DIY radius cabinet. How to make a bend of any radius from plasterboard Necessary fittings and components

The popularity of rounded cabinets is growing rapidly. This is due to the original aesthetic and structural characteristics of such products, allowing them to fit harmoniously into any interior. About the subtleties self-made We will describe radius sliding wardrobes further.

  • Features and Benefits
  • Types of radius sliding wardrobes
    • Tools and materials
    • Work order
    • Some installation details

Features and Benefits

Radius sliding wardrobes have unusual shape, which allows them to be placed in almost any room. This type of furniture will be especially relevant in small rooms because it takes up little space. The side wall of a straight cabinet is at least 60 centimeters wide. In contrast, radius structures may not have side walls. Therefore, where there is no room for a regular wardrobe, you can put radius cabinet. Reviews about such furniture are mostly positive.

These products can be made in almost any shape. Thanks to sliding mechanism, such a design can be easily “hidden” in a niche. A corner radius wardrobe is most often installed in a small room. However, it does not interfere with movement.

Aluminum profiles are used in the production of such cabinets. It can be lined with more than five hundred types of plastic, each of which has its own color, pattern and texture. In total, up to a thousand different types can be used in the manufacture of such a cabinet. decorative materials.

Types of radius sliding wardrobes

Radius wardrobe: photo

There are two main types of radius sliding wardrobes:

  • case,
  • built-in

In the first case, they are an independent piece of furniture with all the details that a radius sliding wardrobe should have. Built-in products have no back and side walls, as well as a ceiling and floor. Each of these types of cabinets has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Thus, cabinet products are mobile, they can be easily moved, which gives the owner more options. For obvious reasons, the same cannot be done with built-in options. But their shape and size are designed exactly for the place where they will be installed. In addition, they usually have large capacity while taking up less space. To install this type of radius sliding wardrobe, you do not need to level the floor, walls and ceiling. To avoid this work, it is enough to carefully do necessary measurements.

Accessories for radius sliding wardrobes

Any sliding wardrobes have sliding system. In this case, steel and aluminum profiles can be used for its manufacture. It is best to use the second option, but the cost is higher than steel.

As for the thickness of the aluminum profile, it should be greater than 1.2 millimeters. If the dimensions are smaller, they may fall out sheet material facade or anodizing the coating, which will require its restoration in the future. This is especially true for acrylic glasses, which often bend immediately when installed in the profile. To bend this material to a radius of 1000 millimeters, you need to apply a force of at least 100 kilograms. Therefore, when using acrylic glass, you should understand that after installation they will be under constant tension. Therefore, the profile must be strong enough to withstand such a load.

It should be said that today you can find on sale a ready-made bent profile for facades with a width of up to 2500 millimeters and a radius from 300 to 5000 millimeters.

When selecting a profile Special attention It is worth paying attention to the products of such manufacturers as Absolut, Komandor, Raumplus, Aristo and others.

Depending on the type of sliding, systems can be of two types:

  • Hanging mechanisms.
  • Mechanisms with a lower sliding system.
  • In the first case, the door hangs on rollers installed in the upper guide. Thus, it is fixed only Bottom part doors Similar systems They wear out quite quickly and are considered unreliable. This is mainly due to the fact that the entire load in this case falls on the cabinet.

    The second option is best suited for radius structures, namely mechanisms with a lower sliding system. In this case, the door is attached and fixed to the top track. The rollers are installed in the lower guide. This design allows the cabinet to last longer.

