Glue consumption for aerated concrete block 600 250 300. Universal calculator for calculating the amount of adhesive for masonry aerated concrete. Which glue to choose in the store

Construction using aerated concrete blocks is associated with one important nuance: the use of a special adhesive to fasten the plates together. In this case, ordinary cement mortar will not be able to provide the necessary adhesion and will not protect against the main disadvantage of this method - the so-called cold bridges.

Thanks to the unique composition and almost invisible layer, aerated blocks are fastened together efficiently and imperceptibly to the prying eye. The layer of adhesive should not exceed 2–3 mm, so the mixture consumption will be minimal. Our article will tell you more about the types of adhesives for aerated concrete, consumption rates and the algorithm for calculating the required amount, as well as several important recommendations when working with aerated concrete blocks.

Types of adhesive material

The adhesive solution used for aerated concrete contains dry cement. highest category, as well as polymer and mineral additives. Each manufacturer jealously guards its secrets, so the range of products is very different both in terms of quality characteristics and pricing policy.

Special Additives

Specialized chemical additives will help improve the adhesive solution and give it additional properties.

The main commonly used chemical impurities are:


As mentioned earlier, the adhesive is applied in an extremely thin layer, no more than 2 mm thick. Glue consumption will be the lowest possible among similar types of construction, so this has a positive effect on the cost of the project. Calculate accurately required amount The manufacturer's instructions will help with the dry mixture, but some nuances also need to be taken into account.

You can learn about the characteristics of tile adhesive from this

Factors influencing adhesive consumption:

  • Aerated concrete surface The smoother it is, the less glue is required.
  • Performer qualifications- a beginner will need more time to master jewelry work and achieve savings in solution.
  • Mixture composition: A predominance of sand will lead to increased consumption due to a thicker coating layer.
  • Surface reinforcement. If the reinforcing layer is laid in parallel, the thickness of the binder layer will be significantly greater.

You can read about the characteristics of Eunice Plus glue in this

In the video - adhesive for aerated concrete:

If you choose a regular dry mixture for laying aerated concrete, the approximate consumption will be about 1.5 kg of dry mixture for each square (m2) of masonry. On average, for each cubic meter of masonry, 25 kg is used, and this is the standard bag packaging. It is best to purchase the required amount of glue with a margin of 20 to 40%.

You can read which tile adhesive is better to choose

The point is that the calculations show ideal conditions: smooth surface and absence of construction errors. In reality, everything is completely different and, if there is no opportunity nearby to quickly buy the missing quantity, it is best to buy glue initially with a reserve. Wherein unnecessary expenses will not happen, because the composition can be used as finishing walls

How to style

The operating algorithm is extremely simple, of course, if you have the necessary experience working with brickwork. Blocks are installed one by one on the previously prepared foundation surface. The glue is applied to the surface in a thin layer and smoothed with a notched trowel or a special carriage. After this, the next block is installed.

You can find out how long it takes for Ceresit cm 11 tile adhesive to dry from this

The recipe for preparing a solution from a dry mixture will also not cause difficulties. Usually required proportions and recommendations are given on the packaging by the manufacturer himself. These data may vary for different products, but the following points remain unchanged.

In the video - laying a gas block:

Important nuances of preparing the adhesive composition:

  • Use only clean tap water, without chemical impurities. Before applying the adhesive to the surface of the slabs, it is necessary to moisten it with water for better adhesion.
  • To obtain a homogeneous composition, it is advisable to use special nozzle on a drill, called a “mixer”. This way, you can mix the mixture more thoroughly without spending a lot of time and effort.
  • After all the manipulations, you need to let the solution “infuse” for about 15 minutes. This is necessary for chemical reactions components with water.
  • The viability of the solution is an important factor that directly affects the quality of work. For regular glue this is approximately 2 hours, and for frost-resistant glue no more than half an hour. It is not recommended to use glue after this, so it is better to immediately start preparing the solution from small portions, gradually choosing a dosage that is comfortable for the robot.
  • During operation, it is necessary to periodically stir the solution so that it does not set prematurely. This can also be done manually with a suitable tool.
  • To install one block, the estimated time is 15 minutes, after which it will be impossible to correct minor errors. That is why it is so necessary to use all kinds of measuring tools during the work process.
  • The plane is corrected using a special rubber mallet, carefully so as not to damage the blocks.
  • In case of bad weather it is necessary to protect installed structure from precipitation or direct sun rays: drying out the solution is also fraught with trouble.

Following simple technology proper preparation mortar and without allowing it to harden prematurely, you can get masonry good quality and specified parameters.

Construction Materials

What is the consumption of glue for foam blocks per 1 m3?

From the author: We welcome you, dear reader. Our article is especially devoted current topic during the construction of both private residential buildings and other non-residential buildings (for example, garages or greenhouses). We will find out what is the consumption of glue for foam blocks per 1 m 3. In addition, we will analyze what the specifics of work depend on when constructing masonry from this material, find out what its pros and cons are, and also answer the question why it is worth using glue, and not the masonry mortar that is already familiar to us .


