Calculation of heating batteries per area. Calculation of the number of radiator sections: online calculator, instructions Calculation of online sections of a sira bimetallic radiator

Bimetallic radiators are high-quality and highly efficient heating devices that can be used to heat a residential building, office space or industrial building. The main thing is the presence of internal elements made of steel.

Design features contribute increased level safety margin, and the negative results from contact of the coolant with aluminum are reduced to zero. The only drawback of such heating structures is the unreasonably high cost among similar equipment.

All positive directly depend on their structure. The core can be steel or copper, which increases resistance to the composition of the coolant, as well as pressure drops.

The convenient type of connection with a standard pipeline and the aluminum surface of the radiator make it possible to obtain high heat transfer.

Bimetallic radiators sold in our country, depending on the device and characteristics, can be are divided into two main types:

  • absolutely "bimetallic type", possessing steel pipes and aluminum body. The main advantages are durability and the absolute absence of the possibility of leaks;
  • "semi-bimetallic version", in which vertical channels are reinforced with steel tubes. Such heating radiators are characterized by an excellent combination of low price and high thermal output.

The operating principle of such heating equipment is as simple as possible. On an aluminum body via a steel tube heat is transferred from the coolant, which contributes to the heating of air masses in the heated room.

The use of steel facilitates the use of equipment in conditions high level coolant pressure inside heating system. Steel components allow the use of bimetallic type batteries in the presence of coolant with a low quality index.

Standard sizes and diameters

Today, bimetallic radiators are produced in generally accepted standard sizes:

  • thickness indicators– 9 centimeters;
  • width indicators– at least 40 centimeters;
  • height indicators– 76, 94 or 112 centimeters.

It should be taken into account that linear parameters heating devices can vary significantly and depend on the materials used and design features:

  • if it is necessary to install thinner devices, it is impractical to use a bimetallic type of equipment, which is due to the double metal layer;
  • belongs to the category of the thinnest devices option devices.

In addition, there is a difference in height, which can vary from fifteen centimeters to three meters. Standard batteries have a height of 55-58 centimeters.

Features of calculating heat losses

Heat transfer dimensions are indicated by manufacturers and are based on calculations for the temperature parameters of the coolant at seventy degrees. The operation process assumes the presence of some deviations from the specified values, which requires consideration when choosing.

It is for this reason that competent selection of heating equipment involves determination of building heat loss values.

These calculations are based on data about all walls and ceiling structure rooms, floors, types of windows and their number, design features doors, material of the plaster layer and other factors, including the direction of the cardinal directions, solarization, wind rose and other criteria.

Standard thermal output should based on an indicator of one kW per ten square meters heated area. However, such results will be very approximate.

More accurate data on total heat loss can be calculated using the formula:

V x 0.04 + TPok x Nok + TPdv x Ndv

  • V– volume of the heated room;
  • 0,04 – standard heat loss per cubic meter of area;
  • TPok– parameters of heat loss from one window according to a value of 0.1 kW;
  • Nok– total number of windows;
  • TPdv- heat loss parameters of one door according to a value of 0.2 kW;
  • Ndoor- total number of doors.

More accurate data can be obtained by using special device called thermal imager. The device not only makes the required calculations with maximum accuracy, but also takes into account such important characteristics as hidden construction defects and poor quality of building materials.

Calculation of the required quantity per area

Almost the entire volume of such radiators is produced in standard version execution and has stable dimensions. To calculate the number of sections, it is advisable to use a fairly convenient formula:

According to which:

  • X is the estimated number of sections in one heating device;
  • S corresponds to the heated area in square meters;
  • N represents the power of one section.

An example of calculating the number of sections of bimetallic heating radiators by area:

For a room 5 x 4 meters with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters, the optimal power indicator for one section is about 150 W, and the calculations in accordance with the formula are as follows -

X = S x 100: N = 5 x 4 x 100: 150 = 13.3 or 14 sections.

