Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at public catering establishments. Action plan to improve product quality


1.Theoretical basis development and adoption of personnel decisions

1.1.Classical solutions as an object management activities…….....6

1.2.Essence and characteristics personnel decisions……………...11

1.3. Research methods and programs…………………………………......22


2. Analysis and assessment of the quality of personnel decision-making using the example of Fishtrade LLC.

2.1. Organizational and legal characteristics of the enterprise…………….…26

2.2. Research of the organizational environment of the enterprise………………....…30

2.3 Analysis and assessment of the quality of hiring personnel

decisions at the enterprise………………………………………………….…...36


3. Development of a solution aimed at improving the quality of personnel decision-making using the example of Fishtrade LLC.

3.1 Statement of the problem and formation of a management decision.........41

3.2 Plan for implementation of the solution and management assessment of its effectiveness………………………………………………………......48


List of references……………………………………………………….…53


The most important reserve for increasing the efficiency of all social production is improving the quality of decisions made, which is achieved by improving the decision-making process.

Making decisions - component any managerial function. The need to make decisions permeates everything a manager does, setting goals and achieving them. Therefore, understanding the nature of decision making is extremely important for anyone who wants to succeed in the art of management.

Managers of various enterprises have to sort out

numerous combinations of potential actions to find the right action for a given organization at a given time and place. Essentially, for an organization to operate clearly and effectively, a manager must make a series of correct choices from several alternative possibilities.

plan, organize, motivate and control. Decision making is an important part of any management activity. Figuratively speaking, decision making can be called the “center” around which the life of the organization revolves. Responsibility for Acceptance important decisions- heavy moral burden,

which is especially evident at the highest levels of management. Therefore, a leader, as a rule, cannot make ill-considered decisions.

Effective decision making is essential to performing management functions. Improving the process of making informed, objective decisions in situations of exceptional complexity is achieved through the use of a scientific approach to this process, models and quantitative methods of decision-making.

Effective solutions are the key to the existence of a commercial enterprise. They are an essential element of each of the five functions of management. Since middle managers must typically make decisions necessary for the successful operation of their departments, the novice manager soon realizes the importance of decisions and how difficult it is to find the right one.

The process of preparing a decision can be considered in five main stages:

1. Statement of the problem.

2. Identifying alternatives.

3. Selecting the best alternative or alternatives.

4. Implementation of the solution into practice.

5. Checking the result.

The relevance of the chosen topic of the course work lies in the possibility of access to information on the problem of adoption management decisions using the example of improving the personnel process of an enterprise.

The purpose of this course work is to analyze the process of developing and making management decisions in improving the personnel process at the enterprise. To achieve this goal, in this course work The most important points and directions in making staffing decisions, both theoretically and practically, were considered. Main directions for improving the condition labor resources enterprises are reasoned and supported by theoretical conclusions and practical calculations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to set a number of specific tasks:

1) understand the place occupied by management decisions in staffing;

2) conduct an analysis of the activities of the personnel process at the enterprise, identifying positive and negative aspects in the development and adoption of management decisions;

3) explore the research agenda on personnel decisions.

The subject of the study is the development and adoption of personnel decisions. The object of the study will be the company Fishtrade LLC.

This work consists of three chapters. The first theoretical chapter reveals the essence of this topic, examines general concepts, as well as the main methods and research programs applied to the process of developing and making management decisions in human resources.

In the second part, we will consider the organizational and legal characteristics of Fishtrade LLC, as well as the external and internal environment of the enterprise.

The third part analyzes comments and suggestions for eliminating identified deficiencies and improving the organization’s work using selected methods.

Coursework includes analytical tables, diagrams and graphs and is based on specially selected literature, periodicals and the Internet.

1. Theoretical foundations for the development and adoption of personnel decisions

1.1 Classic decisions as an object of management activity

The management process is the sequential activity of management bodies and personnel to influence the management object various methods to achieve your goals. It characterizes the dynamics of the activities of various elements in the real life of the management system or the progress of the implementation of the system of management functions.

Decision making, as well as information exchange, is an integral part of any management function. The need for decision-making arises at all stages of the management process, is associated with all areas and aspects of management activity and is its quintessence. This is why it is so important to understand the nature and essence of decisions.

What is the solution? Let us first try to give the most general characteristics. Usually, in the process of any activity, situations arise when a person or group of people is faced with the need to choose one of several possible options for action. The result of this choice will be the decision. Thus, a decision is a choice of an alternative. A decision is not just an action plan or a manager’s order, it is a real permission practical problem, changing the situation, obtaining a new quality.

Each of us has to choose something dozens of times every day, own experience developing abilities and acquiring decision-making skills. There are many examples: choosing clothes from an existing wardrobe, choosing dishes from a proposed menu.

Learning to make decisions is necessary for every person, but it is especially important for a leader. Therefore, adhere to the following recommendations:

1. There is always a choice.

2. Imagine the pros and cons of the option. The disadvantages are the price for the advantages of the option.

3. Do not compare the “cons” of the decision made with the “pros” of the rejected one.

4. Risk when choosing is inevitable.

5. It is impossible to implement two options. Something will have to be sacrificed.

7. Don't go back halfway. Once you start a job, go to the end.

Many factors influence the effectiveness of decision making and the operation of the enterprise. They are usually divided into internal, occurring within the enterprise and associated with errors and omissions of management and personnel. And external, arising outside the company and usually outside the sphere of influence of the enterprise.

Any action of an individual or action of a group is preceded by a decision. Decisions are a universal form of behavior for both individuals and social groups. This versatility is due to the conscious and purposeful nature of human activity. However, despite the universality of decisions, their adoption in the process of managing an organization differs significantly from decisions made in private life in that:

Goals. The subject of management (whether it is an individual or a group) makes a decision not based on his own needs, but in order to solve the problems of a specific organization.

Consequences. An individual's private choices affect his own life and may affect the few people close to him. A manager, especially a high-ranking one, chooses the course of action not only for himself, but also for the organization as a whole and its employees, and his decisions can significantly affect the lives of many people. If an organization is large and influential, the decisions of its leaders can seriously affect the socio-economic situation of entire regions. For example, a decision to close an unprofitable company operation can significantly increase the unemployment rate.

Division of labor. If in private life a person, when making a decision, as a rule, carries it out himself, then in an organization there is a certain division of labor: some workers (managers) are busy solving emerging problems and making decisions, while others (performers) are busy implementing decisions already made.

Professionalism. In private life, each person makes his own decisions based on his intelligence and experience. In managing an organization, decision making is a much more complex, responsible and formalized process that requires vocational training. Not every employee of the organization, but only those with certain professional knowledge and skills, is given the authority to independently make certain decisions.

The distinctive features of decision making in an organization are the following:

1.conscious and purposeful activity carried out by a person,

2.behavior based on facts and value orientations,

3.the process of interaction between members in the organization,

4.choice of alternatives within the framework of the social and political state of the environment,

5.part of the overall management process,

6.an inevitable part of a manager’s daily work,

7.importance for performing other management functions.

Having considered these distinctive features decision-making in organizations, we can give the following definition of a management decision.

A management decision is a choice of an alternative made by a manager within the framework of his official powers and competence and aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

A management decision is a transition of the management process from the sphere of management to the sphere of production of a product or service, into the sphere of managed processes; it is a transition from the area of ​​analysis and search for action options to the area of ​​organizational work in a managed system.

Making good decisions is a field of science. Making the right decisions is an area of ​​management art. The ability and skill to do this develops with the experience acquired by a leader throughout his life. The totality of knowledge and skills constitute the competence of any manager and, depending on the level of the latter, they speak of an effective or ineffective manager.

In this regard, there are three approaches to decision making:

1. Intuitive decisions are choices made solely on the basis of a feeling that they are correct.

2. Judgmental decisions are choices driven by knowledge or experience.

3. Rational decisions are choices made through an objective analytical process.

Good leaders must be aware of what they can do when making decisions. Even if the decision is logically justified and indicates the best path to achieving the goal, then this alone is not enough. It is often necessary to take into account people's beliefs, attitudes and prejudices.

Each management decision has its own specific result, therefore the goal of management activity is to find such forms, methods, means and tools that could help achieve the optimal result in specific conditions and circumstances.

This course work will examine the process of making management decisions in improving staffing, so we will consider this category of decisions in more detail in the next part.

1.2 The essence and characteristic features of personnel decisions

Depending on the functionality, solutions can be classified into personnel, marketing, commercial, legal, technological, economic and business decisions.

Let us consider in more detail the staffing of an enterprise as a process of making management decisions.

By staffing the personnel management system we mean the necessary quantitative and high-quality composition its workers.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of the organization's personnel management is carried out through personnel policy decisions. Personnel policy is the main direction in working with personnel, recruitment fundamental principles, which are implemented by the personnel service of the enterprise. In this regard, personnel policy is a strategic line of behavior in working with personnel. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to combining the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees. The most important principles of the organization’s personnel policy and their characteristics are given in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 – Characteristics of the most important principles of individual areas of the organization’s personnel policy

Directions Principles Characteristic
1. Organizational personnel management The principle of equal need to achieve individual and organizational goals (basic) The need to seek fair compromises between management and employees, rather than giving preference to the interests of the organization
2. Selection and placement of personnel

Principle of correspondence

Principle professional competence

The principle of practical achievements

The principle of individuality

Compliance of the scope of tasks, powers and responsibilities with the capabilities of the person

Level of knowledge corresponding to the requirements of the position

Required experience, leadership abilities (organization own work and subordinates)

Appearance, level of intelligence, character, intentions, leadership style

3. Formation and preparation of a reserve for promotion to leadership positions

The principle of competition

Rotation principle

The principle of individual training

The principle of verification by action

Principle of suitability for position

Principle of regular assessment individual qualities and opportunities

Selection of candidates on a competitive basis

Systematic change of positions vertically and horizontally

Preparation of a reserve for a specific position according to an individual program

Effective internship in management positions

The candidate's current suitability for the position

Assessment of performance results, interviews, identification of aptitudes, etc.

4. Personnel assessment and certification

Principle of selection of evaluation indicators

Principle of qualification assessment

The principle of assessing the implementation of tasks

A system of indicators that takes into account the purpose of assessments, assessment criteria, frequency of assessments

Suitability, determination of the knowledge required to perform a given activity

Performance evaluation

5. Personnel development

Principle of advanced training

The principle of self-expression

The principle of self-development

The need for periodic review job descriptions for continuous staff development

Independence, self-control, influence on the formation of performance methods

Ability and opportunity for self-development

6. Motivation and stimulation of personnel, remuneration

The principle of matching wages to the volume and complexity of the work performed

The principle of an even combination of incentives and sanctions

Principle of motivation

Effective remuneration system

Specific description of tasks, responsibilities and indicators

Incentive factors influencing increased labor efficiency

In the context of a sharp increase in the status of the position of HR manager to the level senior management management, significant expansion of its functions, complication of recruitment techniques, selection, placement, development of motivation, career advancement of personnel, the position of personnel officer becomes one of the most important for the survival of the organization and ensuring its competitiveness. In this regard, the problem of professionalization of personnel service employees becomes extremely relevant.

General requirements for personnel decisions in modern conditions boil down to the following:

1. Personnel decisions must be closely linked to the enterprise development strategy. In this regard, they represent the staffing for the implementation of this strategy.

2. Personnel solutions must be flexible enough. This means that they must be, on the one hand, stable, since stability is associated with certain expectations of the employee, and on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with changes in the tactics of the enterprise, production and economic situation. Stable should be those aspects that are focused on taking into account the interests of personnel and are related to organizational culture enterprises.

3. Since the formation of qualified work force is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, personnel decisions must be economically justified, i.e. based on their real financial capabilities.

4. HR decisions should provide an individual approach to their employees.

Thus, personnel decisions are aimed at creating a system of working with personnel that would be focused on obtaining not only economic, but also social effect, subject to compliance with current legislation.

The qualitative characteristics of the personnel service are as follows: among the heads of personnel services in basic education with technical education – 40.9%; teachers – 31.6%; legal experts – 11.5%; sociologists and psychologists – 3.3%. The average age of HR managers is 45 years. This is largely due to the still insufficient saturation of personnel management services with specialists.