But first, the most important thing. We will learn how to calculate the amount of glue for foam blocks per 1 cubic meter. Let's get started.

Glue consumption for foam blocks per 1m2/m3

The glue consumption rate per 1 m2 is approximately 1.5–1.6 kg of dry powder with an applied thickness of 1 mm, therefore, 15–30 kg will be consumed per 1 m³. As we can see, the numbers are approximate, since it is almost impossible to give an exact figure for how much glue is needed per foam block cube. But we will allow ourselves to average the indicators - and call certain weight- 25 kg. This is exactly the weight of one bag of adhesive composition. Knowing this, it will be easy for moms to calculate how much glue is needed to build masonry. And for greater convenience, we present to your attention the list below:

  • per 1 m² - ≈1.5 kg;
  • per 1 m³ - ≈25 kg (one bag).

This is the glue consumption for foam blocks 20x30x60/40x30x60 - the average figure is 25 kg. But in practice, things can happen completely differently. It also happens that ≈1.5 bags are consumed per 1 m³. The fact is that this is influenced by certain factors, which we will now list in the form of a list:

  • use of the tool. Here improvisation will be inappropriate - the tools we need to use are those that are intended for our purposes;
  • condition of masonry materials. Their surface should be even and smooth, but it happens that their condition cannot be called ideal;
  • weather. During the cold season, it is better to refrain from such work, especially if you are not a professional in this matter;
  • master's qualification. This point follows from the previous one. Naturally, to perform such work properly, certain knowledge and experience in this field is required.

The method of applying and preparing the adhesive composition also affects its consumption. Therefore, when preparing it, you need to use only a drill mixer (kneading by hand is a thankless task), and dilute with water until a homogeneous consistency. The composition should not be very dry and thick, but also not too thin and liquid, since - in both cases - it will not perform the functions assigned to it.


I have heard the opinion that the composition can be diluted with sand in proportions of almost 1:1. Allegedly, this will increase strength and, most importantly, it’s cheaper, because less dry powder will be used.

So, this opinion is wrong. Mixing sand (or anything else) is not allowed. Otherwise, the composition will be heterogeneous, the layer will be uneven and, as a result, - uneven wall. And this should not be allowed, even if you are pursuing such noble goals as saving or increasing strength. In addition, there will be no savings here. To even out the layer, you will have to make it thicker, because, as they say, that’s what it will do.

The composition should be applied to the surface of the block in an even, thin layer. The thickness is usually up to 3 mm. Naturally, no one specifically measures this indicator unless it is laboratory research. In this matter, as in any other, you need skill, which comes with practice. But this matter cannot be called overly complicated. Having laid 5–10 elements of the future structure, you will already be laying them as if you have been doing this all your life.

Keep in mind that no matter how accurate your calculations may seem to you, the material must be purchased with a small margin. This applies not only to the glue, but also to the masonry elements themselves. If you have small leftovers, this is not critical. In any case, they may be needed another time, but if suddenly something is missing, it is much worse, especially if you need to complete construction in a limited time.

So we figured out how much glue is needed for one cube of foam block. We can draw an analogy with both aerated concrete and . After all, all the listed building materials belong to the same group and they are laid according to the same principle.

We have already found out the most important thing. Now let's talk about the advantages of using an adhesive composition when laying gas blocks or foam blocks.

What are the advantages of glue?

The adhesive composition was not developed by chance. Its use in work has a number of significant advantages over the same conventional masonry mixture that is used when constructing a wall of bricks. Actually, here are the benefits:

  • the presence of Portland cement in the adhesive composition, as well as fractional sand. This allows you to reduce the thickness of the applied layer;
  • Thanks to its structure, the glue is evenly applied to the work surface, filling the space. Due to this, the adhesive properties increase;
  • One bag of dry mixture (25 kg) will take about 5.5 liters of water. Due to this, the humidity level inside the building will be within normal limits (if the construction took place in the warm season in warm weather);
  • low ability to transmit heat. Thanks to this property, the likelihood of cold spots forming is reduced;
  • high ability for adhesion (adhesion to the working surface);
  • resistance to cold and humidity;
  • quick setting and drying of the adhesive composition without (!) any shrinkage;
  • economy. The fact is that glue can be used not only for its intended purpose - that is, for gluing, but also as putty;
  • relatively low cost;
  • ease of use (of course, if you have certain professional skills).

The mixture must contain the following components:

  • Portland cement;
  • fine-grained sand that has undergone sieving;
  • modifiers;
  • polymer additives.

By the way, the type of adhesive that you use in your work depends on weather conditions. Everything here is quite simple: in the cold season you should use a frost-resistant composition. Naturally, you need to cook it not in frost, but in room temperature- ≈20°C, and dilute - hot water- ≈50°C. The time for thickening and setting of the prepared mixture in the cold is very short (much less than in the summer heat), which is why you need to work quickly. You will have approximately 2–3 minutes to adjust one laid element. But if you have not encountered such work before, it is better to wait for warmer weather (or turn to professionals who will do all the work for you). But in the summer you can safely start building masonry with your own hands.


