Broom is an evergreen shrub from the legume family. Planting and care guide. Early broom plant, planting and care in the Moscow region Broom Zealand

Broom or citius can be an evergreen or leafless shrub or even a small tree. The plant belongs to the legume family and grows naturally along the Mediterranean Sea and in Central Europe. Shrubs with a spreading or compact fluffy crown and long flowering are widely used for decoration. garden plots. Broom bushes are also popular among gardeners because planting and caring for them does not require much effort.

Broom plant: description

The broom bush is a plant up to three meters high, the branches of which are strewn with alternately arranged trifoliate leaves with very small stipules. In the second half of spring, elongated inflorescences in the form of a head or brush are formed on the shoots. They consist of moth flowers of pink, yellow or white. Broom buds have a non-standard structure. They have a two-lipped tubular cup with a boat, wings and a sail. The flowering of the bush continues until July, after which, instead of withered flowers, fruits in the form of beans are formed and ripen, in which small kidney-shaped flat seeds are located.

After planting in open ground, the broom bush blooms after three years.

Types of broom

Broom species for the Moscow region and central Russia are distinguished by a long growing season, during which decorative look The plant lasts until late autumn. The most popular of them include:

Growing broom from seeds

You can grow a beautiful broom bush in your garden from seeds bought in a store or collected yourself. To do this you need:

Shrubs grown from seeds bloom in the third or fourth year.

Willow bushes love well-lit, windless areas with neutral or slightly acidic, sandy light soil. Seedlings or saplings are planted in the garden in April and May. However, you should know that the plant is poisonous, so it is not recommended to plant it near water bodies.

The area for plants should be prepared in advance. The soil for brooms should consist of humus, sand and earth (1:2:1). Mineral fertilizers are additionally applied to poor soils.

Holes for planting seedlings are dug at a distance of thirty centimeters or more from each other. It all depends on what type of plant is planted in the garden. Before planting, the bottom of the hole is filled with pebbles, broken bricks or other drainage, which is covered with prepared nutrient soil mixture, after which the seedling is placed in it. The roots of the plant are covered with soil so that the root collar of the seedling is at ground level.

The planted bush is watered, and the soil around it is sprinkled with mulch, which prevents the growth of weeds and retains moisture.

Features of care

Rakita bushes are unpretentious, so throughout the growing season, caring for them will not take much time. In warm and dry weather, plants should be watered deeply, but not often. If it rains regularly during the season, then watering is not required.

After rain or watering several times a month, weeds are removed around the bushes and the soil is loosened. To avoid damaging the roots, loosening should be carried out to a depth of ten centimeters. If the soil is covered with a layer of mulch of five centimeters, then it does not need to be loosened.

Plants are fed several times a season, which improves their development and growth. In spring, urea or other nitrogen-containing fertilizer is used as fertilizing. In summer, shrubs are fed with phosphorus and potassium mixtures. You can add wood ash to the soil, which can stimulate the growth of shrubs.

To stimulate the formation and growth of new shoots after flowering, the branches of the bush are pruned to the lateral lignified strong branches. Formative pruning is not required for broom bushes.

Many types of broom are winter-hardy and do not need shelter for the winter. It is recommended to cover young bushes in the fall with dry leaves or spruce branches, having previously tilted and pressed the branches to the ground using special brackets.

Vegetative propagation of broom

Broom bushes growing in the garden can be propagated by layering and cuttings

Reproduction by layering

Having chosen a strong and healthy lower shoot in the spring, it should be bent and secured with a pin to a groove dug in advance near the bush. The branch is sprinkled with earth and moistened.

During the season, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and water it regularly. After rooting, the cuttings are separated from the main bush and planted in a permanent place.

Propagation by cuttings

After flowering on the bush, not too young shoots are selected, which need to be cut into cuttings with three leaf nodes. Bottom part the segment is treated with Kornevin or a drug to stimulate root formation.

After this, the cuttings are planted in separate pots and covered with a transparent cap. Rooting should occur at a temperature within +20 degrees. When the cuttings take root, the cover can be removed. Grown plants are planted in open ground in the spring.

Diseases and pests of broom

Can cause severe damage to the plant the following pests:

  1. Broom moth - nondescript butterflies reproduce a large number of caterpillars that feed on vegetative parts of plants. You can get rid of them using organophosphorus or bacterial insecticidal preparations.
  2. The fox moth reproduces quickly by eating green leaves on trees and shrubs. To destroy it, use a 2% chlorophos solution.

