such manipulations, your interlocutor retains the data.

But if 24 hours have not passed since the moment of sending, the situation can be corrected. Moreover, if the user does not have time to read the message within 24 hours, he will never read it - it will completely disappear. At least on social networks.

Step 1. Go to the desired dialog and click on the sent message that you want to delete. Regardless of when the correspondence took place, a panel with a basket will appear at the top.

Step 2. Click on the cart. If 24 hours have already passed, the data will immediately disappear and you will be able to restore it. But in this case, you only play with one goal - the other user will have the data.

If the day has not yet expired, the dialog box will be slightly different. VK will ask you to choose whether to delete it for everyone or only on its side. Check the box so that the message disappears from the user on the other side. After this, recovery will remain possible for some time - until you close or refresh the page.

A day doesn’t seem like much. But it was impossible to do this before. And the simplicity of the scheme allows you to quickly send a thoughtless message to the trash, even if the user is online.

From phone

If you use the VKontakte application, then you will not be able to get rid of the letter from yourself and your interlocutor - the social network does not yet provide such functionality. You will be able to remove information only on your page. Perhaps the functionality will be expanded later.

The solution is simple - use a mobile browser. The actions are similar - select a block, check the box next to “Delete for everyone” and confirm your intention. Small difference between desktop and mobile versions– only in the interface. To get to the liquidator button on your smartphone, you need to click on the ellipsis.

Delete the dialogue

You can remove the entire dialogue with one click. To do this, on the block with the interlocutor in the “Messages” tab, you need to click on the cross. In this case, only your correspondence will disappear; the other user will still have it.

How to delete all correspondence

If you need to clear the entire history (for example, if you want to delete fake messages), then either manually delete all the dialogues, as in the screenshot above, or use a special bot for VK, which will do everything automatically. For example, Sobot.

Download and install the program on your PC, add an account.

Enter your VKontakte profile information. If you are not using a proxy, drag the slider to the “On” position.

The “Clear dialogs” functionality we need is hidden in the “Functions” tab. Move the slider to the “On” position and click “Continue”.

The bot will clear all dialogs. In this case, the information will remain with the interlocutors.

Questions on the topic

Despite the simplicity of the scheme, in some situations you may have some difficulties and questions. We answer them in advance.

  • What if you deleted a message without checking the “For everyone” checkbox?

In this case, you need to find, select deleted messages and click on the “Recover” button. After this, the data will appear again - now you can repeat the procedure, but according to all the rules.

This method works if you immediately came to your senses and did not close the page. As soon as the page is refreshed, the ability to restore anything will disappear.

  • What should you do if you click on the trash can, but there is no “Delete for everyone” option?

If this item is not present, it means the message is old - sent more than 24 hours ago. To clear the email field for yourself and another user, you can try the spam scheme. There is no other way yet.

  • Will the recipient know that the email has been deleted?

In the recipient’s dialogue itself, after your manipulations, there will not be even a hint of the previous data. If the user has not read the letter, then there is a chance that he will not know about it. But perhaps the person has incoming notifications set up - either email, or by SMS. Therefore, you shouldn’t hope to completely cover your tracks.

  • Will correspondence disappear after the VK account is liquidated?

No, it doesn't work. Even after deleting your account, all your messages will remain visible to another user. Only in front of your avatar there will be a dog, and the recipient will no longer have the opportunity to correspond with you.

  • Is it possible to destroy correspondence if you are on the interlocutor’s blacklist?

No, in this case you will be able to remove the message only on your side.

  • What if your message was forwarded to someone else?

Correspondence between you and your interlocutor will be lost. The third recipient will keep the letter. For it to disappear, it requires the efforts of the user with whom you personally corresponded.

  • Is it possible to delete an unsent message?

Sometimes, due to technical glitches, the message does not reach the recipient. If this happens to you, you will know about it by the red and white circle exclamation point opposite the letter.

To ensure that the information subsequently does not end up in the hands of another person, click on the round icon and do what is true for a normal situation.

  • Are there special applications or services for removing “stale” messages?

No, there are no working tools - neither from VKontakte nor from third-party developers. If you are offered to use the help of any program, be on your guard - it may be a scam. At this point, it is impossible to completely remove messages that are more than a day old.


It’s easy to remove information from correspondence from both you and the recipient. But you need to hurry - 24 hours after sending, the possibility of cleaning disappears. If you don’t have time, the user will be able to read correspondence at any time. All other methods either do not guarantee results or do not work.

Have you ever deleted a message sent by mistake? Did you manage to do it before the other party read it? Share your story with blog readers.

In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to completely or partially delete correspondence with one or another VKontakte user. Moreover, some of the methods provide the ability to delete messages not only from your page, but also from the page of your interlocutor.

How to delete individual VK messages.

There is the simplest and most well-known method by which you can delete a single message only from your dialogue, however, it remains in the recipient’s dialogue.

In order to block access to one or more messages using this method, you need to left-click on the entry once, and then click on the “Delete” option that appears at the top.

Deleting absolutely all correspondence with an individual user.

To do this you need to enter into a dialogue. Point to link "Actions" mouse cursor and select the last option “Clear message history”.

At the same time, the correspondence of the person to whom you wrote will remain, but will be deleted from your VK page.

How can you permanently delete correspondence in contact?