And in order to significantly reduce glue consumption and complete the job at the proper level, you will need the “proper” tools for the job. Here is their list:

  • notched spatula for applying adhesive composition;
  • rubber hammer;
  • mixing blade;
  • saw with carbide teeth;
  • wall chaser;
  • coarse grater;
  • metal brush;
  • 90°C square to cut at right angles.

We have successfully figured out the advantages of the adhesive mixture. Now let's talk about the foam blocks themselves, that is, let's find out what their strengths and weaknesses are and how to work with them correctly.

What are the advantages of aerated concrete?

The material we are considering is quite popular in countries former USSR, and not only. It is used to construct both residential private houses, as well as garages and greenhouses, that is, buildings for household needs.

What is the reason for such popularity? But now we’ll find out. Below is a list of the advantages of this building material:

  • good thermal insulation properties. This does not mean that the house will not have to be insulated at all, but the structure of the material looks like the blocks themselves are a good insulation material;
  • relatively high operating speed. The blocks are much larger than standard bricks, so it takes less time to construct the masonry;
  • saving of fastening solution. Compared to brickwork, masonry made of aerated silicate/aerated concrete/foam concrete will require less fastening material. If we try to reduce all the indicators to a common denominator, then in the end we will get the following result: for the bonding solution for gas silicate wall you will spend 20–25% less than the treasured ₽ (or ₴);
  • relatively low cost. A wall made of gas silicate will cost you less than a wall made of bricks of the same height.

Of the shortcomings, we can highlight two main ones. In this respect, foam concrete is inferior to the same bricks:

  • Firstly, it has a high ability to absorb moisture. And if the building material absorbs moisture well, then this is fraught with dampness, the formation of fungal colonies on the walls and ceiling, and so on. To avoid these negative consequences, - it is necessary to properly finish the building;
  • secondly, less strength compared to brick. This directly affects the durability of the structure, although it all depends on how well the work was done. It goes without saying that if the quality of the bricklaying is poor, then such a structure will not stand for a relatively long time.

This list can be supplemented with one more item that is worth considering. It's unattractive appearance, and, as a consequence, the need to decorate the outside walls of the house. If brick cladding is often left in plain sight, as with foam-gas blocks, this will not be the best solution from a purely aesthetic point of view.

Now you have an idea of ​​the strong and weaknesses the building material in question. We will now briefly describe the construction process to give you an idea of ​​what kind of construction work lies ahead.

DIY construction

It is logical that you should start by laying the first row of blocks. Only they need to be laid not using glue, but using ordinary masonry mortar. Minimum applied layer thickness cement-sand mixture should not (!) be less than 10 mm. The mixture does not dry as quickly as glue, so you will have plenty of time to adjust the position of the block.

First you need to find the most high angle, since the construction of any walls should always start from this place. Next, using fishing line, we outline the wall. Anyone who has dealt with building a house understands what we mean we're talking about. Anyone who has not encountered this will not learn how to build walls without practice.

Now - lay the foam blocks. You need to lay one block at each corner, and then stretch the rope between them. Only after this can you begin laying the remaining elements. When laying, be sure to use a building level to control evenness. This is how the elements are laid around the perimeter of the future building. But, naturally, where it is supposed to make an entrance/exit to the building, foam blocks should not be laid.

To level the horizontal plane of the row, use a float and a level. There is nowhere here without him. Below is a video that clearly demonstrates this process:

All subsequent rows must be laid using glue. Laying should begin from the corners, only with bandaging, i.e. - with a shift of half a block. If you can’t move it halfway, keep in mind that the shift must be at least 80 mm.

Window openings, as a rule, have a height of 4–5 rows of gas-foam block masonry from the foundation. It is necessary to perform reinforcement under this opening, and the reinforcement should begin from the third or fourth row - it depends on which of the rows the window will be located from - from the fourth or from the fifth.

To properly perform reinforcement, it is necessary to make two parallel furrows using a wall chaser. Although you can also use a grinder for these purposes. On each side, these grooves must extend beyond the width of the future window by at least 300 mm. Now, as you may have guessed, reinforcement is placed in these grooves and then fixed using cement-sand mortar. Next, we continue to build the wall in the same way as before the reinforcement procedure.

Above the door and window openings it is necessary to install special jumpers using a reinforcing belt. This must be done to increase the reliability of the building. For these purposes, we will need gas blocks/foam blocks shaped like the Latin letter “U”.

Then continue the laying as before, after which, when the first floor is completed, perform reinforcement and pouring.

Logical conclusion

Today we learned about the consumption of adhesive composition, what its advantages are, what are the properties of foam concrete blocks, and also how to work with them during the construction process. After the walls of the future house are built, you will need information about finishing works and how to insulate walls. Here are articles that contain this information:

If you are interested in another construction issue, use the site navigation to find the necessary articles on the topic that interests you. Thank you for reading the article to the end. I hope that the materials contained in it were useful to you. All the best dear reader. We look forward to our next meeting at Seberemont!