Among the diseases, shrubs can be affected by black spot and powdery mildew. At the first signs of these diseases, plants are sprayed with 5% copper sulfate. If this drug does not help, then use potassium sulfur or foundationazole.

Easy to care for, beautifully flowering, decorative bushes brooms are used for landscaping not only gardens, but also parks. They look good in single and group plantings. With their help, heather and rock gardens and rock gardens are created.

Broom is an evergreen shrub. In rare cases, broom can be found in the form small trees. There are about 50 species in the genus. Distribution area:

  • Europe;
  • Africa;
  • Western Siberia.

The height of broom can reach 2.5 meters. Shrubs are used very rarely for landscaping. At the same time, many species can decorate sandy slopes, others are great for single and group plantings. Some varieties have flowers with an incredible aroma.

The plant is a dense bush. It consists of stems with a smooth surface that are bright green or green with a gray tint.

Broom blooms in summer or early spring. Its flowers are visually similar to pea flowers. Possible colors: white, white with a yellow tint, yellow or purple. Golden shower is what people call broom.

In the title photo - popular variety Allgold, its description can be found below.


Broom has 50 species.

Crown (C. purpureus)- a variety that is usually cultivated in areas with warm climates. The shrub can reach a height of 3 meters. The alternate trifoliate leaves are oval in shape. In the axils of the leaves there are small (about 2 cm in diameter) flowers. They are yellow in color. In Europe it is the most common broom. The crown type is very often used in or in single plantings. Combines with such crops as, and.

Prominent flowering (C. emeriflorus Rchb)- a species that is also cultivated in central Russia, since it is highly resistant to frost. Its height rarely exceeds 60 cm. It has small trifoliate leaves. Large, rich yellow flowers are located on elongated stalks. Flowering occurs in June. An excellent choice for rock gardens.

protruding flowering

Russian (C. ruthenicus) is a species that in Russia grows naturally in western Siberia. Height - about 2 meters. The length of the trifoliate leaves is no more than 2 cm. Several flowers form inflorescences in the form of spikelets. Yellow color. Flowering occurs between May and June. Flowering lasts for 25 days. Sometimes it blooms again in late summer and early autumn. Grown as ornamental culture for landscaping gardens and parks. Is poisonous.

Early (C. praecox)- an unpretentious variety that has a height of about 1.5 meters. On long and thin branches there are narrow small leaves. The bright yellow flowers have a very pungent odor. Flowering occurs in May. This is a frost-resistant species and prefers sandy soil. It is used in single and group plantings, for landscaping gardens, parks, and for decorating borders and sandy slopes.

Kewes (C. kewensis)- very popular broom in Europe. This is a low growing shrub. Its height does not exceed 0.5 meters. It has drooping branches with trifoliate green leaves. White flowers with a yellowish tint bloom on the branches. Kyus broom is an excellent choice for rocky gardens.


Creeping (C. decummbens)- beautiful, bright look. Height - about 20 cm. Very lush, plentiful flowering shrub. On creeping shoots there are elongated or lanceolate leaves with a pubescent surface. The flowers are yellow. Ideal for rocky gardens and group plantings.


Purple (C. purpureus)- a spectacular variety. This is a ground cover shrub, has a height of no more than 60 cm. From the beginning of June to mid-July it blooms with small lilac or purple flowers, some varieties have white flowers. Often used in rock gardens, rocky gardens, single and group plantings.



Boskoop Ruby- a variety of early broom. A very decorative crop. Small green leaves are located on flexible and thin branches. The flowers are particularly beautiful. They are numerous. The flowers are red on the outside and pink with a purple tint in the center. Used as a very effective tapeworm, also used in rockeries, single and group plantings. The height of the Boskop Ruby can reach 2 meters. Flowering begins in April and lasts for a month.

Early broom Zeelandia- it is unpretentious and ornamental shrub. The narrow leaves have a beautiful green color. The flowers are pink on the outside and pink with a peach tint on the inside. Loves warmth and sun. Requires shelter for the winter. Beautiful in alpine roller coaster, as well as in group and single plantings.

Allgold- This is another variety of an early species. Grows up to 1.5 meters. The crown can be up to 2 meters wide. The oblong or lanceolate leaves are light green in color. Yellow flowers have strong aroma. Flowering occurs at the end of spring. The variety prefers sun and sandy soil. Early broom Algold is frost resistant. Can adapt to city conditions.

Lena is a spreading bush that grows up to 1.5 meters. It gains about 15 cm in height per year. Abundant flowering begins in May and ends in mid-June. The flowers are dark gold on the inside and red on the outside. Prefers sun and warmth winter time needs to be covered. Lena - coronal broom. Used in rocky and heather gardens. Grown in groups and singly.