    It’s worth mentioning the doors of the radius sliding wardrobe. It consists of several elements:

  • So, the design has vertical side profiles, which, in fact, play the role of handles. They are asymmetrical and symmetrical. With the help of the first, the sash is divided into outer and outer side. When using symmetrical profiles, doors look the same on both sides.
  • The design also has upper asymmetrical rollers, with the help of which the door is held in the opening.
  • To install the rollers and fix the door in the upper profile, the upper frame is used.
  • The mounting location for the wheels is the lower frame. Thanks to it, the door slides correctly along the guide.
  • Any door has internal filling, which may vary. For example, glass, mirrors, and wood are used as fillers.
  • To soften the impact of the door, a seal is attached to the vertical side profile. In addition, it protects the structure from dust.
  • You also need a door plug that secures the side profiles.
  • To adjust the slide, you will need adjustment and assembly screws.
  • In order for the door to be fixed in a certain position, a stopper or positioner is needed.
  • Chipboard is used as the material for the side walls, roof and door of the radius cabinet. For the back wall, it is allowed to use fiberboard with a thickness of 3 millimeters.
  • How to make a radius sliding wardrobe with your own hands

    Design of a radius sliding wardrobe

    The dimensions of the radius cabinet can be selected using online designer. Given software allows you to set parameters such as height, width and depth of the future cabinet.

    After which it is selected required amount doors, the shape of the future product, the type of material and filling for the door. The result of these manipulations is finished project radius sliding wardrobe.

    To ensure the result meets your expectations, you should follow some design tips:

  • So, first of all, you need to decide on the location for installing the cabinet, and what the functions of the future product will be.
  • No more than two sections should be allocated for clothing. Things will be arranged according to the season for which they are intended.
  • It is recommended to make the cabinet depth at least 600 millimeters. This is enough to conveniently arrange the shelves.
  • If you need to install built-in lights in the closet, then its roof will need to be brought forward by about 120-170 millimeters.
  • It is not recommended to make the width of the shelves more than 650 millimeters. Otherwise they may bend. The distance between them should be no more than 350 millimeters.
  • As for the sashes, their width must be at least 500 millimeters. With smaller dimensions they may fall out of the guides.
  • If possible, it is recommended to design a built-in or semi-built-in radius wardrobe; it is more spacious and takes up less space.
  • When designing, it is also important to know the following:

  • The number of doors must match the number of compartments.
  • The thickness of the chipboard directly affects the strength and appearance closet
  • All radius wardrobe doors must have the same width.
  • To store things you should do drawers.
  • To ensure that doors open normally, pull-out baskets should not be placed opposite the door frames.
  • Before making a radius sliding wardrobe, you need to measure the width of the walls between which it will be installed, as well as the height of the ceiling. Then you should decide on the type of future product.

    Tools and materials

    To work you will need the following tools:

  • Drill.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Square.
  • Pencil.
  • In addition, you will need following materials:

  • Cabinet drawings.
  • Furniture board(thickness 18 millimeters).
  • Drawers, handles, hangers, guides.
  • Doors.
  • Necessary accessories.
  • Side, bottom and top false panels.
  • Work order

  • Using a pencil and level, mark on the wall where they will be installed. vertical racks, the location of the profiles should be marked on the ceiling.
  • After this, mark the height of the shelves.
  • Holes are drilled for the dowels and driven into them using a hammer.
  • We install the mezzanine shelf according to the previously made markings.
  • We install the side profile.
  • We assemble the cabinet contents (shelves, drawers, etc.) according to previously made drawings.
  • We install false panels. They are fixed with a screwdriver to the ceiling, floor and side wall.
  • We attach the upper and lower profiles to the installed false panels.
  • We install the cabinet door. To do this, we attach vertical profiles to its sides. We install the door seal (rubber or silicone).
  • We fix the upper and lower door frames.
  • Checking for correct sliding installed door.
  • Some installation details

  • Radius facades are moved apart using rollers moving along guides. Such roller systems can be supported by a support or hanging method. The ceiling is most often used for mounting them. If you went the same way, then you should know that the ceiling must be made of durable materials. Drywall and similar structures are not suitable for the simple reason that they cannot withstand long-term loads. On average, this load is 30 kilograms. Plus, every time the door moves, vibrations are created.
  • Important point: if a façade is being manufactured with a radius of less than 1800 millimeters, then the design will need to use at least four bent separating profiles. They will reduce the load on the sliding sash frame.
  • From the above we can conclude that the final quality of the product largely depends on the parameters of the sliding sash.