The quantitative composition of the personnel management service is determined by the organizational structures and the charter of the organization. When calculating the required number of full-time HR employees, the following factors are taken into account:

1. the total number of employees of the organization;

2. specific conditions and characteristic features of the organization related to the scope of its activities, scale, types of individual industries, and the presence of branches;

3. social characteristic organizations, structural composition its employees (the presence of various categories - workers, specialists with higher and secondary specialized education, scientists), their qualifications;

4. complexity and complexity of the tasks to be solved in personnel management;

5. technical support managerial work, etc.

Due to the fact that organizations independently determine the number of employees according to management functions, their professional and qualification composition, and also approve the staff, all existing methods for calculating the number of managerial employees are mainly advisory in nature.

The calculation of the number of managers, specialists and other employees of the organization, including the personnel service, is carried out using various methods: multifactor correlation analysis, economic and mathematical methods, comparisons, direct calculation, based on the labor intensity of work, according to service standards, etc.

The first method is based on multivariate analysis functional division managerial work. A scheme of functional division of labor has been developed, taking into account the influence of certain factors on the number of personnel. The number of significant factors was reduced to 1/3, and then, using correlation analysis, mathematical formulas were derived that expressed in general terms the relationship between the number of personnel of a given functional group and the operating factors. This takes into account specific features every industry sector. The method is most widely used at large industrial enterprises. However, it should be borne in mind that in a market economy and competition there is no strict dependence between production factors and the number of personnel, and therefore this method is only advisory.

Economic and mathematical methods provides for the development of economic and mathematical models based on reality, which ensures an adequate reflection of the substantive process. The use of economic and mathematical models is still limited.

IN comparison method Based on an analysis of the composition of specialist personnel in a developed economic system, projections of the need for specialists for a less developed system are drawn up. Attempts are being made to use this method based on the formation of homogeneous groups of organizations and the identification of standard or advanced organizations within them.

Expert method allows you to get an idea of ​​the need for specialists based on the opinions (expertise) of a group of experts, whose judgments are based on their scientific and professional competence. The method is used as a component of other methods.

Direct calculation method involves determining the number of specialists and other employees based on the calculation of the required labor costs for the implementation of periodic personnel management functions and the calculation of labor costs for the implementation of management functions to eliminate disturbing deviations.

One of the most common and available methods calculating the number of personnel service employees is its determination through the cost of labor (time) for managing management work, i.e. through labor intensity. In turn, the labor intensity of personnel management work can be determined by the following methods: normative, using photographs of working time or timing, calculation and analytical, method of analogies, expert.

Time (output) standards are established mainly for simple, repetitive types of work (accounting, paperwork). Currently, standard standards have been developed for the preparation and execution of documents for personnel records and office work.

Knowing the standard (or estimated) labor intensity of work performed during the year, for example, in the personnel department, you can calculate the number of departments (H) using the formula:

H = T * K/F p,

where T is the total labor intensity of all work performed per year in the HR department, (persons/hour); K is a coefficient that takes into account the time spent on performing work not provided for in the technical specifications (K = 1.15); F p – useful fund of working time of one employee per year, (hours).

Based on foreign experience, one more method can be identified for determining the number of HR employees. It is a type of service standards that characterize the number of objects, i.e. employees of the organization served by one employee of the personnel management service.

Russian HR services generally stay close to the lower level of this indicator – 100 people per HR specialist. Making a decision to create a specialized personnel service in each specific case is determined by the characteristics of the organization, in particular the presence of a management strategy as a whole.

The calculation of the quantitative need for specialists, including personnel management, is carried out simultaneously with the determination of the qualitative need for them, i.e. needs for workers of certain professions, specialties, qualifications. Let us characterize each of these concepts (Table 1.1):

Table 1.2 – Concepts used to characterize personnel

Concepts Characteristics of concepts
Profession Type of work activity, occupation that requires certain training (for example, manager, psychologist, etc.)

Type of occupation within one profession; a narrower classification of the type of work activity, which requires specific knowledge, skills and abilities acquired through special education and ensuring the formulation and solution of certain classes of professional tasks (for example, HR manager, marketing manager, etc.)


Workers whose mental work is distinguished by professional content, complexity and intellectuality and requires special training for its implementation, depending on the level of education (higher or secondary special education). Workers in this category develop, on the basis of their existing special knowledge, skills and abilities, options for solving certain specific, usually functional issues of a production or managerial nature.

Classified according to control functions and special functions. preparation.


There is a distinction between job qualifications and employee qualifications. In the first case, this is a characteristic of this type of work, determined by the degree of its complexity, accuracy and responsibility. Usually determined by rank in accordance with the tariff and qualification reference book. It is important for establishing tariff rates for workers and official salaries for employees. An employee's qualifications are the degree and type of professional training required to perform a specific type of work. Installed in the form of a rank or category (for example, labor engineer 2, 1 category, leading engineer, etc.)

Managerial position The primary structural element in governing bodies, determined by established tasks, rights and responsibilities. Job titles are the basis for the development of salary schemes, staffing tables, job descriptions and other organizational and regulatory documents. We can distinguish positions as full-time, vacant, leading, managerial, special, technical, etc.

According to the established classification, management personnel are divided into 3 main groups: managers, specialists, and support personnel.

Managers are appointed mainly from among specialists. There is also a system of advanced training, training and retraining of managers. The manager must have the ability not to enter into minor unnecessary conflicts and eliminate conflicts among the staff subordinate to him. Top managers at the enterprise include the director and his deputies, middle managers include heads of workshops and departments; lower-level managers are foremen and foremen. There are concepts of “linear” and “functional” manager. Line managers usually include heads of workshops, sections, and foremen; to the functional composition - heads of functional departments, laboratories, bureaus.

Specialists are economists, human resources specialists, engineers, lawyers, programmers, etc., who, in accordance with their profession and accumulated experience, are divided into leading, chief, senior and simply specialists.

Their task is to collect and analyze information related to the managed object, prepare plans and schedules for enterprises, projects, and orders from managers; development of standards; preparation and analysis of reports; development of technical documentation, etc.

The category of auxiliary technical personnel includes secretaries, typists, office clerks, machine counting bureau operators, bookkeepers, accountants, draftsmen, and forwarders. These workers are responsible for the timely technical processing of information - its organization, accounting, storage, reproduction, issuance, forwarding, etc.

1.3. Research methods and programs

We will develop stages of research programs on the basis of which the enterprise in question will be analyzed. We present the data in the table (Table 1.3):

Table 1.3 – Enterprise research program


Based on this research program, we can give full description enterprises, identify global problems at the enterprise and find rational ways to solve these problems. This program will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.

The development of personnel decisions begins with an analysis of the environment in which the organization operates and includes an analysis of the macroenvironment, the immediate environment and the internal environment.

The main factors that determine the state of the external environment include the state of the economy, legal regulation, political processes, social and cultural components of society, the natural environment and resources, etc. To analyze the macroenvironment, the STEP analysis method is used.

The name SWOT is made up of the first letters English words: strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. This refers to the internal parameters of the enterprise, which can be attributed to its strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats. According to the methodology of this analysis, the factors characterizing the subject of research are distributed into four components (strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats), taking into account the fact that this factor belongs to the class of external and internal factors.

Using this method makes it possible to obtain an overview of the strategic state of the enterprise. His idea is that successful strategy should be built on the principle of linking the internal capabilities of the enterprise and the external environment, presented in the form of opportunities and threats.

Methods of expert assessments are methods of organizing work with expert specialists and processing expert opinions, expressed in quantitative and/or qualitative form, in order to prepare information for decision-making by decision-makers.

The essence of expert decision-making methods is to obtain answers from specialists to the questions posed to them. In order to minimize errors and the influence of the subjective factor, the information received from experts is processed using special logical and mathematical procedures and converted into a form convenient for choosing a solution.

A decision tree allows you to present a problem schematically and compare possible alternatives visually. The method can be used in complex situations where the result of a decision affects subsequent actions.


Decision is an integral part of life. We take them many times a day every day, without even thinking about it. However, it is worth distinguishing between solutions Everyday life and decisions of the manager, which significantly influences the activities of the enterprise he manages.

Making a management decision is a choice of how and what

plan, organize, motivate and control. Decision making is an important part of any management activity.

Any decision also has a downside - responsibility for its adoption and further implementation. This factor is basic in making an operational management decision, since it forces the manager to rationally and expediently determine possible selection criteria in a given situation, and, first of all, the organization itself should always be the priority in decision-making. Any management decision must be specific, meaningful, rational and at the same time effective and of high quality. In addition, it must correspond to and rely entirely on the resource base assigned to it.

A thorough acquaintance with the theoretical basis for developing staffing for the management decision-making process gives us the opportunity to accurately analyze the qualifications of senior-level personnel of the enterprise in the second part of the course work, to develop a project that will contain proposals for appropriate recommendations for improving the qualifications of staff.

2. Analysis and assessment of the quality of personnel decision-making using the example of Fishtrade LLC.

2.1. Organizational and legal characteristics of the enterprise

Limited Liability Company "Fishtrade", hereinafter referred to as the "Company", is an independent economic entity, created in accordance with civil code Russian Federation, Federal law“On limited liability companies” and other regulatory legal acts for the existence of economic activities for the purpose of making profit.

The full name of the Company is Fishtrade Limited Liability Company. The abbreviated name of the Company is Fishtrade LLC.

The company has an independent balance sheet and operates on the basis of self-financing and self-sufficiency: it has current and other accounts in credit institutions in rubles and foreign currency in accordance with the relevant legislation. It also has a round seal containing its full company name in Russian, a short company name in Russian and an indication of its location.

The location of the company and the legal address are the same: Russian Federation, 660036, Krasnoyarsk, pr. im. Newspapers Krasnoyarsky Rabochiy, building 33, room 71. The company is located near the city center, which simplifies its work with clients. In relation to suppliers, the enterprise is located quite conveniently, since the supplier enterprise is located in the same part of the city, and the delivery of goods necessary for the optimal functioning of the enterprise is carried out in a short time.

The main goal of the Company is to make profit. The main activities of the Company are:

· Creation and operation of shops, cafes, bars, restaurants;

· Consulting on commercial activities and management;

· Opening your own stores, retail outlets and sale through them of their own products and other goods to the population;

· Organization and implementation of wholesale and retail trade in food products, including wine and vodka products;

· Charity and other activities not prohibited by current legislation.

The General Director of the Company is the sole executive body of the Company. Within the limits of his competence, the General Director performs the following functions:

1. acts on behalf of the Company without a power of attorney, including representing its interests and making transactions;

2. issues powers of attorney for the right of representation on behalf of the Company, including powers of attorney with the right of substitution;

3. issues orders on the appointment of the Company’s employees, their transfer and dismissal, determines the system of remuneration for the Company’s employees, applies incentive measures and imposes disciplinary sanctions;

4. exercises other powers.

The main goal of the Company is to make profit. In Fig. 2.1. The tree of the organization’s goals is depicted, it shows what the enterprise strives for and with the help of which it achieves its goal:

Rice. 2.1. Goal tree

All work in the company is performed by employees hired under an employment agreement, contract or contract. An employee of the Company is obliged to comply with the Charter and internal labor regulations determined by the Director of the Company.

Any employee has the right to a legally guaranteed minimum size wages, social insurance, participation in the official program of the Company, the right to paid leave and other rights in accordance with the law.

Structure is an ordered set of interrelations of elements that are in stable relationships with each other, ensuring their functioning and development as a single whole. Organizational structure is aimed, first of all, at establishing clear relationships between individual divisions of the organization and the distribution of rights and responsibilities between them. It implements various requirements for improving management systems, which are expressed in certain management principles.

The organizational structure of management at an enterprise is built on the principle of subordination of a lower body to a higher one. Since the manager is not a universal specialist and cannot take into account all aspects of the activity, the management structure is linear-functional (see Appendix 2, Fig. 2.1). The linear-functional structure ensures such a division of labor in which management links are called upon to make decisions and command, and functional links are called upon to advise, inform, coordinate, and plan. In this case, “manager-subordinate” relationships are built along a hierarchical line in such a way that each employee is accountable to only one person.

Currently, the organization is engaged in the wholesale and retail sale of fish and seafood.

2.2. Research of the organizational environment of the enterprise

One of the most important factors influencing the level of labor productivity, and, consequently, production efficiency, is the personnel of the enterprise.
Personnel are the most valuable and important part of the productive forces of society. In general, the efficiency of an enterprise depends on the qualifications of employees, their placement and use, which affects the volume and growth rate of products produced and the use of material and technical means. This or that use of personnel is directly related to changes in labor productivity indicators. The growth of this indicator is the most important condition for the development of the country's productive forces and the main source of growth in national income.
So what kind of personnel does a company need to have for effective growth? Let's try to answer this question in the course of analyzing the organizational environment of the Fishtrade LLC enterprise.