Andreas Splendens- coronal broom. It measures about 1.5 meters in height and width. The flowers are bright yellow with brown edges. This is a sun-loving variety that is undemanding to soil. Blooms from May to June. Andrianus is used in rock gardens, group and single plantings.

Palette- This is a compact bush. Its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The diameter of the red-yellow flowers can reach 3 cm. This is a Dutch variety. Blooms from May to June. Very resistant to frost. Loves light and can grow even in poor soils. The variety is excellent for decoration garden plot, curbs. Grown in rocky gardens. Also suitable for growing in groups or alone.

Holland- spectacular decorative variety. Height no more than 1.5 meters. The spreading crown is also 1.5 meters wide. Carmine-colored flowers are very numerous. Abundant flowering lasts from April to May. This sun-loving variety is resistant to frost and city conditions. Great for decorating gardens, parks, single plantings and groups.


Albus- This is a variety of early broom. It features round and compact shapes. The height and width of the bush reaches 1.2 meters. The flowers are white with a yellow tint. Flowering begins in May and lasts until the end of June. The variety is resistant to frost.

Crown broom B Burkwoodii- a very bright elegant shrub. The height does not exceed two meters. Features colorful and abundant flowering. The flowers are red-coral with a golden border. The flowers are very numerous. They have a diameter of up to 3 cm. This is a sun-loving, frost-resistant and drought-resistant variety. Can grow in poor soils. Burkwoodie is great choice for decorating garden plots, looks great in rocky gardens and group plantings.


Windlesham ruby- This is a bush up to 2 meters high. The upright shoots have oblong green leaves. The flowers are red. They bloom from April to May. The variety prefers warmth and lack of wind. Used in rock gardens, group plantings and individually.

Maria Burkwood- a shrub whose height and width reach 1.5 meters. The flowers are pink-purple in color. The variety loves sun and abundant watering. It is drought and frost resistant. Maria Barkwood is perfect for planting in rocky gardens and slopes. The varietal variety is suitable for group and solitary plantings. Flowering begins in May and ends in early June.

golden rain- a varietal variety of broom. This is a drought-resistant and sun-loving variety. Small flowers are yellow in color. Flowering begins in June and ends in July. The variety is excellent as a tapeworm, suitable for rock gardens, flower beds and heather gardens.

Firefly is a crown shrub that has a spherical shape. The height does not exceed 1.5 meters. It grows about 20 cm per year. Yellow flowers with a brown border grow along the entire length of long green shoots. The variety loves warmth and sun. For the winter, the bush needs to be covered. The variety is excellent in single and group plantings, rock gardens, and heather gardens.

Planting and transplanting

To plant broom, you need to choose a place. It should be open and warm. It is also very important that the bush is protected from the winds. It needs to be planted in April and May.

Broom is an undemanding shrub; many of its species can grow in poor soils. However for better flowering And good development you need to choose light, sandy soil. Acidity should be low or neutral.

Important! The plant should not be planted near bodies of water. Broom contains toxic substances that can have harmful effects.

The soil should consist of:

  1. Sand;
  2. Earth;
  3. Humus.

All components must be taken in a ratio of 2:1:1. If the soil is too poor, it would be a good idea to add mineral fertilizers.

Broom seedlings are planted in the ground at a distance of about 30 cm from each other.

How are seedlings planted?

  1. Prepare a hole with substrate. Plant a seedling in it so that its root collar is at ground level;
  2. You need to prepare in advance drainage layer. Its thickness (10-20 cm) depends on the quality of the soil. The heavier the soil, the thicker the drainage should be. Crushed brick or pebbles are suitable for drainage;
  3. After planting, the seedling is covered with earth. Compact the earth around it and water it abundantly;
  4. To better retain moisture, it is advisable to mulch the soil. This will also prevent the growth of weeds.

If necessary, you can replant the plant. For replanting, you need to use soil that includes:

  • Turf land;
  • Humus;
  • Sand.

Care and winter hardiness

Broom does not require much attention or special care, however, in order for the plant to feel comfortable, it is necessary to follow some rules of agricultural technology.

Watering should be plentiful, but not frequent. Because the crop is drought-resistant. At the same time, stagnation of moisture in the soil should not be allowed. If it rains often, then additional watering of the plant is not required.

One of the important measures is loosening the soil around the bush and weeding out weeds. There is no need to loosen the soil too deeply so as not to damage the roots of the broom. It is enough to loosen 10 cm deep. Loosening can be replaced by mulching the soil. Peat is used as mulch. The soil should be mulched no deeper than 5 cm.