    Thanks to this technique, a dynamic effect is created, which allows you to visually increase the space of the room. The easiest way is to order such a facade from a furniture manufacturer, where for a fee they will make a model for you according to your requirements and parameters. But this is the simplest option. Despite the fact that all this seems complicated, you can make such furniture yourself, without the help of specialists. This article will help you understand how to make a curved facade yourself.

    The use of curved facades is often found in kitchen sets, prefabricated furniture structures or to make a radius cabinet. This is done in order to give a beautiful and stylish look to your furniture, and most importantly, for maximum use the entire space in the room. Another plus is that the sharp corners will not cause damage to both the housewife and the children, who often run around such pieces of furniture.

    But to do this work yourself, you should consider some points:

    1. To calculate such modules, more complex design is required than for conventional furniture.
    2. To make a curved facade you will need much more money than standard.
    3. Profile curved cornice and false panels are difficult to find, moreover, their price will be much higher than that of their analogues.

    But don’t despair, because none of this is scary. If you find it difficult to make the right project and calculate all the necessary parameters, you can turn to a furniture manufacturing company for help. They can provide not only calculations and software design, but also a three-dimensional model that will be made according to your sketch.

    You can buy the necessary elements and components from the catalogs of manufacturing companies. You can get it at any specialized store, take it there contact information. total cost furniture will be higher, but the quality is still guaranteed. Moreover, such furniture will serve you for a very long time.

    Where to start

    To make a curved facade with your own hands for a shelf, cabinet or for the kitchen, it will work well MDF board. If someone has already dealt with her, it will be much easier for him. It is soft and pliable, so it can be easily processed. To make a curved facade, two slabs are needed - internal and external. The total thickness of the workpiece should be 16 mm. To get radial parts you need:

    • make an end template with the required radius;
    • subtract the required number of slabs that will be curved;
    • cut blanks for bent parts;
    • make markings for cuts where the area will be bent.

    To make a curved facade, prepare the following tools and materials:

    • MDF boards, at least 2;
    • pencil, ruler and tape measure;
    • circular and hand saw;
    • wood glue;
    • brush;
    • small nails and hammer;
    • small spatula;
    • clamps;
    • screwdriver and finishing tools.

    Having collected such an arsenal, you can get to work.

    Making a curved facade

    So, to make a curved facade, you will need two MDF sheets, each 9 mm thick. As already mentioned, one of them will be external, and the other will be internal. The façade will be smooth on all sides. Since basically all furniture is made of wood , There should not be any difficulties in the work. You will need a minimum of tools and a little patience.

    To bend a plate to the required radius and make it stay in this position for a long time, simple force is not enough. For this purpose, you need to make cuts on the sheet running across the fold. First, make a template. It could be a shelf, a cabinet or something else. We will be guided by it when making the curved facade itself.

    You need to cut MDF sheets with a margin so as not to make mistakes. After all, the excess will then be easily cut off, but it will not be possible to sharpen the missing centimeters.

    Remember that the inner radius of the bent facade is smaller than the outer one, so make the outer blank longer. Then you need to find the center of the two blanks and mark it with dashed lines in height on one side and the other. Based on these lines, the workpieces will then be glued together.

    Depending on the type of bend, you need to mark the cuts, which allow you to make a rounded piece from a straight MDF sheet. Draw lines spaced one from another by 5 mm. It is thanks to these cuts that our structure will be able to acquire a bent shape and not break. Now you need to make the cuts. For this you will need a circular saw. Adjust it so as not to cut the sheet to the base, but also not to leave too much undercut. An undercut of 1 mm is considered ideal.

    To avoid spoiling the finished workpiece, immediately before making cuts, use unnecessary trimmings for training. Do everything as it should: apply markings with a distance of 5 mm and start cutting. Remember, such cuts must be made both on the outer workpiece and on the inner one.