Since the subject of the study is the personnel decisions of the enterprise, we will consider indicators related to personnel activities:

1. study and assessment of the provision of the enterprise and its structural divisions with labor resources in general, as well as by categories and professions;

2. qualitative composition of labor resources;

3. identification of labor resource reserves, their more complete and effective use.

The personnel of the enterprise and its changes have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics.

The totality of all employees of the enterprise is usually divided into two groups:

1. core business personnel;

2. personnel not in the main activity.

In addition, the main activity personnel can also be divided into several groups. Depending on the functions performed, the personnel of the main activity is divided into workers who are directly involved in the production of material assets or the provision of services and employees who carry out management and supply and household functions, as well as financial and settlement operations. The provision of an enterprise with labor resources is also determined by comparing the actual number of workers by category and profession with the planned need. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the enterprise's supply of personnel in the most important professions. It is also necessary to analyze the qualitative composition of labor resources by qualification.

The analyzed enterprise's supply of labor resources is characterized by the following data given in analytical table 2.

Table 2.1 – Analysis of the supply of labor resources and changes in their structure from 2008 to 2009

2008 year 2009 Deviation:
Number of people, people

Specific gravity,

Number of people, people

Specific gravity,

flax weight, %

A 1 2 3 4 5 6
1.Main activity 56 100 53 100 -3 0
A) workers 42 75 37 69,8 -5 -5,2
B) employees: 14 25 16 30,2 2 -5,2
managers 7 12,5 7 13,2 0 0,7
specialists 7 12,5 9 17 2 4,5


0 0 0 0 0

2.Not the main one


0 0 0 0 0 0
Total staff 56 100 53 100 -3 0

From the table data the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The total number of personnel in 2009 decreased by 3 people;

2. From the above data it is clear that the enterprise reduced the number of workers by 5 people, hired two specialists, and the composition of the managers did not change;

3. There are no personnel involved in non-core activities at the enterprise at all.

Speaking about the structure of the enterprise's labor resources, it is necessary to note the following: in the reporting year, both the total number of personnel and the share of each group in it changed significantly.

This is explained by the fact that the enterprise has expanded the scope of its activities by signing new agreements on the protection of enterprises. For this purpose, the number of personnel was increased.

To study the gender, age and professional composition of the enterprise’s personnel, we will construct Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 – Indicators of gender and age professional composition of Fishtrade LLC personnel for 2008-2009


2008 year 2009 Deviation by:
Number of people, people Specific gravity, % Number of people, people Specific gravity, % Number of people, people Specific gravity, %
A 1 2 3 4 5 6
Personnel group:
-by gender:
Men 21 37,5 20 37,7 -1 0,2
Women 35 62,5 33 62,3 -2 -0,2
Total: 56 100 53 100 -3 0
- by age, years:
Up to 20 0 0 0 0 0 0
From 20 to 30 13 23,2 15 28,3 2 5,1
From 30 to 40 24 42,9 23 43,4 -1 0,5
From 40 to 50 15 26,8 14 26,4 -1 -0,4
Over 50 4 7,1 1 1,9 -3 -5,2
Total: 56 100 53 100 -3 0
-of Education:
Average 3 5,4 3 5,7 0 0,3
Specialized secondary 36 64,3 29 54,7 -6 -7,2
Incomplete higher 5 8,9 6 11,3
Higher 12 21,4 15 28,3 3 6,9
Total: 56 100 53 100 -3 0
-by work experience:
Up to 5 23 41,1 25 47,2 2 6,1
From 5 to 10 29 51,8 24 45,3 -5 -6,5
Over 10 4 7,1 4 7,5 0 0,4
Total: 56 100 53 100 -3 0

Analyzing this table, we can draw the following conclusions: at the enterprise, the bulk of the team is represented by women, while only 37.7% are men, this indicates that the main work is carried out by women, men occupy mainly the highest level of management (the head of the company is a male manager , as well as assistant managers, these are the head of the sales department and deputy for general issues, are men) and support staff (drivers, loaders). In terms of age category, it should be noted that the company employs mostly young people, from 20 to 40 years old; it is also important to note that there are also people over 50 years old - this will negatively affect the efficiency of this enterprise, because . outdated personnel are less effective than young ones. Fishtrade LLC faces a serious task in personnel policy: replacing outdated personnel with younger workers, but this will be discussed a little later. Judging by their length of service, it appears that there are also employees who have been working at the enterprise since its inception, i.e. more than 10 years, and there are also young specialists who have worked for only 2-3 years. There is staff turnover at the enterprise, but not significant: two salespeople, two loaders and a driver were fired, and two assistants to the chief accountant were hired.

Among the entire staff, only 15 people have higher education, mostly at the managerial level and specialists, and not all of them. Currently, the director has obliged the entire management level and specialists who do not have a higher education to go to study at a higher institution. Operational personnel (salespeople, storekeepers), as well as some commodity operators, have a secondary specialized education of 54.7%. And 5.7% of people who have completed only secondary education are most likely loaders and technicians. staff.

Table 2.3 - Analysis of the movement of workers at the enterprise

Indicators 2008 2009 Deviation, (+; -)
A 1 2 3
1. Consisted of the list at the beginning of the year 52 56 4
2. Accepted 9 3 -6


5 4 -1
3.1 At your own request 2 1 -1
3.2 Dismissed for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline 2 3 1
3.3 Dropped out for other reasons 1 1 0
4. Consisted of the list at the end of the year 56 53 -3
5. Average headcount 54 52 -2
6. Admission turnover ratio 0,16 0,06 -0,12
7. Disposal turnover ratio 0,09 0,1 0,01
8. Turnover rate 0,07 0,08 0,01

From the table data it is clear that at the analyzed enterprise the labor turnover rate in 2009 was higher than in 2008. At the beginning of 2008, the company employed 52 people, and in 2009 there were 56 people and the deviation shows that the number of employees increased by 4 people.

Last year, the company hired 9 people, and in the reporting year 3 people, which is an increase of 6 people. less than last year. Moreover, 5 people left the enterprise in 2008, and 4 people in 2009, which is a deviation of -1. Including 2 employees left the enterprise at their own request in 2008, and in 2009. – 1, and the deviation was -1 person.

For other reasons, 1 person each left the enterprise in the past and reporting years.

At the end of the year, there were 53 people on the list in 2009, and at the beginning of the same year the number was 56 people. Consequently, by the end of the year, the number of employees at the enterprise decreased by 3 people. In the reporting year, the turnover rate was 0.08 and amounted to a deviation of -0.01, since last year it was 0.07. Consequently, the turnover rate has increased.

During the analysis process, it was necessary to carefully study the reasons that caused the increase in the turnover rate in 2009. Compared to 2008, excessively high labor turnover would have a negative impact on the efficiency of the enterprise. The lower the turnover rate, the more efficiently labor resources are used in material production, and the turnover increases. The increase in the turnover rate at the enterprise was caused by the reduction of obsolete personnel. The turnover coefficient for arrivals decreased compared to 2008 from 0.16 to 0.06 in 2009 and amounted to a deviation of -0.12, and the turnover coefficient for departures amounted to a deviation of 0.01, which amounted to 0 in the reporting year. 1.

Turnover rate in 2008 was 0.07, and in 2009 it was 0.08 and amounted to a deviation of 0.01.

Staff turnover depends on several reasons:

Ineffectiveness of outdated personnel;

Replacement of obsolete personnel with new (young) ones;

Hiring random people.

The presence of the above reasons indicates a 7% - 8% turnover rate of the enterprise's personnel. This can be explained as follows. At the enterprise, the operational staff (salespeople) are occupied by women of different ages, from 20 years old to over 50. People with age begin to be more sentimental, then one thing does not suit them, then another.

Moreover, the purpose of the work of obsolete personnel is mainly just to work until retirement; the performance of such people is low. Consequently, the quality of work that the manager requires from employees does not in any way satisfy his needs and the needs of customers. And young specialists are more mobile, fast, and practically do all the work for themselves and their colleagues. And most importantly, it is easier to teach young specialists something, for example, to teach them proper service, than people with 30 years of work experience, who simply cannot be convinced of something. Young personnel have to constantly improve their professional level and attend trainings.

In a market economy, the activities of any enterprise are greatly influenced by factors of the internal and external environment, as well as the level of use of the organization’s resource potential. The efficiency of using the resources available to an organization directly affects the final results of its activities.

Any organization, including Fishtrade LLC, is located and operates in an environment. Moreover, every action of the organization is possible only if the environment allows its implementation.

Therefore, to analyze the activities of the enterprise, the impact of external and internal environments is considered, STEP and SWOT analyzes are carried out.

Let us briefly characterize the influence of STEP factors on the activities of the enterprise under consideration, as well as on its activities in the field of personnel management.

Sociological factors include: demographic situation, age and gender composition, wage level in the industry, unemployment, retirement age of citizens, etc.

Technological factors include changes in technology. The number of advanced technologies is increasing from year to year, this is due to the revival of domestic science and the emergence of private scientific institutes.

Since the Fishtrade organization is engaged in wholesale and retail trade, technological factors will influence its activities through pricing and selection of partners (keeping up with technology). For a given organization, this could be the improvement of refrigeration equipment. Since the company also specializes in meat products, this can be an electric saw for cutting meat (quick and beautiful cutting).

Economic factors are also of great importance. These include the following factors: exchange rate, interest rates, taxation standards, labor productivity, prices for the purchase of goods from suppliers, inflation and unemployment levels, income levels of the population (including the workers themselves), prices of goods sold (on average) from competitors in the city.

The state can influence the activities of Fishtrade LLC through such standards as the level of tax rates on the financial result of a trading enterprise, labor legislation, etc.

Over the course of several years, the legal framework in the field of labor legislation was updated, which led to changes in certain regulatory documents regulating the procedure for calculating wages, various compensations, and the validity of the use of benefits. In addition, the procedure for calculating the amounts of vacation pay, sick leave payments, etc. is subject to adjustment. Innovations in the procedure for calculating and paying income tax individuals in light of amendments to Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

A draft law on the privatization of state-owned enterprises is currently being considered. This will affect the tactics of these enterprises, and for the organization they can have a stimulating effect in a possible increase in competition or favorable as an expansion of the market of buyers or suppliers. Now let's analyze the immediate environment of this enterprise.


Since the company acts as an intermediary, the suppliers of this organization are large specialized companies for the wholesale supply of fish and food products, these are enterprises such as: TurNif LLC, BAMA CJSC, Moryak-Rybalov CJSC, Russian Fish Company LLC , JSC "Forst", etc.


Consumers are the entire population of the city. The analysis of buyers, as one of the components of the organization’s immediate environment, primarily aims to compile a profile of the level of buyers. Customer research allows an organization to:

1. better understand what service the organization needs to focus on,

2. what sales volume can the organization count on,

3.to what extent are buyers committed to cooperation with this organization,

4. how much can you expand the circle of potential buyers?


This company has a lot of competitors, this is due to the expansion of the consumer market. The standard of living of the population in the city is increasing, which means that people can afford to “eat deliciously.” Assessing the competitiveness of Fishtrade LLC, it is worth noting the main competitors: INTRAS-Krasnoyarsk LLC, Rybny Priboy LLC, Fish Market OJSC.

Internal environment

The internal environment of an organization is that part of the general environment that is located within the organization. It has a constant and direct impact on the functioning of the organization.

The internal environment has several sections, the state of which together determines the potential and opportunities that the organization has.

The table examines the characteristics, the state of which together determines the potential and capabilities that the organization has.

Table 2.4 – Internal environment of the enterprise

Fishtrade LLC »

Functional slice Characteristic
Production Wholesale and retail trading company, does not have own production, based on the purchase of finished goods
Quality control The company does not have a special department dedicated to quality control. Under the sales contract, the manufacturer is responsible for quality.
Marketing Convenient location of the organization, focus on major partners in the region, purchasing goods both directly from manufacturers and from intermediaries (and therefore increasing costs)
Sales The sales function is primarily under the control of the head of the sales department. Sales forecasting and planning is carried out intuitively, control over the implementation of this function is operational or based on quarterly results.
Finance Large costs for shortages and damage to goods. However, a satisfactory level of liquidity, stable growth of the organization’s net profit
Personnel Management Reducing the efficiency of personnel, replacing obsolete personnel with new ones, expanding the number of personnel, assessing labor results and incentives; creating and maintaining relationships between employees, professional development.