Broom needs to be fed in spring and summer. In the spring, urea or another fertilizer that contains nitrogen is suitable as a top dressing. In summer, fertilizers that contain phosphorus and potassium are used. Also suitable for stimulating shrub growth wood ash. Feeding in the spring-summer period is required once every two weeks.

To form a crown, you do not need to trim the bush. Pruning is advisable only in summer, when flowering ends. This is important so that more young shoots with buds are formed.

Most varieties of broom have high resistance to frost, however, it is important to follow several rules so that the plant survives the winter well:

  • It is advisable to cover young shrubs for the winter;
  • Low-growing varieties need to be covered with spruce branches;
  • If the bush is tall, then it must be pressed to the ground using special brackets, and spruce branches should be placed on top or covered with dry leaves;
  • Adult specimens usually do not need shelter for the winter.

Care in the Moscow region

In the Moscow region, it is necessary to pick up broom just like in other areas. Firstly, you should choose varieties that tolerate frost well. Secondly, shrubs need to be covered for the winter. This is especially true for young specimens. It is advisable to use spruce branches as a material for shelter.

Otherwise, the rules of care do not change. It is necessary to plant broom in sunny and warm places where there is no wind. Water abundantly, waiting for the top layer of soil to dry, feed in spring and summer mineral fertilizers and regularly loosen the soil.


The plant can be propagated in two ways:

  • Seeds;
  • Vegetatively (by cuttings or layering).

Description of propagation by seed method:

  1. Fill containers with soil. It should be light; sand and peat soil will do. Deepen the seeds into the soil to a depth of no more than 5 mm. Cover the crops with film. They need to be periodically ventilated and the soil moistened. Sowing must be done at the end of summer;
  2. Place the container in a place where there is no sun. The temperature where the container is located should be about 20 degrees;
  3. By spring the first shoots will appear. They need to be planted in separate pots. For picking, it is necessary to prepare a special substrate from turf soil, sand and humus. All components are taken in a ratio of 2:1:1;
  4. After the seedlings are planted in open ground and take root successfully, pinching of the main shoot is required. This will ensure better branching of the bush.

To propagate by cuttings, after flowering it is necessary to cut off a sufficiently mature shoot that has at least three leaves. The cuttings should be planted in containers and covered with glass. They need to be ventilated and moistened periodically. Use the same soil as when growing from seeds. Rooted cuttings are planted in open ground in the spring.

For propagation by layering, lower branches are required. Which spread along the soil, bend them to the ground using special brackets. They need to be sprinkled with soil on top. It is important to constantly moisten the cuttings. When the cuttings are accepted, they must be separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place.

Broom in containers

Many thermophilic varietal varieties brooms can be grown in containers at home. At the same time, in summer time The plant can be taken out to the balcony, veranda or even into the yard, and taken into a warm room in the autumn-winter.

Variety ‘Burkwoodii’ in a pot.

Variety Allgold in container culture.

Application in landscape design

Broom is very often used for landscaping gardens and parks. It is perfect for different types landscape design. The shrub looks good both in group and single plantings. But most often broom is used in creating rocky and heather gardens.

The shrub looks great against the backdrop of cereals and coniferous crops. Some varieties will decorate sandy slopes.

Composition of three types of broom.


Let us repeat, you cannot plant broom near ponds where fish live, since the toxic substances that the plant contains can have a detrimental effect on them.

Video review

A story from experts about how to grow broom correctly. Material from the video channel "Garden Center Greensad". Emphasis is also placed on choosing the right variety, since not everyone will grow successfully in the Moscow region.

Landing: There are no special requirements. The plant responds well to fertilization. All plants purchased from the PROXIMA nursery are provided with long-acting fertilizers with the latest formulas from the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden center without additional fertilizing throughout the year. But the greatest advantage of buying plants in a container is that they can be planted without additional fertilizer from March to December - even in the heat of summer.

Care: An important part of caring for Broom early varieties Albus involves annual pruning, weeding, loosening and watering.

Trimming: After the first flowering, in June, Albus Broom is recommended to be pruned and fed at the same time. Tall branches are pruned by about 1/3, without affecting the old wood, but the young root shoots lightly pinch to encourage branching. They also remove several old stems at the root. This provides room for new shoots to grow at the roots.

Mineral fertilizers: Near tree trunk circles sprinkle 3 g per 1 kg of an imaginary lump with balanced NPK + Me (with microelements) in the spring - nitrogen, in the summer - phosphorus, August - September - potassium. We recommend that you conduct regular foliar treatments mineral and organic fertilizers with an adhesive with acidified water, for example Valagro (Plantafol, Megafol), etc.

