Calculation of cubic capacity of round timber. Log cubator: how to calculate the volume of rounded logs Solving any problems

There is no point in making the same calculations several times if the source data does not change. A rounded log with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 6 meters will always have the same volume, regardless of who is doing the counting and in which city. Only the formula V=πr²l gives the correct answer. Therefore, the volume of one central bank will always be V=3.14×(0.1)²×6=0.1884 m³. In practice, in order to eliminate the time of carrying out standard calculations, cubatures are used. Such useful and informative tables are created for various types lumber. They help to save time and find out the cubic capacity of round timber, boards, central fiber boards, and timber.

The name of this construction guide is due to the fact that the volume is physical quantity measured in cubic meters (or cubic metres). For a simpler explanation, they say “cubature”, accordingly, the table was called “cubature”. This is an ordered matrix that contains data on the volume of one product for various initial parameters. The base column contains sections, and the row contains the length (molding) of the material. The user just needs to find the number located in the cell at their intersection.

Let's consider specific example– cube-turner round timber. It was approved in 1975, called GOST 2708-75, the main parameters are diameter (in cm) and length (in meters). Using the table is very simple: for example, you need to determine the V of one log with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 5 m. At the intersection of the corresponding row and column, we find the number 0.19 m³. A similar cubature for round timber exists according to a different standard - ISO 4480-83. Directories are very detailed in increments of 0.1 m, as well as more general, where the length is taken in 0.5 m increments.

Little secrets

Using the cubeturner itself is not difficult, but the main nuance is the correct data. Round timber is not a cylinder, but a truncated cone, in which the lower and upper cuts are different. One of them may be 26 cm, and the other 18. The table assumes a clear answer for a specific section.

Various sources suggest doing it in two ways: calculate the average value and take the volume from the reference book for it, or take the size of the upper cut as the main section. But if the tables were compiled according to certain standards, then they must be used in accordance with the accompanying instructions. For the cubature GOST 2708-75, the diameter of the top cut of the log is taken. Why is the moment of initial data so important? Because with a length of 5 meters for Ø18 cm we get 0.156 m³, and for Ø26 cm – 0.32 m³, which is actually 2 times more.

Another nuance is the correct cubatures. If complex formulas for truncated cones were used in the GOST 2708-75 table, calculations were carried out, and the results were rounded to thousandths, then modern companies, who make up their own cubatures, take “liberties”. For example, instead of 0.156 m³ there is already the number 0.16 m³. Quite often, websites on the Internet contain frankly erroneous cube-turners, in which the volume of a log 5 meters long with a diameter of 18 cm is indicated not as 0.156 m³, but as 0.165 m³. If an enterprise uses such directories when selling round timber to consumers, then it makes a profit, actually deceiving customers. After all, the difference on 1 product is significant: 0.165-0.156 = 0.009 or almost 0.01 m³.

The main problem of round timber is different section. Sellers offer solutions to settlement issues in the following ways:

  • calculating the volume of each unit and summing the obtained values;
  • storage method;
  • finding the average diameter;
  • method based on wood density.

1. It must be said right away that the first of these options gives the correct results. Only calculating the volume of each log and then adding up the numbers guarantees that the buyer will pay for the timber that he receives from the company. If the length is the same, then it is enough to find the cross-sectional areas of all the trunks, add them up, and then multiply by the length (in meters).

2. Storage method.

It is assumed that the stored round timber occupies a part of the space having the shape rectangular parallelepiped. In this case, the total volume is found by multiplying the length, width and height of the figure. Considering that there are voids between the folded trunks, 20% is subtracted from the resulting cubic capacity.

The downside is accepting as an indisputable fact that the tree occupies 80% of the total space. After all, it may well happen that the beams are folded inaccurately, thereby the percentage of voids is much greater.

3. Density based method.

In this case, you need to know the mass of the forest and the density of the wood. The cubic capacity is easily found by dividing the first number by the second. But the result will be very inaccurate, since wood of the same type has different densities. The indicator depends on the degree of maturity and humidity.

4. Average method.

If the trunks of harvested trees are appearance almost identical, then choose any 3 of them. The diameters are measured and then the average is found. Next, using the cubature, the parameter for 1 product is determined and multiplied by the required quantity. Let the results show: 25, 27, 26 cm, then Ø26 cm is considered average, since (25+26+27)/3=26 cm.