Rules for choosing wisely

In order to meet all the required parameters, you should take into account some nuances:

  • radiator sizes must be selected according to the interior design and the amount of generated thermal power;
  • equipment under the windows should overlap the width window openings by 50 or 75 percent;
  • the minimum distance from the upper segment of the battery to the window sill should not be less than 10 centimeters;
  • bottom of battery should not be more than 60 centimeters closer to the floor surface;
  • for premises with non-standard forms , the best option there will be placement of designer batteries made to order;
  • Please note that such devices can have top, bottom, side and cross connection options to the system.

One of the most important issues creating comfortable living conditions in a house or apartment is a reliable, correctly calculated and installed, well-balanced heating system. That is why the creation of such a system is the most important task when organizing construction. own home or during overhaul in a high-rise apartment.

Despite the modern variety of heating systems various types, the leader in popularity still remains a proven scheme: pipe circuits with coolant circulating through them, and heat exchange devices - radiators installed in the premises. It would seem that everything is simple, the radiators are located under the windows and provide the required heating... However, you need to know that the heat transfer from the radiators must correspond to both the area of ​​the room and a number of other specific criteria. Thermal calculations based on the requirements of SNiP are a rather complex procedure performed by specialists. However, you can do it on your own, naturally, with acceptable simplification. IN of this publication will tell you how to independently calculate heating radiators for the area of ​​the heated room, taking into account various nuances.

But, first, you need to at least briefly familiarize yourself with existing heating radiators - the results of the calculations will largely depend on their parameters.

Briefly about existing types of heating radiators

  • Steel radiators of panel or tubular design.
  • Cast iron batteries.
  • Aluminum radiators of several modifications.
  • Bimetallic radiators.

Steel radiators

This type of radiator has not gained much popularity, despite the fact that some models are given a very elegant design decoration. The problem is that the disadvantages of such heat exchange devices significantly exceed their advantages - low price, relatively low weight and ease of installation.

The thin steel walls of such radiators do not have enough heat capacity - they heat up quickly, but also cool down just as quickly. Problems may also arise due to hydraulic shocks - welded joints sheets sometimes leak. Besides, inexpensive models batteries that do not have a special coating are susceptible to corrosion, and the service life of such batteries is short - usually manufacturers give them a fairly short warranty in terms of service life.

In the vast majority of cases, steel radiators are a one-piece structure, and it is not possible to vary the heat transfer by changing the number of sections. They have a rated thermal power, which must be immediately selected based on the area and characteristics of the room where they are planned to be installed. Exception - some tubular radiators have the ability to change the number of sections, but this is usually done to order, during production, and not at home.

Cast iron radiators

Representatives of this type of battery are probably familiar to everyone from early childhood - these are the types of accordions that were previously installed literally everywhere.

Perhaps such batteries MC -140-500 were not particularly elegant, but they faithfully served more than one generation of residents. Each section of such a radiator provided a heat output of 160 W. The radiator is prefabricated, and the number of sections, in principle, was not limited by anything.

There are currently many modern cast iron radiators. They are already distinguished by a more elegant appearance, smooth, smooth outer surfaces that make cleaning easy. Issued and exclusive options, with an interesting relief pattern of cast iron casting.

With all this, such models fully retain their main advantages. cast iron batteries:

  • The high heat capacity of cast iron and the massiveness of the batteries contribute to long-term retention and high heat transfer.
  • Cast iron batteries, with proper assembly and high-quality sealing of connections, are not afraid of water hammer and temperature changes.
  • Thick cast iron walls are little susceptible to corrosion and abrasive wear. Almost any coolant can be used, so such batteries are equally good for autonomous and central heating systems.

If we do not take into account the external characteristics of old cast iron batteries, then the disadvantages include the fragility of the metal (accentuated impacts are unacceptable), the relative complexity of installation, which is associated largely with massiveness. Moreover, not all wall partitions will be able to withstand the weight of such radiators.