Profit will be provided through the right choice management strategies, correct selection personnel and their thorough training.

At the next stage, the strengths and weaknesses of the Fishtrade LLC organization, opportunities and threats are studied. In this case, the method of expert assessments is used, where the four experts are people working in the organization and external experts involved. Experts evaluate all these components using a ten-point system.

According to the assessments of the strengths (see Appendix 1, Table 1) of the organization, it was revealed that the most strengths are: a decent reputation in the consumer market and the location of the organization, then payment of bonuses to employees and quality of service. It is due to the above that this organization is solvent, liquid and produces very high financial performance.

One of the greatest weaknesses (see Appendix 1, Table 2) of the organization was the predominance of older employees and poor quality selection of personnel. These two problems significantly reduce the efficiency of the enterprise, cause staff turnover, dissatisfaction with the work of the employees themselves due to the high volume of work and comparative small size wages.

The main opportunities (see Appendix 1, Table 3) are replacing obsolete personnel with new ones and finding employees who would meet all requirements, and expanding the sales market. The strongest threats to the enterprise (see Appendix 1, Table 4) are a decrease in profits, suppression of the organization by competitors, and ultimately the enterprise will go bankrupt.

At the next stage, we will build the SWOT matrix shown in Fig.

The external environment of an enterprise is a place where the enterprise has no control over the processes taking place. The external environment or macroenvironment is the sphere of the state through which it exercises its control over the activities of an organization of any scale and any form of ownership. Emerging threats and opportunities are products of this very sphere, thanks to which the state can influence the internal environment of the enterprise. As if penetrating into his inner world, it rebuilds the structure of the enterprise in its own way. The qualitative characteristics of the company’s personnel are determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to achieve the company’s goals and perform work. The qualitative characteristics of the company's personnel and the quality of work are much more difficult to assess. Currently, there is no common understanding of the quality of labor and the qualitative component of the labor potential of the workforce.

The main range of parameters or characteristics that determine the quality of work: economic, personal, organizational, technical and socio-cultural.


1. Replacing obsolete personnel with new ones

2. Search for employees who meet all the requirements of the organization;

3. Expansion of the sales market


1. Decrease in profits;

2. Suppression by competitors;

3. Bankruptcy


1. Decent reputation in the service market;

2. Location;

3. Quality of service

1. Strategy of strict personnel selection;

2. Reception of young specialists

1. Strategy for expanding market positions;

Weak sides:

1. Predominance of older employees;

2. Poor staff selection

1. Professional selection of employees when hiring through questionnaires and interviews.

2. Cancel hiring of relatives and friends

3. Practice probation when hiring a new employee

1. Market development strategy, strategy development and implementation

Rice. 2.2. SWOT matrix for Fishtrade LLC

Low efficiency of personnel results greatly affects the enterprise. People, namely older people, cannot cope with the tasks assigned to them, begin to pay less attention to service and display of goods, so in the end they do not get the result that the manager expects. It is very difficult to have people on staff with extensive work experience (more than 25 years), because with the accumulated knowledge, over the entire period of work in the field of trade, they develop their own strategy of behavior and communication with people. Basically, by the age of 50, people lose the incentive to work, and even more so to improve their work activities, so it cannot be said that they work and strive to work, as the workers themselves put it, “...we are working until retirement.” Every year there is an improvement in technologies and service that reach us from the West, both in trade and in other industries. Any enterprise fights for every client (customer), so it strives to immediately master new strategies and put them into practice. Therefore, another negative fact arises: it is very difficult to rebuild old personnel to a new higher level of service (for example, if from the very beginning of their working career, sellers did not learn to greet customers, then now it is useless to convince them of anything).

Thus, given this indisputable fact, it is quite difficult to take measures that would simultaneously eliminate all threats and realize all the capabilities of the enterprise. But, in any case, we should not forget that an attempt can be a way out of an unpleasant situation.

2.3 Analysis and assessment of the quality of personnel decision-making at the enterprise

The company has been on the market for more than 10 years, has gained a worthy reputation and has brought a stable profit every year. The manager never thought about what kind of people the managers of his stores hire. Reception and selection of personnel is a very important factor in the management of an organization, because The life cycle of the enterprise and the profit brought by employees depend on the efficiency of its personnel.

In one of the stores of Fishtrade LLC, which was opened two years ago, there are two shifts of salespeople, and in one shift the age composition of workers is up to 40 years old, and in the other shift from 45 to 55 years old. Recently, the manager began to think about why one shift has more revenue than another. He began to come to this store more often and observe the work of the sellers. And I concluded that in the shifts where young specialists work, there is a high level of service (they always greet customers, offer goods, help in choosing a particular product), they do their work quickly and accurately (they manage to get everything done on time), it is always correct and beautiful display of goods, and there is always an assortment of choices. And the most important thing is that young specialists have an incentive to work.

Observing the second shift of workers, a completely different picture emerged. Sedentary sellers were reluctant and difficult to do their work, the display was in constant chaos, and the manager’s remark to smile and greet customers more often, they reacted like this: the first two days they tried to do what they were asked to do, and on the third day they All have forgotten. And when the remark was made for the third time, their response was as follows: “We have worked in trade for so many years and know how to behave, but we are not going to relearn and adapt to someone else.” Because of such a negligent attitude towards the work of employees, other people and the organization itself suffer.

Therefore, analyzing his observations, the manager identified a problem - a decrease in the efficiency of staff, and only those workers who are over 45 years old. If you don't solve it urgently this problem, it can lead to bad consequences.

We will develop several options for solving the problem:

1. changing old frames to new ones

2. Submitting an advertisement to the labor exchange and the media (newspapers, ticker tape on television) - this would make it possible to select suitable work units from a larger number of applicants;

3. take a professional approach to hiring staff, i.e. professional selection of employees when hiring through questionnaires and interviews;

4. tighten the requirements for recruited personnel: age no more than 40 years, without bad habits, higher education preferably;

6. use the services personnel organizations(they have their own database of people looking for work). This will help to some extent avoid cooperation with those who have bad habits;

7. activation of material and moral incentives to work, i.e. retain existing employees, give them confidence in stability and support from the enterprise, create a sense of belonging to the organization’s team and, at least to some extent, attract and interest potential personnel.

In order to ensure that employees do not lose their incentive to work, the manager must take the following measures to more efficient work frames is:

1. Encourage employees who conscientiously perform their job duties: declaring gratitude, awarding a certificate of honor, issuing a bonus;

2. payment of financial assistance for holidays, at the birth of children, in the event of the death of an employee, etc.;

3. organize events as often as possible to unite and unite the team;

4. educate as often as possible about changes in the field of trade (attending trainings, various events).

In the third part of the course work we will look at the problem that has arisen in more detail. We will determine how much time it will take to solve it, develop an implementation project, and propose methods by which this can be done.


The analysis showed that Fishtrade LLC has created a management system that has all its inherent elements: a management mechanism (goals, objectives, principles, functions, methods) and a management structure.

The enterprise has a linear-functional organizational structure, which is an ordered set of interconnected elements that are in stable relationships with each other and ensure the development of the organization as a whole.

The main goal of the organization is to make a profit, but in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to overcome many problems that arise in the process of achieving the goal. All problems were described above.

In general, it can be noted that the organization’s activities are proceeding successfully, if not for one “but” that could in the near future lead the enterprise to ruin.

Thus, the main directions for increasing the efficiency of using labor resources are: rational organization of labor; replacement of old personnel with new ones; material and moral interest of employees; social development of the workforce.

These events will help the company increase its competitiveness and continue to remain a leader in the consumer market. And this, in turn, will lead to an increase in the number of buyers, and therefore to an increase in the profit of the enterprise. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase both moral and material incentives, which can increase the efficiency of the work process. And so on in a vicious circle.

3. Development of a solution aimed at improving the quality of personnel decision-making using the example of Fishtrade LLC.

3.1 Statement of the problem and formation of a management decision

To implement a solution related to eliminating a problem existing in an enterprise, it is necessary to develop a management decision mechanism; it consists of three blocks, including 10 stages.

First block- this is a statement of the problem containing the stages:

1. identifying the problem;

2. determining the time required to make a decision;

3. resources necessary to find the optimal solution;

4. analysis of the problem situation.

Second block- formation of decisions, including the following stages:

5. formation of multiple goals to eliminate the problem situation;

6. determination of restrictions on decision making;

7. generation of set alternative options decisions;

Third final The block is called solution optimization:

8. determination of the decision preference function;

9. determination of preference criteria;

10. selection of the preferred solution.

Based on what was discussed above, it was revealed that the problem that arose at the enterprise was a decrease in the efficiency of personnel. The root of this negative situation lies in the fact that the company has employees who are over 45 years old, i.e. Such personnel are already less able to work and need to be replaced with new ones.

It is worth noting that if the issue of dismissing old personnel and hiring new young specialists is resolved, as well as encouraging employees who conscientiously perform their job duties, then this problem at the enterprise will be solved. Keeping in mind the complex nature of the problem that has arisen, we will eliminate the factor of direct impact (poor selection of personnel) by eliminating the factor of indirect impact.

If appropriate measures are not taken in time, further prolongation of the unresolved problem can lead to:

1. to a decrease in profits at the enterprise;

2. suppression by competitors.

The management of the enterprise, represented by the director, is responsible for solving this problem. Options for solutions are developed by the director and his assistants.

Recruitment for existing vacancies must be done in shortest time, since this workplace generates overtime hours that will need to be paid. In addition, it is necessary to find people who will fully meet the required qualities. All these operations will take two to three weeks. After all operations to find and verify an employee have been completed, an order for his employment is issued during the day. All this takes approximately three weeks.

When developing this solution, the main types of resources will be: human, financial, information, material and technical. This set of resources can be explained by the following: the manager needs to have complete and reliable information on the problem that has arisen; the enterprise must also have the appropriate amount of money to fully implement this program;

people who will be involved in the process of implementing this decision, apply all their knowledge and experience; and, finally, the enterprise must have a certain amount of equipment in the form of computers, faxes, telephones, with the help of which administrative and management personnel will be able to implement the decision made.

In order to make an effective decision to eliminate the problem situation under consideration, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of it and identify many alternatives that are satisfactory and suitable for the implementation of this innovation in the organization.

The causes of this problem are:

1. disability of middle-aged workers;

2. irresponsible attitude of these workers to their duties;

3. the presence of bad habits among some employees.

Table 3.1 – Quantitative assessment of problem situations

Problem situations Quantitative and qualitative assessment Probability

Employees' disability

older (over 45 years old)

Do not have time to complete work on time; do poor quality work 0,5
irresponsible attitude of these workers to their duties the human factor (unintentionally or intentionally with the conviction that what kind of payment is the same is the quality of work); do not take into account the opinions of colleagues and higher management 0,45
some employees have bad habits

human factor (bad habit or

actions caused by psychological stress, lack of a way out of the current situation, dissatisfaction with life)

Total: 1

Analyzing the data in the table, we can say that the highest probability (0.5) of the problems presented is the disability of older workers (over 45 years old) and almost the same probability (0.45) of the irresponsible attitude of workers to their duties. Such people will face immediate dismissal.

The lowest probability belongs to the presence of bad habits among some employees (0.05).

Let’s formulate the goals that need to be achieved to solve the problem (Table 3.2). Of these there will be mandatory goals, without which no decision can be considered unacceptable; desirable goals, the achievement of which improves the quality of a given solution; probabilistic goals, the achievement of which, in combination with the first two, creates conditions to prevent the occurrence of a corresponding problem in the future or to completely exhaust it.

Table 3.2 – Variety of goals for eliminating a problem situation

Goals for solving the problem Criteria for achieving goals Indicators of the degree of achievement of goals (%) Importance Score Symbol
1. Recruitment of qualified employees suitable in all respects

Dismissal of old personnel and hiring of new ones;

Careful selection when hiring - material payments must correspond to the employee’s qualifications;

1. Acceptance of a new employee by the team

Creating a friendly atmosphere;

Creating a corporate spirit

2. Quick adaptation of the hired employee to working conditions

Ability to complete assigned tasks;

Good communication with employees and customers

3. Complete replacement of old employees with new ones

Complete all work quickly and efficiently

1. Development of a responsible approach to job responsibilities employee - introduction of a system of disciplinary and material penalties
2. Increasing the level of professional training

Conducting all kinds of classes and trainings;

Compulsory university education

3. Uniting the team in front of the task into a single team - development of a single goal that would solve not only the needs of the enterprise, but also its employees

The development of many alternative solutions is presented (Appendix 2, Fig. 1) in the form of a decision tree. Based on the results of the work done, a rational option would be the dismissal of “old” personnel, the hiring of “young” specialists with the help of professional personnel selection, this option can solve this problem.

