Work at the dacha in May. What to plant in May? Folk calendar of weather, omens and holidays for April What can be planted on May 6

Other names of the day: Egoriy veshny, Egory warm, Unlocking the Earth, Yarila spring.

By popular belief, Yegoriy the Spring possesses magic keys with which he unlocks the spring earth and releases dew, causing the rapid growth of grasses to begin. “Yegory releases the spring from under the bushel, drives out the green grass”, “Yegory begins the spring, Ilya (August 2) ends the summer, reaps the life”, “There is dew on Yurya - the horses don’t need any more oats.” The dew of this day was considered healing: “St. George’s dew from the evil eye, from seven ailments,” “Be healthy, like St. George’s dew.” On this day, peasants roll on the dew, collect dew and wet their sore eyes and other sore parts of the body with it, and also sprinkle poultry for offspring.

In folk mythology, Yegor is considered the patron saint of domestic animals, especially cows. “Egory has all living creatures at his fingertips,” “The wolf is Yuryev’s dog,” “What the wolf has in its teeth, Yegory gave.” When the weather was good, cattle were ceremoniously driven out to pasture with willow cut on Palm Sunday. “Drive the cattle to St. George’s dew.” For a long time, the willow has been considered by the people as a symbol of strength, growth and health. It was considered best when the first grazing of cattle coincided with the full moon, “so that there would be a lot of everything.” But they remembered that early dew before sunrise is very harmful to animals. A table was taken out into the field, an icon was placed on the table, and the priests served a prayer service. It was a holiday for shepherds, they were presented with linen and money, and fed worldly scrambled eggs in the field. But on this day the peasant appeared in his field with a loaf baked the day before, wrapped in a towel, - the embodiment of last year's harvest, walked around the field with it, laid it on the shoots, and if it was hidden in the raised grain, it was believed that it was in this year will grow up successful.

In many settlements, national festivities were held on this day. In Smolensk, for example, residents went outside the city to cool off in the mountains and walked until late dawn. Somewhere evening round dances took place, and somewhere the villagers went out at night to sing songs, which always ended with choruses about the preservation of herds. Here is an example of Yegorievsky calling.

We walked around the field
They called out to Yegoriy,
Makarya was called.
Yegory, you are our Brave...
You save our cattle
In the field and beyond the field,
In the forest and beyond the forest,
Under the bright moon,
Under the red sun
From a predatory wolf,
From the fierce bear,
From the evil beast.

It was said above that early (before sunrise) dew is harmful to livestock. This opinion was formed from the statements of healers and witches. Among them there was a secret legend that early Yuriev dew can be extremely harmful to animals. In order to harm good people in the future, witches went out into the field to collect this dew. The collection was carried out by soaking the canvas in the morning dew. According to their signs, Yuryevskaya dew dries out cattle, takes away milk from cows, and blinds calves. One has only to cover the cattle with this canvas, and then all the troubles will pour on them like a river.

From this day on, swallows fly in and the nightingale begins to sing. They began to listen to the voice of the cuckoo. People believed: “The cuckoo crows on Yegory - the cattle will die”, “The cuckoo before Yegory - to crop failure and loss of livestock”, “If the cuckoo cuckoos when the forest has not yet dressed, there will be a hungry year”, “If you hear the cuckoo before the nightingale, bad luck” If you spend the summer, you'll be happy."

In Rus', two Yegors have always been celebrated: one cold - on December 9, the other hungry - on May 6. It was getting hungry in the spring. All winter supplies have been eaten, and the cattle are almost starving in the yard. Someday green grass will appear. “Yegory brought the spring to the threshold,” “Yegory drives out the green grass from under the bushel.” Yegory unlocked the green storeroom of food, although a thrifty owner always has supplies for a difficult day. “The fool - up to Yury, the wise - up to Nikola” (May 22). If Yegory is warm, expect summer any day now. As it freezes on Yegoryev night, then forty morning frosts will still fall on the bread, forty morning frosts from Yegoryev day for the whole summer, while the grain stands in the field. If there is frost on this day and repeats in a week, then you can expect a warm autumn.