The only and in a reliable way blocking access to messages both on your page and on the page of the person with whom you corresponded consists in deleting your own account from the Russian social resource. In this case, we recommend that you first perform the steps that were described in the previous version.

How to delete VKontakte correspondence with an interlocutor

First way is that you need to ask your interlocutor to delete the correspondence himself.

Second way, however, may not always work, is that you need to select the messages that were sent to you and mark them as “SPAM”. This method works in approximately 60 percent of cases.

How can this be done?

It's quite simple:

1. You need to enter the chat. Mark the messages you received from your interlocutor.
2. Click on the “This is spam” option; the button appears only after at least one message has been marked.

Frequently asked questions and answers.

1. Will a message that was deleted immediately after being sent reach the interlocutor on a social resource?

Yes. There are exceptions, since VKontakte sometimes glitches.

2. Is it possible to restore correspondence with a user who has permanently deleted himself or was removed from a social resource?

No impossible.

What if the page has not yet been deleted?

Then there are options.

3. Can correspondence on a social resource be evidence of something in court?

Yes maybe. In many cases, online correspondence is considered indirect evidence or evidence, and sometimes even direct evidence. If there is evidence that the suspect was at the computer at that time. However, provided that access to the correspondence was obtained in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Updated: January 16th, 2019 at 07:47 pm

If for some reason you no longer want to communicate in the general chat and receive notifications about new messages, then it’s time delete conversation on VK.

In this article you will learn how to do this from a computer or via mobile phone.

Naturally, in order to delete VKontakte conversation, You must be its creator. I’ll say right away that it’s impossible to delete a conference without the rights of the creator, and it’s impossible to delete the creator of a conversation in VK.

So let's do it the following actions, only if you are the creator of the conversation:

1. First, go to the "Messages" section and select dialogue with conversation.

2. Click on the top number of participants conversations.

3. Now excluded from the conversation each participant.

4. Now we return to the conversation, move the mouse cursor over the ellipsis at the top right and leave the conversation.

5. Now all that remains is delete messages on VK from a conversation(button "Clear message history").

  • Do not forget that the correspondence will remain with the other participants in the conversation until they delete it themselves;

By the way, in another article we discussed the question. The information may be useful to someone.

How to delete a conversation on VK from your phone

If you need to delete a VKontakte conversation with mobile application for iOS, Android or Windows Phone, then we perform similar actions:

1. Open the "Messages" tab, find the desired conversation where you are the creator, click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner and go to conversation settings.

That's basically it . Recover a deleted conversation on VK possible in the conference dialogue (ellipsis -

Delete all VKontakte dialogs at once Without a connection, the application is impossible. The resource has not come up with an option through which you could select all conversations with users and quickly erase them. VKOpt software will help you delete all dialogs at once. You can download and add it to your browser extensions on the page at the following link: https://vkopt.net/download/. Select the resource you are using, after installing it, go to the extensions field to check. On the VK page, go to dialogues. In the corner on the right, a new option will be added - “actions”. If you expand this item, you will see an option to delete all conversations at once. For the software to work without restrictions, the button actually appears on your profile, connect the latest version of the program. If you previously had VKOpt old version, get rid of it. What to do if nothing is installed?

Don’t see the “action” button on your VK? In this case, you will have to delete conversations one by one. If you hover over the dialog box, a cross will appear on the right. Click on it. You will notice a window in front of you where you need to confirm your actions. After confirmation, the conversation will be deleted. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this and you do not need to connect any additional applications.

How to delete several VKontakte dialogs at once

Delete several VKontakte dialogs at once will not work. You can only delete conversations one at a time. We described the first method above. You can also erase a separate dialogue in the correspondence history itself. Open the window with the messages you are going to erase. Click on the 3 dots sign located on the right. Tap "Clear history...". All messages will be erased. You can erase individual messages in correspondence. To do this, move the cursor to the left corner, where a small photo of your interlocutor is shown. You will see an arrow; when you touch it, the message will be highlighted. At the top there will be buttons “Delete”, “Forward”, and “Spam”. Tap the desired function. If you want to get rid of an outdated conversation, you don't have to delete the dialogue. You can simply leave the conversation. We'll tell you how to do this. . To delete a dialog from a gadget, just move the dialog to the left so that a red delete button appears. Or, inside the correspondence, click on the small arrow at the top. To delete messages from history one by one, hold it for 2-3 seconds. Just like with a PC, additional functions will appear in front of you.

If you do not want to continue communicating with anyone, or decide to completely get rid of old connections, it will be easier to delete the VK page completely. In this case, however, not only the dialogues are deleted, but also the list of your friends , photos and likes for them , records, . Others will have a notification in their feed saying that you can no longer be found on VK. This cardinal step can be taken in the main VK settings. In the “General” tab, scroll down to the bottom of the section and click on the delete button. Unlike Insta, VKontakte allows you to restore your account.

How to recover deleted VKontakte dialogues

The resource does not have a basket or reserve through which you could recover deleted VKontakte dialogues. If you delete a correspondence, then the data about it will be deleted forever. Even the VK support service will not help you recover a deleted conversation. You also cannot create an archive in case your profile is hacked and any dialogs disappear. To keep your profile safe, periodically take screenshots of particularly important dialogues. Lead them through your email, and use VK for friendly communication.