Calculation of loans in 1s. Typical accounting entries for loans. Accounting for loans from the lender - entries for issuing loans

Changes made should be documented. The procedure is dictated by the fact that the act of commissioning a private house must be attached when carrying out any real estate transactions.

In particular, produce tax deduction, it will be impossible to re-register, buy, sell or inherit a home that does not have legal registration. The developer is obliged to confirm that the house was built without violation building codes, damaging or creating a threat to communications, is correctly “inscribed” within the boundaries of the site belonging to it.

Production of a registration certificate for housing

Permission to put a private house into operation can only be obtained if you have a technical passport for the housing being issued.

If there were many deviations from the project, everything will need to be agreed upon by the architecture department. Deficiencies and shortcomings will also require elimination. After which you can call a BTI representative to your home and order the production of a registration certificate.

Requirements for a house to be put into operation:

  • The house must have windows and doors and be suitable for habitation.
  • It is problematic to hand over walls with rough plaster; they should at least be plastered under finishing(the finishing itself is optional). This requirement is dictated by a change in the size of the rooms after the completion of the main construction work.
  • Unheated walls basement You don't have to plaster, you don't have to concrete the floor. However, if the height of the basement is 2.1 m or higher, the requirements for full-fledged housing will be presented, and it will also be necessary to reconsider the number of storeys of the house. As a result, you should not rush to clear the basement of excess sand or soil.
  • The floors in the bathrooms should be turnkey; in other rooms, screed will be sufficient. Board covering presented in full readiness. "Warm floor", which increases the cost of the house, tax rate and insurance, must be shown in finished form.
  • Ceiling - rough finishing is acceptable.
  • Balconies and terraces must have mandatory fencing.
  • Staircase in multi-storey building presented in finished form, replacing it with a stepladder is unacceptable.
  • Heating, electrical wiring and drainage must be carried out according to the project. Measurers are not interested in the functioning of the system, the main thing is its presence.
  • If a garage is provided, then the registration certificate will not be issued without installing the gate.
  • Availability outbuildings, paths on the territory, driveways, fences, landscaping are not necessary for commissioning a private residential building in rural areas.

What to do if the house is not quite ready?

Sometimes the effort, time or funds are not enough to complete the work in full: the attic or upper floors remain unfinished for a long time. It is impossible to issue a registration certificate for such housing, and therefore, it will not be possible to assign mailing address, register, connect gas, etc. The solution is phased commissioning, floor by floor.

How is self-construction formalized?

At large quantities deficiencies or alterations, a statement is issued technical characteristics, reflecting the fact of planning, but not confirming its implementation according to the project. Let’s say that due to lack of heating, a house is classified as non-residential. It is impossible to draw up documents for commissioning a private house based on the statement.

The last check - who and what will be checked?

Representatives of the architectural department, sanitation department and fire department must record compliance with the requirements for their profile in the act of commissioning a private house.

  • The architect will check the match geometric dimensions buildings with design.
  • A representative of the sanitation station will first check the existing sewer system. Then he will be interested in heating, plumbing, electricity, and the availability of a garbage removal agreement. Also, before his arrival, you must remove construction garbage from the local area.
  • The fireman will check ventilation ducts, chimneys, the presence of fire notification devices provided for by the design and flexible “sleeves” for transporting fire extinguishing agents.

How to rent out a house without difficulty?

Difficulties with renting out a cottage can be avoided by prudently ordering the project and supervision of it from TopDom. Professional monitoring of the quality of construction work will allow you to obtain documents for commissioning a private house without problems.

An individual residential construction project (IHC) means a private building, including country houses(dachas) having no more than three floors and intended for human habitation. We will tell you how the commissioning of an individual residential building takes place in 2018-2019. This procedure completes the entire building construction process and has many legal nuances.

Until recently, many believed that the act of commissioning was not mandatory. However, without this document it is impossible to draw up any paperwork in relation to real estate and manage the legal fate of the property. In other words, it is impossible to apply for a tax deduction, transfer the object by inheritance, sell, etc.

The fact is that the act of putting a house into operation is mandatory document, which is required to be provided by Rosreestr to complete the procedure state registration. Without correct registration of ownership rights to a newly constructed facility, it is not possible to carry out any transaction.

However, it is not always possible to complete this procedure the first time. Many homeowners are faced with a situation where they are denied a certificate because they find shortcomings and various defects.