Considering the disadvantages of the considered methods, the only the right way The calculation of cubic capacity can be considered by finding the volume of each log using a cubic meter GOST 2708-75 or ISO 4480-83 and summing up the data obtained.

Rounded logs - perfect material for the construction of a bathhouse or country house. Such products are distinguished by environmental friendliness and safety, attractive appearance and quick installation, ease of installation and processing. Due to special manufacturing technology, logs acquire a perfectly flat cylindrical shape and smooth surface, identical diameters and dimensions.

Thanks to these parameters, the products are stacked closely, which eliminates the appearance of cracks in the log house. In addition, the construction of a house or bathhouse is easy and quick. A log structure will look elegant and neat.

10 reasons to build a house from rounded logs

  • Natural and environmentally friendly wood does not emit toxic substances and is safe for humans. Moreover, the tree has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being and sleep;
  • Wood promotes rapid air exchange and renews oxygen up to 30% per day. Therefore in wooden house always comfortable and easy to breathe;
  • Attractive and aesthetic appearance. A log house looks elegant and natural. It will harmoniously fit into any landscape and will stand out favorably against the background of other buildings;
  • Due to special processing of the material on machines, the logs receive a flat and smooth surface. Therefore, the products fit tightly to each other and eliminate the appearance of gaps in the walls;
  • Identical diameters and sizes of logs speed up and simplify installation. Depending on the complexity of the project, installation of a log house will take only 3-5 days to 3-4 weeks!;
  • The light weight of wood will not require a massive and expensive foundation;
  • A rounded log does not require decorative finishing neither inside nor outside the building. By the way, the “scratch” finish in a log house looks harmonious and impressive;
  • Wood has high heat and sound insulation properties. The log house is warm, quiet and calm;
  • If the log house is caulked correctly, a repeat procedure will not be required. Whereas houses made of timber require re-caulking after shrinkage;
  • Logs are easy to process, which allows you to create interesting designs(houses with a bay window, carved balconies, verandas in the form of a rotunda, etc.). Besides, log house can be built in any style!

How to calculate volumes of materials

For those who decide to build a log house, it is important to correctly calculate required amount building materials. Since logs are characterized by a cylindrical shape, calculations must be made based on this parameter. You cannot calculate the volume by simply multiplying the thickness of the walls by the height. To do it yourself correctly, use a special cubical of rounded logs.

The simplest calculation is carried out using the formula = P*R2*N, where

P = 3,14;
R2- radius of a rounded log squared;
N— length of the rounded log.

We multiply the result obtained by the number of logs needed to build a house or bathhouse. Don’t forget to add 7%, which is allocated for shrinkage log house. To make the calculation easier, the results for different diameters logs is represented by a log cubic capacity table.

Table of cubic capacity of rounded logs 6 meters long

Diameter, mm Height, mm volume, m3 Area, m2 Quantity in m3, pcs.
140 130,6 0,09 1,453 11,1
160 149,2 0,12 1,662 8,29
180 167,9 0,15 1,869 6,55
200 186,6 0,19 2,078 5,31
220 205,2 0,23 2,286 4,39
240 223,9 0,27 2,493 3,69
260 242,5 0,32 2,701 3,14
280 261,2 0,37 2,908 2,71
300 279,9 0,42 3,117 2,36
320 298,5 0,48 3,325 2,07
340 317,2 0,54 3,532 1,84
360 335,8 0,61 3,74 1,64

The volume and cost of materials is affected not only by the type of wood, but also by the diameter of the log. If you are planning to build a house for permanent residence, choose sizes of at least 240 mm, and for northern regions - more than 260 mm. If it's summer country house for seasonal living and recreation, logs with a diameter of 220 mm are suitable. For a gazebo, you can take the minimum dimensions.

The table is not the only way to calculate the required amount of building materials. There is a special online calculator, who will make a quick and accurate calculation of the quantity and cost of materials, taking into account shrinkage, internal partitions and other factors.

In addition, the calculator will calculate usable area premises, number of crowns and load on the foundation. As a rule, on sites construction companies every standard project accompanies its calculator.

If you don’t know how to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of logs, the specialists of the MariSrub company will help you! Experienced craftsmen select and calculate the volume of materials. Experts recommend choosing rounded pine logs, as this is the best price-quality ratio.

Pine is an affordable, strong wood that is distinguished by strength and durability, a pleasant pine aroma and beautiful texture. Choose the option you like log house or order individual project! Specialists will prepare a free estimate for your future home or cottage, calculate the volume of materials and the cost of construction.