The technology for laying aerated concrete blocks has few differences compared to the same process in the case of brick. The main one is the use of special glue, that is, a laying mixture that fixes the blocks and ensures the strength of the walls. Because the special compounds are more expensive, questions arise about what is the consumption of aerated concrete adhesive when laying walls? It is impossible to give a specific and universal figure, as there may be different conditions work, characteristics of adhesive compositions and construction requirements. However, the practice of using various mixtures, coupled with the recommendations of technologists and manufacturers, allows us to compile approximate idea of ​​masonry material consumption for aerated concrete blocks.

Average glue consumption

Each package of adhesive composition is marked with information from the manufacturer. You can also find consumption information there.. For example, average indicators may look like this: consumption is 1.5-1.7 kg of weight per square meter with a layer thickness of 1 mm. It is important to note that these figures should be Apply only to smooth horizontal surfaces. In other words, 1 m3 of gas blocks requires from 15 to 30 kg. Considering that manufacturers usually produce bags with an adhesive composition weighing 20-30 kg, just one package will be needed per 1 m3 of masonry.

In terms of calculations, it is important to remember one rule - glue for aerated blocks, the consumption of which exceeds 30 kg per “cube” of masonry, usually Fills cracks with other blemishes in blocks. Just to increase the thickness overspending should not be allowed.

These are calculations from manufacturers, but there are also real data. As practice shows, on average about 40-45 kilograms are spent per 1 m3. Of course, differences between officially stated data and practical ones, one way or another, appear when working with any material. This explains the need to stock up. When preparing for the process of laying gas blocks, it is necessary to take reserve volume of 25% of the planned mass. That is, if according to calculations it turns out that 25 kg of glue is required, that is, one bag, then it is advisable to have about 6-7 more kg of masonry mixture in stock.

What determines the difference in consumption figures?

For large volumes of work the difference between the officially declared consumption and the practical one can be quite significant. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the consumption of aerated concrete adhesive per 1 m3 will be exactly 30 kg + 10 kg, and not the official 25 or even less. By the way, there are also the opposite situations, when the final consumption is less than planned. In order to create a scheme for calculating the mass of glue per 1 m3 as close as possible to the actual consumption, it is necessary to take into account the following factors that influence deviations from the average consumption up or down:

  • Composition characteristics. In the presence of a large coefficient of sand or other fillers, as a rule, the consumption increases. If the bulk of the composition is represented by a binder, then there will be no need for excess consumption;
  • Laying technique. Correct placement of the glue also affects consumption. For example, novice pavers make the mistake of using a lot of compound on one block. At the same time, the quality of the result obtained does not increase, but the consumption of the mixture increases;
  • Reinforcing layer. Often reinforcing layers are also provided in aerated concrete walls - in this case the thickness of the adhesive coating also increases and, accordingly, the consumption increases;
  • Block Defects. Even if the standards and masonry technology are followed, there is a risk of overspending. This usually happens when working with defective cellular blocks when, to ensure an even layer, it is necessary to use additional layers of the laid mass.

Consumption of masonry mixture "Insi-Block"

The plant for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks "Insi-Block" also produces masonry mixtures. The adhesive solution is made from quartz sand, cement, polymer additions and mineral additives, which increase strength, processability and moisture retention. In order to ensure all the described adhesion qualities, it is necessary to adhere to the optimal thickness of the laying layer, which is 2-4 mm. If this condition is met, the glue consumption per aerated concrete blocks will be about 28 kg per 1 m3. But it is important to take into account that this volume is relevant for the minimum permissible thickness of 2 mm. If laying is done on a layer of 4 mm, then, accordingly, the consumption of the dry mixture will be increased.

Adhesive for aerated concrete blocks "Insi-Block" is produced in bags of 25 kg, so it is advisable to purchase it with the calculation 2 bags per 1 m3. Relatively water consumption the manufacturer provides the following data: 0.21 liters per 1 kg of styling composition. In this consistency, the solution can retain its adhesive properties for 3 hours.

Consumption of Kreps masonry mixture

The composition of the Kreps brand can be ranked among the most economical installation products for aerated concrete blocks. The glue mass includes cement, as well as fractionated fine-grained sand and modified additives. The average thickness of the Kreps mortar when forming interblock joints is 2 – 3 mm. Minimum mixture thickness minimizes the risk of formation of cold bridges without affecting the quality of the masonry. Provided that the material is laid with the correct geometry, the consumption of aerated concrete adhesive per 1 m3 will be no more than 25 kg, that is, one bag of the mixture. If we calculate by area, then 1.6 kg will be enough for 1 m2. Even with a small thickness, the hardened composition will be able to ensure the reliability of the masonry in conditions of frost and mechanical stress.

Consumption of “Real” masonry mixture

Another well-known composition in construction circles for laying aerated concrete blocks is presented on the market under the Real brand. This loose mixture for cement based , waterproof and frost-resistant. However, if installation is carried out in frosty conditions, then it is advisable to add it to the adhesive solution and antifreeze additives . The peculiarity of this solution is possibility of applying a thin layer thanks to high rates of adhesion and ductility.