Aluminum radiators

Aluminum radiators, having appeared relatively recently, quickly gained popularity. They are relatively inexpensive, have a modern, quite elegant appearance, and have excellent heat dissipation.

High-quality aluminum batteries can withstand pressures of 15 atmospheres or more and high coolant temperatures of about 100 degrees. At the same time, the thermal output from one section of some models sometimes reaches 200 W. But at the same time, they are lightweight (section weight is usually up to 2 kg) and do not require a large volume of coolant (capacity - no more than 500 ml).

Aluminum radiators are offered for sale as stacked batteries, with the ability to change the number of sections, and as solid products designed for a certain power.

Disadvantages of aluminum radiators:

  • Some types are highly susceptible to oxygen corrosion of aluminum, with high risk gas formation in this case. This places special demands on the quality of the coolant, so such batteries are usually installed in autonomous systems heating.
  • Some aluminum radiators non-separable design, sections of which are manufactured using extrusion technology, may, under certain unfavorable conditions, leak at the joints. In this case, it is simply impossible to carry out repairs, and you will have to change the entire battery as a whole.

From everyone aluminum batteries the highest quality ones are made using anodic oxidation of the metal. These products are practically not afraid of oxygen corrosion.

Externally, all aluminum radiators are approximately similar, so you need to read very carefully technical documentation making a choice.

Bimetallic heating radiators

Such radiators compete with cast iron ones in terms of reliability, and with aluminum ones in terms of thermal output. The reason for this is their special design.

Each section consists of two, upper and lower, steel horizontal collectors (item 1), connected by the same steel vertical channel (item 2). The connection into a single battery is made with high-quality threaded couplings (item 3). High heat transfer is ensured by the outer aluminum shell.

Steel internal pipes made of metal that is not subject to corrosion or has a protective polymer coating. Well, under no circumstances does the aluminum heat exchanger come into contact with the coolant, and it is absolutely not afraid of corrosion.

This results in a combination of high strength and wear resistance with excellent thermal performance.

Prices for popular heating radiators

Heating radiators

Such batteries are not afraid of even very large pressure surges, high temperatures. They are, in fact, universal and suitable for any heating systems, although they are the best performance characteristics they still show in the conditions high pressure central system– they are of little use for circuits with natural circulation.

Perhaps their only drawback is their high price compared to any other radiators.

For ease of perception, there is a table that shows comparative characteristics radiators. Legend in it:

  • TS – tubular steel;
  • Chg – cast iron;
  • Al – ordinary aluminum;
  • AA – aluminum anodized;
  • BM – bimetallic.
Maximum pressure (atm.)
working6-9 6-12 10-20 15-40 35
crimping12-15 9 15-30 25-75 57
destruction20-25 18-25 30-50 100 75
Limitation on pH (hydrogen value)6,5-9 6,5-9 7-8 6,5-9 6,5-9
Susceptibility to corrosion when exposed to:
stray currentsNoYesYesNoYes
electrolytic couplesNoweakYesNoweak
Section power at h=500 mm; Dt=70 ° , W160 85 175-200 216,3 up to 200
Warranty, years10 1 3-10 30 3-10

Video: recommendations for choosing heating radiators

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How to calculate the required number of heating radiator sections

It is clear that a radiator installed in the room (one or more) must provide heating to comfortable temperature and compensate for inevitable heat loss, regardless of the weather outside.

The basic value for calculations is always the area or volume of the room. The professional calculations themselves are very complex and take into account a very large number of criteria. But for household needs You can use simplified methods.

The simplest methods of calculation

It is generally accepted that to create normal conditions in a standard living room, 100 W per square meter pl spare. Thus, you just need to calculate the area of ​​the room and multiply it by 100.

Q = S× 100

Q– required heat transfer from heating radiators.

S– area of ​​the heated room.