Determination of solution preference functions (Appendix 2, Fig. 2), which will reflect all possible steps of the chosen option to resolve the problem.

The criteria determining the preference for the optimal solution are:

The reality of problem solving;

Effectiveness of problem solving;

Minimum amount of costs when resolving the problem;

Immediate resolution of the problem.

To select the preferred solution, the solution evaluation matrix will be applied (Table 3.3). The rating scale in this case will be as follows:

0 – the solution is not achieved;

1 – the solution is achieved at a minimum;

2 – the solution has been partially achieved;

3 – no more than half of the solution has been achieved;

4 – the solution has been achieved almost completely;

5 – the solution is completely achieved.

This scale shows how well a given solution achieves its goal.

The assessment of the probability of implementing a solution for a given goal will vary from 0 to 1, while the sum of the probabilities of achieving one goal should not exceed one.

The goals formulated earlier were used as the goals of this table. The solutions to the problem that arose, given in the decision tree, were used as solutions.

Table 3.3 – Solution evaluation matrix

Solutions Goals
Ots1 Zhts2 Zhts3 Zhts4 Vts5 Vts6 Vts7
point believe point believe point believe point believe point believe point believe point believe
1. Solutions to the problem indirect nature:
1.1 Do not fire “old” personnel 1 0,1 2 0,05 1 0,1 2 0,05 2 0,1 3 0,1 1 0,05 0,95
1.2 Dismissal of the “old” and hiring of specialists of different age categories 2 0,25 4 0,35 5 0,3 4 0,15 4 0,3 3 0,25 5 0,25 7,2
1.3 Dismissal of “old” and hiring of “young” specialists using intuitive selection 3 0,25 3 0,25 4 0,2 3 0,35 3 0,2 4 0,15 4 0,25 5,55
2. Solving a direct problem:
Dismissal of “old” personnel and admission of “young” specialists to professional selection 5 0,4 4 0,35 5 0,4 5 0,45 5 0,4 5 0,5 5 0,45 14,4
Total: 11 1 13 1 15 1 17 1 14 1 15 1 15 1 28,1

After assessing the satisfaction of the organization's goals, it was found that the most the best option of all the above is the decision to dismiss “old” personnel and hire “young” specialists for professional selection, who will work responsibly and carefully, create a favorable atmosphere in the enterprise, and reduce the number of conflicts that arise.

3.2 Plan for implementation of the solution and management assessment of it


The number and variety of goals and objectives of management are so great that no organization, regardless of its size, specialization, type, or form of ownership, can do without a programmatic approach to determining their composition.

As a convenient and practice-tested tool, you can use the construction of a target model in the form of a tree graph - a tree of goals.

Consequently, to implement the decision made, the enterprise needs to build a tree of goals (Fig. 3.1).

The goal of the organization in this scheme will be to decide to hire one person to take the place of the salesperson instead of the dismissed employee. Parameters: woman, under 40 years old, sociable, responsible, efficient, willing to work effectively and bring good results to the organization.

FHD assessment

Rice. 3.1 Goal tree

The executors of this decision will be the director of the enterprise and his deputies. The deadline for implementing the decision is three weeks.

To implement the management decision, it was determined optimal time implementation of this change (filling a vacant position) and a calendar schedule has been constructed according to which the company will have to carry out the necessary activities in order to hire a new employee on time. To carry out the next operation, you need to remember that the best solution to the problem ( low efficiency personnel work) of an indirect nature was the decision to replace old personnel and hire young specialists (Table).

A visual representation of the solution implementation schedule is presented in Table. 3.4.

Table 3.4 – Plan - schedule for implementation of the solution

Activities such as setting a task (searching for a new employee for a position) and determining the circle of people who will develop this solution will take one day; signing an order to hire a new person as a director is also completed within one day; This list is agreed upon with the director within one working week. Thus, the preparatory stage takes approximately seven working days.

An interview with an employee, questioning and testing takes one working day. Requesting a potential employee to the Department of Internal Affairs for a criminal background check takes approximately 9-10 business days. It turns out that the main stage is about two weeks.

And finally The final stage consisting of making a decision to conclude employment contract with the employee and issuing the corresponding order, within 1-2 working days. The last activities take place in the third week of implementation of the decision.

Acceptance of the new, it would seem, at first glance, effective solution should completely eliminate the existing problem. But without a decision regarding the dismissal of “old” personnel, even this event may lose force. Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of personnel in an organization, you only need to employ, through professional personnel selection, employees who will meet these requirements. At the same time, act on the principle: wages will depend on the revenue generated, maybe then people will begin to strive to satisfy not only their needs to the fullest, but also the needs of other people.

Based on the above analysis, we can say that the proposed solution to hiring only young specialists will solve this problem fundamentally and that management will act rationally by choosing it.


Decision making is not a one-time act, but the result of a process that has a certain duration and structure. The decision-making process is a cyclical sequence of actions of a management subject aimed at resolving the problems of the organization and consisting in analyzing the situation, generating alternatives, selecting the best one and its implementation.

In modern conditions of economic development, the effectiveness of management depends on the integrated application of many factors, and not least on the procedure for making decisions and their practical implementation. The higher the validity and quality of decisions made in specific situations, the lower the organization’s commercial risk. The quality and effectiveness of management decisions are the main factors rational use resources and increasing the competitiveness of the organization.

In the course work, the goals set in the introduction were achieved, namely: the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to the analysis of the practice of Fishtrade LLC under changing conditions, to reveal the main problems existing in this organization and to formulate ways to solve them. In this course project, an analysis and assessment of the technology for making personnel decisions was carried out using the example of the enterprise under study.

As a result of the analysis and assessment of the process of developing and making personnel decisions on the problematic situation that has developed at this enterprise, its optimality and rationality was revealed. It most closely corresponds to the set goals of the enterprise, aimed at the result of solving this problem, namely maintaining a competitive position and increasing advantages over competitors.


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15. Guidelines on the preparation of written work for students of all forms of study of specialty 061100 “Organization Management” / Comp. T. A. Vashko, A. N. Chaplin; KGTEI. – Krasnoyarsk, 2005.

16. Nabokov V.I., Semenov A.K. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2004.

17. Remennikov V.V. Development of a management solution. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006.

18. Rumyantseva Z.P., Salomatin I.A. Organizational management: Textbook - M.: INFRA - M, 2005.

19. Rusinova S.A. Management. – Moscow, 1999

20. Smolkin A.M. Management: basics of organization. – Moscow: INFRA-M, 2001, 248 p.

21. Smirnov E.A. Development of management solutions. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2000.

22. Smirnov E.A. Management decisions - M.: INFRA - M, 2001 - 264 p.

23. Smolkin A.M. Management: basics of organization: Textbook - M.: INFRA - M, 2000.

24. Personnel management of an organization: Textbook/Under. ed. AND I. Kibanova. – 3rd ed., add. and processed – M.: INFRA – M, 2006. – 638 p. - (Higher education).

25. Organization management: Textbook/Ed. A.G. Porshneva,

Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Solamatina. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional.. – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. – 669 p.

26. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Development of a management solution. – Intel – Synthesis, 2008

27. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Management decisions: Textbook. 4th ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M. – 2001. – 283 p. – (Series “Higher Education”).

28. Chaplina A. N., Suslova Yu. Yu. Mechanism for managing the performance of small business enterprises. KGTEI, Krasnoyarsk, 2005. – 439 p.

29. Economics of a trading enterprise: A.I. Grebnev, O.A. Gabrielyan and others - M.: Economics, 2002.

Table 3 – Expert assessments of capabilities

Experts Wed. meaning
1 2 3 4
sum beat weight sum beat weight sum beat Weight sum beat weight
1. Replacing obsolete personnel with new ones 10 37,04 10 34,5 10 37,04 10 35,8 40
2. Search for employees who meet all requirements 9 33,34 10 34,5 10 37,04 9 32,1 38
3. Expansion of the sales market 8 29,62 9 31 7 25,92 9 32,1 33
Total: 27 100 29 100 27 100 28 100 -

Table 4 – Expert assessments of threats to the organization

Annex 1.

Table 1 – Expert assessments of strengths

Characteristics of the organization's strengths

Experts Wed. Meaning
1 2 3 4
sum beat weight sum beat weight sum beat Weight sum beat weight
1. Annual increase in profits 8 9,5 9 11,2 9 10,1 9 10 35
2. Decent reputation in the consumer market 10 11,9 10 12,5 9 10,1 10 11,1 39
3. Location 10 11,9 8 10 10 11,2 10 11,1 38
4. Product range 9 10,7 7 8,5 10 11,2 9 10 35
5. Quality of service (service) 9 10,7 8 10 10 11,2 9 10 36
6. Providing trading services 7 8,3 6 7,5 6 6,9 8 8,9 27
7. Flexible system of discounts 8 9,5 8 10 9 10,1 10 11,1 35
8. Clear distribution of rights and responsibilities in the organization 6 7,3 8 10 7 7,9 7 7,8 28
9. Availability of a social package 9 10,7 9 11,2 9 10,1 8 8,9 35
10. Payment of bonuses 8 9,5 9 11,2 10 11,2 10 11,1 37
Total: 84 100 80 100 89 100 90 100 -

Table 2 – Expert assessments of weaknesses

Appendix 2. Rice. 1. Decision tree

Rice. 2. Decision preference functions

Rice. 2.1. Organizational structure of the company Fishtrade LLC

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    1. 1.2. The value of quality improvement

    As economic reforms progress in Russia, more and more attention is paid to quality. Currently, one of the serious problems for Russian enterprises is the creation of a quality system that allows them to ensure the production of competitive products. The quality system is important when negotiating with foreign customers, who consider it a prerequisite that the manufacturer has a quality system and a certificate for this system issued by an authoritative certification body. The quality system must take into account the characteristics of the enterprise, ensure minimization of costs for product development and its implementation. The consumer wants to have confidence that the quality of the supplied products will be stable and sustainable.

    In the theory and practice of quality management, two problems are identified: product quality and quality management.

    Ensuring quality requires considerable costs. Until recently, the bulk of quality costs came from physical labor. But today the share of intellectual work is high. The quality problem cannot be solved without the participation of scientists, engineers, and managers. There must be harmony of all components of professional influence on quality.

    The importance of product quality is... that only high-quality products open the export route to solvent Western markets. Special competitions are expected to play a major role in ensuring the quality of products of Russian manufacturers and their successful competition in world markets.

    Various types of competitions with honorary awards awarded to their winners are widely used in world practice.

    In Russia there is a Council for awarding Government Prizes in the field of product quality. In December 1996, a competition was announced with the goal of attracting the attention of subjects of the Russian economy to the quality of products. 68 enterprises took part in the competition, whose managers were the first to appreciate the significance of the competition. It is characteristic that 7% of the total number of award applicants represented small businesses, which provide Russia with 14% of the gross domestic product.

    The main goal of the awards is to help Russian enterprises and organizations increase the competitiveness of domestic industry in the global market.

    It should be noted that competitions aimed at improving quality already have some history in Russia. Thus, in 1992, the St. Petersburg Club of Quality Managers (Club-9000), the small research, production and service enterprise “Conflax” and the magazine “Standards and Quality” established a competition for the title “Best Quality Manager of the Year”. In 1995, its co-founders were also the Russian Consumer Union and the Administration of St. Petersburg, and in 1997, the Test-St. Petersburg Test and Certification Center and TKB Intersifika JSC.

    The competition aims to:

      expanding the range of enterprises providing quality based on international standards ISO 9000 series and the TQM concept;

      improve the professional level of quality specialists;

      disseminate the experience of the most effectively working quality managers;

      propaganda in the country and abroad of the achievements of Russian quality managers.

    Quality is an important tool in the struggle for markets. It is quality that ensures the competitiveness of a product. It consists of the technical level of the product and the usefulness of the product for the consumer through functional, social, aesthetic, ergonomic, and environmental properties. At the same time, competitiveness is determined by the totality of qualitative and cost features of a product that can satisfy the needs of the consumer, as well as the costs of purchasing and consuming the corresponding product. It should be taken into account that among products of a similar purpose, those that provide the highest beneficial effect in relation to the total costs of the consumer are more competitive. Of course, improving quality comes with costs. However, they will pay for themselves thanks to the profits received. Occupying a leading position in the market is impossible without the development and development of new products (modified, improved).