    How many cuts to make depends on how much you need to bend the part. If you need to make a curved corner, you need several stripes in that place. And when you need to make shelves under a sink or a cabinet in the kitchen, where the bend radius is large, the cuts should be made almost along the entire plane. Do not throw away the sawdust from working with the saw; you will need it in your work.

    After the cuts are made, they need to be filled with a special paste, which requires wood glue and sawdust. The slots need to be sealed on both workpieces. The consistency of the paste should be such that it easily fills the cuts, but not too liquid. Using a spatula, rub the mixture into the slots. To avoid air pockets, apply the paste along the cut from the center outwards.

    After this, dilute the glue using a little water. Using a brush, brush the solution over the two pieces to smooth out the paste and remove excess sawdust. Then install the inner blank onto the template. The outer blank is laid on top of it, aligning with the dashed lines that were applied in the center of the blanks.

    Next, you need to nail the pieces to one another using thin nails. Don't force them in so hard that they can be easily removed. Don’t worry that they will leave holes; everything further on the facade will need to be primed, puttied and painted. Therefore, all the holes will be hidden and invisible.

    The facade must be fixed with clamps and left until it is completely dry. After drying, the workpiece must be cut as necessary, cleaned, sanded the edges and provided with reinforcements for fittings. After this, it is ready for finishing.

    Making a curved facade is not exactly easy and quick, but such an element in your design will attract others, delight you with its beauty and save space. Especially if it is a small kitchen or bathroom. You will also protect yourself and your family from injuries and bruises.


    This video shows how a curved facade is made:

    Many people have furniture in their houses and apartments that was purchased ten or maybe more years ago. On the one hand, it is already morally outdated, but on the other, it has not worn out at all.

    When replacing it with a new one, the problem arises of where to put the old one. And here there are three possible options: the first is to sell it, even for pennies, or give it to someone, the second is to send it to a landfill, paying money for disposal, and the third is to reconstruct it. Personally, I try to choose the third one.

    The idea for such a cabinet was born before the next renovation in the living room. At the very beginning, we even wanted to order a ready-made radius cabinet from the manufacturer. But when the price tag of 90 thousand was announced, I felt uneasy, to put it mildly. In general, the decision was made to do it ourselves. At first I wanted to make it a coupe type, ordering profiles from the famous Naraina company, which turned out to be 3.5 times cheaper than ordering a ready-made one with their installation. But I also rejected this idea after I saw how the doors flew off the slides at the radius cabinet at the exhibition, every time it was opened. And the seller looked guiltily at the floor and said that the cabinet was not on display. In general, the final decision was made - to make it swinging from floor to ceiling.

    During the renovation, we immediately decided on a cabinet radius of 104 cm, with the same radius from wall to wall. I prepared the ceiling from gypsum plasterboard. Attached to the wall with anchors rectangular pipes 20x40x2.0, which is load-bearing structure. That is, the cabinet hangs on them, and does not stand on the floor.

    And away we go... By the way, as you can see in the previous photos, I used up not only ten-year-old furniture, but also older furniture - “grandmother’s”, 19mm thick. First, I attached the side walls to the profiles using furniture bolts, then fastened them with horizontal shelves at the top, bottom and middle, using confirmations. The right wall had to be made composite, because it was a fragment old furniture 80 cm wide was not found.

    Then I screwed it from the inside back wall mezzanine. I hung the doors on four-hinged 45-degree hinges. Two on the mezzanine and five on the main closet door. The next step was to attach vertical and radial horizontal guides from the outside intended for fastening the trim

    I used laminated fiberboard as finishing. Decorative insert with tigers is the so-called work zone for the kitchen, from the same chipboard or HDF. The fiberboard was attached to thin 25mm nails, leaving a gap between the fragments of about 2-3mm, for attaching plastic covers.

    One of the photos shows the trimmed doors removed.

    Used as horizontal overlays plastic corners 30x30mm, the same color as the trim, of which I cut off one side, leaving 3mm. This is necessary to cover the ends of the fiberboard. I attached them to liquid nails, pressing them with adhesive masking tape.