For many builders, the topic of calculating the number of logs in a cube is familiar. But for an unprepared person this may seem not only very distant, but also incomprehensible. And very often disagreements arise between the builders themselves, as well as between the builders and the customer, about how many logs there should be in a cube.

To deal with this problem, we usually use mathematical method, which in a few minutes can give a clear answer about how many logs are needed for a certain number of cubic meters.

Typically in construction wooden buildings rounded logs are used. But this material may differ in size, that is, in length and diameter. The unit of measurement is usually centimeters. There are one million centimeters in one cubic meter. Thus, first you need to decide on the size of the logs.

In order to measure the size of the logs, you will need a regular centimeter tape measure. All logs, as a rule, should initially be the same size, and later, depending on the project, they are sawn into the necessary elements.

So, by measuring the size of a log using a tape measure, we obtain the length and diameter in centimeters. For example, let's try to calculate how many logs are needed for one cubic meter, if the logs are six meters long and their diameter is eighteen centimeters.

To calculate, you will need the following formula:

Volume = Pi * Radius * Radius * Length.

Six meters in this case equals six hundred centimeters. Pi is always 3.14. We get the radius by dividing the diameter by two. Thus, our formula takes on the following form: Volume = 3.14 * (18:2) * (18:2) * 600 = 3.14 * 9 * 9 * 600 = 152604 centimeters. To convert to cubic meters, divide the resulting number by one million: 152604: 1000000 = 0.1526. This result tells us that one log of this size will occupy only a little over 0.15 cubic meters.

Now you need to figure out how many logs are in a meter. This is our main task. To do this, we divide one cubic meter by the result of our calculations - 0.1526. It turns out: Quantity = 1: 0.1526 = 6.55 logs. It turns out that for one cubic meter we need to take about seven logs of a given size.

If we consider the logs larger diameter, for example, twenty-four centimeters, then the calculation results will be different:

Volume = 3.14 * 12 * 12 * 600 = 271296 cubic centimeters = 0.2713 cubic meters.

This means that in one cubic meter there will be: 1: 0.2713 = 3.69 logs. In this case, there will be fewer logs in one cubic meter.

To calculate the number of logs per cubic meter, it is used simple formula, which allows you to calculate the result in a matter of minutes. For calculations, of course, it is better to arm yourself with a tape measure and a calculator.

Construction wooden houses, cottages, bathhouses and gazebos are the specialization of our company. Into the sphere wooden house construction we entered in 1997, and have been improving since then construction technologies. We began selling building materials in 2003, presenting our customers with the best products from the world's leading brands. In addition, on own production We manufacture long-span structures. This allows us to implement various architectural designs, be it small one-story cottage or a huge five-story country house.

Solving any problem

Our company provides a wide range of services:

  • construction wooden house"Full construction";
  • bathhouse design;
  • installation of roof trusses;
  • construction of gazebos;
  • production of structures of any size and shape;
  • sale of laminated veneer lumber and valuable tree species;
  • implementation of individual projects.

We complete each order as accurately as possible and within a strictly defined time frame. Since we are engaged in the construction of wooden buildings and structures, you will cooperate with us for several months, or even about a year. It all depends on the degree of complexity of the work.

Your dream home

Many people dream of living in a wooden house. And you will make this dream come true by contacting our company. The construction diagram of the house is as follows:

  • project development;
  • manufacturing wooden materials;
  • foundation construction;
  • collection wooden structure;
  • installation of partitions, doors, windows;
  • conducting communications;
  • Finishing work.

According to the same scheme, a turnkey bathhouse and other types of structures, both residential and public, are being built. As for materials, for wooden buildings the most valued conifers– pine, spruce, larch. Houses are built from logs or beams. Experts say that the production of laminated veneer lumber allows you to obtain high-quality, durable and reliable material, which has an acceptable cost.

Quality assurance

All types of work carried out by our company are carried out in accordance with norms and standards modern construction Russia and Europe. This is possible thanks to the use of high-quality materials, modern equipment and innovative technologies. Our company provides a two-year guarantee on all erected structures.

By contacting our company, you can order the construction of houses and baths, purchase quality materials, and also get advice from specialists. Any of your wishes will be realized under the supervision of coordinators. You will be satisfied with cooperation with our company, and we will offer you best options, which exist in the world of wooden housing construction.