    The meaning of quality improvement is quite diverse. The solution to this problem is micro level It is also important for the economy as a whole, since it will allow us to establish new and progressive proportions between its industries and within industries. For example, between the metallurgical industry and mechanical engineering. Ensuring these proportions can be achieved by improving the production technology of engineering products and increasing their efficiency. Improving the quality of mechanical engineering products is important for automating production processes in other industries.

    Sufficiently high reliability of the equipment purchased by the consumer will ensure proportionality of the production process, which is important for preventing emergency and unscheduled equipment failures and the occurrence of bottlenecks.

    If you do not pay serious attention to quality, significant funds will be required to correct defects. A much greater effect will be achieved by developing long-term programs to prevent defects.

    Until recently, it was believed that quality should be dealt with by special units. The transition to a market economy makes it necessary to study the experience of the world's leading companies in achieving high quality. Leading firms in countries with developed market economies believe that all services should be aimed at achieving quality. A key role in improving quality is played by consumer requirements, information about malfunctions, miscalculations and errors, and consumer assessments.

    Studies conducted in a number of countries have shown that in companies that pay little attention to quality, up to 60% of the time can be spent on fixing defects.

    The value of quality improvement at the macro level well illustrated by the example of Japan. After the Second World War, Japanese industrialists were actively searching for ways to improve production efficiency and product quality. Groups of Japanese managers studied experiences around the world. They met with the heads of leading industrial firms in the USA and Europe. Everything rational was transferred to national soil. The attention of Japanese managers was attracted by such concepts as statistical quality control and integrated quality management.

    Japanese workers and employees learned new techniques during working hours. Studying the experience of various countries, Japanese managers noticed that successful companies place high demands on their employees and product quality.

    As a result of the research and development carried out, the so-called “Japanese quality standards” appeared. A new concept of “quality culture” has emerged in Japan. Quality culture is a complex concept that includes the quality of service, the quality of reporting documentation, the quality of production operations, etc. Japan became the founder of a new methodology for enterprise activity and moved to total quality control. The new system goes beyond the micro level and includes control of the product sales market, analysis of market conditions, and after-sales service. At the same time, traditional quality management is not eliminated, but improved. The significance of total quality control is that it enhances the impact of consumer demands on product quality. In addition, total quality is one of the criteria for evaluating the work of managers. Company managers do not treat quality improvement as one of the ordinary aspects of management, but give it priority.

    Consumers are interested in reliability, ease of use, durability, and aesthetic properties of products.

    In modern conditions, the objective need to improve the level of product quality is due to several reasons:

    1) product quality becomes one of the decisive factors in increasing production efficiency and intensive development of the economy as a whole;

    2) the release of low-quality products causes great economic damage to both individual enterprises and the entire national economy;

    3) the psychology of the consumer and his requirements for product quality are changing;

    4) quality is one of the most important factors in the competitiveness of products in an increasingly competition for sales markets.

    Improving product quality is the most important way to increase production efficiency. Production efficiency is determined by the ratio of the results obtained and production costs. Efficiency can be increased in two ways: by reducing production costs or increasing the social significance of labor results, which can increase not only due to an increase in the quantity of products, but also due to an increase in its quality. The first path has certain boundaries, the second is practically unlimited.

    Improving the quality of products is a process focused on the most complete satisfaction of needs for a given product, which can be carried out in two directions: improving the quality parameters of already developed products, as well as the creation and development of qualitatively new types of them.

    The growth of product quality has two types of limiters: scientific and technical achievements and the production potential of society, which determines the amount of total social labor required to create and use products. Society is not indifferent to the amount of labor that is required to create a specific product and satisfy social needs with it. From an economic point of view, not any increase in the quality of products is advisable, but only that which meets social needs and satisfies these needs at the lowest cost. High product quality is evidence of achieving maximum labor savings to satisfy a specific need by optimizing labor costs at the stages of production and consumption of products.

    As the quality of products decreases, the need for additional labor costs in society to satisfy social needs increases. Thus, with a decrease in the reliability and service life of technical devices, repair and maintenance costs increase. If this concerns household appliances, then the loss of working and free time increases due to the need to repair it.

    Improved quality ensures noticeable savings funds of enterprises and manufacturing companies. Despite the initial costs, the cost savings are so great that firms can re-price their products downwards, which significantly improves their competitiveness, increasing the market share of these products while maintaining or even increasing profits. The analysis showed that an increase in investment in improving product quality by 2% at the design stage gives a 20% increase in profits. The return on investment in improving product quality is about 900%.

    Of course, the costs of ensuring and improving product quality at different firms in different countries can vary significantly. In the USA, costs for improving product quality average 3-5% of product sales, in Western Europe - 6-8%, in Japan - 3%.

    Satisfaction of social needs is carried out through two aspects of production: its quality and quantity. These two aspects of the product are, within certain limits, interchangeable in satisfying needs. A single unit of product with a given level of quality is capable of satisfying a single need. The entire volume of satisfied demand for a given product is determined by the product of its quantity and the level of its quality. Thus, a given volume of needs can be satisfied with a smaller quantity of products at a higher quality.

    In most cases, improving quality stimulates an increase in consumption and, consequently, production. This is due to the fact that a new, higher quality is not only created to satisfy a higher need, but also changes the nature of existing needs or generates new ones and gives impetus to the development of social production and raising the standard of living of people.

    There is a misconception that when there is a shortage of products, their quality fades into the background, because... Everything that is produced is bought. But low quality products cannot reduce the shortage, because... is capable of satisfying a specific need far from completely in terms of its totality of consumer properties and for a short period of time, if such quality indicators as shelf life and durability are reduced. At the same time, the required mass of goods increases.

    Moreover, the low quality of this type of product can cause shortages of other types. Yes, there is a shortage passenger cars may be a consequence not only of limited production capacity, but also of low quality metal; the shortage of automobile fuel is a consequence of its high specific costs due to the poor quality of engines; The shortage of shoes made of genuine leather is largely the result of poor quality raw materials due to poor care of livestock, etc.

    An increase in quality is equivalent to an increase in the volume of output without additional resource costs. Calculations have shown that the effectiveness of investments aimed at improving product quality is approximately 2 times higher than the effectiveness of costs for increasing the volume of production.

    The decisive importance of quality in the competitiveness of products is confirmed by the following fact. In a study of 200 large US firms, 80% of respondents responded that product quality was the main factor for its sales. Not a single company put price first.

    Quite a long time ago, the problem of quality in developed countries ceased to be a concern of individual companies, but is considered as a national problem. Thus, the problem of product quality management is considered as the most important national task in Japan, annual “quality months” are organized in the USA, in Sweden, by government decision, nationwide campaigns for the struggle for quality are carried out, in Holland a national five-year plan for improving product quality is being developed.

    Such close attention in developed countries to product quality is explained by the objective reasons mentioned earlier, as well as by changes in the conditions, forms and methods of intensified competition for markets between leading firms in different countries. The catalyst is the “Japanese phenomenon” in the field of product quality. Japanese firms have practically supplanted their competitors in the global market for audio and video equipment, watches, and cameras, and they are squeezing leading American and European firms in the market for cars and a number of other goods.

    Most countries are making great efforts to improve the quality of their goods and thereby defend their prestige and position in the world market in a fierce struggle against competitors from Japan. Industrial firms from various countries are adopting Japanese experience in organizing production and quality management.

    At the same time, the social aspect of quality is becoming increasingly important, when quality is considered in a broad sense - the quality of life and vital activity. This means a set of quality objects: the environment, health care, education and personal development, goods and services, communications, etc.

    The problem of quality is especially acute and requires a solution in our country. This is a long-standing problem for us; it arose in the conditions of a directive economy, when all work to ensure and improve product quality was planned and controlled from above. However, at the same time, consumer requirements were poorly taken into account and product quality was assessed by its compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents, which most often lagged behind consumer requests. Given the monopoly position of producers and the absence of a powerful market incentive for quality growth - competition - they were not interested in improving the quality of products or spending additional financial resources for these purposes. The situation with product quality was then aggravated by an increase in commodity shortages, when demand increasingly exceeded supply, and the consumer, deprived of choice, was ready to buy goods of any quality and at a dictated price (though the prices were affordable).

    Since our manufacturers practically did not enter the foreign market (with a few exceptions), there was no external competition and there was no need to compare the quality of our goods with those of other countries.

    Now, when the market is saturated with imported goods, the problem of quality has confronted our producers in full force. Without its solution, our products will not be sold either domestically or on the world market.

    Let's define the concept socially necessary quality. What is important is not just the quality of the bulk of this product, not any level of its social utility, but the level that is necessary for society at this stage of its development, taking into account the actual needs. The measure of the social utility of a product is its socially necessary quality. Socially necessary quality is understood as such a level of consumer properties of products that ensures the satisfaction of social and individual needs with the most efficient use of all types of resources available to society.

    The quality of the product will then be socially necessary when its level is within the limits of realized social utility, and the labor costs for producing the product will correspond to the average social costs per unit of use value. Increasing the quality of products within the socially necessary level must be accompanied by a reduction in costs per unit of utility.

    What are the boundaries of socially necessary quality? The lower limit can be considered technical quality, i.e. its level at which the product is still a use value, and below this level it becomes a thing that cannot satisfy any need of the individual and society. The upper limit of socially necessary quality can be the maximum value of social need, at which the quality of the product fully acts as a social utility.

    Quality management at enterprises is carried out with the aim of continuous improvement of products and services provided. It is also aimed at bringing goods into compliance with state and international standards. The fundamentals of quality management regulate the most important points that make it possible to satisfy the needs of consumers and ensure the appropriate level of safety.

    Definition of the concept

    The essence of quality management can be defined as the purposeful activity of managers and employees of a particular enterprise to influence the production process with the aim of continuously improving product quality. This activity can be carried out by both senior management and ordinary personnel.

    Quality management is an element of the overall management structure and an integral component of any production. This branch is responsible for developing a clear quality policy, setting goals, and defining the tasks through which they will be achieved. There are certainly processes such as planning, as well as providing all the necessary conditions and supply of resources to ensure that products meet established standards.

    It is worth noting that quality management is carried out at each stage of the life cycle of a product. This process begins at the stage of idea generation and development of project documentation. And even after the product has been sold and put into operation, quality managers collect certain information in order to improve the next batches.

    The object of quality management is the production process itself, which begins from the moment the idea to manufacture a certain product arises. And the subjects are the managers of the enterprise, which include both top management and heads of individual departments. The process itself involves the sequential performance of a number of functions: planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control.

    Development of quality management

    Quality management is constantly being improved. The development of management has gone through several historical stages:

    • Until the end of the 20th century, individual control took place. Each manufacturer independently assessed its product for compliance with the original sample or design.
    • By the beginning of the 20th century, the need to distribute responsibilities became obvious. This is how shop control arises, which implies assigning an individual area of ​​responsibility to each employee.
    • At the next stage, we can talk about the emergence of administrative control, which implies the direct participation of top management in quality management processes.
    • With the expansion of production scales, there is a need to create separate technical control services at the enterprise, which not only assess compliance with the standards of the final product, but also monitor the entire production process.
    • Since there is a need for high-quality and quantification production results, statistical methods begin to be applied.
    • A system of universal control is being introduced. This means the involvement of workers at all levels in quality management.
    • At the beginning of the 21st century it is created international organization ISO, which deals with standardization and certification of products.

    How is quality management carried out?

    The quality management process in each individual company can be carried out differently. However, there is a standard framework that guides the actions of managers at various levels on this issue.

    So, speaking about senior managers, it is worth noting that their responsibilities include comprehensive interaction with external environment. It involves timely response to changes in standards, as well as legislative acts. Also on the shoulders of senior management lies the responsibility for developing policies and determining action plans aimed at improving product quality.

    Speaking about the responsibilities of middle managers, it is worth noting that they carry out all decisions and orders of the management regarding compliance with quality standards. They directly influence the production process and control all its stages. If top management determines the strategy, then middle management builds operational short-term plans on its basis. We can say that certain levels of quality management are formed that correspond to the general hierarchy in the organization.