Diseases and pests: Broom is practically not susceptible to attacks from pests and diseases. Untreated plants can be damaged by fungal diseases (powdery mildew, black spot) or pests (moth moth, moth). The main thing is to identify the pest or make a diagnosis in order to choose the right plant protection product. To protect the plant from diseases and fungal infections, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides (Skor, Switch, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Quadris, Radomil Gold, etc.). In the spring and again in the summer, preventive spraying is carried out with insecticides (Aktara, Enzhio, Aktellik, Match). A modern gardener, using the Internet, can independently identify the enemy and select drugs that will help protect the plant. It’s better to do it once a month preventive treatments What to treat when the pest multiplies and “eats” the plant. An example is the war between Ukrainian gardeners and Colorado potato beetles, who, like their human “cotton” namesakes - the Kremlin occupiers of “Colorado”, are gluttonous, and climb into other people’s gardens. The first and second must be destroyed before they spread over large areas.

Soil pests: An untreated plant may be damaged by cutworms. Compared to the voracious larva of the May beetle, other pests are rare on a well-groomed plant. Over the past 10 years, Khrushchev, especially on humus-rich, weed-free soils, has become the most dangerous pest garden plants Ukraine. One beetle larva can gnaw off in 1 day root system a young 10-30cm seedling, completely destroying it. From mid-April, when we see the first flying beetle, we URGENTLY treat the crown with any of the numerous preparations based on imidacloprid, for example Prestige (Bayer), Antikhrushch, while part of the solution must get onto the trunk (10 cm above the ground) and the root collar and not spill to the side . We repeat similar treatments every 40-50 days of the growing season. We pour it into the ground according to the instructions; Aktara is also effective. Treatment along the crown and topping up the root collar into the soil from late April to September once every 40-60 days.

Not yet widespread enough in landscape gardening landscape designs, a plant called “Broom”, confidently and deservedly takes its position in this area. Unpretentious perennial shrubs impress with a fluffy compact or, conversely, spreading cascading crown, densely covered fragrant flowers. The abundant and long-lasting flowering of broom causes real admiration among others.

This decorative crop attracts not only its spectacular appearance, but also its ease of cultivation. How to plant broom correctly and provide proper care for the plant is described in detail in this article. And for those who nevertheless decided to grow an exotic crop on their plot, a varietal description of the plant and detailed video lesson

Broom, plant description

  • Broom is a member of the legume family, there are about 50 species. Most often, these are quite tall (up to 3 meters) deciduous shrubs, less often – small fragile trees.

  • The birthplace of broom is considered middle lane Europe. The habitat has also spread to Western Asia and North Africa.
  • Shrubs attract attention with their decorative appearance, forming a dense green or bluish-pubescent crown.
  • The leaves of broom are trifoliate, alternately arranged and have very small stipules. Some species have spines on the stem.
  • The main decoration of the plant are the flowers: white, yellow or pink. The inflorescences are a raceme or head, elongated, up to 2-3 cm in size, reminiscent of pea flowers. moth flowers have a tubular two-lipped cup with a sail, wings and a boat. This unusual structure of the flower allows the stamens to shed pollen as soon as the bee lands on the flower. The flowering period occurs in the second half of spring until July. The broom blooms for the first time after 3 years of age.

  • The fruits of broom are cracking elongated beans; The seeds are small, flat, kidney-shaped.

  • A honey plant, broom, loves open and sunny areas.
  • An otherwise unpretentious crop, broom is found in ravines, forest edges and even on rocky slopes. This decorative adaptability allows it to be planted in similar, non-standard and unacceptable places for other plants.
  • The species diversity of the shrub is represented mainly by wild species. About 15 species of broom are grown in cultivation. A plant that is not widespread enough in the cultural landscape, deserves more attention from gardeners due to its original appearance and ease of care.
  • There are also poisonous broom varieties.

Types of broom

All types of broom in the middle climatic zone are characterized by an early and long vegetative period, when the first leaves appear in May and this attractive and decorative appearance persists until frost.

Let's consider the most popular types broom

Crown broom (Cytisus scoparius)

This is a deciduous tall shrub, densely planted with yellow flowers. Coronal broom can grow up to 3 meters in height. Green leaves fall early enough in preparation for the winter cold. Frost-resistant (withstands down to -20 ° C) and widely cultivated species.

This ornamental shrub is planted both in large rock gardens and individually. When planted, it goes well with evergreen conifers.