    Vertical overlays, also plastic corners of a different color, only uncut.

    Well, the last thing is filling the closet.

    This is the design that fits perfectly into the interior of the living room.

    Required tool:

    • Drill, 8x5 step drill, 35mm cutter, 7mm drill.
    • Screwdriver, bits.
    • Trimming, with guide angle.
    1. Sheet of laminated fiberboard (wenge color) 2.83x2.07 - 660 rub.
    2. Working area - 800 rub.
    3. Furniture bolts 6x70, 10 pcs – 80 rub.
    4. Furniture self-tapping screws-confirmed 200pcs – 200rub
    5. Plastic corner (wenge color) 30x30, 8 pcs – 400 RUR
    6. Plastic corner (maple color) 30x30, 8 pcs – 400 RUR
    7. Liquid nails about 200 rub.
    8. Painting tape 50 rub.
    9. Metal pipe 40x20, anchors about 250 rubles,

    Total: 3040 rub.

    I think it's inexpensive;)

    When arranging their homes, people began to pay more attention to radius cabinets. This model allows you to harmoniously save space and add individuality to the room. You can make a radius cabinet with your own hands, despite the fact that its design contains a large number of complex mechanisms. If you carry out the work according to the instructions and follow a pre-drawn diagram, the result will surprise even an experienced designer.

    Original and beautiful design

    In 2017 radius corner cupboard became a fashion favorite, and demand for it increased significantly. Its advantage is that each created model is unique in its own way, as it is made based on the size of the apartment and its location. Smooth shapes, a large number of compartments and cabinets, individual design– this is all that this model combines.

    Models have different types by design, such as:

    • built-in - the walls, floor and ceiling are parts of the cabinet, it does not move to other places, but does not take up space in the apartment, most often located in unused space;
    • cabinet - assembled as a separate model, based on the dimensions of the room and its location.

    Compact and convenient wardrobe

    Radial modern wardrobe It’s much easier to make a coupe with your own hands than to look for a suitable size model in a store or place an order with an experienced carpenter. You can calculate the entire layout yourself, based on the specific place the product will stand.

    There are a lot of corner cabinets and you can choose them according to your needs. color scheme premises. Today, radius systems allow for smooth transitions and curves, which makes cabinets even more attractive. Coupe doors on rollers do not take up space, open smoothly and easily and look presentable in any presentation.

    In addition, this option for storing things can hide uneven walls, asymmetrical corners, and in general use the space correctly.

    There is a wide selection of materials for assembling a radius cabinet. It can be wood, plastic or glass that has been subjected to various types processing. The compartment in the hallway can have mirrored doors, which is very convenient for small rooms. Since you choose the sizes yourself, it will not be possible to adjust them special labor. Photos and videos of the original radius sliding wardrobes are presented below, and from them you can decide on your personal choice.

    Made of plastic With a mirror With a pattern on glass

    Product assembly

    Knowing how to make a sliding wardrobe yourself, you can save quite a good amount of money. Cabinets in the hallway, bedroom or living room are assembled according to one sequence: installation of the frame, doors, shelves. First, decide what material the body of the product will be assembled from. Wood is considered the most popular and durable, and getting it is not difficult. Now plastic and knee glass are also not limited in access, but it is worth remembering that, for example, a glass or mirror surface is not entirely suitable for children's rooms.

    7 8 6
    4 5

    Be sure to prepare in advance all drawings and diagrams made according to preliminary measurements. In this case, accuracy is very important, since even small deviations can interfere proper operation doors on wheels.

    To obtain perfect option, it is better to seek help from to a skilled craftsman or use our website to view photos and video materials. To work you will need the following tools:

    A set of necessary tools

    • drill, screwdriver;
    • construction meter, level, pencil;
    • screws, nails;
    • wood glue;
    • door mechanisms;
    • radius transitions.

    From the photos of modern radius cabinets, we can say that the main difficulty in assembling them lies in the doors. This is where the largest number of transitions with a radius grid are located.