Yuri's arable land is being plowed. “Yuri starts the work, Yuri (winter) and finishes it.” People noted: rain on this day - expect high prices in the summer, failure of the buckwheat harvest, but good year for livestock. “It’s raining on Yuri - it’s an easy year for the cattle.” “Yegory with dew, Nikola with grass; Egory with warmth, Nikola with food.” “If Yegori puts a birch leaf in a bowl, put bread in a bowl for the Assumption.” “There is dew for oats on Yuri; snow (cereals) - harvest for buckwheat.” But the people knew: “Like the weather on Yuri, the buckwheat is ugly.” There will be frost - there will be millet, oats and buckwheat are good. “There will be dew on Yegoriy - there will be good millet”, “If there will be frost on Yuriy - there will be loads of buckwheat.” But thick, Yuriev rain always foreshadows that a thick, tall crop will grow. “If the spring Egory is with food, then the autumn one will build bridges” (the rivers will become).

Start of sowing spring crops. “A clear morning on Yuri means early sowing, a clear evening means late.” Early sowing of spring crops - from Yuri; middle with Nikola (died, and on this day they came to life. Before death, it was as if they took their goods to one place, where in the winter neighbors could take them for a certain price, without any deception. If the buyer turned out to be a deceiver, then after awakening in the spring they They took payment independently and harshly.

In pagan tradition, this is the day of Dazhdbog.

the 6th of May Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. George the Victorious. This date is popularly called Yegoryev Day. On May 6, the ritual of the first pasture of livestock was held, and people bathed in dew, collected medicinal herbs, burned bonfires, performed agricultural rituals and had ritual meals.

  • Yuriev day,
  • Egoriy Veshny,
  • Yegoryev day.

St. George's Day: celebration traditions

St. George's Day is a holiday of shepherds. In the field they were fed with worldly scrambled eggs and given gifts. Among the southern Slavs, the Yuryev day, together with the year, was divided into two half-years: “Yuryevskoye” and “Dmitrovskoye”.

U Eastern Slavs Yegoryev Day is the main cattle breeding holiday of the year. At this time, cattle were driven out to pasture for the first time. Among the southern Slavs and in the Carpathians, on this date, ritual milking of sheep was carried out, and the first milk measurement was taken. The sheep intended for the first milking was decorated with a wreath of flowers and herbs. A separate wreath was hung on the cauldron in which she was milked.

On St. George's Day, many magical rituals were performed to protect livestock from wolves, the evil eye, evil spirits, insect bites, as well as aimed at the fertility and welfare of animals during summer grazing.

In Belarus, Ukraine and Bulgaria, peasants went out into the fields to inspect their crops. Sometimes clergy were invited to conduct prayer services and consecrate the land. In the morning, the owners walked around the plots of land they owned and had a meal in the field. The remains of food after the meal were buried in the ground. To increase the yield of crops and protect them from drought and hail, the owners tumbled on the ground. To protect the land from bad weather, branches were stuck into the field, consecrated in the church in Palm Sunday. In order for cows to have more milk, in some areas they were taken to green fields of cereal crops.

It was customary to “call out” to the newlyweds. For this purpose, youth groups went to the houses of those couples who got married less than a year ago, called them by their patronymic names, and performed wedding songs for them. For “calling out”, the young people received food and gifts from the couple.

In Western Russian territories and eastern Belarus, large community bonfires were burned. Among the South Slavs, Yuriev day was considered the beginning of the half-year, which lasted until).

Since St. George's Day, many food bans have been lifted. You could eat young meat, greens, dairy products, young vegetables. The first milk produced was distributed to neighbors to remember the souls of deceased ancestors.

St. George the Victorious (the patron saint of this day) was considered the protector of fields, earthly fruits and livestock. They prayed to him for a good harvest, as well as for the protection of animals from diseases, witches and other misfortunes.