If you plan to install a non-separable radiator, then this value will become a guideline for selecting the required model. In the case where batteries will be installed that allow the number of sections to be changed, another calculation should be made:

N = Q/ Qus

N– calculated number of sections.

Qus– specific thermal power one section. This value must be indicated in technical passport products.

As you can see, these calculations are extremely simple and do not require any special knowledge of mathematics - just a tape measure to measure the room and a piece of paper for calculations. In addition, you can use the table below - it shows already calculated values ​​for rooms of different sizes and certain capacities of heating sections.

Section table

However, you need to remember that these values ​​are for the standard ceiling height (2.7 m) of a high-rise building. If the height of the room is different, then it is better to calculate the number of battery sections based on the volume of the room. For this, an average indicator is used - 41 V t t thermal power per 1 m³ volume in panel house, or 34 W – in brick.

Q = S × h× 40 (34 )

Where h– ceiling height above floor level.

Further calculations are no different from those presented above.

Detailed calculation taking into account features premises

Now let's move on to more serious calculations. The simplified calculation method given above can present a “surprise” to the owners of a house or apartment. When installed radiators will not create the required comfortable microclimate in residential premises. And the reason for this is a whole list of nuances that the considered method simply does not take into account. Meanwhile, such nuances can be very important.

So, the area of ​​the room and the same 100 W per m² are again taken as a basis. But the formula itself already looks a little different:

Q = S× 100 × A × B × C ×D× E ×F× G× H× I× J

Letters from A before J Coefficients are conventionally designated that take into account the characteristics of the room and the installation of radiators in it. Let's look at them in order:

A is the number of external walls in the room.

It is clear that the higher the contact area between the room and the street, that is, the more external walls there are in the room, the higher the overall heat loss. This dependence is taken into account by the coefficient A:

  • One external wall A = 1.0
  • Two external walls - A = 1.2
  • Three outer walls - A = 1.3
  • All four external walls are A = 1.4

B – orientation of the room to the cardinal points.

The maximum heat loss is always in rooms that do not receive direct sunlight. This is definitely north side at home, and the eastern one can also be included here - the rays of the Sun appear here only in the mornings, when the sun has not yet reached its full power.

The southern and western sides of the house are always heated by the Sun much more strongly.

Hence the coefficient values IN :

  • The room faces north or east - B = 1.1
  • South or west rooms – B = 1, that is, it may not be taken into account.

C is a coefficient that takes into account the degree of insulation of the walls.

It is clear that heat loss from the heated room will depend on the quality of the thermal insulation of the external walls. Coefficient value WITH are taken equal to:

  • Medium level - the walls are laid with two bricks, or their surface insulation is provided with another material - C = 1.0
  • External walls are not insulated - C = 1.27
  • High level of insulation based on thermal engineering calculations – C = 0.85.

D – features climatic conditions region.

Naturally, it is impossible to equate all the basic indicators of the required heating power with the same brush - they also depend on the level of winter negative temperatures, characteristic of a particular area. This takes into account the coefficient D. To select it, the average temperatures of the coldest ten-day period of January are taken - usually this value is easy to check with the local hydrometeorological service.

  • — 35° WITH and below - D= 1.5
  • — 25÷ — 35 ° WITHD= 1.3
  • up to – 20 ° WITHD= 1.1
  • not lower than – 15 ° WITHD= 0.9
  • not lower than – 10 ° WITHD= 0.7

E – coefficient of ceiling height of the room.

As already mentioned, 100 W/m² is an average value for standard ceiling heights. If it differs, a correction factor must be entered E:

  • Up to 2.7 m E = 1,0
  • 2,8 3, 0 m E = 1,05
  • 3,1 3, 5 m E = 1, 1
  • 3,6 4, 0 m E = 1.15
  • More than 4.1 m – E = 1.2

F – coefficient taking into account the type of room located higher

Setting up a heating system in rooms with cold floors is a pointless exercise, and owners always take action in this matter. But the type of room located above often does not depend on them in any way. Meanwhile, if there is a living or insulated room on top, then the overall need for thermal energy will decrease significantly:

  • cold attic or unheated roomF= 1.0
  • insulated attic (including insulated roof) – F= 0.9
  • heated room - F= 0.8

G – factor taking into account the type of windows installed.