The commissioning of a residential building is carried out by a specially created commission in the local administration. To obtain a certificate, it is necessary to provide the object with all communications, namely:

  • water supply – local (borehole, well) or central;
  • electricity - installing power lines and providing the ability to connect to them;
  • sewerage – the presence of an equipped drain that meets sanitary standards;
  • heating - gas supply, stove or boiler;
  • Convenient access to the territory - arrangement of asphalt or gravel roads.

Only when all the main communications are ready is it possible to put the house into operation. If any amenities are not provided, the issue will be resolved on an individual basis.

Step-by-step instructions for putting a house into operation

To put an individual residential building into operation, use the following algorithm:

  1. Visit to the BTI branch with a package of documents. Needs to be completed technical certificate constructed object. For this purpose, an extract from the Unified State Register is provided land plot and boundary plan. The service is paid.
  2. Visiting the municipality to fill out an application for putting the house into operation. To do this, you need to photograph the house from all sides.
  3. Contacting Rosreestr to obtain an extended extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for a land plot. It should contain information about encumbrances. The service is paid.
  4. Appeal to the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning. To do this, you need to have a building permit, an extract from the Unified State Register for the site, a project for the house, and a technical plan.
  5. Obtaining permission to commission a residential building from the gas service, water utility and electrical organization.
  6. A visit to the town planning department with a full package of documents to fill out an application for putting the house into operation. The period for preparing the act is 30 days.
  7. Visit to BTI. It is necessary to provide certified documents to the institution.
  8. A visit to Rosreestr or the territorial office of the MFC at the location of the individual construction project to undergo the procedure for state registration of the house.

Let's consider some points of the algorithm and design nuances in more detail.


The applicant must provide the following documents:

  • application for the provision of public services;
  • general passport;
  • power of attorney if the applicant is not a developer;
  • act of acceptance of the construction project, if the construction work was carried out on the basis of a construction contract;
  • a document confirming compliance of the constructed capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations;
  • boundary plan of the land plot indicating the location of the construction site, utility networks and other objects;
  • technical plan of an individual residential building;
  • permissions for commissioning obtained from authorized services.

This is not an exhaustive list of papers. It can be adjusted depending on the situation and region of application. Regulatory acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation may have additional conditions for putting a private residential building into operation. They should be clarified with the relevant department of the municipality.

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Permission to put an individual housing construction project into operation

The decision to issue a permit to put an individual housing construction project into operation or to refuse to issue it is made within seven working days from the date of application. It can be issued:

The permission to put a house into operation must be accompanied by a technical plan for the capital construction project provided by the applicant. Previously technical documentation is issued at the territorial branch of the BTI.

In case of refusal to issue a permit, the reasons for the decision must be indicated. This happens in writing. If the applicant finds them unfounded, the refusal can be challenged administratively or judicially.

Simplified diagram

Until March 2020, the so-called "". In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the commissioning of an individual residential building in 2018-2019 is possible in a simplified manner.

To do this, you need to contact the BTI to draw up a technical plan, and then visit Rosreestr. The institution will need to write a corresponding application and wait for a decision.

According to a simplified scheme, you can design country houses, which involve one family living. If it is planned that the house will be used by two or more families, it will not be possible to take advantage of the “dacha amnesty”.

According to this scheme, registration of unauthorized buildings is allowed. The “Dacha Amnesty” has greatly simplified this complex process. Previously, legalization occurred only through the courts.

How to put a house into operation without a building permit

If the house or its parts were erected without permission, the process of putting the building into operation becomes more complicated. To do this, you will need to contact an independent specialized organization, which will send an authorized commission for inspection. building structures and assessing their safety.

As a result of the inspection, a report is drawn up technical condition object. It is submitted to the state construction supervision authority. In case of positive results of the technical inspection, the supervisory authority issues an appropriate conclusion.

In the future, you can take advantage of the “dacha amnesty” and apply to Rosreestr with a technical passport issued by the BTI based on the conclusion of the construction commission, and an extract from the Unified State Register of Land Registers for the land plot. This simplified procedure makes it possible to put into operation unauthorized buildings that were erected long ago.

Legalization of unauthorized buildings is always associated with high degree difficulties. Legitimization of such buildings most often occurs in court, but in some cases it is allowed to follow administrative rules of registration.