St. George's Day: signs for May 6

Based on the weather conditions of that day, they determined what the harvest would be like:

  1. If it’s warm in Yegoria, then summer is just around the corner.
  2. On this day you cannot knit anything, or even pick up woolen products. Otherwise, the wolves will gnaw all the sheep.
  3. You can’t swear or shout at Yuri, otherwise a thunderstorm will kill you.
  4. It rains heavily and a lot of grass will grow.
  5. If on Yegoria the moon is in the waxing stage, a gusty wind is blowing and it is cloudy, then such weather will last for quite a long time.
  6. Mosquitoes gather in flocks - this means warming.
  7. To see dew in the morning - to good harvest millet
  8. Frost on the trees means a rich harvest of buckwheat.
  9. Rain - to excellent harvest cereal crops, but buckwheat will not be harvested this year.
  10. Windless clear morning - good sign. Early sowings are successful, harvesting from them will be excellent.
  11. If it was cold, cloudy or rainy in the morning, and the weather cleared up in the evening, then late sowings will be successful.
  12. If the night is warm from May 6 to May 7, then the bread will ripen before the first frost.
  13. A south wind means a rich harvest, a north wind means early frosts in autumn.
  14. If the leaf on the birch tree is large, then expect a good harvest.
  15. Housewives hung a damp towel outside at night. If it dries out by morning, there will be a lot of cucumbers this year.

A person born on May 6th will take good care of animals. Onyx suits him as a talisman.

May is a spring, blooming month with a lot of worries at the dacha. There are even sayings: “A spring day feeds and decorates the year”, “May is coming - there is a ton of work.”

At the end of April and beginning of May, fruit trees, currants, gooseberries, tulips, lilacs, daffodils, forget-me-nots and other spring primroses begin to bloom.

There has been more work in the garden and vegetable garden compared to April. Let's talk about this in more detail and detail.

At the beginning of May we plant onion sets and radishes. You can plant them together. While the onions grow, the radishes will already grow and be eaten, so if you are not a big fan of radishes and you don’t need a lot of them, then this method is for you.

Radishes need regular watering. If you water it less than once every two days, it will grow small, fibrous and bitter.

In May, the dacha is already growing in full swing. winter garlic. He really likes abundant watering at this time. The roots of garlic are located close to the surface, so if a 10-15 cm layer of soil dries out, its leaves will begin to turn yellow.

In the month of May, under the trees, in tree trunk circles, green manure plants are planted that repel certain pests and protect against diseases. For aphids - nasturtium, marigolds and marigolds, for fungal diseases - the same garlic.

We loosen, water and mulch the bushes of berry bushes until they bloom: currants, raspberries, blackberries, honeysuckle and gooseberries.

It’s too early to subject strawberries to this procedure, healthy berry it may suffer if even slight frosts return. This can be done after it has flowered.

Fruit trees bloom in May and berry bushes. In order not to fly away the color ahead of time, you need to provide them with the correct watering regime. It is very good to combine watering with fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Cherry blossoms

To attract bees to pollinate flowers fruit trees You can plant honey plants along the garden - dill, clover, mustard.

In May, you can safely plant all annual and tuberous flowers in the ground - petunias, gerberas, zinnias, marigolds, salvias, tobacco, begonias, dahlias.

Begonia is best planted in a partially shaded place, with a distance of 25 cm between tubers. Begonia should be watered regularly and plentifully. Feeding with mullein, ammonium nitrate, or complex fertilizer one to two weeks after planting is very desirable.

Dahlias. They grow in large bushes, so the distance between tubers is at least 50 cm, preferably a meter. The tuber must be placed in the planting hole so that the root collar is visible above the soil surface. It is very important! Dahlia will grow well in light partial shade and moderate humidity levels. Tubers cannot tolerate waterlogging and may rot.


In May, peonies actively grow, develop and enter the budding phase. Peonies are a very beautiful, spectacular plant with stunning flowers and a fantastic aroma. At the same time, it is unpretentious and tenacious - it easily tolerates frost and drought. The main condition for good growth and plant development, this is a lot of sun. Shading even for 4-5 hours a day can have a bad effect on the plant, even to the point of lack of flowering. The second main condition is the neutral reaction of the soil. That is, peony does not tolerate peat. It’s better not to even use mulch for the winter.