From this article you will learn:

In order to calculate the number of logs for a log house, we need to know:
- Dimensions of the log house (take as an example a log house 3 by 6 five-walled - two walls of 6 meters each, three walls of 3 meters each - these are the dimensions at the ends of the logs)
- Height of the log house (in our example, let’s take a height of 3 meters)
- The diameter of the log from which the log house is planned to be cut (in our example it is 30 cm)

What's next?
- We calculate the total length of one crown (in our case it is two walls of 6 meters each = 12 meters and three walls of 3 meters each = 9 meters, add it up, and we get the total length of one crown of 21 meters
- Let’s find out how many crowns there will be in the log house (the number of rows of logs in height) How to do this?
First we need to find out the working height of one log, we know that the height (diameter) of one log in our example is 30 cm, from this amount we need to subtract 3 cm for sampling the longitudinal groove (average), and we get the working height of one log = 27 cm Now we divide 3 meters of the height of the log house by the working height of one log, we get 11 crowns (rows in height)
- We count the number of logs for the log house. How to do it? We take the total length of one crown (row), in our example it is 21 meters, multiply it by the number of crowns, in our example it is 11 pieces. we get 231 meters. This is the total length of all crowns. Now we divide the total length of all the crowns by the length of one log - 6 meters, and we get 38.5 pieces, round up, and we get that for a log house of 3 by 6 five-walls, 3 meters high, from a log of 30 diameter, we need 39 pieces

And so, now you and I know that we need 39 logs of 30 diameter, but how many cubes are these? The table will help us with this - round timber cube, you will find it below the post.

Looking at the table, we saw that in one 6-meter log of 30 diameter there is 0.52 cubic meters (m3)
Now we simply multiply the total number of logs, in our example it is 39 pieces, by the cubic capacity indicator from the table - 0.52 m3 and we get = 20.3 m3

Conclusion: To build a 3 by 6 five-wall log house 3 meters high from 30-diameter logs, we need 39 logs with a total cubic capacity of 20.3 m3

Above we looked at a simple and quick way calculation of the number of logs for a log house, but it has one drawback - inaccuracy in the calculation when we're talking about about complex log buildings, where remains of 1.2 meters, 1.8 meters, etc. may remain. which there is nowhere else to put in the log house, such log houses are more difficult to count and take much longer. Therefore, you can count them using the above technology, but adding 10-15% for trimmings


Calculation of cubic capacity of round timber
Forest cubic capacity calculation table: at the intersection of rows and columns, forest volume in m3

Cubature according to GOST 2708-75 according to log length L and log diameter D. Using this table, you can determine the cubic capacity of round timber with a diameter of 14 cm to 48 cm and a length of 1 to 9 meters

How to use the roundwood cubic capacity table?

Step 1. Find the diameter of the log you need in the leftmost row of this table.
IMPORTANT! The diameter of the log is measured at the top, i.e. by smallest size

Step 3. Multiply the cubic capacity of the log by the quantity, and you get a cubic capacity of the same diameter

Step 4. Add up all the sums of cubic capacity of each diameter, so you have found out the total volume of cubic capacity of a round

Example: You were loaded with a total of 50 pieces of logs 6 meters long

1) We measure the diameter of each log and determine the number of logs of each diameter, it turns out:
- 15 pcs - 20 cm
- 10 pcs - 22 cm
- 20 pcs - 24 cm
- 5 pcs - 26 cm

2) We look at the cubic capacity of one log of each diameter in the table, taking into account the length of the log, we get:
- 20 cm - 0.23 m3
- 22 cm - 0.28 m3
- 24 cm - 0.33 m3
- 26 cm - 0.39 m3

3) We calculate the cubic capacity of each diameter by multiplying the number of logs of the same diameter by the indicator from the table for calculating the cubic capacity of round timber (the table indicates the volume of 1 log) It turns out:
- 20 cm (0.23 m3) * 15 pcs = 3.45 m3
- 22 cm (0.28 m3) * 10 pcs = 2.8 m3
- 24 cm (0.33 m3) * 20 pcs = 6.6 m3
- 26 cm (0.39 m3) * 5 pcs = 1.95 m3

4) We calculate the total cubic capacity of all logs by adding the cubic capacity indicators of each individual diameter, it turns out:
20 cm (3.45 m3) + 22 cm (2.8 m3) + 24 cm (6.6 m3) + 26 cm (1.95 m3) = 14.8 m3 - total cubic capacity of round timber according to GOST 2708-75

It is worth adding that some roundwood suppliers do not count the diameters separately, but multiply the average diameter by the total amount of roundwood.....