    An enterprise policy such as total quality management is characterized by a number of features:

    • the enterprise strategy is aimed at improving quality, which is reflected at all levels of management;
    • staff motivation is aimed at getting them interested in improving product quality;
    • the production mechanism and process is flexible enough to ensure rapid adaptation to changing standards and customer needs;
    • carrying out production activities in accordance with generally accepted international standards;
    • compliance of control systems modern theories and approaches;
    • mandatory certification of all types of products.

    Quality Management System

    Enterprises have a certain structure, which involves the interaction of all levels of management in order to ensure proper product quality. This is one of the mandatory conditions dictated by modern market conditions. This phenomenon is known as a quality management system, which is guided by a number of principles:

    • clear interaction should be established between the heads of various departments;
    • a systematic approach should be used in quality management;
    • it is worth distinguishing between the process of product development and the process of its direct production;
    • this system must perform a limited number of functions that would clearly separate it from others available in the enterprise.

    It is worth noting the annual increase in competition in the market. One of the main aspects this process is precisely the compliance of goods with quality standards. As a result, enterprises began to pay more and more attention this aspect production. In this regard, there is a need for a certain material base, as well as modern equipment and technology. However, the most important point is precisely the staff. It is important to implement the right motivation system, as well as a management philosophy in which each employee will feel personal responsibility for the final characteristics of the product.

    Such a quality management system requires significant effort, which largely depends not only on the scale of production, but also on the type of product produced. Management is also required to continuously respond promptly to any changes in international standards ISO 9001, as well as various industry documents.

    Quality management methods

    Quality is a fairly broad and capacious category that has many features and aspects. One of these features can be considered quality management methods, the list of which is as follows:

    • Administrative methods are some directives that are mandatory. These include:
      • regulation;
      • norms;
      • standards;
      • instructions;
      • management orders.
    • The technological method consists of both individual and combined control over the production process and the final result. For this purpose, all kinds of modern engineering means are used, which are improved every year. The most objective results are characterized by automated devices that measure and evaluate certain parameters without the participation of enterprise employees.
    • Statistical methods - based on the collection of digital data on product output, as well as its quality indicators. Next, the obtained indicators are compared for different periods in order to identify a positive or negative trend. Based on the results of this analysis, a decision is made to improve the quality management system.
    • The economic method consists of assessing the cost of measures aimed at improving quality, as well as the financial result that will be achieved after their implementation.
    • Psychological method - implies a certain influence on the workforce, which consists in the desire of workers to the highest quality standards. What matters here is self-discipline, the moral atmosphere in the team, as well as the assessment of the individual characteristics of each employee.

    In order for actions in the field of quality control at an enterprise to be successful, it is recommended to combine these methods and carry out quality management work comprehensively.


    The following quality management functions can be distinguished:

    • forecasting - implies the determination, based on a retrospective analysis, of future trends, needs and requirements in the field of product quality;
    • planning - involves the preparation of long-term documentation regarding new types of products, future quality levels, improvement of technology and materials (there is the development of a certain reference product or production method, to the quality level of which production should strive);
    • technological quality assurance, which implies full preparation for the start of the production process;
    • metrological support - implies the determination of standards and bringing all production-related objects to them;
    • organization - includes ensuring interaction not only between individual structures of the enterprise, but also between the internal and external environment;
    • ensuring stability - consists of a constant desire for a certain level of quality, as well as the elimination of all shortcomings and deviations identified during the production process;
    • quality control - aimed at identifying the correspondence between the planned and achieved level, as well as its compliance with the stated standards;
    • analytical function - implies the collection and study of information about the results of the enterprise’s activities;
    • legal support - consists of bringing all systems and processes in the company into compliance with legislative norms;
    • stimulating improvements in quality levels - includes motivating employees.

    It is worth noting that the functions of quality management, with the exception of specific points, largely overlap with the basic functions of management.

    Basic principles

    The principles of quality management are the basis of the system of international standards, and they can be described as follows:

    • the production strategy must be entirely consumer-oriented (this applies not only to the range, but also to the level of quality of goods);
    • the management of the enterprise is responsible for providing the necessary conditions to achieve a given level of quality;
    • all personnel of the company - from the highest to the lowest level - must be involved in the process of improving the quality of products, for which a system of motivation and incentives must be used;
    • quality management should be carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, which consists in the perception of all divisions of the enterprise in their inextricable relationship;
    • It is unacceptable to set finite limits for quality, but should be guided by the principle of continuous improvement of its level;
    • making any decisions that relate to changes in production technology in order to improve product quality must be justified by figures that characterize the economic feasibility of introducing certain innovations;
    • In an effort to improve the quality of the final product, it is worth demanding the same from suppliers of raw materials, materials, as well as machinery and equipment.

    Compliance with these principles is the key effective organization quality management.


    In order to apply these principles in practice, the following quality management conditions must be present:

    • a plan for improving production must be developed or specific economic indicators that the enterprise is striving for must be known;
    • actions to improve the existing system are advisable only if there are significant deviations from the specified parameters;
    • these deviations must be clearly measured, it is necessary to obtain a description in the form specific numbers or economic indicators;
    • The enterprise must have sufficient resources and levels of capability to improve production and bring it in line with benchmarks.


    Most modern enterprises use international ISO quality management standards in their production activities. This is an organization in which representatives of 147 countries take part. This makes it possible to create unified requirements for goods and services that not only ensure a high level of quality, but also contribute to the development of international trade.

    The most widely used quality standard in the world is ISO-9000. It contains 8 basic principles according to which activities should be organized. These include:

    • focus on customer needs;
    • unconditional leadership of the manager;
    • involving employees of all levels in quality management processes;
    • division of the production process into specific stages and components;
    • understanding of quality management as a system of interconnected elements;
    • continuous pursuit of improving product quality and improving production mechanisms;
    • all decisions must be made only on the basis of facts;
    • The organization's relationship with the external environment must be mutually beneficial.

    Speaking about the ISO 9001 system, it is worth noting that it defines specific requirements that, unlike principles, are mandatory. According to this standard, enterprises receive a certificate that confirms the appropriate level of their products, capable of fully satisfying customer needs and also ensuring safety.

    The ISO 9004 system is a guide for those enterprises that seek to improve the quality of their products and improve production. Implies a detailed description of all stages that will bring production into line with increasing requirements.

    It is worth noting that bringing production into compliance with ISO standards is a voluntary decision of the manager. However, for ambitious organizations that do not wish to be limited to local markets, following these regulations, as well as obtaining the appropriate certificate, is mandatory.

    Why is quality management needed?

    Modern quality management poses many tasks for manufacturers, the implementation of which ensures the appropriate level of product quality. Although following international standards is a voluntary initiative, more and more firms are joining it to strengthen their position in the market. The objectives of quality management can be described as follows:

    • increasing the level of quality, as well as ensuring product safety;
    • improvement of the production process in order to achieve the highest economic results;
    • creating a positive image in the market, which will significantly increase sales volumes;
    • obtaining a significant advantage over competitors;
    • attracting investments;
    • entering new markets;
    • in case of following international standards - export of products abroad.

    Every business manager must be aware that ensuring high level quality is necessary not only for the end consumer, but also for the enterprise itself. Why? Competent organization of quality management, as well as adherence to all state and international standards, opens up new markets for products, and therefore allows us to achieve maximum profit.

    Main problems

    Quality management is accompanied by a number of problems and significant obstacles. These include the following:

    • combining marketing activities with full compliance with all principles and quality standards;
    • despite the economic interests of the enterprise, the entire quality assurance system must take into account the requirements and needs of the consumer;
    • continuous quality control at all stages of the production process;
    • lack of qualified personnel sufficiently aware of the latest standards.

    Quality Tools

    The following groups of quality tools can be distinguished:

    • control tools that allow you to assess the feasibility of making certain management decisions;
    • quality management tools - include comprehensive information about the parameters of a specific product and the features of its production (mainly used at the development stage);
    • analysis tools - allow you to identify bottlenecks and determine areas for improving production;
    • design tools - used at the product development stage and allow you to identify the most important for a potential consumer quality characteristics goods.

    It is worth noting that ensuring a high level of product quality is the initial task of any modern enterprise, which seeks to take a stable position in the market, as well as expand its boundaries. Obtaining the international quality certificate ISO 9001 allows you not only to improve your reputation, but also to enter the international arena.

    This section on the areas of setting ISI 9001:2000 is consistent with the material presented in the section “Quality Management Objectives”. It reflects the state of the document, which was prepared by the developers for discussion at one of the Russian enterprises engaged in the production of mixtures from various components.

    Production of final products from semi-finished products with separation of this production into a separate enterprise - this is the call of the times. It is no coincidence that the enterprise for which this document was prepared developed successfully. Development of activities to obtain international standard quality was part of the strategy to create trademark to enter new regions.

    real consulting document.

    1. Management interaction Managerial interaction is based on the distribution of functions and responsibilities between managers when supervising the implementation of all decisions in the field of quality.

    Appoint a responsible person with the authority to make decisions in the field of quality. At the same time, form a group capable of preparing decisions in the field of quality. betray to this person Deputy status general director while maintaining other responsibilities.

    The implementation group in the field of quality should be formed from managers and specialists of various departments, who, in addition to their responsibilities in this department, will be empowered to work in the field of quality.

    Decision-making in the field of quality management should be based on the Policy in the field of quality management developed and adopted for execution.

    The quality management policy is a document with specific practical content regarding obligations. It contains a description of the goals that will be achieved during its implementation, and also defines the mechanisms and structures that are aimed at the practical implementation of the Quality Management Policy. The work of the Manager and the Group is carried out in accordance with the document “Quality Management Policy in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2000”.

    Plan the initial stage of the group’s work with the development/refinement of functional responsibilities:
    - forms of standard documents;
    - procedure for filling out standard forms;
    - who, to whom, what information and in what time frame should be transferred;
    - who, when and on the basis of what information should make decisions;
    - who, how and when should implement decisions;
    - responsibility of officials for the accuracy and timeliness of filling out standard information forms and their transmission in the information exchange system within the Plant as part of management interaction.

    These agreed upon provisions shall be used for inclusion in the future in the following documents:
    - Plant quality management policy for use by senior managers
    - Methodological instructions aimed at setting up and practical implementation of a quality management system, for use in work by middle management
    - Work instructions for use by personnel when performing control functions and to prevent defects
    - Staff reporting forms for further analysis and preparation for decision making


    appoint a person responsible for the implementation of the Quality Management Policy and give authority to set ISO 9001:2000 at the Plant develop a Quality Management Policy develop a forward-looking Management Structure taking into account the implementation of the Quality Management Policy
    improve the procedure for making decisions in the field of quality management improve the information exchange system in order to obtain reliable and timely data develop methodological instructions
    finalize work instructions finalize reporting forms determine software for information exchange, taking into account the development prospects of the Plant to resolve quality management issues
    conduct a problem-based business game "Quality" Conduct trainings with department heads

    2. Quality system The quality system is based on everyone at their workplace understanding the importance of the work being done. It cannot be implemented at once or in a prescriptive manner. Setting up a quality system requires planning the implementation process and its further maintenance in accordance with the developed Quality Management Policy.

    Formal compliance with the requirements of developed documents can lead to distortion of the information received, which in turn will lead to errors in the analysis for decision-making. Only a clear awareness by everyone at their workplace of the need to implement all developed procedures allows the implementation of the Quality Management Policy.


    determine the resources that are necessary to maintain and develop the quality system develop a Quality Management System Maintenance Plan to achieve the goals and essence of the Quality Management Policy develop document flow rules for the exchange of information in the field of quality management
    implement the developed methodological instructions, conduct trainings with management staff, create conditions for retraining staff reproduce the developed and finalized documents in such quantities that they become available to everyone who must use them in their practical activities, as well as remove outdated documentation from the work premises carry out retraining of personnel in the form of training in order to practical use their developed/modified work instructions and reporting forms, Special attention for differences in the performance of work
    Develop product quality improvement programs

    3. Contract practice A well-functioning contract system should allow us to obtain high-quality products and create conditions so that there are no violations in the implementation of contracts on the part of partners and the Plant.

    It is necessary to organize the collection of data on non-fulfillment of contract obligations. The work should be aimed at finding the reasons that give rise to the possibility of violation of contracts and eliminating these reasons.


    standardize contract forms and define the responsibilities of persons preparing contract decisions and signing contracts standardize the forms of Terms of Reference attached to contracts determine the circle of persons responsible for strict compliance with the terms of contracts and for actions during the implementation of contracts
    finalize and describe the procedure in case of violation of contracts organize the collection and analysis of information on violations of contract terms develop financial criteria for conducting comparative assessments of various contracts, as well as of the damage that results from unclear fulfillment of obligations under contracts
    develop a procedure for interaction with the main shareholder when concluding contracts

    4. Design management Release new products is associated with risks for the consumer that it will not meet the declared qualities or that other contract conditions will not be met. The plant must demonstrate that management is in place in such a way that all obligations will be fulfilled accurately and on time.