Various window designs are subject to heat loss differently. This takes into account the coefficient G:

  • ordinary wooden frames with double glazing – G= 1.27
  • the windows are equipped with single-chamber double-glazed windows (2 glasses) – G= 1.0
  • single-chamber double-glazed window with argon filling or double-glazed window (3 glasses) - G= 0.85

N – coefficient of the glazing area of ​​the room.

The total amount of heat loss also depends on the total area of ​​windows installed in the room. This value is calculated based on the ratio of the window area to the room area. Depending on the result obtained, we find the coefficient:

  • N Ratio less than 0.1 – 8
  • H = 0, Ratio less than 0.1 – 9
  • 0.11 ÷ 0.2 – 0.21 ÷ 0.3 – 0
  • H = 1, 0.21 ÷ 0.3 – 1
  • 0.31÷ 0.4 – 0.41 ÷ 0.5 –

H = 1.2

I is a coefficient that takes into account the radiator connection diagram.

  • Their heat transfer depends on how the radiators are connected to the supply and return pipes. This should also be taken into account when planning the installation and determining the required number of sections: a – diagonal connection, supply from above, return from below –
  • I = 1.0 b – one-way connection , feed from above, return from below –
  • I = 1.03 c – two-way connection, both supply and return from below –
  • I = 1.13 d – diagonal connection, supply from below, return from above –
  • I = 1.25 d – one-way connection, supply from below, return from above –
  • I = 1.28 e – one-sided bottom connection d – one-way connection, supply from below, return from above –

return and supply –

J is a coefficient that takes into account the degree of openness of installed radiators. Much depends on how installed batteries open for free heat exchange with room air. Existing or artificially created barriers can significantly reduce the heat transfer of the radiator. This takes into account the coefficient

J: a – the radiator is located openly on the wall or not covered by a window sill –

J= 0.9 b – the radiator is covered from above with a window sill or shelf –

J= 1.0 c – the radiator is covered from above by a horizontal projection of the wall niche –

J= 1.07 d – the radiator is covered from above by a window sill, and from the frontsidesparts directly covered with a decorative casing -

J= 1.12 e – the radiator is completely covered with a decorative casing–

⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰ ⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰ ⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰ ⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰⃰

J= 1.2 Well, that's all. Now you can substitute into the formula required values

After this, all that remains is to either select a non-separable radiator with the required thermal output, or divide the calculated value by the specific thermal power of one section of the battery of the selected model.

Surely, to many, such a calculation will seem overly cumbersome, in which it is easy to get confused. To make the calculations easier, we suggest using a special calculator - it already contains all the required values. The user can only enter the requested initial values ​​or select the required items from the lists. The “calculate” button will immediately lead to getting exact result rounded up.

The number of fins of a bimetallic heating radiator can be calculated in two ways:

  • one involves the use of room space;
  • the second is to use the volume of the room in which the battery will be installed.

The first one is appropriate to use when ceiling height no more than 3 m. If the walls are high, then the second method becomes more reliable. Both methods are in calculating the amount of heat required to create optimal temperature in the room. The calculation is carried out in different ways:

  • the first method is to multiply the area by the figure 100 W (this is the standard thermal power per 1 m2);
  • the second in multiplying the volume of the room by 41 watts.

Both methods have one common feature: the resulting figure is corrected using correction factors that show the influence of the characteristics of the room on heat loss or heat savings.