It has many decorative varieties, distinguished by bright red and even two-colored inflorescences.

Kyus broom (Cytisus kewensis)

A dwarf spreading species, reaching a height of about 0.3-0.5 m, and a width of up to 2 m. Numerous shoots of Kyus broom spread almost along the surface of the earth. The flowers are large, creamy, and warm in color.

This species is an excellent option for decorating small rocky gardens or rock gardens.

Protuberant broom (Cytisus emeriflorus)

This species also has other names - edge-flowered or floating-flowered, associated with the structural features of the flower. Large, yellow color, the corollas are planted on long stalks, which creates the impression of inflorescences floating under the leaf or protruding forward.

Cold-resistant species, grows no more than 0.6 m in height.

Early broom (Cytisus praecox)

Unpretentious, medium height(1-1.5 m) shrub, characterized by a thick, dense crown formed by spreading and arched shoots. The plant acquires a light green color due to its narrow, elongated leaves.

Broom blooms in May, with abundant fiery yellow flowers with a sharp, specific aroma.

Frost-resistant species, widely used in landscaping and strengthening sandy slopes. Looks great in group border plantings.

The most famous variety is “Allgold”, which blooms very early, even before the leaves bloom. Also popular is the broom variety “Zealandia”, characterized by abundant and very beautiful soft pink flowering.

Crowded broom (Cytisus aggregatus)

A dwarf species, growing in height no more than half a meter. The diameter of the bush is almost twice its height.

Flowering occurs in the summer and continues until autumn. The inflorescences are deep yellow.

Light-loving, rapidly growing (blooms from the age of 3), the plant looks harmonious in gardening plant compositions.

Creeping broom (Cytisus decumbens)

A popular low-growing (0.2 m) shrub with a spreading and slightly pubescent crown.

Abundant flowering has made this species the leader among all representatives of the broom family. Yellow shades, the flowers densely cover the entire bush, which gives the plant an unusually spectacular appearance.

Cold-hardy, planted both in groups and individually.

Russian broom (Cytisus ruthenicus)

Resistant to climatic conditions Russia, this type grows no more than 2 m in height. Branches, grayish in color, straight or arched, slightly pubescent. The inflorescence is mixed: racemose-spike-shaped with a small number of yellow flowers. The plant blooms in May for almost the whole month.

Broom grows on slopes or along roads and is poisonous.

Broom propagation

The shrub reproduces by seed and vegetative ways(cuttings, layering).


This method is used for species of broom.

  • Ripe seeds, collected at the end of summer, are sown in containers and placed in a shaded place. The soil mixture for seeds should be light, for example, sand and peat. Seed the seeds shallowly, up to 5 mm, ensuring their subsequent constant moistening and ventilation.
  • Supporting temperature regime about 20°C, the seeds sprout vigorously in the spring.
  • Then the seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate pots with a special soil mixture (turf soil: humus: sand in a ratio of 2:1:1/2). In the spring, after replanting and successful rooting, it is necessary to pinch the central shoot, thus ensuring subsequent branching of the broom. In just 3-4 years, the bush will delight you with its first flowers.
  • If seeds are sown directly in open ground in the spring, they are first hardened, ensuring higher germination. Stratification is carried out for two months before sowing.


The method is often used for hybrid broom species.

  • Cuttings.

In the summer, after the broom has finished flowering, they begin preparing cuttings for propagating the shrub. To do this, not too young shoots with 3-4 leaf nodes are cut.

The cuttings are planted in separate containers and covered glass jar for rooting. The care conditions are the same as when germinating seeds. Rooted cuttings are planted in open ground in the spring.

  • By layering.

The lower branches of broom creeping along the ground are rooted by bending them with special brackets and sprinkled with earth. Thus, providing the layering with constant sufficient moisture, subsequently, full-fledged seedlings are formed.

Rooted cuttings are separated from the mother bush and planted separately.

Planting broom

When planting broom, seedlings or seeds, choose an open, warm and windless place. Planting is best done in spring (April to May).

It is preferable to choose light, sandy soil with neutral or low acidity.

The only limitation is that you should not plant the plant near water bodies, due to the fact that the toxic substances contained in broom can have a detrimental effect on the living fauna of the pond.

Features of planting broom

  • The plant should be planted in a previously prepared soil mixture of soil, sand and humus in an approximate ratio of 1:2:1.
  • If the soil composition is poor and poor, it is better to additionally add mineral fertilizers.
  • When planting seedlings, it is important to maintain a distance of at least 30 cm between plants.
  • You can buy seedlings for planting broom at any specialized point of sale. It is better to choose a grown plant with a closed root system.