    The design of new products must be based on market needs. First of all, it is necessary to target those consumers who have already consumed certain types of products and are turning to new products to achieve their goals.


    develop a procedure for forming working groups when organizing the release of new products develop the responsibilities of managers and staff of working groups when organizing new types of products, including the procedure for accepting work as completed for the implementation of the project develop a procedure for organizing product development, as approved by technical documentation and documentation defining the actions of personnel and managers
    develop instructions for drawing up personnel training programs and procedures for taking classification exams develop principles for organizing personnel training during the production of pilot batches and further production Conduct classes with those responsible for design quality

    5. Management of the development of quality documentation Documentation related to quality management may become outdated, change after identifying reasons that impede the improvement of quality levels, after switching to other sources of raw materials, after changing requirements for output products, etc. Managing the development of quality documentation is one of the most important tasks of quality management.

    If there is a fact of release of defective products, its reason must be established. Prompt decisions must be made to change existing instructions. If a defect occurred due to a human factor, and it is currently not possible to eliminate the cause technologically, then a decision is made on additional training of personnel.

    Different types of information accumulate in different departments. Information received and processed in some departments should flow freely to other departments, if it is necessary for their work. Information should be supplied to other departments in a form that is understandable for this department and can easily be used in their work.

    It is necessary to strive for paperless technology, which improves the quality of information exchange and makes it complete and timely. Paperless technology reduces the costs of information exchange and allows you to quickly find the necessary information for analysis and preparation of decisions.


    develop a schedule for the development of quality management documents determine the procedure for making changes to the documentation identify responsible persons to ensure that departments receive updated documentation on time and that outdated versions are removed
    identify responsible persons responsible for training staff and their knowledge of documents related to their activities determine the procedure for document flow within the Plant regarding quality issues determine the procedure for transition to paperless technologies when exchanging information, the software used, indicating fonts, types of graphics and other standards for users of the document management information system
    determine the order of distribution of documents determine the procedure for archiving documents determine the procedure for destroying documents
    plan sessions with persons who will enter information during document flow plan sessions with users of the information exchange system

    6. Procurement management When making purchases, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the supplied products. It is necessary to conduct an analysis not only to satisfy the requirements of the contract, but also to present other possibilities of suppliers in case of an increase in purchase volumes or the possibility of producing products with other properties that may be required when implementing programs to improve the quality of products or programs to sell new types of products.

    One of the goals of procurement management is to establish a clear mechanism for interaction with regular suppliers and create conditions for long-term partnerships. Long-term partnerships are built by understanding the goals of product suppliers and implementing mutually beneficial contracts. Long-term partnership is a guarantee of the quality of the Plant’s products, allows you to reduce prices for purchased products and receive products that reduce production costs.


    determine the pricing procedure depending on the type of purchased product and the procedure for forming batch volumes depending on the sales plan finished products and discounts on wholesale quantities finalize existing documents on the acceptance of supplied products with control over the quality of incoming products, specifications, invoices, work instructions for processing the acceptance of products, etc. expand the database parameters for product suppliers, create preference ratings taking into account the use of ISO 9001:2000 by supplier enterprises
    define standards for mailing information create a unified information field on discrepancies in obligations on the part of suppliers (separately: oral, written, contractual obligations)
    determine the procedure for action in cases where the product does not comply with the standards specified in the contract develop a strategy and procedure for interaction with the main owner when working with suppliers develop a training program when working with suppliers
    organize retraining of persons providing procurement

    7.Supply management The contract system obliges the Plant to fulfill its obligations in terms of deadlines, volume and product characteristics. Failures can occur when products are not collected in volumes that allow reducing transportation costs, when transportation conditions may not meet the developed requirements, when products are returned by the consumer, etc.

    All cases that impede the timely and high-quality fulfillment of obligations to the buyer must be recorded and analyzed in order to make decisions to prevent similar situations in the future.

    All this creates conditions when a decision must be made by a higher manager. It is necessary to conduct an analysis in order to identify the reasons that impede the high-quality and timely delivery of products to the consumer.

    It is necessary to work with the consumer in order to make a forecast for their development and, if possible, to satisfy his increasing requirements.

    One of the goals of supply management is the formation of stable partnerships, retention of the sales market and demonstration to promising clients of opportunities for profitable cooperation when purchasing the Plant’s products. Maintaining the sales market is possible if the interests of consumers are taken into account as much as possible and programs are formed to produce new products and improve the quality of manufactured products, taking into account the development of consumers of the Plant's products.

    The products produced by the Plant may be environmentally harmful in cases of violation of the technologies for their use. The accompanying documentation itself indicates application standards, but does not indicate the benefits that the consumer receives if these standards are observed. It is advisable to finalize these documents, bringing it closer to understanding the benefits of the consumer and to his awareness of the damage that can be caused to nature and his economy if the technologies for using the Plant’s products are violated.


    finalize work instructions for staff, including determining the procedure for contacting higher managers in the event of a situation not specified in the work instructions create lists of customer requirements for products, as well as requirements not formulated by the customer, but necessary for compliance purposes create product commitments, including regulatory and legal requirements
    formulate commitments that the company plans to implement in the future expand the database parameters for product consumers and for the formation of ratings (priorities) for product consumers determine technology for reaching new clients
    determine the standards for mailing information and finalize the documentation attached to the finished product define design and other standards promotional materials develop a strategy and procedure for interaction with the main shareholder when working with product consumers
    develop a training program for working with consumers conduct classes with salespeople and those working with consumers create a unified information field on discrepancies in obligations towards customers (separately: oral, written, contractual obligations) and measures taken to correct the situation

    8. Logistics management The logistics process must be described. The description of logistics should become the basis for developing quality management decisions. When describing logistics, control points and documentation that is maintained must be specified. Control points and documentation must be such that for each batch stored in a warehouse or sent to the consumer, if necessary, it would be possible to clearly identify those persons who produced the product and were responsible for quality control.

    During the work process, rejection sheets and acts must be drawn up that allow decisions to be made on product processing, other use, disposal or destruction.


    fully describe the logistics of production of main products for quality management describe processes directly related to customer requirements describe processes directly related to supplies
    describe processes that influence other areas of work determine the information characteristics necessary to perform work at each work site determine the characteristics of information that should be generated at sites for its use in other departments
    analyze existing logistics for the possibility of establishing personal responsibility in all areas of work refine existing quality management logistics so that at each work site for any batch, according to the documentation, it is possible to determine the person responsible for product quality, and in the event of a defect, it is possible to determine the person through whose fault it occurred carry out labeling of products where possible
    describe the processes that are carried out in the presence of defects develop a procedure for making changes to logistics

    9. Management of processes related to technology upgrades When changing processes, you must make technological work, in particular, to wash the equipment, carry out proper storage, and create conditions when the mixed components of one process do not end up in the environment during the manufacture of other products. This is especially important for the Plant, given that some of the products are harmful to animals and people.


    10. Subcontracting management Subcontracting is used in cases where there is a need to entrust part of the work to other manufacturers. The Plant currently has no experience in using subcontracting. Solving this problem is not a priority and can be postponed to a later date.


    11. Management of quality control of incoming products The quality of incoming products must be controlled at the time of acceptance of these products from the manufacturer. It may lose its qualities during transportation, unloading and storage. In this case, transportation may not be carried out by the Plant itself, and the warehouses of another enterprise may also be used.

    Lack of proper quality of incoming products may lead to a decrease in the quality of the Plant's products, delays in fulfilling obligations to the consumer, and increased production costs. In any case, the supplier of products that do not comply with the agreed standards must compensate the Plant for the damage caused.

    The plant must clearly define its relationship with suppliers in the event that product damage occurs through no fault of its own.

    If the raw materials are not in good condition, then it is necessary to describe the procedure in this case. Raw materials can be used with process changes or returned. The use of raw materials with other properties can only be done if this does not lead to a decrease in the quality of the Plant’s products. The decision-making procedure must be described in detail.

    Quality control of incoming products must be carried out and recorded in such a way that there is indisputable evidence of the supplier’s guilt.


    12. Managing the visualization of results All results obtained during quality management control must be entered into computers and analyzed. The analysis should not take a long time. It is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis taking into account only the main factors.

    A quality management manager can comprehend a large amount of information only if there are convenient visual forms. For this purpose, information is converted in the form of graphs, diagrams, diagrams, which allow you to quickly assess the situation. This allows the manager to assess the operational situation for quality management in a few minutes, and, if necessary, quickly formulate a task for the analyst to conduct additional analysis in order to find the reasons that caused the defect.


    13. Management of non-conforming products Defective products received due to the fault of the manufacturer can be sold at a different price, recycled or disposed of/destroyed. The choice should be determined by economic feasibility. Decisions in the event of non-conforming products must be clearly regulated.

    Product returns may occur due to manufacturing, storage, delivery, or improper storage/use by the consumer.


    14. Management of preventive actions It is necessary to carry out preventive measures to help maintain a high level of quality of manufactured products. Actions must be taken to prevent such defects and to prevent defects in general.


    develop a preventive action plan plan regular reporting on quality management results regularly analyze the effectiveness of those solutions that were previously proposed to resolve issues of preventing marriage
    finalize the requirements for preventive work and maintenance of production and measuring equipment plan work on the installation and development of new control equipment, taking into account long-term commitments to product quality plan the collection of information and study of experience in the field of quality management of other industries and companies offering similar or replacement products to the market

    15. Management of the processes of loading and unloading, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery Loading and unloading operations, terms and conditions of storage, and the form of packaging play a significant role in preserving products in the form necessary to meet consumer requirements. In addition, violation of technology can lead to environmental contamination of the area and damage to human health. This imposes requirements for strict adherence to transportation and delivery technologies by both the enterprise itself and its client.


    16. Management of quality data recording Quality data recording is one of the core requirements of ISO 9001:2000. The registration data must strictly correspond to the measurement readings. They must be stored for several years and be available for inspections and analysis.

    When registering on electronic media, there is a possibility of accidental erasure of information, equipment failure, destruction of information by viruses or intentionally. It is necessary to provide for the procedure for storing information.

    This information is provided to the consumer so that he can ensure that the quality management process is well established at the Plant.


    17. Internal quality checks Supervision of the effectiveness of quality management by plant managers requires internal quality checks. Internal quality audits help maintain quality management at a level that allows us to obtain ISO 9001:2000 certification.

    In addition to tasks to eliminate the reasons preventing the receipt of a certificate, internal quality audits should offer measures that reduce costs in quality management. Internal audit should propose solutions to improve quality management, including proposing changes to existing documentation that affects quality management. Internal audit primarily evaluates quality management in terms of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001, and subsequently ISO 9004.

    Internal audit in the field of quality management should not be subordinate to the manager responsible for quality management, and should not be involved in the implementation of decisions in the field of quality management. Audits should be performed by personnel not involved in the work being audited. Internal audit conducts audits and participates in the process of preparing decisions to improve the quality management system.

    Conclusions during inspections by internal audit and recommendations formulated are based on the goals and results that are formulated in the Quality Management Policy.


    appoint the head of the internal audit group for quality issues organize specialized training for this group in order to master techniques related to auditing in the field of quality management determine the areas of internal audit activity, including assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system, identifying areas requiring attention and improvement, identifying goals and mechanisms for future improvement
    develop methodological instructions for internal audit work determine the work procedure of internal audit and develop a reporting form upon completion of inspections determine the characteristics of financial assessments of the performance of the quality system
    define self-assessment models and procedures for monitoring quality management issues

    18. Training, retraining and advanced training of personnel Personnel training before taking up a position must be carried out according to the full curriculum. In the case of developing new documents and making changes to them, retraining/additional training must be carried out. All training events, attendance at them and passing qualifying exams must be recorded in a special journal.

    Managers and staff must clearly understand their personal responsibilities, know what exactly they are responsible for in the area of ​​quality, and fully understand the procedures.


    19. Maintenance This requirement from ISO 9001:2000 is implemented in cases of after-sales customer service.


    20. Statistical methods Statistical methods must be consistent with quality management objectives.