Factors influencing heat loss

  1. Type of window glazing. Most heat escapes through windows ordinary glass(correction factor 1.27). For double and triple glazing the indicators are 1 and 0.85, respectively.
  2. Window size. To determine the influence of this factor, find out the ratio of the window area to that of the room. If it is a 10th part, that is, 10% of the floor area, then k = 0.8. With a further increase in the ratio by 10%, k increases by 0.1. When the window area is half that of the floor, k = 1.2.
  3. Thermal insulation. With low thermal insulation, heat loss is 127% (correction factor k = 1.27), with medium and high thermal insulation - 100 and 85%, respectively (k is 1 and 0.85).
  4. Outdoor temperature. The lower it is, the higher the heat loss becomes. Moreover, for a temperature of -10 °C k = 0.7. With a further decrease in temperature by 5 degrees, the coefficient increases by 0.2. If outside the window it is -25 °C, then k is 1.3.
  5. Number of external walls. With one external wall heat losses are small, so k is 1.1. If there are two and three external walls, then the coefficient is 1.2 and 1.3, respectively.
  6. Upstairs room type. If there is the same heated room upstairs, then the heat loss is very small (k = 0.8). If there is a heated attic, k is 0.9. If the attic is not heated, then k = 1.

Read also: Which radiators are better: bimetallic or aluminum

Calculation of the number of sections depending on the area

Q = S * 100 * k1 * k2 * k3 * k4 * k5 * k6 / P,

  • S – room area,
  • k1 – coefficient of heat loss caused by the type of glazing,
  • k2 is a figure that depends on the ratio of window and room areas,
  • k3 is the thermal insulation coefficient,
  • k4 is the temperature coefficient outside the window,
  • k5 is an indicator of heat loss through a certain number of external walls,
  • k6 – coefficient demonstrating the influence of the level of thermal insulation of the room located above the room,
  • P is the thermal power of one sector (must be specified in W, so kW is converted to W).

Example: let there be room with dimensions 4x3 m (that is, S = 12 m2). She has one external wall, double glass window with an area of ​​3.6 m2. It is located under the heated room. Thermal insulation of the walls is average, and outside the window it is often -25 ° C. In such a room it is planned to install bimetallic batteries with a heat transfer of 0.2 kW.

Since the indicators S and P are known, it remains to determine the magnitude of the coefficients and calculate the number of edges. In this case, the coefficients are:

  • k1 = 1,
  • k2 = 1, (3.6 / 12 * 100 = 30%),
  • k3 = 1,
  • k4 = 1.3,
  • k5 = 1.1,
  • k6 = 0.8.

So Q = 12 * 100 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1.3 * 1.1 * 0.8 / 200 = 6.86 sectors. Since it is worth rounding up, in a room of 12 m2 you need to install a heating radiator with 7 sections. The final figure should still be increased by 30-40% because the thermal power of the sector (in this case is 0.2 kW) is determined for ΔT = 70 °C, that is, for the heating system in which average temperature The coolant is 90 °C (100 at the inlet to the heating battery and 90 at the outlet). This is provided that the room should be 20 °C.

Read also: Choosing batteries for heating an apartment or house

Individual heating systems do not have such a heated coolant, so a heating battery with 7 sections will not have enough kW. Taking this into account, it is necessary to increase its number of edges. To know how many of them need to be added, it is necessary to determine the heat transfer of one segment of the heating radiator at a lower ΔT.

For this they use formula Pс = K * F * Δt, Where:

  • Рс – thermal power of one segment of the heating radiator,
  • K is the heat transfer coefficient,
  • F represents the heating surface area (K and F are often indicated in tables compiled by manufacturers),
  • Δt is the temperature difference (it is measured in °C).
  • tin is the temperature hot water at the entrance,
  • tout is the temperature of the heated water at the outlet,
  • tin represents the desired air temperature in the room.

Determining the number of sections per 1 m2

Some home owners often want to know how many sections are needed per 1 square meter. m. Knowing this indicator, you can calculate their total number by multiplying it by the area.

For different heating radiators, the number of sections per 1 m2 is different. This is due to different thermal power. The number of battery sectors is influenced by the characteristics of the room.