    The radius cabinet must be assembled from the body, especially if it is a built-in model. Having selected the dimensions and calculated its position, it will not be difficult to make a base. Next, decide on the type of cabinets they will be, retractable or internal. It all depends on the personal preferences of the future owner and carpentry experience. The doors are assembled separately from the body, and then simply installed on pre-purchased wheels.

    Remember that a radius cabinet can be made absolutely universal. For example, it has become very fashionable to collect compartments with photo prints of your favorite cartoon characters or family members for children's rooms. This approach will decorate the room and add brightness. Do not doubt your capabilities, because with modern instrument You can make simply incredible things yourself and surprise your family and friends.

    Absolutely all novice home renovation masters who decided to do it themselves want to bring something new to the interior of their home. And then desire comes to their aid or even make it yourself.

    The shapes of these products have a fairly wide variety, it all depends on finances and imagination. Arches are mainly made with rounded vaults, dropped ceilings not an exception, bright that example you .

    A home craftsman, looking at such a design, wonders how the end of such a ceiling is made and how it is possible to bend and at the same time screw a sheet of drywall without breaking it.

    Now I will try to tell you in detail and show in the photo how I do it myself. Namely, what needs to be done with metal profile so that it takes the silhouette you need, or how to make a bend of any radius from plasterboard.

    How to prepare a profile

    As for the profile size, I mainly have to deal with 27/28mm. This is the so-called “guide”. This is perhaps the most commonly used material in combination with 60/27 (used for jumpers).

    In order for the guide profile to repeat the radius drawn by you on a sheet of plaster, you need to perform a simple action with it. You don't need a grinder large sizes which should be easily held with one hand when running, and safety glasses.

    We install a metal cutting disc on the grinder, cut notches on the profiles every 5cm. Here we need to clarify; the steeper the radius of the arch, the more frequent and smaller the distance between cuts on the iron.

    Pay attention to the photo above, I am preparing several workpieces at once, about one meter long; if you try to screw a long workpiece alone, then most likely the result will not be quite even and accurate.

    What this technique ultimately gives, I think you can guess for yourself, the notched profile 27/28 turns into a kind of rope, you can easily screw it with self-tapping screws to the drywall, gradually bending it and directing it along a given radius.

    We’ve probably sorted this out, if anything is not clear, I’ll be happy to answer you in the comments below the article, don’t be shy and ask questions!

    How to bend drywall

    Now I come to the most interesting part. Having rummaged through the vastness of our Internet, I discovered that everyone basically advises wet drywall with water so that it bends easily. I won’t argue, since the option really works, I was curious to use it a couple of times.

    It just turned out that soaking and bending with this option is not entirely justified in terms of labor costs and time. Plus, I’m sure that a person who is not involved in professional repairs will not succeed. That’s why I don’t want to recommend this method.

    But the other option is much more effective and simpler. This is exactly what I insist on; the vast majority of my colleagues work by this principle. All you need is a set of; a stationery knife, a simple pencil, a tape measure, a straight level of no more than 40 cm, and the material itself, pre-cut in the shape of a long strip (again, no more than one meter for ease of screwing alone without outside help).

    We prepare drywall for the radius of the suspended ceiling

    On a pre-prepared strip, using a tape measure and a pencil, draw lines every 5-10cm. (see photo), the distance is determined by the radius of the semicircle on the ceiling or arch; dashes should be placed on both sides of the workpiece.

    Taking a utility knife with the other hand, we run the blade along the drywall, lightly pressing it into the material, and at the same time, relying on the level as a guide. We repeat this simple operation along the entire length and markings.

    On this moment“gypsum” can be lifted to the top of the frame and fixed with drywall screws. As soon as you press the material against the frame, it will immediately begin to break along the notches made by the knife, repeating the silhouette of the suspended ceiling radius. If you have an assistant, you can prepare strips much longer, quite realistically from edge to edge of a sheet of drywall (2.5 m).