Agricultural planting technology

  • Place the seedling in a prepared hole with soil mixture so that its root collar is at ground level.
  • Optimal condition for development young plant There will also be a pre-prepared drainage layer. Moreover, its thickness in the landing pit will depend on quality composition soil (from 10 to 20 cm). The heavier and denser the soil, the larger the drainage layer. Used as drainage broken brick or pebbles.
  • After filling and compacting the soil after planting, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly.
  • By mulching the soil around the seedling, it will be possible to better retain moisture, aerate the soil and prevent the growth of weeds.

Broom care

Broom does not require special care or constant attention; it is enough to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology and the plant will feel comfortable in the garden.


  • Broom is a fairly drought-resistant plant, so it is better to water it abundantly, but not often, to prevent stagnation of moisture.
  • And under conditions of systematic precipitation, additional moisture is not required at all.


  • Loosening the soil around the bush and removing weeds is a necessary measure for caring for the plant.
  • Loosening should not be done too deep, up to 10 cm, so as not to damage the root system of the broom.
  • The optimal replacement for loosening can be mulching the soil with peat about 5 cm.

Top dressing

  • Fertilizer application is an important agrotechnical technique that improves plant growth and development.
  • Experts recommend carrying out several feedings during the period of active vegetative growth.
  • In the spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea) are applied, in the summer - potassium and phosphorus mixtures. The dosage of fertilizing is calculated according to the instructions.
  • If additional stimulation of broom growth is necessary, wood ash is also added.


  • The broom does not require any special shaping or pruning.
  • But, after flowering, in order to form even more young shoots with buds, its branches are pruned to strong lignified lateral branches.

Preparing for winter

  • To avoid freezing of young (up to 3 years old) shrubs, it is better to additionally cover them before the onset of cold weather.
  • If the bush is low, it is enough to cover it with spruce branches. In the case of taller broom, the branches are pressed to the ground with special brackets and covered with leaves or the same spruce branches.
  • Adult plants, as a rule, are quite winter-hardy and do not need such a procedure.

Growing in a container

  • Some heat-loving broom varieties are also grown as a houseplant. Then, in warm weather, the pots are placed on Fresh air, and in winter they are brought indoors.

Pest and disease control

  • Broom is a fairly disease-resistant crop.
  • If powdery mildew, use 5% copper sulfate, which is used to treat the plant when the buds have not yet opened. If signs of the disease continue to appear, spraying with foundationazole or colloidal sulfur helps in the summer. In case of broom disease with black spot, similar measures are carried out.
  • When attacked by pests, use appropriate insecticides. Thus, the pest moth that appears on the leaves is easily exterminated with a 0.2% chlorophos solution. And the moth is “afraid” of bacterial and organophosphate insecticides.

Application of broom

  • The most common use of broom bushes is to design park and garden areas and various landscapes. The attractive decorative appearance of the plant could not help but interest landscape designers. Both single and group plantings of broom are practiced. A long-flowering shrub with an unusually beautiful crown that looks impressive against the background of conifers or cereal plants. Contrast color range advantageously emphasizes the diversity of planted ornamental crops.

  • In the pharmaceutical industry, poisonous alkaloids contained in broom are used.
  • Blooming in early spring, broom varieties are excellent for cutting.

  • Broom is an excellent honey plant.
  • Broom is used in chemical industry when producing yellow dye and dyeing natural wool.
  • Durable wood from bush branches is used to make small crafts.
  • In the cosmetics industry, perfumes made from fragrant varieties broom

Thus, with so many advantages and favorable qualities, broom can easily be grown on your own plot. Love for species diversity flora will serve as an additional incentive to grow broom. And the spectacular decorative appearance of the plant and ease of care will help you quickly realize your plans.

Broom, photo gallery

Video: “Broom. Features of broom. Broom care"

Small flowers, similar to pea flowers, literally strew broom bushes in spring and early summer. They are yellow, cream, orange or red. Brooms can be either prostrate shrubs or small trees. Many form graceful, spreading forms with slender branches and exquisite green leaves.

Each flower has five petals: the top one is called a sail, two narrow ones are called oars, and the two lower ones fused together are called a boat. Flowers are usually 1-2 cm long, solitary or in racemes. The leaves are small, usually about 5 mm long and 2 mm wide.

All of the plants described here are deciduous, many with new leaves remaining on the plant for only a few months. They are quite winter-hardy, prefer sandy soil and bright lighting. Brooms do not live long, but it takes about 10 years before they die off and become unsightly, leggy skeletons, especially in heavy and poorly drained soils. Homeland - Europe, Asia Minor and S. Africa.