In court, it will be necessary to prove that the unauthorized building complies with sanitary standards and rules and does not threaten the life and health of citizens, without violating the rights of third parties. It is administratively possible to legalize unauthorized construction on dacha and garden plots.

If a special commission determines that a building erected without a design or permit does not comply with established standards, it will need to be demolished and the owner of the unauthorized construction will have to pay a fine. Failure to comply with legal requirements in this case threatens the violator with administrative liability in the form of a fine of up to 50,000 rubles.

If difficulties arise, please seek legal advice. You can get free legal assistance on our website. Ask a question to an expert in a special window and expect a qualified answer.

Now you know how the commissioning of an individual residential building takes place in 2018-2019. This procedure will not cause difficulties if the structure was erected taking into account current legislative and construction standards. However, if you have any difficulties, please contact our duty lawyer.

Commissioning of a shared construction building or multi-apartment residential building is carried out according to standard scheme, which will be discussed in the article. The commissioning procedure involves obtaining the appropriate permit, as well as ensuring that the house complies with the approved plan and draft.

Before going to the authorized construction supervision organization to submit an application and a package of documents, the developer must:

  • Carry out a full range of construction works that meet the requirements of the project. Here we're talking about about basic work to ensure the safety of residents. As for the improvement of the nearby area (for example, planting gardens), this work may not be completed;
  • Obtain a technical certificate for the building, and then register the house;
  • Get an address (police). In practice, before receiving such an address, the building will have a construction “registration”;
  • Receive a document confirming compliance with technical conditions from suppliers of electricity, gas and heat;
  • Carry out the necessary set of tests related to natural ventilation, thermal imaging and air permeability.

Only if the mentioned conditions are met, you can submit documents and expect to receive a permit and a commissioning certificate. Otherwise, the likelihood of a positive outcome is minimal.

Entry procedure and required documents

Main functions regarding input apartment building are assigned to the developer. It is he who must contact the relevant authority with an application and a package of documents confirming the compliance of the building being put into operation current standards. Only in this case can an entry act be drawn up and the necessary permission issued.

An important point is the transfer of a package of documents, including:

  • A diagram showing the site plan where an apartment building is being built;
  • Papers that would confirm the right to construct a building on a specific plot of land;
  • A document permitting the construction of a residential building on the allocated territory;
  • Acceptance certificate for a capital construction project. You cannot do without such paper if the restoration (reconstruction, construction) of the building was carried out on the basis of a contract.

In addition to those listed above, you will need papers that would confirm the compliance of the residential building with the norms and requirements prescribed in the technical regulations, compliance with the prescribed technical specifications and so on.

In addition, commissioning is impossible without presenting a diagram that would reflect all engineering Communication, as well as the conclusion of the construction supervision body confirming the compliance of the house with the equipment requirements of capital construction.

It is worth noting that the mentioned list of documents is not transferred by the developer immediately. First, the developer submits a notification that the construction of the house is completed and it is ready for commissioning.

At the next stage, a commission is assembled, which includes a whole group of specialists in the field of fire, environmental and sanitary-epidemiological safety. Their task is to check the house for compliance with the requirements in force in 2016, after which an inspection report must be signed.

Next, GASN employees draw up another act confirming that the constructed house and apartments, in particular, correspond to the information specified in the construction project. Only after this, the entry order implies the beginning of collecting the package of papers mentioned above.

In practice, the commissioning of a house may occur according to a different scheme. For example, after completion of construction work, employees of the construction supervision service come to the site and conduct an audit of the house and each apartment to ensure compliance with the documentation and current standards. If deficiencies are found, they are reflected in the corresponding order (act).

Commissioning is not possible until all detected problems are corrected. This is why the home entry process may take longer than initial stage the developer plans. Even experienced construction companies find themselves in situations where commissioning has to be delayed by one or two months, or even a whole quarter.

Putting a building into operation and handing over the keys: what's the difference?

Many people do not understand what the main differences are between handing over the keys to an apartment to the owner and the process discussed in the article (that is, commissioning). Everything is simple here. The first period, concerning the commissioning of an object, is established approximately and is expressed, as a rule, in quarterly terms. Here, the construction company relies on experience in performing the work and the approximate time frame when the construction of the facility should be completed. If necessary, this period can be adjusted by the developer without the need to notify future owners of a particular apartment. This practice has been in effect since 2016 and is generally accepted. In this case, the change in the period can be made not only in a larger, but also in a smaller direction.