In particular, the thickness can not exceed 3 mm, while ensuring a modest mixture consumption. In this case, it is possible to create a millimeter layer, but, of course, in special cases. As a result, a 1 mm layer consumes no more than 2 kg/m2. Average glue consumption for aerated concrete per 1 m3 is 21–25 kg, making it one of the most economical installation materials in its category. We can say that thin seams will not provide the proper level of block fixation, but in practice, with such a scheme, not only material is saved, but also bridges of cold are reduced. In addition, plastering costs are also reduced. Thus, conventional solutions require further application of mixtures in layers of at least 8 mm, and the Real adhesive joint is quite suitable for coatings no more than 5 mm thick.

Glue for gas silicate blocks is produced by combining cement, sand, plasticizers and modifiers. The advantage is due to thin layer application means (1-5 mm), as well as maintaining the adhesion strength of parts with a minimal “cold bridge”.

The instructions for preparing the mixture must be followed, and the gas blocks themselves must be smooth, without cracks. Only when correct application adhesive composition can be counted on for maximum thermal insulation and surface resistance to low temperatures.

What time of year do you lay blocks?

WinterSummer, spring, autumn

Construction with gas silicate (aerated concrete) after the onset of cold weather or frosts is carried out using frost-resistant glue with additives. The material itself is also used for working with foam concrete slabs, bricks, and ceramic blocks.

Composition and properties of glue

The assembly adhesive contains:

  • Portland cement (high-quality), which serves as a binding base;
  • sand (exclusively fine-grained composition);
  • polymers, modifying additives.

Additional components contribute to the plasticity of the finished solution and increase its adhesive properties. Modifying additives are needed to preserve internal moisture, which protects the dried solution from cracking and crumbling. Filling voids and seams reduces the degree of thermal conductivity of the entire structure.

Glue selection criteria

The selection of glue for laying blocks should be based on the following criteria:

  • recognition and characteristics of the manufacturer, which controls the quality of its products;
  • compliance with the requirements for packaging and storage of the composition (dry, ventilated room without serious changes in temperature and humidity).

It is important to pay attention to the shelf life of the composition, as well as the presence of the necessary properties, for example, frost resistance. You should consider in advance the amount of mixture for the planned work. To do this, you need to know the optimal thickness of the mortar applied between the blocks, for example, for 1 m3 of masonry with a thickness of 3 mm you will need at least 8-9 kg of the mixture.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plasticity and economy are not the only advantages that adhesive for aerated concrete blocks has. The list of advantages of the building material also includes:

  • increased degree of adhesion (adhesion) of parts;
  • lack of vulnerability to moisture and temperature changes;
  • optimal speed of grip of parts;
  • no risk of shrinkage;
  • you can make thin layers of glue by using fractionated sand and Portland cement;
  • moisture-retaining components are able to protect the surface from the formation of mold between the blocks and on their surface, which significantly increases the service life of the object itself;
  • the possibility of additional strengthening of the structure itself while maintaining its solidity;
  • increased heat-insulating properties of the surface, thanks to the leveling of “cold bridges”.

Dry adhesive composition is more expensive than standard sand-cement mortar, but practical consumption using minimum thickness layer, increased heat-insulating properties, it turns out to be more economical and more profitable in terms of results.

When choosing adhesive compositions, you can count on the most even, beautiful result. This saves effort and time on surface treatment before finishing.

Among the nuances of use, the requirement for smooth surfaces stands out. The price is offset by the economical consumption, since the solution itself is needed 4-5 times less than traditional cement with sand.

Types of adhesives and nuances of application

The variety of adhesives for aerated concrete is determined by seasonal characteristics (for summer and winter use) and differs in the color of the Portland cement binder. In addition to the dry mixtures used for solutions, there are also adhesive foams in cylinders.

Construction adhesive can be white or gray.

  • Grey(winter glue), which can be used for masonry at temperatures not lower than 10 degrees below zero. In addition to the main binding component, the mixture contains antifreeze additives.

According to professionals, the winter option should be used when temperature conditions no higher than 5 degrees Celsius and no lower than 15 degrees below zero. It is in this case that the risk of possible errors and cracks in the seams is minimal.

At elevated air temperatures, microcracks can form in the drying solution, which, in turn, reduces the thermal insulation properties of the entire gas silicate masonry.

Winter glue requires storage in dry, heated rooms and a solution preparation procedure with the addition of water at a temperature of at least 20 degrees. The temperature of the solution itself must be at least 10 degrees (plus), and ready mixture use within 30 minutes after preparation. To prevent freezing of moisture and deterioration of the tightness of the seams themselves, the masonry should be covered with a tarpaulin.

The adhesive foam is applied using a gun and is more suitable for porous concrete blocks and small installation volumes.