The plants below are divided into two groups: low-growing shrubs and large shrubs.

Low growing shrubs

S. ardotmi (R. Arduana)

Bright yellow flowers abundantly cover this dense, almost prostrate shrub. The leaves are small, gray-green, trifoliate, hairy. The height and diameter of the plant is 10x30 cm (3-4 years). Maximum height - 20 cm.

S. beanii (R. beana)

The flowers are golden yellow, appear singly or in racemes of 2-3. The leaves are linear, green, pubescent. The height and diameter of the plant is 30x60 cm (3-4 years). Maximum height - 40 cm.

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Lyadvenets plant: photos, types, cultivation, planting and care

S. "Cottage"

It is a low growing, erect shrub with numerous creamy yellow flowers and trifoliate green leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 30x40 cm (3-4 years). Maximum height is 40 cm.

S. kewensis (R. Q)

It is a low, spreading shrub with masses of light sulfur-yellow flowers. The leaves are trifoliate, green, the stems are finely pubescent. The height and diameter of the plant is 30x100 cm (3-4 years). Maximum height - 40 cm.

Large shrubs

S. battandieri (R. battandier)

The flowers are golden-yellow, pineapple-scented, collected in conical inflorescences up to 10 cm long, bloom from late spring to mid-summer. Young shoots and large trifoliate leaves are covered with silky white hairs, giving the plant silver color. This erect, almost tree-like broom grows best against a south-facing wall. The height and diameter of the plant is 3x3 m (3-4 years). Maximum height -4 m.

S. "Burkwoodii"

This powerful, erect broom produces numerous flowers with cherry-colored sails and dark red, yellow-edged paddles. Leaves are lanceolate, silver-gray.

Avoid planting brooms in soil that is too acidic or very alkaline.

The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8x1.5 m (3-4 years). Maximum height - 3 m.

S. "Fulgens"

The flowers are orange-yellow and dark red, 2 cm long. The leaves are inconspicuous, usually trifoliate, 6-15 mm long. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m (3-4 years). Maximum height -1.8 m.

S. "Golden Cascade"

This is an elegant shrub with semi-dropping shoots and small, mostly trifoliate leaves. The flowers are golden yellow, 3 cm long. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.4 m (3-4 years). Maximum height - 1.8 m.

S. "Hollandia"

The small (up to 12 mm long) flowers have a light cream sail contrasting with the cherry oars. The plants form a loose bush with mostly trifoliate leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.5 m (3-4 years). Maximum height - 2.4 m.

Read also:

Caragana plant / Yellow acacia: Photos, types, cultivation, planting and care

S. "Killiney Salmon"

Compact upright shrub with salmon-red flowers and brighter orange oar petals. The bush is compact, with straight ascending branches. The leaves are trifoliate. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m (3-4 years). Maximum height - 1.5 m.

S. "Lena"

Red and yellow flowers are produced in abundance on this upright, compact plant. The leaves are dark green, trifoliate. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m (3-4 years). Maximum height - 1.8 m.

S. "Minstead"

Thin, arched shoots are covered with a mass of small creamy-white flowers with purple paddles. The leaves are inconspicuous, mostly trifoliate. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m (3-4 years). Maximum height - 1.8 m.

S. multiflorus (R. multiflorum)

It is an upright shrub with gracefully arching branches that bear feathery inflorescences of white flowers. The leaves are gray-green, up to 1.5 cm long. Upper leaves simple, lower trifoliate. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.6x1.5 m (3-4 years). Maximum height - 2.4 m.

S. nigricans (R. blackish)

This rounded shrub is covered in bright yellow flowers from mid-summer to early fall. The flowers are helmet-shaped, fragrant, 2.5 cm long, collected in straight pyramidal inflorescences. The leaves are small, green, trifoliate. One of the most stable species for cultivation in Russia. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1 m (3-4 years). Maximum height - 1.5 m.

S. "Porlock"

The flowers are bright yellow, fragrant, appear already in the middle of winter if this hybrid is planted in a greenhouse. Flowers are solitary or in racemes of four. The leaves are light green, trifoliate, semi-evergreen, about 1.5 cm long. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8 x 1.4 m (3-4 years). Maximum height - 3 m.

S. paecox (R. early)

The flowers are light yellow and appear in abundance in the middle and late spring on the arched shoots of this compact shrub before the leaves. The leaves are silky, gray-green, and do not live long. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1 m (3-4 years). Maximum height - 1.2 m.