As for the deadline for handing over the keys, it is reflected directly in the contract. Here the requirements are more stringent than in the case of conventional commissioning. If the contract states that the apartment must be transferred to the owner no later than October 25, 2016, then the user must receive the apartment before this date. Here, adjustment of the term by the developer without informing the shareholder is prohibited.

If the developer violates the deadline specified in the contract, then for each day of delay he is obliged to pay 1/150 of the refinancing percentage. For this reason, the developer is doing everything possible to ensure that the inspection report is positive character, and the commissioning itself took place within the agreed time frame.

As a rule, the interval between two events (key transfer and entry) is no more than six months. In extreme cases, the procedure may take longer, and the difference will be one year. Of course, this does not mean that the construction company will complete commissioning and will not distribute keys to shareholders. It is worth remembering here that protecting a facility is an expensive pleasure. On the other hand, he will have all the legal rights to carry out such manipulations.

What happens after the entry certificate is issued?

As soon as the commissioning certificate is received, the developer begins to complete additional work, namely:

  • Completing the finishing process of each individual apartment, as well as performing work on landscaping the area near the house. If minor non-conformities are found, they must be eliminated;
  • Start-up and commissioning of equipment is underway. In particular, the operation of the elevator system is started or configured, the operating pressure is issued in the pipes, the functionality of pumps is checked, as well as systems that control leaks, meter readings are taken, and so on;
  • The main package of documents is drawn up with suppliers of energy resources - heating networks, water utilities and others. Afterwards, the entire package of agreements involving service is concluded;
  • Customer Service construction company is engaged in the acceptance of apartments, without which commissioning is impossible. After quality check finishing works a corresponding act is drawn up. If there are problems, the developer is obliged to eliminate them within the time frame determined by the commission. After this, the service mentioned above again checks to see if the problems have been resolved or not.
  • Next, an agreement is drawn up with managing organization. After this work, the building is accepted for balance. The acceptance and transfer of the object is also carried out here.
  • A schedule is created according to which the apartments for rent are inspected. In this case, a message about the completion of construction work and the readiness of the object for transfer must be sent to the shareholder 30 days (or earlier) before the transfer of the owner’s keys. The message is transmitted to the shareholder using a registered letter. However, the entire process can take up to four months.

After completion of construction, the constructed facility (building) must be put into operation taking into account the rules and regulations in force for the current year. But, despite the transparency of the process, not everyone knows what documents will have to be prepared, who issues permission to enter the facility, how long it takes to receive a decision from regulatory structures, how to draw up an agreement, and so on. Below we will step by step consider the main issues that relate to the commissioning of buildings and other key points.

General algorithm of actions

The procedure for submitting (receiving) permission to put a facility into operation requires detailed consideration. But before this, it is necessary to highlight the stages that the customer will have to go through on the way to drawing up documents (acts, contracts and other papers) and determine the date by which permission must be received. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • The customer (developer) prepares the documents that are necessary for regulatory authorities to issue permission for commissioning. Also, the current procedure implies the transfer of the necessary papers for consideration by the authorized body.
  • The relevant authority studies the list and contents of the submitted papers, after which it decides whether to issue a permit or not. On this moment consideration of received papers takes no more than ten days (the starting date is the provision of papers).
  • Next, the authorized body conveys its “verdict” to the customer (developer). In case of refusal, the developer has several options - agree with the decision and eliminate the defects within a specified time frame, or go to court.

Legal requirements

All information related to the issuance of permission to put a building (facility) into operation is reflected in the Town Planning Code of Russia. The permit itself takes the form of a document confirming the fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • Strict follow-up current plan land plot;
  • Carrying out reconstruction work taking into account all the recommendations mentioned in the relevant act;
  • Compliance with the rules for reconstruction or demarcation of territory.

In order for commissioning to take place, the developer must contact the appropriate structure (state or municipal level) to obtain documents for commissioning the facility. If it is not possible to complete the stated list of documents, the commissioning of the building may be delayed for next year or for an indefinite period (at least until the existing comments are eliminated). In the latter case, an exact date may be set by which violations must be corrected.

Features of filing and consideration of applications

In 2016, according to the current order on the commissioning of facilities, permits are issued according to a certain form and on the date agreed upon by the parties (but only on weekdays). What actions need to be taken to solve the tasks? There are several of them:

  • Study the sample application (download it) on the official website. It is worth considering that according to the current order regarding the commissioning of objects, the application must be drawn up in a strictly defined form.
  • Present papers and materials according to the list approved in the order.