Calculate the number of sections per 1 sq. m can be done using the above formula. However, it does not need to use the space of the room. If we take into account the described condition without taking into account S, Q will be 100 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1.3 * 1.1 * 0.8 / 200 = 0.572 sections / sq. m. Further to determine total figure you need to multiply 0.572 by 12.

The efficiency of a radiator directly depends on the number of sections used in it. Manufacturers of bimetallic batteries produce radiators with varying amounts sections. A wide range of radiators allows us to cover the needs of all developers without exception. The review will talk about calculation of the number of sections of bimetallic heating radiators.

Some bimetallic battery manufacturers have gone even further. Instead of radiator assemblies they offer sections individually. These are so-called freely configurable radiators. Such batteries allow you to quickly adapt radiators to the characteristics of apartments or boiler equipment.

It is worth noting that most bimetallic batteries are sold in a set of 10 sections. If necessary, the number of sections can be reduced or, on the contrary, added. But if you add sections, you will have to buy the same set of 10 sections, which is not always financially beneficial. How to determine how many sections of a bimetallic radiator are needed?.

Calculation of sections (basic formula)

Before directly installing the batteries, you need to calculate the thermal power of the radiators. This parameter is determined by the number of sections. The more sections are used in the battery, the stronger the heat transfer will be. Of course, as the number of sections increases, the cost of the radiator also increases.

The number of sections is not taken from the ceiling. This option calculated using certain formulas.

Basic calculation formula looks like this: W = 100 * S / P, where W is the number of sections (pcs), 100 is the recommended power for 1 square meter of area (W), S is the area of ​​the heated room (m2), P is the thermal power of each section ( W).

Let us give an example of a calculation for an apartment with an area of ​​25 (m2), provided that batteries with a thermal power of 175 (W) are installed in each section. W = 100 * 25 / 175 = 2500 / 175 = 14.29 (pieces). We round the value to 14 sections.

Please note that for more or less spacious rooms, for which it is recommended to use more than 10 sections, it is highly advisable to use more than one radiator, but a larger number of batteries. For example, in this case, when it is necessary to use 14 sections, it is most advisable to mount 2 radiators, 7 sections each.

Regarding the optimal number of sections in the radiator, if we're talking about for the battery under the window opening, then the width of the radiator should occupy 2/3 of the width of the window opening. Roughly speaking, this will be 7-8 sections of a bimetallic radiator.

Why is the above formula considered basic? The calculation is relevant only for rooms with a standard ceiling height (about 2.5-3 meters). If calculations are made for rooms with non-standard ceiling heights, then a different formula is used. It is written about below.

Calculation of sections by room volume

If you do not focus on the standard ceiling height, then you should take into account the volume of the room. According to regulatory framework SNIP for each cubic meter of space must be used 41 (W) thermal energy.

Let's assume that the thermal power of batteries is being calculated for some production workshop or repair shop. The area of ​​the room is 100 (m2), and the ceiling height is 5 (m). It is assumed that bimetallic batteries will be used with a thermal energy of each section of 200 (W). The calculation is made as follows: S * H ​​* 41 / 200, where S * H ​​is the volume of the room (the product of area and height), 41 – thermal energy for each cubic meter of apartment volume, 200 is the thermal power of one radiator section.

100 * 5 *41 / 200 = 500 * 41 / 200 = 20500 / 200 = 102.5 (pcs). We round the value to 103 sections.

It is worth noting separately that the value of the optimal thermal power for each cubic meter of room is standard. If heating is installed on the territory of a facility with sealed metal-plastic double-glazed windows, then for each cubic meter of heated air it is necessary to use 34 (W) thermal energy, instead of 41 (W).

Taking into account the adjustment for energy efficiency, we get the following: 100 * 5 * 34 / 200 = 85 sections.

Calculation of high-precision sections for domestic and administrative facilities

Speaking for the installation of heating on the territory of domestic and administrative facilities, there is a more accurate formula than the basic calculation of sections.