Popular manufacturers and brands

  1. Colmix. Produces Stroy Moment SMK-10. Used in winter. Contains antifreeze additives. Consumption of approximately 20 kg of substance per cube of cellular concrete.
  2. Volma. Produces an adhesive called Blok.
  3. Henkel. The company produces Ceresit brand mixtures. There are formulations for winter and summer use.
  4. Craps. Kreps KGB mixture is produced. Can be used in winter, but at a temperature not lower than -10 o C. Apply a layer 2 mm thick. After preparing the working solution, it can be used for another 4 hours.
  5. Aerok. Cellular concrete with glue from this manufacturer can be laid in winter and summer. Operating temperature from -15 o C to +35 o C. Consumption per cubic meter is approximately 15-18 kg, when applying a 3 mm layer.

Before you find the desired adhesive mixture, you need to understand the characteristics of their composition and operational differences.

Brand name Technical description
  • Aerostone (Dmitrov aerated concrete products plant)
The main component is cement with polymer additives. There is a separate option for summer and winter construction work. Optimal thickness layer is limited to 1-3 mm. After drying, it is not afraid of moisture and severe frosts.

  • Ilmax2200
Most often used for porous surfaces. Laying should be carried out at a temperature not lower than 5, but not higher than 25 degrees Celsius. The finished object is able to withstand temperature changes in the range from -30 to +70 Celsius. Once prepared, the solution must be used within the first 4 hours.

  • Thermocube
Can be used for both internal and external masonry using grooved and grooveless gas blocks. Considered profitable economical option for thin-seam masonry of partitions. Plastic and frost-resistant.

  • Knauf
It is characterized by a gypsum binding composition and has increased adhesion. Used for leveling surfaces. Environmentally friendly composition.

  • Ceresit
Cement serves as the base, and organic modifiers and fillers allow the use of glue under conditions of thin-layer masonry with maximum thermal insulation. For example, adhesive for aerated concrete blocks Ceresit ST21 is better suited than others for working with cellular concrete.

  • Bonolit
It features an environmentally friendly composition without toxic additives, which is suitable for external and internal work.

  • IVSIL Block
One of best solutions when working with porous aerated concrete. Increased adhesion is due to the presence of polymers, and plasticity is due to modifying additives. Important Feature– the position of the blocks can be adjusted after laying for 20-25 minutes.

  • Zabudova
High quality results winter work at a relatively affordable price. Dried seams remain invulnerable to atmospheric factors, which means there is no risk of cracks in the seams. Easy to apply.

  • Prestige
The presence of special modifiers in the composition determines the frost resistance of the solution. Can be used for all types of blocks as well as slabs.

  • EK Chemical
It is used in thick-layer aerated concrete masonry methods at any operating temperature. Also suitable for leveling walls and for laying ceramic tiles (finishing).

  • Will win
It is distinguished by its multicomponent composition, where, in addition to cement and polymers, there is also quartz sand. The identical composition of aerated concrete blocks allows the creation of monolithic reinforced structures.

  • Unic Uniblock
The adhesive solution is used to increase the thermal insulation properties of masonry and protect walls from freezing. Can be used both in winter and summer. It is resistant to moisture and sudden temperature changes, and is plastic.

Only if you follow the correct storage of the adhesive mixture and the procedure for preparing the solution can you count on a high-quality masonry result. Adhesive foam is used for small-scale repair work.

Consumption per 1 m3 of aerated concrete

If the packaging indicates that the consumption is more than 30 kg, then the glue is intended for filling cracks and chips. Overspending should not be allowed.

Average consumption

Data calculating consumption should be on the packaging of the product itself, for example, 1.5-1.7 kg of dry composition per square meter, subject to a joint thickness of no more than 1 mm. The indicated figures are relevant only when working with smooth horizontal surfaces.

The average glue consumption per 1 m3 of aerated concrete blocks is 15-30 kg (in practice, the figure can increase to 40-45 kg).

Manufacturers, as a rule, produce packages of the adhesive mixture of 20-30 kg, which is just enough for a cubic meter. masonry You should purchase glue with a reserve of at least 25% of the result of the calculations.

What does consumption depend on?

The list of factors influencing the consumption of finished glue for blocks per 1 m3 of masonry includes:

  • the presence of defects and unevenness on the surface of the blocks;
  • degree of concentration of the mixture;
  • solution temperature;
  • application tool used;
  • current weather conditions.

It is extremely important to choose adhesive mixtures taking into account their intended purpose, for example, for interior work or for work in sub-zero temperature air.

The setting process can take from 5 to 30 minutes, and complete drying of the joints lasts at least a day. For the most accurate calculation, it is also important to take into account:

  • features of the mixture composition (than more concentration sand or other components, the higher the consumption);
  • the chosen installation method (beginners always use more);
  • the presence of reinforcing layers, which proportionally increases the required thickness of the adhesive solution.

Purchasing a supply of glue in the amount of about 25-30%, as a rule, helps out, since it eliminates the risk of not finishing the job on time.

Calculation formula

Calculation of the amount of dry matter per 1 cubic meter of masonry of aerated concrete blocks is carried out taking into account the length (l), height (h) of the surface, as well as the thickness of the seam of the proposed adhesive composition (b). The first two indicators are measured in meters, and thickness in millimeters. The calculation of quantity (S) also uses the conventional value of the volume of dry concentrate and is 1.4.