To extend the period of validity of the permit and contract for the construction of an object, the developer only needs to present an application (drawn up in the approved form), as well as a valid permit.

According to the current order, the developer has ten days to study the plan and other documents. Upon completion (within) this period, the developer is given a refusal (with a mandatory explanation) or permitting documents for input. At the same moment, an entry is made in the registration journal indicating the date and time when the decision was issued. At the same time, a note is made in the electronic database. To receive a decision in hand, the developer must present a document that would prove his identity. If a third party comes to collect the paper, then it is mandatory to present a power of attorney certified by a notary. According to the terms of the current order of the Construction Supervision Committee (dated 2006), obtaining a document is possible within 30 days. If the paper has not been received by the developer (trusted person) within this period, then it is transferred to the archive.

In addition, according to the text of the order, in the event of issuing a permit and subsequent commissioning of an object, a copy of the document must be sent to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other Federal services within 72 hours. In this case, the developer, after receiving the approval document, signing the contract and obtaining permission, must provide the Committee with information about the number of floors of the building and its height.

Required documents

If we consider the current year, 2016, then to obtain permission to open a building you will need:

  • Documents that would confirm the developer’s rights to a certain plot of land (where the construction of the facility is taking place).
  • Plan of the site where the building is being erected (renovated). In addition, a survey plan for the area of ​​interest and its layout may be required.
  • A building permit is required. Without this document, nothing will be processed.
  • Certificate of acceptance of the building. It is worth immediately noting that the presence of an act is mandatory in the case when the reconstruction process is carried out under a special agreement.
  • A paper that would confirm the compliance of the building (repaired, constructed) with the regulations in force for 2016. This document must bear the signature of the party that was involved in the construction of the building (we are talking primarily about the developer).

In addition, the following documents will be required:

  • Confirming compliance of the rebuilt building with the requirements specified in the contract and design papers;
  • Confirming the building’s compliance with the stated technical conditions;
  • Schematically showing the position of an object capital construction(must be within the specified area).

As mentioned, the verification procedure is carried out within 10 days. During this period (from the moment the application is submitted), the relevant structure must:

  • Inspect the construction site (wiring, thermal communications, etc.);
  • Check the documents to ensure they are filled out correctly;
  • Give the developer the go-ahead for commissioning or refuse.

If the entire construction period the process is controlled government agency, then there is no need to issue a permit.

When can a developer be refused?

The procedure for checking objects implies that the necessary conditions commissioning of the building must be completed. Otherwise, the regulatory authority may refuse to issue a permit by drawing up an appropriate act with a list of violations. This situation can lead to a number of problems - revision of the contract, delay in eliminating identified problems, and so on. The main factors that may cause refusal to this year, can lead to:

  • Absence at the time of registration necessary list papers, without which it is impossible to put a house or other building into operation. For example, the developer may not have a commissioning plan, title deeds and a number of other documents;
  • Non-compliance of the building with the requirements existing plan plot;
  • Non-compliance of the building with the requirements established in the permit (this may relate to wiring or other communications) and so on.

Whatever the reason for the refusal to put into operation, the developer has the right to go to court and challenge the decision of the regulatory authority. If a positive permit is received, then this is enough to register the object with the state.

Commissioning certificate

Now let's take a closer look at the permitting documents. To issue a commissioning certificate, a lot of work is done:

  • A notification is sent from the customer with the obligatory provision of a document confirming the implementation of the work plan (for this moment);
  • The facility is inspected (before acceptance into operation). At this stage, a working commission can be created that checks the correctness of filling out documents, the correctness of the paper form used, the existence of an agreement, compliance of the registration procedure with the requirements of the order, the condition of the building's wiring and the operability of other communications. If defects are identified (for example, faulty wiring), then a deadline is set and a plan (schedule) is drawn up for eliminating the defects.
  • As soon as all problems with wiring or other communications have been eliminated, an application to put the facility into use is submitted.
  • The last stage is being organized - a comprehensive inspection. Next, an order is issued to put the building into operation.

Currently, developers have no problems finding the necessary documents. If you need a sample act, agreement or other document, you can always download them from the relevant websites. The main thing in the process of obtaining permission is to take into account the requirements for developers (in force this year), carefully approach the collection of documents and, of course, comply with legal requirements.