Formula accurate calculation sections has the form: 100 * S * ((K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 + K5 + K6 + K7)/7) / P, where 100 is the optimal thermal power for one meter square area premises, K1 – correction factor for glazing:

  • For ordinary double glass – 1.27
  • For double glazing – 1.0
  • For triple glazing – 0.85

K2 – correction factor for wall thermal insulation:

  • Standard thermal insulation – 1.27
  • Improved thermal insulation – 1.0
  • Good thermal insulation – 0.85

K3 – correction factor for the ratio of window area to floor area:
50% – 1,2

  • 40% – 1,1
  • 30% – 1,0
  • 20% – 0,9
  • 10% – 0,8

K4 – correction factor for temperature in the coldest season of the year:

  • -35 ⁰С – 1.5
  • -25 ⁰С – 1.3
  • -20 ⁰С – 1.1
  • -15 ⁰С – 0.9
  • -10 ⁰С – 0.7

K5 – correction factor for the number of external walls:

  • one wall – 1.1
  • two walls – 1.2
  • three walls – 1.3
  • four walls – 1.4

K6 – correction factor for the type of room is higher:

  • cold attic – 1.0
  • heated attic – 0.9
  • heated living space – 0.8

K7 – correction factor for ceiling height:

  • 2.5 (m) – 1.0
  • 3.0 (m) – 1.05
  • 3.5 (m) – 1.1
  • 4.0 (m) – 1.15
  • 4.5 (m) – 1.2

7 – number of correction factors.

P – thermal power of each section (W).

Let's make the calculation using a more accurate formula. Let us recall that using the basic calculation formula, we obtained a value of 14 sections. This is provided that the room area is 25 (m2), and the power of one section of the bimetallic radiator is 175 (W).

An example of an exact calculation: 100 * 25 * ((1 + 1 + 1.2 + 1.3 + 1.2 + 1 + 1.05)/7) / 175 = 15.81 (pieces). Round up to 16 sections.

Please note that in this case it is advisable to use 2 radiators of 8 sections each. If the room has 1 window opening, then one of the batteries must be located under the window. The radiator located under the window works as a stationary thermal curtain. If indoors 2 windows, then both radiators are mounted under the window openings.

IN this moment You can send your heating calculation application to
Email: [email protected]

Required data for calculation:

  • Qty sq/m.
  • Number of floors in the house
  • Your floor
  • Corner apartment? (Not really)
  • Type of heating radiators (Bimetal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vacuum, Steel - convector, etc.)
  • House model (monolithic/panel/brick/block/other..)
  • Is there a balcony and is it insulated?
  • Window sill height
  • Ceiling height
  • Number of rooms (support with a plan or diagram of the apartment in the attachment for clarity)
  • Number of windows (support with a plan or diagram of the apartment in the attachment for clarity)
  • The most low temperature V winter time+- 10 C
  • Availability suspended ceiling(Not really)
  • Your full name
  • Your phone number (to clarify possible details during calculations, indicate a time convenient for you to call in Moscow)

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You are required to provide the parameters of your apartment:

  • Qty sq/m.
  • Number of floors in the house
  • Your floor
  • Corner apartment? (Not really)


Calculation of bimetallic radiators heating today is a very important task, both for a simple owner of his house or apartment, and for a professional installer and plumber! Calculation of bimetallic radiator sections ours online calculator allows you to easily determine the required number of sections for heating the required room. Thanks to high-quality input data, correctly filled in additional and basic parameters, you will be able to produce calculation of the number of sections of bimetallic radiators within 10-15 seconds!

Bimetallic radiators are very popular because of their heat transfer and reliability; they are also lightweight, which makes their installation very convenient and comfortable. The reliability of this type of radiator lies in the fact that it consists of a steel frame, which in turn has an aluminum skin, which provides excellent heat transfer.

Bimetallic heating radiators calculation which will be a pleasant activity with our online calculator!