It is best to feed the peony with mullein solution, watering the plant around the bush with it. If this is not possible, you need to fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer by dissolving it in water.

In May, it is advisable to feed all the plants on your site with mullein infusion, diluted 1:15, or complex spring fertilizer combining this action with watering.

In the first ten days of the month in the vineyard, you need to trim off all excess shoots and remove all unnecessary buds. Leave the more developed shoots, removing all doubles or tees.

After the first leaves appear, it is necessary to carry out pest control. Feed the plant at the beginning and end of the month. At the end of May, we begin to remove the stepsons and upper flowers, leaving only the lower ones. This is how we regulate the load on the bush and the quality of the future harvest.

At the beginning of the second decade, when the bird cherry blossoms, we plant potatoes. Despite the slight cooling, the soil is already quite warm. It needs to be planted to a depth of 10 cm, that is, approximately half a bayonet. To protect against wireworms, you can put it in the hole along with the tuber. eggshells or onion skins.

In the second ten days of May we plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, peas and beans, zucchini, pumpkin and beets.

When planting tomato seedlings, we look, if they are weak, they need to be covered with five-liter plastic bottles or film, having previously installed iron arches.

It is enough to water the tomatoes every 5-7 days until the ovary appears. But watering should be plentiful. It’s good if the soil is moistened to a depth of approximately 30 cm. After watering, preferably the next day, the soil needs to be loosened and the bushes hilled. If there is half-rotted compost or mowed lawn grass, it would be nice to mulch the beds.

Planting peppers. They need to be watered a little more often than tomatoes - once every 3 days. There is no need to hill up the plant.

We plant beet seeds in the ground, choosing a sunny place for the garden bed. Dig the bed well and add humus or compost.

In the third ten days of May you can safely plant open ground cucumber seedlings. Seedlings grown to four leaves and tendrils take root especially well and do not get sick. It is better to plant cucumbers deeper and sprinkle humus around the plant, so they will take root better and be strong.

If the cucumbers already have a second pair of leaves, pinch the growth bud so that the plant branches, then on the formed side shoots, pinch the vine after 8-9 leaves.

We plant red and white cabbage. In the month of May, during active growth, cabbage especially needs abundant watering and fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. And on hot days, cabbage can be showered with cool water from a hose.

To prevent the appearance of pests of all cruciferous plants - flea beetles, you can pollinate the plants with ash or tobacco dust.

After rain or watering, loosen the soil between the rows with all the crops vegetable crops to a depth of 1-2 cm. The greened rows are mulched with sifted compost. Shoots that are too dense are thinned out.

In the third or fourth decade (depending on the weather) we plant cauliflower seedlings.

It's time to plant strawberries.

All May - favorable time for planting hearth trees.

May signs

By folk signs, May cold - for the harvest.

“May is cold - a grain-bearing year,” the peasants said.

When violets bloomed in Kuzma, radishes, parsley, dill were sown, and some even planted onions. The peasants were strictly forbidden to appear in the garden, because everyone then knew: “Whatever a peasant does not sow, will bloom, but will not produce fruit.” And in general everything garden work it was supposed to be done secretly, remembering that “other people’s eyes are envious, and envy, like rust, will eat up the entire harvest.”

May 5 - Luke. The day of St. Luke was popularly called the Onion Festival, as the whole world came out to land.

Yegory and Yuri are names whose difference our ancestors did not recognize. In Rus', two Egories were celebrated: one cold - on May 9, the other - hungry - on May 6. Yegory was considered the patron saint of livestock; the first pasture of livestock in the field, on the spring grass, was timed to coincide with this day. It was perceived as a great holiday and was decorated with various rituals, sentences and songs.

May 13 - Yakov. A warm evening and a starry night on Jacob's Day signify a windy and dry summer, and a warm day with rain foreshadows abundant grain.

May 14 - Eremey. “If it’s nice in Yeremey, the harvesting is good, but if the weather is bad, you’ll be wet all winter,” the peasants believed. If the sunrise was clear the day before, then the whole summer will be clear.

May 19 - Job the pea grower. It was often also called borage. Heavy dew on this day means a harvest of cucumbers.