The formula itself looks like this: S=((l+h)/l*h)*b*1.4

Standard packaging of dry composition of 25 kg remains convenient when calculated per 1m3 of masonry. On practical example it looks like this: after measuring the parameters of the future wall, 64 m3 of aerated concrete was calculated. If the thickness of the adhesive solution is 3 mm, then the product itself will need 64 bags. If the adhesive seam is reduced by 1 mm, then the glue itself will need 5-5.5 kg less.

Consumption of some brands of glue

  • Using the adhesive base of the brand Kreps It is considered profitable and economical, since no more than 25 kg of mixture (one bag) is consumed per unit of calculation. The thickness of the seams should be 2-3 mm. If the glue is used on the surface (by area), then it is enough to prepare 1.6 kg of dry substance per square meter. Even with the thinnest layer, the glue remains resistant to frost and mechanical stress.
  • Contains brand glue Insi-Block, In addition to cement and polymers, there is quartz sand, as well as mineral additives that cause increased surface adhesion, its strengthening and protection from loss of internal moisture. The optimal seam thickness is 2-4 mm, which means you need to purchase about 28 kg of dry mixture per 1 cubic meter. blocks (with a smaller layer thickness). Since the products are produced in 25 kg quantities, the purchase should be carried out at the rate of 2 bags per 1 m3. Preparation of the solution involves adding 210 ml of water per 1 kg of mixture. In this case, the solution retains its adhesive properties for 3 hours.
  • Brand Real - one of the most popular. The result of the masonry is highly frost-resistant and also waterproof. The optimal thickness of the seam does not exceed 3 mm, so for a cube of masonry you will need to prepare 21-25 kg of adhesive composition.

Preparation of working solution

Before you start work, you need to study the instructions on the packaging and strictly adhere not only to the ratio of the adhesive composition to the volume of liquid, but also to the appropriate temperature regime.

There are also General requirements for work:

  • a container must be prepared in advance where the solution will be mixed, and a drill with a construction mixer;
  • the ratio of dry concentrate to water is usually 1 to 0.22 (about 220 ml of water is needed per 1 kg of powder);
  • the water temperature must correspond to the instructions, but not lower than 15-20 degrees;
  • the mixed solution must be homogeneous.

To obtain high quality adhesive components, it is recommended to mix everything until smooth, leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes, and then mix thoroughly again with a mixer. The prepared mixture should be used within the next 3-4 hours, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for use. Water cannot be added to a ready-made solution.

Technology of laying gas silicate blocks

You can reduce the consumption of the adhesive base if you use a notched trowel, a mixing paddle, a rubber mallet and a saw with teeth. A metal brush, a coarse grater, a wall chaser and a square for cutting blocks at right angles will not interfere with your work.

If the blocks have correct form, then the masonry technology does not require special skills and preparation.

When laying the first row, the alignment of future walls is controlled not only in their direction, but also along the horizontal surface. First, the corner blocks are laid out and aligned with the guide corners. Only after this begins the laying of gas silicate blocks between the corners along the selected guide.

To increase the adhesive properties, the surface of the blocks can be slightly moistened, for example, using a spray bottle. Construction external walls begins with fixing the pegs and pulling the rope, the direction of which is checked with a level. Internal walls It is important to start laying out from the outside (side) side. Adhesive composition Not only the horizontal surface of the blocks is lubricated, but also the contacting ends. It is not recommended to rub in the exposed glue; it is better to remove it with the flat side of a trowel.

To prevent shrinkage and allow the glue to set well, each subsequent row of blocks should be laid out 1-2 hours after the previous one. To level the laid block, a tool such as a mallet (rubber hammer) can be used. The uniformity of the layout is checked using a level. The blocks should be arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The first cement layer must be at least 10 mm thick.

At what temperature can aerated blocks be laid?

The air temperature must be at least 5 degrees Celsius.

In this case, the blocks used should not be frozen or covered with frost. For construction in “mild” winter conditions, frost-resistant glue must be selected. The instructions, as a rule, indicate the possibility of use down to -5 degrees Celsius.

Laying aerated concrete should be abandoned if the air temperature is below five degrees below zero, or during the last 2-3 days the temperature has been below two degrees above zero. Precipitation (for external walls) is also a contraindication for masonry. You can also cover the walls with roofing felt after the work is completed.

In construction, artificial materials are increasingly being used instead of brick. When laying, blocks are used instead of cement mortar - the consumption is 1 m3 less, the quality is better.

What should be the optimal flow rate?

The binder mixture contains cement, fine sand sifted to uniform fractions and modifiers. Fake diamond- a porous material, so it must be laid on a plastic mixture.

The technology requires a thin seam, which requires good adhesion. Frost resistance and the ability to resist moisture penetration are also inherent in this mixture. It is twice as expensive as cement mortar, but it consumes 6 times less - the savings are obvious.

Manufacturers indicate on the packaging of their products how much glue is used per 1 m². In terms of cubes, the minimum amount per 1 m³ for some companies is 20 kg. Experts calculate the consumption of the mixture under conditions of average temperature and humidity. In practice, more composition is required, because construction conditions make their own adjustments.