May 22 - Nikolai. People said: “There are twelve morning frosts left from Nikola, if not in the spring, then on Semyonov’s day” (September 14).

May 24 - Mokiy. “It’s wet in Mokia – it’s been wet all summer.” If the sunrise is purple on this day, then summer will be filled with thunderstorms.

According to short-term signs, if the oak leaves before the ash, the summer will be dry. Yellow dandelion flowers close before the rain, if its seeds - parachutes are compressed like umbrellas - it will rain, if they float in the air for a long time - it means good weather. When you smell the strong scent of yellow acacia flowers in the morning, there will be a thunderstorm in the afternoon.

“In May, everything will be dressed up—a leaf here, a flower here, and a blade of grass here.”

“In May, even the wind sings cheerfully.”

“May has brought spring to the doorstep, decorates the forests, and awaits summer for a visit.”

But just as the peasants did not believe in the capricious April, they did not place bright hopes on the gentle May.

“Ah, ah, the month of May is both warm and cold.”

“May grass will feed the hungry.”

“May - give the horse some hay and climb onto the stove.”

“Our sexton hoped for May, and became without a cow.”

The first thunderstorm in May, according to legend, brought wealth. Therefore, having heard thunderclaps, young people hurried out into the street to catch their luck, and the old people, no longer chasing happiness, only crossed themselves and said: “Send, Lord, still water and warm dew.”

Video "Shattered shoots in the vineyard"

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May is a fairly warm month and it good time to plan landing days for the garden. Before transporting seedlings to the site, do not water them for 2-3 days. Then she will endure the move more easily, as she will be less fragile. Water when transporting. If the seedlings have pale greens, you need to feed them with a solution of calcium nitrate (1 tsp per 3 liters of water).

Peppers may lack potassium if the leaves curl upward; then feed them with potassium nitrate (1 tsp per 3 liters of water) or spray them with Uniflor-bud solution (1 tsp per 5 liters of water). Healthy peppers have young leaves that are lighter than others. Aphids may also appear on peppers if there are flowers growing in the room. In this case, treat the seedlings with Healthy Garden.

In May, cucumbers are planted in open ground and in greenhouses. In the first half of the month, nightshade crops cannot be fed with nitrogen in any form - remember this.

Lunar landing calendar for May 2019

As you know, when planting plants, you should take into account not only the phase of the moon - waxing or waning, but also the zodiac sign.

Favorable landing days in May 2019

1st of May. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. You can plant leaf lettuce, leaf celery, and spinach in open ground. Sow seeds of cucumbers, peas, beans, cauliflower and broccoli. You can sow the seeds of spicy plants - dill, coriander, fennel, borage. Also start sowing flower seeds - petunia, annual chrysanthemum, hybrid delphinium, etc.

May 2. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. Sow seeds of squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and pumpkins. You can sow carrots, radishes, radishes, parsnips, parsley, plant onions, garlic, and flower bulbs. Good planting days in May 2018 for planting seedlings of cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, and squash. It’s a good time to start replanting and thinning. Treat shrubs and trees in the garden.

May 3. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. Destroy pests, remove affected branches of trees and shrubs. If the weather is favorable, it's a good time to plant potatoes. early varieties, planting seedlings white cabbage early varieties. Before planting, add mineral fertilizers. You can start picking seedlings. The right time for watering.

May 4th. Desc. l. in Sagittarius. Engage in weeding and fighting weeds, pests and plant diseases. A favorable day for sowing annual flowers. If the weather is good, you can plant seedlings of mid-season white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, leaf celery, and pepper. You can plant peas, beans, beans. This is not the right time to prune trees and shrubs - the trees will become sick.

5 May. Desc. l. in Capricorn. In the afternoon, if the weather is right, you can plant leeks, onions, shallots, and garlic. You can sow the seeds of carrots, radishes, radishes. If the weather is favorable, you can plant seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, squash, and pumpkins.

the 6th of May. Desc. l. in Capricorn. Suitable time for planting and sowing. If the weather is good, plant seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, and squash. Plant seedlings of peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers.