Walls and floors are insulated with aerated concrete blocks. Cement mortar in this case it is not suitable - the thermal conductivity is too high. They use special mixtures, the consumption of which is the same as when constructing a building.

Consumption in practice exceeds the minimum declared by the manufacturer by 1.5 times.

The optimal size is considered to be 25-30 kg. If this indicator differs greatly from that declared by the manufacturer, it means that there are errors in the technology.

When constructing objects with large cubic capacity, there may be cost overruns or, conversely, savings. Many factors play a role: the quality of aerated blocks, the thickness of the layer, the experience of the mason.

Manufacturers calculate consumption by taking the thickness of the adhesive joint to be 1 mm.

It is optimal for the following reasons:

  • cold bridges are not formed, heat loss is eliminated;
  • the evenness of the masonry is effectively emphasized;
  • a thin layer is stronger than a thick one.

You should not be afraid of overspending due to the fact that a lot of the mixture is prepared; it will harden from untimely use. The properties of the binder composition for gas blocks in this regard are different than those of other similar mixtures. Plasticity is maintained for a long time if the glue is stirred periodically.

Average glue consumption per 1 m3

Manufacturer, except technical characteristics, on the packages indicates the glue consumption in kg per 1 m². Such information will tell the user little. It is necessary to know the dimensions of gas blocks and make calculations per 1 cubic meter. m.

Package weight is 20-30 kg, average consumption indicated by manufacturers is 1.5-1.7 kg per 1 m². When converted to cubes, this means that you will need 1 bag of dry mixture 25 kg.

It should be taken into account that the indicators are valid if the surface of the blocks is smooth and the porosity is insignificant. Taking into account the realities, which are not always the most favorable, they buy with a reserve of about 6 kg.

It is impossible to say how much solution will actually be needed. Important role conditions are specific to each case.

What determines the difference in consumption figures?

Even with experienced masons, it happens that the actual glue costs exceed the planned ones by 1.5-2 times. The difference in quantity arises as a result of construction features.

An estimate that is as close to reliable as possible is possible, taking into account the conditions affecting the masonry, these are:

  1. Component ratio included in the mixture. If it contains an increased percentage of sand and various additives, consumption increases. With a large percentage of adhesives, the declared consumption corresponds to the actual one.
  2. Technological process. Manufacturers' calculations are based on compliance with technology. It is difficult for builders without sufficient experience to maintain the correct line when laying. To level, they increase the thickness of the seam for each block, using more glue.
  3. Layer reinforcement in houses with 2 or more floors. Will need more solution to close reinforcing mesh, which is laid between the blocks. Only then will the connection between gas silicate and other similar blocks be strong.
  4. Construction products low quality, with surface defects. Overspending cannot be avoided - part of the adhesive goes into the pores, filling chips and cracks. It is necessary to level the masonry seams, compensating irregular shapes material.

In addition, the conditions in which construction takes place lead to excess consumption of glue. Deviations from optimal temperature and air humidity make adjustments in one direction or the other.

The role of the tool used by the mason is important. It is recommended to use a special ladle-trowel, which ensures uniform seam thickness and saves glue.

To know average consumption, declared by the manufacturer, can be found on the back of the package.

Consumption of masonry mixture

To ensure that the amount of adhesive mixture is sufficient for construction, the following indicators are taken into account when calculating:

  • standard costs - 1.4 kg/m²;
  • block dimensions;
  • seam thickness (in mm);
  • consumption per 1 m³ (average - 25 kg).

Take into account material defects and reinforcement - more glue will be needed.


The dry mixture contains, in addition to standard components, mineral impurities. They increase grip and strength. For high-quality masonry, the adhesive layer should be 2-4 mm.

The manufacturer calculates consumption on the condition that the seam is 2 mm thick. Then per 1 m³ you will need 2 bags of bulk mixture of 25 kg each. Increasing the thickness results in greater mixture consumption.

1 bag of glue is mixed in 5 liters of water or a little more. At this ratio, the prepared solution retains plasticity and adhesiveness for 3 hours.


The composition of different mixtures differs slightly. Manufacturers are constantly looking for optimal proportions, modifiers, and additives that allow them to create effective glue. Craps, in addition to the required strength and adhesion, are economical in consumption.

If the technology is followed, the corners, sides, bases of the blocks are smooth, without large pores, for 1 m³ 25 kg is enough - 1 bag. The recommended thickness of seams is 2-3 mm.

The advantages of this mixture include frost resistance, the ability to withstand temperature fluctuations, and high humidity.


The mixture is in demand due to its efficiency. The manufacturer claims that high-quality masonry and strength will be ensured by an adhesive layer of 1 mm. Under such conditions, glue consumption does not exceed 1 package of 25 kg per 1 m³.

The walls need to be plastered, but the layer from the required 8 mm can be reduced to 5 mm. This is achieved due to the fact that the minimally thin seam between the blocks does not allow cold bridges to appear.

The quality of the glue is average. When work is carried out in winter conditions, it is necessary to add frost-resistant additives.