May 7. Desc. l. in Aquarius. Planting day for beans, beans, zucchini, squash. Favorable watering. The day is also good for vaccinations and spraying. It's a good time to start forcing onions, parsley, and celery. Continue planting onions, garlic, potatoes. Sow seeds of beets, radishes, parsley, parsnips, celery, turnips, radishes, rutabaga, eggplants, and tomatoes in open ground.

May 8. Desc. l. in Aquarius. Finish what was started yesterday. The day is not favorable for any endeavors.

9th May. Desc. l. in Aquarius. In the afternoon, sow root crops - radishes, carrots, parsley, parsnips. You can sow flower seeds. Plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants.

May 10. Desc. l. in Pisces. Not a good day for pruning apple and pear trees and shrubs. A good day for sowing lettuce, leaf celery, and spinach in open ground. Start planting perennial plants.

May 11. Desc. l. in Pisces. Plant cabbage and cauliflower seedlings. In the greenhouse, start thinning and removing weak and diseased plants. Plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers. Can be replanted houseplants. Continue to combat pests and plant diseases in the garden. Plant perennials- they will settle in well.

12 May. Desc. l. in Aries. It is useful to fertilize plants today - root system is now active. Sow cabbage, kohlrabi and onion seeds. It’s good today to fight pests, cultivate the soil and weed. You can plant garlic, onions, onions, shallots, and leeks in the soil. Sow carrots, radishes, radishes, and parsnips.

may 13. Desc. l. in Aries. Continue fertilizing the plants. Till the land, do weeding. Take up pest control.

May 14. Desc. l. in Taurus. Be attentive to your health today. It is not recommended to engage in sowing, planting, or picking. The day is not favorable for working with plants.

May 15. New moon. L. in sign. Calf. Be attentive to your well-being. Do not sow, transplant, or pick today. You can start thinning seedlings of vegetables grown in a greenhouse.

16th of May. The waxing moon is in Gemini. If you didn’t have time before, plant seedlings of peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Treat trees, destroy pests. Apply fertilizers.

May 17. Rast. l. in Gemini. Take up tree spraying and pest control. Thin out the seedlings and do weeding.

May 18. Rast. l. in Cancer. Continue sowing green crop seeds. Work in the garden - cultivate the beds, replant the plants, treat them against pests. In the garden - trim branches, remove pests.

May 19. Rast. l. in Cancer. You can plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers. Sow seeds of zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumbers. Treat the beds and replant the plants.

May 20. Rast. l. in Leo. Plant seedlings of peppers and eggplants. Sow the seeds of spicy plants and green crops. Today you can replant, thin out, remove weak and diseased plants. In good weather - on permanent place plant seedlings of white and cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. You can sow cucumbers and tomatoes in open ground.

May 21st. Rast. l. in Leo. You can pinch and pincher vegetables. Take up plant pest control. Cut through the seedlings and water them.

May, 23rd. Rast. l. in Virgo. Replant, weed, remove weak plants. Favorable planting day in May 2019 for tomatoes, cucumbers in open ground with seeds.

May 24. Rast. l. in Libra . Favorable time for sowing seeds annual plants. If the weather is good, you can plant seedlings of mid-season varieties of white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, leaf celery, and pepper. It is recommended to plant peas, beans, and beans. Not a favorable day for pruning fruit trees. and bushes - they can get sick.

May 25. Rast. l. in Libra. Not a favorable day for sowing and planting. Take care of your health, relax. A good day for weeding and removing weeds.

26 of May. Rast. l. in Scorpio. If the weather is favorable, you can plant seedlings of cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and squash in open ground. In the afternoon, plant garlic, onions, leeks, shallots in the soil, sow the seeds of carrots, parsnips, radishes, radishes.

May 27. Rast. l. in Scorpio. Today you can only focus on thinning the seedlings and cultivating the land. Today you can only start what can be completed during the day.

May 28. Rast. l. in Scorpio. There is no need to replant anything, but the day is favorable for planting and sowing plants. Sow the seeds of onions, celery leaves, basil, and parsley. Sow seeds from annual plants. You can plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers.